Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1944)
% P U B L I S H E D W E E K L Y IN O U R P L A N T O N VOL. 17, N O . 32 Beaverton, O re g o n . Completes War Room S H O R T ST. A N D C A N Y O N H I G H W A Y Septem ber S, l lH4 E S T A B L IS H E D Where To Locate 1927 The Methodist Church ladies are holding their nlinual tea at the church on Wednesday afternoon, I Sept. 13. All are cordially invited. Miss Jennie Carroll of Lnkeview, I Harding Field, La., Sept. 1—Much Oregon, was an over night guest of Babson Writes credit goes to Capt. Thurlow W . Mrs. Ruby Boyd last week Friday. Weed, combat intelligence officer, for ( the new War Room just completed at Mrs. May ol Portland and an old | To Hooieseekers Harding Field, La., a busy P-47 Thun- ! resident ot Beaverton visited Mrs. I derbolt fighter pilot training station, i Marcia Pike a few days last week. 1 Babson Park. Mass.. Sept 8. I have The room, reputedly one of the beet Mrs. D. E. Ellis o? Portland and | received numerous letters asking ad vice as to what part of the United in the Second Air Force, is made ac Mrs. C. O. Ackerman of Canyon Road States is best for a small sustenance cessible to trainee pilots for the pur were luncheon guests of Mrs. Fred I farm of five acres. Some are from pose of "affording an inviting place l Goyt last week Thursday. people who are about to retire on a for trainee pilots to spend their free Mis. E. J. Ambrose of Yn’tlma. pension; while others of these let time and where they obtain informa Wash., has been a guest of Mrs. C. S. ters from the wives of army of tive, secret and confidential informa Straley the past week, also Mr. and ficers who are now in the Bervice. tion." Mrs. Mike Lennon of Olympia, Wash. These people are not intending to op To accomplish this purpose Capt. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davis, Mr. and erate commercial farms. They mere Weed and Capt. C. F. O’Donnell, su Mrs. E. Stipe and Mrs. R. R. Summers ly want a place, close to a town or pervisor of training, gathered infor were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. small city, where they can raise mation concerning other successful John Huntley of Portland, last week enough food to feed them and be in War Rooms and with the aid of Sgt. Thursday. Mr and Mrs Davis left dependent. Then their only money J. V. Pei ri, they designed and deco- i for their home in Omaha. Nebraska, expense will be for taxes und the rated the room in a manner that the following day after a vacation cost of clojhes, church offerings, rec would give the maps, and other w a r! spent with relatives in Portland and reation, etc. information the best display. And I Selecting A State a few days at Long Beach. Wash. the room was made the more pleas-! In addition to answering these let The 1927 Matrons and Patrons of ing through the installment of lounge the O. E. S. ptcnlced last Sunday in ters I am- passing my four conclus IN V A S IO N A T D A W N — These American as-ault troops with full equipment have just disembarked chairs, and portable drink bar. the garden of Mr. and Mrs. Al Jann- ions on to my five million weekly Different sections of the room fea- | from lauding craft and move forward to the beach in France. They were followed by thousands of readers. My first conclusion is thul sen. ture information on the China-Burma j others whose boats are seen in the distance approaching the coast o f Normandy. Nazis, defending the Miss Jean Balfe received a tele soil is of prime importance hut that India theatre, the Pacific, photo in-1 “ west wall” , melted away before their irresistible attack. (U . S. Signal Corps Radio Photo. 