Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1944)
« P U B L IS H E D W E E K L Y IN O U R P L A N T C N V O L . 17, NO. 34 Ready To Start Work Chairmen Announced for Oregon W ar Chest Drive SH O R T ST. A N D C A N Y O N H I G H W A Y Beaverton, Oregon. September 11 , 1944 Library To Be Open Every Day Of Week Beginning the first of October the \ , Beaverton Library will be open every I ! day of the week from 2 to 5 p. m. I . I f one does not have a card applica- j tion can be made for one. i A nice supply of both fiction and 1 : non fiction is there for winter read I in8 Readers are urged to give their I preference for books so that the li- | l»a r y can have diversifed reading to j suit al1 Patrons ------------* ,, , f c , IftrisiroasitoilÄe PACKAGES FOR OUR ARM ED FORCES OVERSEAS must be mailed between E S T A B L IS H E D 1927 Rev. C. F. Swander State secretary I for the Oregon Churches ot Christ, was a guest speaker at the local church Sunday morning. Investment Trusts Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rhine (Car- Babson Advise* lotta Shively) left Tuesday morning Against Switches for Phoenix. Arizona, where he will j Appointment of William Stratton as be one of the officers in charge of , Babson Park, Mass.. Sept. 22—In chairman of the Beaverton area for the Greyhonnd racing. vestment trusts are useful for small the Oregon War Chest drive opening investors After one buys a home f Sgt. Phillip E. Balfe is home from 1 October 2. was announced this week [ Italy on a three weeks furlough af- and some life insurance and has a by T. H. Bailey of Hillsboro. Wash- ; ter which he will report to Santa small savings account, I now advise ington county chairman. The Bea\ Hurbara, Calif., He has been in a him to divide the balance between erton area has been assigned a quota | hospital before coming to the U. S. War Bonds iSeries " E " ‘ > and some of $ 3 , 000 . r tans M ade tor September When A and spent a few days in the hos good Investment trust stocks. Community chairmen in the Beav- Meeting of P. T. A. pital at F'ort Lewis, Wash., before j one has his first $500 to put Into se erton area are now being named and , ® _____ necessary to get coming home. He wus injured twice : curities, it is very an organisation meeting will be called The executlve ~boal d of the Beaver. diversification. It is considerable of while in Italy. shortly by Stratton. ,on P . T . A . met at the Floria Mills a bother to divide $500 up among ten School districts in the Beaverton resident. Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan nnd ! stocks; but one can get the same re area include Hiteon, Garden Home, daughter Mary Beth are spending a sults by putting $50Q into u good in The meeting called to order by Mrs. leave at the home of Mrs. Sullivan's vestment trust stock. McKay Beaverton, Barnes Tualatin NoVton"pTck,6 president. Minutes of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Balfe. V.ew, Cedar Mills, Bonny Slope and the previou8 board meeting were read Ad\untunes S Sgt. Robert Barnes is now in Investment trust stocks, like ev U" ‘° n: , , and approved. The president then Noumea, New Caledonia. Chairmen of other areas and quotas introduced w H Grauer. school erything else in this world, have their assigned for the east end of the coun- . . b h at iemrtb Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fleetwood aie advantages and their disadvantages. ty are: A>oha-<? J. Stickney, $1000; , K “ * e” e poin(8 various p r o j^ s ! stopping with their sisteis and fami- 1 In addition to their advantage of di Orenco— Mrs. Jacob Rich $1000 Ti- which the Unit has under djSCussion lies, the Harry Barnes’ and M E .' versification already, outlined, there gard—Arthur L. Mason, $1800; Sher- „roieets for the mmlnn vea. Metcalfe’s a few days while Mr 1 is the advantage ot supervision. Ev wood -M rs. O. Schaltenbrand, $1500. Aa J J agaln Membership Time, a I Fleetwood is consulting doctors. ery investment