Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1944)
P U B LIS H E D W E E K L Y VO L. 17, NO. 31 Let's Go Fri. And Sat. IN O U R P L A N T O N S H O R T ST. A N D C A N Y O N H I G H W A Y Beaverton, Oregon. September 1, 1C M4 Beaverton Schools Open Sept 11 The Beaverton Red Cross Sewing Unit will resume work Thursday. September 7 at 10 a. m. Bring your ; bag lunch, coffee and tea will be \ served for five cents. Lower Wage incomes Ahead The Beaverton public schools will open for the fall term on the morn Washington County Junior Babson Says Lower Incomes ing ot September 11, 1944 Mr. and Mis. Francis Sturtevant Fair at Shute Park and family went to Nelscott on the High school students will register A_ D J fo i classes on Monday and regular! W ,lhout Any Reduction III 22nd to spend their vacation. class work will start Tuesday. There Wages Soon to Come The Washington county stream Dr. G. Crone will speak at the will be no pre-registration for fresh- 1 lined junior fair, featuring 4-H, Fu Bethel Congregational Churoh Sun- ! men as has been the practice in the j Bab. on Fark Mh, 8 Sept x_ For ture Farmers of America and floral day, Sept. 3rd. show exihibits, will be held at the the year 1943 total Industrial wages Mrs. Roy Menzes is in Forest 1 School bus schedule will he county fair grounds and Shute park Grove this week attending the annu ne I and salaries, without including in same as were in effect last year the Friday and Saturday, September 1 al N. W. Regional Conference of Con comes of those employed in agricul same area and time schedule will and 2. tural enterprises, amounted to $»l\- gregational Churches. She is repre be followed with no changes to be Friday evening will be the big senting the Indies Aid of Bethel j 500,000,000. Of this . some $12.-0.0,00) made during the first week. night at the fail and as many of the Church. Other church members will ' The union high school recently or approximately 13‘»ft , represented animals will be taken away from the attend sometime during the session | If the 1 voted for this area will not be organ- payments for overtime work. grounds at 8 p. m. Saturday, it will and Rev. Sturtevant will be in at- j above workers had not beneiitted ized due to an irregularity in the , ___ .. .. ,, . be the only evening that all of the tendance the entire time. posting of notices in one of the hav* — exhibits will be shown. Music by the Miss Sugie Potten and Y. Harris j > nets A new election will be called,] Overtime „ ¿ ¡ L f ¿.u Washington county band will be a fea Out were married on Saturday evening. in the near future to again vote on ture of Friday evening's program. While the War lasts, manufacturers the proposition of a union high school The evenings program in the park August 26th at the home of her broth cannot complain too much at the higli er, Karl Potten on Lombaid St. Rev. 1 for the districts of this area. At the auditorium also includes showing of As a matter of fact, new election for the formation of a cost of labor. winners in the girls 4-H style reveue W. J. Fritz of the West Hills Luth currently high wages, including over eran Church performed the ceremony. union higli school a board of direc- contest and a demonstration by the | tors consisting of five members will time, are a direct operational cost Mr. and Mrs. Potten displayed their Rock Creek 4-H dairy club. and in the instance of most war con also be elected. professional skill in the beautiful ar The Mutt dog show will start at The following teachers have been tracts the Government pays the bill. rangements of flowers. After a re 1:15 p. m. Saturday. employed to teach in the Beaverton However, in the final analysis it 1.