1 gram last Saturday from her brother every State in the Union has one or telligence work, the war in Europe, j My Bud Bulfe announcing his safe ar more pockets of excellent soil. the invasion fronts, postwar Poland. '--------------------------- second conclusion is that different rival in New York. classified material, a huge map of the W a s te P a n er N eed rd Most Canned Food Robt. Myers, son of Mrs. Elizabeth | good "soil pockets” should be con world, the local flying area and the-*” ®*® Waste taper INeeaea Myers arrived home on leave last sldered according to your health, Off Rationing insignia of both friendly and enemy j ------- | age, culture, recreational nnd other Sunday morning at 2 a. m. aircraft. A speakers platform to be An all-out drive to get every bit of Misses Amarette Barnes and Bar \ factors involved; also according to Virtually all processed foods other used for lectures, talk and briefings waste paper needed in the war effort located. than canned fruits will he returned bara Cady left for the beach last where your relatives are may be made prior to combat train- , is underway thioughout the county, Miss Connelly and j Hence, every reader can for himself to prewar non-rationed status in ten week Monday. ing flights. There is even a radio ' This week the Boy Scouts are slated ■ ■ ■ ■ ■»!»«•♦ a State in which he should be select joining days according to OPA office. In ad Clarence Ruffum and ■ boys over which latest war reports may be to make the collection with the aid They will happy; but needs help in selecting the dition more meat may be made ra them later in the week heard. of county trucks. _____ State’s' special "soil pocket” best all be returning this week. "Pilots can keep well-informed on All area leaders are urged to rally There seems to be some misunder- tion free soon. suited to his needs. A most enjoyable talk by Dr. Ger the events of the war and the ever the people of their sections to parti- standing about the produce for sale ' All jams, jellies, fruit butters, as This means that, after selecting a beans, corn, peas, trude Crane of Forest Grove, was en- change in the fronts," Capt. Weed cipation in this drive. at the Garden Home Cannery in paragus. lima ln which you desire to locate, remarked at the recent formal open- , In Beaverton leave paper at Beav- p r0g less. Many inquiries are being pumpkin and squash, mixed vegeta joyed by those in attendance at Beth- f el Congregational Church Sunday, j You should write to its Agricultural bles, baked beans, tomato sauce, ing of the room, "through the many erton Lumber yard Saturday Septem- received ovei the phone about the Address the letter to pamphlets and the up-to-date correc ber 9, 8 to 5 p. m. For more informa general public’s being able to pur- j paste, anck puree and all varieties of And no less appreciated was the solo ! Department. by Mrs. Clyde Yount of Hillsboro the State’s capital city where the D" tions made directly on the maps. tion phone Beaverton 2773. i chase what fruit they wish at the soups and baby foods. Exl All money derived from this drive Canner>, saying “a neighbor knew at All othei' canned vegetables except accompanied by her daughters Leola partment has its headquarters. Also for identification purposes one of plain to the Department Just what the three booths at one end of the in Beaverton goes to Boy Scout troop neighbor who went over there and i tomatoes are ration-free at present ami Kathryn on piano and flute. The Past Noble Grands will hold you want to do. how much money room has a display of tanks, ships. No. 208 and Pack 517 Cub Scouts. ; got fruit to take home to can". Some and are expected to continue so. their regular meeting Sept. 13th. Pot ] and aircraft.” ------------------ —“ I fruit is being sold there and not al-, Continued on page two luck supper at 6 30 p. m. Members . j ways canned on the premises, but Ceiling Price for Capt. Weed points with pride to the Unemployed Veterans and friends Invited. Entertainment. 