PUBLISHED W E EK LY IN OUR PLAN T ON V O L .17, NO. 19 Another D-Day June 12 Opens Fifth War Loan Drive * SHORT ST. AND CANYON H IGH W AY Beaverton, Oregon, Friilay. June 9, l')44 Bits o f Mews J* A b o u t Our B o y s E STAB LISH ED 1927 Avoid Foreign Investments - r 'Dear Mr*. Gilham i 1 received my "Greatings'' Friday.'. Sure was glad to get them. I shov ed off for recruit training Thursday, June 1, 1944 Thanks a lot Mrs. Gil- ham.Ill make Uncle Sam the Best Sailor he ever had. Tell the ladies of Beaverton, thanks for the lovely ; useful gift they sent me. That w ill' come in handy for mending my uni- form 1 wU1 send y °u nty address as soon as 1 Set there Thanks a lot, Good luck, . . . . . . ,, „ .. JOHN H CLOUD Subdlvlsl°n L 8. Navy Babson Says Outright Relief, O. K. Babson Park, Maas.. June 9- With Tuesday, June 6, was D-Day for the la.*iul Lease commitments approach United Nations long-awaited invasion ing in values 25.000,000,000. It would of Nazi's Fortress Europe! ¡seem that our financial backing of Monday, June 12, will be another our Allies in terms of war materials, D-Dgy -the opening of the fifth war food and probably in an undisclosed loan drive on the home front to raise ¡amount of gold is nearing a maxi $16,000,000,000 to back the attack. mum Reverse Lend-Lease will pro A very enthusiastic meeting of the vide a small credit against the final members of the Washington County sum The export of armaments may War Bond committee in the Beav ; decline from here on but shipments erton area was held W'ednesday ev .of food, clothing, building materials ening at the Beaverton High School. and other items for civilian rehabili The meeting was presided over by tation will increase as more territory Mrs. Robert Summers and Jay Gib ¡comes under Allied Government. son, co-chairman of the Beaverton Already plans are being formulated area. The members of the commit for the disposition abroad, after the tee were instructed in tilling out ap There were ovei 225 entries in the War. of surplus U. S. motor equip plications and told why the bonds Annual Spring Flowei Show, which ment. Similar plans will be de must be sold, by H. L. MacKenzie of was held June 3rd in the I. O. O. F vised for the gift or sale of other war Hillsboro, Co-Chairman of the County Hall. Many visitors enjoyed the ex- equipment adapted to civilian use committee Washington County's hibits during the afternoon and even As in the case of France after World quota during the tifth War Loan ing hours. A potluck luncheon was War I nations allied with the U. S Drive is $2,200,000, while the Beaver- served to the committee members, A in World War 11. us well as the ton Area s portion of the quota judges and a few special guests as smallet countries first to feel Hitler’s amounts to $308,000. ¡soon as the judging of the show was blows, will profit greatly from our The following is a list of members completed. During the afternoon Government's generosity in the Beaverton area: Jay Gibson Mrs. H. G. Staten of Portland, demon- Extent of Foreign Relief and Mrs. Robert Summers, co-chair- strated flower arangements. A list Area with Highest Per Capita ‘E’ Bond Sales in Fifth War Loan to Select I believe we are safe in assuming man- ¡of prize winners follows. Ship Sponsor B Section A-Horticultural Roses, sin- Continued on Page 3 r ' Ander- gle lgt Mis. T \V Blaknev, 2nd Mrs No 7 a M * yMM,S T O Rl,C A R Rin« e’ aw> -Mls H. A Hart- Union Vacation Bible Daily Vacation Bible School rtoxirmnn~ M Kay Mary J' s PurIln- shorn, group, 1st Mrs. Blakeney, Mrs School Begins Monday At Valley Com. Church . 1 Hartshorn. Double rose, spec,. 1st v i ici ^ 37 —Kinton —Mrs. Fred Mrs. H. A. Hartshorn. 