Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1944)
Friday, June 23, 1944 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon • CLASSIFIED WANT ADS • TWO Cent* a word per issue MOVING-SELLING? ALL CLASSIFIED ADS NO ADS TAKEN OVER PHONE We Publish the BEAVERTON' ENTERPRISE TIGARD SENTINEL MULTNOMAH PRESS ALOHA NEW S Complete Eastern Washington County and Western Multnomah County | Coverage. We assume no financial responsi bility for errors which may appear in advertisements published in these columns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. # FOR SALE—Wood Green 16 in. slab $9 per cord in 2V* cord loads. Ruben Johnson, Newberg Star Route. Phone 193J. 15tf PLENTY Poland and Chester We- aner Pigs and Brood Sows. S. A. Gotter, Scholls. 15H l o i ; s a l e i v U m l Sepsntoi No. S-16. In very good condition 1 Price $55 cash. May be seen at j Paul Koeske, Shell Service S ta , West Slope. Ore., MaiUng address Beaverton, Ore., R2, Bx 364 . 21 1 W A N TE D For us, as well as for them, this is the crisis — the time for tre m en d ou s, overw helm ing effort! Make no mistake! The 5th War Loan will undoubtedly be the biggest, most vitally im • RABBITS W A N TE D BEST PRICE for Rabbit tryers, D. P. MacDonald, R2, Bx 218, Beaver ton. Phone Beaverton 2360. We pick up. tf FOR SALE— .Smoothtop Gas Range and small wood heating stove. En terprise Bldg., Short St. at Tuala tin Hiway, Beaverton, Frank Ma- j gathan. If WANTED—Live KaDDits, to buy now. Top prices paid. Rabbit Meat Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. Phone SUnset 1722. Open week days only until 7:30 p. m. tf FOR SALE—4 ft green slab. Aloha | district $6 per cord. Block & Ed M IS C E L L A N E O U S ging $7 per cord. Beaverton-Ti- • gard-Garden Home district 4 ft. $600 A YEAR in your back yard. green slab $7 per cord. Block A- Details Free. Write Dept. C, Bx Edgings $8 per cord. H. F. Elford, 8463, Portland, 7, Oregon 19-22 Forest Grove. Phone 56. tf ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES—re FOR SA LE -G irls Dresses and paired. Leave at Zumwalt Hard Coats. 12-14 yrs. Ben Davis, Wilson ware Store, Beaverton. 18-26 Ave., Beaverton, 5th house from HIDES £ WOOL, CASCARA— A Canyon Road. 21 specialty. LEE BROS* Clay Portland. AT. 5334. LOOK AT THIS. . • Riverview Cemetery For quality, fair price and service J. B. Imlay & Sons REpDVILLE ALOHA. ORE Complete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverview is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $800,000 CENTRALLY LOCATED Close to bus trans portation and walking distance from downtown. J. P. Finley & Son MORTICIAN SW FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY A Tw ater 2181 N O T NECESSARY Steady W ork with Overtime APPLY AT SYLVAN PLANT COLUMBIA BRICK WORKS l!W* S. E. W ater Are.. Portland Will you personally see that they get it? CAR WASHERS S MECHANICS 1 | \ K Mechanics work 48 hrs. per weeks k 40 hours straight; 8 hours tim e j 9 and a half. Good working condi-1 ^ lions Permanent employment. ^ | J OREGON MOTOR STAGES J 506 S W Mill 5 J BE. 3021 { PORTLAND | do ' i 3101 SW McChesney Road, Portland. Oregon This space paid for by an Oregon businessman. WANTED 3. W a r Bonds help keep prices dow n. TURKEYS 4. W ar Bonds will help win the Peace by increasing purchasing power after the W ar. ALSO 5. W ar Bonds mean education for your children, security for you, Live Poultry and Eggs Receiving & Dressing Plants: Portland, McMinnville, Salem, Albany, Eugene, Roseburg, Redmond, Oregon. Main Office und Plant Facts About New Two- Engined Craft. P A IN T S FISHER TH0RSEN PAINTS CBEMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY E X P E R IE N C E That’s the news our men expect to hear from us. w ii \T ro again born of God boi n from ul.ova For - - Except a mun be born again, | he cannot see the kingdom of God." BIBUB YOU MI ST SAY—On the ins'ant I you settle it in your heart that you | are cleared by Christ’s death for your sins that instant God makes you His own. He breathes Himself into your heart His Spirit gives life to your spirit. Receive Christ as I your Savior and take your stand that sin is written off your page and life eternal writ*»»» in IIOW TO LIVE THE NEW LII E— | "Christ died for our sins” —Your tins : were laid on Him and He cleared