Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1944)
P U B L I S H E D W E E K L Y IN O U R P L A N T O N V O L . 17, NO, 23 Oregon Over Top $134,030,395 Worth of Bonds Sold by July 4 I -4 SH O R T ST. A N D C A N Y O N H I G H W A Y Jteftverton, Oregon, Friday, Jul) 7 ,1944 H ere and There A M E R I C A N HEROES BY LEFF Dean's Drug Store now have a special offei of interest to everyone—• a special - Dorothy Gray Hot Weath- ei Cologne—and at a special price too. Smith the Jeweler will be open both Wednesdays and Saturdays now. A son. Wm. J. was bora July 1, to j Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Merrell. of ______E S T A B L IS H E D 1927 Letter From France The Next Forty Years Babson Says Long Range Following is part of an interest-' ing letter from Dr. Herbert Mason to Forecasting Necessary his wife in Beaverton. It will be in JE?roF£ Uhv a a h fiUtingfly C e,ebrat*d 1 B A Vd a u g h te . D oroth y R . a rrived at ________ Babson Park. Mass, July 7—While printed in two installments. S lT h e Z j? °J f Unf‘ re b y , the hom e o* M r and M rs Joseph R. France, June, 194-1; 1 have built my business on the long- r ^ ' a, " d “ W.ent Kipp ot Beaverton, on July 1. It's a long time since I've written, Pul'-outlook, 1 ordinarily confine my enenuet i , t ‘ , °' "fL “ 1 ° U' ! A total of 58 cities, towns and vil- but there has been plenty of reason i ne'Vi‘P»pei predictions to periods of was i 1 ( ninr 'a noon' lh e sound lages have been liberated in Fiance for the delay, and till yesterday I not more than a year in advance, ed tht enemy and mUSt haV6 Sta‘ ‘ ' at the end of the first month of the couldn't have mailed a letter even if However, in view of the very broad i- . . . , invasion headquarters announced I had written. | changes which are taking place in U. h-l? a a Ka,K d buyer* ? , ^ ; The big prize was of course Cher- i S. business and political economy, I mirnnn 1 y ?Uying PfSt tbe bourg. 25 miles north o. La Have, For such a short trip, as a boat now feel it advisable to look much million fifth war loan quota. Accord- | an.d y s engineers were working to ■ *'ide across the channel, we were en- j further ahead, ing to late reports it has reached ____ __ . convert the port into a giant supply route an ungodly long time, and liv- General B umihss Outlook ih laof*!) 8UIV ,°f *134030395 bef0I'e base. 56,000 prisoners have been taken ing conditions on the boat were the j Re-negotiation in most instances the last day July 12. Mrs. Lucinda V. Hanes, mother of worst yet. We ate K rations, slept is not the wolf that most war pro E bond sales in Oregon were only , M Kenlah Bell, Missoula, Mont.; ■ $18,5319,075, out of a quota of $381 Beulah in the hold, and didn't bathe or wash ducers thought it would be. Re-con- Mrs. Hildah Highbe, Beaverton. Or.; ; million. ior several days. Yet we had much version to peacetime operations is, and David O. Hanes, Haley, N. D , j to be thankful for, in that we were | likewise, well In hand. While this j passed away June 30th. Funeral spared any damage from enemy ac- may be temporarily disrupt labor and services were held July 1 from W. E j tion, and had a smooth crossing. I interfere with profits, the change- Pegg’s Chapel. The three children j didn't even get sick, so now feel like i over will be gradual and is already accompanied the remains to Haley, [ quite r sailor. You know the repu- \ under way. It should not adversely IN. D., for burial. , tation of the English channel for its ' affect business or the stock market, I Major and Mrs. Wm. D. Campbell i jroughnesjs. Hence, for the first few years after ! who have been visiting relatives and While sitting in the harbor, we had ! the fo,mftl ending of World War II, Hauging in mid-air from a flak lilt LoinLt-r in Italy, I t JoM-pli It Cook, Washington county passed the friands in 0,eg,on an interesting air raid one night and , Rood business in most lines should be $2,000,000 mark in the fifth war loan . and If ,se' Idab° '1Kleft , Monday fo, F.rllon, .New 1 nrk, rlniggleil tn kirk the nose wheel I oom - after it. ineeliuni-iii lone afternoon were shelled with ur- ,n order- drive Wednesday night, according to th^ ' hon’ e at Bf lb?a 18 and' Ca" f , tillery, but without harm. The 