Friday, August 11, 1944 BEAVERTON’ ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Page * K IN T O N Blood On Mexicans to Celebrate Independence Day, Sgt. John H. Van Horn, son of Mr An Eighth A'i. . urce Bomber Sta and Mrs. Edward Van Horn cf Sitka. tion, Sept. 15-16 in Portland England The promotion of Lor Alaska, and brothel of Mis. Charles L EG AL NOTICE I Sergeant Loris W . Bixby July 25th. 1944 To All Red Cross Members And tht Public: This is to advise that Mrs. J. R. (Manon) Talbert, has been appointed Vice Chairman for the Beaverton Distiict, of the Red Cross Washing ton County Chapter As such Mrs. Talbert be the Chapter's general representative for the Beaverton area. G. B. GATES, Chairman Washington County Chapter American Red Cross. is W. Bixby, 33, of Beaverton. Ore CHURCH o r THE NAZAKENK Owens of this communit). has been gon, from corporal to sergeant, has Mexicans in Oregon are planning to Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor promoted to the grade of Staff Ser been announced by his group com celebrate the 134th anniversary of their 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, Glade geant, according to amiouncement mander. Lt. Col. Elbert Herton, of independence from Spain on Septem- Baker Supt. from the 5th Air Force Headquarters San Antonio, Texas, at this Eighth 15 and 16 in Portland. 11 a. m. Morning worship. Somewhere in New Guinea. | Plans call for a ball, Mexican din Pastor preaching. What you scared at Ehud? Crew Chief of one of the P-3E Light Air Force B-24 Liberator base. As an operations clerk, Sgt. Bixby ner,, native dances, songs, and a mili tt:15 p. m. Junior meeting, Mu. I’m scared cause the angel of death ening! flown by the famous "Satan* G. Garrick. Supervisor. Angels” group now actively engaged maintains rosteis and records of the tary drill at the coronation of a queen . will get me to-night! 0:30 p. m. Senior N.Y.P.S. Mrs. No—He won't get you, for I saw in the Southwest Pacific, S.-Sgt. Van flying men and Libs that are avail This will be held at W. O. W. hall. Admittance will be free to Mexicans, Kachel West, Pres. ! your father put the blood on the door Horn has been on continuous over able to fly in attacks against Nazi i but Americans will be asked to buy military and industrial targets. 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic Service. i post and God promised—’’ When 1 1 seas duty since Feb. 1942. Sen ot Mr. and Mrs. V. X. Bixby, of a war bond at the door, all will be .Special musical prelude. Comblna- see the blood I will pass over you Sgt. Van Horn enlisted in the Army .on singing and instrumental num and the plague shall not be upon you j Air Corps in December, 1941 and has Beaverton, the sergeant worked for welcome. the Columbia Lumber Co., Sitka, Strict (eductions on all mdse, at to destroy you, when I smite th e! received the Presidential Unit cita Alaska, prior to entering the Army in bers. You can almost always dispos of bargain counters, Walkers Dept. W ed n esd a y 7:30 p. m. Prayer and land of Egypt.” Quit your worry, tion for participation in the Papuan October, 1942. Store. He is a graduate of it, if you use want adv, 3tf Ehud. The blood is there -believe campaign as well as bronzj service Beaverton High School, June, 1939. Praise service. CHURCH OF CHRIST stars for the New Guinea, East Indiet God—you are safe. r George W. Springer, Pastor True enough— "And it came to pass and Huon Gulf campaigns. Walter L Myers, guest speaker, that at midnight, the Lord smote all morning and evening. the first born in the land of Egypt, j ("WHY SHOULD I HAVE T 0 | iJOUDONrJl HEY HAVE 0:45 a. m. Worship and preaching. from Pharaoh on the throne to the Topic: Jesus Teaches. captive that was in the dungeon.” ; W A iT T O B U Y T H E I J U S T W H A T Y O U 'R E Following the sermon, the Lord's But with the blood on the doorpost, V D O YO U R W A R D U T ItS / ___y » i supper will be observed. F U R N IT U R E T H A T I LOOKING FOR— AND AT j not one of God’s people was taken. »-'tri 11 a. m. Bible School. The centuries pass and now it is - ------ ' ’. WILL M A K E OURHOMF1 TH E P R IC E YO U CAN I we who take refuge under the blood. C. E. 7 p. m. 8 p. m. Orchestra. Evening top Christ, the Lamb of God, has been A F F O R D T O PAY