Paec Friday, April 21, 1044 B E A V E R T O N ENTERPR ISE, Beaverton, Oregon 2 to the including drug and meduiru group, which showed 25%. 'I add that there we e also two other Continued from Page 1 industries not included in the above !.________ ___________ __________________]—the aircraft industry, which showed i tience to work up to a good executive a profit of 35% and the soft j position in a chain store organization industry, which showed a profit of Babson S ays . _ I t U. JKFKHIEB, !*■ Wisher ... CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS ! SPECHI VENTILATED See your Building Material Dealer Published ihMday o7 each week by the P i o n ^ P u M l^ g ^ O o T at Beav.rU ^ , “ [^^m en wind^u'^K .dU n^co'nnect: Group No. 4-G ood Profits Products Dragon Bntsrod M —cond-oiaaa a sttsr at tk i postoffloo at Beaverton. Ore. ■ ed wjth gon(e special in<j U8try or Hadios and phonographs, glass and One T e a r ___________ ________ JLOO •utoscrlptloB Payable in Advance.' 1 concern. The ques- glassware, mens' and '" 't,nn Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. __ ition is as to which industry has the I leather and mise, garments, automo- greater opportunités and which pays I bile parts and accessories, wool ear 1 Beaverton Offieo—Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 232! th* largest salaries and highest w a - ' P*ts, and rugs, chemicals, machine Hillsboro Office— Room 5, Delta Bldg., Phone 1441 Phone ATwater t*601 ( ges. h ollowing will be found a lis*. I tool accessories, and p.ecision tools ë m = iii= iii= iii= u i= i|,::^ "l= u i= iiiâ ;iii= iii= m = iiisiii= m = iii= (iii Portland O ffice-40* Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder -------- ¡o f the leading American industries, ¡canned fruits and vegetables, perfum ! These industries, I have grouped . and cosmetics, motor vehicles and ac- M •*•&** iand, in fact, arranged in an order ac- | cessories. cigarette and tobacco pro- cording to their rates of return on ducts, general preparations, soap, co* I their total investment, before interest tonseed products and cooking fats, P U IL IS ^ S ^ IA T IO I | and income taxes. My theory is tha; ! food specialties, shipbuilding, confec- the best opportunities lie with thejtionery, malt and beverage brewing Personal Character Analysis -It _____ _ ! companies that aie making the m o s t drugs and medicines. profits. (These are those included Study the Management ALL LETTERS CONFIDENTIAL in Group 4, which showed prewar ) Too many young men and women earnings are from 15% to 25%). I take the first job which comes along j Write to: ILYN . . • have divided these seventy-two indus- This will especially be true after the ; BY SUSAN THAYER | tries into four groups of employers as War. To avoid being a rolling stone, it is wise to take a little time in se- | _____ | follows: lecting the industry which you are | I'd like to pass along something 1 Group No. I—Low Profits. to » to tU * L . J X a a . a . Just heard about, and which I believe The first group includes 8 indus- willing to master and especially the j 1 you'll agree might be of really in-1 trie» During the last prewar year concern with which you wish to stay | The money which the ln- calculable importance to all of us. these earned only front 3% to 6% on for life. uSszL 7 7 These 8 dustry is making is not the only con-, A few days ago the Association of , (heir capital investment. Icern. Look up the character of the Army and Navy Wives, a group of 'f°l*ow; 'women very close to the war, sent out! Hailroad equipment; Fertilizer pro- men for whom you are considering 18,000 letters to cities all over the ! ducts, timber and lumber products working. Do they attend some This writing shows independence, intuition, (use it more) and a striv Be more enthusiastic and friendly. Try to I country—no doubt to your own town ! c“ kc »ven products, cane sugar, silk ohurch, Are they interested in civic ing for self control. These letters asked that when word j products, textile and sewing machin- affairs? Have they a reputation for understand others. Send 10c for each analysis, enclose You will receive complete personal is finally flashed that the Invasion of ; ery, steel and rolling mill works. fair dealing and good