BEAVERTON Page 4 ^ Friday, A pril 7, 1944 E N T E R P R I S E , Beaverton, Oregon M O N E Y -W h a t is it good for? To daughter Mrs. J R. Talbert is Mrs. L E G A L N O T IC E buy things you want; to be saved for O. J. Goald from Medford, Oregon, security, to make a pleasant social also Sarg. Robert Gould of Camp NOTICE Oh SPECIAL SCHOOL life What are you using your money Ritchie, Maryland, is visiting with MEETING AND EL ATION for. Up in Aberdeen, Wash., it was some John Summer» w ai taken to Good the Talberts, having been called home IN SCHOOL OISTKU £ NO. 4« i years ago. Samaritan hospital where he under­ by the death of his father. j _____ WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON I —"Good-bye, Sonny! Good-bye went an operation Sunday and passed Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Wood have been Deputy tax collectors will be in away Wednesday morning. He was enjoying a visit from their son Wm Hillsborp April 1 and 13 to 15 inclu- i till we meet on that other shore.” NOTICE IS H E R E B Y G IVEN T h a t1 With that the aged woman reached 72 years of age, husband of Carelyn, Wood, home on a two weeks furlough sive and at Beaverton on April 12, for up and gave the lad a good-bye kiss. a special school meeting and election father of Stanley, California. Fun­ from Canada. the purpose of assisting taxpayers In It May Be Impossible for , They would meet on that other shore will be held in the high school build­ eral plans will be announced by W. Oregon, within Jack Manges and nine other mem- preparing their Forms 1040ES, Dec- i Of that her Bible made her sure. ing in Beaverton, E. Pegg. Mr. Summers had» been Us to Meet All Request* DeMolay, taration of Estimated Tax for Calen- They also had Christ's word for it— School District No. 48. at 8:00 p. m. 1 custodian of the Beaverton schools bers of the Multnomah on the 24th day of April, 1944, for the i dar Year 1944. • • * for « i t ; "Because 1 live, ye shall live also.” for over 35 years and was beloved by spent the week end at Seaside. The Past Matrons club met in the *n addition to these places shown, Dill you glance into the dining car purpose of submitting to the legal many children. voters of the district the following Masonic Temple Friday March 31 A the *ame assistance is also available Mrs E Bagley, mother of Bayfield delicious luncheon was served, during [ ° taxpayers ut the office of the Co*- of the road's crack train that Easter propositions morning? Did you note above the Pooley, Beaverton, died April 2, aged 1. Shall District No. 48, Washing-1 the business meeting which followed £ ctor ° ‘ Internal Revenue. Custom fine linen and the silver service, the 71 yeais. Services were held April 5 ton County, Oregon, unite with a letter was read from Mrs J E Da ^ ^ e“ * h d*V statelv Easter lilies? Thev told c at Hillsboro, interment Fir Hawn vis of Omaha, Neb., a former Worthy “ nt“ ^prtl 15 h. which is the final School Districts No. 6. 18. 37, 57, ! the hope of the many, that after, cemetery. 60, 74. 81, 94. 95, 107 and 108, all Matron of Beaver chapter. Out of daV of the fillnS Pe” ° d death comes resurrection the blessed of Washington County, Oregon; 62 The Beaver Social Club held a rum­ town mem be i * w e i e M is .1 t i 11. « a It 4 D C f D p ai t — * i , Easter hope. The many believe that During this War Emergency Jt., Washington County, and 62 Jt., | mage sale Wednesday in Portland. ley, Mrs. Barbara Gorham and Mrs I* Ifxfc, J N l l . i V o 1 the great God will raise all man-kind Multnomah County, being one joint ’ Mrs. A. E. Hanson was chairman. Due to Shortages of Bobby Wood all of Portland. The The mothers of the Camp Fire to glory. district; 67 Jt., Washington Coun- : Mrs Edith Grace Stewart of 7060 afternoon was spent in putting to- Girls were entertained at a tea on Are the many right in this? For Telephone Facilities SW Canyon Crest, a resident of Port­ ty, and 67 Jt., Multnomah County, j gethei woolen blocks for an afg* rch 2Kth by the girls. A short said Christ—"No man cometh unto land since 1905, passed away Wednes­ for being one joint district; 83 Jt., ' h the Veterans hospital in Portland Neither is day. March 29. She was the mother also Mrs. Fred Goit, our new member, program was given as fillows: A pi­ the Father but by Me.” Washington County, and 8 Jt., Your telephone system I there any second name, given among ano solo by Barbara