« The flower show sponsored by coun ception and refreshments, Mr. and the taxpayer who foots these charges. schools for this school year: ty garden clubs is cpen to the public. Mrs. Harris left for a week at Sea When the big war contracts are it HIGH SCHOOL side and on to Seattle and Vancou Mrs. Robert P. Denney of Beaverton thing of the past, manufacturers will Miss Sanford. Senior English. ver, B. C. They will make their • is one of the judges. Miss Zurcher, Junior English and not have their present high volume home in Portland, Mr Harris being a I Marine Corps Photo of business, whiltt selling expunses Iuitin. Government Inspector at the ship- 1 This is the crossroads in Charan-Kanca, Saipan, with the military traffic will be much higher. Their first 50,001 Club Organized I Miss Conoly, Freshmen English and yards. bringing up supplies to advancing Marine units raising plenty of dust. step, however, will be to cut out over , Photography, Mrs. Rebecca Eggiman of Portland. ! In T w o Counties Now It did not take the Leathernecks long to get the roads in order and traffic In fact, overtime is already Mrs. Metzler, Sophomore English. | time. spent the week end at her brothers, moving. Are you buying War Bonds to lork them up? on the way out. Miss Maxwell, Mathematics. F'oir V S Treasury Final plans for formation of the R. Williams and attended Miss Sugie Mrs Ward. Chemistry and Biology. ***' Multnomah county chapter of the Potten’s wedding on Saturday even Mr. Duncan. General Mathematics1 111 ol d War I industry wns Oregon Dewey 50,001 club have been ing. | averaging a 50-hour-week. During Teachers Reception on and Boys Athletics. The Christian Church and Sunday Streamlined Plan completed. Francis Sturgis of Hills World War II the normal work-week Miss Schoeler, Home Economics. boro, was appointed chairman of the School picnlced at Washington Park For Handling Renewals Sept. 19 at Aloha-Huber has been reduced to 40 hours with Miss Lundquist, Commercial. Washington county 50,001 Dewey club. or Sunday last with one hundred and overtime paid for anything in excess Mrs Whitbeck, Orientation. Others on a committee will include five present. A streamlined plan for handling The executive committee of the of that. During the last great boom Mrs. Elliott, Commercial. Charles Thompson is again able to renewal of "A " gasoline rations by Aloha-Huber P. T. A. met Monday Joe M. McMahan, Beaverton, Mrs. industry averaged better than 4!’. Mr. Webb, Public Speaking and So attdnd church after spending sev mail was announced Saturday by Me with Mrs. Charles Emertck. Donald Galbreath of Sherwood and The hours a week. Not until the New cial Science. eral weeks in bed on account of se Dannell Brown, district OPA direc treasurer, Mrs. Rands, reported a bal Joe McCready. Mr. Bauder, American History^ Deaselr with their ideas of "spread- tor. Present “ A ” rations expire Sep ance of $109.17 on hand to start the There were more than" 2100 voters vere burns. Civics, and Economics-Sociology, Ensign Frank Tucker, nephew of tember 21. Continued from page 3 who wrote in the name of Thomas E. budget for the coming year. Re Mr. Hollar, Industrial Arts. Motorists may obtain their renewal freshments were served b ythe host Dewey of New York as republican Dayton Peck, in camp at Memphis. Mr. Bushnell, Band, both grade and Tenn.. recently married to an Ensign forms at local service stations and ess. presidential nominee. The P. T. A. are sponsoring a Wac. He spent his early years in garages, except for workers in indus canning project for the hot lunches high school. ALOHA GRADE SCHOOL Beaverton, his father owning the tries which have plant transportation to be served this winter at the school. To Remain at Miss Davies, Principal. Beaverton Lumber Yard. committees. They will get their forms Beans and beets have been canned Mrs. Thelma Anderson. The old Cady home on Seventh and from the committees and return them and they will greatly appreciate do Camp Lejeune, N. C. A miscellaneous bridal shower was Miss Marjorie Johnson Angel Streets, where Willis and Bar to the committees instead of to the nations of apples, peaches, pears, to | given Miss Lillian Underwood at tile Mrs. Alice Carlson. Remaining at Camp Lejeune, N. C., bara