Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1944)
0 s® P U B L IS H E D W E E K L Y IN O U R P L A N T O N V O L . 17, NO. 13 Tote 89 To Six Many In Favor of Union High School S H O R T ST. A N D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y Beaverton, Oregon. Friday, April JS. N44 Bits of News About Our Boys Deep In Jap Territory I----------------------------- .--- - ■ E S T A B L IS H E D 1927 Commencement Will Be Held Nay 19 Plans aie now under way for the To my beloved Draft Board Well, here 1 am back in the best ! state of them all. They tell me they are going to make me a tough com- | bat engineer. But I firmly believe it is a matter ¡of kill or exit. Up to date I am the best cigarette soldier and dishwash- | ing soldier in the U. S. Army. To you that would be K.P. and police detail. To me, well words fail me. May I thank you for this wonderful opportunity, • Pft. H O RACE.V. W A L L E R Camp Abbott, Or., ASM 39472618, Co. C 66 th Bm. 1st Platoon, Camp Abbott. Oregon 1 !M 4 commencement of 80 members of the senior class of the Beaverton High School. A special student and faculty com mittee has been selected to work out Seven Goals To Seek Bdbson Discusses i ,i to t>e National Debt conducted on May 19, 1944. This class day exercise will make it pos sible for the underclass members to see part of the commencement exer cises. The class day program will consist of the reading of the class derdass meber* to see*«he y lrt of the A legally advertised and called meeting was held in the Beaverton high school building April 24 at 8 p. m. to vote for a union high school and transfer of the building and site at Beaverton to be used as a union high school. The meeting was called to order by W. H. Grauer who then requested the clerk to read the notice of the meet ing and voters qualifications, after Word was received by Mrs. Hazel which he appointed Dr. J. R. Talbert I Searcy, 6820 SW Canyon road, that and Raymond Rossi as tellers. her son S-Sgt. Robert M. Haynes, had The polls were then opened and a f I been taken prisoner of war. He was ter the clerk counted the ballots it I reported missing in the European i was found that 89 had voted for a un area previously. 81 ion high school, and 6 against. voted for and 9 against the transfei Three sons of Mrs. Teller are now of the building and site. | in the service. Eugene Pulcipher is The clerk was instructed to for : a pilot of B-24 on the Continent, Fred ward the sealed ballots and tally Pulcipher is on a destroyer somewhere sheets to the clerk of the boundary 'in the war area, while John Frank. board. ¡Jr. is studying in Kentuck in the ar- The meeting was then adjourned. j mored force Babson Park, Mass , April 28—The U. S is probably headed for a $300,000,- 000.000 debt which no one likes to think of. Yet, at 2'-gcr interest this ^ "u c e ^ " " I™ ?*“ * * »*' ating as well as a business stHbilizer The commencement exercises will Every cloud has a silver lining ' be held on the evening of May 26. | Stop Further Postwar Borrowing On the other hand, we must not bs j invitations will be by ticket Due to We can I tho limited capacity of the high I too free with our money. school auditorium each member of j not expect to put the whole world on I f the New r>eal could the graduation class will be entitled' a New Deal. not stand on its own feet heie In this j to ten tickets to be given to those j country, so we could not pay foi It relatives and friends they would like ¡to have attend. Continued on Page 2 A complete program will he an— j nounced and published at a later' date. [ ALOHA Pvt. Richard A. Bennison, Beaver Voters Thus Designate Following is a list of graduates.; ton, has completed the non-commis Choice for President | some are now in the service: E. C. Lange has returned from Chi- sioned officers' staff course at the Forest B. Bicknell, Dean Beard, na- cago, where he attended the engi- chemical warfare