PUBLISH ED W E E K L Y IN OUR P LA N T ON VOL. 17, NO. 9 Inflation and City Property After World War II SHORT ST. A N D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y Beaverton, Oregon, Fgiday, March 31, 1944 America's Pride Is Luftwaffe's Poison ESTABLISHED 1927 Carrie Leonard in Charge of Beaverton Furniture Store Stamps Good Indefinitely Beaverton Furniture store has a I 1 new manager. Ned Siebert. owner | of the store, being called to the col- ! j ors, has secured the services of Car- ! j rle Leonard of Beaverton as mana- ■ ger. Mrs. Leonard is well and fa- ! | vorably known here and very capable ! | of taking over the affairs of this i popular store, which fills a long i Red and Blue Stamps on needed want in this vicinity. "Indefinite" List We regret losing Mr. Siebert, we j welcome Mrs. Leonard. From now on, the red and blue »tamps in War Ration Book 4 will Another Honest Man he good indefinitely, Just as shoe and Babson Park, Fla., March 31—Dur 'sugar stamps are, Willard Cuse, dis- ing World War I, prices oi city real An honest man wlked into the 1 trict OPA food rationing executive, estate remained almost stationary; Not Difficult for ‘‘There is no change in Portland police station this week end ! has advised. but between 1910-1920 the value of Soldiers to Vote handed the record bureau attendants j the rate at which stamps become farm lands doubled. After the last explained. "House- a purse containing $932 in cash. He good," Case War, we had from 1920-1926 a great j is F. L. Smerthurst, 2800 N Watts wives may continue to budget their industrial boom and city land prices1 Men and women in the armed for- I street. The purse was reported lost family purchases of rationed foods on greatly increased. Farm woj'kiprtf | ces will have little difficulty voting Monday at SW 10th avenue and the basis of three red stamps (w’orth migrated to city industrial jobs at by absentee ballot if they are properly , Under the Oregon laws Stark street by James W. Mason,'of 11 total of 30 points) every second that time and farm prices dropped. registered. This resulted In a tremendous slump al* «••gl.tered voters who expect to be Beaverton. Sunday, and five blue stamps worth ,___ land and __ , lower , _ absent frcom the county on election a total of 50 points the first of every in the value of farm day need only write to the county month." crop prices. Services Tuesday to The introduction of tokens for During World War II prices for clerk requesting that absentee ballots It is not necessary Friday at Churches I change has made it possible to re city rents have increased about 8%; be sent them. move the expiration dates on stamps. but with prices of agricultural pro that applications be sworn to before Before tokens came ; The Nizarene, Methodist. Congrega Case explained. ducts nearly 90% above prewar lev a notary public. Ballots will be sent only to registered voters. tional and Church of Christ congre into use, storekeepers had no ade- els; we again have greatly inflated Men in the armed forces who are gations will join in the union Passion \ quate way of making change for cus- farm land values. Will history re | Week services from Tuesday thru Fri tomers who had already spent their peat, or reverse, the relative posi not registered, may request registra tion cards, which, when properly fill- day of next week. The services will be stamps of small denominations tion of farm and urban property? out, may be forwarded to the county ! held each evening at 8 o'clock in the City Booms and Current Trends When an absentee receives ! above order. Booms are usually preceded by a clerk. | The public Is cordially Invited to rise in the net Income of real proper his ballot he must have it sworn to attend these worship services. Spec- ties and a subsequent rise in the sales before a person authorized to take ' ia> music, attractive bulletins and Ki n MA I d prices of existing buildings. This his oath before mailing it back to the ! helpful sermons are, assured. Walter L. Myers returned last week stimulates new building and is follow clerk. After being sworn to the com ' At Randolph Field, Texas, these Aviation Cadets gather on the from several weeks of work in Cali ed by a demand for vacant land on pleted ballot must be mailed to the fornia, and will leave Saturday for flying line for a few words from their Squadron Commander upon the which to build new properties. There county clerk of the county in time to Prisoner of War j St. Louis, Mo., to attend a staff meet- results an over-supply of homes, reach him before election day. completion of their basic training period. Now they're one > tep nearer apartments, stores, hotels and offices. to their coveted wings. Fred Tollefson, who has been pre- ¡ *n*> of the National Benevolent Asso Kents fall and new construction no Morgan Files as Candidate viously reported us missing in action ciation of the Christian Church with longer becomes profitable. The de-1 p Qr D i s t r i c t A t t o r n e y is now a prisoner of war in Germany, which Northwestern Christian Home mand for land drops and sales prices y according to word received through is associated. 