Page 4 Friday, July 14, 1944 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, Orejón "**1 ST. C ECELIA CHURCH Masses 7 56 to 9:55 a. m. on Sunday during summer months. Why They Want It Jurors Drawn More Waste Paper Needed Awarded Expert Infantryman Bad<,e Since the start of the U. S. Victory A nunibei ol people from the east- , . . . . . „ . ’ campaign last November, the nation I ern end of Washington county were An outstanding honor, the Expert ^ pfjtl,en faf short Qf (U month,y ALO H A ASSEMBLY o r GOD After the war, everybody in Vi named in the drawing of a circuit enna expects to come to America." court jury panel for the July term Infantryman Badge, has been award ' goal oi 667,O'» tons per month, the Sunday School 10 a. m. CHURCH OF T H E N AZAH EN E ed to Cpl. Herman F. Smith of 253rd So sounded the message from over Worship 11 a. m i State committee reported in pointing Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor I Persons drawn will he notified as to Infantry Regiment, co,.a there. Young people 6:30 p. m. 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, Glade ' the date on which they are to report. Camp Van Dorn, Miss. U*id Division, out that 0regona record j, no better Evangelistic 7:45 p. m. And what is it that makes this good than the national average in this res Baker Supt. Tigard: Charles A. Donnally, C. S. To receive such an award it was ’ Prayer and Bible study 7:45 p. m. land of ours so worth while to the IX a. m. Morning worship, ser Howard; „ route 1, Tigard, Eva ,, T. necessary to people who liv< Why ^ be "tops" and qualify in ] pect. Thursday. vice. Pastor speaking. God so blessed America’ Creamer. Marie Johnson. Gladys Mey- guch thlng8 as individual weapon. [ "The waste paper necessary to 6:15 p. m. Junior meeting, Mrs. , . , , reach the 1944 goal is available," de- Th«* M u m If that here dwell« a eI • Upshaw. G&rick, Supt. Beaverton Em m . Balfe. Marjorie I Clares Claude I. Sersanous, state sal- people who seek out God's will to 6:30 p. m. N.Y.P.S. Reachel West, route 1. ? renf d* c™ r,eY aa wel‘ aa vage chairman. ' Everyone must help Too Late to Classify ' know it and to do it. They are his M. L*ewis, Mabel Alexander; route familiarization firing, the prescribed * and tlanspolt the waate paper Beaverton, Juliette H. Carter; Pres. - purchased possession, bought with 2 twenty-five mile march, physical fit-1 * those places where it can be used. Charles E. Bernards, route 3, Irma uu.e J“ “ ™ 1- ^ ; to 7: :30 p. m. Evangelistic service, Infiltration course, partici- FO R SALE Trailer, 2 wheel, steel j the blood of Christ and indwelt by Biggs Ethel E Hanson; route 6 neaa teat' l,n i“ trat‘" " »nd Everyone of us must ask ourselves: Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer and I pation in close combat course, and j Tires, $75. J. W. ■ the spirit of Christ. They hate sin, body, good Portland Paul H ag« C° Ur#e’ Have we done our part” We must personal work study. ! cities course. St., Beaver- I are separated unto Christ and live Whitworth, 573 Main Thursday -Camp meeting of the Smith of ' not only ourselves this question, He is a son of George J 24 ¡by Power from On High. ton. Phone 3363. Lo- Oregon Pacific District begina school action — Some of them had but a feeble. Visit our special bargain counter- - Beaverton, and attended high ------- cated on 82nd Street, 3 miles south flickering spark of faith, when they new mdse, each week. Walkers Dept | graduating in 1942. He entered ser- __________________ Camp Adam» Week of Portland. turned to God. They knew their »in store Stf vice August 1943, and was assigned _ - ■ , ful state and believed the Bible - t h a t _________ — ■■ — • j to Camp Van Dorn. r o m c r fa r m e r s a v e s tn e d a y A LO IIA COMMUNITY CHURCH This week might well be called the Df Christ would wash away Graydon D. Loree, Pastor SUMMONS Camp Adams week in Bethel church sins ,,nd that He would indwell A former Illinois farmer, a serg Sunday School 10 a. m. principal Interest '• ‘ he C“ rnP which them with Himself. _________ ^ Re-Elected President eant, solved a transportation problem Himseir. — "Believe Believe on j ____________ __ ------- Mary Antrim Supt. i. to open for the junior high period the L o ^ Jesu. Christ and thou »halt IN TH E C IRCUIT COURT OF TH E ^ e ^ leCt_e d ^ r e S H le n t for his marine buddies on Saipon the Morning worship 11 a. m. this Sunday, July lbth. The senior be 8aved say8 the Good Book They STATE OF OREGON FOR WASH- Native S o n s & Daughter» _ Navy Department reports. It was Sermon A Prosperous Church. high period begins next Sunday as I believed and the mighty God honored | IN G TO N COUNTY. i ------- | impossible to haul much-needed ara- Youth fellowship 7 p. m. Ethelene this one closes. their tiny spark of faith and received C ITY OF BEAVERTON, formerly John M. Brown was re-elected presi- munition up the rugged, steep hills Rydman, senior supervisor. Mary Thursday there was a Camp Adams unt0 himself. Town of Beaverton, a Municipal Corp. den{ Qf the Pioneers, Native Sons and by truck and carry the wounded back Antrim, junior supervisor. potluck dinnei at the church w‘ f “ j Through these people, God set down Plaintiff ^ Daughters association at their picnic As the sergeant suggested, a detail 8 p. m. Evening worship. camp Adams movies and a snort talk the foundatlon ot held in — the Shute park the first of of marines, who as civilians had han- Behoofs, hospi-. i . i _______ 9 p. m. Teachers’ Forum. by Kev. Paul A. Davie«, Supt of the ^aj8 an(j things that make Am- ! EIX>ISE M. HICKS, a single woman, the m0nth. Fred Hood was elected died livestock, were sent out to catch Wednesday, prayermeeting 8 p. m. Oregon conference of Congregational erjca different. And yet only as RAC H EL H. BEDVV E L L and JOHN vice-president and Mrs. L. C. Moo- stray oxen. Within two hours they Churches on plans lor Camp Adams Christians stay in the land, can these DOE EE D W ELD her_ husband; | berry secretary-treasurer. j had a regular service into the hills W EST H ILLS On Sunday July 16 there will be things live and prosper. ELO ISE M A R IE HENDRICKSON, a using hand-made native two-wheel LU TH E R A N CHURCH commissioning service for junior high Our fathers held close to God and single woman; C A R L E HEND- ’ Pedestrians Should 1 carts drawn by oxen. “ The only Canyon Road, near Sylvan and senior high delegates to this the Bible and prayer; through them R1CKSON, the widower of F ID R | trouble so far has been the oxen don’t Werner J. Fritz, Minister camp. There are ten young people God blessed America ' w iT y o U Turä ENCE HICKS H END RICKSO N; C ! F * C e Traffic OH Highways j understand our language,” the serg- attending from this church: Melvalee to God, that America may continue C- C A R TE R and A L T A E. CARTER, 6th Sunday after Trinity ; eant said. “ I ’ll bet they only under Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Beeler, Janice Oafield, Donald Met- ! to stand? his wife; LIVESTO CK STATE Motor vehicle accidents took time stand theie pesky nips." calfe, Mary Jean Taggart, Dolores Divine Service 11 a. m. B ANK; SAM B IANCH I, a single i,ves Qf 21 pedestrians in Oregon dur- Church fellowship picnic at Wash Carlson and Robert Lee. Attending < man; MRS. A. M ERLO; C H ARLES I ¡nK tbe first five months of 1944, ac- Two American soldiers in Egypt the senior camp will be Janet Felsh ington Park. PR IC K E TT and GRACE D. P R IC K -! c CUl o r t uiii^ i j nK tu Secretary of o State Bob , j lived for months on dehydrated beef. o c L ic ia i v ui iaic er, James Taggart, Jack Manges, Em ! 3101 SW McChesney Road, Ei V ' h‘* p m r K m C K H P B f i Farrell. dehydrated milk, dehydrated butter CHURCH OF CHRIST iiy Sayre. Rev. Sturtevant will be | widower, W. E.^PRICKETT and GRO-1 o f the 21 pedestrians killed. 13, or and vegetables. Visiting a Cairo Portland, Oregon George W. Springer, Pastor chaplain, and Rev. Hall is the dean of j This space paid for by an Oregon V E L IN E PRIC KE TT, his wife; H. VV $3 percent were struck in accidents 1 museum they saw their first mummy. 