F r id a y , A p r il BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Pare 2 II. H- JEFFH1K8. Ihiblisher Published Friday or each week by tks Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton. Oregon Entered as second class matter at the poatolflce ai Beaverton, Ore. __________________J1.00 Subscription Payable In Advance. One Tear Beaverton Office— Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 Hillsbore Office— Room 8, Delta Bldg., Phone 1841 Portland O ffic e -408 Panama Bldg., Srd and Alder Phone ATwater 86«! PER O re I AT I 0 N PUBLI S Who Is Delinquent? BY RU TH TAYUOR Today, wherever we turn, we find the problem of juvenile delinquency staring us in the face. We are all deeply stirred by the attacks of hood- ’ turns in our big cities. But we can’t pass o ff hoodlumism as just the acts ¡of children. Behind every child there [stands an adult. Every act of juv- ¡entle delinquency convicts some adult of neglect or indifference amounting to criminal negligence. Children ate not born with a sense of right or wrong. It is the family FRANK DISCUSSION NEEDED that has the first chance to civilize the child. The kind of behaviour The Low Down from Until very recently a majority of a child displays depends upon the kind people gave little heed to public of adults after whom he has pattern­ Hickory Grove spending- Everybody from cham­ ed himself. And the adults cannot bers of commerce to soap box orators | dodge their responsibility or shift it i You know, the touchiest subject devoted a large share of their time the schools. j you can stir uy is the sales tax. Our figuring out how to get a bigger cut The other day I was talking to a Govt, and Congress seems to think it in Federal handouts. The trend for truant officer. He said, “There aren’t is some kind of poison ivy. But the years has been toward bigger and any bad children, but there are a longer the tax is put off, the more bigger peacetime Federal budgets and | great many bad parents. They are painful it is going to be later—like a more and more debt. As war loomed | or neglectful. They don’t rcal- sore tooth, where you keep hoping nn the horizon, prosperity spread i jze that sending a child to school isn’t some miracle will happen and you will through the land on the wings of | enough. They have to condition his avoid the dentist, but don’t. borrowed money. i attitude towards the school and tow- If we were a very new country and I oday the lid is off, with hundred-1 ai ds other children. And they have not 150 years old, but were young, blllion-dollar budgets and 50-billlon - 1 gee to it that he has spiritual food and Inexperienced, and simple, like dollar deficits. The country has bor-1 ag wen a8 material. In most of the a new bride, we might be excused for rowed its way into an unprecedented cases I have to Investigate, I find dilly-dallying and doing nothing about war boom. As a result, taxes are i that the parents are unwilling to turn the tax, and getting out of debt. now making people realize that the (>ut on Sunday to go to Church with "What bride is simple?" says Henry government must collect money as ¡ their children. They don't seem to "The one I got in mind,” I says, "went v, ell as spend it, and that It must see that religion is one of the biggest to the market for mincemeat." "Be eliminate peacetime prodigality, th e, necesstles in a child’s life. I t ’s the sure,” she says to the butcher, “ to same as an individual. I stick upon which the vine has to cut off a nice young and tender Politicians, Republcans and Demo- g row.” mince.” i iats alike, have shied away from a I,ack of religion and ethical training But to get back to the sales tax. frank discussion of the nations fin- ¡ ¡g one Qf the greatest factors in juve- When you buy furniture on the in­ an< ial problem, either because t be j nue delinquency. I f a child has no stallment plan, it is not any lark dig­ pay envelope of every wage earner Is standards by which to grow, he is ging up the installments each month involved or because they honestly, groping in the dark I f he learns it but in due course and later, you don t know the answers. That is j lg gmart to dodge, the law, that the . are out of debt and can breathe inexcusable when the solvency of the I on¡y gln is getting caught, he is on easier--and nobody is going to back country and the savings of every in­ the road to crime. I f he hears his up a van and remove the icebox or dividual are at stake. parents lying, he sees no reuson for washing machine. It is futile to claim that we have the truth. I f at home he hears vio­ Yours with the low down, done our "tax” best to meet the cost lent diatribes against any group, JO SE RR A of the war. We have not. I f we whether it be of religion, color, na­ had, we would not now be riding the tionality or class, his first impulse is crest of Individual prosperity. to attack them. Signs of the Time* The parents may be only careless or thoughtless -but a child believes GETTING RESULTS One man who went Into govern- what he hears and takes It seriously. ment war service and isn't afraid to It Is from the home that hoodlumism tell the public his department got re­ springs and it is In the home it can sults, is William M. Jeffers, presi­ be and must be stopped. It isn’t the child nlone that is de­ dent of the Union Pacific R. R., and It is the parents who former drector