PUBLISH ED W E E K L Y IN OUR P L A N T ON YOL. 17, NO. 24 Oregon SHORT ST. AN D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, July 14, 1944 THE NOOSE Bits o f News About Our Boys E S T A B L ISH E D 1927 Here and There Three I's Oí Success Mrs. L. A Janin o f Portland, visit ed her daughter and son in law Mr. and Mrs. R. B. D oty for several days. Hi F olks: W ater Superintendent G oyt and a B ob Sturtevant and I are together crew of men have been m aking our Early Maturities Bonds in Co. 5009-44 Bks. 2 U U.S.N.T.C. city streets beautiful and useful by | F arragut. Idaho. Chow is good. Babson Discusses The In Sum of $4,888,440 cop iou s daubs o f paint on the pave­ W e're getting all we asked for. C. E. D. Group ment designating where cars can Our Best W ishes The participation o f the state o f park and people walk. T he envy of PAU L L. R O L F Oregon in the Fifth war loan am ount­ everyone, especially the children, are B abson P ark, M ass, July 14— ed to a purchase o f $4.888,440 as fixed the pretty yellow shoes he w ears but W atches w ithout springs, m otois Dear L il. by the state bond com m ission on no one can buy anything near as w ithout gas, oi locks w ithout keys H ow d o you like that opening salu- recom m endation ot State T reasurer colorfu l in the shoe stores are of little use This is the situa- ' tation. N o 1 am not getting fam il­ Leslie M. Scott, and was announced M i- C u i B riggs and Joan n e Me- tlon today w ith the C om m ittee on by G overn or Earl Snell, chairm an. iar, but seeing as you said everyone G eorge, both o f route 2 Beaverton, . E con om ic D evelopm ent and most So far L. O. Arens, mem ber state industrial called you that I will use it. were patients at a H illsboro hospital com m ittees w hich are studying post­ everything has gone- very well and com m ission is the other com m ission last week. war em ploym ent plans. It also ex- am en joyin g the hard w ork.. Paul mem ber. Mrs. W alter L. Myers, Fred Myers, plains one trouble with our sch ools R olf and I were separated from the The bulk o f bonds purchased aVe M is. V. C. Boge, A rleta Boge. Mrs. A. and colleges. T he com m ittees and early maturities, accordin g to Scott, rest on a ccou n t o f dental work. This J. Gallow ay, C harlotte Gallow ay. Mary colleges are neglecting the spiritu,!i which was deemed necessary because is a little differen t from what I ex ­ Myers and David B uffam operated urge which the Prophet Isaiah wrote o f the needs o f the state fo r cash to pected but w ill like it anyway. Hope the kitchen and dining room for the about in the first three versts o f ins carry on its activities such as post- your son B ob likes it as well as I do. C hristian convention and youth co n -j Chaptei 31. T hanks a lot to you and the Board. wai plans beneficial to returned ser­ ference at Turner, Oregon, June 26 What Churches Need Best regards vicem en and industrial w orkers no to July 16.^ Springs w ithout machines, gas with- BOB S T U R T E V A N T longei engaged in war plant work. J. Eric Carlson o f St. Louis, Mo., out m otors and keys w ithout locks A-S Co. 5009-44 Bks. 2U, Cam p W ard. general secretary ol the National Be- are, likewise, o f little use. This is Farragut, Idaho. nevolent A ssociation o f the Christian the situation today with m ost ehurch- Time Extended to July 31 Church. spent last week at Northwest-| es und preachers. T hey fail to eui Short on E, F, G, Bond Sales ern C hristian Hom e. He wus a speak- phusize the scien tific basis for their National Safety Week ei in the state conventions ot the teachings and also fail to apply spir- W ashington county went ‘‘ov e r the July 24-29 church in O regon nnd W ashington and ltual pow er to practical everyday life, top ” on its $2,200,000 5th war loan attended the July m eeting o f the A ny religion which does not express quota Saturday night, the last day o f board of supervisors of the hom e. jitself in right living and social id a E lim ination ot accidents in co n n e c­ the drive, when reports from the six Mis. Em m a D orris o f Kalispel, tions is ot little use. tion with farm m otor vehicle trans­ cou nty areas showed sales for all se­ portation will be the goal o f the safe­ Montana, w ho is the M ontana mem- The postw ar planning com m ittees curities totaling $2,533,532 or 115 per­ ber of tlie board of supervisors visit- and present-day educatidhal and re­ ty program in O regon in connection cent of the over-all goal. H ow ever, ] ed N oithw estern Christian H om e last , ligious institutions need to recognize with observan ce o f N ational Farm th e cou n ty is still 11 per cent short week. , both the im portan ce o f spiritual pow- Safety W eek, July 24-29, a ccord in g to o f its $871,000 quota on E bonds and W altei L. M yers returned from the er and just social relations. T o con- S ecretary o f State Bob Farrell. The the treasury departm ent has con tin ­ S afety Division ot his o ffic e is em ­ C hristian ch urch con vention in Weis- tinue to ignore such will certainly re ued the drive on E, F, and G secu ri­ phasizing er, Idaho, and has gone to represent suit in 10,000,000 to 15,000,000 unem - this phase of safety ties until the last day o f July. w ork o f the ch urch in con vention s in , ployed in the U. S. after