Schurman. Clari­ of Mrs. J F. Gilray, Portland. Hast was very cleverly initiated. Multnomah County, being one Host- Recitation men whereby ye must be saved Not is chiefly built of mate­ rites were conducted by her pastor, eses were Mesdames Huntley, Wood, net solo Jean Hansen. joint district; and 104 Jt., Wash­ the Rev. Werner Fritz, West Hills Thynge, Engleke, Gorham and Shell- Ruth McKeel. Piano solo by Pat W il­ 1 hy our own good works but only by ington County, but omitting 42 Jt., rials which are essential to helm. A special cake made by the "Christ do we come to God.” Butheran Church, at Finley’s on Fri­ Multnomah County, the other por­ national defense. S u c h enberger. Receive Christ as Lord and Saviour Beaverton Bakery for the Camp Fire day afternoon, March 31. tion of said joint district, to form materials as copper, alum­ Miss Amarette liarnes^ is cojifined 32nd birthday was served with the and have the true Easter hope. Only There were a large number of door a union high school district? to her home by illness, Rev. Sturte- then can you say that because Christ inum, iron, nickel, rubber, prizes given away at the last card tea. For Union High School-----Yes. party of the Beaver Social club. vant is teaching during her absence. On Tuesday, April 4, the girls paint­ came from the grave, so you also will etc , are now being used Carrie Beonard and W. C. McKell won j The spring conference of Pacific ed plaques made of plaster paris and be raised to glory. for shells, bullets, bombs, For Union High School---- No. . Northwest Klwanis Dis. 10 will be high score in bridge; Mrs. Taggart, paper plates, also worked on their guns, tanks, planes, etc , and H. B. Brookhardt in 500; and In held Monday April 10th at Salem, ranks and crafts. 2. Shall District No. 48 turn over ; Beaverton and they are no longer pinochle, Mildred Osfield and Jack Oregon, delegates from Barbara Schurman, scribe and’ convey, without considera­ Klwanis club will be announced later, j Clatskanie, Oregon Bawrence won high scores. available for b u i I d i n g tion, to said union high school j This space paid for by an Oregon The Cedar Mill school children have ! Mrs. C. B. Wooden was hostess at « Mrs. Glen Ely and daughters of Beav- district, if organized, for the pur­ more telephone lines and businessman. farewell luncheon and handkerchief erton. The occasion being Mrs. Ely’s purchased about $2000 in stamps and pose of furnishing a site -for the equipment. shower honoring Mis Grover White and her mothers birthday. All the bonds during the past term. high school in said proposed union Mrs. H. A. Ward, assisted by Mrs I of Multnomah, on Wednesday of last family were present except for one Brother Sends Jap Gun high school district, the present Other guests were the Mes- brother, a lieutenant in New Guinea Noreen Brookhardt and Mrs. A. R | week. high school site and building of The Kloko sisters are very proud of dames Walter Williams, Anne Gallo, Mrs. Norton Peck, president of the Before you move, we Pearson are making plans fof the a large Jap gun, which was sent them School District No. 48; said site Howard Marson, Thorton floss, all of Oregon Home Economic association, canning project at Cedar Mill during suggest that you inquire at by their brother, from the South Pa­ being in Washington County, Ore­ the summer for the school cafeteria Multnomah and Mrs. M. C. McKerch- gave a talk to the delegates of the cific. gon, and described as follows: the Business Office to deter­ er of Beaverton. Mr and Mrs. White high school home economics club at next fall. Commencing at the southeast cor­ mine if telephone facilititi • Sunday the mercury hit summery ‘ are leaving this week to make their Oregon City recently. • ner of Lot 2, A. Meier Estate Ad­ ' • Cub Scouts leaders held a personal T O O L A T E T O C L A S S I F Y are available at your new 81 and scores of people spent most of^ home in Brookings, Oregon. dition to Beaverton, a plat of rec­ Mrs. M. C. McKeroher, Mrs. Norton meeting Monday evening at the home the day in their victory garden. location. FOR SALE 1 plow 10 in $1«. 