Friday, August 2?, 1^44 WILL BUILD BRICK Bl-DG «B 25x50 ft., fronting on highway in Beaverton suitable for small busi ness. See Beaverton Enterprise CHURCH OF THE N AZARK N K Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. Glade Balter Supt. IX a. m. Morning worship. •Christ the Sanctifier of His People” 6:15 p. m. Junior meeting, Mrs. J. Garrick, Supervisor. 6:30 p. m. N. Y. P. S. Reports of Twin Rocks convention. 7:30 p. tn. Evangelistic Service. “The Fool Hath Said." Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer and Bible Study Hour. W E S T 11LLLS LU TH E RAN CHURCH Canyon Road, near Sylvan Werner J. Fritz, Minister August 27th Sunday School 9:45 a. m Divine Service 11 a. m. Welcome. CHURCH O F C H R IS T George W. Springer, Pastor 9:45 a. m. Worship and preaching. Sermon will be Christ The Rock of While shopping, eat at the Grey Because of an order authorized to =III=III=III=III=HI=III=III=II,= i , i =|I|=1 ii 5,II=,iL day by Public Utilities Commissioner hound Coffee Shop, Beaverton. George H. Flagg, Oregon personnel now being discharged from the United States Army, the Navy, the Marines, or the Coast Guard will be DO YOUR WAR D U T IE ^ V able to reach their homes with more of their discharge pay in their pock ets. Flagg approved a plan that will allow discharged personnel to travel at half fare on all railroads. The Under new management Qj rate takes effect Setember 1, with the MR. and MRS. BEN LAMB usual privilege of completing the jour ney in 30 days. m His action well have the approval of the Interstate Commerce Commission GROCERIES Mr. Flagg is assured, and is likely to be placed in effect by all other state commissions. The military branches M EATS | are said to be discharging thousands of men at this time, as well as send ing home those who have completed VEGETABLES hospitalization. mi Round trip tickets will also be sold to furlough men at one and one FRESH FRUIT quarter cents per mile, which is a fii little less than one-half fare on most railroads. IM PERIAL FEEDS I Civilians will not be entitled to the ■ special rates. wmninjm Following the sermon, the Lord’s Want to Restore Service Supper will be observed. 11 a. m. Bible School. Bible School picnic dinner at Waah- ' Petitions are being circulated re- ..igton Park between the rose gar- I questing the state utility commission lens and the zoo at 12:30 o’clock. Ev to restore Oregon Motor bus service on route 2, Beaverton, and to extend eryone welcome. it to include route 3, and baseline C. E. 7 p. m. 8 p. m. Evening service. Orches- road north of Reedville Into Hills More signers are needed. Con ra music. Sermon by pastor— boro. tact A. W. Wachline, route 2, box 792 Learning From Bible Characters. -Iidweek study and prayer meeting; Beaverton or phone Aloha 6358.. Wednesday 8 p. m. Scripture study II Corinthians chapter 6. Son Improving ALOH A C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH Graydon D. Loree, Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. Mary Antrim Supt. Morning worship 11 a. m. Youth fellowship 7 p. m. Ethelene Rydman, senior supervisor. Mary Antrim, junior supervisor. 