1st ' Industrial activity and production hail jammed. I'natdr to heat the wind pressure on the wheel, lie was drawn estimates released by H. L. M acKen-, , a" d Mrs Jack Heetwood left ; shot of the latter hit about a half durlnB the postwar period should run hack into the plane to help the wounded pilot make a di>pi ■ ate helly landing zie and W. C. Christensen, co-chair- Wednesday for thei. home in Maple- i mile away from us with a big explo- “ bout Wr/, above pre-war figures but safely. Don't turn your hark on the Front—lluy More W ar Bonds. men of the war finance committee on' Oregon, after visiting with rela ! sion, the next about one fourth mile ! wil1. of course, show a decrease from This left $200,000 to be raised in the 1 t,ves and fnends ,n Beaverton. i away, the third ahout 200 yds. away ,he Peak of war production. This r. s. i \ I UT* ’i hi George Shively has been transfer- next three days if the county is to ! and soforth till they were within 50 ! d'»P . however, is already being ab- maintain Ks enviable record of never ^ d from camp in Mississippi to Fort yards of us. The i Captain then 1 sorhed in may lines without fuss for failing to meet a war finance obliga-^ ¿af kson' Soath Carohna; 11 waa 80 ! "steamed up” and moved the ship. *hc peak in war production was ^.Qn hot in the Mississippi Camp it was much to our relief. Artillery fire is ''cached almost a year ago.' Nation- a rp . bonds ___*• ___. to . . lag, „ said that .. the Government bale of K continued _ .. . . abandoned . C h a i r m a n r»f C e n t r a l f n m w°rse than bombing, because of it s ' » 1 income. represented by wages, »t, after three thousand of the boys c n a ir m a n Ol c e n t r a ! bom. accuracy. All the while that artil I rents, interest, dividends, etc., will estimates Wednesday night placing . . . ... .. . . — „ _ _ _ _ ;lery was shooting at us. our destroy- Prohal>,V average around $112.000,000,- . . . to ..l approximately 000.000 m l- Oscai Hagg of Reedville, was elect-1 ers were shooting back at them. short of the $871,000 quota set by the i 000 Per yeal • This will support a ed chaiiman of the Washington coun- , .. ^ larire volume of business T.ivint? state and far below the goal of $1,- bers enjoyed the hositality of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Butts at their country tv reDublican central committee at I . 11 oad n8 " a s exeremely interest i nnclu msu iaka ty republican ... - , costs may rica rise 25^ KnF but i# if so H those 648,000 placed as the goal of the , _ . . ., .. ___ home on Ruby avenue, for a F ourth I their meeting held in Hillsboro. He i "1*; V',e we,-e' a* least many of the ; wy,0 now DurPhaso weii selected si*- county committee. , icnjc The Tualatin District of the Boy . . . . . . j , i M p Plsnn officers, assigned to trucks, and these P^renase well selected si*- Banks continued to set the pace in u y p . T . scouts of America held their Coui-t su^ceeds M - ” els°0- were taken ............. from the ship in small ‘ ?U ,n gains ,8 T to V offset living f e’^ lgh CaP‘ dorincr ( h . thirH w P»u nf the Mrs Roy M an Kes and son Jack scouts or America hern tneir cou n A series ot meetings will be held neul . . . - tal costs. sales during the third week of the from a months visit . ° f Honor at 1 igard, Oregon, on eaCh month. Plans were made for a 'andin8 craft, which carried them up llulldlns i have returned drive Saturday night with a record of le in Nebraska. They Ihursdaj, Jufte 2e. 1944. Judge Bat- fa|| campaign. A house to house a s'°P ' n8 beach, let down a gang w ith » hid to their old home high level o f national ln- * -v i • 1 K > n/l u r iF L 4-/ m • L ' l * n r\ A l o * ... . . . . lilt ) n il 11 n i l n f F t L n 1 ’ V 1 1A J M. . ■ . n 92 i t per as n compared ^ happy to cli- ber with Stur- wlll made in m the different Plank’ ; and oft the vehicle drove. w h » cent A A u n of t v quota rppnrH sold n f 77 er ppnt w i return c t u m to iu v Oregon / ic Kuu bn- ---- presided .--------- " Rev. " , Francis ~ \ c canva8a anvaaa w i n be oe m a u e in e u m ereni - ,7 ---------- . ----- come, plus accumulated , savings, I , can I . ----- x -----------1 -x. X..J— X -.