2 and 3 Mrs At Beaverton The Valley Community Church, j Van Kleek chairman, Mrs. Everett Blakeney. group. Leonard Adams, ¡United Presbyterian, meeting in the Murphy, Mrs Mrs. Charles L. Drew Mrs. F. L. The Beaverton Union Daily V aca- Uabel Country Day School building, I p.P. v 1CA>f ’r w 0 . Soule. Climbing, group, Mrs. A. G. Ition Bible School will begin prompt- sponsoring a Daily Vacation Bible j On June 11th, beginning at 9 a. m., m . 3 * u . i ? rs' R °bert bummers, Hauptman, Mrs. Hartshorn. I'loribun- 1> at U u. m. on Morula.», June 12 and School whoso children will come from members and others who may be in- Mike Metzler, Tom Ramsdall. Peter da> or Poiyantha Rose grp., Mrs. W Honor of selecting u sponsor for con,'"ue each day except Saturday i Glencullen. Raleigh Hills, Whltford, j terssted in seeing the set-up of the nalv MrBLH>nvrid ,Ada™8' J?1-! ^eta E McCloskey, Mrs. Blakeney. Specia Daly. Mrs. H. N.ssen, Mrs. C O. Ack- Roge. Mrs. A. S Funston, Mrs. the launching of a Kaiser-built 16 800- untl> June 23. All children front 4 We81 sloP* and surrounding areas, j Community Cannery to be opened at L ' C /-v « . K o 4 erman, Mrs Fred Goyt, Mrs F Sorbet. A. R. Ringe. Group, Mrs. A. S. Fun ton 1-2 tanker at the Swan Island >ears 1° 1« are urged to be on hand The sch° o1 wtu begin June 19th and Eliander’s Mill, at Progress across Mrs M. B. Bingantan, Mrs. R. A. ston, Mrs. The faculty of the close July M ,s s c Anne Ellis, . as- I ! roads, late later in the month, are inviteli >1 1 o , r V . XL, • . >1V I U M U v , I 111 Q & o shipyards i l I L' V u t U o t is o u at l o stake l c t IV v l in it C a L O series U1 It o 'E Zo tb0 f 'rst * «/ . ■ 1 * . . W. E. MCloskey, 2nd May, M D Murphy, Mrs May Blasser, 3rd. Miniature R ose-1st Mrs. R B. war bond selling contest during the schoul is made up of the following sls et ’•* a co *** ^ 1,1 * >ai lets o take pait ini a Barn Raising Day. . . . . . I(ihn and helpers will direct the school. Lumber for tables and shelves Mrs John I'ibiger, Mrs. Myrtle Hard- nennev' man. Mrs. Allene Ott, Mrs. H. A. Co- mer, Mrs Walter Van Kleek, Mrs. Catherine Shively, Mrs D. R. Long, Mrs. W. G. Gelinsky, Mrs. Gladys Mills,Mrs. Frank Soule, Mrs Eulala Schurman, Mrs C. W. Golde and Mrs. -j. ^ Blakeney well desire his child to be enrolled In. | If you can stay all day, bring your *lea 'Aai tron'_ _ . . cher. Fibrous rooted , spec., Mrs. A. MacKenzie and W C. Christensen, co- | ffarten respectively. to lunch. If transportation is needed, Dist. No 57-M rs. H. R Johnson. Q Hauptman, group. Mrs. H. A. chairman of the county war finance >*>ty will be in charge "of the music ' Children from 4 lM 14 ale and Mrs. Satehell will oversee the '‘ ttend from 9 a. nt. to 12, Monday call Mr, Fryer, CH. 1956. Or if you chairman Mrs N. P. Johnson, Mrs. Hartshorn, Mlg. T w . Blakeney. j committee | have room in your car to take oth- Roy Ifcrst, Mrs C W. Rogers, Mrs. Campanula3 group. 2nd Mrs j. G. i Launching of a tanker at Swan Is- j handwork. Special features will form through Friday each week. drivers, ers, call him and let him know. 'land is a big event, according to the|an interesting portion of the school m Busses, with experienced _ K ^ . attLn 8 trMr3, y VlaT ,KjrC^ f o Eisenhauer. Parents are will cover the cooperating communi-| A A course of at least six lessons will Disc 6fr—Hazeldale—Mrs. W P. Delphlnlumr_ group. 2nd Mrs A R chairman and full co-operation of the each morning at 9:15. Broosk, chairman, Meadames John ^ public is being sought to bring the invited to visit the school at any time ties daily. The spacious grounds **' given ^ at the Garden Home Com- A program and buildings, including gym and j munlty Cannery at Progress late In »haper Richard Smur- Columbines-Long spurred. Mrs. R. honor of christening one of the sh ps during the two weeks. open to tlie public will be given by the manual training shop, of the Gabel June, ufter the Cannery opens, on thwaite, Mark Henry Stevens, Harold j Davis Mra T VV. Blakeney, short to local residents. school Friday evening, Nov. 23 at 8. Country Day School afford Ideal sur- > canning problems important to home xt 7 T , '6 L . .. ! spurred, Mrs. T. W. Blakeney. i roundings and equipment for such a and community earners. These Food Poppies-Oriental, Mrs. A. E. Tweed- Pe^sor^rm am M^ame? R A. dale, , T* Mrs. A. R. | Awarded Medal rrn tiT iT m n school. Mr. Eric Harvey, of the Products War Training classes will Mrs. John "*£.