Friday, r-\pril 28 . 1944 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Paee 2 Dan Harmon for U. S. Congress KNOWS Washington County II. 1L JEFFRIES, Publisher Published Friday or each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton. Oregon Entered aa second cHass matter at the postoffice at Beaverton. Ore Subscription Payable in Advance. n .u o One Year Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 232! Portland Office— 308 Panama Bldg , 3rd and Alder Phone ATwatei 6891 j O R E C ]O 0 H t^ S I P u b i i s h I erj F O K M IK C O 't ' H NOR VO TE FOR R. J. HAAS PER I AT I 0 N Candidate for County School Superintendent Stranded Airmen May Trade Trinkets for Food-Shelter A string of colorful beads, a plug of tobacco, or a hand mirror might have helped many a Yank in some foreign 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE battle area, the U. S. Army Air Forces for I 'nitotl Slalom say. These are some of the items con as school administrator in tained in barter kits issued to army Washington County * airmen kits that may be useful in Dan Harmon, republican candidate (J'horl Term) event of a forced landing in strange 1 f ° r Congress, has this week visited I QUALIFIED — EFFICIENT primitive territories. Beaverton, Tigard, and other parts of 1 Paid Adv. Opposiil io • The downed flyer may use these Washington County in the interest of ' [trinkets to trade or bargain for food, his campaign to Unseat Congressman 15 years as a newspaper publisher .W'/r ih-of .¡lodging, transportation and guidance. . Mott. in Washington county at Forest Also Included in the small lightweight One of the items on the Naples we want, in the Congress, suc autovravff kits a r e buttons, lipstick, needles, cess or Seniority?” asks Mr. Harmon, i Grove, have given Hugh McGilvra black market was American army C- Let's Show Appreciation an opportunity to study and safety pins, fishing hooks, costume i pointing out that "Congress is so full ration. An Italian housewife bought Jewelry, razor blades, matches and ! of Seniority now, instead of straight ' know Washington county — its three cans of C-ration hash, but when Paid od v.— Spragu* for U. S. Senator Commino* Is America appreciative of its ser Roy 6 Early, Morga n Building, Portland, Orogon j she got home she discovered that the 1 thinking younger business men, that ' people and its problems. vicemen? When a man comes home ribbons. To take into consideration every it has involved the country in a ter- 1 VOTE cans were filled with sand. Some from the fighting front, for a brief possible fate that might befall a fight- smart operator had simply gathered rible mess. Certainly” Harmon con- furlough, under existing regulations . . . . . ... .. A recent application for a gas stove he i.s allowed a paltry five gallons of I,n* alrman and lo hi,m " ,th thK I tinues “ we can not consistently de- 1 58 X HUGH M cGILVRA priority was received by a ration up a batch of* empty cans and lids gasoline He can’t go fishing, he ! nio8t co".pact necessities is a tremen- pend on the same Congressmen who board which read as follows: “ I have put sand in the cans and then neatly can’t go hunting, can’t visit friends j dou“ ob- tbe air ,forct‘8 and tbe put us in to the alphabetical soup, to Candidate for Republican always had a wood stove but now my crimped the lids on. cant renew himself by trips to the ProvUlon of the bart*r. k,* may b* ' get us out of it. wife is sick and can no longer bring Nomination’ for country | as important as providing him with i Harmon who is asuccessful bust in the wood." Always remember to be yourself, He may well doubt our Interest in a Parachute, food rations, medical kits ness man and farmei, is 43 years old i Think independently and weigh what- He him when he sees countless civilians |and other “ frty or Protective equip- | and used to live in Multnomah. You can almost always dispose of \ ever suggestions are made for your | formerly was, for years an American and public officials allowed ample gas j ment- it, if you use want adv particular work. export representative in Europe and rations because of their "essential” j —------------------------ H I5 lll= lll= lll= l| l= lll= lll= ll| = | | | = | | | = lll= lll= lll= IIIS III= H I5 lll= lll= IIIE III= iM = lll5 lll5 lll= m £ lll= n ! Latin America. He now lives on a activity What is more -essential' Speaking of N e w s p a p e r s i farm neai Dundee and owns an auto than relaxation for a weary service- j r- o r r i T i mobile business in Newberg. man when he Is on leave, and free-' (Two To Be Nominated) 11 "Thrift, hard work and honesty, I dom from petty official annoyance. A newspaper man knocked at the Paid Adv. think, are fundamentals of democracy ¡jj pearly gate, which must be revived if we are to His face was scarred and old, Victory Garden Notes jjj I ever get oui national affairs on a ! He stood before the man of fate pay-as-you-go basis To do this, will ! il LEGAL NOTICE Continued rainy weather gave Vic- 1, For admittance to the fold. ! require the simple arithmetic of busi- ! 