1 spot and flourescent lights which play q , . , p .. p., • this is the exception, rather than the Bring your pennies down on the speakers’ platform and 31101110 r lie Claims rule, and is only done by members Edible Tree Nuts ALL ABOUT TOW N The Wm. Boyd family of SW W a t-! world map. Each of the other maps ■ who have a surplus over what they - ■ — An increase ot $69 per ton in the son St., and Mrs. Mary Boyd of Aloha With returning veterans eligible for wish to can that day or who can is illuminated through the use of un The Bethel Cong, Church and Sun- seen flourescent tubes. A false ceil unemployment allowances beginning regularly and have asked for an oc average grower price for filberts will motored to Newb erg on Labor Day to ing of light sky blue covers most ol the week of September 10-16, the casional box to tuke home. Since f be permitted in a forthcoming action visit Mrs. Elmer Boyd, who Is resid- j day School members and friends will Compensation the Cnnnery makes no commission that will name ceiling prices for the ing with her parents for the duration meet at 2:30 p. m. next Sunday and the room, Indirect lighting coming State Unemployment from its edges . A red, yellow and Commission is preparing to take whatsoever on produce, and has 1944-45 crop of edible tree nuts, the Elmer Boyd is with the U. S. N. at go to Roamers Rest for a picnic, swimming, boating and games. If claims in 22 local employment offices. neither the time nor worker» to buy Office Of Price Administration said Farragut, Idaho. blue color scheme is used. "Because everything was made by The Commission has signed an agree and sell for the general public, it today. 'T h e action will make no oth | Albert Nacker has been home from I the weather does not permit this, hand and salvage material used ment with the Veterans Administra- must be understood that pioduce is er adjustments in base prices, OPA the Pacific Islands on a 30 day fur- J they shall have an Indoor picnic witn expenses tion for administering the unemploy- left at the plant on order of and for said, because present base prices are ' lough after more than two years. H i» j games and singing in the church wherever possible, actuaj parents live at Huber and he visited parlors. * sufficiently above partly. were less than $200, where normally ment provisions of the G I Bill of members only. This Increase, made at the request friends and schoolmates at the Boys | Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Freed, such an undertaking would cost con- Rights. a son, Hen- of the industry and in agreement with Catholic school where he graduated Beaverton, August siderably more,” Capt. Weed pointed Men and women who have served ALOHA | ry R. the War Food Administration, has from high school. out. in the armed forces 90 days, at least Next Sunday Dr. Ray Gibbons, Di- j Funeral services were held Sunday, been approved by the Office of Eco Capt. Weed, only recently assigned one day of which must have been af- Funeral services were held Sept. 5 nomic Stabilization as in line with the i rector of the Council for Social Ac Sept. 3rd at Pegg’s Chapel tor Cor to this base as combat intelligence of- ter Sept. 16. 1940. may draw up to $20 fleer, is the son of Mr. Howard E. a week for 52 weeks if they can not for Anna Mae Nault, late of Beaver historical price advantage of filberts tion of the Congregational Christian nelius Vandermost ot route 2. She was 25 years old over walunts. ¡Churches, will be the preacher at the Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Straley have as Weed, route 2. Beaverton, Oregon. ! find suitable work. Maximum benefits ton, route 1. Filberts constitute a small portion i morning service at Bethel Congrega- their guest Lt. and Mrs. Edward G. Inducted into the Army in June, go to veterans who have served at and a daughter oi Peter Wyman and Lt. Cooper a bombardiei He has been one of Cooper. 1942, Capt. Weed served three months least 10‘u months. Duration pro the late Barbara Wyman, adopted (about three per cent) of the total ' tional Church. daughter of Theodore and Elsie dc nestle nut crop. Recognition of I the many speakers at the Regional and navigator B 17, has juat returned at Shepperd Field, Texas, prior to en visions do not apply to those dis Nault. Also survived by brother, their price relationship to walnuts Conference just held in Forest Grove from Englund after 35 coinbat mia tering OCS at Miami Beach, Fla. He charged by reason of injury or disa Joseph A. Wyman, U. S. Arnty, and a follows O PA ’s action of last year in an dthose Avho are privileged to hear ' slons, made shuttle run to Russia and received his commission in Decem bility in line of duty. Instruction concerning the unem sister, Mrs. Pauline