Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1944)
F rid a y , August 4, 1944 B EA\ L R T O N CLASSIFIED WANT ADS TW O Cents a word per issue N O TH IN G I .ESS T H A N 25o CASH MUST ACCOM PANY A L L C LASSIFIE D ADS NO ADS T A K E N O VER PH O N E t 'Ve Publish the B E A V E R TO N E N T E R P R IS E T IG A R D S E N T IN E L M ULTNOM AH PRESS A LO H A NEW S Complete Eastern Wasningtoa County and Western Multnomah County Coverage. We assume no financial responsi bility for errors which may appear in advertisements published in these columns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. FO R SA LE l'O R S A LE —Oregon Giant Beans for canning. Beaverton 2456, Farmington Rd. west of St. Marys. 27 ! à FO R S A LE —6 used Doors. Inquire at Studio Barber Shop. Beaverton. Roy Tate. 27-29 FOR S A L E —1 DeLuxe Baby Car riage, like new pedal car attach ment, never used, rubber bumper guards- First house South on Grant St., off Greenburg road, Ti- gurd 27^ The Farmer anti War Rand Purchase FOR SA LE —1 high chair, 1 youth's chair, 1 basket baby bed with springs and mattress. I iron cot bed with springs and mattress. All in excellent condition Call CHerry 1712. 21 FO R SALE—4 ft green slab. Aloha district $6 per cord. Block A E d ging $7 per cord. Beaverton-Ti- gard-Garden Home district 4 ft. green slab $7 per cord. Block A- Edgings $8 per cord. H. F. Elford. Forest Grove. Phone 56. tf W A N TED W A N T E D By middle aged couple furnished or unfurnished house, apartment, housekeeping rooms, or rooms with kitchen privileges, close to Beaverton transportation. Phone Beaverton 2321 or CH. 3273. R ID E R S W A N TE D Swan Island Swing Shift. Beaverton 3351. A. Konantz, Beaverton. 27 ) RA BBITS W A N TED W A N T E D Live KaDDits, to buy now. Top prices paid. Rabbit Meat Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. Phone SUnset 1722. Open week days only until 7:30 p. m. V tf ) M ISCELLA N EO U S G IV E A W A Y 14 sacks toes. Stanley Sinclair, Watson, Beaverton. old Pota Allen, off 27 FAR M FOR S A LE —48 acres, 2 creeks, year-around, model home, 6 j acres fruit, 4 trucks, 1940 Sedan, | Ford, lumber hauling and fuel business, income $1000 to $1500 a ; month. All for $13,000. Reason t o ! sell—going to Canada. H. Lafre- i niere, R1 Yamhill, 1 mi West Pike Phone Yamhill 1F3. 27 Do You want to Sell Your Farm? by diarie? \\ . Holman, Secretary The National Cooperative Milk Producers’ Federation A M ERICAN farmers nave a strate that farmers are probably great deal more i. ake in diverting a large part of this fund purchasing War Bo-.da .has*, s.rft 1:" . r'd purchases From March ply a patriotic urge to assist m • * “i-*. to March 1, iy44, average financing the war so that st may per acre rose 15 per be prostcutcd to an early and vic he larger part of the torious conclus or. Modern war place in the last four demands governmental expendi hs of the period. The in- tures fat in excess ot those which e during this tour-month pe- may be met by current revenue Was the highest on record, receipts. This meant Government cent greater than the borrowing. If a large part of this monthly rate of increase 1910-20 boom year. Aver borrowing is through commercial ts per acre have increased banks a d d i t i o na l i n f l a t i o n a r y nil or.e-third in the past 3 spending power is created through In the 1916-19 period the the expansion ot credit. On the about the same. other M od , if the borrowing is largely from individuals much of 3rs that an overcapilali- probably temporarily their excess funds are drained off. Hence, the pressure on prices re nigr. farm commodity prices is in suming from unusually large funds pn cc;s just as in World War I. bidding for limned amounts of Large mortgage debts incurred goods and services is relieved, and now. at high lovels of income, will Prove disastrous when both total thus inflation retarded. agricultural production and prices A tremendously increased fa Land values are based on the agricultural production and r.ei return to land With the end some increas* in average ot. the war in sight and with the prices received above those prospect that farm labor and other paid by farmers have raised costs will require a relatively larg- the net income t.1 all United ei return leaving t'\- return to States farm ers from tire 1935- hand L ^s, the logical course for 39 averaee of L7 billion to land values at present would np- S6.3 billion in 15tl. S9.1 billion p< r to be downward ra'.her than in 1942, a id : i en im ated $12.5 upward. billion in 171«..i \V»;h available Therefore, it appears that supplies of farm maehinerv re- farmers would ell f-» in fl.