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About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1944)
Page 4 Fridav. M ay 26. 1044 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE» Beaverton, Oregon H ere CHUHCH OK THE NAZAHENK 459 SW First Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. Rev. O. Baker, Supt. 11 a. m. Morning worship. Pentecost Sunday. 6:30 p. m. N. Y. P. S. and Junior meeting. 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic Service. Rev. E .' e Martin, reelected Supt. of the Oregon - Pacific District will „„..I, speak. Wednesday. 7:30 p. m. Prayer and e. Study in personal Evangelism. WEST I1UX8 LUTHERAN CHURCH !£ omination £ £ ? * " Again a n d Th e re Beaverton Grange had a party at n the hail on Tuesday evening, espec- ! tally honoring Mary Francis ,d 'date Downing (an active member! daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Parker Downing wno is awa.tinng call to Women's Ma rine. She was given a handkerchief shower. Also honoring the new Mon ¡ ¿ comnVuni^ *-*• *«” I ' Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS } Oregon Mutual Policl«** are NON-ASS tS»ABIJ£. You NKVEIt pay more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three time* the surplus required bp Oregon U w t „ ... onl>' ««publican can to make a showing against Congressman I **■* twelve years, h'* Saturday an? . announced^ that he n ^ V ° r ,he DOm,na , £ ' ...... ' '" OF McMlNNMl.LE Organized 1894— .40 years of Reliable Service * has. L. Walker. Agent -M»»- Ample Parking „ Z Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company 22*JS5-STi,S^£E‘JS Are You High-up? Drive Carefully on your bibix :. i John 1:7. ARE UNITING IN A Union Daily Vacation Bible School W H E N ?— June 12-23 inclusive W H E R E ?— The Church of Christ W H O ?— All children from Primary age to 15 years. Classes each day from 9 a. m. until 12 o ’clock LET S ALL BACK THIS SCHOOL WITH OI K UNITED SUPPORT The Beaverton CHURCH of the NAZARENE ^ ^ JR*‘V- Leonard C. .Johnson PHONE 3691 ON D-DAY — GO TO CHURCH AND PRAY 1 K . , .. . . . . . .. y ou r, 8! " s t Gresham, May 26- While placing blotted out , and ________ he clothes you In . his , hundreds of premium 1 . for the .. lists own eternal righteousness. From then 38th annual Multnomah county fair Memorial Day traffic accidents and foreVer, in his eyes, you are as have taken an average of one life boiy as tbe heavenly beings themsel- in the mail this week, Manager A. H. Lea explained that livestock, poultry each year in Oregon during the past [ ves See Romans 3:21. rabbit four of state State Bob ,ur years, Secretary or noo TH R E E -H aving raised you to this i “ and Z r ' raisers r C ; / throughout , . , , Oregon , 6 Moi.i today, ,(1Huv in urging urctnc aiivers drivers i hiKh ui u placei i r-. . . to work , . to mak,, , will have a chance -------- to enter their am- arrell said God i teta ,,, , , , . . j mals in this year's competition. En and pedestrians to drive and walk you it. He makes your body h .| lrl(, ,ast were restricted to carefully this Memorial Day. temple. Indwelling you with bim .elf Multnomah county, METHODIST CHURCH In 1943, there was one Memorial you shall be able to stand for Christ | Premium booky Albert S. Hlsey, D. D . Minister will be sent to Day fatality; in 1942 there was one; can ^ive you the power.—BIBLE. 9 45 a. m. Sunday School. I prospective exhibitors upon request to in 1941 there were two and in 1940 But you are still here among men 11 a. m. Preaching service. there was none Farrell urged dri- ,ind what is your part? You are of I the fair office, Gresham. W. S C. S. meets Wednesday. vers to duplicate the 1940 record for a new creation with a heavenly citi- While shopping eat at the Grey 1944. /.enship. So what is your part? And hound Coffee Shop. Beaverton. REEnVTLLK COMMUNITY Observance of the 35 mile wartime (his is God's commandment—That we PRLSBYTBRIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10 a. m. Mrs. Otto speed rule, care at railroad grade should believe in his son Jesus Christ Walkers Dept. Store, complete store crossings and when driving in the !lnd |ove one another.