spent their childhood years, has local OPA boards, Brcwn explained. matoes. etc. i home of her sister August 11. She Mrs. Florence Bullis after completing her basic training been sold this week to a Mr. Nichol-j Motorists are asked to get their It was announced that a reception was married to Clarence Lunger on Miss Barbara Cady 3 on cf Oklahoma, more recently of | renewal blanks now, fill them out, would be held September 19 at 8 p. m. there, Marine woman Private Fran August 20. Miss Margaret Galley ces M. Downing of Beaverton, has Portland, where he is employed in the i and mail the form to their own local at the school house for the teachers. Cooper Mt. School opens Sept 11. Mrs. Ua Hutton OPA board accompanied by the sign Everyone is invited. been assigned as a student in quar shipyard. Parents are es Homer Earl is the new principal of Miss Faye Lite Willis and David Cady spent a few | ed back cover of the present A book, pecially urged to attend, meet the termaster Administration work. j Aloha-Huber school. Mrs. Elizabeth Myers days fishing near Tillamook last week , and the tire inspection record. I f the Daughter of Mr. and Mr. Hiram P. teaching staff, join the P. T A. and I Miss Doris Lingman is spending a Mrs. Florence E. Payne Downing of route 1, Box 231, she is a Mrs. Cady joining them on Wednes back cover has been lost or destroy cooperate in community projects. j vacation in Southern California. Airs. Florence Brownlee former employe of the Beaverton Ra day, when they went on to Terra del 1 ed, the applicant must he able to The next meeting of the executive ' I Mrs. F. J. Murtlnshaw is home again af f Esther Peer tioning Board and the Washington Mar before they could find a cottage ; prove to the satisfaction of the board committee will be at the home of Mrs. ter a month’s trip to Texas, to visit Miss Lily Wagner Maxine joined the family i that the car is actually in use and Geo. Stringer at Elmonica. Sept. 8 at County W ar Finance Committee in to rent. his father, J. I. Murtlnshaw, who is Mrs. Marie Watson. on Saturday and all returned home j that no other application has been 7 30 p. m. Beaverton. nearly 83 years of age. made for a basic “ A ” ration. Private Downing is a graduate of Sunday. The new home of N. P. Johnson Mrs. Willis Cady had luncheon with | Applicants temporarily away from Beaverton High School and the Ore at Cedar Mill is rapidly being fin gon State College, where she received Mrs. Leslie Spencer of Portland on , their permanent residence may apply Watch Your Speed ished They are living in Beaverton to any local board but are urged to her B. S. degree. She has held of Thursday. until it is completed. Over Week End Mrs. P. H. Schoene of Portland and | mail the renewal blanks to their home fice in the Beaverton Grange. ---- -- I Mrs. Leonard Millward of Seattle, Mrs. Melvin Beeler were lunrheon j boards so their records will be com The Garden Home Community can Wash., niece of Mrs. John Rohrback, Labor Day week-end traffio acci last Thursday of Mrs. C. O. i plete. nery wishes to announce that during was a recent guest at the Rohrback Kenneth York Graduates guests Do not telephone or call in person dents have claimed a toll of 24 lives the present rush of business for its | home. Ackerman. In Oregon during the past four years, Mr and Mrs. Bob Zlmbriek are the i at local boards. Brown requested, as Another class of qualified radio proud parents of an eight pound girl, j no ‘A ’ books will be handed out over the safety division of the secretary regular members, beginning Sept. 1st j Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Schrader, who the canning facilities and ordering have been visiting Mrs. Schrader’s operators have been gi-aduated at Virginia Ruth, born Tuesday morning. ! the counter. Applications will be of state's office disclosed today in ur of produce foi patrons must be llm- parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rohrback, ging Oregon drivers