Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1944)
Babson Says . WKNT H ILLS LU TH E R A N CHL'BCH Canyon Road, near Sylvan Werner J. Frit*, Minister July 2nd Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Divine Service H a. m. Sermon: Christ and the Persecuted. Missionary Guild and Church Coun cil meetings Wednesday evening, July 5th. CHURCH OF CH RIST George W. Springer, Pastor 9:45 a. m. Worship and preaching. Topic A Peculiar People. 11 a. m. Bible School. Following the sermon, the Lord's supper will be observed. Wed. 8 p m. midweek Bible study C. E. 7 p. m. Evening worship 8 p. m. Wednesday Bible study and prayer service Wednesday 8 p. m. Study of 1 Corinthians Chapter 16. Ample Parking -F orm Fitting Seat* TIG A R D OREG O N—T E L 2525 Best Pictures — De Luxe Sound Admission 50c. children 20c. inclu tax Men in Uniform 20c Anytime 2nd Show Approximately 9 o'clock Continuous SSnw Sunday at 2'30 At Jantzen Beach July 3-4 ’ The trumpet king of swing", Louis : Armstrong, and his famous all-coler- I ed orchestia open next Monday even, ling at Jantzen Beach’s beautiful gold- en-canopied ball room. Jack Tea garden, “ King of the Blues", will complete his current engagement at Jantzen Beach Ballroom with music for dancing Friday, Saturday and Sunday. j Jantzen Beach Park will be open in | full next Tuesday for a grand and C H LR C ll OF T IIE N A Z A R E N E ¡glorious 44h of July with swimming, picknicking. thrill rides, games, fun- 459 SW First houses, shooting galleries. . . fun for Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, Mission every member of your family, going full-tilt from noon to midnight. On ary Sunday. the 4th of July, Armstrong’s orohes- 11 a. m. Special service in the morning worship hour, with the Port ' tra will play for two dances, matinee and evening, both modern. land Camp of Gideons as speakers. The park will be open every even 6 15 p. m. Junior meeting, Miss ing and all day this Sunday with its Edith Watts, leader. 6 30 p . m. N. Y. P. S. Mission usual schedule of entertainment, in ary service, Juanita Keebaugh, leader. cluding an old-time matinee dance 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic Service. Sunday afternoon with music by Ash ley Cook’s orchestra. Elmer West, speaker. a Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer and P IL G R IM LU TH E R A N CHURCH Missionary Study. The Bible Church Box 697, Beaverton A l.O IIA COM M UNITY CHURCH Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive Gray don D. Loree, Pastor Walter R. Buhl, Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. Mary Antrim Supt. Divine Services 11 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Youth Fellowship and Teachers’ HT. C EC ELIA CHURCH Forum, 7 p. m. Masses 7:55 to 9:55 a. m. on Sunday Evening service 8 o'clock. during summer months. Friday-Sat., June 30-July i _ Humphrey Bogart with the Original Dead End Kids In C RIM E SCHOOL Plus Ronald Reagan -Jane Bryan GIKI.S ON PR O B ATIO N Sunday-Monduy-Tursday, Jan. C RY HAVOC Wednesduy-Sattirday, July 5-8— GUNU HO She’s For Me Through Christ, God created the universe and through Him, God brings all things to pass. All things were made by Him and without Him was nothing made that ELOISE M. HICKS, a single woman: was made. The sun rises; the sea RACHEI. H BED W E LL and JOHN sons return; the planets make their DOE B S D W E IL her husband: circuits, all by the hand of Christ, the ELOISK M ARIE HENDRICKSON, u Master Workman. I single woman; C A R L E. HEND- So it was that God also worked ! RICKSON, the widower of F L O K -! through Christ to save men from , ENCE HICKS H E N D R IC K SO N : C .! their sins. God sent Him forth to iC. C A R TE R and A LTA E CARTER, seek and to save that which was his wife, LIVESTOCK STATE lost. As a loyal Son, He obeyed the IB A N K ; SAM BIANCHI, a single Father and you read His words — man; MRS A MERLO; C H ARLES "Therefore doth My Father love Me, ¡P R IC K E T T and GRACE D. PRICK- because I lay down My life that I ETT, his wife; JOHN P R IC K E T T • might take it again. widower; W E. P R IC K E T T andGRO- He obeyed the Father and laid ! V