September 8, 1944 BEA\ ERTÖN ENTERPR ISE, Beaverton, Oregon Pape * G eorge, Supt. W orsh ip Service 11 a. m. Y eu n g P eop le’s C. E. 7 p. m P rayer M eeting and Bible stuCy, Thursday. 7 p. m. Like Father Like Son ,\i> v .ly regret if t it I h a v e hut one life to give to m> c<.ss u p rositc me. 1 wide, ruled pencil tablet D ivine Service 11 a. m. Thursday. Get him out. , 1 box C rayolas— (16 colors) H oly Com m union. Serm on: The And so it w as th it one o , th e gun Scissors (sem i-sharp) Sacram ent o f Divine Love. ST. CECELIA CHURCH ! men laid the -h a p low . T he boss 1 beginners pencil large Masses 7.56 to 9 56 a. m on Sunday | ordered it the gun spoke the boy l Tennis shoes for gym nasium CHURCH OF CHRIST during sum m er months. | dropped. The cou nty seat back in SECOND GRADE G eorge W . Springer, Pastor ¡th e Southern m ountain m w the mur- G row ing up wlth N um bers fo r Second 9:45 a. m. W orship and preaching METHODIST CHURCH f der, the press out in th s state tio k „ T opic The Godhead. A lbert S. Hisey, D. D., M inister | hold o f it and t o it ci,m.*s to us. F ollow in g the serm on, the L o rd ’s’ Com panion W ork B ook for F riendly 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. L ike Father. L ike Son, M urder supper w ill be observed. Village 11 a. m. P reach in g service. dates back to C a‘ n, the s< n o f Adam Bible Sch ool class session 11 a. m. { W . S. C. S. m eets W ednesday. W ork B ook for R eader D ow n the our first parent by w hom sin nnd Christian E ndeavor 7 p. m. R iver R oad BOTHER death cam e in to the w oiid . A nd like E vening worship 8 p. m. T op ic of Goals in Spelling—G rade II (scrip t) CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Cain, do you also hate y ou r b roth er? serm on—The Godhead. 1 wide, ruled pencil tablet » R ev. F. T. Sturtevant, P astor Then you too are a m urderer. F or M idweek Bible Study and prayer 2 soft lead pencils 9.45 a. m. C hurch School. — W h oso hateth his brother is a mur W ed. 8 p. m. Study II Corinthian ... . , .. . : 1 box Crayolas - <16 colors) 11 a. m. W orsh ip derer. T or W hoso hateth his . , 3 , . , . Chapter 8. k 1 large manila envelope 10x14 inches brother is a m urderer and ye F or Stove and Diesel Oil Call H arry that no m urderer hath eternal life ; Scissors CHURCH OF THE NAZARENK Barnes. Phone B eaverton 3231. tf abiding in him. B IBLE . 1 st John Tennis shoes for gym nasium Leonard C. Johnson, P astor C om position N ote Book, large size 3:15. 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, Glade TH IRD GRADE Like F ather— L ike Son.. G od the L aker Supt. Father is the Great Lover. Herein Individual C orrective E xercises for 11 a. m. M orning W orship. T hird Grade by Miller K itterm an is love. Not that we loved G od but 6:15 p. m. Junior meeting. that he loved us and gave his Son to E lem entary S ch ool English— 6 : :30 p. m. N. Y . P. S. Com panion w ork book for E lson Ba­ becom e a M ercy Seat for U3. 7:30 p. m. E vangelistic Service. C O U R T ROOM S C E N E -S tan d s the sic R eader III W ednesday 7:30 p. m. P rayer and | prisoner, about to be led aw ay to die. G oals In S pelling—G rad e 3 praise service. M ercy P le a d s —Spare him Judge. 1 wide, ruled pencil tablet ALOHA COMMUNITY CHURCH Out o f you r love for him, spare him. 2 soft lead pencils G raydon D. L oree, P astor N ext speaks the L aw —Judge, the 1 box Crayolas— (16 colors) Sunday School 10 a. m. prisoner must die. You you rself j S cissors—sharp ends M ary A ntrim Supt. have ruled that the wages o f sin is Tennis shoes for gym nasium M orning w orship 11 a. m. death. Angels and men would hang FOURTH GRADE Youth fellow ship 7 p. m. Ethelene their heads in sham e, if you failed R ydm an, senior supervisor. Mary Individual C orrective E xercises for your ow n law. He must die. Antrim , Junior supervisor. E lem en tary E nglish Grade 4 E nters the Son My Father, the 8 p. m. E ven ing worship. G oals in Spelling 4th Grade : law is