treatment of Europe has started, the church bells 1 Group—No. 2—Small Profits i their employees analysis of your abilities, talents, best any piece of handwriting, your own But in selecting an industry, con- | vocati personality, health be rung In every community through ) The second g.oup contains 28 in- best or that of a loved one you wish to PREPARE THEIR FUTURE! Are i r . out this country, and that all of us dustries. The last prewar year for aider your own qualifications. mechanical or not? Do you mate, how to overcome your draw- understand better. Be sure to in The men and women of our armed gather to pray for the safety and 1 these industries showed a profit on you Are j backs and handicaps. All these things foices cannot, by the very nature of success of our men in the greatest j the investment (before interest and i get on well with other people? close stamped and self addressed en you slow but accurate; or are y o u : are shown in every stroke and tor- things, do much'about tholr future' military undertaking in history j5com® taxes) of 6% in the case of Are you ( mation 0f your handwriting, Individually, they have surrendered a Actually, we women need not be | Clay 1 roducts up to 10/r in the case rapid but a little careless? velope for your return letter. Do you prefer to j Prayer and prayei 1 °T Knit Goods. The entire list of good at figures? one-time free existence to the mili told to pray. work in an office or pound the pave-; Address all communications to ILYN Care of this paper. tary which is as it must be for vic alone has carried us through many Group 2^ollows: Clay p.oducts, agricultural machin a difficult hour tory. What* abmi^ "your ° character?** " The UlslllslU£ill=lll=iri=lll=ll!=lll=lll=IUHIII=lll=lll=IU=lll=lll=IIIEIII=lll=UI5lll=lll=UI= lUaiUM We know, too, that our men in bat- ery and tractors, petroleum producing In the military service they live for industry should be chosen which fits .------------------------------------------------------------------ --------— — ------------------------------ tie have learned to lean on prayer. . nnd refining, cotton textiles, bolt, nut, this present day, this present hour, Don’t ne-! the immediacy of a moment which Time and again we read of a bomber, rivet and screw products, paper and Into your temperament. bullet-torn, crippled but coming in ! pulp, matches, textiles dyeing and cessarily select an industry from , may be the last. None of these may be ,civ safely »uiciy here neie at ai coming in on a wing and a prayer! In finishing, hat and cap, steel castings, Group 3 or 4 It ¡ is 0 for us, i „ left home to be thinking of their future Aleutian fox holes, under bombing on 1 copper, tanned, curried and finished suited to your training, physique or (we can do little enough about their! African sands, in Italian mud and Pa ; leathei, heating and cooking appara-1 temperament, present)—for the future belongs to ciflc jungle, men have prayed and ;tus. cement, flour milling, malleable " those who prepare for *1* ¡fought on. ¡«on castipgs, furniture, plumbers Duke, a German shepherd dog from The Truman Committee of the I What a wonderful thing, then, for supplies, bread and bakery products,' Boston, joined the Army 13 months Senate a diligent fact-finding bodv ! our men to feel a great spiritual book an<J magazine publishing, beet , ago. Teamed with an Army serg- Part 1: National Operations wh"ch i. demon!ltiab?y u n w 2 L l ^ I -urge from this nation to know that - sugar, g a r , rayon and allied products, eant, he served in New Guinea, thru and the Cape Gloucester campaign, and is ! once again pointed the way toward 1 a11 of us here at home aie standing by heavy machinery, saw, file hand tools, leather, boots and shoes, now moving up this jungle coast with | the most effective solution ot postwar j ¡n hour of supreme effort! paint and varnish, rubber products, U. S. Marines in pursuit of letreat-j production and employment problems. I ing Japs, the Navy Department said. | knit goods. It finds that “even in wartime It was The Low Down This is addressed to the citizens vice all and profits to none. Duke could scent and ''point” a Jap Group No. 3—Fair Profits the flow of private Initiative that of the United States and Canada. Total