8 p. m. Evening worship. Wednesday, prayermeeting 8 p. m. WHY, .. , HELLO DOT/ ÍY0U LOOK ALL Elmonica Grocery 1 Ages. Ü! m Sign Up for ¡Ü Lockers Qj i T i % E X C IT E D You can own beautiful furniture N OW for a little money IF you BUY on our Liberal budget plan. m y M m á* ^ A m m in fn J / -u ztiU -ih in cL J o î tti£ 9 / 0 WIE- PMONE 3535 B eaverton Beaverton 3177 I ^ »I 86 Proof aii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii5iii=iii=m=iiisiii=nn National Distillers Products Corporation New York PAPER DRIVE Benefit Boy Scout troop No. 208 and Pack 517 Cub Scouts Now on Rest Leave Bill Crosby is enjoying his first rest in 15 months and has gained 20 Ample Parking—Form Fitting Seats : pounds. He is now in New Guinea TIGARD, OREGON—T E L 2525 4110 SW Gabel Lane again. He is an aircraft armorer in Best Pictures — De Luxe Sound Rev. H. A. Armltage. pastor the first airdrome squadron. His pat 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship ' ents are Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Crosby. Admission 50c, children 20c, inclu tax j Men In Uniform 20c Anytime 2nd Show Approximately 9 o'clock ' PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry Continuous Show Sunday at 2:30 The Bible Church Barnes. Phone Beaverton 3231. tf Box 697, Beaverton Friduy-Saturday, August 25-26— Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive While in Beaverton be sure to eat Hop-A-Long Cassidy and Pals Walter R. Buhl, Pastor at the Greyhound Coffee Shop In Sunday School 10 a. m. Divine Services 11 a. m. Walkers Dept. Store, complete store FALSE COLORS under one roof. 3tf K K K .n v il.L K C O M M U N IT Y Plus the Dizziest Comedy Yet P R E S B Y T E R IA N CH U RCH Hi Diddle Diddle For Stove and Diesel OH Call Harry Sunday School 10 a. m. Mrs. Otto Barnes. With A. Menjou-Martha Scott Phone Beaverton 3231. tf George, Supt. Worship Service 11 a. m. While In Beaverton be sure to eat Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Aug. 27-29 Young People's C. E. 7 p. m. at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. Claudette Colbert—Fred MacMurray Prayer Meeting and Bible study, Thursday, 7 p. m. Visit our special bargain counter- NO TIME FOR LOVE new mdse each week. Walkers Dept. ALOHA ASSE M B LY OF GOD Store. 3tf It’s to chase the blues away with fun! Sunday School 10 a. m. Plus Ted Lewis & His famous Band Worship 11 a. m. While In Beaverton be sure to eat in Is Everybody Happy! Evangelistic 7:45 p. m. at the Greyhound Coffee Shop Prayer and Bible study 7:45 p. m. Wedncaday-Thuraday, August .30 31— , Thursday. Action— Mystery—Suspense 11 a. m. Preaching service. Evelyn Ankers—David Bruce ST. C E C E L I A C H U R C H W. S. C. S. meets Wednesday. in Masses 7:55 to 9:55 a. m. on Sunday during summer months. BETHEL THE MAI) GHOUL C O N G R E G A T I O N A L CHURCH M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H Plus Ella Raines-F. Tone In Rev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor Albert S. Hlsey, D. D.. Minister 9 45 a. m. Church School. The Phantom Lady 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Worship. Coming Sept. 1 and 2— Walt Disneys Technicolor TH E VALLEY C O M M U N IT Y C H U R C H UNITED P R E S B Y T E R I A N A noted American editor made an offer of $100,000 a few years ago for a peace plan that would really work. 22.000 entered the contest with as many d i f f e r e n t pippo»-' als.. The shortest of these read, “Try Jesus.' To that cynic who would answer. “He has been tried and failed.” we would an swer He has not been tried but "mlstrlcd’’ as In Pilate’s judgment Hall. With the entrance of Christ selfish am- Rev. Leonard C. Johnson hitlons disappear with selfish ambitions gone. PHONE 3691 much If not all the world’s ills are solved. AND REFUPNISFD, MV D I N I N G /? O O A f-A N D A T SU CH REMARKABLE Pvt. Douglas D. O’Donnell is now in a hospital in San Francisco and expects to be sent to Barnes