of the synthetic rub­ linquent. ber program. stand convicted before the bar of pub­ In recent statement Mr. Jeffers said lic opinion. synthetic rubber is now about on I It isn’t just a wave of delinquency Hella T a lk i: The weather is still on the ram­ schedule; absolutely essential civilian I among children that is sweeping the Also the needs are being met; by early autumn 1 country and causing so much trouble, page most places here. more rubber should be going into ^ It is a wave of delinquency among i Russian army is still on the rampage. Rome wasn’t built in one day and I^et's do something about tires; we can produce enough syn­ parents thetic rubber for any needs, and will the delinquent parents and juvenile I it seems we alnt able to capture it be in the position in the future to delinquency will take care of itself! | very sudden but just wait till things ! get ripe all around and we will have dictate to producers of natural rubber i netvs as big as a shootin' at a water what the price shall be. Visiting Mother j melon stealin' party er a shot-gun This is good news for Americans weddin’ ! The Japs aint a wantin’ who have become used to a prediction Hill Griffith is visiting his mother of “ shortage" the moment bure&u- Mrs. A. T. Cavaness at Cooper Mt ¡to fight half as bad as they figgered! TMngs ain’t so had outside of Con­ ciatic planners take control of any of He has just finished his boot training gress and the weather! our basic industries. But that is the at Farragut, Idaho. B A R B W IR E B IL L bureaucrats' way they want the peo­ ple under their thumbs. Jeffers is not a bureaucrat he is a plain Am­ Returns to Hammer Field Keep notches, eggs, salt, fruit juic­ erican business man who is used to es, and rubber away from silver. They getting results. He says "W e don’t Charles Imlay is now at Hammer tarnish it. want the government In business. We Field, at Fresno, Cal., where 'he was want business in government.” transferred from Buckley Field, near And that is the only spirit that will Denver, Colorado. N U R S E LO S ES FA T get this nation tires or any other com­ SAFELY AYDS WAY modity that the people have always enjoyed and which built up the Am­ G»f slimmer without exercise erican standard of living. Eat •tarchea, potatoes, gravy, REGISTER At Fire Station B E F O R E A PRIL 18 FAMINES FOLLOW WARS The Department of Agriculture’s tabulations on what farmers Intend to plant in 1044, indicate that the so- called guaranteed support prices fail­ ed to coax them Into seeding more oil crops such as soya beans, peanuts, flaxseed or dletry standbys such as peas, beans, and potatoes Flax plant­ ings for linseed oil are down sharply. Apparently Increased acreage will go Into feed grains because of shortage o f livestock feed last year. "Failure of farmers to go along on some of the W ar fV>od'a programs.” , says Kusiness Week, "Is due to fear j that there will be too few hands and I new machines. Dairy product needs ' cannot be met; milk output for | months has consistently been behind year-ago levels." Farming has long been the pro­ ’ A T T O R N E Y AT L A W fessional "fixer’» ’’ plaything Let us Portland. Oregon hope that it Is not thrown too far off 220 Lumbermens Bldg. center by the theories of the parlor, HEnron 7131 CHerry 1534 cowhands. DOUBLE DUTY _ _ DOLLARS_ _ J. 0. Johnson H. B. W ISE E X P E R IE N C E NOT N ECESSA R Y Steady Work with Overtime APPLY AT SYLVAN PLANT COLUMBIA BRICKWORKS IDS 8 E. » a ter Are.. Portland CH 1232 — 743 Maplecrcst Court Fruit. Nut, Flowering and shade Trrr». Roar*. Berry Plant* Shrub*, etc. Send for new fall and spring cata­ log Fall planUng »tart» in Novem­ ber. Tulip buTn» are planted now. folder on request. T ualatin V a lle y Nurseries Sherwood, Oregon I^age 1 lOHNSON'S Tax Accounting Service BEST MARKET PRICE R. I. MacLaughlin & Co. Beaverton C. V. W ALLACE —Signs & Cards— rV F ciou * A Y O S before each meal »lulls the Mpnetite Y e t you got vitamin*, minerals, essential nutrients in Ayds. Start the Ayds w ay to lose weight n»*w :?0 day supply of Avds. $2 2 Lt I f you 're not delighted with results M O N E Y H A C K with the very lin t lx>x Phone j ¡N e w for Spring ! HATS J The I Nokabout (The Dallas Pliofelt S5 : 1 1— « a \ J Washington 1 414 S. W. Portland Í Mick Room Needs—Sunfreeae Ice Cmun — Magaiine«, Films and Developing E L L IS PHARMACY PKr-SCIUPTION DRUGGIST* I. W. Kill«. Prop CHerry 2103 We Deliver ( c a r w a sh e r s ! $10 Multnomah. Ora. MECHANICS h Mechanic» work 48 hr* per weekS ■ 40 hour» »tratght; 8 hour» tlmeD ■ and a half. Good working condi-t| a tlon» Permanent employment h | J OREGON MOTOR STAGES i 506 SW Mill S ! J BE. 3021 J PO RTLAND Q U ESTIO N S A N SW ERED Tii.1 conflict of world even.s com­ tage in war prices, war profits, war pels the United States and t anada wages and war racketeering thru to install (ho designed direction of the spilling of blood of other Am­ the strategy of total war or face ericans in defense of the country. disaster. America must liquidate its pro- Th:s designed direction of nation­ fascists at home before it can de­ al operations cannot be attained if feat its fascist enemies abroad! Total Conscription will exclude Anie.iira permit» bus.ness and par­ ; seism from the North American ty politics to dominate the admin- Continent. istiation of America’s war effort. c w USE 666 666 TABLETS.