“ Holmes, Thorne, Louis Stark, C. B. West, Geo. Gabel School faculty, will h a v e c h a r g e be under the sponsorship of the Vo- „ . „ .. . TT .J TT . Ringe. Iceland—Mrs. H. A. Hart-1 of the manual hand work, Gym class- cational Division of the State Dept, of Cote Harold Larson, Harold Peter- , h lst. Annuais Mrs. R. B. Bouganville: Corporal Wilbur Bye, es. and out door recreations. ! Education. They will cover differ- sen, Ross Bruce, Marvin Lain. 'Denney lst. of Beaverton, Oregon, assigned to a The Rev. H. A. Armitago, pastor o f ; «nt phases of food conservation and No. 67—Tualatin View Mrs. L. Mrs. Stroeve, who owns a restau- Peonies Single, spec. Mrs. T. W. service command, has been awarded Ferry Mesdames E. R. Norgard. Mrs Blakc up Mr* Blakeney. the Good Conduct medal for exern- rant in Portland and resides o n 's W thc Valley Community Church, and preservation both at home and Next J. Peterkort Jr., Robert Stanley. Doub,e Mr8. B,ak Blakeney, Mrs. plarly behavior, efficiency, and fidel- Ninth Street. Beaverton, has been in Mr. George C. Pickard, the Sunday) through oannery method*. No. 94—Cooper Mt.—Mrs. Cordia Hartshorn* Mrs. Blakeney. Group, i '*>’ a« a soldier in the Army of the a hospital several weeks but was able ‘School superintendent, are happy at week an outline of the subjects will Imlah lst and 2nd Mrs. Blakeney. United States. to be brought home on Tuesday. the fine cooperation they have met be given.____________ No. 95—Raleigh—Mrs. Stanley Fre- L u p in es G rou p . 2nd M is F u n ston C pL B ye is the brstlM I o f T h o m a s i W e reg ret ...........Iln g iy that the is w " l‘ prOBSOttO« o f SOBOOl ««»f» deen chairman, Mcsdames Weldon SnapdraKon8 spec., 2nd Mrs. Hart A. Bye, also of Beaverton. sue oi this paper Is late due to le !" " " *... 1 P*°P,e lo tie Closed tor a While H. Kirk, D oreneE Woodward K. K 8horn Mrs. McKercher, Mrs --------------------------I gals which require extra work. Next ' nll,nUie* Involved. They look and, _____ Cornell, Allen N. Armfield, Harold C. DeYoung, 2nd. week the Enterprise will be in the ho',e fo' an enrollment of from two | New Sugar Stamp 32 Noonan. D. D. Ellis, Robert L. West, mail at the regula. time. to three hundred on opening day -, w ’ nnM" y ' ' B ,“ ty I * 10* Pyrethrum—Group, Mis June 19th. • ! Watson, next door to the Bank, will Donald Fahey, Lillian Harris, Martha ney, Mrs. T. W. Blakeney. 1 Good on June 16 i Earl Hall is reported 111 in a hos be closed June 19 until July 10th. Rodeback, M M. Romig, A N. Wet-j Heuchera——Group. Mrs. R. J. Da Sugar ' stamp 32 . in war ration pital. Miss Linda M. Thorpe is taking a terborg. book 4 will become good indefinitely vis, Mrs. Hartshorn, Mrs. Ringe. | Charles Gardner of Denney Road. home with both mumps and measles short vacation and will be glad to No. 10+ -Slyvan and Bentz Park— Pansies Mixed. Mrs. Blakeney, on June 16 for 5 pounds of sugar, ! ¡g in a Portland hospital suffering prevailing. | meet her many customers ugaln Mrs. L. D. Nichols, chairman. Mes- Mrs. J. H Holmes, Mrs. Hartshorn. Frederick F. Janney, district OPA | from heart disease. The Powell family who have occu- after July 10th. dames Carl Bruntsch, H. Westerling, Vjo,ns Qne co]or> lst H A Hart- rationing executive, has announced.: Mrs. D. A. Shearer has been quite Lee Ackley. J. Extra. H O. Howard. shorn mlxed Mrs R . B Ut.nnev. Mrs. The validation continues distribution ill while on a visit to her daughter pied Miss Swett's house, route 