trust has a managei A chairman for the West Slope die- azine sub8Cliption wiU be Biven j The Bethel Congregational A ids who takes conlsderable pride in secur trict with a quota of $1800 has not tQ thg Krade wtth the mo8t members. | first meeting after the summer vaca- ing for his trust the highest possible been announced. So help your child's room to win 1 tion was a pot luck luncheon at the rate of interest combined with fail Goal for the c ^ n ty in the c o m m g , ^ yQUr dueg ,Q the membership | 1 like those without any pre parsonage on Wednesday which safety. drive will be $30,500, Bailey declared. chairman H B Shofner, route 1. proved a very enjoyable and profit -1 ferreds or bond issues so that you " i l l | Beaverton, single dues 50c, $1 for both ] able occasion in as much as much have a first lien on the assets. Although these managers make mis l work was planned for the coining takes at times, yet you should Be ! months. Plans for the September meeting. ® ! which will be held Tuesday evening. The Ladies Aid of Bethel Congre much better off in having your hold Other ■ ft _________n at 8 p. m., Hi school locker room. gational Church will hold their an ings watched in this way. nual bazaar and dinner on December wise, you should employ a personal were discussed investment advisor. Stocks and bonds ______ The topic for the meeting will be , ' 8th. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shellenbergcr cannot be put away in a safe deposit and small Bon o f Tacoma are spend box and forgotten any more than can Re ing their vacation at the home of eggs, fruit, or even clothing. and seeded in the County Home Dem- of *■ T " , 111 " e K»ven DY ‘ J1* c a r member what the Bible says about their parents Mr. and Mrs. L. D. i onstrations Agent's office in Hills- man of the standing committees^ A . . _ . , . „ . - Shellenbeiger and Mr. and Mrs. L. V. "where moth and rust doth corrupt and thieves break through and steal." Graves of Portland. kle ° emergency’ 0 a s s is t a n t .T h e s e community singing under the director- Belle Walker, W. D. Cameron and The s. EL C. i- Helpful cans will be labeled with a depart- •*> P ®i Rev. Johnson. Refreshments; J Many bankers and corporation o f Mesdames Belle Walker, W. D. ment of agriculture sticker and in | *** 9erved- _ ------- I ------- ficials like to throw mud at the Se this way go overseas without being On Monday at 12 o'clock sharp, a i Beaverton schools opened last week Cameron and daughter, Thyng, and curities and Exchange Commission j successful Beaverton business man with nearly 800 pupils enrolled. Of Tillie Kelly of Los Angeles, were who at times are very slow and pro opened by the examiner N e w P e o n lf» a t ! ''Don” , son ot Mrs. Belle Walker, these 425 will attend the high school, guests of Mrs. Parker of Multnomah Tin cans or tin boxes are the only * e o p ie voking. On the other hand, I ain Saturday evening. j waited at the altar rail for the ap of which 135 were freshmen. type of container which give assur- Reaver ton Florist Shop certain that they are honest and that Mabel Richter and Dorothy Dob proach of Miss Jean Balfe on the ance of reasonable success in mailing At the grade school many of the Continued on Page 3 food overseas. Long delays some-j Mr and Mra j^ ip h Bech and little arm of her father> Mr Cyril Balfe, grades had to be divided into two son were calling on friends in Beav- , Of these the first grade erton Tuesday evening. times render even food in tin partly son G 16 months old, moved into who * ave her in marriage, to whom classes. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Carr entertained Second grade—32 or wholly Inedible. i the Potten home and took charge of |»e ,waF united in holy bonds of wed- had 37 and 38. ALOH A Jams, Jelly, preserves and any food the Beaverton Florist Shop last week Iock by Re' George O Keefe, at St. and 33. «Third 20 and 29. F o u rth - Mr. and Mrs. George Blasser and that contains liquids cannot be sealed and aU ready to take order8 for cm Cecelia Church in Beaverton 23 and 23. Fifth—23 and 26. Sixth Mrs. John Summers at a salmon din- | Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson are The bride wore a cream wool af- 30. Seventh— 34-33. Eighth—24-25. ner Friday evening last. in the agent s office because of in- flowers, bouquets, etc George Klein is reported to be on expecting a visit from their daughter ability to sterilize cans and process j^r. ba8 bad years of expel- ternoon dress and blue accessories. Sixteen rooms operating. his way home from Australia on a Miss Susan Johnson, radioman 3-c Anything con- lenc’e in’ the florist business i'n'se- The bridesmaid, Miss Hilda Balfe food in the office furlough from San Francisco, Calif. taining liquid should not be sent attie and Portland and promises love- wore watermelon red afternoon dress £T Phelps B u y s Bowman Miss Helen Rundall left Sunday for The Cooper Mt. school report a -----. . . with r - J „ ... overseas. ly flowers at .......... all times of - .. the year. navy navy blue u.ue accessories. accessor,es. Sgt. Corvallis to attend Oregon State Col good attendance on their opening day. Little Gary has not had much ex- phtl,lU E Balfe- brothei of the bride. Bldg., at Short & Hiway lege. Mrs. Bonnie Grimm of Beaverton, in ' perience in the florists business yet— wa? best man for Mr. Walker. Blue Tokens, Farewell Alden Reynolds of the Merchant the principal and Mrs. Marian How ' but he's a husky youngster and has Tbe church decorations were simple The Beaverton Mower and Cycle If vou have some blue tokens in lots of time ahead of him to become but beautiful baskets of pink gladio Shop have moved this week from the Marine is visiting his cousins Mr. ard of Portland teaches part of tin and Mrs. Albert Hanson. He was pupils. vour purse better use them now, be- an expert in this line. Right now Congratulations were extend- highway at Cedar Street to the Bow- away nine months his last trip. Mrs. J. H. Wagenblast is visiting cause after September 30 they will be he can smile in a very appealing way ed tbe at , lhe ch“ rch a f,e* mar building at Short Stieet on the Mesdames Betty Cadell and V ir friends here. eood onlv fo. the kids to play with, and is making friends for his parents, which, amidst a shower of rice, they highway. E Phelps, owner, has Arvil Nordlund is home recuperat good only toi tne k p y __________________ left for the home of the brides par- purchased this building for his shop, ginia Crisp moved Saturday into an This will ne ing from an operation. Until next Sunday, t e ce cuts. Mi. and Mrs. Cyril Blafe on Ja- and intends to add a second Story foi apartment in Portland. Charles Isaacson has been promoted Administration says you can use Q|R L S C O U T N E W S cob Avenue, where a reception and an apartment as soon as conditions cessitate Mrs. Cadell giving up her them just as you always have used v a lix i. ^ ° refreshment? to close friends and chan¿e. work as guardian of Bethel Job's to S, 1-c. He has completed a courso Daughters, which the girls sincerely • In the gunnery school at San Diego, le tte r s giving" b“ue tokens to Girl Scout Troop 49 met for the relative? followed. Mr Phelps is an expert mechanic j Cal., where he expects an assignment. consumers M 1 ration change, change and first f *rst meeting since the summer va- va Mr. and Mrs. Walker are on a short ami , can a,, ,o> fix any »'ija-ic, bicycle, n-r,.,,, repair „uus house- regret. Mrs. Gladys See of Portland, spent Miss Doris Lingmnn Is home aguin «„end them cation, last Tuesday afternoon at 3-30 honeymoon trip after which they will hold appliances, lawn mowers, etc. shoppers will be able last week with her sister Mrs. W. R. after a three weeks vacation spent in I f necessary “ t the Bethel Congregational church, set up housekeeping at 14‘H SV\ only in groups of 10. _______ , . I Van Kleek. California. • n« t„ a k e un Under the the leadership of Mrs. Sheeley