center. Edgewood Provisions 'fo r the writing in b y laI.sena] Md. vy. Norman Bishop. James Blake, AI- neer's convention. He also visited voters of names of candidates for the fied Boyles. Burton Bundy, Floyd relatives in Sioux City, 8 . D. republican presidential and vice presi- o T L • r' ; Carlson, Julian Curtis, Howard L. Pfc. Kenneth Erickson has returned dential nominations on Oregon's May W ill oerve 1 heir Country Dilley, Alton Grabhorn, Burton Grab- to Camp Van Dorn, Miss., after a 19 primary ballot were clarified Sat- ------- born Lee George. Keith Graves, na- short furlough with his parents, Mr. ^ Photo by Pfc. F. A . Canniilrtii, urday by David O’Hara, elections i Men inducted recently by Washing- vy, John Hewitt, Warren Homnstein, 1 and Mis. Albert Erickson, Marine Corps Coinbat Photographer chief in the office of Secretary of ton County, Local Board No. 1, Beav- navy, Andy Huserik, Dale Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Corrieri, are en- This Leatherneck machine-gun team, deep in water and Japanese State Robert S. Farrell, Jr. »erton, Oregon: navy. Ralph Johnson, Duane Kings- joying a visit with their son Sgt. P. territory, took a heavy toll of Jap lives while repelling repeated Since W ilkie’s withdrawal left no j A R M Y A IR CORPS ley. Verne Lusby, Jack Manges, Jack R. Corrieri, who is home on a short attacks by the enemy on Bougainville. Fighting at this spot lasted printed names for president or vic e-; George G. Torland, Vernon A. Pet- .Miller, Robert Myers, Jack Newman, furlough. He is stationed in Texas. two days and two nights. president on the republican ballot, a j erson, John A. Nyssen, John E. Ford, Crandall Peck. Ramon Pointer, John j Guests at the H. P. Weygandt home voter who writes in his choice will : Joseph H. Moshofsky. Ricks, navy, Feliz Rosich, navy, Ern- are their daughter and son in law Mr M A R IN E CORPS not have to place an “ X " before it. , i est Sehaer, army, Donald Shephard, and Mrs. James Maloney (Thelma First Security Bank Civic Improvement Neither is it necessary to follow any Richard L. Ridgley, Clayton L. W il Kim Sinclair, Gene Springer, Chester)Weygandt and two children from Wis- particular form In writing the name i lot. | Slovick, James Turner, Charles Wal -1 consin. Has Big Deposits Committees Meet so long as the voter’s intention i s ' ARM Y kp> ■ ! Mrs. John Johnson is in San Fran- clear. Arthur L. Johnson. Daniel A. Big- j n gpltt of record ¡ax payment! V a second meeting called by Ma Shirley Anderson, Dorothy Averitt, , cisco visiting her daughter Susan. Delegates elected to the national haus, Alvin J. North, Horace V. and wa, bond purchases the First ;.or Master.s on Thursday night Rev Elaine Bowman, Lois Browne, Betty who was recently transferred there. convention ,nvan*inn sign t in a - pledge oi»Hcr„ to ♦„ support >ni>i»i4 Waller Everett S. Nordin, Henry Ro- Security Bank of Beaverton deposi K-thei O'Keefe uvl liorin e Mills Brutke, Nancy Christensen, Dorothy She ¡s jn the WAVES. the people's choice, whoever receives shak, Wilbur A. Maslen, Kenneth O tors continue to pile up money in the ¡were appointed a.s co-chairman of a Cornell, Ixirraine Denney, Ruth Dick- Janet Wooten had a very pleasant the highest write-in vote, but they Rogers, Donald E. Pentico, Benjamin^bank. general committee advisory board to 'man, Jeanne Ferguson, Dorothea birthday party afternoon with 12 of can use their judgment, unless the A. Waibel, Leroy J. Carter, Clarence This was revealed by the report at 1 co-opeiate with tlie City Council in Führer, Jean Godwin, Jean Golden, ber school mates at her home. Games candidate is a favorite at Chicago. ¡J. Bowe, Carl L Rady. Herbert K ciOSe of business as of April 13, 1944 recommending civic community im- Shirley Greene, Marcia Grein, Ann were played. Voters pamphlets are being placed Irachsel, Kenneth A. York. Keith H. j Condensed statement shows loans [ provements .There will tia