F rida» April 14, 1944 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beav-srton, Oregon ------- — ----------------- - CLASSIFIED WANT ADS TW O Cent« a word per issue C om plete E astern YVasnington County and W estern M ultnom ah C ounty Coverage. We assu m e no finan cial responsi­ bility for errors w hich m ay appear in a d vertisem en ts published in these colum ns but in case w here th is paper is at fau lt w ill reprint that part of an ad vertisem en t in w hich the typo­ grap h ical m ista k e occurs. FOR SALE F O R S A L E —F resh F am ily Cow $125. Mike K okich, R2, B x 54 B eaverton. 11-12 in 11 FO R S A L E -1 D ow ny R est Spring- field M attress and S prings for j double bed, alm ost new —$45. B eav­ erton 2266. 111 FO R S A L E —1 alm ost new. ALL R egen t Cornet, B eaverton 2494. 11 IL Y N U) 1 -fLXja to '-c d L ’7TUJ T his w ritin g show s independence, intuition, (use It m ore) and a striv­ ing for self control. Be m ore en th u siastic and friend ly Trv to understand others. 3 W A N T E D — a lady to a ssist and learn restaurant cooking. P refer j som eone w ho w ill be steady and | w illing to learn. See Mr. Steele, 1 G reyhound C offee Shop, B eaver­ ton. tf You w ill receive com plete p e r s o n a l, Send 10c for each analysis, enclose a n a ly sis of your abdities, talents, best any piece handwrltlng> your own vocation, personality. health, best mofi. ,.u, . .. , or that of a loved one you w ish to mate, how to overcom e your draw- J backs and handicaps. All th ese thin gs understand better. Be sura to In- are shown in every stroke and for- close stam ped and self addressed en- m ation of your handw riting. velope for your return letter. l > RABBITS W A N T E D B E ST P R IC E for R abbit fryers, D. P. M acD onald, R2, B x 218, Beaver­ ton. P hone B eaverton 2260. W e pick up. tf Address all com m un ication s to ILYN lilt- M.ir.imlir l>oml>rr Jr/alii'lle had ju-t completed a bomb run over Reauvaii>-Tillc airdrome when a I'oekr-Tt ulf 110 »wept in, pumping two cannon dirlls into the pla le and killing the tail gunner. Hit fare torn b> shrapnel. Staff >gt. Donald 0 . M .ryitt of Hooper, Nek., w.ii-t gunner, gathered up exploding incendiaries set afire by the hit, and saved the plane from destruetioni Are >ou fighting with that extra Mar Bond? y § . ,,, (.H, New Members W an ted In Keep Oregon Green Increase in Registration Care of this paper, tii= iti= iii= H i= m = iii= iii= iii= m siii= iii= iiiE m = iu = iM = m = u i= m = iii= m = iii= iiism ziu 2 iiisi!i5 m B E T T E R GO P P C O FOR R E N T FOR R E N T —H ou sek eeping room in E nterprise Bldg., suitable for 1 or tw o persons, no drinkers. E n ­ terprise Bldg., Short and H ighw ay, B eaverton. . tf L E T T E R S C O N F ID E N T IA L W rite to: W A N T E D —2 Men to cut wood, old grow th tim ber, betw een 150 and 200 cords on job. Cabin and stove on grounds, ready for use. drag saw furnished to responsible peo­ ple. 16 in wood $6 per cord, four ! foot wood $5.25 per cord. Call Tigard 3142. 12 I W A N T E D —Live KabDits, to buy now. Top prices paid. R abbit Meat Co., 8917 S E Stark St. .Portland. P hone SU n set 1722. Open w e e k , days only until 7:30 p. m. tf I = Personal C h aracte r Analysis W A N T E D - Boy to work in garden and around lawn on Saturdays. P hone CHerry 1282. 10-11 W e Publish the B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E TIG A R D S E N T IN E L MULTNOMAH P R E S S ALOILA N EW S — Y ou r H a n d w ritin g Is You W A N T E D —W om an to help w ith housew ork for elderly lady. Hom e and w ages. B eaverton 2501. 