Spring Garden Hoad, ( reoentlv apitol Mill, Youth Week at shoppers may pool tokens to m make up Under leadership of Mrs. Sheeley p u r in - ---------------- ----------- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carlberg Tuesday evening is youth social have returned to Sioux Falls, South ( night at the Aloha Baptist Commun groups of 10. Removal of practic- t o r £ .' hlsed 'a n d i h S E v e S S l J t e l y Nazarene Church Dakota to make their home. ity church. All are welcome. This ally all canned and bottled vege a- R ^ ^ w a r ReUef The furnished ready for occupancy. \ ------- Mrs. Matilda Kelly will return to is a regular weekly affair, growing bles and ^™‘t “s ln td n ^ m a k ^ ^ s e of Kiris will be selling Christmas cards Their host of friends hereabouts The young people of Beaverton are u nn^s^L BeVnning in a short time and would appreciate "h ere they have lived all their lives, invited to observe youth week at the Los Angeles, Calif., Sunday after six in popularity. blue tokens unnecessai>. Beginning ,n n l„„ wish for them every day of their local church of the Nazarene Septem- weeks visit with her sister Mrs. Geo. The foundation for the addition to the parsonage is laid and any who Sept. 17 point values on canned fiu is , _____•____________ wedded life as bright and happj M btl SS-Oel 1 Special services Thurs- Thyng and other relatives. canned juices, canned tomatoes, cat- j Mrs. Norton Peck’s father, who have time to help with hammer and day and Friday to which all are in their wedding day. Coupons Invalidated sup and chili sauce will be designated makes his home with her, is ill. saw for an hour or two a day will bu vited. in multiples of 10. The M. H. Metcalfe’s received a welcomed. A banquet is to be held Saturday at The B-3 and c-3 gasoline ration ç . £ Convention at Forest The Boy Scouts collected about the Y. M. C. A. HaroldNovin, Dis very interesting gift box from their coupons will be invalid for motorists — c , o j . l trict N. Y. P. S. is special speaker. son Ernest in the South Pacific three tons of scrap paper for the Time Short on A Book after Sept. 30 OPA has announced U »rO V e S e p t e m b e r Z 4 th A Sunday School rally j\t 10 a. m. where he is stationed with the 71st county scrap paper drive. Renewals Holders of invalidated B-3 and C-3 —— • -The Willamette Baptist Assn., will and n young peoples rally at 7 30 will Service Squadron of thp Army Air ------- coupons which were issued for use The Washington County Christian cjose this full week Forces as mechanic in a ground hold Its annual meeting at Powell- Only a few days remain for motor- heyond Sept. 30 may exchange them Endeavor is starting off its fall cam crew. There was a native grass hurst Church, 2920 SE 122 avenue, ists who have not £et applied for re- for v a |jd voupons at their local board, paign with a pre-convention rally skirt, necklace of sea shells, a native Oct. 4-5. The opening session will Install N ew Officers newals of their "A " gasoline books to Filling statien operators will have next Sunday afternoon, September 24 1 war club made with a knife only, and be held at 9:30 a. m. Oct. 4. do so, OPA has warned. ten days or through Oct. 10, to tu rn, at ? o'clock at the Forest Grove ------- a very attractive paper knife made John D. Trl is now stationed at the Post of All applications must be accompan- them in to their supplier for gasoline Christian Church. Rev. George The American Legion by himself of airplane materials, the amphibious training base, Little ied by the signed back cover of th* or exchange them at their local board Springer of the Beaverton Christian Beaverton and Auxiliary installed handle being of pexiglass made up Creek, Va. He is a fireman first present A book and the tire inspec- for ration checks Distributors have Church will speak on Fellowship with their new officers at a joint installa in a colorful design. class. His brother Glenn Is a gunn tion record. Applications must be