commit Hathaway, Gelene Hobbs, Betty Ho-j F,nsign E. A. Patterson spent the in the mail and will soon be received Dangerfield, John W. Freeman, Frank and discounts of $99.655 23; bonds and ! tees appointed to study five subjects, gan, Velma Jean Houk, Henrietta week end with his wife and two child- by voters. , H. Karnes. David H. Alexander. Don- warrants $1.601.287.44. Federal Re draining and sewage, parks and play- Holboke. Barbara Holland. Bertha ren who have been visiting with her Mae Jelderks. Hose Katterman, Juan- iwrents, Mr. and Mis. George Altl- -----------------------C- Junor, Roger P. M. Treacy,, serve stock $1,050; banking house, grounds, streets, water and zoning M lS S B e r n a r d IS 4 a rrie d iWilllam C. Smith. Clyde E. McIntosh. furniture and fixtures $7,600: casti The different committees will he 1 Itu Keebaugh . Martha Kotrik, W ilm a I shin.. --------------- ---— —_ «« j A '1 i ip l .Robert C. Waldo. Orye »•-. Neuseh- j Ut, from other banks $064,221.79; announced Intel and cltiuna will bo Elizabeth Kurtz, Betty Lee, Anna j Monday, April iUtn wander, Melvin G. Birge, Robert B capital stock and surplus $54.84 3 54 advised from timt to time of theii Mae I-ong. Marylee Madden, Laurene M a d d e n - F r t l W e d iJ in n Mayfield, June Mead, Betty Ann Nul »«a t ie n r .M t W e d d in g A bride of Easter Monday, April Moore. Trevi* F. Brazda. recommendations. Deposits $2.318.970.92. 10th, was Miss Muriel Bernard : NAVY Peter- • » ___.... ... . Beaverton is growing rapidly and sen, Mollie O'Donnell, Elsie Robert S. Sunby, Richard D. Christ whose wedding to Francis Holboke, with this comes more responsibilities kort, Roberta Pomeroy, Dorothy ' st C.ceha Churrh l R ^ “ i “ ld ** son of Mrs. Frank Holboke. was sol- iansen, Vernon C. La Baw, Fred W. i Bible Film at ¡for the betterment of the communt- Raeburn. Helen Randall, Grace R ich,, „ n H v wife » Robertson, Esther Sandstrom, I .... ■ eresa Madden 'emnized at a nuptial mass read by Wilson, Arnold E. Rindero, Melvin E. : ty. Plan are to make Beaverton one i Evelyn i . - . » . ______ - Beaverton Church Rev. George O'Keefe at St. Cecelia’s ; Ballard, John D. Bucher, Joseph A Eunice Scofield, Margaret Stark, | 1,1,1 Chartes Erst were united in mar of the model cities in Oregon riage by Rev. Father O'Keefe. Catholic Church in Beaverton. Mrs. Wilson, Noble G. O. Powell. Samuel ----- Eleanor Steele, Ruth Van Kleek i he bride was given in marriage by C. Bal£ played the organ and Marga- M. Holmes. Jr., Jesse L. Churchley, i The American Bible Society will I Marilyn Walker. her father Wm. Madden. Betty Wil- ret Moshofsky, cousin of the groom, Donald P. Shiley, Gordon J. Rydman, present the film "The Book for the ! bams of Portland, was bridesmaid sang. The bride is the daughter of Byron Stearns, Raymond L. Jewett, World of Tomorrow ", at the Church New Chairman and Richard Madden, brother o f the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bernaixl of Orville W. Thompson, Ralph J. Huff, ¡of the Nazarene. Wednesday, May 3. : bride was best man. W a r Chest Beaverton. Thomas K. Wilson. William J. Durbin, at 8 p. m. This film was financed Mr. Erst is serving in the army. Given in marriage by her father, Junior Lee George. Clive E. Reisch. by Westinghouse Electric and Mann N. C. Lyman and daughter Mary facturing Co. This film entirely un- Louise of Eugene, are visiting with Thomas H. Bailey, Hillsboro utlll- j the bride wore a teal blue crepe w o o l ----------------------- denominational in content is given Mrs Lyman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ty executive, was elected chairman of I Mrs, Cavaness President suit with a pink feather hat and 1 n 7 I n 13#* S h o w n black accessories and a corsage of *' " „ and presented in Beaverton with the ¡W alter L. Myers. the Washington county committee of, pink rose buds and bouvardia. Mrs. At Victory Center hope that as many in the ...... linin' Wnit.i