2000 Allied planes swept over fall. This is the real estate cycle. the American Red Cross. G. Russell Morgan, Washington France Monday to blow up 9 German In 90% of 280 cities, real estate county district attorney, last week alrdomes and freight yards at Tours prices have risen about 12% in the filed with the secretary of state as a Public Health Assn. ¡ also 38 Nazi planes past two years. In Chicago, it is re candidate for re-nomination in the i Next Sunday, April 2, will be ob ported that apartment buildings in Republican primary election. To Meet April 4 Mr. served at the Methodist Church, with creased in sales prices about $200 a |M district attorney first in room from 1936 to the middle of 1943. 1933 and has v.„„ been K..... re-elected twice A business meeting of the Wash excellent music by the choir, and a stirring sermon by the pastor. Dr. There has since beep a further rise since. i ington county public health associa- A. S. Hisey. The public is invited to of 10%—15%. Notwithstanding rent , tion has been announced for Tues- control. New York has seen a rising .-p . . c The Board of Directors of School | day, April 4 in the Hillsboro Chamber t In view of the almost certain post has gained nothing by price for apartment buildings. I n ! r lS llin g I ACkle tOr It is an annual 1 Germany " I war expansion and possibilities of in- District 48, met with the Beaverton i of commerce rooms. Boston, there is a great demand for j M e n O v e r s e a s adequa^ educational” facilities, resi-jPaient Teachers Association Tuesday j meeting and there will be election of ta^ia* over R °“ mania- only PuttinK these properties at prices well above j _____ _____ dents of school district 48 went on evening, March 28th and discussed a , officers, according to announcement ° ff |he d a y .wben th*‘ r „ ° ® p" W1 conservative values. In Miami, for Fred L. Abbott, U. S. army engineer! record dhanirnously in favor of furn-1 project to increase the capacity of by Mrs. C. O. Mubee of Aloha, presi- ay* P 1 e.” v similar structures, prices have in at Bonneville is doing his bit fbr ser-lishing the present high school build- the Beaverton Grade School building j dent. The meeting is called for 7;30 ,c r o w d the Dniester i ivei Monday creased 25%—35% in the last three vice men over seas. People send him ing and site for the formation of a ^ by adding several additional class p. m. and will be followed by a panel I . , . P . years. fishing kits (damaged ones as accept- union high school district at a meet-'moms, cafeteria and other needed im- discussion on youth problems a n d jM(^Pi J _ * ^ ____________ ,__ , Cities In Oregon have received their W h a t A b o u t V a c a n t C ity I.a n d ? (Suggestions for Correction. able as new.) He makes them over ing held on Thursday, March 23rd. j provements. ; first allocation of state highway fund There has been very little price in for service men. Mr. W. H. Grauer, chairman of the I He says he sends j An election for the purpose of vot j receipts, pursuant to the "cities' gas crease in vacant city land during ali repaired fishing kits to Harlan ing on the proposition of school dis- board, outlined the steps already ta- j Receives Service Pin World War II. Postwar demand I tax” measure that was squeezed thru "J for I Major in New York. Last week Har-1 trict number 48, uniting with school ken to secure assistance from the I . .— . out . 1000 1A1 - Tuts (sent him ] districts 6, 18, 37, 57, 60, 62Jt, 74, 81, federal government to help finance i suburban home sites has incr eased i. I the 1943 Oregon legislature, after un 1 lan J shipped p Mrs. A. B. Pearson, Mrs. N. successful attempts at previous ses slightly the price of land near some b different people)) to fishermen in I 83Jt, 94, 95, 104, 107 and 108 for high the proposed project. Mr. C. N. „ R. Johnson of Ce sion.s The amount distributed was large cities. The fear of inflation t ' e armed fo£ es overseas, architect explained the Jobnson an<1 ” school purposes will be held at the Freeman, has helped the sa e of small farms Any damaged fl8hing equipment, high school building on