Hardy ot Port tying almond and walnut prices to- him think this is a rare opportunity has air medal with 3 Oak leaf clus- ber of that year. Also a graduate of Interment St. Mathews ceme I gether and in relating the prices of to again hear one of our national ters and Distinguished Flying Cross, ployment provisions of the new fed land.. A AF A IS at Harrisburg, Pa., Capt. witll 1 Oak leat cluster. Was torm ci* seedling pecans and approved varieties jleader local tery, Weed has served at Hunter Field, G.. eral law will be received lay Miss Margaret Imlay is visiting in of pecans. Henry WHtts we are sorry to learn, with U.S. Dept, of Agriculture, Fort- Darew Field, Fla., Lakeland Field, office claim-takers, the first is sched - 1 Spokane, Wash. has been confined to his bed for the land. After visiting friends here and Fla., and Galveston army air field, uled for Friday, September 1, at Port Vernon See is in a hospital suffer j in Portland, he and his wife w.U , past three weeks, land, Sept. 6 at Pendleton and Sep Texas before reporting to Harding New Red Stamps ing from a broken leg. He fell from j Mrs Jay Gibson entertained the leave for Reassignment Center at tember 8 at Eugene, Field for duty. a scaffold at a shipyard. Cheerio Club last Friday to a 1 | Santa Monica, Calif. The captain received the BS de Red ration stamps E5, F5 and GJ>. Mrs. Chester Strauch of Seattle, A son, Dennis C., was bern Aug. 27 o’c'lock luncheon and contract after. gree from Oregon State College in Replaced by Wave Wash., is visiting her mother Mrs. R. in war ration book four W o m e good Mesdames F. H. Schoene and John ! to Mr. and Mrs. C. F Butloi of Beav- 1925 at Corvallis, Ore., and his LLB. indefinitely on Sept. 3, for buying ra Merla. Huntley of Portland, E. tl. Ambrose of ; erton. degree from Northwestern College of Miss Mary Fitzpatrick of Beaver- Mrs. John Ericson suffered a se- tioned meats, canned fish, butter, Yakima, Wash., H. Stipe of Huber, The Beaverton Grange will hold its Law at Portland, Ore., in 1934. He ton, a Wave, has the pleasure of see- v##r Injury when she slipped On a rug margarine, obeeso and cheese pro- is a member of Masons and Chi Phi ing trained navy man she released for and f en at the home of her daughter ducts and evaporated milk, OPA an and F. G. Donaldson were additional day meeting Saturday, Sept. 9 at 10:30 a. m. The Home Economics guests. social fraternity. assignment to a fighting ship actually Mrs. Howard Weed in Beaverton, nounccd Satuulay Bob Long was home Wednesday committee will have charge of the will be i depart when she reposed on check- A physician was called. j Ho additional red and spent a few hours with his wife, afternoon program. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Vincent and j validated Tor use before October i ,. r r* «. • \l/____l ing in at the United States naval | Alice Morse, daughter of Mrs. M ax1 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Takach have Letter from Gaptain lVeed training center Farragut, Idaho. She son enjoyed- a weeks vacation at I ine Morse of SW 7th St., has been purchased the Skyway on the Hlway is seaman first class and a daughter Ocean Lake. Stamp 25 for Lamb visiting her family for the past two near Cedar street. They were torm- Beaverton Enterprise of Mr. and Mis. Howard Fitzpatrick Mi. and Mrs. Clark Young, recent weeks. Miss Morse is employed In erly in business in Seattle, Wash Dear Sir: of Beaverton. ly from California, have bought a O PA has announced an amend the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts The Skyway will serve meals every Some months ago you jumped the She completed indoctrination train three room house and an acre tract ment to rationing regulations valid and is returning to Washington, D. C. day but Thursday, when they will gun and printed a paragraph that ing at the United States training at Union Ave. and Johnson St. thru ating spare stamp No. 25 in ration on September 6th. close for the day. you had heard that Captin Thurlow school for Waves in New York. C. J. Stickney. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller and Mrs book No. 4 for the purchase of 10 Glen Ommen is making his home at M. Weed had been married. Request __________________ __ School opened at Reedvllle last point? of lamb in Oregon, Washing- Roy Menzes and will go to school. Miller's mother. Mis Anna Berry, und nOaW that you print notice of the mar- W h i t f o r d B i b |e C h u r c h Monday with an increased enrollment ton and .Northern Idaho from Sep- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harndon (L. cousin Mrs Nellie Jamieson, spent Darrel Jones is principal. tember 3 to Octobei 21. D. Shellenberger) of Klamath Falls, last week at Long Beach, Wash. Mr. Rose Strieker Learning, formerly of Starts Sept. 10 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilscn an-J son -------------- ----- — have purchased acreage adjoining her and Mrs. D. P. MacDonald joined Bethany and daughter of Mrs. An- - have moved to Bellingham, \\ :isn . Underwood Married parents place, on South Watson St., them over the week end. drew Strieker of 2524 NE Multnomah The Whitford Community Bible Mr. Wilson has been transferred to __ The Women’s Society of Christian from Mis. Margaret Lagerfield. Portland, Oregon, was married to church will begin its fall and winter this tewn. He is with the coast guard. August ZU j Harry Wright underwent an opera Service will hold Its annual silver tea Captain Thurlow M. Weed of Beaver- 8erv|ces September 10 at 8 p m in Miss Jean Imlay is spending hei tion in a Hillsboro hospital on Tues-1 at the Methodist Church Wednes.l y ton in the army chapel at Strother the whitford Hall P. J. Van Brug- vacation dt Seaside. Miss Lillian LaVerne Underwood of day. ; Sept. 13th. A speaker trohi Portland Field. Winfield. Kansas Sunday. Aug gen of Portland, will be the speaxer. Every Hazeldale school will start next Aloha and Mr. Clarence Den Langer Lois Welsh is leaving Thursday to • will be on the program ust 27. Captain Weed was inducted guitar and vocal music will be fea- Monday, September 11, with three of Sherwood were married August 20 make her home In Canada. Through invited. through Selective Service on June 12 tured. at St. F rancis Catholic Church in some technicality she is unable to re-1 We received the following postcaru teachers on the staff. 1942, and has been stationed at Sherwood. Miss Maxine Cady play main in the States as she hoped to do. | this week—“ Do not run “ Stray Horae Wichita Falls. Texas. Miami Beach. ed the wedding march. Mrs. Richard Goyt spent the week adv. in this week’s issue Big 4 publ - C O M IN G S and G O IN G S Miss Allen Married Florida, Harrisburg, Penn., Savannah The bride, daughter of Mrs. Mary end at Mt. St. Helens 7 cations. Found owner ot horse^-I J, J. McMahon has sold several Georgia, Tampa, Florida, Lakeland, Underwood of Aloha, was given in Mr and Mrs Karl Rotten have sold pays to advertise in the Beaverton A prettty wedding was solemnized Florida Galveston, Texas. Washing city lots belonging to the City ot marriage by her brother Mr. John greenhouse on Lombard St. to Enterprise." ton, D. C. Baton Rouge, La , and Win Beaverton, among them Is a lot at August 19 at St. Cecelia Church when Underwood. USMM, wore white satin their Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bech of Portland) A daughter Joyce R., was born An... field, Kansas. At present he is 10th and W'atson to L. O. Walton, and Margaret Allen, daughter of Mr. and and lace with ful’ length veil and . possession on the 29 to Mr and Mrs. T. W. William serving as Combat Intelligence O ffi a lot at 9th and Watson to H. H. Mrs. C. W. Allen of Beaverton, be with a full train. She carried a white ISth The many friends they have Beaverton cer of 269th Fighter F»ilot Training Jeffries, this is on the corner of came the bride of Mr. Anthony B prayer book with gardenias and Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Freed of Beav made during their nine years here re Washington street. He sold the Mar Leonetti. son of Mrs. Leonetti also of white sweet peas Station. erton are the parents of a son, Hen gret their leaving this locality, but Beaverton. Rev. Geo. O’ Keefe My address is now 269th FPTS, ble