hospital for further treatment. He has been in the South Pacific for three years. Mr. O’Donnell is a son of Mrs. Frank Livermore. Beaverton CHURCH of the NAZARENE Beaverton Furniture a <■ NOW— 0) you BET I a m / I’VE JUST BEEN DOWN TO VICTORY THRU AIK POWER X-TRA EGG PRODUCER Increase your egg profits with this palatable, scientifically built "Vitamin balanced*' feed. Supplies the high-producing layers with their requirements for more extra grade eggs Y o u rlo c a l feed d e a le r hoe a fro th •upply. HELP THE SCOUTS DO A GOOD I0B For more information Call Beaverton 2773 TRIANGLE M IL L IN G C O . Compliments 6 0 5 N. T I L L A M O O K ST. KONTLANO. OREGON WALL PAPER and PAINTS 1 Mile S. of Beaverton on Nielson Road Kitchen & Nook Papers at 20, 25c, 35c, to 75c OPEN NOW W . E. PEGG DUTCH BOY PAINTS PHONE BEAVERTON 3411 Household lurniture; 1 fresh heifer and calf, one Guernsey coming fresh; 50 R. I. Reds, half grown; 1 two-wheel and 1 four-wheel trailer and other items too numerous to mention. Enamels— Floor Paints You Can’t Buv Better SMITH'S Washington County WALLPAPER HOUSE 427 SW 2nd, nr. Washington Free Fair Telephone AT. 4810 FAIR GROUNDS : Carl's FIXIT Shop SHUTE PARK ALOHA. OREGON WASH. MACHINES. VACUUM CLEANERS. HOUSEHOLD AP PLIANCES REPAIRED. OIL A GAS STOVES. A WATER HEATERS. SMAIJ. MOTOI SOLDERING A WELDING HILLSBORO •V ; *y-iï Location Carlson's Garage September 1-2 Beaverton, Oregon Old Drisco Farm for Future Reference MORTICIAN Enterprise AT In WALL PAPER you will find here such well known makes as Birge and Walcrest for your Liv ing Rooms, Dining Room, Hall, and Bed Rooms at— and $1.20 per Roll Beaverton, Oregon Estab. 1910—Serving 33 years Beaverton PRIVATE SALE 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c $1.00 and the Old West Lives Again Claire Trevor - Albert Dekker in The Woman of the Town Cut_thls out Leave Paper at Beaverton Lumber Yard on Saturdays, August 26, Sept. 2 and 9 only, 8 to 5 o'clock Please tie Bundles 12 inches high Separate Magazines and Papers T R IA N G L E Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS ' Oregon Mutual I’ollcbm are NON-ASSKSSABI.E. Vou NEVER pay more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three time# the gurpius required hj Oregon Insurance la w * PHONE ALOH A 6301 Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company 4-H Club Exhibits Future Farmer Display Flower-Garden Show GRAY HAIR? Mutt Dog Contest FREE ADMISSION TO ***** I » » * * » * » Picnic Grounds FAIR GROUNDS 'IT “Every Form of Protection” Phone 1732 Hill»boro, Oregon III Big Free Program Opening Night Parking — Free New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. ..'T' Get Grayvita Vitamins Ample OF McMINNYHJJS Organized 1894- 40 year« of Reliable Service (Turn L. Walker, Agent mm J Y w . » n i f the nation o w t h iv e reported G H A Y V ITA A it..mine W ORK, und that the r I« returning to it» ivvtir.i! r. ior GK \ Y\ IT A Vitanvm contain the « m r amount M ’ anti §ray hair vitamin-' (Plus ».»> Int unit* l»t> a* tested by a leading housekeeping maga- r" w Ol thnar tested. had return o f hair r o k » GR.AAVITA Yiutnina are notvfatten- *""• t a n : harm your 'permanent 4 30 day auppiy I BEAVERTON PH ARM ACY „ Phone Beaverton 2311 = III CONCRETE PIPE! CULVERT SEWER DRAIN SEE YOUR BUILDING M ATERIAL DEALER Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. 5819 S W. Macadam Av.t Portland, 1, Oregon | 1 ATwater water SS84 r •taiiiaHiBwsmsiiisiiismaiiisiiisuiSMSmBiiisuisitisiiisiiis.iism&MCgrFi rlllFU IB U IB V IB lk