to avoid acci Fort Knox, Ky.. among them being Mrs George Thyng and party re- ■ acted on promptly in the order re I ited to MEMBERS only. When the | have returned to their home at Hcr- Private Kenneth A. York, husband turned from Seaside last week Wed ceived so new coupons can be mailed dents this year. rush is over, it may again be possible ' mtt, California. The Labor Day holiday toll for the of Mrs. K. A. York of Beaverton. nesday on account of one of the boys to each applicant before the Septem to accommodate non-memebrs, anjl i John Rohrback Jr., has been trans- past four years is as follows: 1943, Their arduous nine-weeks' labors being taken ill. ber 22 validity date. announcement will appear in this ferred to an airfield at Phoonlx, A ll- ten fatalities; 1942. two fatalities; behind them, the graduates are train Mrs. Tillie Kelley is visiting friends ! Willard Is still at Denver, 1941, nine fatalities; 1940, four fa paper. There are still cemberships zona. ed to play an important part in the in Portland and Milwaukle this week ! available, and check or money-order (Colorado. talities. * signa’ communication system which Mrs. Hunkapillar left suddenly the , Warren J. Smith in Italy Speed too great for traffic condi for $5.00 may be sent to the Garden i a . D. Emery was able to return controls armored units in combat. first of the week for San Diego to see He tions and lack of good traffic judg Home Community Cannery, Garden 1 home from a Portland hospital. her son before he leaves for overseas. ! The following was recently received Home, Oregon. (mailing address).! had a tumor removed above the kneo ment in passing were the two chief Only 16 Points for Butter She will also visit her daughter and : by the Sentinel reporter at Metzger. factors in these accidents, according Memberships Will t hen )»• sent, as- i at the same time a bullet. «Im li hi. I A ration value of 16 red points per son-in-law before returning home. 15th A A F in Italy 2nd Lt. Warren to the safety division. The exercise suring the owner of canning privileg- worked down from his hip was taken Billy Leonard and wife arrived J. Smith. 20, son Of Mrs. Etta S. of good traffic judgment is particu es this season and as long as the ’ out. pound for creamery butter is to be He had been shot in the hip in Home, Oregon, larly important as passing other cars Cannery Is in existence. maintained beginning next Sunday, from Seattle Tuesday to spend a week Smith of Garden a hold up 46 years ago. \ Reservations must be made In ad with his mother after which he will who has been trained as a co-pilot in on a busy highway. the OPA have announced. Vernon Schacht is home from Pearl Passing on go to California and on to his nev a B-24 Liberator, has arrived in Italy vance, and wherever possible should Harbor, where he has been employed curves or when approaching the brow TW O C U LLIN G DEM ONSTRATIONS •assignment. and taken up his duties in a heavy of a hill is dangerous and resulted in be made the day before in order to I for five months, Poultry raisers in Washington coun Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sylvestor just bomber squadron of the 15th air force several of the Labor Day fatalities in be sure an appointment can be made. Douglas O'Donnell is at a hospital will be interested in the meeting returned from a month spent at Can The veteran organization to which he past years. Patrons are also asked not to comej in Walla Walla, Wash., where he Is Their daughter Miss har been assigned is rapidly ap to be held at the Carl Larson farm. non Beach. ¡before the opening hour 9 on Mon-; recovering from wounds received In 2'i! miles north of Elmonica between Eunice spent two weeks there with j proaching the 100-mission mark, and ; days, Wednesdays and Fridays and 3 I the service. • the Cornell road and the West Union them and went on to Vancouver. B its crew have dropped thousands of I on Tuesdays and Thursdays Until j The Aloha-Huber school