the short throughout this month. As a result of the time extension San Jose and Los Angeles, Calif. postw ar boom is over. Thousands o f young people from all purchases o f E, F and G bonds O regon cities and tow ns g o to the M arvin O. Myers has been raised M aterial P ow er Not E nough purchased on or before July 31 will farm s to assist the crop harvest dur­ to the rating of P fc. in the Infantry Land, labor and capital are m ater­ cou nt on the W ashington county ing the sum m er season as first gunner on a m achine gun. ial; while integrity, initiative and in­ Many of quota, accord in g to H. L. M acKenzie these young people are m em bers o f Mr. and Mrs. John D yer of Port- spiration arc spiritual powers. They and W. C. Christensen, county war platoon groups with adult , land, spent Sunday visiting Mr. and may either be inherited or acqu ired ; leaders, i finance com m ittee chairm en. Mrs. Joe Beller on Nielson Avenue. but ut all hazards they must be rec- F arrell said, and must of these Beaverton area Hfcs oversubscribed groups travel in school busses. Safe­ By Hube (.uldhcrg— \eic 1 ark Sun Bril Sindica’« Mis. Hot b elt Mason was the guest 1 ognized in f c c e s s f u l planning. This its quota 124%, selling $382,732.18 ty precautions are an integral part of ot Miss Pollyanna K ick erb ock er in applies be to national planning und w orth o f bonds. McM innville over the week end. 1 to the p. ling o f our ow n personal the program o f platoons. Bloodmobile Coming T igard area finished their quota. Earl D rorbaugh left for Camp lives as ¿Jtviduals. 100% am ounting to $222,285.12. C row der, Mo., last T hursday, after E ven land, labor and capital can July 21 Christensen and M acKenzie express­ Shortage of Rainfall spending a 15 day furlough with his be used to destroy or to con stru ct, nc- ed their appreciation o f the e ffo rts of cordin g to the integrity, initiative and M ore blood donors arc wanted at w lfe and parents in B eaverton. Cause Forest Hazard district and area chairm en, business L. W. Schaad, m arine cook , is home inspiration o f those who have the the next visit ot the bloodm obile in men and wom en, newspapers and ; l on leave and expects to return to land, labor and capital He.nee, I call I H illsboro July 21. A w arning has been issued that others urged that efforts be continue- service the last o f the m onth. Ho is these three spiritual pow ers the D onors without appointm ent may this may prove one o f the m ost dan- •d through July 31. I have in i report from 11:30 a. m. to 12.30 p. m. attending the Geo. W hite Center cook | "T h ree I’s O f S u ccess” , generous fire hazard years ever know n Continued from last w eek national They may cut a normal breakfast at and bakers sch ool for the m aritim e j mind both individual and in Oregon has been issued by K eep com m ission. | success. Under New Management least three hours before donating O regon Green com m ittees. D on't w orry about me too much. Chestei H uddleston and fam ily Spiritual vs R adio W axes T here has been a shortage o f spring Last night when planes w ere over­ blood T he E lm onica G rocery is now un­ rainfall and snow in the m ountains head and guns all around us were The county blood don or center is m oved this week to their new h o m e ! W hen discussing the above with in- ; dustrlaliste and labor leaders, they der the m anagem ent of Mr. and Mrs together with lack o f m anpow er to shooting at them. I was a bit w or­ located in M asonic Tem ple acroas on W atson street. i Paul K nepp and fam ily have taken I agree with m y statem ents; but they B en Lam b form erly o f Bethany. A put ou t small blazes m ight prove a ried about flak falling thru the sur­ ' from court house. possession of the place on N W 8th j com e back to me as follow s "H ow new feature o f this store will be freez­ dangerous fire hazard. gery tent but none even hit us. Oth­ street, w hich they purchased o f Ches- fa n this spiritual p o w e r—o r G od ’s er lockers and already several hun­ Jam es Lewis, H illsboro, W ashing­ erwise the Jerrys are exceedingly ter Huddleston. Ray’s as you call it— be developed and dred people have signed up for these ton County Keep O regon Green ch a ir­ good about respecting the Red Cross Style Review July 17 Mrs. Neta Daly, post m istress, at-1 harnessed. It is not enough ¡fo r quarters where any type o f meat, I man urges everyone to cooperate by and as yet h aven't’ hit any hospitals. At Hillsboro Grange Hall tended the state con vention o f post- preachers, priests, and rabbis to talk fruit, etc., can be kept. A few more being extra cautious with fires dur­ There is a story goin g around that masters in P ortland last week. i «bou t It; let them show us how to reservations can be rented, see them ing the com in g season. On M onday afternoon. July 17 at 2 they told one o f our hospitals to Jam es R. H am pton, Jr., San Fran- ' Krt It and use it." It is probably true today. m ove back, that it was too far fo r­ 1 p. m. Miss Joan F rye o f the Spool cisco, and Laurene D. V asileff May- j that we have generalized too m uch Phone Beaverton 3177 or drop into Special Meeting of Grange ward and too near oth er military' tar­ Cotton Company ot New Y ork , will ' field, B eaverton, were m arried July i an