1, for seveial years have returned to Cali of sugar to household consumers at in Forest Grove. Fred Cavanaugh, D. S. Montgomery, H A Hartshorn Mrs. A R Ringe “In the future, and under all clr- fornia. theii former home. Mr. and B. Van Slyck, Dorothy Whallon. the same rate as previously five »• c hied . Hanson are _ now ... ,__. in ! cumstances, Pinks—Mixed. Mrs Blakeney, Mrs. Mrs. living . . . ’ we . must , look out , for the Mrs. Bob Long is quite ill at her No 107 -Aloha Mrs. Marian Klatt, Dennpy Mrs R j Davls pounds per person every two and one safety of the America we love, and parents home on Allen Avenue. Bob the house, chainnan, Mesdames C. R. Simons. half months. the American wa yof life we cherish, Daisies-—Mixed, Mrs Denney, lst war home from Longview over the Mr. and Mrs. Blank of Portland, under the Bill of Rights.”—Roy O. J. E. Mitzel, C. F. Fuller, C. R. Helm, Anemonies—Group. Mrs. Denney. have recently bought the Johnston ,,, ... . A. J. Gaunt. E. J. Thoms, R. Wheel Mrs. Charles West. Use Want Ads as a short cut to week end. .. • .. Woodruff, U. S. Representative from home on Seventh and Main Street*. w| hi Mis. A. L. McGann of Oswego, is er, Thomas Voorhies, George Gordon. Calendulas Spec Mrs T W. finding a buyer. ________________ in a hospital In Oregon City with Mrs. Blank and daughter have been Carlton P. I-ee Melvin A. Anderson. Blakeney. group. H n . Blakeney. ... visiting in southern Oregon. Mr and Mrs. William Mary (nee penumonia. Her mother Mrs. A M. E. J. Thomas and Harry Price and Collection of wild flowers and " Arrangements . ________ Vollle Woods is in A Portland Hos- j unP Bo#well) of Santa Ana, Calif , Mrs. A. R. Rintfe. Byrd, 7th and Watson Streets, is car C. J. Stickney. grasses lst Mrs. A. R. Ringe. pair miniatures. ing for her three children and to pital having undergone an operation. hnve bf>en V| 8 |tjng his parents at Me No. 108—Hiteon—Mrs. Chester L. Flowering Shrubs, Spec., Mrs. H. A. . M with R four ___ children _______ ___ Mr- and Mrs. E. A. Webb spent Minnville and are arriving this Wed- of ______ a son's The judges were: Mrs. H. G. Sta I gether Robinson, chrmn, Mrs. Ray Kuiken. Hartshorn, Mrs. Blakeney, Mrs. J. G. famlly, which she is caring for has Sunday In Portland with hia sister neaday to visit her mother, Mrs. Hos- ten, Mrs. A. W. Angell, Mrs. Eisenhauer. been having a hospital right in her Ml"- ° neita Millard. we|| and friends. They are on their Awarded DFC Flowering T re e s- Mrs. A. S Fun- I.incke. all of Portland. Mi*. M A leeling and little daugh- way to Ft. Kenning, Ga.. for officers* ter of Hillsboro was In Beaverton on training. For Bringing Back Ship Section B— Arrangements ‘ M t* B <' S teel.. ........ ... 15th Army Air Force—Decorated Living Room arrangements Large Mr and Mis Walter C. Gicrsbarh wedding reception of her niece Elaine with the Distinguished Flying Ctoss Mrs. H. Westerling. Mrs. Blakeney. of Forest Grove were in Beaverton Nielson in the parlors of the St. and Air Medal with nine Oak Leaf Mrs. John Holmes Small Mrs. H. Wednesday. Mrs Giersbach spoke j am»8 Lutheran Church. Portland, on Clusters, lst Lt. Robert C. Norton, a Westerling. Mrs Fred Moore. at the pot luck luncheon ot tbe • May 27th 23-year-old Flying Fortress pilot of Table Arrangements I>arge, lst Bethel Congregational Aid. j A y. Butts is laid up with an ln- Box 145, Beaverton. Oregon, recently and 2nd Mrs T. W. Blakeney. Mrs. O. H Hmkness of Portland j ur(><t leg raused by falling when h's flew his 50th bombing mission with Kitchen Flower Arrangements was calling on ti lends and old neigh- clothes caught on a truck at his place the 15th AAF. Window—Mrs. John Holmes, wall. hors of south Watson Street last Fri- Qf business He Is improving at this Norton was awarded the DFC for 2nd Mrs. T W Blakeney. table, 2nd da>"- writing. his work in bringing back his ship Mrs. R. B. Denney. M iss Maxine Cady, Lyman Webb The Coffee Cup shop will he closed from an attack on Regensburg. Ger- Flat arrangement for table Mrs H. and Jimmie Cameron are home for for ten days for decorating and re many. Feb. 25. when enemy fight- A. Hartshorn Mrs. George Blasser. the summer from the University of painting. They expect to open Jun er fire ripped up a gas tank and a Mrs. W. E. McCloskex Oregon. . 