>.cements end boil ling ma vest every available dollar, terials limited. Agriculture has beyond that need d for debt a fund available fer eh 'icr retirement, in Government debt retirem ent, savings read Bond». These cun be held ily liquidated for fuittre pur against the dav when neces chase:, cf machinery, build sary farm replacements will ings, etc., or fr r present in he available and when farm vestment in land. land values will have become A marked decrease in farm more stable. In this way the mortgages in recent years indi individual farmer may assist cates that much of this fund has in hastening the day of return been properlv applied to debt re of his son, and nbo have capi tirement. However, activity in tal available t » help finance land sales and a very marked in him in ventures of bis own crease in land values demon c h o ice, f\ V T t -■ r r v Department \ H ID ES Si WOOL, CA8CARA— A specialty. LE E BROS., 25 SW Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf FOR SA LE —One Round Oak . Wood and Coal Cook Stove i n ' FO R TOW C AR call V E R M IL Y E cream enamel with stainless steel | MOTOR CO., Phone Tigard 3381 tf top $50. Phone Tigard 3268. 27 ! CUSTOM TR A C T O R W O R K —Let FO R SALE Columbia Wood Range I us plow * your garden. Howard good condition $25. 10716 SW 49th Wm. Smith, Johnson Rd. & Divis avenue, Portland, 1, Oregon 27 ion sts., Phone Beaverton 2462 4tf WOOD FOR SALE— Dry & green wood. Get your order in early, j Stop at Holland Feed Store, Beav- erton. 27 F N I FRPRTSE, Beaverton, Oregon ’ Home Refrigeration and washing machine services. Call K. B. Twombly CH. 2267. 8tf Dead 8tock pickeU up free of j charge anywhere. Cali collect. UN. 1221: night cali D ENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO.. Portland. tf PAINTS G U A R D IA N S H IP OF W IL L IA M C. LOWES Page 3 RATION BOOR REMINDER Notice of Salt« o f Kcal Property No. 41M)31 Cut this out and keep it in your In the Circuit Court of the State of ÍVV. Book 4 Oregon for the County of Multno- l -Vl? Red Stamps A-8 through Z3 ara mah Department of Probate. IN TH E M A TT E R OF TH E GUARD- > IA N S H IP OF W IL L IA M C. LOWES Un . « a ’ 1 ' *>ecom'? tT° oJ July Incompetent. I 30 * nd. iadefin.tely. . . . . . . . . i Waste kitchen fats exchanged for Notice is hereby given that the un-, two points and four cents a ixiund del signed Guardian of the Estate of PROCESSED FOODS— William C. Lowes. Incompetent, by Book 4 - Blue stamp* A8 through virtue of an order of sale Issued out ZS and A5, valid indefinitely of the Circuit Court of the State of SUGAR_ Oregon, for the County of Multnomah. Stamp No. 30, 31 32 in book 4 valid Department of Probate, duly made indefinitely for five pounds and entered on the 20th day of July, For canning only: Sugar Stamp 1944. in the above entitled estate, li- *0 valid for 5 pounds through Feb censing the Guardian to sell the here- 2S, 1945 . in after described real property be-! B: through FC become good Aug- longing to said incompetent, will o f-ju s tl and remain good indefinitely fer for sale and sell at private sale, 1 SHOES— Loose Stamps invalid tor cash or upon such terms as may Book 3 Airplane stamps N o’s 1 be approved by the Court, the follow- and 2, indefinitely for one pair, ing described real property situate in FI EL OU.__ Washington County, Oregon, to-wlt: I Period 4-5 coupons valid through Lot Eighteen (18) of Little Fruit Sept. 30. Place new orders us soon Farms, in Section Twenty-nine (29 iia Period 1 coupons received from Township One (1) South of Range]local boards. One (1), West of Willamette Me- s o i . i l ) FUELS_ rnlian. containing ten acres more Dealers deliver by priorities based or li ss. as recorded in plat filed ! Qn needs, in Washington County, Oregon. G ASO LINE COUPONS— That said sale will be had on or N „t \ alul unless Endorsed after the 28th day of August. 1944 at or C3 may be renewed with- 'ZiT &%?***&> "» av S n < 5!£ S ir *»'• •»“ BANK, 311 SW Washington St.. Port WOOD, C O A L SAWDUST— land, 4, Oregon, and will be made j ORDER NO W ! Don't risk short- subject to the confirmation of the . . , . above entitled Court. T IK E IN SPE CTIO N __ PO R TLA N D TR U ST AND j Records must be presented for SAVINGS B AN K gasoline renewals, special application Guardian of the Estate of William C. and tire replacements. Lowes, Incompetent. PR IC E CONTROL__ Date of first publication July 28. Refer price Inquiries and com- plaints to price clerk at your local Date of last publication August 25, | hoard 1944. 1 ' ____________________ lands S. Dunsniore, Attorney for | Guardian. 