Pape 2 B E A V E R T O N ENTERPR ISE, Beaverton, Oregon Friday, April 28, 1044 The Low Down more people to live in the rural sec- C h i l d r e n ’ s L o w P r i c e d tion» CL N a t i o n F r e e ,o o n From Hickory Grove some dav 5 Votim: Voting some day should be le- o n o e s K a i i o n r r e e ^ o o n stncted Because one is of aye. he is j i just run into a book—it is 2 J 0 not necessarily entitled to vote irres- Children’s low priced shoes in sizes Joe Miller's Jest Book. ! pective of character, intelligence or suitable for youngsters from four to years old. borrowed money, what recor(j a h . j B m u a nikum er I except - with* ------------- This does not mean that one 6 years will be sold ration-free from It is an antique—the original I mean __________________________________ — ----------------------------------------------------------i « 10 we do fo1 »he whole workl? W e jmu|t own pl0perty In order to vote; May 1 to May 20, aecoiding to infor­ j —my copy is a reprint and only 41 | years old. It cost me 4 dollars, plus Published Friday of eacfc week by tk* Floaeer Publishing G o. at Beaverton. not justified in borrow ing money bu, it does mean that prospective mation received here. 12 cents tax. It is worth it. Now, Oregon. .. . reguu Entered as seeend-etaae imit*r at Use paelefftce at Beaverton. Ore ' tu support millions in depressed coun voters should successfully pass cer­ Dealers report that many parents wj,en some radio jokesmith dishes up trie# with nothing back of them in in tain fair tests to eliminate the un­ have been unwilling to use ration a raucous and non-humorous version yUon Payable in Advance. j dustfial or farming facilities. Let -9LQ Ê One Tear worthy. stamps for low priced shoes and in­ and concoction of a joke, I just look us be generous with such money as 6 . Religion must again become a stead have been buying the higher Beevertea Offtee— Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 232! in my Joe Miller, book and get the we have, but not go into m ore debt part of the nations educational s > I quality footwear, which havre become straight of it, and get the point, Portland Of floe— -tot Panama M | , 3rd and Aider Phone ATwater 6691 jto give away more money. tern. The Church, however, will be j.eaj|y scarce as a result. Rather than Also remember that if our cost of stripped of its superstitions, dogma- j ^ ^he low' priced shoes deteriorate which, on the radio, you don’t get, except maybe it is once in a full producting goods, including (arm P 'o - : and business enterprises. The ^ sneivea will now' be of- moon. i harm our A m c ^ i ' ^ r k « « * ^ ¡ ¡ Churches are due for a rude awaken-; fered on-free to help make much O ie B'lt about this Joe Miller.. He was farmers wno who are are tne the bac kbone o of f our lng scvere and will a general Everybody rarmers backbone our I p u lin g ; but taxation the Church come , needed h„ . - shoe mileage available for something like AEsop. P u l ís knows, I guess, that It was Babrius nation. It stands to reason that we out o f tbis more useful than e v e r . _________________ who wrote down the fables, about 200 M Vb It cannot keep our social gklM If We 7 FlnHllv , and the l a . , M , .. ,. , That try to save the rest o f the world by portw>ce of BLOOD and SOIL should Problems in Motor Vehicle years after AEsop told 'em. was in 600 B. C. And it was Mr. letting them send in their cheap £e glven greater consideration Those I ; _ J R e g is t r a t io n W a r H ero at 18 John Mottley who wrote down the goods that are made with cheap la- wh£ breed and best train the most L i c e n s i n g a n a K e g lS ir k l lO n I Joe Miller Jests, in 1739. Joe Mill- „ . b0r’J I l „.we do ,n these cheaP children will ultimately control. In Motor vehicle administrators from er was English lived from 1648 to ( Holder of the Distinguished Ser-j goods, millions of American workers the meantime, the autocratic coun­ vice Cross, the Silver Star, the Pur- | are going to be out of jobs. Then tries will have become more demo­ eleven western states gathered in i 1733 , pie Heart and 15 infantry medals for j our War Bonds could be a burden, cratic while