ju st; it must take its course. W ednesday, prayerm eeting 8 p. m. I It dem ands a death. I have no sin. New C urriculum W ork B ook In A rith m etic— G rade 4 II will take the prison er’s p lace and T H E VALLEY Pen P oints N o. 5 j die under his sin . COMMUNITY CHURCH Yes - G od had a Son w h o died for P ractice Paper UNITED PR ESBYTE R IA N our sins and Judgm ent Seat becam e In k —washable blue 4110 S W Gabel Lane For That Spare Room a M ercy Seat. Count you rself clear- 1 wide, ruled pencil tablet R ev. H. A. A rm ltage. pastor ! ed, receive Christ into you r heart and 2 soft lead pencils 10:30 a. m. M orning W orship ■ by H is pow er live to the glory of 1 box C rayolas— (16 colors) Ruler I God. PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH Scissor»— pointed T he B ible C hurch Tennis shoes for gym nasium BE A V E R T O N B ox 697, B eaverton FIFTH GR ADE F arm ington R d. at M enlo Drive Individual C orrective E xercises for 3101 SW M c€h esn ey R oad. W alter R. Buhl, Pastor E lem entary S ch ool E nglish B ook 5 P ortland, O regon Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. This space paid fo r by an Oregon New C urriculum W ork b ook in A rith ­ D ivine Services 11 a. in. m etic G rade 5 businessm an. Goals in S pelling— Grade 5 KEED V ILLE COMMUNITY W ebste* S ch ool D ictionary PRLKBYTHKIAN CHURCH | Pen P oin ts N o 9 Sunday School 10 a. m. Mrs. Otto j P ractice Paper | I n k —w ashable blue : 1 wide, ruled pencil tablet 2 soft lead pencils 1 box C rayolas— (16 colors) Ruler S cissors— pointed Tennis shoes fo r gym nasium L oose leaf N otebook — large size with ruled filler SIXTH GRADE Ample P a rk in g —F orm F ittin g Seat» TIGARD. OR EGO N— T E L 2525 Goals in S pelling—G rade 6 Best Picture» — Re Luxe Sound W ebsters S ch ool D ictionary Adm ission 50c, children 20c, inclu tax P ractice Paper Ink—w ashable blue Men In U niform 20c A nytim e L oose leaf N oteb ook — large size 2nd Show A pproxim ately 9 o'clock with ruled filler C ontinuous Show Sunday at 2:30 2 soft lead pencils 1 box C rayolas— (16 colors) Frtday-Saturday, Sept. 8-9— 1 wide, ruled pencil tablet R uler Ann M iller— L arry Parks in S cissor»—pointed Tennis shoes fo r gym nasium IIEY ROOKIE SEV EN TH GR ADE Goals in Spelling—G rade 7 Plus Chas. Starrett and His W ebster S ch ool D iction ary N ew C urriculum W ork B ook in Pals 'Of the W est In A rith m etic grade 7 R iding Went P ractice Paper In k —w ashable blue Kundny-Monday-TiioNtay, Sept. 10-12 2 soft lead pencils 1 wide, ruled pencil tablet the unforgetnble picture E V E R Y O N E L oose leaf N otebook large size with ruled filler will want to S E E and R E M E M B E R |t box“ c “rayola‘s - < 16 colors) T hom as M itchell Anne B axter in R uler Scissors— pointed , M A IL Y O U R P A C K A G E S O V E R SE A S Tennis shoes for gym nasium TIIE SULLIVANS ♦ 1 "Jobs w hich exist solely to keep people from being idle, carry with them the seeds o f their ow n destn* - tion.— Paul G. H offm an , pres. Stud»t- b ik e r Corp. i SUMMER IS O V E R ! "T h e harvest is past, the sum m er is ended," is one o f the om inous texts of the Bible. The verse closes w ith this sad obser­ vation,— "an d we are not saved.” R eflection is a good thing, but too often it begins too late.” This seem s to be the case here. “ N ow " — "to d a y " — in oth er w ords the present tense, is the Scriptural tim e for salvation. H arvest time ends opportu n ity as death finds us. eternity greets us. H as the planting been g o o d ? CEDAR CHESTS KNEE HOLE DESKS EVERSHARP FIFTH AVENUE BED ROOM SETS Furniture Co. School Books & Supplies We sold your parents books 30 years ago. Buy yours here NOW. A complete supply al­ ways in Stock * it Specials to Doable Green Stamps all it EIGHTH GRADE BEFORE O CTO BER 15th 1 W ednesday-Saturday, See our Gilt Line for the Boys H um phrey Sept. Goals in S p ellin g—Grade 8 New C urriculum W ork B ook G rade 8 P ractice Paper In k —w ashable blue , W ebster S ch ool