E L IN E PR IC K E T T, his wife; H. W. | down His life for us. Our sins had PR IC K E T T and A N N A H. P R IC K separated between us and the Father ETT, his wife; E A R L P R IC K E T T but the blood of Christ blotted them and G W E ND O LYN PR IC K E TT. his out and opened to us the way back to wife; O RA D ELL P R IC K E T T GRI- God. . EB LE R and W ILB U R L. GRIEB- Now God has a command for us LER, her husband; the unknown also—“That we should believe on the heirs of E LIZ A B E TH A IK E N BRID- name of his Son, Jesus Christ.” I W ELL, deceased; and all other per John 3:23. sons unknown claiming any right, Yea—"Believe on the Loid Jesus title, or interest in or to the herein- ; Christ and thou shalt be saved".— after described tract of real property. B IB IX . Saved from the guilt and Defendants. power of sin. Enthrone Christ in your heart — To; ELOISE M. HICKS, a single woman; RAC H EL H. BED W E LL and Deliver yourself over to Him-—Make JOHN DOE BEDW ELL, her hus Him the Lord of your life- Trust band; ELOISE M A R IE H E N D R IC K Him utterly—Let the Master Woik- SON, a single woman; C A R L E. man deliver you. HENDRICKSON, the widower of FLO RE NC E HICKS HENDRICK SON; C. C. C A R TE R and A L T A E 3101 SW McChesney Road, C ARTER, his wife; MRS. A. M ER Portland, Oregon LO; and FR E D NESSLY, the sole This space paid for by an Oregon and only heir at law of Elizabeth A i ken Bridwell, Deceased, Defendants. businessman. J COMING SOON W A LLAC E B E E R Y in R A T IO N IN G BOB HOPE in L E T ’S FACE IT William Bendix in HOSTAGES SO PR O U D LY W E H A IL Bing Crosby in D IX IE NO T IM E FO R LOVE FLESH AND F A N T A S Y IN T H E NAM E OF TH E STATE I Ice Cold Watermelons for the 4th HIS B U T L E R ’S SISTER OF OREGON: You and each of you | at Millers. THOUSANDS CH EER 1 are hereby required to appear and GUNG HO | answer the above entitled complaint | Strict reductions on all mdse, at MADAME C U R IE R ID IN G HIGH within four weeks from the date of I bargain counters. Walkers Dept. the first publication hereof by setting Store. 3tf Cut this out for Future Reference forth whatever right, title, or interest ! you claim in the hereinafter describ- I While shopping eat at the Grey i iWAWlW »W»W w k\h èWàW »W *w *W *\ ed real property and are further no hound Coffee Shop. Beaverton. tified that upon your failure so to do, , the above named plaintiff will apply ' Ice Cold Watermelons for the 4th to the Court for judgment forever i at Millers. T IIE V A L L E Y R E E D V IIX E COM M UNITY barring you of any right, title, and COM M UNITY CHURCH P R L S B l’T E R IA N CHURCH interest in and to the following des- l U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N Sunday School 10 a. m. Mrs. Otto cribed real property in Washington : 4110 SW Gabel Lane George, Supt. County, Oregon, and adjudging the | Rev. H. A. Armltage, pastor Worship Service 11 a. m. plaintiff to be the owner thereof and 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship and I Young People’s C. E. 7 p. m. forever quieting its title thereto. Said Prayer Meeting and Bible study, Bible study 7 p. m. Evening Wor real property being described as fol- 1 Thursday, 7 p. m. ship with Group Discussions. lows: to-wit: ALO H A ASSEM BLY OF GOD B E TH E L Tract 1: Lot 4, Block 11, Peggs' C O NG R EG ATIO N AL CHURCH Sunday School 10 a. in. While In Beaverton be sure to eat subdivision, Amended Plat, as Worship 11 a. m. Rev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor at the Greyhound Coffee Shop shown on the duly recorded maps Young people 6:30 p. m. 9:45 a. m. Church School. and plats thereof. Evangelistic 7:45 p. m. 11 a. m. Worship. Ice Cold Watermelons for the 4th Prayer and Bible study 7:45 p. m. at Millers. Tract 2: Lot 5, Block 11, Peggs' M ETHODIST CHURCH Thursday. Subdivision, Amended Plat, as Albert S. Hisey, D. D., Minister Visit our special bargain counter- shown on the duly recorded maps 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. Visit our special bargain counter- - new mdse each week. Walkers Dept, and plats thereof. 