will not be tons of bombs on oil refineries, air road at 10 a. m. and an afternoon C., for the balance of her vacation that time the Cannery equipment is | remodeled this year, meeting at the D. L. McCue poultry Mrs F. G. Donaldson entertained dromes and railroad yards in France. being cleaned and sterilized for use, Rev. and Mrs. G. D Loree returned farm, 1-4 mile north and 1-4 mile west the Cheerio Club at luncheon and Germany, Austria. Rumania. Yugo and there is no waiting-room In the from then vacation. ot the Masonic Home near Forest contract in the garden and home of slavia and northern Italy. 2nd Lt. Cannery. George Jansen Jr., 9 years old, an l Smith was formerly employed by the Grove at 2 p. m. N. L. Bennion, Ex F. D. Peck last Friday. Produce may be ordered for patrons a student of Aloha-Huber school, will tension poultryman for Oregon, will Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ben- 1 Shaw Surgical Co., of Portland, Ore to can at the Cannery as follows: be one of a number to enter finals in His wife, Mrs. Warren Smith Mrs. Gilham; peaches. pears, apples, be on hand to lend In culling demon net, Beaverton, August 18. a son gon. tomatoea. „ Quiz Kid contest in Portland. Sam Larry. It is about time that I send this prunes and beans. resides in Metzger. Oregon. strations. my Vandy, 8 years old of Aloha, also A daughter was born August 23. to i Mrs. Smith was Miss Lillis Poto- card back to you. tried out for place. I finished boot camp in San Di CHURCH OF TH E N A Z A R E N E Mr and Mrs. Alan M. Ainey route 5. I penko before her marriage to Lt. Many Prizes Won While ego, in about six weeks, since then I Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor Portland. She has been named Persis. : Smith in the early summer. D ID JU H E A R A B O U T — 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, Glade The funeral services for Mrs. Annie I her husband is overseas she is resid have been assigned to special detail An all time attendance record was near the base. ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Eliza Hagedorn of Metzger, was held Baker Supt. set at this year’s Multnomah county i Mr and Mr, ft w M(>adow pr I went to intensified training for Contest with Mt. Scott, Portland at Pegg's Chapel on Saturday Aug 26 Fred Potopenko. fair, according to Manager A. H. L * a .lmovlnK lnto th <> Clarke home nc three weeks learning how to give Mrs. Susan Losli is now home in and Philomath S. S. starts Sunday commands, march, etc. Upon gradu who pointed out that large c ro w d jjdoor to thetr pre,ent home on t the property she recently bought of i Help us win! • highway. The Clarks are Hemrich is in England ation we were put back in Boot Camp continued to come despite cloudy 11 a. m. Morning worship. "The Guy Alexander on First Street. westher and wartime transportation California. training recruits. Mrs. Bob Long has returned from ! Eye of the Soul.” facilities Mr and Mt* Don MacDona'. I We are called platoon commanders An Eighth Air Force Liberator Sta a Seattle hospital where she has been 6:15 p. m. Junior meeting. Albert Meyer, Aloha, claimed a tbe paat week end visiting a'. Very enjoy tion, England —1st Lt. Raymond F have charge of 80 men. 6:30 p m. N. Y. P. S. Missionary under observation for a month. number of ribbons on his Brown home of Mr and Mrs. Wisnlews! Miss Ellen Smith of Garden Home Hemrich, 0750385, of Beaverton. Ore., able work. service. Swiss entries at this fair. Depoe Bay. har been awarded 2nd Leaf Cluster Keep them Coming, was one of the Quiz Kids auditions 7:30 p m. Evangelistic service. There will be special race sessions Dr. H. Guy Ooodsell. Superint.