Page 4 Friday, April 21, 1944 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon TH E VALLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH UNITED PRESBYTERIAN ' Discovers Good Well Of Water 4110 SW Gabel Lane Rev. H. A. Armltage, pastor 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship and Bible Study; 7:30 p. m , Evening Wor­ ship with Group Discussions. Glencuilen Goes Over Top In Red Cross Drive Don’t overcook Kidneys. Whether Instead of using onions for st-ason- they a.e sauteed, broiled, or prepared ing, try chives, leaks, or wild garlic, ' Creole style, cook them orly 15 to 20 If you have a sunny southern window : minutes. you can grow your own. This community through the efforts Commonsense in an uncommon de Money can't buy real friendship— of sonte of its entei prising residents Cl IL' i l C il OF THE NAZAR K.NE I lias recently completed a most suc- gree is whit the world calls wisdom, friendship must be earned. 459 SW Fl rat icessful Red Cioss Drive in the inter- Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor jests of the Red Cross. With Mrs. 9:15 a. m. Sunday School. 'John Hess as its chairman her com- ST. CECELIA CHURCH Object lesson by Evangelists. ! mittee consisted of her mothe- Mrs. Masses 8:25 and 10:25 a. m. 11 a. m. Morning worship Evan­ John Pullen, Mesdames Gus Abra- gelists Ralph and Mildred Wynkoop. , ham. Art Beaver, William Diescli, Hello Folks: 6 30 p. m. Young people's service, 'Ross. Rogers and Marcielle the latter METHODIST CHURCH Mrs. Wynkoop leading. Well, over here in West Virginia in of Cambridge Village. They covered Albert S. Hisey, D. D , Minister Matooka. hemmed in by Mts., this the extensive territory from Cam­ 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic service. 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. city water has got too dodblaated bridge Village No th to Council Crest The Wynkoops in charge. 11 a. in. Preaching service. much mineral in it fer “yours truly" and as far South West as the Wash­ Evangelists Ralph and Mildred W. S. C. S. meets Wednesday. One day last week I wuz out in the ington County Boundary line, and Wynkoop will hold their closing ser­ county for dinner and discovered a over a period of only two weeks. The vices Sunday night. well of water that quieted down my ladies were successful in bringing in K E E m lU L E COMMUNITY \: bad symptoms now the folks out over $170 from generous citizens, to PR LSBY TB R IA N CHURCH WEST HILLS there bring the water to me and I’m help swell Portland’s contribution. Sunday School 10 a. m. Mrs. Otto LUTHERAN CHURCH as happy as a hair lipped old maid Mrs. Catoll Jones and her teAm George, Supt. SW Canyon Rd., near Sylvan a winnin' a whistlin’ match! You mate Mrs. Jess covered the Multno­ Worship Service 11 a. m. Werner J. Fritz, Minister know what we drink has a heap to mah territory and were advisors for Young People's C. E. 7 p. m. 2nd Sunday after Easter Prayer Meeting and Bible study, do with ou life even if its only wa­ the Glencuilen group. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. ter, not to speak of "Bug-house juice." Thursday. 7 p. m. Glencuilen Dorcas society met last Divine Service 11 a. m. BARBWIRE BILL month at the home of Mrs. Lubke Sermon: A Glorious Promise. Ten ladies completed a layette for the ALOHA ASSEMBLY OF GOD Everyone welcome. Red C:oss which they presented to it Sunday School 10 a. m. Tuesday, April 26—Convention of with $5, their monthly contribution Worship 11 a. m. the Women's Missionary Federation Mis. David Emsloe of SW Martha Young people 6:30 p. m. at Peace Lutheran Church, Lombard St. entertained over the Easter holi­ Evangelistic 7:45 p. m and Greely Sts., Portland. —‘ If God can save you, he can day her mother, Mrs. Mary McDan­ Prayer and Bible study 7 45 p. m save me," said (¿id Pal who was a iels of Powell Butte. Thursday. heavy drinker. CHURCH OF CHRIST This. God did and later on Old Pal s An old lady in church was seen to G. W. Springer, Pastor AIXMIA COMMUNITY CHURCH wife told he, Joy—“ Pal drinks no bow whenever the name of Satan was Morning worship and preaching ser­ Graydon D. Loree, Pastor more; he never strikes me nor the mentioned. One day the minister met vice at 9:45 a. m. The topic of the children.’’ Sunday School 10 a. m. her and asked why she did so. “Well, morning sermon will be The Creed Pal came into such joy in the Lord politeness costs nothing-and you nev­ J. G. Vincent, Supt. and Discipline of The Church. that he hunted up his brother and m. Morning worship 11 er know,” the old lady leplied. Following the sermon, the Lord's m. Gordon read the Bible to him. After some Youth Fellowship 7 supper will be observed. days, Pal ask'ed bt other what he now Rydman, pres. Money can’t buy the glow of good Bible School 11 a. m. believed ? Evening service 8 o’clock. health—right living is the secret. C. E. 6:30 p. m. —"I got to believe the Bible, foi Wednesday 8 o’clock prayer meet­ Evening worship service 7:30 p. m. 3 Miles East of Hillsboro you never could have quit diinking of with special music by the orchestra ing at the parsonage. {yourself,” said the man. And out of and a gospel sermon by the pastor. Midweek Bible study and prayer Rather than spend time dicing po­ ' it brother accepted Christ as the Lord , service Wednesday 8 p. m. The tatoes, keep an empty powder can for ¡of his life. It all began back in a mission in study will be from I Cor. Chap. 7. Bareback Bronco Riding Saddle Bronco the purpose. By punching a few holes ¡New York. The drinking wife-beat­ in the bottom of the can to let out er was asked "Will you from this Brunette Blonde Redhead PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH the air, and by using the sharp top day accept Christ as your Lord?" Riding, Steer Riding, Bull Dogging,-Calf edge as a chopper, you can cut pota­ The man. a Mohammedan, from Asia, The Bible Church Grayvita Vitamins WORK— toes to desired size in Just a second [ hesitated a long time and then be­ Box 697, Beaverton Roping, Races Galore Restores Coior Naturally or two. This can be used to cut out gan to say—"I p:aise you Lord Jesus Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive Yes. people the nation over have reported biscuit dough also and cookies, if (I praise you.” Here the Mission head Walter R. Buhl, Pastor G R A Y V IT A Vitamins W O R K , and that their first dipped in flour, so the dough ¡said he saw the newr life beginning Sunday School 10 a. ni. gray hair is returning to its natural color. G R A Y V IT A Vitamins con tain the same amount will not stick to the can. Divine Services 11 a. m. ! in the man. Later the man himself of "anti gray hair vitamin” (Plus 450 Int. units All entries must be in bv Thursday, April 20 Hi) as tested by a leading housekeeping maga­ said — zine. Of those tested, # 4 % had return o f hair ’I am now a believer, baptized and 1 color. G R A Y V IT A Vitamins are non-fatten­ Mail them to Guy Paine, Rt. 4, Hillsboro, or of the assembly of God’s children. 1 ing, can t harm your “ permanent.” 30 day supply, $1 50; 100 days. $4 00. Phone i Praise the Lord.” Phone- North Plains 14F12 And when an old pal offered him | Beaverton Pharmacy I a drink, he refused it saying he had! Beaverton, 2311 quit liquor. The Old Pal asked how 1 he could quit and he told of how he ! Service Friday Nite 7:30 had given his heart to the Lord, that Admission: Adults $1.00 (plus tax) P. M. ■ he believed in the Lord Jesus anji j was saved. DR. W. D. HUNTINGTON Children, under 12, 50c 'plus tax) Sunday 11:00 A. M.-7:30 Out of it the first man was saved DENTIST jin the Mission. Then Old Pal and P. M. ! Pal’s brother and Pal’s wife. Four Aloha, Oregon ¡brought into Victory over self and Box 78 j sin. PHONE ALOHA 6315 And what for you? Will you be put away in a drunkard’s grave? No LEON ARD C. JOHNSON, Pastor | drunkard shall inherit the kingdom of God. See 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. For Strawberries, Boyson, Young & Logan Berries, ¡But believe on the Loid Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Acts 16:31 W. E. PEGG Blackcap and Cuthbert Raspberries KNOW YOUR BIBLE. MORTICIAN Beaverton, Oregon Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Estab. 1910 Serving 33 years | Fertilizer, Strawberry Plants Oregon Mutual Policies are NON-AHHEH8ABIJC. You NEVER pay PHONE BEAVERTON Sill 3101 SW McChesney Road, more than the premium on the face o f the policy. Oregon Mutual Portland, Oregon and Dust Available N o w ! maintains more than three time« the surplus required by Oregon This space paid for by an Oregon Insurance D wl 1 businessman. --- RODEO SUNDAY, Strikes Wife No More APRIL 23 1:30 P. M. Tualatin Valley Rodeo Grounds Revival Closes Beaverton CHURCH of the NAZARENE Evangelists Ralph and Mildred Wynhoop BEST MARKET PRICE Come to these Closing Services Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company OF McMINN VfLLK Organized 1894—. 40 years of Reliable Service Chaa. L. Walker, Agent 1 R. I. MacLauáhlín & Co. Dan Harmon for Congress Beaverton We’d rather be represented in j Congress by Dan Harmon, a sound ■ “ Every Form o f Protection" Hillsboro, Oregon business man and farmer who has j had years of experience in foreign countries, than to be represented by a j B E PO B T OF CONDITION OF wise politician who In ks but h pi .ic-j tical experience and know-ledge of | foreign affairs. A vote for Harmon j is a vote for free enterprise, free ag- j OF BEAVERTON, OREGON rlcult ire and practical legislation— I At the close of business April 13, 11M4 A State hanking institution organized and operating under the banking Newbei : Graphic.