War and the peace will de three-quarters of a mile away, and The third group contains 18 indus From Hickory Grove made possible the success of the war Our enemy in World War II is the mand total mobilization of all re tries starting with silver and plated j has flushed scores of Japs, has been j program. This flow must be encour armed might of world fascism. Un source's. all skills, and equipment ware, earning 10% on the invested through more than 60 air raids, can I am kind of an under-dog financier. aged in the future." less this might is defeated in bat of North America. Lots of folks are the same, but just capital, and running up to corn pro- I dive for a foxhole like any Marine, With the objective clearly defined, tle, fascism will be imposed from don’t pop off and say anything about ducts, eaining 15% on the invest- and, the Sergeant says, "he's the' Total Conscription is necessary, then, It is the obligation of each one without on North America; and not But ment. during the last prewar year, smartest dog I’ve ever seen because Technocracy advo of us at home to project this encour It—-everbody Is not so windy. unless the fascism within our own cates it, but because this is a To agement, to the end that there will be anyway, I am going to write a little before deducting interest and income national systems is liquidated, we taxes. This is a very good list and • Your home town paper Is only $1 i tal War, and a technological revo nn economic environment which Is essay on bankers. may have fascism imposed from lution. These facts demand that we You will look far and wide to find includes some of the most satisfac- a year Subscribe now. not hostile to business, prompt liquid within even though we are victor North Ameiicans do more than ation of war contracts, and a reason somebody more jumped on than bank- tory industries for the long pull, al . - ious on the battlefields. There must have been some ! though I don't advise anybody i n t o ______________________ voluntary participation in our na able tax program which will encour ers. It will be noted that World Wa. II has produced tech tional economies. America has not age Individual Initiative and Incentive duck, here or there, In the banking J distilled liquor. FORM ER GOVERNOR sometime or other, that I this Kioup three includes refrigera- \ nological revolution on this Con yet mobilized its resources, has I .et It be remembered that just talk business It will be noted that tinent whioh has changed the en not yet adopted a scientific, de r u \s. A. ing about the future will not bring folks didn't think was shootin' square tor equipment. I don't know about equipment, gypsum and asbestos pro-I tire basis of our society. We can signed direction. America will not the results desired Affliniatlve and or something. It is possible. However, you 1 ducts, business machines and cloth-1 not continue with the magnitude attain this designed direction as continued action by dur law-makers that. of total war or cope with the prob long as it permits business, party Is of vital importance to safeguard could run across a barber, or a plum- ; ¡n8. all ° f which are growing and j ber, or a cook, or most any trade, who j profitable industries, lem of peace unless we introduce a politics, labor, farm bloc, and the future. is not a person you would want to Silver and plated ware, pump, j total mobilization in the United thousands of other conflicting States and Canada competent to group interests to dominate the ad- loan l6 bucks , or whom you would pumping and air compressors, hard- ! REW ARDS! operate the totality of our enorm niinist. ation of the war in divided care to have in for dinner. But all waie, woolen and worsted goods, re j ous productive mechanism in both and voluntary operations. in all, If I was to pick out somebody frigerator and air conditioning units, I Any system of government that of to hold my gold watch and chain, lead and zinc, gypsum, asbestos pro war and peace. Conflicting private and group in fers the same rewards to the man when my back was turned I would ducts and roof coatings, firearms ami ] Technocracy, as a non-profit terests must be submerged and re who loafs as to the man who works, ; pick a banker every time--and so j