11 N O T H IN G LE SS TH A N 25c CASH M UST ACCOMPANY ALL C L A SSIF IE D A D S NO A D S T A K E N O V ER P H O N E F O R S A L E —'36 Ford Coupe good condition. B eaverton 2773 Page 3 Get FOUR for ONE A reverse in the trend of motor ve­ Boys and girls betw een the ages of eight and sixteen are yet too hicle registration noted sin ce the war W ith M ISCELLANEOUS young to becom e soldiers, pilots. w as seen in Oregon today as S ecre­ W acs or W aves, but they can still do tary of State Bob Farrell announced People’s Column C O N FID E N T IA L IN V E ST IG A ­ a vital home front job in com batting substantial increases in m otor v e­ TOR part tim e to m ake W ar In­ the deadly enem y fire. T hese Green hicle registrations at the end of the FO R SA L E —m acres, all clear, dustry and Insurance in v estig a ­ Guards now num ber over 10,000 in first tw o m onths of 1944. 700 ft of G reenburg Rd., good tions on people in B eaverton. This every Oregon county and they are be­ At the end of Feburary, there were building site. City w ater, gas close, w ill require very little of your com ing expert fire reporters and fire 372,280 veh icles registered in the state Vern Fonner, R l, Bx 357. 11 tim e and you w ill find it in terest­ preventers, said Jam es Lewis, W ash ­ an increase of four percent over the ing as w ell as rem unerative. Also, ington county chairm an for Keep Ore­ total of 357,833 a year ago.* FO R SA L E — M aster (540 egg) If your present work calls for regu­ gon Green. E lectric Incubator $25. A lso San­ The increase w as noted in all types lar travel in surrounding territory Three years ago the K eep Oregon of vehicles. nen Goat, fresh, $25. Call CH. P rivate p assen ger cars and you can spare a little extra Green association started this youth erry 2489. • 11 and get tim e, th is affords excellen t oppor­ a ctiv ity w ith the cooperation of es­ in cieased from 293.29 to 301.884 in 194 1 . light delivery trucks from 28,660 tunity to handle larger volum e tablished youth organizations. FO R SA L E —Library D iner chairs. ! Now A ddress reply to Box 530. P ort­ th is Green Guard activity has expand­ ¡to 30.505 in 1944; heavy trucks from k itchen cabinet. B eaverton 2501 11 ; MORE RESULTS land, g iv in g age, occupation, edu­ ed so rapidly that it has becom e an 32,992 to 36,525 in 1944. FO R S A L E —Cabin, partly furnisL i cation. and sta te w hat territory integral part of the popularly sup­ i The truck increase w as the strong- I est of any vehicle type, am ounting to ed, elect ligh ts, S coffin s Ave., back you can regularly cover. ported fire prevention cam paign. of H i School. W. O. Jeffs, Tigard 11 W e now have a new m anual just i ten per cent. You Get Fo u r Times Your Money as TRACTOR W O R K —B y job and by o ff the press for Green Guards, the I R egistration fees for the first tw o \ FO R S A L E - D r y Wood, 16 in fire­ d ays w ork phone Tigard 2175 6-14 chairm an continued, and it w ill help m onths of this year am ounted to place or furnace knots, som e 4 ft. each Green Guard do a better job. It $2,808,300.22 com pared to $2,616,011.72 fir and som e hardwood. You haul. is w ell illustrated and sh ow s how to a year ago. H om e R efrigeration and w ashing Call Tigard 3142. 12 m achine services. Call K. B detect fire hazards in the home, on FO R SA L E—Sm oothtop Gas R ange Tw om bly CH. 2267. 8tf the farm , and in the field s and for­ Run in the F o u r Papers Stationed at Bakersfield ests, as w ell as how to speedily report and sm all wood h eatin g stove. E n ­ One of terprise Bldg., Short St. at T uala­ P A P E R IN G — P ain tin g, and Paper­ an y fire that g ets started. F o r the O r d i n a r y Price C h arg ed by tin H iw a y ,, Beaverton, F ran k Ma- ing, neat experienced w orkm an. these m anuals w ill be m ailed each boy Word has been received from K en­ Green gathan . tf L. L. Seeley, P hone Beaverton and girl already enrolled. neth George, that he is now stationed 2516. 