Friday, Marcii 17, 1944. B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, Oregon Page 4 W EST 1H1X8 1.1'TILE KAN CHURCH SW Canyon Rd., near Sylvan Werner J. Frit*, Minister Fourth Sunday In Lent Sunday School 9:45 a. ax. Divine service 11 a. m. Son- Sermon: His Credentials; ship and Service. Everyone welcome. CHURCH OF CH RIST G. W. Springer, Pastor Morning worship and preaching 9 45 a m. The Topic The Organization of the Church. Following the sermon, the Lord's supper will be observed. Bible School 11 a. m. C. E. 6:30 p. m. Evening worship service 7 ;S0 p. m. with special music by the orchestra 7:30 p. m. Topic—The Love of God. Midweek prayer and Bible study service Wed. 8 p. m. Study will be from I Corinthians Chapter 3. REKMVTIJ.K COMMEN IT Y A Gasoline Coupons to be I ’ H . s h Y T E B IA N (L U R C H r .. , Sunday School 10 a. in Mrs. Otto jl^ U l IV larC n LL George, Supt Worship Service 11 a. m Price Administrator C. Bowles to­ Young People's C. E. 7 p. m. day ordered the "A " gasoline ration Prayer Meeting and Bible stu<;y in all states west of the Allegheny mountains cut from three to two gal- Thursday, 7 p. m. Ions a week, effective March 22. He also reduced the permissable P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N CHURCH "B " mileage in five Pacific states by The Bible Church 60 miles a month. Bo* 997, Beaverton No changes were made in any gaso Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive line rations in the 17 East Coast Walter R. Buhl, Pastor states. Nor were “C” rations any- Sunday School 10 a. m. where affected. Divine Services 11 a. m. “ A - ll" coupons, which become Sunday evening services, 1st Sun­ valid March 22 in all parts of the day of each month 7:30 p. m. country, except the Atlantic seaboard will have to last three months instead of two Of*A will end the require require- ALO H A ASSEMBLY OF GOD ment that 60 miles a month occupa- Sunday School 10 a. m. tlonal mileage be taken out of the Worship 11 a. m. Young people 9:30 p. m. "A ” ,'ati° n Vefoie a motorist becomes eligible for a suppimental B or C Evangelistic 7:46 p. m. ! ration. Prayar and Bible study 7:45 p. m. Thursday. Use Only One Ration Book T 0 0 L A T E T O C L A S S IF Y After March 20 ------------------------------------------ New Tax Forms Due Next Month Almost before the ink is dry on ! Mrs. America will be carrying only their March 15 returns, 15 m illion! one food ration book wAth her when taxpayers will be .confronted with a she goes to market after March 20th. new tax form due April 15- the re- For on that date, brown stamps Y vised declaration for estimating 1944 and Z in War Ration boo... Three, now j income, required of persons whose good for meats, and fats, wull expire. taxes are not fully covered by with- Book Four contains red stamps for holding m *»»* and the blue 8tamP* ior Pf®- Forms will be mailed out this week, cessed foods. Each of these now has late enough so as not to add to the a point value of ten yegardleM of the Book Four also j confusion occasioned by the 1943 re- printed numbers. contains green stamps K, L and M, turns due Wednesday. There is no connection between the currently valid for processed foods. t 1943 return and the 1944 declaration, Since the green stamps expire on March 20th, these should be used be- t f "ar»ie 1 ia Show March 24-25 ^ore startin8 on the new blue stamps, ^ a r n e ,,a 3 n ° W Sugar Stamp No. 30 . which is good March 24-25 has been set for the indefinitely, also is in Book Four. -- lu ahow at the A rt Museum in j “ ‘ . PoItland This is the third annual E. E. Harris in Training FOR SALE -Mallard Duck Eggs tor hatching. Beaverton 2259 7 LO ST—4 mo old Black Cocker Spaniel, female, answers to name "Snookey” . Beaverton 2794. 7 W A N TE D —Young lady for teller work at the Tiggrd Branch of the U. S. National Bank, some exper­ ience necessary. Call for inter­ view at the Bank in Tigard. 7-3 FOR SALE— Bed Trailer 350 cash. Tires and wheels almost new, Roy Wells, Tualatin. 