11 a. m. Preaching service. new mdse, each week. Walkers Dept makes an unattractive package. W. S. C. S. meets Wednesday. Lot 5, Block 12, Peggs Stpra. 3tf Store. 3tf Tract 3: Subdivision, Amended Plat, as shown on the duly recorded maps and plats thereat. m Continued from Page 1 for replacements, it should be taxed; while during a boom, it should be taxed if it is spent. Well, this sug gestion has caused some employers to set up a big howl. Perhaps the idea is crazy; but there is no harm in discussing it. Just one more illustration; Many farsighted insurance men believe it is not healthy for the country to forbid savings banks, life insurance companies and other insitutions from buying "equities.” To force them to bu> so many governments is keep ing funds away from small business men and home-builders. "It is O. K.", they say “ to forbid us from buy ing the stocks of corporations which ha\e bonds outstanding; but, in the Interest of the public, we should be allowed to invest a certain proportion of our funds in the equities of'com - panie^ having no debt,—especially during depressions.” This sounds sane to me. Certainly, this is some thing that employers could get be hind. The English Minister of Re-Con struction. Lord Woolton, is now con sidering some very practical recom mendations to stabilize unemploy ment by synchronizing and adjusting public works, exports, investments, taxes, interest charges and railroad rates to business conditions. His plan is to decrease the first three in booms and to increase them in de pressions; but to increase the last three in booms an dlower them dur ing depressions. I understand that our U. S. Committee on Economic Develop ments is busy making studies. But such studies have been made before. The library of the Department of La bor is full of them. But here is the rub: Too many manufacturers, em ployers and bankers seldom present these proposed employment aids to Congress, as definite legislation. Fur thermore, if labor submits them, the employers’ associations usually fight them. I repeat that too many em ployers ask only for lower taxes and to be let alone! Celebrate at HILLSBORO Annual “ Happy Days’* Celebration and Three-Day RODEO Brun«tt« Blond« Redhead Grayvita Vitamins W O R K - Restores Color Naturally Yes. people the nation over have reported CiHAYV IT A Vitamin« W O K K , and that their Kray hair is returning to its natural color. Ci R A Y V IT A Vitamins contain the same amount of “ anti gray hair vitamin” (Plus 450 Int. units Hr4 as tested by a leading housekeeping maga zine. Of those tested, 88 , had return o f hair color. G R A Y V IT A Vitamins are non-fatten ing, can't harm your “ permanent.” JO day supply. $1.50; 100 days. $4 00. Phone BEAVERTON PHARMACY Phone Beaverton 2311 Famous JantuMi Beach Crys tal Outdoor Swimming Pools America’s Finest . . . Life guards always in attendance. Please Bring Your Own Suits A Towels If Possible Open Every Hay From Noon On -DANCE } W. E. PEGG M O R TIC IAN Beaverton, Oregon Estiib. 1910—Serving 33 years PH O N E B EAV ER TO N 3411 DO YOUR W AR FIUDAY-SATURIVAY-HUNDAY W IT H Jack TEAGARDEN \sS«& O PE N IN G MONDAY Louis ARMSTRONG Huy mors War I! o n <1 * — a n <1 cheerfully allenii In o ilie r home* front dulie». Lei's gel this war won quickly! And His World Famous All-Colored Orchestra NOTICE: Armstrong’s Band will play for two dances July 4th —Matinee and Evening—Both Modern. E N T IR E P A R K W IL L OPF.N A T NOON T I ES.. JULY Ith! Thrill Rides ... Games . . . Picnlcing . . . Swimming , . Dancing Fun for Every Membei of the Family! Tract 4: Beginning at a point in the center of County Road No. 397 at the intersection of said road and the south boundary line of the O. & E. right-of-way; thence south 154.5 feet to the place of begin ning; thence east 200 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 50 feet; thence West 200 feet to center oi County Road; thence north 50 feet to place of beginning, containing 0.23 acre, all Lot number 12 in Steele's Addition to Beaverton. Tract 5: The North 105.75 feet of the South Hall of Block B of the original Town of Beaverton. N. LARSON, Executrix A R TH U R LANGGUTH, Attorney \ Too Late to Classify