Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1944)
F riday, M a y 19, 1944 B EAVE RTO N ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon CLASSIFIED WANT ADS W A N T E D —Live KahDits, to buy now. Top prices paid. Rabbit Meat Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. Phone SUnset 1722. Open week days only until 7 30 p m. tf TW O Cent« a word per issue N O TH IN G U2SS TH A N 25c CASH MUST ACCOM PANY A L L C LASSIFIED ADS NO ADS T A K E N O VER PH O NE h it e LO-HEELERS FAR M PROGRAM AIDED “ I want to express our apprecia tion of your great and effective help with regard to agricultural appro priations effecting the extension and research programs of the Land- Grant Colleges. Thank you for your assistance." "Your activity in the Forest Fire Protection Appropriation is being very well received In the Pacific Northwest. You are doing yeoman service in this field. We are very appreciative of your interest in Ex tension matters. A number of land grand colleges have indicated their appreciation of your interest." Original letters containing these quotations may be seen at the "Hol man for Senator Committee" head quarters. 4DH Wilcox Building, Port land. Oregon. Names of signers not published here as these were unsolicited let ters written to Senator Holman dur ing his present term. Pd. Adv Jerry Sayler, Sec. "Holman for Senator Com." Wilcox Bldg., Port land, Ore. JOHNSON’S Tax AND Accounting Service 220 Lumbermens Bldg. PO R TLAN D , OREGON BE. 7131 Res. CH. 1534 "Let us worry about your tax problems" — Quarterly estim ates monthly accountings— * social security and withhold ing t a x returns prepared. De Lav/al P A IN T S FOR SA LE —Smoothtop Gas Range and small wood heating stove. En terprise Bldg., Short St. at Tuala tin Hiway, Beaverton, Frank Ma- gathan. tf monne k (well Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds Ndnutaturv-. i IIMrlbutor, FOR SALE — Certified Burbank Seed Potatoes. Schuepback Bros. Spencer road, Vi mile W Beaver ton Bank, also for sale at Mum- mey's Feed Store, Multnomah 7-tf BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS FIRSI CONGRI SSI0NA1 DIS1RICT v\ .»V x 8 im ím PoaTiAN ctC M .-U tT L ake ( it y J. B. Imlay & Sons AT. 64«! 135 NW Park ALOHA. ORE J/ WANTED i Republican National Convention fc r j d air Y m a n ~ m For quality, fair price and service R E E D V IL L E For D elegate CVCRYTHING , FISHER TH0RSEN PAINTS FO R SALE—4 ft green slab. Aloha district $6 per cord. Block & Ed- j ging $7 per cord. Beaverton-Ti-! gard-Garden Home district 4 ft. green slab $7 per cord. Block i- Edgings $8 per cord. H. F. Elford, Forest Grove. Phone 56. tf SH O ES Cool sum m er comfort. . . Low heel fashions with that youthful chic and grace of line that denotes the Essential Industry \ tine Brentmoor styling. APPLY AT SYLVAN PLANT ^Future security, too! ****************** Fred H. Cockeii L e t ’s R e tu rn to a S a fe C o n stitu tio n a l G o v e rn m e n t TURKEYS (r a id Advertisem ent) ALSO Live Poultry and Eggs Receiving & Dressing Plants: COLUMBIA BRICKWORKS B uym ore#//^#n ow Elect cool and very easy to keep clean. Steady Work with Overtime-, 1320 S. E. Water Ave., Portland Made o f quality leathers, light and EX PER IE NC E N O T NECESSARY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * T O It A Y U D e a d stocl{ picked up free of SE PA R A TO R S — M II.K K K S charge anywhere. Call C O M PLETE EQ U IPM EN T AND collect. UN. 1221; night call SU PP LIE S F O R TH E D A IR Y D ENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO., i IN D U STR Y Portland. tf1 BROOD SOWS and Weaner Pigs for Sale the year around, S. A Gotter, Scholls. 12tf ; Buy War Bonds For Future Needs t y 414 S. W. Washington Cortland P A P E R IN G — Painting, and Paper ing, neat experienced workman. L. L. Seeley, Phone Beaverton 2516. f 50tf FO R SALE—Green slab old growth 4 ft. Delivered in Beaverton or Multnomah $8 in 3 cord loads, $7 del. to Tigard, Sherwood or Aloha. C. J. Staser, Carlton, Oregon. Bx. 373. l*-tf $10 I Home Refrigeration and washing j machine services. Call K. B. . Twombly CH. 2267. 8tf P L E N T Y Poland and Chester We- | aner Pigs and Brood Sows. S. A. ; Götter, Scholls. 15tf j Oregonians Endorse Work Of Sen. Holman $5 i C O N F ID E N T IA L IN V E S T IG A TO R part time to make W ar In dustry and Insurance investiga tions on people in Beaverton. This | will require very little of your : time and you will find it interest ing as well as remunerative. Also, if your present work calls for regu-1 lar travel in surrounding territory I and you can spare a little extra time, this affords excellent oppor tunity to handle larger volume. Address reply to Box 530, Port land, giving age, occupation, edu cation, and state what territory | you can regularly cover. 16 FOR SALE- Wood Green 16 in. slab $9 per cord in 2 V* cord loads. Ruben Johnson, Newberg Star Route. Phone 193J. 15tf BEST PR IC E for Rabbit iryers, D .; P. MacDonald, R2. Bx 218, Beaver-; ton. Phone Beaverton 2260. W e i pick up. tf ( The Nokabout J The Dallas Pliofelt CUSTOM TR AC TO R W O R K —Let us plow your garden. Howard Wm. Smith, Johnson Rd. & Divis ion sts.. Phone Beaverton 2462 4tf FOR S A LE —2 Cows and 2 Veal Calves 6 months old. See August Johnson, Rt 6, Bx 919, Portland, 1, Oregon. 