1 T 1 tory gardeners who had not put in [ What have you done,” St. Peter | ness men and not the complicated j asked, NOTICE TO CREDITORS their garden an opportunity to*grow and nebulous mental processes of “To gain admittance here?" ¡D No. 5935 some of the vegetables which might professional lawyer-politicians whom In the County Court of the State of 1 T 1 otherwise have not been profitable. "I've been a newspaper man, Sir,” we have elected in the past,” Mr. Har- | Oregon, for Washington County. he said, Successful plantings of carrots, par mon added, saying, “ After visiting fij Notice >3 hereby given, that the un snips. cabbage plants, broccoli, kale j “ For many and many a year.” Congress during the last year, I’m dersigned, Morris Walgraeve, has jjj The pearly gates swung open wide and cauliflower are recommended. convinced that post war legislation been appointed Executor of the estate It will soon T>e time to transplant I And St. Peter touched the bell. of Pasadena, Calif. i will evolve mostly around matters of of JULIA A. WALGRAEVE, deceas ijj tomatoes, lettuce and other plants I “Come In”, he said, “and choose ; business recovery and foreign policy. your harp, All jjj which have been started in a hot > 1 am tamiliur with both in a most ed. by the above entitled Court. You've had your taste of hell.” persons having claims against said 8 house. 1 practical way and hope the people of —Unknown Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother New gardeners quite often set I this district will give me an oppor estate are hereby notified to present iii Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, the same, duly verified as by law re plants too deep. The soil should be _ . _ f_ s tunity to serve Oregon in the post quired .to the undersigned at route in firmed lightly about the roots Instead j T U A L A I IN Massachusetts. | war Congress.” 1, Box 50C, Sherwood, Oregon with of tightly packed on top. Transplants i Mrs. E. Hawxhurst returned Mon- in six months from the date hereof. jjj should not be exposed to the sun. ] day evening from her trip to Califor- Date of 1st publication May 5, 1944. jjj in the Gardeners should check their young j nta. She reports the weather there Dan Harmon for Congress vegetable plants, strawberries and j similar to ours. -------- Date of last publication June 2, 1944 The republican party expects to get j MORRIS WALGRAEVE, Executor others so that when the spittle bugs! -------------------------- ! our country out of this mess but it : of the Estate of Julia A. Walgraeve, begin to appear they may be dusted. METZGER i can’t do so by re-electing the same j Deceased, Kotenone dust is very successful for, , in this purpose. It may be placed in a m ,Lawrenc* ^ a,jsh- Coxswain U. S. old crowd ot political wheel horses! WM. A. CARTER, Attorney. cheesecloth bag and shaken over the Navy, returned to California after • that got us into the alphabetical soup. ' 431 pacific Bldg., Portland, Ore. ijj plants. Hydrate lime and nicotine th,ee weeks spent at his home Law- 1 To be progressive, the republicans' S. W. 3rd Ave., and Clay St. ______________ _ 18 dust may be used if rotenone Is not £fnre Bon of Mr and Mis. must get the "old timers” out and put Fishermen when a guest of the available. | Frank Carsh. some progressive men in Congress folest remember your manners. A ijj Monday evening, May 8, 8 o ’clock _____________ | Mrs John Wick entertained the W Dan Harmon is such a man. jSj He is ciean campground, a dead compfire. ÏI j S. C. S. of the Community Methodist successful. Dan Harmon believes i n ,(ind carP with smoking materials, are The Low Down Under auspices of Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist 5 Church on Wednesday. Twenty ladies thrift, hard