Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1944)
Friday, June 2, 1944 BEA\ FRTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Not Nice to Say CLASSIFIED WANT ADS T W O Cent* a w ord per issue N O T H IN G LESS3 T H A N 26c C A S H MUST A CC O M PAN Y A L L C L A S S IF IE D ADS NO ADS TA K E N O V E R PHONE W e Publish the B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E T IG A R D S E N T IN E L M U LTN O M A H P R E S S ALOHA NEW S C om plete E astern VVasnington County and W estern M ultnom ah County C overage. W e assume no finan cial responsi bility fo r errors w hich m ay appear in advertisem ents published in these colu m n s but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part o f an advertisem ent in w hich the typo grap h ical m istake occurs. • FOR SALE | F O R S A L E —1932 D eLuxe Chev Sedan, 75% rubber, heater, in g ood I m echanical order. I spare wheel I and tire; also Singer Sew ing m a chine in good condition. Inquire E. W icks, first house back o f S afew ay Store, Tigard, Oregon. 18 1 The Bible talks out in meeting. It says you are either on the way to ) RABBITS W AN TED glory or else you are a hell-deserving It bids you make your peace B E S T P R IC E fo r R abbit iryers. D. sinner P. M acDonald, R2, Bx 218, Beaver with God O R E LSE First, God m akes the o ffe r o f eter ton. P hone B eaverton 2260. W e pick up. tf nal life. That refused, ho gives soY enin warning. Hear his w ord— “ He W A N T E D —Live Katmits, to buy that believeth on the Sen. hath etei^ now. T op prices paid. R abbit Meat nal life." Now the w arn ing—"H e Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. that believeth not the Son o f God. Phone SUnset 1722. Open week shall not see life, but the w rath of days only until 7:30 p. m. t f ! God abideth on him ." It is BE- — IJ E V E ON C H R IST O R E L S E .— John 3:36. > FOR RENT ____ M ore yet If you do cold shoulder the o ffe r o f life, you com e into Judg ) MISCELLANEOUS ment "It is appointed unto men on ce to die and after this the Judgm en t.“ E L E C T K IC A I. A P P U A N ffBlI And more "It is a fearful thing to paired. Leave at Zunnvalt H ard fall into the hands of the living G od.” ware Store, B eaverton. 18-26 K N O W Y OU R B IBLE. A fter you cold-shoulder his o ffe r o f WILL. JO E W. H A G E N , or any one know ing his address, write E life, God s love turns to wrath. W hich Love or w rath? J. Allman. 3600 SE 99th, Portland for you Col. Peter E. Skane. A ir Corps, says Oregon. 17-20 a service man has nothing to fear R O O FIN G , P A IN T IN G and R e since Christ is able to keep that pairs. by reliable w orkm en. W’e which is com m itted unto him. guarantee all w ork. Call or Postal card me for the Little write to W. H Smith or V. W . Ne- that tells how to com e into ild, A Tw ater 6444. 2nd floor Couch peace, cheer and hope. Bldg. 16-19 H ID E S at W OOL, t'A S C A R A __A specialty. L E E BRO S., 25 S\V Clay Portland. A T. 5334. tf FOR S A L E —Field B erry wire, F O R T O W C A R call V E R M IL Y E also Netted Gem Seed Potatoes. M O T O R CO., P hone T igard 3381 tf F red Luethi, W alnut Avenue, T i gard, O regon. 18-19 \ CUSTOM T R A C T O R W O R K —Let us plow you r garden. H ow ard F O R S A L E 3 m ilk Goats, 2 fresh. W m . Smith, Johnson R d. & Divis Cassius Johnson, R2 B eaverton, j ion sts., P hone B eaverton 2462 4tf Bx. 153. 18-19 F O R S A L E — W ood G reen 16 in. slab $9 per cord in 2'v cord loads. R uben Johnson, N ew berg Star R oute. P hone 193J. 15tf H om e R efrig era tion m achine services. T w om bly CH. 2267. P L E N T Y P oland and C hester W e- J aner P igs and B rood Sows. S. A. Gotter, Scholls. 15tf i F O R S A L E —G reen slab old grow th 4 ft. D elivered in B eaverton or M ultnom ah $8 in 3 cord loads, $7 del. to Tigard, Sherw ood or Aloha. C. J. Staser, Carlton, Oregon. Bx. j 373. 