—“This is your George. Supt. 3tf vicinity of playing children will en- part KNOW YOUR BIBLE. 1 John under one roof. Worship Service 11 a. m. able drivers in this state to record a [ 3 23". Young People’s C. E. 7 p m. LEGAL NOTICE Prayer Meeting and Bible stuCy. no-fatality Memorial Day this year, it Lt. General Dobbie says it is a was said. grand thing to be able to take all Thursday, 7 p. m. NOTICE TO CREDITORS one’s problems to Christ and that his | No. 5935 help is most wonderful and practical I In the County Court of the State of St. Mary’s of the Valley AI.OIIA ASSEMBLY OF OOD Post card me for the little Book 1 Oregon, for Washington County, Sunday School 10 a. m. On Friday, May 12, the annual that tells how to come into the great- j Notice is hereby given, that the un- Worship 11 a. m. dersigned, Morris Walgraeve, has Queen’s Ball was held In the Acade er riches. Young people 6:30 p. m. been appointed Executor of the estate my auditorium which was transform Evangelistic 7:45 p. m. of JULIA A. WALGRAEVE, deceas- ed for the occasion into a lovely gar Prayer and Bible study 7:45 p. m. 1 ed, by the above entitled Court. All * den scene. Outstanding in the pleas Thursday. 3101 SW MrChesney Road, | persons having claims against said ures of the evening was the corona Portland, Oregon | estate are hereby notified to present ! t PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH tion of the May Queen, Margaret This space paid for by an Oregon the same, duly verified as by law re- | Jane Dooher, by the student body The Bible Church ! quired ,to the undersigned at route 1 president, Margaret Mathisen. In businessman. Box 697, Beaverton — - ■ ------------ 11, Box 500, Sherwood, Oregon with-t turn there took place the crowning of Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drivs Strict reductions on all mdse, at in six months from the date hereof, the statue of the Blessed Virgin and Walter R. Buhl, Pastor Date of 1st publication May 5, 1944 the singing of the sodality hymn, bargain counters, Walkers Dspt. Sunday School 10 a. m. Stf Date of last publication June 2, 1944 Mother Beloved. The crown bearei Divine Services 11 a. m. ----------------------------- M ORRIS W ALG R AEV E Exscutoi waa Estelle MacGregor .the train WAR RONDS are the safest invest-, of the Estate of Julia A. Walgraeve, bearers. Dianne Sherman and Fred Rodeo at St. Paul ment in >'ie wide world Deceased. Wetahletinger WM. A. CARTER, Attorney. Acting chairmen on the various Poise and ability as a horseback ri 431 Pacific Bldg., Portland, Ore. der are the two requesites for the committees were Margaret Jane Doo N U R SE L O S E S FA T her. Margaret Mathisen, Shirley May, queen of the ninth annual St. Paul Carolyn Sadler, and Winifred Walsh SAFELY AYDS WAY rodeo scheduled at rodeo park July 2, Gef si/mmer without exercise 3 and 4, Chairman Robin Day. Sa Chaperons Included Mr. and Mrs S Eat atarchea. potatoes, gravy, lem. of the queen selection committee Anzalone, Mr. and Mrs F Dooher. Mrs W Hauser, Mrs. A Leis. and juat cut down. A Y D S plan is said this week. safe, arnsible, easier. N o ¿irr Any Willamette valley girl between Mrs. P. Patterson. rise. N o drugs. N o laxatives. the ages of 16 and 20 1s eligible for While In Beaverton be sure to eat N i i f i f w i i i ont*o f iiio fp th iin the crown of this affair. a a a a Itti) |MM M i n i l o s i n g 14 t o 15 at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. While in Beaverton he eure to eat at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. Visit our special bargain counter new mdse, each week. Walkers Dept. Itf WE BUY AND SELL W. C. PEGG BEAVERTON MOWER SHOP MORTICIAN Beaverton, Oregon Estab 1910 Serving 33 yeare PHONE BEAVERTON 3411 FOR FASTER Bicycles Lawn Mowers Parts, etc. # E. PHELPS. Prop On Canyon Road West End of Beaverton Former Hartrampf location