1 ord in Washington County, Ore­ A daughter, Nancy A., was born' Peck, Mrs. Lee, Mrs, H. D. Pfenning of Mrs. Donaldson to make further Master incubator $75; 1 coal brood­ gon; t hence northeasterly along March 24 to Mr. and Mrs. I>eslie F and Mr. Francis Sturtevant attend­ plans regarding a play ground. er $10; 1 two wheel trailer, new, the west line of Stott Street ex­ Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Taggart have ed the Washington County Health as- Monohon, of Beaverton. $3250. Jim Alex, Rl, Bx 290, A l­ tended in the Town o f Beaverton WEST COAST A benefit card party will be given soclatlon in Beaverton Tuesday at purchased the new duplex on SE Sev- len ave., Beaverton. 10 to its intersection with the south Saturday, April 15 by the American , which Mrs. Pfenning and Mrs. Stur- enth street. T ELEPH O N E CO. line of Second Street in the Town Legion Post 124 at Odd Fellows hall, J tevant took part In the discussion on Mrs. W. H. Sheeley and Mrs. E. T C AK I) OF T H A N K S of Beaverton, which point is also to raise funds to establish an honor j Juvenile delinquency. Morgat\ attended the Girl Scout re- I wish to express my sincere ; 60 feet westerly from the north­ roll of those serving in the armed for-1 The Kiwanis club had Morton i gional conference in Portland. thanks and appreciation of my many west corner of Block 24 in the ces from Beaverton and community j Tompkins, of the Grange, as speaker Girl Scout troop No. 49 baked cook- friends who were so kind to me dur­ Town of Beaverton; thence west­ Tickets are 50c each. Refreshments, at this week’s meeting. The club re- ies for the USO Saturday, ing my recent bereavement, and also erly along the south line of Sec­ will be served. ceived congratulations from the state Mrs. Thomas D. Hughes and Mrs. for the beautiful floral offerings. ond Street extended westerly in M* 1» 'P A ...111 »1... .. I officers on completing 15 years of J. Etheridge arrived by plane Wed- MRS. AN N A STEE RE Beaverton to the intersection with cake sale Saturday at Richeys store. service In Beaverton. nesday from California to visit par- the east line of Erickson Avenue Annual Methodist Easter egg hunt I Returnlng last week from Astoria ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pegg. in Beaverton; thence southerly Leon N. Lefebvre will be held on Easter Sunday after- < were Mr. and Mrs. Hawley after ------- - along the east line of Erickson Ave­ noon at the church from 3 30 to 4 30 spending the week end with their i [ ) r> N e l s o n N o w L o c a t e d T o Attend Convention nue in Beaverton to the southwest for pre school children and their j daughter and son In law Dr. and Mrs , , . . . . . ■ r\ cc- corner of Lot 2 in the said A. Me­ parents. a . g . Alien. At Hillsboro O ffice ier Estate Addition; thence easterly Oliver Jay Gould, father of Mrs. R. Visiting Monday with Mrs. B. Ran- ! Dr. G. S. Nelson has purchased the along said south line of said Lot L. Talbert, early Portland resident, dall was Mrs. H. S. McKenzie of Pen- business of Dr. Peck, chiropractic, at 2 to the place of beginning. died recently in Medford. Funeral dleton, Oregon, returning from Sa- j Hillsboro and will continue practice services were held in Portland, with t lem, where she attended the wedding in the same place, 120 S. Third St , For Transfer of Property Dr. Nelson is well known here as he interment in I-one Fir cemetery. as a Site------------ Yes of the Governor’s daughter. Mrs. Clifton Ackerman received Recently a family reunion was en­ was employed by Dr. Peck last fall For Transfer of Property word that her brother P. F. C. Ellis joyed by Mr. and Mrs. Fremont Hay­ while he was away on a vacation. as a Site------------ No. Dr. Nelson is a graduate of Califor­ Antrim, who has been stationed in den of Estacada. Those present were New Guinea was Injured, when a tree Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weaver and nia Chiropractic College, holds degree S q u ib b Voting will be by ballot and the fell breaking his ankle and injuring I children, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Haden, of D. C., Ph. C., and M. C. He has voter shall place an X in the space A B C D G his back. and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ix>e Gens- practiced in Portland, Oregon, and indicating his choice. The polls wil! CAPSULES A. M Jannsen Is In Los Angeles man, Mrs L. R. Gensman, Mrs. Elmo Oakland, California. be open for one hour before the this week. Dr. Nelson lives at Aloha on a 19- Haden, all of Portland, Miss Dona votes are .counted and any legal Spending several weeks with her Lee Haden of Estacarla and Mr. and acre home on the old Hillsboro road. FORMER PRICE $ 4 .1 9 FOR 100 CAPSULES voter shall be entitled to vote until the votes are counted. Dated this 28th day of March. 