12-tf 1 B R O O D SOW S and W eaner Pigs fo r Sale the year around, S. A. j Gotter, Scholls. 12tf F O R S A L E —Sm oothtop Gas R ange and small w ood heating stove. En-1 terprise Bldg., Short St. at Tuala tin H iway, B eaverton, F ra n k Ma- gathan. tf Enters Siiur Sinn and washing Call K. B 8tf P A P E R IN G — Painting, and Paper ing, neat experienced w orkm an. L. L. Seeley, Phone B eaverton 2516. 50tf D e u d stock picked up free of ch a rg e anywhere. Call collect. UN. 1221; night call DENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO., P ortland. tf ) PAINTS Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds FISHER THORSEN PAINTS F or quality, fair price and service J. B Imlay <& Sons ALOHA. O R E F O R SA L E — 4 ft green slab. Aloha d istrict $6 per cord. B lock & E d Y ou can alw ays dispose if It, If gin g $7 per cord. B eaverton-Ti- you use a w an t ad. gard-G arden H om e d istrict 4 ft. green slab $7 per cord. B lock Y our home tow n paper is only $1 E dgin gs $8 per cord. H. F. E lford, year Subscribe now. tf F orest G rove. Phone 56. Hello Folks: On last Sunday afternoon "you rs truly” was invited to deliver a Bible address follow in ' the initiation o f 29 men into the M atooka. W. Va., M oose I.odge. O ver 10J men were in the crow d. The M oose invited “ yours truly" in to see and hear the initia tion. They put their “ brand" on som e big politicians both D em ocrats and R epublicans. The cerem on y was serious and im pressive. . . . they let me in on everythin' but their "pass w ord." That's what I call social- ability for a lodge. B A R B W IR E B ILL R E E D V IL L E F O R SALK — C ertified B urbank The Low Down Seed Potatoes. S ch uepback B ros p Hickorv Grove or rnnH U mil* W Rprtver- r rum niLKUry uruvc ton Bank, also fo r sale at M um- The land o f the free, and the home m ey’s Feed Store, M ultnom ah 7-tf o f the brave—that has been us, all jo v e r in history. A nd if you care to stretch the im agination, but not too j W A N TE D ________________________________________¡m uch, it is still likewise if you don 't j Retail Lumber and Building Material W A N T E D —5 or 6 farm w orkers 1 count ‘ he IF pa,J that * " ° w hooked to hoe straw berries, old Scholls Rd. ° n ' F ° ^ Xample' eVe° bodJ 13 f/ e* Car com pensation can be arranged I " o r k - IF hls due3 ar. ? pa,d TAnd I W rite or call Rt. 1, Bx 610, Beav- folka p o n g i n g to the A ndrew Jack- erton, D. L. Nauman. 18 son-day Party, they are free to g o to , _____ ___________________________________ the C h ic a g o convention, IF they R ID E R S W A N T E D — O regon ship- agree not to start a ruckus, yard, day sh ift; Sedan, insured. , But, enough about freed om —and : Teller, B eaverton, P hone A loha back to the "h om e o f the brave.” 6279. 16—19 This old C hicago boy the Govt, barg- ------------------------------------------------------------ i ed in on, and carried out and plunked down on the sidew alk, he is the kind o f baby this cou n try needs m ore of. The spirit of independence shown by this old W in d y City boy is what m ade this W EST END country. L ike Geo. W ashington and our M ayflow er ancestors. R edcoa ts S E L L W O O D B R ID G E nor tom ahaw ks didn’t m ake him curl ! up and lay down, m eek and lowly, and scared speechless. He deserves CREMATORIUM 3 cheers. I give him same. MAUSOLEUM Y ours with the low down, JO S E R R A CEMETERY i Tell it with a classified. C om plete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at N o E xtra cost R iverview is a co-operative asso ciation with assets o f over $800,000 S E P A R A T O R S — M il.KE K S C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T ANI» S U P P L IE S F O R T H E D A IR Y C E N T R A IJ .Y IN D U S T R Y LOCATED Close to bus trans portation an d w alkin g distance fro m dow ntow n. Riverview Cemetery 0e Laval ronn*MttCaL-ÌAtT L ane (irr 135 NW Park J. P. Finley & Son BW F O U R T H A T M O N T G O M E R Y ill ill m BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS Essential Industry EXPERIENCE iii I \\ IN T E D TURKEYS ALSO Live Poultry and Eggs R eceivin g P ortland, Albany, R edm ond, ; : & D ressing Plants: McMinr.ville, Salem, E ugene, R oseburg,_ Oregon. Main O ffice and Plant Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. 