I. Myers bit Wednesday the Oregon War Chest at a meeting Mrs. A. T. Cavaness was elected George Berry, sister of the bride, was ■ — - - as possible will be able to see it. A ¡April 24 foi Athena and Hermiston of the executive committee in Hills- j president of the Cooper Mt. P. T. A. Hailey will succeed a> their last meeting. Mra. M;ntan matron of honor, and James Holboke; a Japanese Zero, captured in th e! freewill offering will be taken to de to attend the Eastern Oregon conven- boro April 19. O. B Gates, who has successfully j Howard, vtce-pres.; Mrs. Albert Er- was best man for his brother. Don- South Pacific, will be displayed in a fray thp expenses of the operator, etc turn of Christian churihcs aid Walker wa* usher. tent in Portland in front of the American people believe in the Bibb The Social Needle Club will hold headed the W ar Chest and Red Cross ickson, secretary; Mrs. O. Thomas. ; war fund drives. treasurer. A reception was held later In the Victory center from May 25 to 30, ° ur nation was horn of this Book .theii next meeting Fr: lay May 5. W. H. Moore of West Slope, E. 1» day at the home of the brides par-. under auspices of the Naval Aid aux- Much therefore depends upon us it jPotluck at 6 30. Public is invited, ents. Assisting were Mrs. D. W. For- diary, an agency of the war relief ^be Book of Yesterday and To-day i A daughter. JeaiiincJ G., was born , Paldanius of Forest Grove and Bailey Awarded Purple Heart ney, Mrs. Charles Ma'nakin and M iss;control board. to become the Book of To-morrow. April 13, to Mr. and Mrs .lessee D. were named directors of the Oregon War Chest from this county. Gertrude Sttckney. This exhibit has been on display in i ~ ^ ~ _ I Laman of 3317 SW Spring Garden Robert Castle, graduate of St Mary's A fter a short wedding tlip North. , 15 Western cities. A small admission Old Fashioned Circuit Rider ,oat* in '38, who is now in service In the the young couple will be at home . will be charged. 1 . * 1 — 1 , , r ' L . . __L Mla O. J. Gould, who is visiting her Air Observers Observe Pacific, has been awarded the Order temporarily at the Sovereign Hotel .---------------------- ^ n H H H LnU TCn 1 g Talba ft, of the Purple Heart for singularly Mr Holboke is a member of the mer- I Jn U F v < »rv W e e k * honor guest at a luncheon given by Birthday Anniversary meritorious service. In a letter to chant marine and will leave for sea ‘ , c c l * *^v c , y Next Sunday evening Mi Rnj Ai M] O B Oates of HUM ..... last St. Mary’s he says he will send his A dinner was held at the Beaverton shortly. ---- — ... trim wiltl be in charge of an old Friday. Other guests included Mis. _________________ . ! A Red Cross sewing unit will m eet! faa»doned Clrvuit Rider meeting at W H. Dierdorff, Mrs. B. W. Barnes high school April 14 celebrating the medal "home". I . I f rv r __ W’ illiwJ each Tuesday at the home of Mrs the Aloha Community Baptist Church and Mi- Adelln Kendt first anniversary of the post ground L t - N - y J - ‘ Oe l \ l le a Alice Heine at Cedai Mill. Those The service will have the setting ai Un 1 has Wilhelms at ¡observers of the IV fighter command. Honors Mrs. Underwood In Action April 9th who aIP Interested in »his work are i,e conducted as sraa don« 00 yeai tended the Qrand Council i • Mrs. Carlton Lee was in charge of The W ar Department has notified requested to come even if they can ago jn the arena Singing will he memorating the thirty-second biith- tables and Mrs T. W. Blakeney furn Mrs. Grace Underwood entertained Mr and Mrs. F. G. Foe of Beaverton, only come part of the day Each one without musical instrument. thi day o f Camp Fire Girls. Inc, at the ished the red. white and blue flower last week with a shower in honor of that their son, Lt. Kenneth D. Foe. is exPeptpd 1° bring a sandwich for church will be lighted by candles a: l .pubh auditorium in Portland last arrangements. her daughter in law, Mrs Frank Un- Guests