----x Sometimes t he skippers of these , Hiltahoro mnvlri (h«Wk into mate having experienced a few day.s tevant as associate judge. The Court parts of the county bv precinct com -: Som,etlnles ‘ hc "k'PPcrs of thei small ''chicle* vehicles let one o ff *- in shallow n° i 8ee aayth ‘ n* exc,e Pt a Y,Pry Iar.»i‘' a TI a ^ wh aaa * J „„ A t, > ap of hot weather which made Mrs Man was preceded by a pot luck dinner. mittees. ama" place with 83 pei cent of quota, For- most Dart weath- Those receiving second class rank water, and sometimes they m issed- ™ lume oi 7 ^ “ ? ucth 8!,7 S est Grove held third with 80 per Bes S,CK> Du* I,°* Vn® m° 8t pa“ vvealn the vehicle dropping from the gang - ^ Ve expandel greatly during the cent, Beaverton next with 71 percent was good for this time of year were. Teddy Want to Enlarge School Troop 228^ Kenneth Elliott way and disappearing The weap- W a' ' b"* b* ,Uve ln ,he P°stwar Tigard 63 per cent and Sherwood 62 , The flre dpPa rtment was called to ons carrier on which Tom's baggage y e a r 8 ‘ ha* thcy may 7 xceod ln do1' Harts Hatchery on Wednesday. Dye, Norman Sarg; 208- Jim Gregory. Mis E D Lusby was reelected was * placed dropped Into 12 feet of ' il.A lar8 I. thelr 7 ar.tlme peak. Plnna for - - - - * * IIAAieill I III I M A A K « 1 PeBeeaverton has sold $219,975.75, leav- Mrs. Harold J. -Gregory, Beaverton, S n T sta ffo” " Miner ^ B m ie ^ e n t clerk of the Aloha-Huber school Witer"'where “ it"" w t I t T e w t h llf "a Ithe « aewal of aut°mob‘l* P' eduction ing 88,024^5 to be raised. tie has nas been oeen named namea Joel joei W. w xv, first class ........ Iioard and George Gordon director for day. The vehicles were waterproof- 1 “ rP h***^ carefully worked out. A advanced to rank. He to’ b T ra i^ 9 ' ’ 8 A daaKhte. has arrived at the home First Class Merit Badge. Trooy^hree years at their annual school ; ed to stand under water driving up to ^ X O M O W *^ « S $8x,b48.75 to be raised M and Mrs B A Brown of H u- Z04 Tom Powell; 228—James An- • meeting. The budget wus approved. I the top of the eahs. but drivers were ? ay. appr° a®. 6 000 00° cars l y M i Our county has never failed to meet ber Qre ghe wag born June 2i icker. Bill Dolbeer, Gordon Martin, F l* ns have been made for another not prepared for submarine driving ' f° r tw° ol t,hr7 yra,™M In ndditlon' Its obligation in any of the tasks as- ^ cg ester H uddleson attended Ronald O’Brien. Iar«e room on the east side of the I rode the water truck, loaded with 7 - al 8or*8 ” f. , ho,,aeh° ld appliances, signed to it by the Government dur- g jrd state convention of Churches Donald A. Smith troop 204, received present building. This will be parti-1 tons of water and pulling a trailer / ome urn * n*f8, au omo 0 aeees- ing this war. Let's not fail this time. at Turner Oregon, last week. life certificate. , Boned with folding doors and will besides. We went down the gang ; ■ The Chester Huddleson's have sold At the special Eagle Coui-t Jack provide two large class rooms. A way slowly and expectantly, with the Continued on Page 4 I their place on SW 8th Street and will ' Jensen of troop 228 in Tigard, receiv- folding platform will be put in one vehicle in compound low and four, National President of j room so this wing can be used as an wheel drive. When we hit bottom soon be moving to the place they re ed his Eagle award. Kiwanis Internationals auditorium The heating unit now in- water was almost covering the hood, cently purchased on Watson St., near stalled will be sufficent to heat the and one could soak his legs In the | Allen Avenue. Missionary to Speak at rooms. Work will be started soon, floor of the cab. Then the driver, Major and Mrs. Wm. D. Campbell so that the rooms may be In use this after easing the truck down slowly - of Balboa Island, Calif., are visiting Nazarene Church Sunday winter into the watef, gave it the soup, and i her sisters Mrs. H. M. Barnes and it really pulled. On a sandy beach Mrs. M. H. Metcalfe and their fami- Rev. Forrest Forbes, missionary to Dear Sirs: in about four feet of water, It was lies. Major Campbell is on the com- Burma, China, and other fields, will Arrived safely at college, like it remarkable the way It pulled out into manding staff ot Santa Ana Air speak at the Church of the Nazarene, I sure the beach, at about 2 