1944 E. H. MASTERS Clerk of School District No. 4 Washington County, Oregon To Help Taxpayers Make Out Estimated Tax TOWN TALK ONE LAST KISS Telephone Service VIGRAN 100 11 _ % CAPSULES Move Into N e w Home Mr. and Mrs. George Croston of Ta coma, Wash., have moved to thei new home at Reedville. He has 1 Leon N. Lefebvre, a member of the acres in filberts and fruit tr^es. Hi i Million Dollar Round Table of the Na- purchased the place several year, ' tional Association of Life Underwrit- ago and has been improving it. |ers, with Equitable Life of Iowa in Oregon iwul fourth high producer dur- Turn war stamps into Bonds 1 ing 1943 in the nation, has reached ! 500 weeks on consecutive weekly scor­ ing He is a charter member of the Century Club, also has qualified for Save 20 to 25% on your F I R E I N S U R A N C E C O S T S the Regional Convention to be held at Oregon Mutual Policies are NON ASSESSABLE. You N EV ER paj Sir Francis Drake Hotel, San Fran- more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual ; cisco, California, beginning April 25th. maintains more than three times the surplus required by Oregon Mr. Lefebvre will leave for California Insurance U w i. on April 10th and visit with various agencies before the opening of the Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company convention. OF Mc.MINNVn.LE Organized 1894— .40 years of Reliable Service < ha». L. Walker, Agent BEAVERTON PHARMACY Phone Beaverton 2311 HEINZ BABY FOODS: FRUITS 8e VEGETABLES 71 1 pt each N e w Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. "Every Form of Protection" Á Brunette Blomle EGGS 40 c dozen-large grade "A POTATOES 3 lbs. YAMS Beaverton Pharmacy Beaverton. —311 Dr. S. S. Nelson ?9c /// z ib*. 2 9 c Arizona Grapefruit OF WALLPAPER & PAINTS Twenty four years ago this spring we started in business in Port­ land and many people who bought Wall Paper and Paint from us that first year are still our customers. Personal Service. Honest Deal­ ing and splendid assortments from which to make selections have been contributing factois in holding old customers and attract­ ing new. IN APPRECIATION Even tho it is difficult to buy enough of certain lines right now we present this Anniversary Sale as our way of saying Thank you! Wallpaper Office Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Jo* 50 c Lg. O R A N G E S ANNIVERSARY SALE Chiropractic Physician 2 for 25c C A LO VOS Redhead Yes. people the nation over have reportt-1 G R A Y V IT A Vitamins W ORK, and that the r Rmy hair is returning to its natural coin* (¿RAY VITA Vitamins contain the :* «>( "anti rt . iv hair vitamin’’ (Plus 150 1 1 .i. ui Hi) as tested by a le .dinir housekeeping ! . ’ ■Inc Of thoM tested. &8 had r< turn ol ha . color. isRAYVTTA Vitamins are rtor ■ it< ing. can't harm your “uermar.'nt ” 30 day supply. $1 50; 100 day's, 00. Phone Parripak Mixers 2 for 25c Daily 3 for 1 7 c Except Thursday. Open Wed . Thurs, * Friday evens 120 S. Third St., Hillsboro «Uw I’llONK IIIL1JVSOKO 1631 Living & Dining Room 25c, 35c, 59c, 60c, 75c, Si Bed R oom Papers Pink. blue, yellow gieen. or light ground in stripes or figured effects. 25c,35c.50c,75c to $1 roll . . . . CLEANS W IN D SM Itl»« B I F F Cleaner pt bot. 2 5 c String Beans No Points 17 c SUGAR 5 lb.. 33c I « lb.. 63c 29 c C l.E A R E X Pineapple, 2‘ .» Fancy Sliced W. E. PEGG WINDOW! — MI N I O S ! — f O I C I l A I N — D IC TU M «— 43 points Hillsboro, Oregon & sJÈ3 ¿4 e, 5 Grayvita Vitamins W ORK— R e sto re s Color N aturally PAAS EASTER EGG Uefi. Dyes 10c pke. 3 for 25c NEW Phone 1732 28c Nook Papers 25c. 35c, 45c, 75c roil MORTICIAN Beaverton. Oregon Estab. 1919—Serving 33 years PHONE BEAVERTON 3411 DR. W D. HUNTINGTON Ceiling Papers W hite or Ivory at 18c and 25c per roll Paints Dutch Boy, gal. S2.58 W onsover, quart 72c Dutch Boy gal. $3.98 Satin Eggshell qt $1.09 Dutch Boy Outside white gal $3.45 Enamel Ç . i S p e c ia l 97c 72 quarts Master C raftsman White Enamel, ceiling price U » i ' esisto 'Vhlte snd colors for Borders at 5c per yard • p • interior or outside Prepared Paste IS 15c l * * 2,Yv* ptnting gal *2.18 Paste Brushes 35c, 65c| Turpen'.ine 25c pt 50c qt DENTIST MULTNOMAH THRIFTY MARKET Box 78 SMITH'S WALLPAPER HOUSE Aloha. Oregon PH O NE ALOHA 6315 I-* SW 2nd, Bet. Washington and Stark 4