—Paid Adv. laws of this State and a member of the Federal Reserve System. Pub­ Tell it with a classified. lished In accordance with a call made by the State Banking Authori­ ties and by the Federal Reserve Bank of this District. New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 AUCTION SALE First Security Bank ASSETS Loans and discounts (Including $4190 overdrafts) $ 90,655.23 United States Government obligations direct and guaranteed .... 1.556.940.00 Obligations of States and political subdivisions ___ ______ __ __ 26,716.06 Other bonds, notes and debentures .... ...... ........... 17.631.38 Corporate stock« irfcluding $1,050.00 stock of Fed Res bank) 1,050.00 Cash, balance» with othpr banks Including reserve balance, and caah Items in process of collection ..... ........ ........................... 664,221.79 Bank premises owned $4,000.00, furn and fixtures $3,800 00 7,600.00 TOTAL ASSETS $ 2,373,814 46 IJA B IIJT IE S Demand deposits o f Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 1.385,*74 64 Time deposits o f Individuals, partnershdpe,and corporations. 740,967 92 Deposits of U S. Government, including postal savings) 156,274.84 Deposits of States and Political subdivisions ....... 21,60139 Other Deposits (certified and officers checks, etc 14.632 13 TOTAL DEPOSITS ................................. $2,318.97092 TOTAL LIAUIUTIE3 (not tncludIng subordinated tions shown below) -------------- CAPITAL ACCOUNTS* 25,000 00 5.000 00 17 , 943.54 6 900 00 ACCOUNTS 54 843 54 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $¿373 814 46 1 This hank a capital consists of: Capital notes and deben­ tures $8,600 00 Common stock with total par valus of $ . MEMORANDA Pledged assets (and securities loaned) (book value): U. 8. Gov. obligations, direct and guaranteed .pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities TOTAL 216.000 00 j 216.000001 Seoured and preferred liabilities Deposits secured by pled» ed assets pursuant to requirements of law Deposits preferred under provisions of law but not secured . e of assets T O T A L ____________ ANTI-Gray Hair VITAMINES SQUIBB t A • B • C • D • O CAPSULES FORMER PRICE $4.89 TOR 100 CAPSIHES 100 CAPSULES —B, and B2. Il g rains Yeast Buy at Tuesday, April 25th-l:00 P.M. McCormick binder; 2 mowers; new 10 ft. rake; 12 hoe drill; 2 wag­ ons; new- large disc; fanning mill with sacker; potato digger; hand truck; cor. ugated roller; spike tooth harrow; cider mill; new 1000 lb. scale: 2 plows; sickle grinder; 2 hay ropes, about 200 ft., 2 sets harness; lot of oak barrels; slip scraper; scalling vat; some household goods; and all small tools usually found on a farm. FOR TERMS SEE CLERK OF SALE Wm. Westhoff. Executor of the estate of Max Westhoff, FULL REQUIREM ENT BEAVERTON PHARMACY Phone Beaverton 2311 H. A K U RATLI, Auct ioneer A. H. ABTS, Clerk of Commercial Bank FOR FASTER G R O W T H - start yo u r chicks on V Check His Record... § TRIANGLE . . .and his Senate Committee Assignments so vitally important to Oregon: For itradjr growth, your chicks need the right balance of vitamins, pro» Ulna and mineral» T n s n g ' e C h ic k StMrter ia a scientifically balanced ration built to All the requirements of your chicks during tha first sight weeks of growth See your dealer. Keep Rufus C. 176 376 23 3.124 121 United States Senator __________ 179.500 35 | T. RITTH N TATIXICK. Asst cashier of the above-named hank hereby- certify that the above state ment is true to the best of mv knowledgs and bsllef RUTH N TATLOCK i R EP U B LIC A N PR IM A R Y . M A Y ^ Correct - Attest: HARRIS H HANSON ERNEST P HITE TRIANGLE M IL L IN G CO . > < « N. TILLAM O O K ST P O R T IA M O , 19 H o lm a n ’s p re se n t a ssig n m en ts in the U .S . S enate are: 1. A p P p P r R o O p P r R i I a A t T i i o m n i C £ __ ,__ . . . . 1. a s 6. Interior Affairs 2. Agriculture 7. NAVAL AFFAIRS 3. 8. MILITARY AFFAIRS 4. Manufacturers Direr tort State of Oregon, County of Wash tngton ss Bworn to and subscribed before me this 17th .mv of Vp |i 1*44 J J. McMAHON, Notary Publlo for Oregon My commission expires Juns 6 1945 deceased DEAN'S DRUG STORE CHICK STARTER OO - By virtue of an order of the County Court, of the State of Ore­ gon. fo. Washington County, I w-ill sell at public sale on the late Max Westhoff farm. 2 miles North of Beaverton, and one mile south of C’edur Mills, on the Johnson Road, on Taylor's obliga­ $ 2,318,970 92 Capital t (Before Providing for Cap. Notes and Deben.) Surplus (Before Providing for Capital Notes A Debentures) Undivided profits ............ ....................._ ...................................... .... Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital) ..... TOTAL CAPITAL Avoid Gray Hair Phone Beaverton 3271 9. Public Lands 5. Immigration 10. Rules Plus several special committees KEEP these important Committee Assignments for OREGON S __________ * UKtGON S o r is o n *