miles an hour, very much. Good chow. ! Base in California, and this is their Sunday evening, July 9 at 7:30 p. m. with the motor roaring away wide ' appreciate that sewing kit and Bible, first visit to Oregon since they left Rev. Forbes will show slides taken or. open. My baggage strappe'd to the | There are a few boys from Tigard three years ago. , the field. One of the largest real estate deals top of the tank, didn’t get wet From j here and some from Portland. I The members of the ration board The public is cordially invited to in the Kinton community for several the beach we drove several miles to ; know quite a few here. We have \ spent a very pleasant evening at the this service. years was transacted last month the cow pasture which is our hospital fine rooms, with only four boys to a : country home ot Mr. and Mrs. Guy —- M is * T a r lv n n H n n n r R n ll when Cornelius Vandermost sold both area. i room. Wonderful place j Carr Wednesday ot last week. places, y of his places. Fred Grabhorn bought j France is very pretty gnd green i / Yours Truly Mrs. Elmer Harnden and daughter days and _ | IX M H O M E home place and I | u uua have nave returned iciumcu to .u their uiru uuii.c _ „ , , . , . ,, . x*.x. the v old x.xx .iwii.x John now, is nice and warm .1 aj A i___ Julia home in Klamath Falls after spending three Maxine ady, daug 1 e o x . Winegar purchased the place where quite cold at nights. About 3 A M. I Salem, Oregon weeks visiting at the home of her Mrs. \ iliis Lady o ea\ei on is ^jr Vandermost is living. Mr. Van- one sees» steam form when he ex parents Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Shellen- amoaK the university students lls " dermoi.t has purchased a small place hales, even in the operating room. Dear Miss Gllham; i berger and part of the time with her ° n ’ he spring erms onor 10 , i ’ at Tobias near his son, Melvin’s" place All of the fields around us, and ev- ^he first day in the army every announced. »*■-» Cady «.e.,v who Finish sister Mrs. Effenberger and sons of been a....ou..t eu Miss w..u and plan8 to mov# there in a few erywhere, are filled with abandoned thing is going O. K. so far. ! Tillamook. Mrs Effenberger and ha? i ust -completed her sophomore weeks gliders and spotted with parachutes, ed processing yesterday at 11 o'clock. ' sons also spent the week end with year' is majoring in music at the um- where the airborne troops landed There are only 6 more days of it W e are waiting now for I the family. versity. earlier. The parachutes are of very though. Joins the Waves good silk and rayon, and have be- 1 Barrack Inspection Thanks to the I Vandals are abroad having thrown j X/I17\A/C pop bottles through the bedroom win- N E W b and VILNY j Misa F’ lizabeth Ewet of Aloha, has ™ mt Pri*ed souvenirs of soldiers. | Beaverton community for the essen- ( dow of the Metzler home on Lombard ■ ---- • joined the Waves and she will study I,,anes- allied are ever us all day,' tials. An Inductee Street and several windows in the Mr. and Mrs B. P. Taylor of xSpo- . H t College New York and and enemy ones all night. F We can 1 high school weie broken with empty Uane. visited last week at Mrs. M. C. R v,0, ♦ „ . ( „ . '» « • our own flights coming In BEN DEAN . w . » î T T METEU ------- i pop ’ bottles. The Albert E. Hanson Morris home leaving Saturday for ■ - ,n v n f « - > - • An advertising executive and former place in B om nto has been visited Ml d Baattk to visit a daughter before triplets l ---------" ---- v------- --------- a . ___ newspapei editor, who long has been a drum containing gasoline emptied returning home. p ^______________ have seen them towing in and releas- Report O il Oregon one of America's top spokesmen for and water put in the drum. When Mrs. M. C. Morris’ son Roy arrived M p • ■ p-. l A T\ L, *nK gliders and parachutists Artil- c | r n m m i D e e f o r In n o the free enterprise ssytem of govern- Albert attempted to run his truck from Lewiston. Idaho. Sunday mom- IVlrS. r v lle y E*ieCle<J \ _lerK |ery jj re )g easiiy within hearing dis- v w i m i m i c e iu j ment, will guide Kiwanis Interna- the contents ot the drum it ing returned Tuesday night. Edgai ------- tance, so that there Is thunder day ' tional's more than 