* D EW EY T A L E N T to the Air Medal for meritorious Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer and this week. D Talent, S 2-c P. C Camp Deca at the Gresham track Sept. 2 and 4 ent of the Portland District, w 11 V Mr. and Mrs. R. R Summers and achievement In aerial combat praise service. at 2 p. m the guest preacher at the Metho< si He is a pilot on a B-24 Liberator tur, P O ,U. S. Nav. Tra. Center, San Mr. and Mrs. Guy Alexander spent Church Sunday morning at H o'' ic Diego 33. Calif. heavy bomber. He has made 18 Sunday on the Zig Zag River where CHURCH OF CH RIST A sandwich lunch will be servt d Visit Skyway for Mr. Alexander's brother is spending bombing missions over Germany and George W. Springer, Pastor Dayton Peck's home lirvnediat Mrs. A. T. Cavaness received a let Good “Eat»M enemy occupied Europe. 9 45 a. m Worship and preaching his vacation. after church. Dr Goodsell will ho ter from her oldest son Bob Griffith Lt. Hemrich is the son of Mr. and Miss Beulah Cheever of Portland, Topic Jacob's Ladder. ' the First quarterly conference fo Following the sermon, the Lord s' came Wednesday to spend a few Mrs. C. F. Hemrich. of Beaverton. Or. who is out on an island in the South DI° £ L" _ * L- Sk,y w* y„ ° n lowi ng the lunch He graduated from Beaverton high Pacific, that her youngest son Bill near days with Mrs Ted Hetu. ipper will be observed Cedar Street in Beaverton for a Mrs. Ruth Eaton was a patient a*. A number of Portland friends gath- school in 1937. and was appointed 2nd arrived there last Friday, he is on a snack, a dinner or just breakfast Bible School class session 11 a. m. Hillsboro hospital last week. transport ship. This is the first time Lt. July 1943 3 ! ered at the McKercher home Sunday Christian Endeavor 7 p. m Nicholas Lambing was treated at a the two brothers have seen each oth Open every day but Monday. Evening worship 8 p m Topic of | for a picnic and were greatly sur You can always figure on a well Hillsboro hospital for Injuries to h < er in nearly four years. : prised to meet Mr. and Mrs. George cooked meal here and—what’s m o rs - nose received in an accident. rmon The Purpose of Miracles. Frank W Johnson, of route 5, Port Midweek Bible Study and prayer McKercher and son. who were visit you will return again and again. Patricia Demuth of Aloha, Is at Geo. McKercher is home on a 30 land. father of Mrs Flora Bantz of He ’ed. 8 p. m. Study II Corinthian ing his mother Mrs McKercher. Hillsboro hospital. Beaverton passed away August 23 day leave from the Southwest Paci : is on a 30 day leave. hapter 7. Marriage licenses have been issue 1 Thorton at St. Louit, Mo. He is a motor machinist mate Funeral services were held Satur Interment was Union Cemetery. Cedar fic. first class William E Thornton, 33, husband to Clarence Dean Langer. Sherwood, day. Aug. 26. at Pegg's Chapel for Mills W E ST HU I S of Eleanor Thornton, route 1, Beav and Lilian LaVern Underwood, rout» 1 Annie Eliza Hagedorn. wife of Henry L U T H E R A N CHURCH A total of 43.350.000 forest tree Sergeant El wood Brown is home erton. Oregon, was graduated rerer.t 2, Beaverton; Edward Louie Ru; :- F.. mother of Ellen I Moncrief. Berk Canyon Road, near Sylvan eley, and Harry F . 3030 SW Upper seedlings were distributed to farmer* on a furlough from Fort Ord. Calif, ly from the Naval Training School recht, route 4, Sherwood, Anna C-. Werner J. Frit*. Mintht-r drive, sister of Dr. William A Brady of the United States during the cal- Hf if visiting his son Jackie and his <Electric) at the St Louis. Mo . Naval Neill, route 1. Beaverton; Robert V 13th Sunday after Trinity Armory and received recognition as Nelson, route 3 Beaverton, and Ga I mother Mrs Reva Brown of New Jersey The Hagedern s endar year of 1943 Sunday School 9 45 a. m . _____ a eligible to qualify for the petty offl- Lavonne Kohlmeyer Hillsboro, Thon • live at Metzger. Divine Service 11 a. m. Keep your heart up and you'll do ' Lyman Fauteek la home on a leave eer rate of electrician's mate third [ ss J. Blasick. route 1, Beaverton, and Mr and Mrs. R. W Meadows spent Sermon Giving That *s Christian. elass. Sophia Wagner, Tigard. —Stevenson. He Is In the Navy, the week end at Seaside. Ycu are Invited and welcome. mm Attention—Canners Bits of News About Our Boys