14 Mrs. Fauteck left Monday for supercharger, and flak smashed his matlc arrangements Mrs Hartshorn, Lester 1 airweather, chief pharma- Downey. Idaho, to visit her mother windshield. On this sweep 15th Mrs. Blakeney. Mrs. John Holmes cist in the Navy, is now in New who lg M year8 old, but In good AAF bombers battled some 200 fight- Patriotic arrangements red, white Guinea. ' health * er* for * most two hour*, knocked and blue Mr*. T. W Blakeney. 3rd Rev F T Sturtevant and family Eari Rennet, Mr and Mrs J. K. down 91 while losing 35 planes , Mra. A. R Ringe Old fashioned or were guests of her parent* in Forest Bennett of Portland, visited his sister Beginning combat flying last Oeto- mixed bouquet* Mi* N. A Walker. 1 Grove on Tuesday. - Mrs. Earl Bennett Sunday. Earl «a her 29 with an attack in rail yards Floor bouquets Mrs T W Blakeney Mrs. Lela Holman is now employed ¡n (be Senbees and is home on a short at Genoa. Italy, the pilot ranged over lst. Novelties Colonial bouquet. 2nd in the office of the Portland Council Uave. He has been at Newfound targets in southern France. Germany. Mrs. Blakeney Flowers in frame of Churches. land for some time. He says the Austria, and the Balkans and flew 2nd Mrs. A S Funston Flowers In Mrs Anna M. Fabrique is home wind often blows 120 miles an hour his 50th mission April 23 to blast an bottles 2nd Mrs Blakeney 3rd Mrs from Molalla having spent several there. aircraft factory at Wiener Neustadt Hartshorn Miniatures Single Mrs. weeks caring for a sister who had a Born May 24th to Mr and Mrs. in Austria A R Ringe. pair. Mrs A R Ringe major operation. Izuirence Behaad <Pat Dobvnt> a 8 Born in Yakima. Wash . Norton Niches Mrs A R Ringe. Mrs Hart- John Mason has been transferred pound 7 o* boy. The youngster has war graduated from Washington shorn Mrs A F Txeeddale from Bremerton to Camp Hahn. Call- been named Gerry Carl. Mrs. Seha"d 2nd Hi*h School in Portland. Oregon, in Childrens Division fornla. with the ground crew of the i8 making her home In Beaverton for 1938 and entered the army March Leonard MrKee, small lst Sarah Air Corps. the duration. Harris Hansen is renting the James Donald R. Short, son of Mr. and 12L 1942 He ha* s wife. Geraldine Jane McKee M Norton, llv^g In Beaverton Miscellaneous entries Lilies^ 1st and Parker Downing and Mrs Me- Mrs L. W. Short of Beaverton, gradu- _________________Mrs. T W Blakeney Day Lilies - Gowan's places. 240 acres all told Mrs. ated May 31st from the Army Engl- Mrs Blakeney. Mrs Hartshorn. Mrs Hanson has an interesting lot of peering Officers school of training at Children’s Day At A R Hinge Fox Glove- Mrs. M C. young chicken* and five hundred lit- Ft . Belvolr. Va. He la now Instruc- MrKertther Mrs T W Blakeney tls turkeys. ting classes In engineering at Camp '* N a lren* Church pTwurf,.)'* Day will be observed Tritona Mrs Blakeney 1st Geum Mrs Z Wilmot celebrated her »1st McCoy. Wisconsin Hla wife is with GENERAL DWIf.nT D EISENHOWER birthday on the 5th. Many friends him. They both graduated iron «L.,rwt»v i • »1 the Cl»“ «*» of th« 2nd Mrs. R J Davis Supreme Alh'H Commander. and relatives called to tay ‘ Happy Beaverton High School Mrs. Short v ia a r .« * A progrsm will be given Sweepstakes Awards Nazarsne . r ------ -------- -- Horticultural Mrs R B De.-.ney Birthday.'' was Lois Ann Selby of Garden Home« and souv^r» prsssntsd to all. 225 Entries In Flower Show Who Will Sponsor Ship? Important News Of Cannery l a lu in/N TALK ' Y i