Friday, May 26, 1944 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon French Buy pieces Navy Gunner Plays Possum To Hedge Against Franc And Lures Jap to Disaster CLASSIFIED WANT ADS MADRID.—The new millionaires of France—merchants engaged in the black market—are frantically TWO Cinti a word per l«sua RABBITS W A N TE D buying up masterpieces of art at NOTHING LESS THAN 25c auctions in their eagerness to con BEST PRICE for Rabbit tryers, D. vert francs into articles of intrinsic CASH MUST ACCOMPANY P. MacDonald, R2. Bx 218, Beaver value, Paris correspondents of the ton. Phone Beaverton 2260. We ALL CLASSIFIED ADS Spanish press report pick up. tf NO ADS TAKEN OVER PHONE It was explained that Frenchmen WANTED—Live HanDits, to buy who before the war were unable to now Top prices paid. Rabbit Meat distinguish a Corot from a colored We Publish the Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. photograph now are enthusiastic BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Phone SUnset 1722. Open week buyers and sellers at the Hotel Du- TIGARD SENTINEL days only until 7:30 p. m. tf rot, where many French art auctions MULTNOMAH PRESS are held? I FOR RENT ALOHA NEWS The “ Annual of Public Sales,” FOR RENT —4 room House, fruit which gives the prices paid for Complete Eastern vV&snington County and garden spot. 3 mi on Bend works of art sold at public auctions, and Western Multnomah County Coverage. Rd.. inquire E. Harris on Bend listed one of Corot's lesser pictures Road. 17 sold in 1943 for 1,391,000 francs. (The We assume no financial responsi franc was worth $ 023 at the time bility for errors which may appear in France was occupied.) The picture advertisements published in these ► MISCELLANEOUS was last sold in 1875 for 500 francs. columns bul in case where this paper WILL JOE W. HAGEN, or any- ' A Degas sketch, which brought is at fault will reprint that part of one knowing his address, write E. 2,000 francs in 1934. sold for 288,650 an advertisement in which the typo J. Allman, 3600 SE 99th, Portland francs in 1943, and the same artist’s graphical mistake occurs. Oregon. 17-20 portrait, which sold for 16,000 francs • FOR ¿A L E ROOFING. PAINTING and Re in 1908, brought 1,610,000 francs. In a single day’s auction during pairs. by reliable workmen. We FOR SALE—Furniture, 3 rms, guarantee all work. Call or the year a total of 123 pictures were like new. C. J. Hughes, 1001 Frank- ! write to W. H Smith or V. W. Ne- \ sold for a total of 55,000,000 francs. lin Ave., Beaverton. 17 1 ild, ATwater 6444. 2nd floor Couch Art experts were reported making Bldg. 16-19 fortunes both as buyers and agents. FOR SALE—Oil Circulating H eat-j' er, good condition, $30. Telephone Beaverton 2601. • 17 ! R C A MAGIC Radio, in perfect Beaverton 2494. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES re paired. Leave at Zumwalt Hard ware store, Beaverton. 14-17 EYE Cabinet \ condition, $65. 17 Calls Pelt of Muskrat ‘Sure Cure’ for Asthma HIDES A WOOL. CASCARA—A ORANGE, T EX AS.-F. j . Pavell specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW of Orange, amateur weather fore Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf caster, announces that he has dis FOR SALE- 2 Cows and 2 V ea l'' FOR TOW CAR call VERMILYE covered a “ sure cure” for asthm a- calves 6 weeks old. See August muskrat pelts. Johnson, Rt. 6, Bx 919, Portland, 1, 1 MOTOR CO., Phone Tigard 3381 tf Local cynics who scoffed when Oregon. • 17 i CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK—Let Pavell predicted last fall that a rag us plow your garden. Howard ing gulf hurricane would not hit Or FOR SALE—1 set double Harness Wm. Smith, Johnson Rd. & Divis ange, observed that if Pavell said good condition $40, 1 Planet Jr., ion sts., Phone Beaverton 2462 4tf muskrats would cure asthma, then Cultivator $6. Would like to get Tricycle for child of 4 or 5 years. muskrats would. Home Refrigeration and washing Call Tigard 2190. 17 Pavell said that sufferers from machine services. Call K. B Twombly CH. 2267. 8tf asthma would be cured if they tied FOR SALE - 3 Cows, easy milkers, muskrat pelts, fur down, to their gentle, 2 fresh. 