Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1944)
Friday, March 17, 1944 “ BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon We Are Page 3 Kit» Needed for Russian War Relief War Bonds—Are You?” R ussian W ar R elief ie ask ing Am erican» to fill five m illion fam ily I em ergency k its this year. They are desperately needed A» Prim e Min- , ister W inston Churchill has said, i "the R u ssian s have sustained losses | w hich no other -country or govern m ent h as ever borne In so short a tim e and liv es.” and It is know n that | these R u ssian forces have destroyed ¡and are destroyin g m ore arm ed pow er of our en em ies than all the other | U nited N ation s together. Phone or w rite R ussia 1 W ar R e lief, Inc., Oregon C om m ittee, 737 SW ' 11th, Portland, 5, Oregon. 4 Part of Sgt. Edward Straube’s left foot w as shot aw ay at FerryvlUe, near B lierte, North Africa. At Hal- loran General Hospital, Staten Island, N. Y ., they are building up his foot again. Sgt. Straube, from Perth Am boy, N. J., buys War Bonds regularly. Sgt. Bernard Kello. 22, of New York, w as wounded by snipers during the Sicilian cam paign. His grandparents live in N aples, and he has a brother in the Army. Both buy War Bonds regularly. I)o you do as much? Technician 5th Grade John A. Wis niewski. 25. of Door, Mich., lost his right eye, three lingers and suffered chest wounds from shrapnel in the fight to capture Tunis. He is now recovering at Halloran and is a regu lar War Bond purchaser. Naval Flier, Adrift 21 Days Runs Into School of Whales in the m idst of a sohool of spouting w hales. One of the m ore inquisitive w hales edged over to the boat and started pushing it around with his Being nudged about in a sm all rub nose. A fter several m inutes the ber life raft by a playful w hale w as w hale apparently tired o f the strange only one of the thrills L ieutenant ¡sport and slid aw ay—m uch to the re- WANTED (jg) George Henry Sm ith, N avy ! lief of L ieutenant Sm ith. flier of R. F. D. No. 1, Elm hurst. 111., Almost as a harbinger of good for- W A N T E D TO B U Y —2 bedroom had to relate to his com panions w hen ! tune, an albatross lit on the raft i hom e in M ultnom ah Call CHerry he w as rescued recently after being j few days before L ieutenant Sm ith 1232. 7 adrift tw enty-one days. j w as rescued. The big bird sat A ttached to a fighter squadron at I quietly for four hours w hile the flier W A N T E D —C arpenter work and G uadalcanal, he w as forced dow n at stroked its back and talked to it. saw filin g R t 1, Bx 241, 1 mi. S sea w hen his gasoline supply becam e ”1 named him Oscar.” Lieutenant on P rogress Rd. M. L. P ettijoh n 8 exhausted. By carefu l application Sm ith said. "He w as very tam e an of N a v y ’s sa fety rules, he landed would peck my hand lightly as if to W A N T E D -W o m a n for light laun- • w ithout injury and quickly placed his offer som e consolation for my plight .” Other sea fow ls w ere shot by Lieu dry in your house or ours, also wo em ergency equipm ent in the inflated Lieutenant Sm ith clim bed I tenant Sm ith to p iovuie food. With m an for housew ork one day a ' raft. w eek. Telephone B eaverton 3847. aboard and settled back to conserve the grease from the birds he w as able to keep his pistol oiled and prevent J. B. C ronnelin 46tf his energy and supplies. Tw o days later, in a perfectly calm , corrosion by the salt water. sea. he heard a roar w hich sounded L ieutenant Sm ith first was sighted RABBITS WANTED like breakers. He discovered he wa: i by N ew Zealand patrol bomber which CLASSIFIED WANT ADS TW O C ents a word per issue • “N O TH IN G HESS TH A N 25c CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL C L A SSIFIE D ADS NO ADS TA K E N O V ER P H O N E Wo P ublish the BE A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E TIG A R D S E N T IN E L MULTNOMAH P R E S S ALOHA N E W S C om plete E astern W asnington County and W estern M ultnom ah County C overage. W e assu m e no fin an cial responsi- ' blllty for errors w hich m ay appear in a d vertisem en ts published in th ese ] colum ns but in case w here