the democratic countries Portland Wednesday and Thursday,! y ou g n0w folks who are fed up on expert markmanship is the unusual The Real Solution April 19 and 20. to discuss wartime Horror, Murder, and her-other-hus- have become more totalitarian. j problems in motor vehicle licensing j band type books, might switch over record of an 18 year old boy in Fort I After the Peace Makers get under and registration This was the first j to AEsop or Joe Miller, and improve Wayne, Ind. During his two years' | way with their trade agreements, in- RATI0N BOOK REMINDER 1 time sessions of region four, Ameri- tbe digestion. service with the Marines he has par- j tei national bank, etc., and when un- ticipsted in five major naval engage­ employment is rampant because of 1 Cut this out and keep it in your can Association of Motor Vehicle Ad- j Yours with the low down, ments and has seen service in no less foreign competition, and after the ! purse or billfold. ministrators, has been held in Oregon j JO SERRA borrowing comes to an end, what will ¡ADVANCE PORK RATION— Discussion topics included u n iform -'------------------------------------------------------- - than 10 different countries. I assume that then the' *C>PA has validated these 216 meat j dy in issuing drivers licenses to re- conference included Governor Earl Quite an achievement for a young­ happen? ster , who has just reached the draf­ New Dealers will want to start new points for advance use in purchase of turning disabled veterans, license Snell, former president of the nation- Last plates for the future and the compi- al associations, and representatives tee age and one moet any boy would government WPA projects to provide pork on the farm only: housing, clothing and goods for these brown points In book No. 3 and red iatlon and maintenance of driver- li- from Washington, California, Idaho, be proud oX, Yet, there is no need •tamps numbered # *’ 8 ’’ and lettered cense records. „ Arizona, iriynno Mow Nevada, New Mevieo Mexico, r*nln- Colo­ Estel Dunn enlisted in June, 1941, idle workers. j “A through “ M” in book No. 4 (each 1 Prominent persons featured at the rado, Utah, Montana and Wyoming. GRATÜITIES COME HIGH soon after his 16th birthday. It was for this. during his early training that he won The alternative is to keep the cost stamp good for 10 points, re- In Oc-1 of goods down so as to be able to gardless of the point value printed on ‘‘American workmen are watching his marksmanship medals. 03 Ml their pay checks and today they find tober, but three months after he don- meet competition during the years i them. Ml What is the sense of now I Ml .ATS FATS Book 4 1 T 1 a substantial and growing difference ned his uniform, he was assigned to ; ahead, His big moment came j building our costs sky-higli when we Red Stamps A 8 through K 8 are between their rate of pay and what active duty. Si S i after the good indefinitely. Waste kitchen fats is taken home/' says David B. Rob­ with the Invasion of North Africa, i know they must tumble ¡M when he participated In five major ; War. In the meantime, the ultim- ! exchanged for two points and four ertson, President of the Brotherhood CULVERT SEWER DRAIN = of Locomotive Firemen and Engi­ naval engagements in November of j ate consumer will pay the bill. This cents a pound. III l]i It Was during one of these will happen in spite of any labor or Red Stamps R 8 -T 8 valid indefinitely neers. "We wonder if such govern­ 1942. Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. Sj ment procedure will eventually give engagements that he performed the other organization. * Only wise in beginning May 7. Red Stamps U 8 -W 8 valid indefin- Si a rate of pay of $60 a week to a man %ot of outstanding duty which w on! vestors and those engaged in active SEE YOUR BUILDING M ATERIAL DEALER f Rely beginning May 21. in the cab of a locomotive and permit him the Distinguished Service Cross i business can pass these costs along m 'PROCESSED FRUITS—Vegetables him to take home only $10 an week." He and another buddy manned a five- ! 