AMERICAN HEROES B Y LEFF H. H. JEFFR IE S, Publisher Published Friday or each week by the Rloneer Publishing Co., 'at Beaverton. OruKun. Filtered as seeond-olass matter at the poet office at Beaverton. Ora One Year F rid ay , Ju ly 14, 1944 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton. Oregon Paee 2 __________________ 41-00 Subscription Payable In Advance. Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg.. Phone Beaverton 2321 Portland Office— 308 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Aider Phone ATwater 6691 M in is * tU «:;:,.. O reg ] P urus — Lynch Pledge* Pharmacy’s Support HA HON HOOK EEMiNDEB . l ¿ Cut this out and keep it In your purse or billttUd. Book MEATS -FATS— Red Stamps A-8 through Z8 are good indefinitely. Waste kitchen fats exchanged for two points and four cents a pound. PROCESSED FOODS— Book A—Blue stamps A8 through Z8 and A5, valid indefinitely. Ample Parking—Form Fitting Seats SUGAR— TIGARD. OREGON—T E L 3635 Stamp No. 30, 31, 32 in book 4 valid Beit Pictures — De l uxe Sound indefinitely for five pounds. For canning only: Sugar Stamp Admission 50c, children 20c, inclu tax 40 valid for 5 pounds through Feb. in Uniform 20c Anytime 28, 1945. Apply to local boards on 2nd Men Show Approximately 9 o’clock Form R-323 for remainder <20 lbs. Contii.aous Show Sunday at 2:30 max. per person) affixing spare stamp j 37 for each person. S H O E S — Loose Stamps Invalid Book 3—Airplane stamps N o's 1 Friday-Sat urday, July 14-15— and 2, indefinitely for one pair. Lon Chaney-Louise Allbritton FU EL OU>— Period 4-5 coupons valid through SON O F DRACULA Sept. 30. Place new orders as soon as Period 1 coupons received from Plus The Andrew Sisters- Harriet Hilliard in local boards. SOLID F I'E L S — SW IN G TIM E JO H N NY Dealers deliver by priorities based on needs. Sunday-Monday-Tuesday, July 16-18— GASOLINE COUPONS— Not Valid unless Endorsed Deanna Durbin—Franchot Durbin- Franchot Tone B3—or C3— may be renewed with- j Pat O’Brien in but not before 15 days from date HIS B U T LE R ’S SISTER ' on cover. WOOD. COAL. SAWDUST— ORDER NOW ! Don’t risk short-! Plus Chester Morris—Nancy Kelly in age next winter. T IR E IN SPE CTIO N — TORNADO Records must be presented for j | gasoline renewals, special application ) Wt*d.-Thur».-Krl.-Saturday, July 19-23 and tire replacements. W A LLA C E B E E R Y PR ICE CONTROL— M ARJO R IE M AIN Refer price inquiries and corn- At Their Best In plaints to price clerk at your local board. R A T I O N I N G Jack Lynch, manager of the Ore­ gon State Pharmaceutical and Port­ land Retail Druggist's Assn., Inc., has announced that in obedience to a re­ quest received from Dr. Thomas Per- ran, Surgeon-General of the U. S. Public Health Service, retail drug stores of Oregon, numbering approx­ Life jacket nearly torn from hii body by cro»» fire from enemy bombers, imately 600, will assist in a nation­ Clyde Neil Andrews, Second Mate, Merchant Marine, foufibl back from the wide drive to recruit additional nur­ bridge of bis ship with a .30 caliber machine sun without protective shielding. ses for the U. 8. Cadet Nurse Corps. I aler the ship was torpedoed and sunk. With exceptional skill and courage he Beginning July »7 drug store own­ moved injured men i ito lifeboats; he wears the Distinguished Service Medal. "There is no Indispensable man,’’ For men like ihtt buy more U ar bonds than ever before. said Franklin D. Roosevelt In 1932. ers throughout the state will serve U. S. Treasury Department signing against President Hoover’s ‘nfor^ aUon cen.tenV ,or ,he U .? indispensability in a time of crisis, Public Service and will have avail- supply of pamphlets and other ' "But there are indispensable princt-1ahl* pies without which government can detailed information relative to the I Rough Area n ,t serve it’s purpose. These are thO|Vne opportunities offered by the Ca- ; Utah Natural Bridges The physical character of the inciples of fair and open dealing det Nurse Corps. According to Mr. Utah, which holds distinction for pr with the public, of using the great Lynch, a survey indicates that hos­ its national parks, national forests Gallipoli peninsula makes it a for­ .lowers of government to serve no pitals are over-crowded and under­ and recreational wonderlands, also midable area to attack. This was nitun party advantage, of keeping sta ffe d -w a r plants are in need of is unique in national bridge preser­ sharply brought out in the 1915-16 nursing care and the nation's health promises.’’ vations. In San Juan county is Nat­ campaign, when the Allies tried to Plus Pierre Aumont—Gene Kelly In is in jeopardy. advance from beachheads in the The above campaign is designed to ural Bridges National monument CROSS OF L O R R A IN E /\nd Some Would relieve a serious gap in home front where within a distance of five miles face of Turkish guns on surrounding Can Grandmothers join heights. Gallipoli is so hilly that nursing, occasioned by the fact that are three natural bridge preserva­ I Cut this out for Future Reference uhange Our System the Elves, Leprechauns, thousands of graduate nurses have tions of rare formation, located " it is impossible to move about in /4WÍVÚ iw In reviewing the record of produc­ joined the Army and Navy Nurses within the Pinte Indian reservation. it anywhere without being command­ Gnomes,and Little Men's \ In the Painted desert of southern ed from some other point.” tion reported by the War Production Corps. Chowder and Marching Its interior is a broken mass of Board up to May 25, last, the world Utah is the magnificent Rainbow Rent Control has • nee Of an industrial miracle] Society, Mr. 0 ‘Malley? arch known as the “ rainbow of the chalk and sandstone, furrowed by wrought Injht- United States. B. M. 1 O p p o s e d t o R e t u r n o f desert." This is the largest of all winter-flowing rivers. Valley sides When is a tenant a landlord also” steep, valley floors often Baruch puts the heart of the story in i . r A.,* known natural bridges and is fa­ are : The OPA rent office has the answer thirty-three words: ’ The war has JaP* l o • aC llIC L o a s t marshy. Even the gentler hill No, Barnaby . . .But —when a tenant residing In a defense mous for its sym m etrical lines been a crucible for ail the economic | l i slopes have been broken by erosion rental area sublets her apartment or they're enlisting in nystems of the world, for our own, I ^ resolution was passed in the sec- which 4dwarf all human architec­ and covered with fragments of chalk I even one room In her home she is ture. for Communism, Fascism, Nazism all ond day morning session of the and sandstone. Hills press close to the Grandmothers subject to provisions of OPA rent state the others. And the American ayatem i United States War Veterans the shore. regulation covering landlords. Thus convention in Eugene on July 11, lias o u i puMlin tNl the* w o r l d . ” W ar Bond League. A French philosopher and historian she is required to register with the unalterably opposing the return of once asked James Russell Lowell how 1 --------------------- defense rental office dwelling accom­ Japanese citizens to the Pacifio coast, long the American Republic would "In the step by step American trek modations which are sublet. Her or any relaxation of internment re- endure to which Lowell replied: toward communism, the method is landolrd files a registration for the m m m m strictions now in effect. As long as the ideals of the founders socialization under old forms and property he rents to her. Then she Congressman Harris Ellsworth in a remain in the heart« of the people.’’ 1 traditions. -Prof. Dorau, New York Continued from Page 1 in turn registers the part which she a talk declared ’’and our first o b l i g a - 1 ____________________ I University. sub-lets. tlon after this war is to see that the A family in Wisconsin habitually be talked about as the “coming pow- j men and women fighting now shall paid 50 cents to an Indian for a pail “We shall fight till we win; we’ve i or.” Yet nothing practical waa at­ be immediately restored to their com­ Indeas are invulnerable— We can tempted until Franklin flew hla kite munities and provided with such of blueberries. But one day last sum­ never lost a war!”—W. H. Perrine, 99, I destroy a man's gun by force, but we in 1746 and Faraday built his toy m o-1 things as are needed to carry them mer he upped the price to 41.00. Civil War vet of Plainfield, N. J. CROCKETT. "H ell of a big cannot destroy by compulsion an idea tor in 1825. Then came Morse with through their period of homecoming. "W hy?” they asked. JOHN/^OrV war some place,” was his laconic A pair of good ears will drain dry | Fi«ld Publication« fou THÉ" THeAloRf ; in his mind or a loyalty in his heart. ,iis telegraph, Bell with the telephone, reply.