What's Doing IN THE Churches ALOHA COMMUNITY CHURCH Graydon D. Lores, Paator Sunday School 10 a. m. There will be special features con nected with our church school hour, including the awarding of promotion certificates to those who progress from one department to another. Morning worship 11 a. m. Sermon A Religion of Crumbs. Youth fellowship 7 p. m. 8 p. m. Evening worship. There will be a potiuck dinner for the teachers in the church school and their families following the morning worship hour. Rev Rus sell B. Thomas of St. Johns Churoh, Portland, will speak on The Teach er's Opportunity. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENK The Low Down From Hickory Grove I just been reading about a coupia guys out west—they run railroads. These 2 gents didn't scram for cov er when a U. S. A. attorney general hopped 'em and threatened ’em. They unlimbered their own shootin' irons. And you know, so long as our coun try has fellows like these 2, we are not gonna crack up. One of the 2 was Mr. Omaha Jeffers of the Union Pacific, and the other was Mr. San Francisco Mercier of the Southern Pacific. They were talking about this law suit the Govt, is cookin' up against the roads. It is a lame ex cuse, dressed up in legal vernac, to talk about during this election year. If some people in business - head men—would wade in and swing hay makers and catch a few more Bureau Boys on the chin - in the fiist round —we would not see so much irritating meddling with everybody’s business, small or big ocean to ocean. Yours with the low down JO SERRA Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, contest continues over 2 more Sundays. 11 a. m. Morning worship, subject 1 While shopping eat at the Grey Temptation and the Way Thru it. hound Coffee Shop, Beaverton. 6:15 p. m. Junior meeting. 6:30 p. m. Ni-N. Y. and N. Y. P. S. White lies soon turn black. 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic service. Wednesday 7:30 prayer meeting in For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry Barnes. Phone Beaverton 3231. tf charge of young people. WEST IIU.I.S LUTHERAN CHURCH There’s a place for the but it’s on the outside. Canyon Road, near Sylvan Werner J. Fritz, Minister XVI Sunday after Trinity Parish Education Program Sunday School 9:45 a. m Divine Service 11 a. m. Sermon: My Child for Christ. Every one welcome. knocker While in Beaverton be sure to eat at the Qreyhound Coffee Shop For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry Barnes. Phone Beaverton 3231. tf CHURCH OF CHRIST George W. Springer, Pastor 9:15 a. m. Worship and preaching Topic What Shall I Do With Jesus? Following the sermon, the Lord's' supper will be observed. Bible School class session 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor 7 p. m. • Evening worship 8 p. m. Topic of sermon Acceptable Prayer. Midweek Bible study Wed. 8 p. m. Study II Corinthians chapter 12. THE ORIGINAL AIR DEODORANT banish ODOR Rev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor 9:45 a. m. Church School. 11 a. m. Worship. Topic Our Lost World. Nursery for children during the service., 5:30 p. m. Jr. High Society. 7 p. m. Sr. High Society. I Cut this out I T R IA N C U a E. PHELPS, Owner The Bible Church Box 697, Beaverton Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive Walter R. Buhl, Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. Divine Services 11 a. m. layers with their requirements for m ore extro grade Your l o c o l feed dealer hat a fresh supply. eggs Beaverton, 2311 I ST. CECELIA CHURCH W e Wish to Announce that we have purchased the Beaverton Florist Shop MILLING CO. 605 N. Til LAMOOK ST. P O RTLA N D . OREGON We hope you will continue to call on us for floral needs. Funeral Pieces, Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Corsages, etc. for Future Reference We will endeavor to serve you satisfactorily W hen you are through *31 w ith that match or cigarette, break it up ! . . .That is another thoughtful way to pre vent forest fires. B E A V E R T O N 3411 TOO L A T E TO CLASSIFY KEEP OREGON GREEN FOR SALE—Six Mallard Ducks, six Pekin Ducks, $1 each. J. F Meehan, Metzger, Ore. 34 FOR SALE Buck service, milk Goats and Kids. H. Y. Turner, 4th avenue, Metzger. 