included friends from was killed in action, April 9th. luncheon at noon. Mrs Raine will men and women will sir separatel Three thousand girls of After the dinner a program was ley. the "meeting house." the Portlnri Area took part in this presented Walter Payne, accompan derwood, the former Roberta What- He enlisted in the Air Corps on seI ve coffee_________________ ----------- ------------- grand affair. National honors and ied at the piano by John Tennant Portland, West Slope and Hillsboro. Dec. 19th, 1941. After tWO months _ Mary Jane 20 guests being present. Mr. and Washington County Raises 1 were awarded the girls at this offered a trumphet solo. at Sheppard Field, Texas, he was r a m ily K t lin io n Martin ■ histler was accompanied by Mrs Underwood were married April sent to Puerto Riro. where he was ------- Word was received by her parpnts. Janet Madden. There were commun- b *n Nevada, und have Just returned stationed for ten months. He quali- The I rost family had as their guest $ 4 3 ,0 0 8 .7 7 f o r R e d Cross ------- Mr. and Mrs. A .’ Richards« that their ity singing and war motion pictures from their honeymoon, fied for cadet training and was sent recently Mr Frost's brother. Ray ______ ______ _ ____ ____ of __ Washington county responded to daughter likes her work very much were shown. - ■ back to the United States in _ Dec. __ Frost _______ and Mrs. Goldie _____ Frost, both Awards were presented Fred GoytJ Mrs Marshall Pike was injured 1942. He took his training at Santa Angeles. Cal The Frost family ‘ he rpcent ^ * d Cross war fund drlv. She is enrolled in the Waves and at- c-.iie I D— ...II New u Mexico, n and ....... ........... .............. ........ by raising $43.098.77 or l.-9> 39 pi percent tending Yoeman school at Cedar chief observer; Art Broderson, dist. when she fell at her home this week / Ana, xti«S| Calif., v a in ., «»n and v* * Roswell, *\/ •• v.»i - - — — - — — iiu xucoia guests n were cr c f, guests ucoio c at at m the e i home ionic . _ . . supervisor and Mrs Marion Pfenning but is rapidly recovering, receiving his commission as Second 0f Lee I rost at McLoughlin Heights o i tbe a.®.s',?Iied' aCPOt' I ° wa On April 11, a daughter, Patricia J., as ground observer instructor, Among Washington County people Lieutenant and his bombadiers w in gs; This was the first time the four ing to O. B Gates. Hillsboro, chan was born to Mr and Mrs. D. Jemi- who was the only member having set- having part in the program of the last July. A fter being home on fur- brothers had met for many years, .man. Mr. Gates wishes to thank all who ' gan. of Beaverton ved a total of 500 hours Oregon State Christian Endeavor con- lough last August, Lt. Foe reported Ray Frost left last week for Kalis- have helped by their donations, and: Mr and Mrs. W. A. Schurman and Honored guests Included MaJ. Ken— vention in Roseburg April 20-23 were to Pyote, Texas, for advanced train- ■ j>eel, Mont, where he will live ing He went overseas last October, Bill Frost of the merchant marines the 600 area and community char: Mrs. Howard Hermance o f Chicago, neth L. Camp, Lteuts. R F. Briscoe. Miss Bertha Osterloh, state junior where he was on active duty with t h e ii. also a guest at the Frost home on men and ^ » c it o r s also the bank! III. arrived Monday to visit at the M C Hulme and M C. Prine; Sgts C E superintendent, and Walter L. U. 8. 