you ! by His death. He suffered your penalty for you. Now «’ount Him the ls>rd of your life. Let Christ be your ' All in All l^ean all your weight on I Him—Look away from self—Trust I Him utterly Live to the glory of God | by Power from On High. 2. W a r Bonds return you $4 for e v e ry $3 in 10 y e a rs. 25 SW tf j Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds WEST END SELLWOOD BRIDGE Essential Industry Our men expect to hear that we are buying double — that we are matching their sacrifice as best we can— that the Amer ican nation, soldiers and civil ians together, is making one gigantic effort to win this War! God holds the photo of your real self and even now it shows you to bo dead. Yes—In His eyes, you are alieaJy dead, for you sinned and the wages ol sin is death. KNOW YOI K BIBLE—It says you are dead in trespasses and sins— wherein you live your daily life— stepping along with a world of men also dead in God's sight. You live under the urge of your human ap- I petites and under the cravings of | your mind. You are without Christ, having no hope and without God in the world. KNOW YOl’ R BIBLE— Ephesians 2:1-3 and vs. 12. E\ EN ONE SIN----- And so. even if you have only one sm stunding against you, then you ara dead in i God's sight. 1. W ar Bonds are the best, the safest investment in the world! Better Fighting Planes Coming BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS If the 5th War Loan is to suc ceed, each one of us irfust do more than ever before — must buy double . . . yes, triple . . . the Bonds we bought last time. And here are 5 M o r e reasons for buying E x t r a Bonds in the 5th! TOTAL PRICE only $2,850 and we will consider all offers at any FOR TOW CAR call VERMILYE terms. New roof, newly redeco MOTOR CO., Phone Tigard 3381 tf j rated bright and shining as new. Fine liv. rm. and dining rm. 2 CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK—Let good bdrms., modern attractive us plow your garden. Howard kitchen with elec, hot water heat-1 Wm. Smith, Johnson Rd. & Divis er and wired for elec, range. Taxes ; ion sts., Phong^ Beaverton 2462 4tf only $10. Half block to post office, Home Refrigeration and washing | bank, stores, and just a short dis- ! machine services. Call K. B j tance more to schools and church Twombly CH. 2267. 8tf | es. Attractive breakfast room, in -, sulated fruit room and . . . well— j Dead stock picked up free of i look at it and buy it. PORT IN charge anywhere. Call VESTMENT CO., Established 1924. 1 collect. UN. 1221: night call 310 Times Bldg., Portland, AT. i DENLEY RENDERING CO.. 6459. 21 Portland. tf Senate Committee Discloses W ANTED portant financial effort of this whole War! WANTED—Man for Janitor work | School Diet. 48, Beaverton. Apply j Beaverton High School Office J mornings, except Saturday. 21-23 | BROOD SOWS and Weaner Pigs for Sale the year around, S. A. Gotter, Scholls. 12tf WHY RENT? W e've h eard that they are smashing at our foe - sparing neither steel nor sweat nor blood in one final, furious as sault that marks the supreme military effort of this War! Men and women of America — what the Invasion is to our fighting men, the 5th War Loan is to us at home! FOR SALE l Fmii Burner One Range, with oven and broiler, in good condition, also 1 floor Show- | case about 6 foot long, in fine con dition. Both articles cheap. Apply at Bushnells Bakery, Tigard. 21 • W e ’ve heard that Eisenhower and his Americans have hurled themselves like a thunderbolt against the bristling defenses of Hitler’s W ehrmacht! * And w h a t new s do Eisen h o w er an d his men expect from us? ATTRACTIVE 3 Yr. OLD HOME on land 1-3 Acre just off Canyon Rd on Johnson Rd. Chicken house garage, nice yard. We want $4.000, but look at it and make us an of fer.. PORT INVESTMENT CO.. Established 1924. 310 Times Bldg., AT. 6459. 21 FOR SALE— 1935 Dodge $250. E. W. Trussell, R3, Bx 1544. Beaver ton, Or., ■»» mile South of Farm ington Rd on Oak Ave., on left j hand side, Beaverton. 21 "OREGON FARMER’’ Your own state farm magazine, 3 years $2; 5 years $3. Comes twice a mo. A nice present to a friend. Prompt delivery assured. Renewals also ap preciated. Henry E. Petersen, Rl, Junction City, Ore, Oregon Farmer ; representative. 