7 K e « ie r n e w FOR SALE — Certified Burbank Seed Potatoes. Schuepback Bros. Spencer road., also for sale at mile W Beaverton Bank, or at Mummey’s Feed Store, Multnoman 7-tf W A N T E D —5 sheets !i inch reject Guest entries must be in place by 9 , Pvt. Elton Ernest Harris, son of Mr. plywood 4 ftx8 ft. CH. 2509 7 West-Tessien p. m. Friday. and Mrs. Ernest Harris, Tigard, Or.. B ETH KL Primrose Show April 12-13 W A N T E D Small garden tractor Miss Janet Spencer of Beaverton. The Primrose show will be $eld H FD No. 1, Box 276 is now beginning CO NG REG ATIO NAL CHURCH Caterpillar preferred. Ed Halsten U N ITE D P R E S B Y T E R IA N was bridesmaid at the wedding of Wednesday and Thursday, April 12-13 medical and psychological testa clas 1 mi S of Beaverton. 7 Rev. Francis T. Sturtevant. Pastor | Doris Louise West, daughter of Mr. at the art museum and will be open sification and training at Kesslei Upon successful 9:30 a. m. Church School. Miss 1 and Mrs. C. E. West of Cedar Mill 1 | to the public from noon .............. Wednesday Field, Biloxi, Miss. I P A Y CASH for old bldgs, Ga­ T11E V A L L E Y completon of this phase he will be Amarette Barnes, Supt. and Lt. Henry E. Tessien, son of H. ^ until 5 p. m. Thursday. rages, Barns, or what have you? COMMUNITY CHURCH sent either to a college or university garden 11 a. m. Morning worship.—The a . Tessien, Oakland. Calif., on March ' Entries can be made by CH. 3990, H. Minier, Garden Home U NITED PR E S B Y T E R IA N five months for further study. Word of the Cross to God. 4 at the First Presbyterian Church, clubs or individual growers. Oregon 6-8 4110 SW Gabel Lane Nuraery for children during the Portland, Rev. H. A. Armitage, pastor Home Refrigeration and washing Miss West is a graduate of Beaver­ In the past few years too many 10:30 a. m. "Robbery;" 7:30 p. m. ohurah service. Call K. B. machine services. s ' p. m Intermediate Young ton high school. She has been em- people have looked for charity in­ Hymn Sing and discussion groups 8tf Twombly CH. 2267. People. ployed in the drafting department of stead of opportunity. meeting. 7 p. m. Senior Youth Fellowship. Willamette Iron & Steel Co. From whence did Kiwanis, Rotary 8 p. m. Evening Lenten worship Lt. Tessien is a bombardier and has and the rest of the lunch clubs come? ALOHA COMMUNITY CHURCH service. completed 25 missions over Europe Graydon D. Loree, Pastor Was K not out of the hour when and will attend an Instructors school £jjri»t washed the disciples feet and Sunday School 10 a. m. CHURCH OF T H E N A Z A R E N E at Midland, Texas. J. G. Vincent, Supt. set us an example of service to fel 459 SW First Morning worship 11 a. m. lowman? By serving we grow great, Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor Sermon—Enlarge the Place of thy for, said He— "Whosoever will be Announce Marriage 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. Tent. great among you. let him be your Of Daughter 11 a. m. Morning worship. Youth Fellowship 7 p. m. Gordon servant.” 6:30 p. m. Young Peoples groups. Rydman, pres. Christ was both Servant and Crea­ 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic service. Mr. and Mrs. Paul H agg of Tigard tor Evening service 8 o’clock. For when the storm raged, He Prayer and announce the marr iage of their daugh- *.p " ' Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Be Still!” and the ____ to i Lt. . r-\ ___ u M. Qtn.l. 1 criea r-earc I ter, Nancy Donald Steele, Bible Study. M ETH O D IST CHURCH wind and the waves obeyed His will. | United States marine corps, son of All was quiet, for—“ The sea is His Albert S. Hlsey, D. D., Minister The Big Inch pipeline from Texas Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Steele of Garden and He made it.” 