HOURS 2 TO 8 P. M GROWTH- H a r t y o u r ch icks on TRIANGLE LIFE’S L it t le T R O U B L E S Delicious A Y D S before each meal dulls thc appetite Yet y ou get vitamins, minerals, essential nutrients in A v d ; Start the Ayds way to l o s e weight now M) day supply of Ayds. S2 26 If y o u ’re not delighted with u suit* M O N E Y BAL K with the very first box IMione BEAVERTON PHARMACY Phone Beaverton 2311 J MASH *r e a iiit t / ‘ TRIANGLE M IL L IN G CO. MS N TILLAMOOK ST. POOÎLAMO. ORtCON ...W N É \ DO YOUR V-'AR DUTIES / 1 . V Ä ..atfcoMS \ \ ■xy W i Ruy more II o n ai s — ■ n d cheerfully allenil lo other home» front duties. I^-t’s get this Mar won > airkly! /V m -C AN’T EAT- You don’t have to worry and fret because CONSTIPATION or GAS PRESSURE discomfort« won’t let you eat. Instead of feel ing nervous blue or bewildered, tnko n dash of A D L F .R - I- K A as directed on label to quickly ex pel gaa to soften and assist food wastes thru a comfortable bowel movement Enjoy that clean, re freshed feeling that lifts «pints rekindles smile» improves appe tite. Buy itl Try it I You’U never be without Adlerika again. • a a a BEAVERTON MOWER SHOP E. PHELPS, Prop. West End of Beaverton. Formerly Hartrampf location HOURS 2 TO 8 P. M. Retail Lumber and Building Material W MC Release Required Working Conditions Favorable DRIVER -LUMBER PILER . -r •' | 4 ‘ VA »t» Get 4A *n k e f»*"» r » » » drw fgiil feWa* Beaverton Pharmacy Beaverton, 2311 RICYCLES Repaired On Canyon Road CH IC K STARTCR P o r » re a d y g r o w t h , y o u r c h ic k « M » d t h c r ig h t b a la n c e o f v it a m in a , p r o t e in s and m in e r a li T r i t a g li C à iek S t a r t e r ia a s c i e n t i f i c a l l y b a la n c e d r a t io n b u ilt to h it th e r e q u ir e m e n t s o f y o u r c h i c k s d u r in g th a h i s t s ig h t w e e k s of g ro w th S e t p o u r d e s ia r . Peace in the midst of war! Amid all the noise and turmoil comes the calm and assuring voice ol Jesus, "My peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth give I unto you. Let not your heart be tr o lle d , neither let it be afraid.” The shortest essay entered in a contest on "The formula for World Peace”, was this—TRY JESUS. Indeed. Jesus is the Panacea for this sin-sick bleeding world. SEPTIC TANKS “Concrete” Memorial Day l b s a v e r * « « In a f r w w o r k s in c lin ic a l tonta w ith A v d s Plan c o n d u c t e d b y m o d ic a ! d o c t o r s . ¡rnJii iN tnontl Pitullert Product* C oifor.iios Now York M Proof W. I. McCready Lumber Co. Beaverton. Oregon PHONE 3821 Hillsboro, Oregon The Churches of Beaverton |May Compete LAWN MOWERS Repaired-Sharpened Phone 1732 “ Every Form of Protection" ®iiT "Margaret ^ on issen "a n d 'g a m es the.m *?}' ‘ bell loyalty and hard work Admission 50c, children 20c, inclu tax 'caned to dining and lndlcal«d be would enter the next Men in Uniform 20c Anytime . . . ... ... l . round- I .ICe aS a known candidate ?nH Shnur Annrnvlmalplu Q candidate", . thank.* thanks 2nd Show Approximately 9 nVlnrlf o'clock room for refreshments which to hio many friends who enabled him Continuous Show Sunday at 2:30 ed out a very pleasant evening for all to win between thlrt five present. The decorations were U. S. per cent q{ |he tota,yvote nd forty Wew.-Saturday, May 24-27— ^a**‘ _ . ... , Still adhering to the D rin ciD lea nnh. Warner Bros. Explosive Story May 17th was la d le , night at the licized hjg £arl , P Harmon Kiwanis club with po luck dinner wag compiimentedI by the ' g ^ e r o w DESTINATION TOKYO Mrs. Eleanor Shively entertained VQte he r^ceived and still n f ^ n J u M ------------------------------------------------ “ with a dinner for her son Georg, who that Sma„ Buslne<s de8erv„ effective Sun-.Tues., May 28-30- waa home on furlough fror*> imj) representation in the Congress In New adventure and romance with the Shelby, Miss Guests were Mr an thc cornink general election, Mr Har- bel°ved character actor LIONEL Mrs. Richard Eisner, Mr and