AT ^BEAUTIFUL ic: The Book of the Ages. offered up for us His atoning blood Buy more War washed away the sin that lay covered Beaverton Furn. Store Bo n d s — and W EST HILLS over on ancient altars. And like- j cheerfully attend LUTHERAN CHURCH wise, we of this day, have our sin to oth er home« Canyon Road, near Sylvan blotted out. Without the shedding ' EASY TERMS Werner J. Fritz, Minister frontdutirs. Let’s of blood there is no putting away of \ TO O/ 10th Sunday after Trinity sin and the blood of Jesus Christ1 get this war won Sunday School 9:45 a. m. cleanses from all sin. The sin of ] quickly! Divine Service 11 a. m. those who believed God in days o f Sermon: A Wise Builder of Life. old and of us today.—“Neither is there salvation In any other; for j ALOHA COMMUNITY CHURCH there is none name under heaven, i Graydon D. Loree, Pastor given among men, whereby ye must j Sunday School 10 a. m. be saved.” Mary Antrim Supt. God waits to bless you with new Morning worship 11 a. m. life for to-day and with life eternal Youth fellowship 7 p. m. Ethelene But first the sin question must be | r.ydman, senior supervisor. Mary settled. Be cleared. Make Christ I Antrim, junior supervisor. Savior and Lord of your life. Look i 8 p. m. Evening worship. to Him for strength to live the hour : Wednesday, prayermeettmg 8 p. m. to the glory of God.—“ How shall we escape if we neglect so great salva- j Ö O r n e r a i F r r t u r r s T f w n n i o o l « . f n ■’ THE V.ALLEY tlon?” COMMUNITY CHURCH More women every day are getting acquainted UNITED PRESBYTERIAN 4110 SW Gabel Lane with the splendid values we feature in fine furniture Rev. H. A. Armltage. pastor 3141 SW MeShesney Road, 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship * Portland, Oregon This space paid for by an Oregon | BETHEL businessman. CONGHEGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. F. T. Sturtevant, Paator 9:45 a. m. Church School. TO O L A T E TO CLASSIFY 11 a. m. Worship " p h o n e 3535 B e a v e r to n I National Distillers Products Corporation CORN—One ear or a thousand | New y ork g6 Proof METHODIST CHURCH crates, Get it at field at farm pri- j Albert S. Hisey, D. D., Minister ces, every afternoon or evening, i I 9 45 a. m. Sunday School. except Sundays. Baker's, Beaver- 11 a. m. Preaching service. ton, bet. Hazeldale store and Kin- W. S. C. S. meets Wednesday. ton. PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH WANTED To Rent—Make your The Bible Church home pay for your vacation while Box 697, Beaverton you are away. We want to rent fto t« | Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive your home for 2 or 3 weeks start Walter R. Buhl, Pastor ing August 24th, for a returning Sunday School 10 a. m. army major and his family. Phone Divine Services 11 a. m. AT. 6859. 28 The Door Step 'v e n u lh in g. 4</i the Wome e» e ^ S S fA || UKEDVILLE COMMUNITY PKLSBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10 a. m. Mrs. Otto George, Supt. Worship Service 11 a. m. Young People’s C. E. 7 p. m. Prayer Meeting and Bible study, Thursday. 7 p. m. While In Beaverton be sure to eat at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. ST. CECELIA CHURCH Masses 7:58 to 9:55 a. m. on Sunday during summer months. ALOHA A S S E M B L Y O F O O D Sunday School 10 &. m. Worship 11 a. m. Evangelistic 7:45 p. m. Prayer and Bible study 7:45 p. m. Thursday. ATTENTION — ALOHA-HUBER WATER USERS Pleoae discontinue sprinkling thru the months of August and Septem ber. There Is a shortage of water supply. Your co-operation will be appreciated. LOST—1 Western Flyer Boys Bi Ample Parking—Form Fitting Seat* cycle. It was left in front of TIGARD, OREGON—T E L 2825 Hal's store Wednesday afternoon. Best Pictures — De I.uxe Sound If found and delivered reward will be paid. Alvord Johnson, Center Admission 50c, children 20c, inclu tax Men in Uniform 20c Anytime St., Tigard, next to Mr. Rankins. 281 2nd Show Approximately 9 o clock Continuous Show Sunday at 2:30 NORTH SECTION PORTLAND BY OWNER 2 bedroom home on paved corner, gas furnace, electric Friday, Saturday, Aug. 11-12— hot water heater, fireplace, cement basement, garage, landscaped DOROTHY LAMOUR grounds, pool, etc. $1000 down, in bal. easy terms. 