this paper ' is at fau lt w ill reprint that part of an ad vertisem en t in w hich the *typo- g rap h ical m istak e occurs. FO R SA L E —D ayton B icycle, Li brary Table, D avenport, sm all'glass Cabinet, 9x12 Linoleum rug. 2 burn er Oil Cook Stove, 7 ft Sim m ons Saw, priced reasonably. Bernard A irport B eaverton, 2nd bldg. 7 FO R S A L E —N H sm all flock 1st hse Lunch on Canyon son rd C W Tharp [LO ST R settin g E ggs, W of J iffy W ay Rd near Joh n R2 B eaverton 7 i F O R SA L E —P otatoes, large and sm all. N etted Gem s $1 and $1.50 an apple box full O. H ildebrandt, 2nd | road E of M cD onalds store, Tigard Good for seed. 5-7 I FO R S ^ L E - Block and E d gin g m ixed 2 1* cords load delivered $20. 4 ft. green slab 2V4 cord lot $7. cord. H. F. Elford, F orest Grove. P h on e 56. P rom pt delivery. 52tf F O R SA L E —2 cords S ee Mrs. Mag-athon, B ldg.. Short and B eaverton. wood—cut. E nterprise H igh w ay, tf FO R SAI.K WOOD 16 in. green block and slab $10 per cord in 2 cord load; green slab 16 in $9 a cord in 2 cord loads. Ruben Johnson, N cw berg Star route. P hon e 193J. 51tf De Laval SE P A R A T O R S — M ILK ERS COMPLETE E Q U IPM E N T AND SUPPLIES FO R T H E DAIRY IN D U ST R Y Monroe * Crifell N anforturw -I A Dhtrlbutor* CV4RYTHING . ‘ DA|ÍT y " m A n “ J B E ST P R IC E for R abbit fryers, D. | P. M acD onald, R2, B x 218, Beaver- i ton. P hon e B eaverton 2260. W e 1 pick up. tf Riverview Cemetery W E ST E N D 8ELLW O O D BR ID G E § te « * ; * M l TRACTOR W ORK B y job and by d ays work phone Tigard 2175 6-14 NURSERY SALKS Y A RD S « P i m rf F ru it, & N ut T rees on SW 64th on B ar ber Blvd across from V illa R idge Closed Sunday V M Chousse 6-7 P A P E R IN G — P ain tin g, and P aper ing, neat experienced workm an. L. L. Seeley, P hon e B eaverton 2516. 50tf l D c i l d atoc*{ picked up free of ch arge anyw here. Call collect. UN. 1221; night call DENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO., Portland. tf j P Y K E R A D IA T O R SHOP, Metz ger, Or., R ep airing & C leaning of R adiators and Motor W ork. 5-9 H ID E S Si WOOL, CASCARA—A sp ecialty. L E E BROS., 25 SW Clay Portland. AT. 5334.' tf FO R TOW CAR call V ER M ILY E MOTOR CO., Phone Tigard 3381 tf ( CUSTOM TRACTOR W O R K —Let us plow your garden. Howard Wm. Sm ith, Johnson Rd. St D ivis ion sts., P hon e B eaverton 2462 4tf Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feed» FISH ER THORSEN PA IN TS F or quality, fair price and service J. B. Imlay & Sons R E E D V IL L E ALOHA. O R E W ANTED TURKEYS m better eating H É ÍIÉ S í - ^ on postwar Earth m s* i Mars slowly is briny eclipsed: the planet Earth spins toward postwar plenty. ' ■{ Many o f the postwar predictions you hear belong in the realm o f fantasy. . But you can hank on this: perhaps the greatest single • ** change in America's daily living will he effected j ' • by chests o f below-freezing cold." ■ W B fa fe I Already thousands oj Oregonians who have always led the nation in the pioneering o f new advances in electrical-living have a foretaste o f the new day o f zero-plenty. . . . they put their produce into commercial lockers or household freezing rooms and keep it fresh for months. 4» 4- m Hut this is hut the beginning. Wait until the world-famed specialties of Oregon's farms % ■ ■ » . are completely prepared for the table and frozen rock-solid. Then, Americans will buy our turkey s roasted and zero-preserved, our lambchops broiled and then iced: to say nothing o f \r n m . - our fruits and vegetables, all ready for heating and serving. In these days to come, every family tL L i.% •• V will expect to have dual refrigerators: the conventional kind, __W ' i ,.V * :? i f plus below-freezing space. Appliance dealers and PGE. working together, have in the past won nationw ide attention fo r their successes in promoting - electrical living. Today this team stands prepared to bring you, as soon as conditions permit, !» the equipment fo r iced-plenty. You can he assured that operating costs will he low — fo r no other electric system in the entire U. S., either business-managed or politically-managed, delivers power over such a large area at average rates that (taxes considered) are so low. m m Live Poultry and Egg» Main O ffice and Plant Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. 