15-16 HATS You know, these newest skimmers we been seeing around in our mamas, well, how the Sam Hill they ever got the sisters to don ’em, had me stum ped I had to ask for help I asked Henry. I ’m gassin' about the new stove-pipe chapeau, where a joint of pipe pushes uward from a kind of plug-hat brim. The kind where if you will observe closely, you will see children scampering for a safe place upon first sight of one of these inno vations like a chicken taking for cover when a hawk appears overhead. "How did they get 'em on the la You can almost always dispose of dies’ ” I say's. “ Well," says Henry, /'at fust it was not so easy they had It, if you use want adv Colors to Match Your Spring Suit EOK TOW CAR call V E R M IL Y E MOTOR CO.. Phone Tigard 3381 tf FOR S A LE —Chevrolet 1932 De Luxe, good mechanical order, 75 < "c rubber, 2 spare wheels and tires, $200 Cash. Inquire '<Lone Oak Garage, Tigard, Ore. 16 Mallory to rope and tie the first 2 or 3 dozen j -then it was easy as pie couldn't! supply the demand thereafter." "W ill they have to rope and tis 'em 1 to get these horse-scarers off the ! mamas?" I says. "No," says Henry, | "not if they will bring out a double- J decker novelty, maybe something like 2 joints of pipe versus one as now. and maybe add an accessory of some kind, like a few electric lights, or maybe fix ’em so they will puff a lit tle smoke out of the top. now and then.” Henry knows his women. Yours with the low down, JO SE R R A The Low Down From Hickory Grove 'Cravenette** Shower Proof HIDES $ WOOL, CASCARA—A specialty. LEE BROS., 23 SW Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf FOR SALE 3 New Zealand white Rabbits $12, 1 buck 2 does; also nearly new hot water tank. 20 gal. 309 SE Tucker, Beaverton. 16 ) RABBITS W A N T E D : E LE C TR IC A L A PPL IA N C E S re paired Leave at Zumwalt Hard ware store. Beaverton. . 14-17 FOR SALE W A N T E D —Rider to Portland 8 t^ 5, R. Giebelhouse, Allen Ave., R l , ’ Bx 1022, Beaverton. 16 [ N e w for S p rin g ROOFING, P A IN T IN G and Re-1 pairs, by reliable workmen. We guarantee ai* work. Call or write to W. H Smith or V’ . W. Ne- ild. ATwater 6414. 2nd Iloor Couch Bldg 16-19 Complete Eastern W&snington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage. We assume no financial responsi bility for errors which may appear in advertisements published in these columns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. W A N T PASSENGERS To Hills boro Cannery—night shift. Mrs. Fred Brandt, Bx 53, R l, Beaverton. 16 1 ► M ISCELLANEOUS We Publish the B K A YE K TO N E N T E R P R IS E TIG A R D S E N T IN E L M L'LTN O M A li PRESS ALOILA NEW S I W ANTED Health officers warn that the use of sulfa drugs In attempted self treatment for gonorrhea is a danger to health and even to life. Public health clinics and private physicians are cooperating fully in providing special consultation and assistance in diagnosis and treatment of venereal diseases. Page 3 t They keep liphlicg- You keep buying Portland, McMinnville, Salem, Albany, Eugene, Roseburg, Redmond, Oregon. WAR Main Office and Plant Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. THE OLD JUDGE S A Y S . . . 8. E. Oak St rest, Portland, Ore. Phone l'.Ast 0141 I* . OLD HEIDELBERG PARK Will be Closed From May 20 to June 10 LOOK FOR OPENING DATE To Get ACTUAL MARKET PRICES Blue Mountain Hide Wool & Fur Co. 1704 8. W. F R O N T AVE. Portland _- » «• Jl »• > V -u P V 'ï Et 2 h y . ■■ I / ' ; M . y / ^ ¿ - - 7 . ,V / CF.NTRAIJ.Y i LOCATED 4J Close to buz tranz- ? portation and V4 walking distance t j j from downtown. B E S T M A R K E T P R IC E YOUNG and LOGAN BERRIES, BLACKCAi ’ and C U TH B E R T RASPBERRIES R* I. MacLaufihlin & Co . I. P. Finley & Son MORTICIAN SW FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY Beaverton i p Æ ' S Ship Your CASCARA BARK W O O L M OHAIR AND HIDES Oregon Balsam of Fir Tallow and House Grease •F v , FOR STRAW BERRIES. BOYSON, ■ m Phone Beavert on 3271 ATwater *1*1 “ Guess we’re pretty lucky in our town. Judge, that we don’ t have the youth problem you read about in other places.’* " D o n ’ t know as you can call it lucky, H a ro ld ...w e saw it coming with the war and we did something about it before it hit us. We gave our ’ teen age youngsters the recreational facilities they needed and really wanted. Those familiar with this wartime problem know that young folks go to places they shouldn’t only when the proper places Tku are not provided for them. Young people always want to be with others of their own a g e ... want their own type of entertainment. Tow n after town has found out that once these simple wants are met, the problem is well on its way to being licked.” “ Guess I didn’t really know how tar- sighted our town really is. Judge. It we hadn't looked ahead we wouldn’t have had anybody or anything to blame but ourselves, would we?’’ i ^ m j r W » , C w ' r n n i •( A lnkoln U n tta»» /« BO