ammunition, utility industry, bis- membership organization with placed by compulsory national ser is going to kill the greatest force that would most p<.opie | cuits and crackers, engine turbines,! members in both the United States vice. We must abolisih production has made the United States the coun It has been klnda open season on water wheels and windmills, business and Canada, is presenting to the for profit at a price and substitute try the whole world envies. bankers, for politicians Bankers \ machines and typewiiters, distilled people of both countries a solution in its place the engineering de liquors, tin cans and tinware, electri don't talk hack much. If I was to and a designed direction which sign of pioduction for the strategy cal machinery and apparatus, men's, give the old boys some advice, I’d say, GOOD NEWS may be installed by the govern of a total war offensive. "Next time some jaybird starts heck youths’; and boys’ clothing, cranes, ments of each country respectively United States and Canada can Welcome news to housewives was ling you, haul off with a haymaker" dredging, excavating and road build as sovereign entities whose geo not achieve a high morale and in ing, corn products. that beginning last Sunday shortening Folks like people who show spunk graphical position as f iendly neigh ternal efficiency when some citi The fourth group contains 18 in- I salad, and cooking oil will be point and—fight back. bors impels them toward a similar zens gain wealth and economic ad- dustries which were the most profit Yours with the low down, destiny. free. Thus another food Item Is vantage in war price«, war profits, able of all during the few months be JO SERRA fiee. Ono wonders if everything Technocracy submits that the war wages, and war racketeering fore the war. They earned from will be point free by election time stress of total war and the impact while other citizens are spilling 15% to 25% on the capital invested next fall. What a landslide it Good Price Forecast of peace will compel the people o ’ their blond in defense of the coun The radio nnd phonograph greup would be for some politician to an the United States and Canada, act try. The men who give up their showed a profit of 15%, and this prof For Berry Growers nounce this as his platform! l o r i n i t i a l Sftelo H ing through their respective gov lives are conscripted to do so: the It increi. ’ ed in the following order up ernments to install the total con rest of us must be conscripted In The recently announced OPA price scription of Men, Machines. Mater to national service even as those Attention Called to 35 mile celling for strawberries that will re iel. and Money—with national ser who have died. We could do this by (Shod Terra) turn to growers the national average Speed Limit for Cars Nick Room Needs—Sunfreene Ice freely adopting a plan of $6 51 for a 24-quart crate will fur f i e /.#»n u n O r e ( / o n — itn Cream — Magazines, Films and of total mobilization— nish an Incentive for Multnomah and Closer observance of the war time 1 am interested in Total Conscription Developing p r u b l v i n x u n d r v x it u r v v H . with national service speed limit of 35 miles an hour was Washington county berry growers to from all and profits to IV / n i / i f i f t l f u r urged today by Bob Farrell, Secretary keep up production in the opinion of E LLIS PH AR M ACY O PI cunc «end me free literature only none. Who can say that of State, who declared that reduced County Agent S. B. Hall. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS t h f Sfnm turm h ift bif he deserves more! Althuogh it is i-ather early to es speeds would save dwindling gasoline O Unclosed is 25c. Please send me I- W. Kill*. Prop. CHerry 3103 v x p v r iv n r v u n d ir n in in t f timate this year's strawberry crop. supplies and decrease wear on tires “Technocracy's Victory Program We Deliver Multnomah, Ore. Bundle” Speed checks made by the state Hall said that there are fewer berries This Material is Re- P a id a d v . — S p r a g u # fo r U. S. S e n a t o r C o m m itte e highway department showed that dur under cultivation and that many pat R e y B E a r ly , M o r g a n B u ild in g , P o rtla n d , O r e g o n p.inted by Permission O Unclosed is *1.00 