5706 No. Denver RIDING HIGH Ave., cor. Jessup St. Phone TR. 8629. Open Sunday. Special Musical Concert Prelude Blue Bioo^il livestock B Get Grayvita Vitamins Y ps . ¡N .plf th« tuition orrr have rexxvtMf r.K \Y\ ITA V» WORK, and that thttr cr iv h.tir in returning to its natural color GRAY\ ITA Vitamins «attain thrunvamount of “ anti gt.iv hair vitamin" (Plus 450 lot unit# Hi> as tc Ntrd hy a Ir.uling I >■ keeping mags- sin<* Of th<«r tested. had return of hair color GRAYVITA Vitamins are nmvfattun ing. can’t harm your ’'prrmanent " 30 day supply $1 50. 100 days. >4 00 Phont 69.50 Phone Beaverton 2311 BEAVERTON PHARMACY Attention HOP PICKERS Register now at our \Yil- hart Farm 5 mi. South of St. Paul on N’ cwberg-Sa- lem Hiway. Early and late cluster hops. Excellent picking, cabins, wood, elec, lights free. Store, meat market in camp. Best of accommodations. Write Ward Lundy, Gervais, Or. Phone Salem 22681 tf machinery, ply of feed F R A N C I S BROTHERS stores will he closed from August 6th to August 13th, both days inclusive. Ü! ciated and we ask your tion during this WEST END HE W ERTON —ON CANYON MR. and MRS. BEN LAMB W L PEGG w T R IA N G L E M I L L I N G CO. M S N. Tillamook S t POUTLAND. O M t O N , Francis Brothers 6319 S W Capitol Hiway Nr. CEDAR ST. 1 i hi GROCERIES hi M EATS i' I 1 VEGETABLES Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS = Oregon Mutual PoUclem are NON-ASSESSABIJC. You NEVER pay more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three times the surplus required hy Oregon Insurance la w s Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company OF McMINNVn.LK Organized 1894 - 40 year« of Reliable Service < has L. Walker. Agent FRESH FRUIT New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. IM PERIAL FEEDS coopera which we hope will enable ua to RD., Hi appre intermission, Electric Blasting-Machine, Anvil, Cultivator, Hay Forks, Pitch Forks, Picks, Shovels, Axes, Small Tools Beaverton Mower & Cycle Shop Under new management s Your patronage ie greatly serve you better In the future. MORTICIAN Beaverton. Oregon F.stab 1*10— Serving 33 years PIIONK BEAVERTON 3411 FARM TOOLS Elmonica Grocery In order to overhaul and TRIANGLE In Pellet or M a t h fo rm m òrse Week Nights at 7 P, M. NOTICE and to replenish our sup FEED DEALERS For sa le p n w -m m m For Bigger, Better Birds! AT YOUR ,5 0 for Future Reference our August and September — Commissioners of Aloha-Huber Water District =III=III=III=III=III=III=III=III=III=III=III=HIEIII improve DEVELOPING FEEDS Through the months of 1 There’s Something About a Soldier I DEWEY the Plumber On Broadway PLEASE D ISC O N TIN U E SPR IN K LIN G Shortage of water supply makes this request necessary. COVER GIRL $ BEAVERTON ATTENTION ALOHA HUBER GttWHi M Plus Ev*lyn Keyes in Cut this out r Trios, Duets, Quartets and Solos, Instrumental Numbers Come and worship with us this Sunday evening j While In Beaverton be sure to eat Wed.-Saturday, August 16-19— Visit our special bargain counter- at the Greyhound Coffee Shop new mdse each week. Walkers Dept. FOUR BIG DAYS % 3tf In Gorgeous Technicolor While shopping eat at the Grey Rita Hayworth-Gene Kelly hound Coffee Shop, Beaverton. Phil Silvers In GRAY HAIR? SUNDAY EVENING 7:30 P. M. ..including such outstanding exhibits a s . . . 17 Blooded Percherons... Herd of 30 IF A M 0 U S JERSEYS & others! FOR SALE—New 2 Bdrm Home Nun. -T u e s ., August 1S-I5— now ready In Matney's add, Beav erton. (7th st., bet. Wash. A Tuck- ° ne of the Finest All-Time Pictures er. Modern In all respts. in new i addition, Beaverton. 28 j Claudette Colbert-Paulette Goddard Veronica Lake In While shopping, eat at the Grey SO PROUDLY WE HAIL hound Coffee Shop, Beaverton. Plus Alan Jones In Walkers Dept. Store, complete store Sing A Jingle under one roof. 3tf 20-gal. Auto- matic Gas IWater Heaters //eto /us courts w it/ip juiiije || HI 9 ■ III I h 5 III = il = .11 £ ■ = Ti = Phone 1732 “Every Form of ProtecUon” Hillsboro, Oregon !» ili Sign Up for Lockers NOW — Beaverton 3177 ÜHItlIBIIISHIZHlStilimSlMIlllSIUSillSIllSlIll CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS SPECIAL “V E N T IL A T E D ” 5 See your Building Material Dealer I Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. 5819 SW Macadam Ave.. Portland, 1 Oregon AT. 8384 ^ ^