602 McKay Building. Port Nearly a third of all farm work land. 4. Oregon. accidents last year Involved ma chinery, but accidents involving live Golden colored bars, representing stock were a close second. Tile fig- each six months of overseas duty, I ures show about pet ,-cnt of the will he presented soldiers ot World 1 accidents connected with machinery. War II, it was learned today in an : 26 per cent livestock, 10 per cent falls, announcement received at Fort Doug- 9 per cent excessive heat, 6 per cent las. Utah, home of the headqunrters lightning, and 20 per cent all other o f the Ninth Service Command. ¡causes. SCENES AT TH E G ARD EN HOME C A N N E R Y A T PROGRESS Graceful Lines in Rayon Circs Youthful lone to ibis Outfit imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds FISHER TH0RSEN PAINTS For quality, fair price and service 1 Acre up to 100 Acres—W e have many buyers waiting with cash— J. B. Imlay & Sons List your Farm with us for quick A LO H A . O R E R E K D V IL L E action and appraisal. Baker & 1 Hogan Farm Specialists. A woman flees from temptation, G. C. Ackerman Co. Nut a man crawls away from it in 301 SW 5th Ave., cor. Oak, P o rt-! the oheerful hope that it may over land, 4, .Oregon. AT.3151 take him. 26-27 Mail or leave C LA S S IFIE D ADS. H A R D Y Western-bred New Hamp- j at our office. shire chicks every week. ROSS H A TC H E R Y, Aloha, Or., Phone . In always pays to advertise. Aloha 6441. 25-30 FO R SALE—Wood Green 16 in. slab $9 per cord in 2ha cord loads. Ruben Johnson, Newberg Star Route. Phone 193J. 15tf BROOD SOWS and Weaner Pigs for Sale the year around, S. A. Götter, Scholls. 12tf FOR SALE—Smoothtop Gas Range and small wood heating stove. En terprise Bldg., Short St. at Tuala tin Hiway, Beaverton, Frank Ma- gathan. tf Riverview Cemetery W E ST END SE LL WOOD BRIDGE CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY CAR w ash er s ! MECHANICS Mechanics work 48 hrs. per week 40 hours straight; 8 hours tim e^ and a half. Good working condi- tions Permanent employment. OREGON MOTOR STAGES 506 SW Mill C E N T R A IJ .Y LOCATED Close to bus trans portation and walking distance from downtown. B E . 3021 PO R T L A N D Complete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverview is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $800,000 Ì W ANTED TURKEYS ALSO Live Poultry and Eggs Receiving Portland, Albany, Redmond. & Dressing Plants: McMinr.vllle, Salem, Eugene, Roseburg, Oregon. Main Offlee and Plant J. P. Finley & Son MORTICIAN Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. 8. E. Oak Stre-t, Portland, Ore. Phone l Ast 51 tl 8W FOURTH A T M ONTGOM ERY A T w a te r 9181 W A N TED RRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS Essential Industry E X P E R IE N C E NOT N ECESSARY Steady Work with Overtime APPLY AT SYLVAN PLANT COLUMBIA BRICK WORKS I39n A. E. Water Ave., Portland A youthful Mlhor.rCc is attained by tlm brief sleeves« *lin> ?kirl and graceful rutile o f i I iim dress. In u breezy rayon print o f yellow, grey and white, you will find it a perfect choice for spring-through-suninier wear. This stylo requires little fabric, and by making it yourself, «oil will have extra money to put into War Sewing Leaflet No. M 5591, “ Before Beginning to tail“ may bo obtained by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper. U. S. Treasury D epartm ent To Get ACTUAL MARKET PRICES Ship Your CASCARA BARK W OOL MOHAIR AND H ID ES Oregon Balsam of Fir Tallow and House Grease Blue Mountain Hide Wool & Fur Co. 17M S. W. F R O N T AYE. Portland Mrs. D. E. Woodward, above, left, and Mrs. Bert J. G. Toussey prepare tender spinach from their own gardens for processing. Courtesy Oregonian Jap Artillery Piece Silenced by Marines Saipan, Marianas Islands (Delayed) I —They got "Big Boy" today. "Big Boy" was a Jap artillery piece which had made life miserable for us ! ever since we arrived on Saipan. This ' morning "Big Boy” has been silent, and we have been able to get some work done. Our artillerymen assure I us that tjiey located “ Big Boy” last night and "took care ot the situ- 1 ation.'” . As far as I am concerned this is the best news since the start of the war. m Important Event ! Somewhere in the South Pacific, j (Delayed) It's the little things that i count, the lieutenant told Sgt. Robert H. Kirkpatrick, a Marine Corps com bat correspondent, as they J eeped \ along a dusty road. "Do you know,” he said. " I had a fresh egg for breakfast this morn- j ing.” The egg was the first the lieu- 1 tenant had eaten during 26 months in the Pacific that hadn't been powJ errd and laid by a can that never j cackled. “ Did you get home all right last night, sir?" asked the street car con ductor of one ol his regular passen gers. "O f course Why do you ask”. I “Well, when you gt>t up and gave the lady your seat last night, you were 1 the only two people In the car.” Purchasers of war bonds know well enough that inflation, if It comes. ! will result from the tremendous amount of unused credit built up by the deficit financing of the war. the release of pent-up spending energy, the distribution of bonuses and pen- . sions and the efforts the government has in mind to "make work’ for de mobilised soldiers and factory hands " —Carlton A Shively, financial editor, i Enthusiasm with which Garden Home obtained recr uts for it* canning enterprise is indicated by the class of housewives above getting pointers on proper processing of garden products. Courtesy Oregonian