for full selection ing the first three months of the ches did not make very good growth of Continental Head- of literature. last fail. year. 85 percent of the drivers on the quaiters. Technocracy Farmers hope there will not be any Pacific Highway travel at speeds of NAME Inc, 155 E. 44th St.. 50 miles an hour or under, Farrell early frosts. They are banking on SEPARATORS — MILKERS N. Y 17. N Y. Thru said. Only about ten percent of the school children and housewives to « OMP1 ETE EQ1 IPMENT INI) ADDRESS V. W A L L A C E Section 1 R. D. 12245 at drivers limited their speeds to 35 harvest this year's crop. SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY 814 S. W. 10th Ave., City miles an hour. — Signs & Cards— INDUSTRY State Portland, 5, Oregon. "Conservation of gasoline, tires and BE 0062. RI, H* I, Tigard, Oregon. the prevention of accidents are ne Hear DAN HARMON Speak Opposite the Joy Theatre cessary to the maintenance of essen PHONE TIGARD 2381 tial civilian highway transportation.” Every Thur*. Nite Farrell declared "High speeds use l"s*. À , - J 9:15 P. M.— KOIN up more gasoline amt oil and cause hanv'atturen A PHHtutnr« ys/ - s m tYIRYTHING . What Congress Needs iH gH t=H tgm gM I»H |gm gH I£H I5IH glll=H I=H l5lll£llt5lll5H I5H lclH Sm =IH 5lnailglH gtlM M ra greater wear on tires Speed also increases the accident hazard and the il| o a ir V m a n ' 1 AT FIRST severity of accidents at speeds of 50 in SIGN OF A miles an hour or over is far greater than at speeds under 35 miles an •H hour. ili 135 N\V Park AT 6461 "In the Interests of efficient high- j way transportation and safety, every ATTORNEY \T 1AH use Oregon driver should be willing to observe the wartime apeed of 35 Portland, Oregon 6 6 * TABLETS. VALVE. NOSE DROPS Ill miles an hour.” 220 Lumbermens Bldg. SEPTIC TANKS i T i BKaron TISI CHerry 1534 Ce*«pool« l*iini|HHl, Cleaned Turn war stamps Into Bonds rz = Commercial and Kc«idcntlal - IN Drain Pipe A Sewer Pipe« Cleaned Ti Prompt Service W ANTED of New York City 4538 SK 82nd. Portland SC. 47«2 BE WISE AND MODERNIZE T .1 CROSSW HITH S IN Member of the Board of lectureship of The Mother PATRONIZE Cnirch. The First Church of Christ. Scientist, In Boston. Massachusetts. H. B. W ISE N U R S E L O S E S FAT PLUMBER o«E*|o©MsJ lpt" Your Handwriting Is You Prayer Before Invasion TOTAL CONSCRIPTION! V0UR QUESTIONS ANSWERED 1. Why Is Total Conscription Necessary? s i w t o at De Laval c. ifkme a /risei f ! c J. 0. Johnson CTI 1232 — 743 M aple,-re« t C ou rt COLUMBIA BRICKWORKS 13*0 H. L W ater Ave.. Portland C»t tUmmer without exercise Eat it a r t h « , potstoM , f n v y , just cut down. A\ DS pian m 1 n Steady Work with Overtime SYLVAN PLANT 6 6 6 MECHANICS SAFELY AYDS WAY Essential Industry APPLY AT O V B "y Mrs. Margaret Matters, C. S. B. I CAR w a sh e r s ! BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS EXPERIEN CE NOT NECESSARY FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Fruit, Nut, Flowering and shade Tree«, Ko«c*. Kerry Plant« Shrub«, etc. Send for new fall and spring cata log. Fall planting starts In Novem ber Tulip bulbe are planted now. folder on requeet T nalatin V alley Nurseries Sherwood. Oregon m ■ Mil, •rrwdJp. rosier No rttr- oar No drug« No!*sat:vw Nur* was onsof more than 1## pvtaon« loaind 1« to IS lt*a average In a fra week* in, linn al trafa ntth \vris I’Uw cuk I u . teil by m nlnl Zurlo,« 1 I ** w t i n rVI com AYDS hrf.wp each mpal dull« the appetite Yet you grt vitamina, miner «la eraential nutrients in Ayd* Mart the Ajrd» way to Ime weight new 30 day »» i . h W v ot V'11 ' - •’ V*u ** tMighted with rvwults >N p . i BAL K with the y ery f»r»t Noi I’hone BEAVERTON PHARMACY P h oa t R e«verton 2311 S Ü s * S k Mechanics work 48 hrs per weeks K 40 hours straight; 8 hours tlmek k and a teM ">d working condi-^ k tlons. Permanent employment 6 S i 8 jj = = Ti = H ' OREGON MOTOR STAGES S 506 SW Mill g ? BE. 3021 PORTLAND I4JRÏLA3D in the ROOSEVELT HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 6941 N. Central St., St. Johns ■ Friday evnmg. April 21, at 8 o’clock i a 2 Under 5 if! $ S ! M 5 = * £ auspice* of 7th Church of Christ, Scientist The Public is Cordially Invited If someone want* It, you can se J »t with a class.fled ad. M I =