D ictionary L oose leaf N otebook large size with ruled filler R uler 1 box C rayolas— (16 colors) S cissor»—pointed T ennis shoes fo r gym nasium N ew Plain W ay English E xercises B ook II. 31-32 13-16— B ogart and M ichele M organ In Dean's Drug Store PAPER DRIVE Benefit Boy Scout troop No. 208 and Pack 517 Cub Scouts % Leave Paper at Beaverton Lumber Yard on PASSAGE TO M ARSEILLE Cut this out for Future R eferen ce W hile in Beaverton be sure to eat at the Greyhound C offee Shop. $\>r Stove nnd Diesel Oil Call H arry Barnes. Phone B eaverton 3231. tf — ------------------------ W hile shopping eat at the Grey- hound C offee Shop. Beaverton. SAT, AUG. 26, SEPT. 2 and 9. O N L Y . 8 to 5 o’clock I'it- Bundles 12 in high*-Se|>aratc magazines & papers HELP THE SCOUTS DO A GOOD JOB For more information Call Beaverton 2773 C om plim ent» Beaverton GRAY H A I R ? E nterprise Beaverton, O regon Save 20 to 2 5 ^ on your FIRE INSU RAN CE COSTS Oregon Mutual Tollelea are NON A W R M A M J C . You N E VE R pay more than the premium on the face of the policy Oregon Mutual maintain* mono than three times the »Urplus required h» Oregon Insurance l a m Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company Organized 1894 - OF MCM1NNYH.LE 40 years o f Reliable Service Chan l . Walker. Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Are. "Every Form of Protection' Phone 1732 Hi lie boro, Oregon NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION T o V ote on the Question o f electing D irectors for the P roposed Union I High School D istrict including School I D istrict No. 48. W ashington County. Oregon. N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N T o ' the legal voters o f School D istrict No. 48, W ash in gton County. Oregon, i know n as the B eaverton district, that a special school election will be held | on Tuesday, Septem ber 19, 1944, at the hour o f 8 p. m. o f said day at the j high sch ool bu ildin g in B eaverton, i O regon, at w hich tim e there shall be elected five m em bers o f the union high sch ool board each o f w hom shall i possess the qu alification s o f voters In j said proposed union high sch ool dis- trict, to be elected at large from said ! proposed union high school district, ; provided that not m ore than one m em ber o f said board shall be elected from any one sch ool district in said proposed union high sch ool district. N otice is hereby given that the le­ gal voters w h o will be entitled to vote upon this question o f electing d irectors shall be those citizens, male or fem ale, w h o are over the age of 21 years and w h o have resided in this district th irty days Im m ediately I precedin g the election. T he polls fo r the reception o f the ballots will be opened at 8. p m o f said d ay and date at the place afore­ said and rem ain open for su fficien t tim e to perm it all persons to cast their ballot and the ballots will not j he counted until on e hour after the j tim e set fo r said election, durtn* ! w hich hour any voter m ay be entitled j to vote upon these directors. Dated T his 5th day o f Septem ber. 1944. U W S H O R T Chairm an | A T T E S T : E H M A ST E R S Clerk. W hen lightning strikes a tree, its heat turns m oisture in the w ood to steam, and the tree actu ally explodes. • H ow ever, careless sm okets and in- j cendtarists cause half our forest fires, j m ore than five tim es as many as re- . suit from lightning. Thieves broke into a store in Phila­ delphia and passed up $200 cash but took $195 w orth o f cigars. Get Grayvita Vitamins Ye*. p e-i'V thr nation mrrr have report**! G R 4 A V IT 4 Vitamin* W ORK, ami that their gray hair 1 a retumin» to it* natural color v. K A Y V IT A Vitamin» contain thr «a me amount o( anti gray hair eitam m " (P ita Int unit* B i) aa U'*'ed by ■ leading hrmarkeepin* mac* line Ilf thine tested, M ,. had return of hair rotor G R AYVI TA Vitamin* are non fatten- in», can t harm your permanent “ 30 day supply ( l 50 . I