the evening working drawings and also projected j dar rerent,y awarded Am- y~ of g14 723 , 366 , which was highway colored slides showing the interior erlcan Cross canteen service pins j funds total 1934 receipts. The first but not yet the sale of city propei y ■ including broken reels can be sent to of April 24th at the hour of 8 p. m. ’ lli u. 11 o P m o o nontor .. - _ _* In most cities the assessed value of Mr Abbott at Bonneville, allocation of the 5% diversion of The formation of such a high views of the modern class rooms to | at the Hillsdale Red Cross center. land has not been sufficiently deflat highway funds to cities of more than school district will assure high school be included in the addition. ed from the peak prices of the 20’s to 1,000 shows thaf Beaverton will re The plans call for an extension of Young Men May Apply facilities for those living in this area Ready to Report warrant interest. ceive $1,444.86. without any additional cost to the the southwest wing of the present It takes a generation to recover Mrs. Jones who has been ill is re building placing the cafeteria in the For Appointment districts involved. from a collapse in city real estate j A graduate of St. Mary’s of the covering nicely. The formation of such a district northeast corner of the new wing. For the first time in recent months ; Floyd Allen of Cornelius, was vlslt- such as occurred in New York from Valley, Edna D. Rasmussen enlisted i would not mean an immediate in If the application receives favor 1939-1943. Improved ireal estate— in the marine corps women's reserve 1 crease in enrollment or added ex able consideration by the federal gov qualified young men in all Western |nK his sister Mrs. Della Fisher this She has been placed on penditures. since it would take care ernment it will be necessary to call a States except California and Wash-, week. that is land with buildings—still sells March 27. at prices below the reproduction cost, an inactive status and is awaiting of the same area and number of stu bond election to vote the amount ington may apply for appointment as ■ Surveyors were again out in fores less depreciation. Hence, no income orders to report for "boot" training dents served during the past. school district 48 will be required to Engineer Cadet-Midshipman In the |ast w^ek Surveying Tualatin highway is left for the land. As a result, there at Camp Lejeune, Cl. Many ru- At the present time about two- provide for the cost of the project. United States Merchant Marine Ca- R8 fttr M Cedar street. Private Rasmussen was graduated thirds of the school enrollment comes The present application asks for sixty idet Corps. is no pressing demand for new city This announcement was m0rs are in the air, about widening space which in turn would ¡fbsorb from St. Mary's Val_ley J n | suY^oVn^ing 'dlstricU which percent to be furnished by the fed-1 made today by the Supervisor, U. S the highway and the building of a She is the daughter of Mr. ' would be included in the organization eral government and forty percent by Merchant Marine Cadet Corps, W ash-inew road across the flats north of land values and lead to a land boom. 1941. and Mrs. Edward J. Rasmussen of of the union high school and only the local school district. Basis for a Real Estate Boom ington 25. D. C. town. Vacancies in these states are lim A population rise might boom city Portland. John Summers is ill. ¡one-third from school district 48. ited and will be held open only for a real estate. However, the nation's Mrs. Holboke is home from the ho*- The present high school building short time, the announcement said. pital. rate of growth, and particularly ur- New Officers Elected and site is free from all indebtedness New Members Initiated Ail applications must be mailed to the ] Charles Valla Is ill with penumonia and can be used without expansion Continued on Page 2 Mrs. Ida Kirkwood was le-elected Supervisor, U. S. Merchant Marine j in a Hillsboro hospital. Nine members of the Hillsboro until such time as the enrollment The Cheerio club met Friday at the grange were guest at a special meet warrants increased facilities for high 1 superintendent of the Reedville Sun- Cadet Corps, Washington, 25, D. C. | home of Mrs. A1 Jannsen. There was day School at a meeting held Sunday ing of the Aloha Grange, where new school purposes. Roll Call was “ Law’ J a large attendance. If the union high school is organ- j morning George Geiger was re Indian Conditions members were given the first and Sgt. El wood Brown and son Jackie second degrees of the order. Those j ized a board of directors consisting elected assistant; Mae O'Connor, re Mrs. Anna Lingman, with Mrs. V. . initiated were Mr. and Mrs. Elmei ¡of five members will be elected, no elected secretary; Burt Hendershott To Be Investigated are visiting his mother Mrs. Reva F Perry as co-hostess, entertained the LaRue, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Molek, two directors coming from the same assistant; Mrs. Arvid Nordlund, re , Brown. He is on a furlough. Reedville Church Women’s associa Mr and Conditions among ^nerlrtin In The card party given at the Mason Mrs. Earl Pierce. Mr. and : district. This board will direct the elected treasurer; Mrs. Ernest Graf. tion. Mrs. Luke Bleakney had charge Mrs. Ben McCanna, Mrs. Ruth De- .