50tf Guards have done a fine fire report­ 1 at B akersfield, Calif. ONE PAPER H e is a son FO R SA LE —Hurry, Hurry, A ing job in the past and w e w elcom e of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. George, form- W est Side subdivision, acreage lots new m em bers. Just w rite to Keep D e a d atock Picked up free of Oregon H e h as com pleted in ch oice Sylvan tract, sigh tly Green, State F orestry Build­ i erly of R eedville. ch arge anyw here. Call j his prelim inary navy train in g at h eigh ts, shaded vales. H om e sites ing, Salem , Oregon. collect. U N . 1221; n ight call ; B uckley Field, D enver, Colo., w here in favorable locality w ith perm an­ DENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO., he qualified as a cadet. en t im provem ents, stores, school, Real E s t a t e T ran sfe rs Portland. tf Bob G eorge has com pleted hie p ostoffice, Bull R un w ater supply, course at the U niversity of Indiana, electricity and g a s installation. 5 H ID E S * WOOL, CASCABA—A C hester D. H anna et ux to W J and has been transferred to the pre­ m in u tes from business center on specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW McCready et ux, lots 6 & 11 Kurdy’s fligh t bom bardiers train in g school at B ertha-B eaverton H ighw ay. Can Clay Portland. AT. 5384. tf add B eaverton. San Antonio, Texas. be purchased on easy term s. Adolph N elson et ux to Luther Mar- P hone B R oad w ay 6848 or ATwa- FO R TOW CAR call V ER M ILY E i ble Cook, et ux, lot 5 B ertholds add 1 The postw ar problem is to remove ter 4993. 4391 SW Cullen Ave. 14 MOTOR CO., Phone Tigard 3381 tf : Beaverton. F O R SA L E—4 ft green slab. Aloha R obert C F ordney to Dr. Theo Geo artificial sh ack les on the individual d istrict $6 per cord. Block & E d ­ I Hetu et ux, pi t lot 8 S teels add B eav­ A m erican’s creative energy; to rule' CUSTOM TRACTOR W O R K —Let ¡out regulation that a cts as a straigh t) gin g $7 per cord. Beaverton-Ti- erton. us plow your garden. Howard jacket on am bition, invention, eco ­ You ALWAYS get M O R E for Y O U R gard-Garden H om e d istrict 4 ft. I H. A. N ielsen et ux to Luke M Wm. Sm ith, Johnson Rd. & D iv is­ nomic venture and techn ological pio- green slab $7 per cord. Block A- ion sts., P hone B eaverton 2462 4tf j B leakney et ux, lot 166 Johnson Est eering; to restore norm al hum an in­ E d gin gs $8 per cord. H. F. Elford, add B eaverton-R eedville. Money a t the BIG F O U R Family F orest Grove. P hone 56. tf Louis Larson et ux to Lloyd J Gar- cen tives of reward and accom plish ­ m ent Pres. Eric A. Johnston, U. S. PAINTS : row et ux lots 12 & 13 H offarber Trs. FO R SA L E - Green slab old grow th H arvey W Jam es to Geo A. Rah- .C ham ber of Com m erce. 4 ft. D elivered in B eaverton or outis et ux pt lot 4 N ich ols Add Gar- Im lay’s Fresh M ultnom ah $8 in 3 cord loads, $7 | den Home. ! L ittle Ignatz, o ffice chore boy is Phone Beaverton 2321 A T w a t e r 6591 del. to Tigard, Sherw ood or Aloha. Mixed Feeds Edith A Fulton et ux to C D Bruun still tryin g to flg g er out why so C. J. Staser, Carlton, Oregon, Bx. tract 148 Bonny Slope P lat 2. I m any gals shut their eyes when k iss­ FISHER THORSEN PA IN TS 373. 