—Ex. I—Rep. Walter H. Judd. a hundred tongues. Edison with his lamp and Marconi with radio waves. Continuance of School Encourage Spiritual Adventure« I Lunch Program Assured It truly seems that the harnessing j of spiritual waves—the seeds of in­ tegrity, Initiative and inspiration—is I Community school lunch program in where electricity was 100 years ago. j Oregon were assured continued fed­ It so, the greatest need of the post­ eral aid by recent congressional action war era is to teach people where to In authorizing 450.000,000 for this pur­ find spiritual power and how to use pose throughout the nation, according it. iMind you! This does not neces­ to word received from Office of Dis­ sarily mean describing what it is. tribution. The federal policy is to make funds We do not even yet know what elec­ tricity is. We, however, do know available only to those who could not otherwise finance a needed program. how to generate it and use it.) The Open Church Movement—In Assistance during 1945 will be sub­ which I am greatly Interested—is a stantially the same as this year’s. Information on participation in the step in this direction. Its purpose is oor to get people into churches alone by t945 community school lunch program ' themselves not only on Sundays but can be obtained from the Portland Roads' Mghts nt any time during the week when District Representative, Office of Dis­ To Cancel Res they feel the need for private medita­ tribution, 215 Mayer Building, Port- ! ervatio, ns The* Christian Sci- . land’ ° reKon • tion and prayer, in ' ence Church, the New Thought Asso- Ju n e 23.. nations, the unity Groups, the Daily i School Children Purchase ' (A P ) I /W ' " « ' o e^ n S( Meditation Centers at San Antonio Tr, f°D T ) . . . ¡the nspor. ori and elsewhere and Dr. Frank N. D. Many W a r Bonds & Stamps bn °*den *dl Buchmnn are all talking about Spir­ ers of Students In Oregon schools pur­ itual Power and what it can do. The U lti Pi 0\> great need, however, is for carefully chased 49.059.992.50 in war bonds nnd cam v* de stamps from September, 1943, to planned and executed laboratory data j*!ties. h* nc}l‘nt which will command greater respect June 1, 1944, representing a per cap­ ita investment of 434 33. it was an- r than mere words.. j nounced by Mrs. F. W. Blum, schools- June Graduate« Attention Those who have just graduated at‘ WRr chairman. Oregon war finance lf0r '* n c v ia ° o T aCtion Provici, sP*ce for ‘at‘° n of r *s from high schools and colleges com,ntttee. This standing does not Vat'ons, should especially heed the thoughts I ' nch‘ d' • »'»• * • students who pur- have presented. You may have got rh**®d an additional 41,491,083 The licken : marks of 100G in every subject and Pu,T h?ae °* b" nd* and " ,amP* bV ; f0 re ! still be us useless as “ sounding brass catholic schools of the western arch- sP9ce! or a tinkling cymbal". You may dlor®s® *hlch amounted to 4262.- ,m% a n •P^0V',c,í, room ,"'hen well find yourself priceless watches 481.80, a per capita rating of 425.45. without springs, twelve-cylinder mo- ba* a'* ° h®®1' omitted from the total *"« * « ¿ í ¡ j * * vedi In tors without gas or burglarproof . Washington county pupils purchas- the locks without keys. , ^ 4202.182 of the 49,059,992.50 amount v* n n e c f'U r o ,cf, In fact, I feel so strongly about ^*ra Blum reports, ary. to *re l this entile matter that I believe the i0n 'a r i ‘ties di. greatest of all postwar needs is a ori Returns to Duty Overseas .... ° m ioue na splriual awakening. I f so. we all rgerj should make our primary task the Pioneer INihlishing Co. Per- discovering of methods o f harnessing Beaverton. Oregon , than God's Rays which are now all about Dear Sir: fend us but practically unused. Then the Just a note o f thanks for the four greatest changes ahead may not be copies of the Enterprise which you in connection with aviation or plus- forwarded in response to our request tics or chemistry but In connection | |n which was printed the notice of those Intangible forces which the awarding of the DFC to Lt Rob develop Integrity, initiative and In- rrt C Norton, now Captain He was spiration A s you mnv have read in the newspapers, the Office o f on leave and we were with him in indicate the seriousness o f