8th Arr Force in England, and a 30 day day leave He has been in the P,p‘ 9re theatres and the home of their mother Mrs J H M Sousa and B. Sheehan and WAC Myers, pastor counsellor, both of Lieut. Corline Asmussen. all from Beaverton. newspapers wjro so kindly and will Schurman and other relatives. was recently promoted to the rank of Pacific since last winter. ingly helped in making the work Willamina Times: "Mr. Harmon Mis Glenn Williams and small son Portland air base. Also present were First Lieutenant. ----------------------- o f Cherryville were guests of her Guy Woodworth, Mike Metzler, Mrs. points to the "Death of Baatan’ as Lt. Foe was a graduate of Beaverton y Q Sponsor Indoor Sports success grandmother Mrs J C. G’C< nnor on E. R. Sheets. Mrs. J Onfield. Mr. and the direct result of the isolationist's High School and before entering th e 1 r r Brace Steel, Ra\ Hi tlon of the fortification Tuesday. Graduates from I f you don't like the weather we M. C. McKercher, Mrs R. Wilson Guam and the Philippine Islands. *!!iV‘ or. Wrt"m«Tnv°yed by th* Stand' The Cedar Mill Community club ar„ 1 . 0 'j ' . ». » will sponsor the use of the Union Tank School have today, wait till tomorrow Willis Cady, Mrs Florence Drorbaugh No official who has been in office the Surviving are his parents. Mr and past decade in the tipper brackets of A very pleasant afternoon was Mr*. J F. Martin and Jack Osfield. Mrs I'. G. Foe, and six sisters. Mrs school gym for an Indoor sport night each Monday evening and will be Marine Private Alwyn E Frost 1- spent at the home of Mis E. Stipe our government should be reelected. L. S. Wilson. Beaverton. Mrs M VV n w « r a Mr open to adults and Juveniles Mrs son of Lee Frost, o f route 2. box 868 ie Tuesday when members of the Dora As Harmon says, they are responsible Camp Fire Girls for It. from thrvk q’ tp» club, consisting of members of Douga'll. Tucson, Arison ” Mrs C C ^ W " * » be committee cently was *»adua«ed ----- Attend Launching j The Missionary Guild o f West Palmer. Hugo Colo , and Mrs A L Cha' rma,n J " Char,** lh* *Cho0' at CamP M arine Corps the Worthy Matrons of 1940. met and Over SOHO Camp Erre Girls and Hills Lutheran Church rntertalned Loy Th* club two nag. to the tra renter near ^ n Diego. Cal plans were made for making layettes Loy and Mrs H B Patrick. Lrmon. „ Boy Scouts, at their meeting in April He now is ready for assignment to tor little babies at the Shrine hospi Bluebirds attended the launching of the Portland Lutheran Women's Aux- Colorado ¡One flag was the American Bag and ; a combat unit tal They have tust finished an af- the S 8 Camp Namanu, 64th Swan lltary at Its Welfare Center, Russell , the other the Boy Scout nag Private Frost was graduated las» ghan for the Walla Walla hospital Island Tanker. Tuesday, April 25 at near Union, on Tuesday afternoon, Presented in Recital ---- —--------------- year from Hillsboro. Oregon, high There were 20 members present the Swan Island Yard. Portland April 25 The Rev Mr. Frit* spoke Mrs. Marian Hagg Speaker was One Victory gardener last year fig- school He drove a truck for his f-> The ship. 18,800 ton Tanker, is on The Love of God Mrs Lee Web- Beavertonians were greatly pleased presented in a piano recital Sunda> ured out that the tomatoes they ther before he entered the Marin« to see that pile of Junk on Watson named for the nationally famous ster, president o f the Guild, reviewed afternoon April 23 by David Campbell canned and made into Juice from Corps last December i street gradually disappear this week Camp Fire Girls' camp located on the God on The Bowery. at the Art Museum in Portland She their two dozen plants equalled the - •—«- ............ . due to the efforts of the Beaverton Sandy River some thirty miles east was a former pupil of Erma T a y lo r; ration value of all the blue points of History owes its excellency more tc fire department, Kiwani* and other of Portland This ramp Is the sum A Jute box in Seattle contains one Sparks of Portland. their family o f three. the writer’s manner than to the ma- men mer scene of Camp Fire girls activity Item billed “ Five minutes of silence Mrs Speaker Is a daughter of M r . ; ------------------------- tarlal of whleh It Is composed- Gold in the State of Oregon and was foun- for a nickel." The Item does s land- and Mrs Henry Hagg of Reedvtlle 1 Turn war stamps Into Bortds smith ded In 1971 offlee business. Turn war stamp* Into Bonds 1 high school auditorium. TOWN TALK h