9:45 a. m. Worship and preaching. the junior high camp. A Red Cross j businessman. PR I(?K E T T and A N N A H. PR ICK - occuring in cities, while 7 were killed "This is going too far," said one. Topic Exceeding Great and Prec certified Life Guard will be on hand “ V - O W e S S o ! Y K M U c K S r e “ ,U,al l- S S dehydrating » o n . . « , - - during the swimming hours. ious Promises. ? ■ GnRKA n ^ r r n r "These figures are evidence that Wichita News, Battleship Oregon Relics Following the sermon, the Lord's wife, O R A D E LL P R IC K E T T GRI- pedestrian safety is a rural problem, I supper will be observed. E B LE R and W ILB U R L. G R IE B -,as wejj as an Ui ban one," Secretary To be at Pioneer P. O. Missing in Action 11 a. m. Bible School. LER, her husband; the unknown p arreu said. “The rural pedestrian C. E. 7 p. m. | . aM. the result, in most ca- Washington, D. C., July 14—The I hms of E LIZ A B E TH A IK E N BRIO- Word has been received by Mrs. E. Evening worship 8 p. m. dec-used, and all other _ I>‘‘ * - s,.s ,,f failure on tin- part ot the per-i I president has signed the bill author Wednesday Bible study and prayer A. Patterson at Aloha, that her hus yOQt to exercjse proper care M O R TIC IAN band has been reported missing since izing use o fspace in the Pioneer post- sons unknown claiming any light, 9Qn service Wednesday 8 p. m. Study of a June 16 mission in the Pacific area, office in Portland as a state museum Beaverton, Oregon or nt®r®st n or to the herein-1 wj,en crossing highways. Sixty per- ■ II Corinthians Chapter 3. Estab. 1910 - Serving 33 years | Mrs. Patterson and her two child- for relics of the old battleship Ore- after described tract of real property, i cent of the pedestrian fatalities so far I ren have been at the home of her gon and state historical documents. Defendants. | involved unsafe actions on the part of | PH O N E B E A V E R TO N S411 TI1E V A LLE Y parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Altishin. i objects and relics of the Old Oregon ^.0 . ELOISE M HICKS a single the pedestrian. COMMUNITY CHURCH ¡country. woman; RAC H EL H. BED W E L L and --------------- -— ~ " w U N ITED PR E S B Y TE R IA N County FSA Committee ----------------------- m H V DOE nOR R E n w r ELL, a ,L her hus-. hus-l While shopping eat „at the Grey- . ;---- Z ;; ” , JOHN BEDW her „ 4110 SW Gabel Lane Increase in Federal Employ band; ELOISE M A R IE H EN D RIC K- hound Coffee Shop. Beaverton. Rev. H. A. Armitage, pastor Announce Plans ------- SON, a single woman; C A R L E. 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship and While in Beaverton be sure to eat An increase of 8978 in the number i HENDRICKSON, the widower of Bible study 7 p. m. Evening Wor Plans for the new fiscal year, to of paid federal employes in the con- FLO RE NC E HICKS H EN D R IC K - at the Greyhound Coffee Shop ship with Group Discussions. gether with reappointed and new tinental U. S. was reported by the SON; C. C. C A R TE R and A L T A E. members of the Washington County civil service commission July 6. ) C AR TE R, his wife; MRS. A. MER- BETH EL FSA committee, were announced this It was the fifth consecutive monthly : LO; and FRE D NESSLY, the sole CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH week by V. S. Madsen, County Farm Increase and brought the total to j and only heir at law of Elizabeth Ai- Rev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor Security Supervisor, Commercial 2,862,449. In June of last year fed- ken Bridwell, Deceased, Defendants. 9:45 a. m. Church School. building, Hillsboro. eral employment reached a lecord 11 a. m. Worship. IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E All FSA loan applications for ope peak of 3,002,453. ____________________ OF OREGON; You and each of you rating goods, water facilities, group METHODIST CHURCH services and farm ownership are re Little Bob asks to k n o w - ” I f we *re hereby required to appear and Albert S. Hisey, D. D , Minister viewed and approved by the commit are here in this world to help others /he above ent.Ued complain 9 45 a. m. Sunday School. Brunette Blonde Redhead tee to make the best possible use of then what are the others here for?’ within four weeks from the date of j 11 a. m. Preaching service. j the first publication hereof by setting available credit and management as W. S C. S. meets Wednesday. sistance, reported Madsen. Funds Visit our special bargain counter- j forth whatever right, title, or interest Yes, people the nation over have reported PILG R IM LU TH E R A N CHURCH appropriated for the new year provide new mdse each week. Walkers Dept. I you claim in the hereinafter describ- G R A Y V IT A Vitamins W O RK, and that their about the same amount for rehabili Store. gray hair is returning to its natural color. The Bible Church 3tf | ed real