8-11 ing. Iggie sez he a lw a y s k isses ’em For quality, fair price and H undreds need used furniture— with his eyes open on account he service FO R SA LE — C ertified Burbank place a Sale Ad. If you need the cash w ants to know w h at’s goin g on under Bonds not bunds for A m erica. Turn w ar stam p s into Bonds Seed P otatoes. Schuepback Bros. J. B. Imlay & Sons his nose. Spencer road, H m ile W B eaver­ R E E D V IL L E ALOHA. O R E ton Bank, also for sale at Mum- m ey’s Feed Store, M ultnom ah 7-tf CASH m u st accom pany A L L FO R SA L E —W ood—Green 16 in. C L A SSIF IE D ADS. Mail or leave 1 T H E OLD J U D G E S A Y S . . . Slab $9 per cord in 2 cord loads. at our office. R uben Johnson, N ew berg Star route. P hon e 193-J. 9tf If som eone w a n ts it, you can sell it w ith a cla ssified ad. WANTED FO R S A L E —1-8 mo old G uernsey j H eifer; 1-5 w eeks old G uernsey h e i- , fer. 2nd Rd., right S of Tigard grade school. 11 I WANT ADS PPCO WANT ADS B e a v e rto n E n terp rise T ig a rd S e n tin e l M u ltn o m a h P ress A lo h a N e w s Pioneer Publishing Co. W A N T E D Middle aged w om an to a ssist w ith housew ork and care for aged gen tlem an in daughters hom e P hon e C H erry 3452 11-12 Riverview Cemetery W EST END SELLW OOD B R ID G E CREM ATORIUM M AUSOLEUM CEM ETERY C om plete Funeral Service In New C athedral Chapel at No E xtra cost R iverview is a co-operative asso­ ciation w ith a ssets of over $800,000 FO R SALE: Hurry, Hurry A W est Side Subdivision. A creage Lots in Choice Sylvan Tract. S ig h tly h eights, shaded vales. H om e S ites in favorable locality w ith perm an­ ent im provem ents. Stores. School P ostoffice. Bull Run W ater Supply electricity, and g a s Installation. 5 min. from b usiness center on B ertha-B eaverton H iw ay. Can be purchased on easy T erm s Ph ong BK «848 or AT. 4993 4391 S. W. C U LLEN A V E N U E W A N TED C EN TR A I J.Y L O G \ t f . d Close to bus trans­ portation an d w alk ing d istance from downtow n. TURKEYS ALSO Live P o u ltr y and E g g s R eceivin g Portland, Albany. R edm ond, A D ressin g P lants: M cM innville. Salem , E ugene, R oseburg. Oregon. Main O ffice and P lant I. P. Finley & Son M ORTICIAN SW FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY ATwater lis i Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. S. E. Oak S tre-t, Portland, Ore. P hone 1’A at 5141 W M BONOS From a transport in New Guinea American members of hospital units are carrying medicine and instru­ ments provided by War Bond dol­ lars. How many will they succor; how many dead will they find? How many will never return? We do not know but we do know our daily con­ duct can make an earlier end of the war. Give your dollars action: Buy More War Bonds. U. S. T r e a ia r j D ef artm tnl De Laval S E P A R A T O R S — M ILKERS COM PÌ.ETE E Q U IPM EN T AND S U P P L IE S FO R T H E DAIRY IN D U ST R Y ifìomek friíell [¡ V» Hm * A iNlrlbRftort A * €VfR> THING j. /* > /"f * A £k d » "I was just tcllin’ my brother Fred this morning, Judge...there’s never been a time in our lives when we got to live up to that old sayin” United we stand, divided we fall’ more than we have to today.” ‘‘How true that is, Herb. And for the life of me, I can't figure out why, at a time like this, some folks insist on raising a ques­ tion like prohibition. I can't imagine any­ thing that would tickle our enemies more than to get us folks over here taking sides against each other, arguing about an issue like that. We’ve got a he-man’s job on our hands to win this war and we can’t be wasting our minds, our money and our strength fighting about som ething we tried for nearly 14 years and found couldn't work. "I say there’s a time and a place for everything, and this is no time or place to be doing any fightin’ except the kind that's going to win the war.” T h ú • ttrin e m m t i pon toité by ( m / r n r i • / A k o b ttu B n trm ft ! tu t.