--------- policies ----- anti be responsible for the __ — ,---------- — — assistant pianist; Ida Ix>u Hagg, dians are to be investigated by a five- ic temple last Friday was well attend of the program. Scripture roll call ! Halo. M isTT^neU e l ^ R u e There were 15 tablea In play. Miss1 developing of an adequate educational j Kathleen Imlay, assistant song lead- i man subcommittee of the house In- ed. word was Law. Verna Huntley of Portland, was a Marjory DeHaan and Melvin W att,! program for the union high school. | cr; Jack Kirkwood. Norma O'Con-jdian affair* committee The combined valuation of the pro- j nor, assistant librarian; John Geiger, I It •* s®1'* administration of affairs Kuest of Mrs. R. R Summers at lun with Willy Heinrich, master, presid- posed district will be about $6,000,000 Flora LaRue. assistant; Mrs. Harold i of the 360.000 Indians in this country cheon one day thia week. Benefit Card Party April 1 ing Bergquan ci idle roll superintend- ! wa8 costing; lbs govsrnmsnt about -------------------------- - I These new members will be initi- second only to Hillsboro union hi| ’ C. E. Elect New Officers Mrs. HArold Bergquam will be in [ **-ted into the third and fourth de school which has a valuation of $8,- '■nt. Mrs. J Lorentzen. assistant Mrs , $32, million yeariy. Otto George and V. E. Perry were in gradually timetable liquidation <* J 612.591 86 chat ge of the Reedville 4-H breakfast j grees April 6 at the grange hall, those tribes to be assimilated Into the With a valuation of $6,000.00000 It charge Jack Kirkwood was elected preai- club benefit card party Saturday, I ” general economy of the country. ¡should be possible to operatp the high , dent of the Reedville Christian En i' April 1, at the Reedville schoolhouse. Use More Cabbage school at a lower millage cost than in deavor society at a recent meeting. The proceeds will be used in pro- 1 National Family Week former years. Youth of County Invited Betty Corrieri, will be vice-presi vlding scholarships for the 4-H sum An all-time record crop of cabbage A rryeeting of all legal votnrs from May 7 to 14 dent; Flora U R ue, secretary-treas mer school at Corvallis. To Join in Food Contest is now on the market and the gov- the non-high school districts has been urer; Dorothy Kirkwood, pianist; tmment asks your help in seeing called for Thursday. March 30th at 8 Chicago, March 31 Spiritual foun- Leone Nelson, assistant; are ! that it doesn't go to waste. It is Oregon boys and girls who ----- . . Glendon _ , ALOHA p. m in the Beaverton High School rations and resources of the family between 14 and 22 and have two Richards, song leader; „ Robert Geiger Ldiding for the purnose nt discussing ■'¿7lT be emphasized throughout the in vegetable gard assistant; Doris Brownlee. chairman The Ferrlns will again conduct the may be used as a partial substitute the proposition and to determine nation during National Family Week, years’ experience of the missionary committee; Burt evening service at the Aloha Com for other foods high in vitamin C, whether or not the non-union district May 7-14, by the various religious enlng. are eligible to compete In the Hendershott, devotlomil chairman, such as oranges, grapefruit, and to $6,000 wartime food production and favor the formation of a union high munity Baptist church on April 2 faiths and social agencies of the com marketing contest of the National Pat Mathlesen, social committee To get the full quota of vb ! ,c hooi 'dïstricL A large crowd attended the service matoes munity, it has been announced by the Junior Vegetable Growers’ Associa chairman. tarn in C, however, Mrs. Julia Kiene. _________________ last Sunday evening. Rev. Harry C. Munro, secretary of tion, it was announced today. director of the Westinghouse Home - », , _ of •he National Family W e e k C o m m i t _ The young , ... people . . . the „ Aloha Economics Institute. makes these vset ( _ a n n in g E q u i p m e n t Additional