work and honesty as a the hallmarks of good breeding, ia I were present. Plans were made for foundation of progressive government. From Hickory Grove The Public is Cordially Invited. {{j n . _____ - a family dinner to be held in the In Congress do we want Success or ' T ii = ;iii=nt=iii=iii=iii5in=iii=iiigiii=iii=tH=i»=ni5W5in5mEmgm=iiisiiigiiisiitgiii»w»iit«i I picked up a Pacific Rural Pres* Community Clubhouse In June. The Seniority? It was telling about a question- * rouP w**> meet at the home of Mrs. Congress has been full of Seniority] nalre for the farmers. It was head i Kroman on the foulth Wednesday in (men to hold to put up a fight) for | cd, "U. S. Dept, of Agriculture—Bu -\ May. years . . . let’s tiy Success, instead ot j teau of Agricultural E con om ics-! Ml8 R «*ve* daughter of Seniority, for a change. Budget Bureau No. 40-4414.” The|Mrs w c Frornan- «turned to her Paid Adv. paper says If you like humor, don’t home in Atherton, Calif., last week miss this pamphlet. Send for it, to A six year old boy was found re YOUR QUESTIONS AN SW ERED 2082 Center Street, Berkeley 1, Calif cently at the edge of a bridge. He I Prisoner Dies Ship Your The questions cover everything ex said his brother, aged 8, had fallen j I CASCARA BARK Fart 1: National Operations it-pt whether a farmer and his wife Death of their son Pfc. Robert W. into the river, while hunting for a $1 | wash behind their ears. According to W OOL MOHAIR The Govt. | Pfeifer, U. S. marine corps, of colitis. coin I:» had dropped. 4. What Does ‘Conscrip- therefore requires that the Govern- wants to know how many card par in a Japanese prison camp at Osaka, a police report, the boys had been giv- j AND HIDES * n ments of the United States and ties each farmer attended last year. Jan. 30, has been reported by the en a >1) bill Sunday morning and I tion Or Men Mean. Canada conscript for the duration How many picnics. How many close war department to Mr. and Mrs. R. the $1 \\ ill that was left. Wonder ■ Oregon Balsam of Fir .,, , . and for six months thereafter all friends does he have, and their! E. Pfeifer of Glide, formerly of 4306 if the parents had given the children 1 All effectives, male and iemale, of the equipment and physica, fa. Tallow and only $1 and put the rest in a saving j names, and to what church do they ISW Marigold Street, between the ages of 18 and 05, cilitie9 used b the natlon This belong, likewise, himself. How often I Pfeifer, who enlisted in the ma hank, their boy might have been alive ] House Grease shall be conscripted by the Gov- includes the equipment and physi- does he visit them. What does he do | rines at Portland July 6, 1938. was today. ernment for national service. cal facilities of: when he tern V i s i t Is the house] taken prisoner in the Manila bay The demands oi the war and the a. Rail, truck, bus, water and air Joseph Koller and Mrs. Julia Marx tidy. How many dances per annum . area. Besides his parents ,he also post-wai reorganization of society transportation. The above Is just a few samples. - leaves a sister, Mrs A. Lind, IOnsley, both 81, were lonely, they said today will require that people be assign b. Telegraph, telephone, and ra and a startsi One other question is Ala., and two brothers, Eldon k in applying for a marriage license ed to socially necessary work. This • To what ETHNIC group do you be-j who is in the navy, and Alfred of They were going to be married, they dio communication. will demand the conscription of 1701 S. W. FRONT AVE. long?" Ethnic had me stumped. I Glide. said, to keep each other company ; c. Public utilities and power pro men nnd womfen as much as the Portland looked it up m tlie dictionary I am' ----------------------------- in their remaining years. duction and transmission. war of the battlefields. still stumped. But as near as I can tell No woman is to blame for not be- d. The manufacturing industries. All able citizens "will thus be in she looks like they had just as well ing beautiful at sixteen, hut she has WAR BONDS are the safest invest 1 e. The oil wells and refineries. the direct service of the nation called the farmer and hi* wife a 1 only herself to blame if she is not ment in the wide world. f. Mines and Mining operation^. whether they are in the armed heathen In the first place, and not | beautiful at forty. The Treasury Department would forces or in civilian rfetivity. Those bent around the bush