Mrs. mon urged his R e p u l)lic a n friends t o 'BARRYMORE in another of his R. Van Kleek, Mr. and Mis i j effectively support his primary on- popular Dr. Gillespie characteriza- Canyon Road, near Sylvan Werner J. Fritz, Minister Pentecost Sunday Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Divine Service 11 a. m. Sermon—Blessed are They that ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 8 . Mrs ' l i - J T t : — - n s GIIXKKPIE’S in HR. CRIMINAL CASE Mourn. Streimer of Portland. » • » . « with Van Johnson, Keye Luke. Nat The Cedar Mill Community club /Again Appointed Pendleton. Alma Kruger, William ALOHA COMMUNITY CHURCH have ■ purchased a volley ball for the ---------- --------------- “ . . i L Lundigan u u i i 4j i K a . i i a m i L i i a i tea u a u g i u u u i in n a a and Charles Laughton Graydon D. Loree, Pastor club for use at the union gym, spon- James Lewis, county commissioner, story crammed with action thrills and Sunday School 10 a. m. sored by the club each Monday even- bMjbeen appointed by Governor Snell, comedy . . . a story of modern Mary Antrim Supt. ing At a recent meeting it was de- as Washington county chairman of Australia . . . Morning worship 11 a. m. elded that a certain percentage of all the Keep Oregon Green committee for THE MAN DOWN UNDER Sermon List We Forget. money earned by the club will be put the third year. Youth Fellowship 7 p m. Shirley in the building fund. 1 _Mr L*wi* bas spent a great deal! Wed.-Kat., May 31 to June 3— Prink acting president. Hilda Balfe is in a Hillsboro hoapi- of time including arranging for fre- DESERT SONG Evening service 8 o ’clock. tal, as Is Glen Darner of route 2 jquent newspaper messages and radio All Its spectacular action in The Bible and this Warring World Mr. Noseler of Portland, has pur- programs calling attention of the TECHNICOLOR chased seventeen acres of the M. S. ' public to man-caused fires as well as j —— BETHEL Barnes place who Intends to aubdl- seeing that fire prevention advertia- And those wonderful songs "One CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH vide in small tracts and make a 60 ft. j >ng mattei is always a constant re- I Alone”, "Desert Song,” “ R iff Song,” Rev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor road through the tract. minder to the general public. by Dennis Morgan, daredevil leader 9 45 a. m. Church School. C. J. Hughes is leaving soon to en -! Mr. Lewis has appointed Wm. Barn- of the Riffs and lovely girl who 11 a. in. Worship ter the service. He is selling the fur- grovei, among others on a committee stole your heart in “ Yankee Doodle Dandy”. Irene Manning. nlture of his three room house on to co-operate in this work. C llt RCH OF CHRIST Coming soon on the Joy parade of Franklin avenue. George W. Springer, Pastor hits—Mickey Rooney and Judy Gar Richard Manning Schouboe, son of 9:45 a. m. Worship and preaching Mr and Mrs Lee M Schouboe and land in Girl Crazy; Bette Davis in Topic—Praise and the Sword. Old Acquaintance; Gung Ho, Hia But Lloyd Albert Johnson, son of Mr. and Following the sermon, the Lord's Mrs. John Johnson of Beaverton, [ Which are you, a high up or a low ler's Sister. Flesh and Fantasy. The supper will be observed. North Star; Corvette K-225; Olsen & graduate from Corpus Chistl, T ex-jdown sjnner? 11 a. m. Bible School. Johnson in Crazy House; Tunisian as, and are now ensigns In the navy. You are one or the other, for all 5:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor. Mrs. Margaret Stroeve, sister Mrs. i)ave sinned and the wages of sin i s ! A ‘c-tory; Donald O Connor in lop Evening worship service with spec- James ____ ______________ u i / M , Mora , , - . , Shell-' uunll. death . .. i I M an— R rin i’ in c Underwood, i Mrs ” ' ' Man Bringing you entertainment la Imuaic by the orchestra and a gos berger, Mrs Hilda Hybee. Mrs H. R | ONE God waits to blot out y ou rl‘‘Very playKOcr wi" enj°V to ihe ful1' pel sermon by the pastor 8 p. m. at- sjns Name yourself the one for 