19-22 FOR SALE—Davenport and Chair , $55; Enameled Wood Range $30; Double Bed and cotton Mattress $10. E. W. Trussell ls mile South j Farmington Rd., Oak Ave. Beav erton. 21 FOR SALE 1 Milk Goat, 1 Alpine Bills 3 mo old. J Strauss. R3. j Bx 1597, Beaverton, evenings. 21 ' FOR S A L E Your Real Self You know now what we ve heard from him. We Pay cash for equities. Only 24 hours and title search required. If you want to sell—we can give you 1 concentrated action backsd by 20 i years of successful service in the \ Portland area PORT INVEST- j MENT Co., Established 1924 310 Times Bldg., Portland, AT. 6459 23 1 NOTHING LESS THAN 25c CASH MUST ACCOMPANY Page 3 WASHINGTON.—Two new navy fighting planes of unparalleled de- signs and a new army light bomber were disclosed by the senate com- mittee investigating war production. The new planes listed were: The F-7-F, described as a two-en gined fighter being built by Grum- man Aircraft and Engineering cor poration and "scheduled for early production.” This is the first men tion of a two-engined carrier-based fighter. Presumably it would be a single-seat plane with folding wings. The BTD, described as “ a radi cally improved model” of SBD Dauntless dive bomber, obviously intended for a wider range of uses than the plane it will replace. The letters BTD mean “ bomber torpe- do, built by Douglas.” The SBD is a “ scout bomber” of Douglas man ufacture. There is at present no combined dive bomber and torpedo plane designed as such in service on carriers. The third new plane, the report said, is "a new Douglas light bomb er, which is considered to be great ly superior to the A-20 . . and in the future will be the principal light bomber produced.” The Douglas A-20 Havoc is a highly-rated two- engined plane used for numerous purposes, including that of a night fighter. Others Being Improved. The report disclosed that “ the North American P-51 Mustang and the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, al- ready rated as tops among single engine fighters, are being improved, and that a “ greatly improved” ver sion of the Bell Airacobra is com ing into production. Production of the Lockheed P-38 Lightning, described as “ the finest plane of its type in the world,” is being increased by a contract with Consolidated Vultee. Thus far the versatile twin boom, long range fighter has been built only by its designer, Lockheed. The contract with the Kaiser- Hughes Aircraft corporation for three 400,000-pound, eight-engined wooden flying boats has been can- celed, the Truman committee said. adding that the way was left open for negotiation on a metal version of the plane. ‘ Too Heavy, Unreliable.’ The contract was made between the company ar.d the Defense Plant corporation a government agency, Northwest Poultry Si Dairy Products Co. 5 wwar loan 8. E. Oak Street, Portland, Ore. l’hone r.Ast 5141 ’upon the recommendation o f the War Production board. Cancellation W ANTED of the contract was at the request of W o o l, M oh a ir an d W . E. PEGG Chairman Donald Nelson of the C u sca ra B a rk MORTICIAN WPB, following an investigation by PACIFIC COAST CASCARA Beaverton, Oregon an engineering board. BARK CO. E h tut). 1910—Serving 33 years The WPB concluded, the Truman 1319 NW Johnson St., Portland, Or. FIIONE BEAVERTON 3411 report said, that the Kaiser-Hughes AT. 8393 plane would be "considerably less efficient” than proved cargo planes Tell It with a classified. and that its wooden construction ; was “ excessively heavy and unreli able,” but that the design was “ fun damentally sound” and might be of j value to the war effort if carried out j in metal. j The wooden plane, known as the YOUR Q U E S T IO N S ANSW ERED HK-l, was conceived with a 320-f»><>t wingspread, a length of 218 feet. It Part II: People and Total Conscription was planned to carry 60 tons of car j go at 174 miles an hour. 16, W ill People be Able to scription was presented in the U. D .... » t i »* , , S. in full-page news-paper adver- [Suy W h a t 1 ney INeed. tisements from coast to coant, the Plane Motors Protected In addition to his or her allot- favorable response from Mr. and ment of food clothing, and medi- Mr8 John i*1* American -was over ! By Sowing Grass in Italy eat care every citizen will have whelming. WASHINGTON. — The army air currency to spend. This currency Both U. 8. and Canada are tired