Untu Oct. 20 to deposit these coupons Jesus. The monthly cabinet meet- Bon Tuesday evening, Gordon Heughen Jr., of Sorrento, is er’s mate 3-c stationed In the Pacific. mailed to local boards and coupons ¡n their ration book accounts. ing will also be held. Come and be Commandei of District No 1. Art home on a furlough. Robert Moore Jr. who has been in turn will be mailed back No new ------------------- --- ready to register for the county con Broderson of Forest Grove, officiated Mrs C. T. Hunkapillar entertained home on a furlough, left last week books will be handed out over the i . in S o t r th P a c i f i c vention. October 21-22 at the Legion installation nnd Bar- ten ladies at a six o’clock supper on for his new station in Michigan. ™unter L .I. W S ie r iO n in ooutn r a c i r i c ____________________ bara Rbod{,8 A merlcan flag for the Saturday last. The evening was The Boy Scouts resumed their Current A 12 coupons expire on spent in a jovial retninscent mood. meetings September 11 at the grange Sept 21 and the new A13 becomes With the America! Infantry Dt- Stationed at Training Base Refreshment? followed the installa- Mrs. F G. Donaldson entertained hall. ■ * ___ • vision ,-io in n a n m o u 'V t A r e i in n i the h o S n i l t n U ’PST ° somewhere Southwest tion on Thursday last at the F. D. Peck Mr. and Mrs. James R. Dickey of valid Sept. 22. Pacific Area Despite his pre-occupa home at a one o’clock luncheon and Hillsboro have purchased the Hoage Spprial Chosen by the Navy to h*lp i «Il n A tion with Jap-hunting in a veteran contract. The following guests were property through C. J. Stickney. It man the new LSM (Landing Ship ix e e Ò V ille » . I . A . Spare Ribs Point Free present: Mesdames Hanson. Schoene, consists of a three room house on l 1. "To market-to market «-■o buy . Li,urs ; r w , i «*•>»»»■ ,è »t: Metis sePt.' 22 Blakeney, Shellenberger, H. Nelson, acre tract. Gray and Drorbaugh. Roscoe Bennett is now employed at Juicy, _ ____ ____ Now rated as Fireman First Class ^he next meeting of the Reedville Mrs. Van Brown is visiting her J. B. Imlay A Sons warehouse at points won’t suffer any loss. Spare teresj ¡n singing Calhoun is undergoing intensive train- * T A. will be held Friday. Sept 22 husband's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Reedville. ribs are just one of the many point bl. Osterloh. who used to sing in in the evening at the school house. Richey Dr. Van is now in depor Dr. Norman Classen and family o ’ free cuts of m eat-and what better OSC Glee Club and U. of O chorus J" S^a',e o^the'leagoin^ irTvaston A reception for the members memhei of the tation camp on the east coast. Mrs. Dallas visited his brother Henry Clas Sunday dinner could you imagine and „ a member of the Protestant M ‘ . ,n one ° r • ------- • school faculty will be given. Brown is leaving this week to visit sen and family last week. than spare-ribs, baked sweet pota- cbojr group in his regiment under the ve“ *. Calhoun worked for the Albina Mrs. I.ingman, chairman of PT A her parents In Bend, Oregon, who are toes and corn bread? No points - airecrion a u c tio n oi of v»|nnjji Captain Walter E D Navv , the u. v-„ ,,v publicity asks that persons having moving to California. Party at Mathiesen Home low cost -the housewife's dream. Griffin. Fort Worth, Texas, regimen- HpP)f a fornle| 8tud|.nt of BeaVerton P“ ‘ urcs oi clippings of school and P F'uneral services will be held Satur tal Hich school, and the son of Mr and J * • chaplain. - aci ‘X,.UM to k,ndly donate th,“m day for Edward Watson, of Beaver A Jolly crowd of young people en The Oregon officer's home address ^ — -y ’ who ’ reside on for ^ I*TA scrapbook Stranger Than Fiction ton. who died Sept. 19 He was hus joyed a lawn party at the home ot The American Red Cross received 1» Box 25. Beaverton His w.fe Is route 3 Beaverton. band of Bessie, father of Vera Clark, Hill Billy c<- a cable with 21 separate addresses residing in Eugene. Oregon ALL ABOUT TO W N Colville, W ash,; Vina Ridout and Miss Pat Mathiesen. 