1 ... Wed. 8 p. m midweek Bible study Nelson, Mrs. H. B. Brookhardt, tended the Mothers Day dinner at vvhom Christ died and be cleared, for Cu* **118 out *or * u*ure Reference I Corinthians Chapter 11. Hillsboro given by the Business and tbe biood uf Jesus Christ cleanses Professional Womens Club. from all sin. Peelings, or no feel- j 7 . — “ — ---------- — ST. CECELIA CHURCH -------------- you bow stand cleared, k n o w Anyone in Oregon Masses 8:25 and 10:25 a. m. THE VALLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH UNITED PRESBYTERIAN 4110 SW Gabel Lane Rev. H. A. Armltage, pastor 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship and Bible Study, 7:30 p. m.. Evening Wor ship with Group Discussions. New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Form Fitting Seat, SEE YOUR BUILDING M ATERIAL DEALER Portland Concrete Pipe and Products Co. 5819 SW Macadam Ave., Portland. 1, Oregon AT. 8384 BEST MARKET PRICE FOR STRAW BERRIES. BOYSON, YOUNG and LOGAN BERRIES, BLACKCAP and CU TH BERT RASPBERRIES Fertilizer and Dust Available Now! R. I. MacLaughlin & Co. Beaverton Phone Beaverton 3271 TOTAL CONSCRIPTION! YOUR QUESTION S AN SW ERED Part 1: National Operations 8. How Will Production and Distribution be Carried On? 9. How Will Importing 10. What and Exporting Be Patents? _ II io Controlled? Thc Total Conscription Victory Program provides that the Gov- eminent shall conscript all of the physical facilities and equipment o. all export and import corpora- tions. and that the Governments of the United States and Canada be the sole importers and exporters. These facilities include shipping, all ol which will be taken ovei am' operated as national Merch ant Marine services thus enabling the Governments to secure more thorough control o.' shipping and achieve maximum efticiency through the allotment of canro fnrp space*. Private trade in the , face of a global supply pioblem must cease. As the Governments will be the sole importers and expoiters the importing and exporting of com- niodities merely for ;> profit will c^ase and trade will be limited to < nnioditie* essential to the war effort. The l^*nd-Leasc opera- tions of the Government in supply- ing o it Allies in this total war can therefore be conducted more effectively than ever before. . ADDRESS City State of Total Conscription provides that the United States and Canada shall now conscript immediately all pat- ents. inventions, arid processes ex- tant in the national domains whethei of domestic or foreign ownership. This clause of Total Consciip- tion. like many others, has already been contemplated by the U. S. Government. In April, 1942, a bill was presented in Congress that was described as 'a selective serv ice act drafting patents." The bill provides tha* during a war the President may acquire patents 'by dor.stion. purchase, or taking.' t vr.3t potential lies unused, ^ ' s es**rnated that there are at least 61.000 enemy-owned patents registered in the United States—in addition to the hundreds of thous ands of patents owned outright by citizens of this country, These patents cover thousands of inventions ar.d processes indis- pensible to war production and many of them are withheld from full use through patent restrlc- tlons. The only method whereby these processes may be released fully to the service of the nation is by a total conscription of all patents, foreign and domestic, for thc duration and six months thereafter and the suspension of all r o y a It i e a for that period. Section I - R. D. 12243 Technocracy. Inc. 4M s\v inth Avenue Portland .»-Oregon I am interested in Total Conscription <1 Plea*«' *en«l me fr«v literature only O Enclosed 1« 23c. Please send me "Technocracy's \ Ictorv Program Bundle” O Enclosed Is SI 00 for full »election of literature. NAME Becomes This Material Is Re printed by Permission <f Continental Head quarters. Technocracy Tnc. 155 E 44th St. N Y . IT. N T. Thru Section 1 R D 122*5 at «•4 5 W 10th Av*. Portland. 5, Oregon. EE 0062.