forces has entered the field of soil will not be spendable in the buy- ° f compromise, tired of in» fil conservation in Italy to protect air- j ing of raw commodities and manu- clency, tired of bungling, plane motors from volcanic dust, the factured goods in the channels of Pp°ple °f North Ametlca a'o I war department announced. business, but will be used for cer- ahead of the press and the ( >v- j tain extra consumer goods—just as eraments in their desire for action, The AAF air service command, i the soldier spends his currency Some group interests attempt'd the department said, will seed “ ex- j j tensive areas” in Italy during the to run counter to this fnvora'ol" purchasing power. The pay will be sufficient to reception Through the pro < , a i current rainy season to provide a provide for all of such require- *tt*mPt w" " m*d'’ to h,,r> thp »,r ’ protective cover of grass, thus keep ! ing the volcanic dust out of the air. ments in view of the fact that * ram ,,n<ler an avalanche of there will be a moratorium on 8n',',r8 and accusations. Techncc The first of 50 tons of seed was rent, taxes, mortgages. install- racy wa" misrepresented ionio- delivered to Italy by transport after | menta, and dues For their extra *ln,«>8 a8 a fn8° lst organization and consultation with agricultural ex- ! consumer - goods - purchasing the "ometimes as a communist orgar- ports in this country. Subsequent i people will use the same money we iJ!a,,on • 1 he officers of 3 shipments of seed and four grain use today in coinage and bills of nocracy were personally slandered sowers have been sent by cargo j one dollar denomination. Checks. and Pf",c,n, r!! n < vessels. bank drafts, etc., will not be used, trou g h hundreds of column-inch- e» of newspaper spare with a 17. Is the A verage Person striking similarity, in ail <>:’ •* New War Stoves Show c-x « T » I stories Technocracy was |>la>f<1 up Upposed tO t o t a l as a mysterious organization with No S*Poke Nor Flames Conscription? a mysterious source of funds, and JERSEY CITY, N J .-T h e mod- 1 _ _ . a dark mysterious program. The Ovei the three years that Tech- nationally Important story of To- em soldier has sacrificed the com- ! panionship of a campfire for the 1 nocracy has been advocating Total u l Conscription was d“ Ube.-ately i safety* of the new war stove which 1 Conscription the record shows that playef, down or not mentioned at After two months the car. - operates without inviting enemy | the average person is in favor of au any Constitutional and orderly re- pa,Kn of vtllification suddenly ir 1 I fire or bombs. arrangement of our national oper- completely ceased The pi * The quartermaster corps revealed ations if such an arrangement will gave up. Total Conscription that several types of gasoline stoves | win the war and if everybody else rte<J on Amongst the thousand* which give off neither smoke nor is In it. too. I n 1940 and 1941, 0 f letters received by Technocrr- visible flame are now in use in all and during 1942 when Total Con- cy on the gllbject, less than of areas of combat. one percent hive 1 A one-burner is designed to be opposed to Total Con I carried on ski pack over snowfields, Section I - R. D. 12245 scription. Am eiici Technrx m i), Inc. the quartermaster corps said, while knows what it wants 814 STY loth Avenue and North \meri» a another is small enough to be bal I anced on the head of a native car Portland .VOrrgon is on the move! I rier inching his way through a I am Interested In Tutsi Conscription jungle. O Flease «end me free literature only T O T A L CONSCRIPTION! j [ O Enclosed Is 26c. Flease «end me "Technocracy's Victory Frog nun Bundle" O Enclosed la SI.00 for full selection of literature. j NAME Cherries can be easily pitted by In serting one tine of a salad fork into the stem end of a cherry. The pit ! comes out easily without tearing the fruit. ADDRESS In Italy, a soldier fired his bazoo ka at 6 German tanks, missed but j completely destroyed a tree. That I was enough for the Nazi tanks they i surrendered before another shot was fired. e City ........... State This Material is Re printed by Permtss "n of Continental Hea 4- quarters. Technocracy Inc.. 155 E. 44th St, N. Y . IT. N Y. Thru Section 1 R. D. 12245 at 814 S. W. 10th Ave, Portland. 5, Oregon. BE 0062.