34 ¡ Nr. & Mrs. Ralph Bech Keppler Davenport Co. B E A V E R T O N , OREGON Recovering and Modernizing Beaverton 3762 ASSOCIATION SALEM,ORE. Open 8:30 to 6 Evenings gy Appointment Vs to new location ON HIGHWAY at SHORT STREET ALOIIA ASSEMBLY OF OOD Beaverton Furniture Co. TRIANGLE Get Grayvita Vitamins Beaverton Pharmacy Moving B this palatable, built"Vitam in balanced Supplies the high-producing Redhead CJIURCH - Ï H AND FIVE DRAWERS BROADWAY AT WATSON W. E. P E G G Y-J. .people the nation over have reported G R A Y V IT A Vitamin* W ORK, and that their F * Y * ! * i r _ » returning to it* natural color. t.K AY v n A Vitamins contain the name amount ot “ anti gray hair vitamin” (Plus 450 Int units Hi) as tested by a leading housekeeping maga- *"?*• O f those tested, 88% had return of hair color G R A Y V IT A Vitamins are non fatten ing, can’t harm your "permanent.” 30 d ar Supply *1.50; 100 days, $4 00. P hoos for the Baby Also Finished Chests Increase your>gg M O R T I C I A N Beaverton, Oregon Estab. 1910—Serving 33 years PHONE A Good Assortment of U N F IN IS H E D CH ESTS PO U R ° re* ° n BEAVERTON, OREGON 4110 SW GabeL Lane Rev. I t A. Armitage, pastor 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship Things you may not know LARGE WHITE BLDG. Masses 7:55 to 9:55 a. m. on Sunday during summer months. about a busy western neighbor Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSU RAN CE COSTS Oregon Mutual Pollclm are NON ASSESSABLE. You NEVER pay more than the premium on the fane of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three times the surplus required by Oregon Insurance law*. Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company or M c M i n n v i l l e Organized 1894—..40 years of Reliable Service (lias. L. Walker, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 “Every Form of Protection" I While In Beaverton be sure to eat at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. GRAY H A I R ? Beaverton Mower & Bicycle Shop Sunday School 10 a. m. Worship 11 a. m. Evangelistio 7:45 p. m. Prayer and Bible study 7:45 p. to . hursday. “ Wanted for Sundays, e.-tra barbers _$20 a day guaranteed. --Sign in San Francisco barber shop. Supper is on. Up you go kiddies and Dad jumps them into theii chairs After the meal, Dad puts them to bed Ample Parking—Form Fitting Seat* Here comes a pillow fight or a story TIGARD, OREGON—TEL. 2325 or is it a romp? Whatever it is, Best Pictures — De Luxe Sound they grow fat on It. And all day Admission 50c, children 20c, inclu tax long, they feast on Mother's love, Men in Uniform 20c Anytime without knowing how much. 2nd Show Approximately 9 o'clock It was even so in the days when Continuous Show Sunday at 2 30 Christ walked among men. The big folk brought up the needfuls and the kiddies just knew that everything W i-dnesday-N ttturdny, Sept. 13-18— would be provided. Christ's alert A LI H ABA & eye took it all in and He used it to THE FORTY THIEVES show God as the Great Giver that we are to open our hearts and re Starring Maria Montez and John Hall ceive oi his vast plenty. | plug James Cagney in the history FIRST God cleared the way from heaven down to earth. All the hate of old Frisco spite, lies, unrit thought and deed, T H E F R IS C O K ID the smut and sneaking, he put on Christ. The Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity ot us all.—BIBLE. Ini Sunday-Tuesday, Sept. 31-26— quity—Any wrong, whether or not In Technicolor Fast Moving enter- there is law against it. I tainment for Everybody—it’s all for NEXT With sins blotted out, God j pleasure . . . . imparts new life. Said the grade THOUSANDS CHEER school boy next morning after he- had received Christ as Savior—If there is Kathryn Grayson—Gene Kelly , anything in this new life, let God take away my cigs and swearing. Wednesday-Thuraday, Sept. 27-28— And Christ was there to do it. That Hedy Lamarr—Wm. Powell was forty years ago and oaths and a lot more, have been out to this day. H E A V E N L Y BODY THREE But God has still more; your destiny out in eternity. On Res plus a thrilling trip aboard a U. S. urrection Morn, you are to be raised Army Bomber in a secret mission from the grave and given your body filmed in color: The Memphis Belle of glory. * We have a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.