with 8 pages of — ;__ ___. ; — in the Armed Forces will be under issue certificates of deposit show- C. V. W ALLACE comic questions, printed on paper command of the Armed Forces as >ng the equity of corporations and which (tie Govt, says we have a — Signs & Cards — now. Those in manufacturing individuals in the property con- shortage. and other civilian services will be scripted All of the financial AND Yours with the low down, RI, Rx 1, Tigard, Oregon. under the direction of the techno- transactions and bookkeeping rec- Opposite the Joy Theatre JO s e r r a 1 O f ft WAR HOAD logicai command in which they ords of the corporations engaged PHONE TIGARD 2381 serve in these activities would be “quick "The only Indispenslble person In It is to be noted here that this is frozen" for the duration and they 220 Lumbermens Bldg. America Is the American boy who not merely a labor conscription pro- would cease to operate as private PORTLAND, OREGON dies needlessly In combat "—Capt gram. Technocracy is opposed to corporate enterprises engaged In Eddie Rlckenbacker. the conscription of Labor alone, producing fot profit at a price. BE. 7131 Res. CH. 1534 AT FIRST This program includes manpower. They would all become national SIGN OF A "arsenals’’of total war producing "I«et us worry about your tax but only one phase. WANTED the requirements of the nation. problems” — Quarterly estim ates monthly accountings 5. What Daes ‘Conscrip The materiel consists of the ar- Hear DAN HARMON Speak social security and withhold paratus and supplies of an organi tion of Machines and ing t a x returns prepaied. Every Thurs. Nite zation as distinguished from its USE personnel. Included in materiel Materiel’ Mean? 9:15 P. M.— KOIN ALSO 666 TABLETS. < ALVE. NOSE DROPS are all of the manufactured sup What Congress Needs All of the equipment and physi plies, foodstuffs, clothing, and raw- Live Poultry and Eggs cal facilities of production, trans- materials necessary for carrying l itation. communication. and out any given operation or sertes N K P A R .4T O R 8 — M IL K E R S Receiving A Dressing Plants mining will be placed under na- Oi operations. ( O M PI I I I I < >i IPM KN r ' M l Portland, McMinnville, Salem, tional direction to work unhamp- Under Total Conscription the S U P P L IE S F O R T H E H A IR l W A N TE D Albany, Eugene, Roseburg, e <‘d in the war effort. Technoc- title of all materiet (whether orig- IN D U S T R Y Redmond, Oregon racy s design of Total Conscription inating front agricultural, mining. _______________ manufacturing, the for Main Office and Plant est. or the sea) shall he transferred to the respective Government Section I - R. D. 15*48 be'orc it can be ship PWnwfartirw-' A tU'Irlbulon Technocracy. Inc. Essential Industry ped by any common t W R > T H I N G ,, Alt S " loth Avenue carrier rail, truck, air, Fort la nd-¿-Oregon or marine EXPERIENCE H. K. Oak St n> -t, Porti m.t. Ore. I am interested ih Total ( «inscription ^ Mechanic* work 43 hrs. per week^ NOT NECESSARY Phone I'A at 8141 O Please y m l mo free literature only k 40 hour* straight: .8 hour* tin-.ej Thia Material la Re k and a half. Good working condi-k O Enclosed Is tV . Please «end me Steady Work with Overtime 135 NW Tark AT. »4«! ^ tlons Permanent employment () printed by Permlaaion "Technocracy's Victory Program Bundle" of Continental Head APPLY AT O Enclosed is *1 .0« for full selection BE WISE AND MODERNIZE quarter*. Technocracy of literature. Inc.. 155 E 44th SL, SEPTIC TANKS PATRONIZE NAME N. Y . 17. N Y Thru Cesspool* Pumped, (leaned Commercial ami Residential Section 1 R. D 12245 at H. B WISE ADDRESS Drain !*tpe A Sewer Pipe* Cleaned 814 S W. 10th Ave.. PI UMHER Prompt Service O tf State J 506 SW Mill BE. 3021 i Portland. 5, Oregon. V.V3H SE Kind. Portland SC. 47«2 CH 1232 — 743 Huplrrrr*! tourt ^ ^ P O R I v \ - 5 RE 0062. 13*6 A. F.. W ater Ave.. Portland T J. C R O S S « HITE S E N A T O R V STATE REPRESENTATIVE FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE • By CHARLES V. WINN, C. S. B. I m To Get ACTUAL MARKET PRICES CIVIC AUDITORIUM I •M\ T O T A L CONSCRIPTION! Blue Mountain Hide Wool & Fur Co. JOHNSON S Tax Accounting Service VoUiOl/) TURKEYS De Laval BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS SYLVAN PLANT COLUMBIA BRICK WORKS I CAR WASHERS] Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. lìkimck fri fell ! MECHANICS 1 S J OREGON MOTOR STAGES ! | y