21 choice Chester PAPERING— Paintiivg, and Paper chests. He admitted he didn’ t know White weiner Pigs, 2 sows. Call ing, neat experienced workman. why muskrat pelts so attached re evenings Tigard 2593. Mrs. B. Zed- L. L. Seeley, Phone Beaverton lieved suffering, but he said he knew nick. Rl, Tigard, Bull Mt. 17 2516. 50tf it did because he had cured from 50 FOR SALE—2 heifers, one Jer D e a d stoc*1 picked up free of to 75 persons. sey-Guernsey 13 mo old, mixed charge anywhere. Call and one Jersey 18 mo. old, both collect. UN. 1221; night call Churchill Willed $80,000 for $80. 6 young Geese for $24. DENLEY RENDERING CO.. | Rt 1, Bx 382, Bonita Rd & Salem Portland. tf Of Banker’s $9,818,000 Cut off. 17 IXJR SALE — Thorobred Flemish Giants Rabbits, John Hamilton, Garrett Ave., turn off at grade school, 2nd house on right. 17 FOR SALE—Wood Green 16 in. slab $9 per cord in 2Vi cord loads. Ruben Johnson, Newberg Star Route. Phone 193J. 15tf PLENTY Poland and Chester We iner Pigs and Brood Sows. S. A. Gotter, Scholls. 15tf Page 3 LONDON. — Henry Strakosch, banker - economist and a British knight, who died last October, be I m la y ’ s Fresh queathed Prime Minister Churchill $80,000 as “ a token of friendship and Mixed Feeds for his and his wife’s great FISHER TH0RSEN PAINTS gratitude kindness and hospitality,” it was dis For quality, fair price and closed. The estate, valued at about service $9,818,000, was one of the largest J. B . Imlay & Sons disclosed by recent death records. ALOHA, ORE Jan Christiaan Smuts, prime min RE ED VILLE You can always dispose If it, If ister of South Africa, was left $40,- 000, and Minister of Information you use a want ad. Brendan Bracken was bequeathed ) PAINTS FOR SALE—Green slab old growth 4 ft. Delivered in Beaverton or Your home town paper is only $1 $ 10 , 000 . Multnomah $8 in 3 cord loads, $7 a year Subscribe now. del. to Tigard. Sherwood or Aloha. It Is estimated that U. S. civilians C. J. Staser, Carlton, Oregon. Bx. You can use classified advs to ad will consume 349 eggs per capita 373. 12-tf vantage . * Plant one in this paper. during 1944 Jap Flashlight Bulbs Keep Britons in Dark How a gunner on a Navy patrol! plane lured a reluctant Japanese; fighter pilot within range of a telling burst of gunfire was disclosed recent ly by the Navy Department in award ing the Air Medal to Martin J. Bat- tuello, 23-year-old aviation machin ist s mate first class, of Calumet, Michigan. The one-man drama was staged1 dining a dangerously low-level bomb-! ing attack on enemy ships in Kiska j Harbor Six Zeroes swarmed around; the plane as the pilot pulled out of a, bombing run. One Jap in parUcular selected Bat-' tuello s position at the waist gun as his target. He swooped in several times, but always pulled away at a distance which showed considerable respect for the ability of the Navy air crewman. It was obvious the Jap dul not desire to get too close to the Navy guns. Battuello decided to resort to theatrics. The Jap made another pass, firing a long burst. Suddenly. Battuello’s guns were silent and the Jap saw the gunnel sprawl across his weapon Eagerly the enemy pulled up and sped into action for another run— this time to be unchallenged. With the mid-section of the Navy plane in his sight, he roared in bold ly. He was saving his fire for a sure, deadly burst. The distance closed rapidly. Battuello lay mo tionless across his guns Then, with split-second timing. Bat tuello sprang to life. His audience was too startled to fire as Battuello seized his guns and blasted point- blank at the Zero. There was a big puff of smoke and the Zero slipped off on one wing, out of control. Bat tuello was unable to see all of the fiery plunge, but it was obvious his show had paid tremendous box office returns. There are four things that I cannot explain why street clocks never show the right time; why thermome ters hanging outside of drugstores never indicate the right tempera tures; why slot machines on a rail way platform never give the right weight; and why weather vanes al ways point in the wrong direction. "I know of no other way I would rather die. or my son. than for his country." Sgt. Earl Brown. U.S.M.C., in a letter to his wife on death of their son Pvt. Jack H. Brown. "Private enterprise is a system under which business men assemble capital and labor and direct them to ward the production ot those goods and services that have been freely qhosen by consumers. It makes for economic progress because it keeps the door open to new products and new processes, to new blood and new ideas. It eliminates waste, enhances efficiency and cuts costs."