2.200 clubs and caused no end of trouble and loss of ot Portland, joined his mothei and At a rerent annual school election and night, but none of their projec- Volunteer collection of wn»to paper 132.000 members throughout the time in cleaning his engine. brother just for a day. at Cooper Mt. the budget was approv- tiles land near us. Last night Jer-1ln Oregon during June nose-dived to United States and Canada during the Mrs. C. Balfe and daughter Jean Mr. and Mrs. Bob Summers and ed and Mrs. R. W. Riley was re-elect- rys was dive bombing several miles j their lowest level In six months, only coming year. left last week to visit Mr. Balfes Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stipe left Sun- ed school clerk for another year and from us, but It sounded overhead. ,on" beirlJ| rep<j7 h against Ben Dean of Grand Rapids, Mich., mother in Spokane. Soon after their da> morning for a weeks vacation at I'ritz Gindhart re-elected dlreetor for and everyone who wasn't working 1684 ,on* m Ma>’ With paper mil s a Kiwanian for 16 years, known by arrival she passed on. they tele- Yachats. three years. ¡was up In a trench. I'm glad I crying for more paper and w i - thousands of Kiwanians from coast graphed home and Mr. Balfe left for The O. E. S. Past Matrons Club Mrs Ida McFarland left last week work at night, for one couldn't sleep ready small tnventoiles due to dwind- to-coast, came up the ladder the hard Spokane to attend the funeral. met June 30th with Mrs. F. H fot her home tn St. Louis She h i* anyway. j *'* ,.raPld.y .li n'*** ada,B°_I\a l. paJ>''7 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fleetwood of Schoene, Portland. There were been visiting at the Price home * xi/- ,._» i here, .* ». 1 collected, the urgent nee.l is a- r> 1 way and previous to his election as We have been extremely k busy ent. Waste paper remains the Na- president of the international service Mapleton, Oregon, came to visit the eighteen to enjoy the occasion. Host- and although we work in 12 hour played an active role in the move Barnes, Metcalfe and Campbell fami esses Mesdames F H Schoene, Geo f uneral services were held Monday shifts, actually do much more than B °n'* No_ 1 ment of business. Industry and agrt- He. Mr. Fleetwood is convalescing vt Brown. Henry Nelson, J. R. Tal for Batti, 1a Leonettl, late of route 3. that pe. 24 hours The first day here / „r^Jrams ,t must not culture to preserve and protect thetr from a serious injury he received in bert, E. Garrish and Doy Gray. Beaverton, who died June 26 He we arrived about 6 p m — I worked 'n , " nlva* p programs must noi constitutional rights. the woods where he is employed. Barney Bentler of Randall, Minn wa, husbftnd of Teresa Leonettl; fa- till 130 putting up tents, then went w " " ' col.ntv wa. r. f Pd , htrd Dean has consistently advocated the several weeks ago. spent ten days at the home of his ther of Anthony of Beaverton, Frank to work In surgery at 8 a. m. and . tv,» n r X of their ner eanita ratin. development of specific community 1-ouie Madden is at a Portland hos- sister. Mrs. Adolph IxaFond after i^onpttl. Mrs. Mary Novlell, Mrs worked continuously till 1 p m. the M . . ’ _ . . in n,,r plans to meet post-war problems, an pltal recovering from an operation. which he went to Seattle to visit a Bose Martin, Amelia Smith and Vlr- following day. I was so tired I was a ' ' orderly but certain demobilization of Karl Hall has been released from brother. glnla Schleigh; brother of G. Leon-1 Jittery and could hardly sleep. Since p *"________________ wartime economic controls, «he de- the hospital Through care and ad Mis Earl Miller has returned after Mrs Rose Baratta. all of FNirt- I've gotten more sleep hut still do - . , p , q velopment of fiscal policies which will vanced medical service no operation at a three weeks visit with her husband Mrs Carrie Powell, mother of twin nothing but eat, sleep, and work I In ju r e d a t F e d a r o t r e e t give the free enterprise system a present was necessary at Camp Carson, Colorado. daughters Lt. Katherine Powell and go on at midnight and work till mid 1 - ~~ chance to operate, the hehahilitation Charles Thompson is slowly pro- Friends from Portland ptcnlced u . Evelyn Powell, now nursing in afternoon the following day. and dur- J. H. Stiles has a hadly bruised and employment of service men and greasing from serious burns he suffer- on The Fourth in the yard of Mis. M New Guinea, passed away June 20, ing that time go continuously A lo« hand as the result of an accident last women, and an enlarged program of ed but is still in bed. c. McKercher. 