2nd 21 separate s.gnatures. but only Ut. Osterloh has been overseas for Robert Watson, Portland; Charles U. tumes worn by some of the guests were colorful. Miss Catherine Eus- it .«ad 9ix months, following training Awarded Bronze Star Mr and Mrs. Ed C Smith were S. army, France; William H., Beaver chede of Hillsboro was a guest. "Am prisoner of war. Am well. Camps W h ite, Adair and Ft Lewis ------- called to Kennewick. Wash., by the ton; George, U. S. Army. New Guinea; Hop, arrive. The Amertcal Division of which he Somewhere in the Southeast Pact- death of her mother Mrs. O. G. Wiggin Irene Fisher, Tillamook; 10 grand Discovering they were all to be i9 a member is the only combat di- fic Despite being subjected tc Jap She had been in an auto accident children. Family Reunion Remains will be forward come fathers at about the same time, vision to be designa y ^or ijve hours. Pfc. Gary I. abo c six ■ eeks ago. The funeral ed to Colville for interment. A family reunion was he’d at * a 21 newly captured American fighting stead of number an „ , Smith, a communication wlreman and war. held Saturday. Sept. 16 A marriage license has been issued home ol Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stubbs. met in a German prison camp took ^ 'V . T " ^ ** P switchboard operator in a field artil A t the last meeting of the Beaver- to John C. Roberson, route 2. box 629 Eighteen members of the Stubb fam advantage of the only means of cab- offensive operations lery unit of the fighting Forty-First ton City Council a committee of sev- Beaverton and Annie K. Veenker, ily were present. The affair was In ling their wives, through the Red a, c , Infantry Division, as a member of a en were appointed to work out a zon- 1630 RE 41th Ave., Portland, and to honor of Charles Stubbs uncle and Cross, when an International Red T a l k i n g A b o u t j p u d * --- forward observation party played an t„g eystem for the d b tin the com- Don C. Walker and L. Jean Balfe, aunt, of Victoria. B. C. Cross Committee delegate visited the ------- important part in adjusting quickly mlttee will be Leonard Adams. Dr. C. both of Beaverton. camp He sent the cable for the Did you know that—Irish potatoes and accurately artillery on an enemy- R Mason. M D Murphy. Carl Ras- Lt. Donald R. Short is now a hap Dewey to be Heard ored in light will turn gTeen and held position on New Guinea, this mussen, L. W Short, Mrs. S. D Peck py father, a baby boy arrived Sept. men. I stored taste bitter? They will turn into providing much-needed artillery sup- and Mrs R. R Summeis 13 at their home Camp McCoy. Wta.. Monday, Sept. 25. NBC Half of the nation's commercial for- 8Ug a r and taste sweet if left at tern- purt for the infantry Governor Thomas E. Dewev of N e " Mrs Short was Lois Ann Selby for York, republican presidential nomi est is second growth timber, re- ppnttures below 40 degrees fahren- Smith was awarded the Bronze Star "The psychological fruit of freedom merly of Garden Home. grown on cutover land l\iture har- b8Ba They will spoil If frozen" f or his part In the important assign |8 individual Initiative, the ability Mr and Mrs Karl Potten left this nee. speaking from Municipal Audi vest? will come from third and fourth -j-bey should be stored in a cool, dark ment. and will ngnesg of the Individual to week for Seaside where they will live. tortum. Oklahoma City, O’slahoma growrth timber as ths present trend where the temperature does He is a son of Mrs Gary Smith of risk his time and energy and reeour- Cedar Mill school opened September This broadcast will replace Cat na to sustained yield lofgtng increase*. not rjM above *0 or below «0 degre*«. i Beaverton. ' e e e R u e e e l l Davenport, editor. tions Contented program. 6 wtth en enrollment ot 106- SEPT. 15-OCi. IS Nailinq Food tor overseas/ Beaverton Business Over 800 Students M c M MdITi6(l III SchOOlS *■ --irisât- t -ir u L T e r :