Friday, lune 2, 1044 BEA V ERTO N E N T ER PR ISE , Beaverton, Oregon Pace 2 Babson Says . Continued from Page H. H. J E F F R I E S . Publisher l*y district. W e also ar»‘ picking up ____________________ - ——----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a little M e x ican Guayule and perhaps ) ahlisbed F rid a y o f each week by the P io neer Publishing CJo, at Beaverton, a small amovuat of natu ral rubber 1 rugon. E nte re d as second-class m a tte r a t the poetofflee a t B ea v erton , Ore. I from B razil and fro m Africa. How- ! ■ ever, with the exception o f Ceylon, 1 Subscription P ay ab le In A d v an ce the g reat Middle E a s t sou rces a r e J1 .0 0 .m e Y ear naturally out until we lie s -tapan. B ea v erton O ffice — E n te rp ris e Bldg., P h o n e B eav erto n 2321 Our consum ption o f natu ral rub- Portland Offlce—308 P a n a m a Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone A T w ater tiôji I ber, and re m e m b e r th a t it is all for ¡the m ilitaiy, is estim ated a t 150,000 (tons for 1914 T h is co m p are s with an all purpose use of n a tu ra l in 1943 0 r e c 1 o ® N e ^ s b ^ p e r Bv L. L . S T E V E N S O N am ounting to 340,000 tons and in 1942 F o r tu n e s of W a r : A very sad lit­ ublishers ation to 370.000 tons. Our t t o c k pile at the beginning o* the y e ar was about tle WAVE dropped into the open 140,000 tons with receipts estim ated house for officers at the Hotel Del- at 80,000 tons. W e will cu t our in- 1 monico and a sympathetic hostess ventory in h a lf by th e end of 1944. inquired as to the cause of her de­ Guard North African Port W hat About .Synthetics? pression. The WAVE informed her The production of sy n th e tic ru bb er [hat her sole reason for joining the Allied F o r c e H ead qu arters, Medl- was slow in g e ttin g under way but j ’ h elief th a t she would te rra n e a n T h e a tr e High in bleak increased to IMS f .o m a J a n u a r y pro-I raV y W3S t h t b c l u f .th a t ShC be sent overseas and thus would be hilltops exposed to every quirk of the duction ol 6C0 tons to a D ece m b e r nearer her husband who, four days elements, hidden am ong the tre e s on production ot 39,000 tons. T h e en- hilltops, and in scattered sites all tire year's work produced under 185,- after their marriage, had received along the coast of N orth Africa, the 00 O tons or about one—h alf our to tal his sailing orders and whom she .''V A soldiers of a n a n ti-a ir c r a ft unit are on ' 1942 consumption. S y n th e tic produc- hadn’t seen for a year and a half. a 24-hour alert every day as they tion ca p a city has expanded rapidly Then had come that ruling that guard a vital N orth A frican port during 1944 and fo r March, 1944, WAVEs must remain in this coun­ a g ain st Nazi "h it and run” riders. I reached an annu al output rate of try. She had just been granted her "W h e n e v e r J e r r y does come over to 670.000 tons. As plants are exceeding first leave, the WAVE continued, and interrupt our activities, he doesn't get th eir rated capacity, output should in a couple of hours would depart very far, because the b a rra g e we progressively rise. I e stim ate for | C leveland to visit h e r m o th e r throw up a t him usually m ak e s most the full y ear th a t about 870,000 tons T h is country is free and it Is al- jo f th ese raiders turn around and The hostess, seeking to cheer her will be made. ways going to be free. T h is country hea(1 for home in a h u rry ," BayB the Who Will Get Our R u b b e r ? up, suggested that she dance with is yours and it is always going to b e |Boldlerg who man theBe guns. The Our 19,*4 A m erican rubber consump- one of the officers present. yours. I t is going to be an example An ath le tic program gives the men tion should look s om ething like th is ; WAVE was willing so a personable to the rest o f the world. healthful recreation, and they have N atu ral Crude 150.000 young captain was called over and built volleyball cou rts th a t a re in use R e claim ed 250.000 | introduced. The captain asked the all day every day. S y n th e tic 700.000 WAVE to repeat her name, which, CONFUSION IN AGRICULTURE T h e se soldiers have been working 1 of course, she did. on th e ir living quarters, m a k in g them T o n s 1 , 100,000 , I real homes. L ittle gardens, stone Why, I came home in the next T h e d iffe ren ce betw een our syn- j A most am azing situation e xists In w a]gB betw een th e huts, shelves, ta- thetic production of say 870,000 to n s! *>ed to your husband!” exclaimed th e nation's field of ag riculture, ac- foies, chairs, fo otlockers and th e in­ and of the 70':,000 tons which we use, the captain. Naturally, as soon as cording to " T h e F a r m Column,” of evitable p i n -u p girls make these or about 170,000 tons, will be lend- she could find her breath, the WAVE F o r tu n e for May. I t shows we had huts look like home. leased or stocked for our future use. asked questions. Her husband wasn’t 82,200,000 head of c a ttle as of J a n u ­ “W e wouldn't trad e this jo b for All natural re claim ed will be used or wounded seriously, in fact would be a ry 1, as a g a in st a te n-y ear averag e a n y th in g " say these soldiers "we O ut of discharged from the hospital within ot 09,400,000; and 83,800,000 hogs, as , have beau tifu l suroundings, an inter- set aside for w ar purposes. the above s y nthetic supply about 18,- a ten-year av e ra g e of 5 1 ,-j „ u aBBiKnment, and a lot of fun (XX),000 tires will be m ade th is y ear a few days, she was told. He was b00,000, and t h a t the ch ief ca sh re-1 a t our p o . t . , alonK with the work. for civilian s a g ain st an estim ated at Halloran General, over on Staten tu rn to fa rm e r s is from livestock and ’ And we feel that we're doing a lot of island, and she would be permitted need of over 30,000,000. livesto ck products, not crops. to visit him at 9:30 the next morn­ good here in protecting vital ship- P ostw ar Outlook I t is estim ated th a t the needs of , ; m ents once they arrive a t our port, N atural rubber, and perhaps to tal ing. The WAVE cancelled her train dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep sheep and and I ! Among the soldiers who man these reservations, long distanced her lambs, horses and mules, swine, tu r­ I gun sites are IT c. Clarence C. Martin 1 rubber supplies, will be short for from I two to five y ears a f t e r the war. I t mother she wouldn’t be home and keys, ch ick en s and ducks, will be route 1, box 765 Beaverton. j will ta k e some tim e to clear up the made arrangements to spend the 145,794,000 tons of c o n c en tra te feeds ! F a r E a s t p lantations a f t e r the J a p s night with another WAVE at the for the feeding year, and that we are I are driven out. Not m uch m ore th a n i Real Estate Transfers Biltmore. Early the next 12 per cent short of that amount. 1250,000 tons a y e ar fo r the first two ' " I n essence, the problem resolves mprning, she set out for Halloran. Chas. B Noble et ux to Jo s e p h E a r l or th , e e ye ars ca n be expected from As she got off a bus at the hospital, itself down to the price of feedstuffs. T h e United S t a t e s . . . . ... , ‘Ceiling prices on feeds,' says P ro fe s ­ Manley et ux, 1 a cre Reedville Homes pre-war sources. A,nd R ose B iggi to T h e r e s a Pienovi, prt alone will require 1,000,000 to n s o f she heard her n a m e calle