8. E. Oak S tre-t, Portland, Ore. Phone 1 A st 8141 un» Ü WÊÉSÊ&æ?- ALSO R eceiv in g A D ressin g Plants: P ortland, M cM innville. Salem, Albany, E ugene, R oseburg. R edm ond, Oregon. ’ AT w ater USI Mrs E. .C Me Elroy of Eugene, has Our figh tin g m en are not giving been v isitin g her daughter. Mrs Carl their lives for the safety of the D ashney Her son E C M cE lioy Jr things they have had, but for the is a radio technician at Pearl H ar safety of their children and their bor H e has been there nearly two children to i>o, that they m ay live und years. grow strong into w orthw hile m an hood and w om anhood. Mr. and Mrs. Almon M. B jerks, 8429 SW 45th Ave., Feb. 11, a daughter, Tell it w ith a classified. Mary J. I PA Y CASH for old bldgs. Ga rages. Barns, or w hat have you? CH 3390, H Minier, Garden H om e O regon 6-8 You can alm ost alw ays dispose of it, If you use w an t adv SW FO U R TH AT MONTGOMERY Son at Pearl Harbor MISCELLANEOUS C om plete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel a t No E xtra cost R iverview is a co-operative asso ciation with a sse ts of over $800,000 M ORTICIAN “There a te three w ays to get to know a man. At Annapolis, it took four years; in a poker gam e, four hours; in a battle, four minutes." - N avigation O fficer David D. H aw kins, U.S.S. Salt Lake City m ê lÊ È * , F O U N D —At Short street and hi- w ay, C hauffeur licen se pin, State o f Oregon, 1944, Call at E nterprise office, B eaverton and identify tf The A m erican Red Cross shipped : 136,000,000 razor blades to its clubs throughout the world last year. They i w ere distributed free to A m erican ; servicem en. J. P. Finley & Son dropped em ergency supplies. A storm | prevented his im m ediate recue. Two days later he w as located by a C ata lina flying boat. Lieutenant Sm ith hail high praise for the crewm en, who landed the big plane on the rough sea. j look the fighter pilot aboard, and took o ff w ithout d ifficulty. M otorists v isitin g th e popular Mt Hood playground over the w eekend were checked by OPA investigators who found 280 c a ts m ade the 55-mlle trip betw een Portland and G overn ment Camp. Of these, 90 displayed no w indshield stick ers or displayed B or C stick ers. L icense num bers of these w ill he turned over to the local [ boards for in vestigation as to possible m isuse of gasoline. The 110-mile round trip, OPA o fficia ls explained, represents alm ost the entire 12<>-mile m onthly personal driving allotm en ts of m otorists w ho have B and C ra tions for essen tial purposes & FOUND CREM ATORIUM M AUSOLEUM CEMETERY C EN TR A LL Y LOCATED Close to bus trans portation an d w alk ing d istance from downtow n. I Mt. Hood Skier» Checked -wm p p S p W y * ~ - ) PAINTS AT. 6461 I S3 M Y Park The nickname of PvL Milton Lieber- man. 27. of Brooklyn, Is ‘•Clark G a -* blc.” He w as wounded in Sicily last August and has been at llailorau since October. Every payday $12.50 is taken out for War Bends Lieber- man is bu> ing. How man., do you buy? i *..«4 « s » "•w» sSW UPSÄ W A N T E D —Live KapDits, to buy now. Top prices paid. R abbit Meat Co., 8917 S E S tark St. .Portland. P hon e S U n set 1722. Open w eek days only until 7:30 p. m. tf FOR SALE Pvt. Bernard Heidem ann's left leg will be two inches shorter when he is dis charged from Halloran. He was wound ed by a German bullet during the op erations in Sicily last August. His home is Chicago. He has been in trac tion since Sept. He’s buying bonds. com pleted bom bardier training at Carlsbad Arm y Air Meld, N. M. qual ifyin g as “triple-threat" m en”, the .arm y air force term for those who have com pleted instruction in dead- reckoning navigation, aerial gunnery and bom bardiering is Harry M. Bens i ley. son of Mr. and Mrs P. W. B eas ley, 2801 SW Troy street, Multnomah SK T Portland General Electric Company , d e liv e rin g w a rp o w e r i fo 67.000 war-iobt L fo 2 0 ,0 0 0 w a r -fa rm t •