1 lungs to Remember 5819 S.W. Macadam Av., Portland, Oregon. ATwater 4921 = Brother, you have asked a question Inch battery a lo n e -* Job which ord- j To win the batfle of production is 1 Blue Stamps A 8 through K 8 are iii III u i5 i ii = i ii = i ii = i ii g H i£ i ii g i ii = i M = M i= M i a i i= ii i= m = i ii g M i= ii i» ii r s i ii = m f c i M g | i i= in = ii iE M iç i ii s u . the supreme task today of both em- j good indefinitely. which has a simple answer: The ln&rtly requires ten or twelve men. After naval resistance of the enemy ployers and wage workers. Private Blue Stamps L 8 , M 8 , N 8 , P 8 , and Q 8 more the man In the cab or the man on the street expects the government to in North Africa had begun to die enterprise must prove its real useful valid May *• # do for him—In other words, the more down, a call was issued for 72 volun j ness to the country at this time of I SUGAR— handouts he seeks on the theory that teers to go ashore, and Estel was one 1 crisis and demonstrate its right to \ Stamp No. 30 in book No. 4 valid j For this i survive. It is the responsibility of indefinitely for five pounds the government can do something for of those who offered to go. Stamp ----- ” No. ” m 31 will become valid him which he cannot do for himself, act of heroism he was awarded the aii groups to produce the best pos- sible product In quantities as large as April 1 indefinitely. or which cannot be done by his fel­ Sliver Star. And then one day a sixteen-inch needed at the lowest possible cost Stamp No. 31 valid indefinitely. low citizens the less he will have For canning only: Sugar Stamp left in his pay check, regardless of its battery shell came along which had consistent with fair wages and a fair Estel’s name written on It, and he return on money invested. 40 valid for 5 pouunds through Feb. size. Apply to local boards on America needs a national philoso­ 28. 1945. Government can give the individual was wounded by sharpnel as it ex­ First be was hospitalized phy of teamwork. For business this Form R-323 for remainder <20 lbs. nothing in the shape of gratuities, ploded. which It first does not extract from aboard a cruiser and was then trans­ means teamwork within each con- max. per person) affixing spare stamp him by the taxation route. The more ferred to a land hospital at Norfolk, cern and teamwork with labor, com -1 37 for each person, (after March 23). | Virginia. He was awarded the Pur- | petitors, the public and the Govern-; SHOES—Loose Stamps Invalid It gives, the higher the taxes. In April of 1943 he re- ment Though alien armies may be Book 1—Stamp 18, valid for one And It makes no difference whether pie Heart. discharge for , conquered alien philosophies can Pair thru April 30. the giatuity be called social security, ceived his honorable j still overrun the land. Industry is Book 3—Airplane stamp No. 1, valid free electricity, food subsidies, social­ disability. During his career with the Marines one Qf the first targets. The true ! indefinitely for one pair, ized medical care, or whatnot—the cost will come out of the pay check, he served in Canada, Cuba, Trinidad, battle is between patriotic elements Airplane Stamp No. 2 becomes valid Each stamp good for one and the less the individual will he South America, North Africa, Mexico, j ¡n management and labor on the one May 1. England, Scotland, Ireland, and Bur j hand, and the self-seeking elements pair. able to do for himself. FU EL O I L - , j on the other. The price of financial dependence Estel can’t fight any more but he's Seven Postwar Goals August 31—Expiration date of per­ on government Is the loss of Individ­ ■till In the war. Instead of resting 1 industry should give as much iod 4 and 5 coupons. Not more than ual independence. 