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. See Ps. 95:5. to the East Coast has carried as much Home. ^ Christ ^ _ came ___ _____ _ us Servant 11 a. m. Preaching service. So among oil as a fleet of 18,0001 tank cars In The ceremony was an event of Feb- j a^d" Creator as God and Man. W. S. C. 8. meets Wednesday, At 1 the first year of operation, and has ruary 27 at Trinity Methodist church end He took our sins and died fulfilled every hope concerning Its in Miami, Florida. HT. CECELIA CHURCH . I under them to clear our page, that effectiveness. A reception was held afterwards a t j th(? Father might receive us to him­ Masses 8.25 and 10:25 a. in iisiiisiiiaiiisiiisiHsiiisinsn the Officer’s club. self. Mi and Mrs. Steele came west on No man cometh to the Father but their wedding trip and have been vis­ Me,” said He. This instant Christ iting their parents. They will leave stands at the door of your heart and this week for Cherry Point, N. C. Candidate for knocks Bid Him in and life begins for you. Live by Power From on Republican Seabee Returns to Station High. —“ I can do all things through Christ William O. Hocken, 28, carpenter ] who strengthenest me,” said the Nomination mate 2-c Seabees, returned to Camp j Apostle Paul. Perry, Va., after a 15-day leave with J for Congress s » » his wife, Mary and daughter, Joanne | at their home 1930 SW Taylor’s Ferry Clatskanie, Oregon 1 road. This space paid for by an Oregon I Before enlisting in the navy’s con­ struction battalion, Hocken was a businessman. D A N H A R M O N , Yam hill county farmer, business of San Jose, California construction foreman. man, civic leader, capable, experienced, h o n e s t He is the son of A. M. Hocken, 1914 In Mts. of West Va. SE 46th avenue, and attended school R E P U B L IC A N S , here’s our man— he means busi­ Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Moth­ in Beaverton. ness. er ChurCh, The Flrat Chur oh of Chrlat, Scientist. Tigard Stenog Wins In Boston, Massachusetts. H IS P O S I T I V E P R O G R A M KIWANIS-ROTARY DAN HARMON FOR CONGRESS i FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE By Richard J. Davis, C. S. B. Tops in State in the CIVIC AUDITORIUM S.W. 3rd Ave. and Clay St. Sunday afternoon, March Sponsored by Fourth 19, at 3 p. m. Church of Christ, Scientist The Publie la Cordially Invited. ui?iii3iii3iii£iii=iMüm8ui5ittamB WHiauiBMHiiiiw iia inatngi»5tii5iii»iiigm»iigiii3 VSUMilllSUISIMS e H iE llls lll~ ill= lll To Save American System of Free Enterprise Bellte Ann Hedltnd, senior in Tigard High School, under instruction of Nellie Elwert, won first place in the j State of Oregon and was presented with a gold medal by Dr. Yerian, Hello Folks: Well once here in Matooka in the head of secretarial department, Ore- 1 gon State College of Corvallis for mts. of West Virginia where these having the greatest number of points mts. are as full of coal as our ole j in the annual Radio Shorthand Con­ fashioned sawsage wuz as full of sage and pepper. We strike some philoso­ test. One of ’em This is the 15th year Tigard has pher from time to time. been presented with such honors by said he thought Congress's declara- |tion of war on Roosevelt wuz a mis­ the State College. take! But said he wuz in favor of it. K1NTON B A R B W IR E B IL L . 1. He opposes government extravagance, hand-outs, subsid­ ies. pump priming —with borrowed money. 2. He opposes those republicans in Congress who have criticized these things without DOING A N Y T H IN G about it. 3. Since nearly 3-4 of all members of Congress are lawyers, he fa­ vors the election of some men from other walks of life wi4h Just common sense. 4. He wants to preserve the wise precedent set by Geo. Washington to limit holding of any federal office for more than 8 years, re­ gardless. FOR O U R PO S T W A R C O N G R E S S — A B U S IN E S S M A N — N O T A P O L I T I C I A N ” Dan Harmon for Congress Committee, P. Newberg, Oregon D. Newton, Chairman IIIEIIISIIIslllslllSlllsllO At the regular meeting of the Kin- |, Tell it with a classified ton Grange held March 7 three new members were taken into the Grange andtwo members re-instated. The Winonu Grange o f Tualatin initiated Personal Character Analysis the new members. Other visitors were present from Beaverton, Tigard and A LiL LE 3T T E ÎR 8 C O N K ID E JN T IA L Aloha Granges. Over fifty members and visitors enloved the lunch serve, Writ# to: IL T N j by the local grange at the close of the evening. Red Cross sewing club will meet at lO , U j+ J -* — the home economic club room in the 0 ^ X4( grange hall March 23. There is plen­ ty of work for everyone. If you to. ic z L 7*7 ^ -AJAp