VANCE • SWIM • PICNIC • PLAY1 i N tuonai Dunlins Produco Corporation New York 86 Proof BEST M ARKET PRICE FOR STRAW BERRIES, BOYSON, YO U N G •nd LOGAN BERRIES, B LAC K C AP and CUTHB ERT RASPBERRIES R. I. MacLauehlin & Co. Prescription Filled Over 15 Million Times Recommended to do just two thing*; relies e conotipation and gat on tha Monuch. Thi» tiiccfssful prescription is now pul up under the name of A D LE R IK A. C»et a bottle o< Adlerika next time vou Mop at vour druggist’» and see lor yourself how qu IA ly gas is re lieved and gentle but thorough bowel act ion follow», i iood for old and > oung. C e f 4J'0r,k* fr+rn » o a r d r u g i f t f e d « / , Beaverton Phone Beaverton 3271 EMMA Beaverton Pharmacy Beaverton, 2311 FOR SALE- 20 A farm. 5 A. young filberts. Partly improved. Small mod. house. Foundation for post war home Deep well. elec, pump Peaches, grapes, family orchard. $6500. prefer cash. On Farming- ton-Reedville rds. at Hazeldale. Smurthwaite 22 FOR SALE -Old growth 16 in. wood, two cord lots. Write for my price before you buy. L. E. Soule. R l. Banks. Ore. 22-23 FOR SALE Year old Pete Sarti. R2. Bx »4 ton. Heifer Beaver- 22 While In Beaverton be sure to eat at the Greyhound Coffee Shop I ‘ — — ' * Ice Cold Watermelons for the 4th 'a t Millers Sava F an for Points and Pannies Patriotic 0 Exercises — Parades TH R E E -D A Y RODEO Carnival Attractions— Kiddies’ Day 0 FREE AD M ISSIO N — PICNIC GROUNDS Check the Distance to Hillsboro Save Tires and Gasoline Sponsored by Hillsboro Firemen’s Ass’n This summons is served upon you by order of the Honorable R. Frank i Peters. Judge ot the above entitled ¡Court, dated June 30th, 1M4 P. L. PATTERSO N. Resident Attorney ot Oregon, Post i Office Address: Commercial National ! Bank Bldg., Hillsboro, Oregon, i Date ot First Publication: June 23, j 1944. Date of Last Publication July 21, ‘ 1944. i ____________________ NOTICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT (No. 5771) | Estate of Axel F. Larson. Deceased, j IN TH E COUNTY COURT OF TH E STATE OF OREGON FOR TH E COUNY O P W ASHINGTON. In Probate I NOTICE IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that ! the undersigned as Executrix of the | Last Will and Testament ot Axel F. Larson, deceased, has filed her Final , | Account in the County Court of the I State of Oregon for Washington | County, and that Monday, the 24th i day of July. 1944. at 10 o'clock in the | forenoon ol said day, in the Court j Room of said County Court in the I Court House of Washington County .at ! | Hillsboro, Oregon, be fixed as the ! time and place for the hearing of ob- I jections thereto, if any there be, and | the settling thereof. Dated and ftvst published June 23, , ! 1944 Date of last publication July 21,1 ISM D ANCING FOUR N IG H TS 0 3 Sluts Park, Hillsboro Tract 6i The South Half of Lots 7 and 8, Block 29, Beaverton, as shown on the duly recorded maps and plats thereof. (Signed) July 2-3-4 i Beaverton CHURCH oi the NAZARENE \N NOI NUES A Special Service SUNDAY MORNING, 11:00 A.M. TIIE Hear men for ev. J. « m u i . ml C. Johnson civilian PH O N E 3691 ! PO R TLA N D CAM P OF GIDEONS How God is using these business the Advancement of His word in and military life. Save 20 to 25 % on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual Policies are NON-ASS ESS A B IX . You N E V E R pay more than the premium on the facy of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three time« the surplus required by Oregon Insurance I -a»». ' Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company OF M cM lN N W LX E Organized 1894— 40 year* of Reliable Service t has. L. Walker. Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. “ Every Form of Protection” Phone 1732 Hillsboro, Oregon : CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS 5 SPE C IAL “ V E N T IL A T E D " See your Building Material Dealer Portland Concrete Pipe & Product» Co. 5819 SW Macadam Ave., Portland. 1 Oregon AT. 8384 Readymix Concrete Co. Ready-Mixed Concrete now available for Beaverton, Aloha. Tigard, Multnomah And Surrounding Area 400 N. Thompson St. Portland. Orecon Trinity 1193 ¡S