1944, In the home of her friend Mrs. of the surgery is minor, which almost week when his milk delivery wagon education for all who are able to i Elva Boyd. 86. resident of the Anna Mae Long is working part j vy Martin. Beaverton, Oregon. She everyone has been doing but some is was struck by a freight engine wh'le take advantage of it. Northwestern Christian Home, suffer- time and taking a course at a Port came here by ambulance on the fifth extremely serious and the wounds he was crossing the Oregon Elertr'e In a recent nation-wide broadcast, j ”d shoulder and hip injuries when he iand shipyard. having been confined to her bed in are more remarkable than anything tracks on Cedar Stree*. 150 gallons the new president declared that the fell at the Home. He is at a Port- Bob Long who has been serving on Portend the past two months. Her- I've ever seen in civilian life and of milk was spilled. It was « « ’d the» problem of post-war employment can land hospital a fireboat at Longview while fighting vices were held in Peggs chapel June army up till now, I had seen not one . the red signal light failed to flash, be solved only through plans nvolv-! Hurrah for Washington County' a fire on the waterfront a few weeks 21 and the body taken by her broth- penetrating wound of the chest, ■ ing free enterprise, individual initia- Reported on July 4 as several thous- aKO, had the misfortune to badly tear and aister ¡n law, Mr. and Mrs. H where air sucks In and out with each Charles Isaacson Is on a 13 da tive and private industry He c<- and over the top and four days to the ligaments of his knee cap He A Borcheding of Moore, Mont., to breath, and the patient is extremely leave from Farragut, Idaho, visiting pressed the opinion that "the Jobs of g ° was in a Portland hospital foi two LeWi*ton. Montana, where she will short of breath and upset. These his family. 0 out men and women in uniform h a v e _______________________________________ weeks when he was discharged and be laid to rest beside her husband are common here, and require a very Mr White and Russell Peyton are the first call on the industries of this went back on duty on the boat, but Mrs Powell made many friends In good anesthesia with a tube through building a home above the Cooper country." relation* between the United States it seems his knee was not strong town two years ago while living here the mouth and larynx down Into the Mountain school. Mr Dean's son is fighting over- and Canada. He also will advocate enough to withstand the strain and gbe assisted in the Geo Thyng home trachea. Soon you will really begin Bjorn Classen celebrated his ninth sea*. the need for vocational guidance, sup- appears to be worse than at first. seven months, caring for the Shaw to see wounded and crippled soldiers birthday with twelve small friend*. A* head of the Kiwanis he will port of churches in their spiritual Guy Carr locked up his place of children at home as casualties are high and Pvt Wayne McKibbon 1* home urge clubs to continue their work on aims and constant vigilance ln public business on Friday and opened on Benjamin Homer Tupper of ForeM injuries severe. The average case leave. behalf of underprivileged children and affairs. Wednesday spendn#' his vacation Grove, half brother of Mrs Anna has two or three wounds and not Just A marriage license ''as hc<" *«* le among boys and girls. He will s t r e s s , --------------- ------- from business with his family at • McLeod. Beaverton, died last week. one. • to Vern Russell of Seaside, Ore. and the importance of maintaining cordial , Turn war stamps Into Bonds home tn Sorrento. land. Interment Mount Calvary. 1 To be continued next week Hazel Conlee. Beaverton. Washington County Exceeds Quota ^ *&.' Court of Honor Held flf Ttgafd JUItC 22 9.,c*r H»g* Ejected a i a s a a i a Bits o f N ew s A b o u t Our Boys Two Real Estate Deals