8. E. Oak Street, P ortland, Ore. P hone I.Ast 5141 I The hom e tow n paper is like bread and meat to service men to THE WAR EFFORT, fA R M ER 'S o p p ea rs in g e size •n The Saturday Evenin 9 1 ° st June 3rd and in Collier 's June 17th issue ...w ith the help o f Providence Ship Your CASCARA BARK ^ O O L MOHAIR 'A N © HIDES Oregon Balsam of Fir Tallow and House Grease Blue Mountain Hide Wool & Fur Co. 704 S. W. F R O N T A \ E. Portland . SEW ER D R A IN A Tw ater 8384 5819 S.W. M acadam Av., Portland. 1. Oregon Ml = HI Ml lT: HI ss ili uisfliSHisni=m=iii=iii3Hisnisni£itisiii=iuzmsiHSHisiii9nisiHSin&w=m?iiiFHisms«iEii BEST MARKET PRICE FOR STRAW BERRIES. BOYSON. YOUNG CUTHBERT RASPBERRIES A PPLY AT Fertilizer and Dust A vailable Now! SYLVAN PLANT R. I. MacLaughlin & Co. Water A « , Portland BE. 3021 PORTLAND To Get ACTUAL MARKET PRICES Steady Work with Overtime z. 506 SW Mill THIS A D V ER T ISEM EN T O N E O F THE GENERAL p u b l i c WITH Beaverton, Oregon PHONE 3821 and LOGAN BERRIES. BLACKCAP and **** * OREGON MOTOR STAGES Lumber Co. SEE YOUR BUILDING M ATERIAL DEALER Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. Beaverton S Said in the Navy W ay—• Y ou m op with a swab and not with a m op; LEGAL NOTICE Topside, not upstairs, to get to the top You stand on the deck, tho its green N O TIC E TO C R E D IT O R S with grass; No. 5935 And its chow, not food, you get with In the County Court o f the State of your pass. * Oregon, for W ashington County. Boat is to ship, as hill is to mountain N otice is hereby given, that the un You drink from a souttlehut, not from dersigned, M orris W algraeve, has a fountain. T ho gentlem ans lounge is know n as been appointed E xecutor o f the estate o f JU LIA A. W A L G R A E V E , deceas a head. ed, by the above entitled Court. All You sleep in a sack, not in a bed. You stow your gear, not put things persons having claim s against said estate are hereby notified to present aw ay And you say squared aw ay; instead the same, duly verified as by law re quired ,to the undersigned at route o f OK. Its Port and its starboard not left ! 1, Box 500, Sherwood, O regon wlth- I in six m onths from the date hereof and right. Date o f 1st publication May 5, 1944. A rope is a line and a loop is a bight. You square your hat, when you make Date o f bust publication June 2, 1944 M O R R IS W A L G R A E V E , E xecutor it round; You hit the deck at the bugles sound o f the Estate o f Julia A. W algraeve, But your favorite phrase, that phrase Deceased. WM. A. C A R T E R , Attorney. o f dreams 431 P acific Bldg., P ortland, Ore. Conies paydays when the Eagle screams. If you think before you act, you Navy K eynoter, T oledo, Ohio I can act very m uch m ore efflicen tly Save skins from your breakfast ! and get very much m ore w ork done. 