84 per cent of season's rations should on his laurels, as some boys might thought to building men as to pro- have done, he secured a job in Gen ducing materials. The exploitation have been used to date. Too Difficult for Einstein eral Electric’s Fort Wayne plant. Gf human beings is the certain road ¡SOLID FUKUJ— where airplane superchargers and , to revolution. Industry must win! Dealers deliver by priorities based 1 Professor Albert Einstein, world many other essential war devices are | the battle against fear, hate and od needs famous mathematician, found it ne­ being manufactured. greed. As America has found the GASOLINE COUPONS — Not \ alid cessary to call In a tax expert to help "There s no let up until this war Is power to harness the forces of phy Unless Endorsed— him prepare his 1943 Income tax won No one can feel he has done M|ra| nature, so it must now learn June 21- Expiration date of No. 11 return! No wonder that millions of his part, regardless of his record, un- j how to harness the forces of human "A” coupons. (May renew B or C ! 1 un-of-the-niine taxpayers were baf­ til the axis powers have been defeat- 1 nature. This Is God’s plan for a bet- coupons within but not before 15 days fled by the complicated tax form ed." is Estel’s explanation of why he j ter wo, id , from date on cover.) which Dr. Einstein, whose theory of lost so little time in securing a war ! 2 We all should cease talking j FRICK C ONTROL— relativity is supposedly understood Job. about the abundant life and again Refer price inquiries and com- ; by only seven persons In the world, 1 teach that life is struggle. Homes, plaints to price clerk at your local j confessed “is a question too difficult 1 sc hools and colleges should once hoard for a mathematician. It should be W om en in W A C to Chose ! more put the emphasis on sacrifice. INCOME TAX— asked of a philosopher.” j training and the good of all. But Declaration of estimated 1944 tax Job Assignm ent all must be given more equal oppor- are due by April 15. Thinking of the election, a mid­ Women radio technicians are prov- tunities, irrespective of color or west editor asked a friend who he Your home town paper Is only $1 was supporting. "A wife, four child­ Ing their worth in the Army these creed Subscribe now. Even the complicated mechan- j 3 Fewer laws should be enacted a year ren. a car, and a lot of office hold­ days. lsnrs of airplane radios hold no mys but greater emphasis will be put ers,” he replied. Accompan­ tery to the adept members of the upo:i law enforcement. Women's Army Corps who are effl- ied w th this there should be a move- TIME TO CHANGE ciently serving as radio repalrwomen ment to let natural law work more with units of the Army Air Forces J freely There will be fewer subsidies AND If any voter has the audacity to both at home and at overseas bases 1 to unfo tunate farmers, inefficient YOUR QUESTIONS ANSW ERED suggest that this country should not Women enlisting in the WAC may I manufacturers and independent mer- change horses In midstream he choose their Job assignments one of | chants There, however, will be a Part 1: National Operations should be reminded of Great Rrltains the J39 Army classifications, and recognition thait the safety, of the na 220 Lumbermens Bldg. experience when the former prime their Individual station, within the tisns depends Upon prohibiting eer- PORTLAND, OREGON minister, Mr. Chamberlain, was re­ geographlcal limits of the service tain commercialized evils, 2. What Does Total 3. How Can Total Con­ placed by Mr. Churchill. This hap­ command In which they enlist, and 4. Big cities should he decentral- BE. 7131 Res. CH. 1534 Conscription Include? scription be Installed? pened during England’s darkest days, their choice of service in one of the ized. This is the only known protec- when her existence was at stake. Is three elements of the Army of the tion depends u|>on prohibiting cer- "Let us worry about your tax Total ( onsrription is a designed Tot:tl Conscription can be intall- there anyone who would argue that Unlted States-the Army Air Forces, tion against bombing planes as well problems" — Quarterly estim­ national operation. It is specific ed only by the Governments of the this change was not moat beneficial the Army Ground Forces, or t he Ar- \ as against social hazards. This may ates — monthly accountings for Britain? my Service Forces. More and more be accomplished by some method It includes the Men, Machines. Ma- United « » t e g and Canada. To pre- social security and withhold­ w serve national unity and stability American women, mindful of the of taxation that will encourage ing t a x returns