Pag e 2 September 22, 1944 B EA V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, Oregon I’i( 1 u oiu s 1 p 1 and money J “T h e m ost pow erful th in g In the boards, com m ission», and in stitu tio n s RATION BOOK REMINDER to 1. - .1 i» 11 >, LU E bay and aorld ts tru th .'”— R a lp h M cG ill, edi- except the liquor com m ission. T h ese ' T h e A tlan tic Cone titutton. p u rch ases run to nearly (3,500,000 a Gut th is out and keep it in yout year. T h e B oard o f co n tro l also a d -!p u is e or billfold, m in isters th e re sto ra tio n and in su r- M EA T, B I T T E R , C H E E S E : an ce fund fo r s ta te properties dee- i Red Stam p s A18 through G5 are troyed by fire, storm , or flood. ' H -ood indefinitely T h e L an d B o ard d ire cts the a ffa ir s STA M P F O R LA M B— Publlabed F rid ay of ta c b week by the Pioneer Publishing Co , a t B eaverton . o f th e irred u cib le sch oo l fund and o f Sp are stam p 25 in book No. 4 valid O regon. E n te re d a s aecoatS-ciasa m a tte r a t the postofflee a t B eav erton , O ra th e fo rm e r soldier bonus com m ission Sept. 3 thru O ct. 21 fo r lam b, T h e cap ita l a sse ts W aste k itch en fa ts exchanged for One T e a r ______________________ jU O O Subscription P ayable In Advance. o f W orld W ar I. o f the school fund a re n early (10,000,-; two points and four cen ts a pound. 000 and revenues (450,000 a year. P R O C E S S E D F O O D S— B eaverton Qffiee— E n te rp rise Bldg., Phone B eaverton 3821 B L U E T O K E N S to be discontinued P ortland Office—SOS P a n a m a Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone A T w ater »>391 | A ssets of the soldier bonus a re nearly '(15,000,000 and revenu es (1,000,000 a I O ctober 1. year. I B ook 4 —B lu e stam p s A8 through Marni»* T h e sta te tre a s u r e r is the co lle cto r | IZi valid indefinitely, o f ta x es on in h e rita n ce s and g ifts , in SU G A R — th e routine am o u n t o f (0OC.OOO to Stam p s No. 30, 31, 32 and 33 in book (700,000 a year. . 4 valid indefinitely fo r five pounds. All the busin ess o f th e s ta te cen-1 F o r can n in g only: S u g ar Stam p Ut'« I te rs fin an cially in th e s ta te tre a su ry . 40 valid fo r 5 pounds through F e b . T h e sta te tre a su re r is an a ctiv e and 28, 1945. busy execu tiv e of s ta te a ffa ir s . The S H O E S —Loose Stam p s Invalid | Revenues Have Increased B ook 3— A irplane stam p s No's. 1 presen t s ta te tre a s u r e r, L e slie M, 10075 S. W. Pacific Highway at 45th Drive 60 Per Cent S c o tt, has been in o ffic e 3Vi y ears. and 2, indefinitely fo r one pair T h e s ta te tre a su ry has kep t e x a ct F U E L O IL — T ra n s a c tio n s o f th e S ta te T re a s ­ acco u n ts of all m oneys, and has been i Period 4-5 coupons valid th ru Aug. ury have grow n w ith w ar activ itie s. audited reg u larly by th e au d itin g 31, 1945. New 1 coupon valid now. T h e c u rre n t volum e Is double th a t of s ta ff of the s e c re ta ry o f sta te . G A SO L IN E < O l l'O.N> prew ar In 1939-40; exceed s (100,000,000 Not Valid unless E nd orsed m ost needed now is a year. R ev en u es have Increased 00 T h e cu ltu re A No. 13 valid through Sept. 22. p ercen t. C ash on hand cu rre n tly a g ricu ltu re. WOOD. CO A L. S A W D U S T — exceeds (40,000,000 allo cated by law D elivery by p riorities based on w rit­ to m ore th an 40 sep a ra te funds, each ten s ta te m e n ts of needs. of a d iffe re n t purpose. P R IC E C O N T R O L — S e c u rity hold ings am o u n t to (33,- c h er r y 1089 W H EN IT ’S R e fe r price in qu iries and com ­ 000,000. T h e In crea se o f revenues and plaints to price cle rk a t your local tu rn o v er com es from m any sou rces, j : board. T h e trou b le w ith our sy stem o f law larg e and sm all. T h e la rg est sou rces j and ord er Is too m uch law and not a re Ind ustrial a ccid e n t and unem ploy > N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S enough order. m ent in su ran ce, liquor con trol, In­ No. 0949 YOU W ANT com e tax es, g asolin e tax es, insurance1 I N otice is her,».>v given th a t tt.e un- It is ra th e r am u sing to h e a r people prem ium tax es, public u tilities f e e s ' ; dersigned, C h rist! :e H and, has lie»n DROP IN AT ta lk o f “in d isp en sable” m en. No and tax es, and in stitu tio n fees. The 1 appointed A d m T . i r " t r x o f th e ’f- one Is Indispensable. T h is m any peo­ s ta te holds (2,000,000 o f U nited S ta te s I | tat* o f E dw ard -V. Ivey, deceased by ple have found out to th e ir sorrow . secu rities, m ostly w ar bonds. the County O o.irt o f W ash in gton i T h e re is alw ays, it seem s, som e one i T h e s ta te tre a s u ry s ta ff is handling j [ County, O regon. AL persona hav ing j b e tte r q u alified to ta k e th e place o f j th is busin ess w ithout in c re a se of per- I ON H IG H W A Y clpim s a g a in st soin e sta te are hereby I "ln d lsp en sab les." E v en th e G erm an | sonnel. notified to presen t sam e, duly verified people have found th is out. Near Cedar Street You will find yourself one o f the best informed T h e s ta te tre a su re r, in ad dition to I as by law req ’i*r-id, to th r t?ni'«t- persons in your community when you read The Christian his duties as cu stod ian of sta te funds I signed, ca re B ea v erto n E n te rp ris e . ■ A ccording to re p a tria te