— BIBLE. In the ages to come, God Is to show the exceeding riches of his Friday-Saturday, Sept. 29-3(1— grace in his kindness to us through Jean Gabin—Allyn Joslyn Christ Jesus. THE IM POSTER How shall we escape if we neglect plus Grâce Macdonald and Leon Errol so great a salvation. in Hat Cheek Honey BEAVERTON PHARMACY^ THE VALLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH UNITEH PRESBYTERIAN LUTHERAN Dad Puts 'Em To Bed ! businessman. A w h if i o r t w o of S w e e t'A ire and u n pleasant o d o r s 'd is a p p e a r instantly Not a "cover-u p " per f u m e . . . it d issi- p a te s o do r s . CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH l'or Stove and Die ; i Oil ( ’all Harry Barnes. Phone Beaverton 3231. tf 3101 SW McChesney Road. Portland, Oregon instantly BETH EE I’H.MKIM September 22 ,1944 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Page 4 Hillsboro, Oregon I YOU TH W EEK Southern Pacific has been a part o f western life for three quarters of a century. W e’ve had our share of brickbats, and we’ve had our share of praise. Mostly we’ve been taken pretty much for granted, like the paper boy or the milkman. Since Pearl Harbor, though, people generally have regarded Southern Pacific and the other railroads w ith new understanding and appreciation. Now, when the chips are down, they seem to realize how indis pensable the railroads really are. Because o f Southern Pacific’s strategic location in relation to the war against Japan, we have been called upon to carry an enormous westbound burden. In addition, we are handling vast quantities of raw materials and finished products ot greatly expanded western industries, plus an abnormally large east- bound movement of foodstuffs. The six facis below may help explain the unprece dented burden we are carrying, and why our service to civilians is not as good as we’d like it to be: AT Beaverton CHURCH of the NAZARENE Sept. 25 -O ct. 1 SPECIAL SERVICES T H U R S D A Y •V. « C — FRIDAY REY. HERMAN SMITH, Speaker SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY OCTOBER I I Youn^ People, UR Invited m In freight and passenger volume. South- ■ era Pacific is the third largest railroad in America. Only the Pennsylvania and New York Central are carrying a bigger load than Southern Pacific. A Southern Pacific's 15,000 miles of line • (more than any other United States railroad) are predominately single track, requiring the most accurate and exacting kind o f railroading. s j Southern Pacific serves more military ^ and naval establishments than any other railroad in the U S. From New Or leans to Portland an endless chain o f air bases and encampments adjoins our line. M We serve more military meals to per- ” sonnel o f the armed forces than any other two U. S. railroads combined. And. o f course, service men and women have first call on our restricted ration points. » Southern Pacific crosses innumerable ^ mountain ranges, and has to clim b more major summits than any other U. S. railroad. It takes more locomotives to pull trams up steep mountain grades. m Southern Pacific has the main north ™ and south line along the Pacific Coast, serving the principal ports of embarkation from San Diego to Portland. Naturally, troop trams must come first with us. êtet¥ LOW PP/CE \BIG FAMILY ¿ jt 2 9 PACK 2Í8 tablets T T # All TNI VITMHMS KNOW* TO II HttWTIAl AWO W ill 100 H. CdtCIUM. WMSWUHUK BEAVERTON PH ARM ACY A ll Uncalled For GOODS left 6 months ago will he sold after October 6 , 1 9 4 4 Keppler Davenport C o.. ON BROADWAY, BEAVERTON, OREGON S‘P The friendly Southern Pacific Ml