prepared tetiel and Money of the nation, will have to be inaugurated con­ WAC slogan. Women's l ’lace m Wai Should Spray Early somé piograms of so-called total stitutionally by the duly elected —the Women's Army Corps, are tak The need for spraying early In the conscription advocate merely con- government in each country. To- season, as soon as the garden gets Ing advantage of that threefold choice. scription of people; others con- tal Conscription can be installed started, lies in the fact that once S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S . , „ , under the provisions of the Consti- C. V. W ALLACE insects start breeding, each individual C O M P Ì.E T E E Q U IP M E N T AN D ta:n loose statements about capi- tution in the United States and increases In tremendous number* S U P P L IE S FOR TH E D A IR Y tal and labor. But if there is con­ under the laws and the British — Signs & Cards— WANTED It la a lot easier to destroy millions IN D U S T R Y scription of people, as there will North American Act of Canada. of "generations unborn” of Insects Rl, Bx 1, Tigard, Oregon. be. the Government must also con­ This is the only way that Total than to wait until they are hatched. Opposite the Joy Thentre Conscription can be installed in script the tools they use The the United States and in Canada. There la no use letting insects get a P H O N E T IG A R D 2381 start on you in trying to solve this j Governments of the United States problem later! If you spray early In ALSO Technocracy is sponsoring this and Canada must mobilize all the -d » W * . "f t z 'J N e n a ( a t a r A D hfrtbaton " /U h * the year and do a good job, your crop program in both United States and factories, ail the equipment, all o ' IV tR V T H IN G will come through with much leas at­ Canada so that the people may be L ive P oultry and E ggs the buildings AT FIRST tention when It reaches the ripening # used in production cognizant of the effect which the ■ d a i r V m a n T S1ÓM OF A stage distribution, and services as well march of world events is having on Receiving A Dressing Plants: Portland, McMinnville, 8 alem, as the people They must also the internal operations of this Con­ Albany, Eugens, Roseburg. Technocracy’s analysis of conscript or freeze’ the entire fin­ tinent. Redmond, Oregon. ISA N W P a r k AT. 6461 Hear DAN HARMON Sp-k ancial. corporate wealth of the na­ the physical operations of the North American Continent has tions for the duration. The four shown th-w each country and this use Main Office and Plant Every Thura. Nite Ms’ Men. Machines, Materiel, Continent is capable of production 666 TABLETS. ciar No drug* No laiativra. adoption. S 40 hours straight; 8 hours time* K and a half. Good working condl-^ O Kni'lowd is 25c. Please send me Steady W ork with Overtime M ura# «Mia o f m o v e tila a ^ tion*. Permanent employment ^ ia a p v t i o n i l o t t a « 14 t . ' » ' ’• Technocracy’s Victory Program lb « a v e r a g e In a re«* n e c l i This Material Is Re­ Bundle” mettiti' »1 teqita «*lth \vde It*« APPLY AT printed by Permission coodm ted b> medicai dm-tew* BE WISE AND MODERNIZE of Continental Head­ O En -tosed 1. «1 (P) f ,„ fu» selection fVI C 10 UB AYDS befurr each quarters Technocracy of literature. meal dull« the apnrtite Yet yvm grt vitamin*, PATRON IZF. Inc. 155 E 44th St., mineral e'^entuil nutnrnt« In AytH Mart the NAME N Y . 17. N Y Thru A yd« an? to loae weight now 30 d.ty *u;‘plv ol H. B W IS E A tv H. ft? 2 » If to* re ia«t delighted with rrwuita Section 1 R D 12245 at MONKY HAL K with the very hrat hoi Phona ADDRESS PI UMBER 814 S W. 10th Av*. 506 SW Mill BE. 3021 Portland. 5, Oregon. City ------------ su te BEAVERTON PHARMACY PORTLAND CH Itti — 111 Magleereet (euri BE 0062. UM A E. Wi D _ L _ _ _ ____ o a V S . . . . * Continued from P i^ t 1 ______ \ n a o s o n i l « » ’:;,.. Keep It Flying CONCRETE PIPE JOHNSON'S Tax 4> T O T A L CONSCRIPTION! Accounting Service De Laval TURKEYS ifìonmk Crifell ! a Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS A V ® f 6 6 6 ÍCAR w T sh ÉRSÌ MECHANICS J. 0 . Johnson SYLVAN PLANT COLOMBIA BUCK WORKS Phoa# BMTtrtoa 2311 I OREGON MOTOR STAGES i *