—Clair Wil cox. Professor of Economics, Swart li nt ore College. Whip your Butter to make it stretch. Have the butter soft, hut not melted. While beating, gradu ally add lukewarm cream and milk. Chill the mixture until firm before serving. To Get ACTUAL • MARKET PRICES LONDON—Exasperated Brit ons who purchased flashlights to find every bulb a dud. got an explanation recently. The bulbs were part of a pre war consignment of lights made in Japan which the Japs used to dump in Britain at the rate of 40,000,000 a year. About 90 per cent of the bulbs were said to be bad. Ship Your CASCARA BARK W OOL MOHAIR AND HIDES Oregon Balsam of Fir Tallow and House Grease Blue Mountain Hide Wool & Fur Co. C. V. W ALLACE — Signs & Card*— 1701 S. W. FRONT AVE. Portland HI, Bx 1, Tigard, Oregon. Opposite the Joy Theatre RHONE TIGARD 2381 lOHNSON'S Tax AND ca T w ásh ersí Accounting Service 1 220 Lumbermens Bldg. PORTLAND, OREGON BE. 7131 MECHANICS I 1 Mechanics work 48 hrs. per weekS 40 hours straight; 8 hours timeR and a half. Good working condi-1 tions Permanent employment. 4 CENTRALLY LOCATED Close to bus trans portation and walking distance from downtown. OREGON MOTOR STAGES 506 S W Mill BE. 3021 . PORTLAND I. P. Finley & Son WANTED TURKEYS ALSO MORTICIAN SW FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY ATwater 2181 Live Poultry and Eggs Riverview Cemetery Receiving A Dressing Plants: Portland, McMinnvtUe, Salem, Albany, Eugene, Roseburg, Redmond, Oregon. WEST END HELLWOOD BRIDGE Main Office and Blunt Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. S. E. Oak Street, Portland, Ore. Phone LAst 5141 CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Complete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extruconl Riverview Is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $800,000 BROOD SOW'S and Weaner Pigs for Sale the year around, S. A. Gotter, Scholls. 12tf FOR SALE-Smoothtop Gas Range and small wood heating stove. En terprise Bldg., Short St. at Tuala tin Hlway, Beaverton, Frank Ma- , gathan. tf FOR SALE—4 ft green slab. Aloha district $6 per cord. Block & Ed ging $7 per cord. Beaverton-Ti- gard-Garden Home district 4 ft. green slab $7 per cord. Block A? Edgings $8 per cord. H. F. Elford, Forest Grove. Phone 56. tf FOR SALE — Certified Burbank Seed Potatoes. Schuepback Bros. Spencer road, V4 mile W Beaver ton Bank, also for sale at Mum- mey’s Feed Store, Multnomah 7-tf i r r ig a i ram?» W AN TED WANTED:—Lady to attend el- j derly woman invalid. Preferably | during night. Contact Mrs C. D. j Walker, Phone Beaverton 2505 17 fu n d ed RIDERS WANTED—Oregon ship yard, day shift; Sedan, insured. | Teller, Beaverton, Phone Aloha 6279. 16—19 ; season ,rr,Xafe “ s » 1 oistUrt De Laval SEPARATORS — MILKERS Monne Hmtirtw i Dhtuteitnn -*• CV1RYTHING DAIRYMAN Q e a r ,h * ' » / / / „ / , / „ eno“* '" o do ,he „ COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY INDUSTRY K o p ie m , c 7 «*Per //i k in d H SiiHst¡ed rc lrr'g a t i n g ULn Peop/e ,7»'. dOÌn* '» *,,ven> Wat-larnts. pG( I nvitiamo , C m .- f a i r C ame O t ? 135 NW Park WANTED RRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS Essential Industry C n ou 8 h ¿iloti 1Uld e 'i*Cl POE , •> millionh „____ ° rk'nX to improve AT. 6461 ' * * in is s 'gnm d e c im e e n tc r p n * o r ld c v'g<>rnlls power ln ^ e v c /o n , E X P E R IE N C E N O T NECESSARY Steady Work with Overtime APPLY AT SYLVAN PLANT COLUMBIA RRICKWORKS ISM A E. Water A t « , Portland Res. CH. 1534 "Let us worry about your tax problems" — Quarterly estim ates — monthly accountings— social security and withhold ing t a x returns prepared. " i c r /c y