cook place to J. G. Pierson of Her attendants were Miss Gloria wish them every good luck, health ry R., born Aug. 28. Lewiston. Idaho, the Klocko property officiated. Strother Field, Winfield. Kansas Langer, Mix. Adrain Hoinecker and and prosperity wherever they decide Joe Shattuck, and Mrs. James Sch Mrs. Frank Leonetti was maid of Mrs. Joseph Berger. on Farmington Rd. to C. E. Morley, TH U RLO W M WEED. Verna Mosier to locate. They expect to go to Sea- latter of route 2 and Gary Baker of Captain, Air Corps of Stayton. The Alexander property honor, while Frank Leonetti was best was flower girl. Wallace lin g e r aide for the present to enjoy a good route 2 were patients of a Hillsboro on First street to Susie Losli of Beth man. USN, was best man and George Un rest. hospital last week, as also Donald any, Elmer Meyers place to Clarence The young couple will make their derwood and Ivan Eisner were ushers. Bender of Beaverton. Guernsey Club to Dr and Mrs. Hetu, Mrs. Ted Hetu Unger of Marshfield, city lot on 9th home at their place on the Farming- A reception followed In the Aloha and baby and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Alex The Misses Susan and Nancy Ann Meet September 12 and Lombard to Wilbur L. Sexton ton and Livermore road. grange hall. The couple will live at ander spent Ixibor Day at Rockaway. Lee of Portland, spent the week end Mr. McMahon has purchased the six Corners. at the J. Strauss home. They saw the Harry Hudson’’s. A meeting is scheduled by the Hedge property fronting on First St., A list of school supplies and books Mrs. Wm. Martin of Portland spent Clarence IxiFonde returned from Washington County Guernsey Cattle The J. C. Lowe place on Allen Ave., j needed by the Beaverton grade school Pearl Harbor Sunday night for a 45 Monday and Tuesday of this week Moshofsky 2nd Lieut. Club for Tuesday evening Sept 12, at to Florence Bullia. F’rank Stepp prop- will be found on page 4. Your local day furlough. He Is a shipyard wel with Mr. and Mrs. J. Strauss t p m. in the Hillsboro Chamber of erty Garden Home to H. F Moore of store can supply you quic’ cly and ac A son was born Aug. 16 to Mr. and Fort Knox, Ky., Sept. 8 Richard E. der for the government and repairs See the.m as scon as your . nme c« : 0 0 ms for the purpose of West Slope To top it all off he curately Mrs. D. M. Kingsley and on Aug. 17 boat*, but does not build them. In • Moshofsky, son of Edward G Mosh re-organlzation and election of offi even sold his own home on the Ti- youngster secures bis list. ofsky. route 2. Beaverton. Oregon, being a Government welder one is not a daughter Patricia E., to Ml. and cers for the coming year, according gard-Beaverton road to J. C. Lowe. "There is every expectation that war commissioned a second lieuten required to Join a union but is often Mr*. Arthur Abrahams, both of Beav A marriage license has been issued to John R Alexander, secretary of the the competitive system will show, as ant In ceremonies at Fort Knox. He called upon to work sixteen to elgh- erton, Oregon to Patrick J. Corcoran, route 3, box local group teen hour* a day He ha* been 1st Lt. Raymond F. Hemrich, son Elmer J Meadoa fieldman for the 248, Beaverton, and Shirley F. Trot do other human institutions, progres was a member of the 67th graduating away some two years. of Mr and Mrs C. F Hemrich o sive Improvement."’ -George Ericson. class of the Armored Officer Candi W'estern States region of the Ameri ter. same address Ed Young's house In Barnes dis- Beaverton, has been awarded his sec date School. In Christian Science Monitor. can Guernsey Cattle Club is planning _ trlct, burned to the ground on Tuea- ond oak leaf cluster, one among fiv i Even In this country, I'll trust buai- to be on hand for this meeting and la only $ 1 day The fire department was called Oregon men who have been awarded Your home town paper W AR BONDS are the safest Invest will have some tlmsly suggest lent ness men rather than politicians, to out thrae time* during the day. this high honor. a year Su b scrib e now . ment in tns wide world. and ideas for the Guernsey breeders, get us ahead. For Members Only.