the travel situation. And the new Portland at the time your paper car- Defense Transportation has given the railroad authority O D F order emphasizes this still more. ] ried the notice and we have had no to take train space from civilian passengers at any time, to other word o f it although by now he L I F E ’S L i t t le T R O U B L E S W hy don't we provide more cars, more trains? Virtually no make room for w o u n d «! service men. may have received the orders to cov- new cars can he built during war time. Materials are scarce i ar the award. He has since return- W e sincerely hope that people planning tript not essential i ed to duty overseas, so you can see and car builders have been making guns and tanks and other to the war effort will cancel their plans so that more room will I why we were particularly glad to get war equipment. W ith the biggest army and navy in our his­ i the papers. We are ex-Oregonians, he left on trains, and so make it unnecessary to take these tory, about H.l°o o f all Pullman sleeping cars have to be used having lived in Portland twenty years drastic steps. W e are going to take care of tlieee wounded men i and hope to move back there when exclusively for military service. Travel by men in uniform on first. They come first with us, and we believe they come first this war is over. Thanks again. furlough or traveling on orders, plus the greatly increased Hia parents. with you. But we and other railroads would dislike very much Babson Says WltJIIM We want you to be forewarned -C No AN T SLEEP- need to lie in bed—t__ worry and fret because C O N ­ S T IP A T IO N or G AS PR E S SU RE won't let you sleep Be sensible— get up—take a dash of A D L E R -I-K A a* directed, to relieve the pressure of large intestines on nerves and organs of the digestive tract. Ad- lerika assists old food wastes and gas through a comfortable bowel movement so that bowels return to normal aire and the diacomfnrts a4 pressure stop. Before you know it, you are asleep. Morning finds you feeling clean —refreshed and ready far a good day s work or f ua QtA A J U ttk m / ’mm fs ta y ^--------------------------------- Beaverton Pharmacy Beaverton, 2311 I to cancel reservations at the last minute, or to make people already on trains give up their space. Mr and Mrs Howard N North 716 3rd Ave . W , Seattle, Wash. , Mrs Carl Briggs and Joanne Me- George. both of route 2 Beaverton. I were patients at a Hillsboro hospital last week. Mrs. L. A Janin of Portland, vlalt- | ed her daughter and son In law Mr. New Mrs. Manager and R. B. Doty of for several days. T h e invasion o f Europe has sta rt«!, and how great the toll of wounded will he nobody knows. W e have our w o u n d «! from the Pacific coming in too. And more and more cars must 1 « taken for them from the restricted amount o f equipment left after the regular military requirements are met. \Ve cannot guarantee that if you start a trip you- will 1 « able to get space returning. You must face that fact. I f you're aw ay from home on a pleasure trip and emergenev space cancellations must be made, you may have great difficulty getting hack. Publishing Company John H Hoagland of Boston, took offic# as manager o f ths Christian Science Publishing society last Mon­ day. the board o f directors have an­ nounced. A native o f Louisville. K y . Hoag­ land has done newspaper work in hia own city. W e have now reached the point where there just isn't room on our trains for people who don't have to travel. P - P l e p h n m n g a vacation or other non-essential trip may think I here s always room for one more.” W ell, there isn’t. I f you are planning a train trip not essential to the war effort, we strongly advise you to change your plans, now. S*P For some time we have been urging people not to travel eicept on essential business. W e haven't enjoyed doing this For many yean, we have been trying to promote travel, and it “ goes against the grain" to suggest that people stay off the I A refusal prevents a hundred rs- proaehss volume o f business travel due to the war prqduction effort, taxes the capacity o f the remaining equipment used in re g u - lar passenger train service. There are no more passenger cart available. W e must get along with what we have. trams. The very fact that we have issued these appeals should The friendly Southern Pacific / t