can’t sew you can pull basting threads. Mrs. Louise Van Kleek received a This writing shows independence, intuition, (uss it more) and s strlv- Try to phone call from her son P. F. C. Call Bs mors snthuslsstio and friendly ing for self control, Van Kleek Sunday night from Se understand others. attle, Wn., He is on his way home from the Aleutian Islands for a fur­ Send 10c for each analysis, enclose You will receive complete personal lough. analysis of your abilities, talents, best any pises of handwriting, your own Donald Mooney of Grants Pass is Halt minority group pressures on the government vocation, personality, health, best or that of a loved one you wish to i staying with his grandparents. Mi Unite all Americans for one common objective and Mrs. Frank Fluke while his mate, how to overcome your draw­ Eliminate all types of war-time chiseling understand better. Be sure to In­ mother is on a trip Blast. backs and handicapa. All these things Recent blood donors from this com­ Oblige equality of sacrifice on the home front are shown in every stroke and for­ close stamped and self addressed en­ munity were Mrs. Emery Van Kleek Liquidate pro-fascism in America velope for your return letter. mation of your handwriting. and Mrs. J H Aten four time donors Mrs. E W Wright, two time donor Prevent the conscription of labor alone Address all communications t o IL Y N Care of this paper and Mrs. G. W Cron, one time donor Your Handwriting Is You TOTAL CONSCRIPTION OF MEN, MACHINES, MATERIEL AND MONEY, WITH NATIONAL SERVICE FROM ALL AND PROFITS TO NONE IS NECESSARY NOW, TO: ft*-*-— 1 11*1115« Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual FoUelaa are NON A.HSEHSABIJC. You N EV ER pay more than tha premium uo the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains mors than thru* times tha surplus required by Oregon Insurance Lew * Oregon .Mutual Fire Insurance Company O r M e M IlO rviL L B Organised 1894—.40 years of Reliable Se'fvlcs Cbae. L. Walker, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Are. “ ■vary Form of Protection" Phone 1732 Hillsboro, Oregon Send Easter Greetings Now Easter greetings to soldiers over­ seas should be on their way immed lately, according to the war depart­ ment. Delivery of Easter mall by ; April 9 is planned to all but the most Isolated posts on all mail posted now JOHNSON’S Tax AND Accounting Service 220 Lumbermen» Bldg. 1’O RTLAN D , OREGON Announcement I wish to take this opportunity to announce the opening of a Real Estate Office designed to serve the Southweet section of Portland and adjacent territory It la my desire to offer the facilities of this office, my past experience and a courteous, friendly, efficient service to the people of this section I f you contemplate selling. LIS T your property with this office NOW — buyers are waiting forFÀRM S—SUBURBAN HOMES— ACREAGE— I-OTS » Auto Courts Vincent C . Plunkett U revised Real Estate B roker Selling the Better MM SW Barhur Rlvd Farms and Suburban Homes BE. 7131 Res. CH. 1534 "Let us worry about your tax problems” — Quarterly estim­ ates monthly accounting» social security and withhold­ ing t a x returns prepared. W. E. PEGG M O R TIC IAN Beaverton. Oregon Eatab 1910-Serving 33 years PIIO N E BEAVERTO N 3411 Reach our highest industrial efficiency for war Make the creation of debt impossible Preserve America’s dwindling natural resources Provide a high standard of living for all Install technological controls for te:hnological war Underwrite the perilous post-war period ahead Guarantee the greater future of America HERE ARE THE FUNDAMENTAL NECESSITIES FOR TOTAL CONSCRIPTION. THIS DESIGN IS NOW CALLED FOR RY THE TREND OF EVENTS. Yesterday is gone— today is rapidly disappearing— tomorrow never comes It is your Patriotic Duty to : IN V E S T IG A T E T E C N O C R A C Y ’S V IC T O R Y PROGRAM Friday, March 24. 8; 15 p. m. hear and see U. S. Army Film— “A D A Y W I T H T H E A-36Y’ and a captured German industrial film. Technoc­ racy speaker Ralph Bodley will analyze the films at Section 1, R. D. 12245 814 S. W . 10th Avenue. Portland.. Office Open daily 12 p. m. to 5 p. m. BE. 0062