'oran ges and grapefru it and make your own m arm alade with that true ! citrus flavor and the real bittersweet C. V. W ALLACE tang you want. Do the first cook in g covered and the second cook in g un — Signs & Cards— covered. W atch it carefu lly to be i sure it doesu't stick. K l, Bx I, Tigard, Oregon. O pposite the Joy Theatre An unusual new job for w om en is I’ llO N E T IG A R D 2381 counting and identifying salm on at the Bonneville dam. W. I. NcCready NOT NECESSARY tU M vB iA BRICKWORKS MECHANICS ! AT. 6461 CULVERT A Tw ater 2181 CAR WASHERS) DRIVER -LUMBER PILER CONCRETE PIPE MORTICIAN W A N TE D WMC Release Required Working' Conditions Favorable LAWN MOWERS Repaired-Sharpened MOWER SHOP Queer Phrases In a Moose Round-up RATION BOOK REMINDER Cut this out and keep it in you r I purse or billfold. M E ATS— FATS— B ook 4 R ed Stam ps A-S through T8 are good indefinitely. W aste kitchen fata exchanged for tw o points and fou r • • * t • cents a pound. Red Stamps US \V8 valid indefln | it« ly beginning June 4. P R O C E SSE D E R l IT S — Yog «-tables Blue Stamps A8 through K8 are i • • • • valid M ay 1. Blue Stam ps L8. MS, N8, PS, and Q8| BEAVERTON good indefinitely. SU G AR — Stam p No. 30 in book No. 4 valid Indefinitely for five pounds. E. P H E LP S, Prop. Stam p No. 31 will becom e valid April 1 indefinitely. F or running o n ly : S ugar Stam p On Canyon Road 40 valid for 5 pounds through Feb. W est End o f Beaverton. 28. 1SM5. Apply to local boards on F orm K-323 for rem ainder (20 lbs. F orm erly H artram pf location max. per person) a ffixin g spare stam p HOURS 2 TO 8 P. M 37 for each person. SHOES— L oose Stumps Im u lid Book 3 Airplane stam ps No's. 1 and 2, indefinitely for one pair. F U E L OU — August 31 E xpiration date o f per iod 4 and 5 coupons. Not m ore than 92 per cent o f season s rations should have been used to date. SO L ID FI EJ.S— Dealers deliver by priorities based on needs. I G A S O L IN E COUPONS — N ot tulid % Unless Endorse«!— June 21 E xpiration date o f No. 11 ^ ¡" A " coupons. (M ay renew B or C k coupons within but not before 15 days k M echanics w ork 48 hrs. per week cover. fio m date on cover.) ^ 40 hours straight; 4 ..................... 1 k **.*»•«» ♦; ! I’ KICK C O N T R O L — and a half, G ood w orking co n d i-^ R efer price Inquiries and corn- tions. Perm anent em ploym ent plaints to price clerk at you r local board. BICYCLES Repaired W ayn e L on erg a n (h a tless) Is shown as he en tered the yaw ning gates of Sing Sing p rison to begin 3101 SW McChesney R oad, his sen ten ce o f 35 y e a rs to life im Portland, Oregon This space paid fo r by an Oregon prison m en t for the slayin g o f his w ife. P a tricia . businessman. IN SID E Page 3 Phone Beaverton 3271 rom millions o f American homes prayers go up for the safety o f boys away in the war. From farm homes other prayers, t o o . . . For aid in the production of crops vital to l ’ictory and : he i MabUshmenl of Peace. For rains to keep green the pastures where milking cow s graze. For sun shine to ripen the grains and fodders needed in the winter's feeding. Increased again th is y ea r are America's production goals for milk and transportable products o f milk! The U.S. Government'sown require ment o f cheese is estimated at nearly K K R A F T 450 tmllv n pounds— for our fighting men and f’ . hting allies. On top of that there should be made over 500 million more pounds o f this nutri- tious food for civilians o f our land. More than tu-ict as much cheese as the nation could produce when the lad war ended is needed note! We ok K ra ft who work with the dairy farmers o f America know how tamestly they strive to meet these goals. Short o f hands and equip ment. they carry on as best they humanly can. And they’ll succeed . . . with the help of Providence, C H E E S E C O M P A N Y Because of the tremendous demand, both military and civilian, you may not be able to get as much Kraft Cheese as you would like, or get your fat or He varieties— Kraft Ami rican, "Old English", “ Pniladelp <" Brand Cream Cheese, Velreeta. and soon. But you may be sure, as always that any cheese or cheese food u hu h bears the Kraft name represents the tery highest standard of quality.