s, th e fa re and secu ritie s, serves on six adm inis- i Science M onitor regularly. Y ou w ill find fresh, new viewpoints, B eaverton, O regon w ithin six m onths o f p risoners of w ar and civ ilia n s In­ a fuller, richer understanding of world affairs . . . truthful, accurate, tra tiv e b oard s along w ith th e gover- j ! from the date 1 e/eef. te rn e es In G erm an y now Include unbiased news. W rite for sample copies today, or send fo ^ o n e - nor and s e c re ta ry of s ta te : B oard | Dated May 24, 1944. m ince pie. C orned b eef, ra isin s and o f C ontrol, L and month trial subscription. / M E B o a rd , B a n k in g C H R IS T IN E HAND, A d m in istratrix Studio E v e n in g s npples a re used fo r th e m inced m eat, B o a rd , Bond C om m ission, P rin tin g ,W M A C A R T E R , 431 P a c ific B ld g., 1 AT, 6037 R e s. LA . 1942 and the c ru s t Is m ade fro m pulver­ -------------------------- -------------------------------------------- B oard and R e c la m a tio n C om m ission. ; P ortland, O regon, A ttorn eys for Ad- , T h e C h ris tia n S cien ce P u b lishing S o ciety ■ T E A C H E R O F V IO L IN ized b iscu its and o leom arg arin e. All T h e B o a rd o f Control d ire c ts the j m in istra trix . «3 37 j O ne, Norway S tr e e t, One, B o sto n 15. M aas. fl Ingred ients excep t th e apples a re | Please send a one-month trial tuWerip* ALBERT F. CRE1TZ Please send free sample copies of The a ffa ir s o f 2 Insane h osp itals, the F a ir- I tion to The Christian Scitnce Monitor. fro m the A m erican Red Cross prison­ view Hom e fo r the feeble minded, Christian Silence Monitor Including a V IO L IN IS T for which I enclose ................................$1 copy of your Weekly Magazine Section. At the end of th is y ear the U. S. j er of w ar food parcels, one o f w hich 2 tu b ercu lo sis hospitals, th e peniten­ T e a c h e r o f V iolin NAME___________________________________ t will have ap p roxim ately 865 airp o rts is delivered to each p rison er o f war tia ry , 2 tra in in g schools fo r boys and 305 A L IS K Y B L D G . P O R T L A N D j having 3,500 feet or m ore o f runw ays ^ADDRESS_________________ _____________________________________________________ - J every week. N W . Cor. 3rd and M orrison g irls, the blind school and the d eaf ' —In 1940 th e re were less th an 100 school. such fields. C overing a house w ith a m o rtg ag e T h e B o a rd o f C ontrol also d irects d oesn't stop th e leaks. th e buying o f supplies fo r all sta te jj ANNOUNCEMENT Johnson Lumber Yard "Everything for the Builder" H. "HERB" JOHNSON, Owner, Mgr. Telephone Just Installed GOOD EATS SKYWAY G el □ * A New Automatic Insurance Service for Members of Oregon Nut Growers I N C O R P O R A T E D t-And notv — a new service benefit for grower members of Oregon Nut Growers, Inc.! At a very nominal cost members of this association now have their nut crops insured from the minute they leave the field until they enter the packing house— including the time they are in the dryer! Under this new plan, members’ crops will be insured against transportation ac­ cidents, theft and all risks of physical loss or damage from any external cause, in- * eluding damage from smoke and over­ heating. This insurance is provided to grower members at an extremely low cost that cannot be duplicated by individual grow­ ers. It’s another of the many benefits to be derived from belonging to this for­ ward-looking cooperative organization. For further information, write Oregon Nut Growers, Inc., Newbcrg, Oregon. Yes, lady, there certainly is! He’s a "CP” Gas Range research engineer . . . designing your peacetime Certified Performance Gas Range. your new peacetime "CP" Gas Range, he’s % Ala// Qoi/pon fo r f r e e b o o k l e t You can •dll get that m terra« in K. fully illustrated 24 page booklet giving inatplete inform al»« about the operatic« of Oregon Nut G row rrt, lac. It's rawn foe the ■•king without aov obligati«« whatever Just fill out the coupon below, atail it today, and a booklet wiM he mailed to you immediately. O R E G O N N I T G R O W E R S . IN C N rw hcrg, O regon W ithout obligation an my part pirate tend ate you/ frat booklrt A JJrri I And while he’s perfecting blueprints for His blueprints specify the perfect broiler designing your future! He’s planning the . . . no smoke to blacken your walls . . . most tempting meals ever to reach your no spattering of grease; a super-insulated table. He's planning to replace the u ork of oven with precision automatic controls; cooking with the fun of operating a few- controllable top burners simple precision controls. He's planning instant heat without waste of fuel; the range with your time schedule. . . to get you out of everything you want to save time and work. the kitchen more hours every day! . ((p \ This Ctrtifu d Perform ance seal on any modern gas range is the mark of compliance with ' ¿ S the highest standards of manufacture. Available after war production is finished . . . the gas industry • contribution to postwar prosperity and millions of man-hours of productive employment. _______________________________ _______________________________________ If you «.iib information about n r » inaurar*« mrau«, thaik har» □ RTLAND GAS & C O K E • UY WAR B O N D S N O W . . . . A COMPANY B E A U T I F U L mC P ' GAS R A N G E A F T E R T H E WAR