property and are further no-! G R A YV IT A V itamins contain the same amount | tified that upon your failure so to do, tation loans as last year, but farm Box 697, Beaverton of “ anti gray hair vitamin” (Plus 450 Int units ownership 1 oans will be heavily = l l l = l l l = I I I E I I i = l l l = l l l = m = l l l = l l l = I H = l l l = I U = l l l the above named plaintiff will apply Bi) as tested by a leading housekeeping maga Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive to the Court for judgment forever zine. Of those tested, #8 % had return o f hair curtailed due to difficulties in secur = Walter R. Buhl, Pastor G R A Y V IT A Vitamins are non-fatten barring you of any right, title, and color. ing good farms at reasonable prices. III ing, can’ t harm your “ permanent.” 30 day Sunday School 10 a. m. interest in and to the following des supply $1.50; 100 days, $4 00. Phone Divine Services 11 a. m. B RO AD W AY AT WATSON cribed real property in Washington "What is your definition of suc BEAVERTON PHARM ACY County, Oregon, and adjudging the cess?” some on asked the British R K E O V ILLE COM M UNITY plaintiff to be the owner thereof and Prime Minister who replied in his Phone Beaverton 2311 I’ Rl.HBYTHRLAN CHURCH 5 forever quieting its title thereto. Said Sunday School 10 a. m. Mr«. Otto usual satirical manner: "Young man, |lj real property being described as fol- all that I can say about success is George. Supt. ÎÜ lows: to-wit: this it is the one unpardonable sin Worship Service 11 a. m. that any man can commit in the eyes Young People's C. E. 7 p m. Under new management jjj Tract 1: Lot 4, Block 11, Peggs’ Prayer Meeting and Bible study, of his less fortunate fellows." subdivision, Amended Plat, as MR. and MRS. BEN LAM B Thursday. 7 p. m. shown on the duly recorded maps Strict reductions on all mdse, at and plats thereof. Walkers D ept counters, While In Beaverton be sure to eat bargain 8tf Store. at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. Tract 2: Lot 5, Block 11, Peggs’ G R O C E R IE S Subdivision. Amended Plat, as Brake Reline—Labor Only shown on the duly recorded maps R E P O R T OF CO NDITION O r C H E V R O LE T liW-1942 $7.00 PLYM O U TH 1936-1942....... $7.00 and plats thereof. MEATS ■ W. E. PEGG See Our Bed Room Furniture- Spring-filled Daven ports and Chairs- Occasional Chairs and Swing Rockers GRAY HAIR? Get Grayvita Vitamins Beaverton Furniture Company Elmonica Grocery Opening Special For July Only First Security Bank OF B EAVERTO N , OREGON At the close of hunlneiut June 30th, 1944 A State banking institution organized and operating under the hanking laws of this State and a member of the Federal Reserve System. Pub lished In accordance with a call made by the State Hanking Authori ties and by the Federal Reserve Bank of thla District. ASSETS Loans and discounts (lnoludlng $354.88 overdrafts $ 128.380.10 United States Government obligations direct and guaranteed .... 1,562,688.25 ObligaUons of States and polltioal subdivisions ------------------ - 30.972.50 Corporate stocks Including $1,050.00 stock o f Fed Res bank) 1,050.00 Cash, balances with othfcr banks Including reserve balance, and caah Items In process o f collection 912.469.37 7,600.00 Bank premises owned $4,000.00, fura and fixtures $3.600 00 _______ TO T A l, ASSETS 1,489.364 37 817,186 47 215,574 85 43.417 93 18,134 85 IM P E R IA L FEEDS Sign Up for Lockers = NOW — III 'I1 = Tract Beaverton 3177 mi É iii= iii= iii= iiiE iii= n i3 iii= iii= iii= iii= m H N i= iin 2.583.678 47 $ \ ( ACCOUN TS T O T A L L IA B IL IT IE S Tract 4: Beginning at a point in the center of County Road No. 397 at the intersection of said road I and the south boundary line of the O. & E. right-of-way; thence south 154.5 feet to the place of begin- ] ning; thence east 200 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 50 feet; thence West 200 feet to center of County Road; thence north 50 feet Ml = to place of beginning, containing HI 0.23 acre, all Lot number 12 in Steele's Addition to Beaverton. ili I Tract 5: The North 105.75 feet of = the South Half of Block B of the III original Town of Beaverton. obliga C A P IT A L ACCOUNT* I Capital Surplus Undivided profita ........... ...... ........ ......... ....... ...... Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital) T O T A L C A P IT A L FxTESH F R U IT $ 2,643.16022 IJA B IIJT1K S Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations Tim s deposits of Individuals, partnerships .and corpsrationa Deposits of U. S. Government, including postal savings) Deposits of States and Political subdivisions Other Deposits (certified and officers checks, etc TO T A L DEPOSITS ___________ $2,583,678 47 T O T A L L IA B IL IT IE S (not Includlng subordinated tlons shown below) ........... Tract 3: Lot 5, Block 12. Peggs' Subdivision, Amended Plat. as shown on the duly recorded maps and plats thereof. VEGETABLES D O Y O U R W A R D U T IE S / 25.000.00 5.000.00 22.581.75 6,900 00 56,481 I t AND C A P IT A L ACCOUNTS 2.643.160 22 1 This bank's capital constats of: Capital notes and deben tures $8,60000. Common stock with total par value of . $25 666 66 M EM O RAND A Pledged assets (and securities loaned) (book value): U S Gov. obligations, direct and guaranteed .pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities I « >TAL TO TAL __ account 1936-1942 $7.00 FORD 1938-1942 .............. $7.00 Valve Grinding — Labor Only C H EV R O LET All Models $12.00 PLYM.. all 6 cyl. mod *... $15.00 DODGE 6 cyl FORD V-8 all models $15.00 $20.00 Complete Motor Overhauling done on flat rate basi» or by the hour. Motor tune up for all makes of Cars. FEATURING RICHFIELD GAS and OIL PRODUCTS Located at W . Beaverton on Formerly The Hub Tualatin Highway Hours 7:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. Leonard’s Service & ñuto Repair BEST MARKET PRICE FOR S T R A W B E R R IE S , B O Y S O N , YOUNG and L O G A N BERRIES, B L A C K C A P and C U T H B E R T R A S P B E R R IE S (No. 5771) Estate of Axel F Larson. Deceased. IN TH E COUNTY COURT OF TH E STATE OF OREGON FOR TH E COUNT OF W ASHINGTON. Beaverton In Probate NOTICE IS H E R E B Y G IVEN that i the undersigned as Executrix of the I^st W ill and Testament of Axel F. j I a i son. deceased, has filed her Final 1 Account In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington ¡County and that Monday, the 24th .day of July. 1944. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in the Court Room of said County Court in the (Court House of Washington County .at j Hillsboro. Oregon, be fixed as the time fcnd place for the hearing of ob jections thereto, if any there be. and | the settling thereof. Dated and first published June 23. ! 1944 I Date of last publication July 21 S j 1944 Rev. Leonard <\ Johnson ••Signed' EMMA N LARSON. ^ PHONE 3 ;*i ____ Executrix A R TH U R LANO CU TH Attorney R. I. MacLaughlln & Co. 216.000 00 228.767 39 5.500 63 234.26802 1, RU TH N TATIXX?K, Asst, cashier of the above-named bank, hereby certify that the above statement la tru/ to the best o f my knowledge and belief R U TH N TATLO C K Correct.—Attest ■ JOHN E BLUM H O DOW NING JAY GIBSON Directors State of Oregon, County of Wash tngton sa Sworn to end subscribed before ms this 11th day of July 1944 J J. McMAHON Notary Publia for Oregon My rommlselon expires Juna 6. 1666. This summons is served upon you by order of the Honorable R. Frank Peters. Judge of the above entitled Court, dated June 20th, 1944. P. L. PATTERSON, Resident Attorney of Oregon, Post | Office Address Commercial National | Bank Bldg., Hillsboro, Oregon. Date of First Publication June 23. : 1944. Date of Last Publication: July 21, 1944. n o t ic e o f f i n a l 216,000 00 Secured and preferred liabilities Deposits secured by pledg ed assets pursuant to requirements of k * Deposits preferred under provisions of law but not secured by pledge of assets P. O ___ ____ _____ ____ ___ _____ _ 6i The South Half of I-ots 7 and 8, Block 28, Beaverton, as shown on the duly recorded maps and plats thereof DODGE Niti«n»l Ditlillfr» Product* Con-er«tion Nrw York m Praef Phone Beaverton 3271 Reaverton CHURCH of the NAZARENE The Church is man's tangible contact with Gcal Thg person who says he can wor ship God in nature Is stating the truth, but seldom is it done by that one opposed to the church The church is ordained and insti tuted by God for the perpetuation of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ Are you an active participant in this program? The rhurch needs you and you need the i7’ UI' h Worship God m the Church of your choice th:s Lords Day !