information about the Mrs. Gaunt Resigns Community Church enjoyed a skating _ , .. ,,, , _ . _ _ _ tee and director of adult work of the contest may be obtained from county -----. (1) Buy firm R e a c|y Early, Say* OSC party ----- at ...........................................recommendations Shute Park FYiday evening International Council of Religious * ____ 4-H Club leaders or by writing Sey-1 a meetingr of ths Aloha Grange Mrs. Hawley Buck is reported to be fresh heads, not too large, and with Education. green outside leaves when possible: mour at Oregon State College in Cor- Home Economics’ club held at the In a Portland hospital. c . _i The advice to shop early and avoid either in a .. . . vallls. Anderson home, Mrs. Ralph Ander- Word has been received that Hen '2) .__ Store _ in a _ refrigerator, J. \V. STEER . ifi v bag, , in , a the rush , applies lust . as much to crisper bag or vegetable not ____ ___ _ _ _ Winners of the 1944 contest, who son was elected president in place of ry Jacobson, son of Mr. and Mrs home-makers preparing for the cann John Johnson has left Camp For? paper sack; <3> Cook as quickly as ing season as it does to Christmas Funeral services will be held Satur-, will be announced In December, will Mrs Arthur Gaunt, who had resigned. possible in a covered After a business session a song Meade. Md . for overseas duty . . . container, . , and , shoppers reminds Miss Lucy A Case, ‘ day 10 30 a m at Nazarene church bp b^ * d ®n *rad.'" achlev*d ,n * ud' , . was given ,___ Joseph- . ..„v, when Mrs. Ted Nault A . surprise party ___ preparing cabbage for salads. OSC nutritionist. — extension ------------- ---------- ____________________ for __ J W. _______ Steer, _ who died at sea. and les of a five-unit course on produc- practice was held slaws, etc., chop or shred just before Manufacturers of pressure cookers whose remains were shipped to Beav- ition an'* marketing methods a report won a prize In a contest game. lne Anzalone by her mother re especially can fill orders for replace- erton for burial. Interment will be|on contestants vegetable project cently in honor of her thirteenth serving ments such as gauges, gaskets, and in Riverview cemetery, with W E. ‘ and a summary of community activl- Daughter Dies birthday. i ties Honor Newly Weds safety valve springs much more Pegg In charge. — " ■ promptly now than in the rush of the Survivors are Mrs. Anna Steer of Some of the failures In Victory gar Suaanne Jlrtsbin, daughter of Mrs. A group of friends gathered at the summer season. Manufacturers have Beaverton, and one daughter and two Serve in Cream Sauce dens last year came from being too Helen Dorothy Brisbin of route 1. late about preparing the ground, so home of Mr and Mrs. Howard been authorized to make 400000 new brothers In the Blast. Beaverton, died in a Portland hospi the seed sown missed the best germ- Churchley for a party and shower for aluminum pressure cookers with dial Serving beans or peas in white tal last week, believed to he due to lnattng cond;tions. their son and wife. Mr and Mrs WH- gauge» for use this year which The American Express Co. wishes! sauce Is an excellent way to make a injuries received when the car In liam Churchley who were married re- while good news, may delay filling of to announce that their office has been f*w look like more. For variety add which she was riding overturned Beach's Market has a full line of cently. Games were played Re- orders for spare parts during the moved from Pace's to Beach's Market, finely-grated cheese and use one,- the Barnes road The mother, who Acme Sprsys snd Dusting Powder freshments were served with Mrs. peak of production - ■ ------ ---------- fourth teaspoon of dry mustard to was driving, suffered shock and chest To the fault finder Weigh care- bring out the cheese flavor bruises. Another daughter was not for all kinds of plant life. Arthur Nordlund and Mrs Ida Kirk- ---------------------- ■ - — ----- wood In charge While In Beaverton he sure to eat fully your own deeds before you crl-j hurt. . Visit our special bargain oountor— --------------------------at the Greyhound Coffes Shop t l c l» another Strict reductions on ell mdse, at bow mds* sack wsok. Walksr* D opt' While shopping sat at ths Orsy- _ -----j - - —— — ~ _ _ You get quick service at Beaverton bargain Walkers Dept Store, complete store counters. Walkers Dspt Turn war sumps lato Bonds Ilf hound Coffee Shop, Beaverton Greyhound Coffee Shop. ttf under one reof. 1 Stars. l\ J •tor*. Babson Says That Beal Inflation Will Come in 1950-55 ( M m m m To Form Union Want Rooms High District Added to School TOWN TALK