« ♦ P U B L IS H E D W E E K L Y IN O U R P L A N T O N VOL. 17, NO. 7 Oregon Safety Week M arch 19 to 25 Designated by Snell t 4 Salem, March 17—Governor Snell today called attention to the designa tion of the week March 19 to 25 a? Oregon Safety Week and urged state wide participation in this program ot accident prevention and educational efforts. “ Accidents in the home, in the schools, in traffic and in daily occu pations take a toll comparable to that of war itself and yet are in large measure preventable," said Governor Snell. “This year we have added incen tive. Even beyond the reasons giv en by loss of life and unnecessary hu man suffering, preventable accidents are hampering our war effort. Acci dents disable and in many instances eliminate manpower. Accidents are burdening overworked physicians and overcrowded hospitals. Accidents discourage whole families, damage morale and generally disrupt our best efforts.” Oregon Safety Week is to be an accident prevention campaign incor porating the united efforts of the Oregon Safety association, the state department of traffic safety, the Am erica Society of Safety Engineers, the Portland Traffic Safety commission, the Red Cross and many other or ganizations on safety activities. The Oregon Safety Association, with headquarters in Portland, is ser ving as a clearinghouse for campaign activities. ALOHA Mr and Mrs. C. W. Harrison en joyed a short visit with their son Keith C M 3-c, who has been in Alas ka for the past six months. He has been in the service three years. A son was born March 2 to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Uppinghouse. A benefit card party will be held Saturday in the Reedville school house. Chinese checkers, 500 and pinochle will be played. Sponsors are the Darn-lt sewing club. They want to send one or more girls to the 44-H summer school at Corvallis. Allyn Harrison, who has been at Perdue University at Lafayette. InU., has completed his training In aeron autical engineering. A special meeting of the Aloha Grange was held Thursday. A class of candidates for the first and second degrees were initiated. The service flag was dedicated. Charles A. Sprague Candidate for Senator g I * Former Governor Charles A. Spra gue, editor and publisher ot the Ore gon statesman at Salem is the firsi person to announce nis candidacy tor the unexpired portion of the late Senator McNary’s term in the United States senate. In his statement Sprague said: You may announce that I shall be a candidate for the office of United States senator at the republican pri maries for the seat made vacant by the death of Charles L. McNaiy. As a loyal friend ot tne late senator » pledge myself to carry on his great w o i k in benalf of Oregan and the Pa cific Coast. Born and raised in the midwest, a graduate of Monmouth (111.) college, Sprague came to the northwest in lttlO, engaging in educational work in Washington state for five years. He was editor and publisher of the Ritzville, Wash., Journal-Times 1915- 1925; then came to Oregon as busi ness manager of the Corvallis Ga- zetfe-Times. In 1929 he moved to Sa lem where he became editor and manager of the Statesman. In 1938 Sprague was nominated and elected governor of the state, serving for four years. Defeated in the 194. primaries he resumed duties as editor and publisher of the Statesman. He has been active in public alfairs, serving as state president of the Ore gon War Chest which raised over a million dollars for war agencies, and as vice-chairman of the Marion county war bond committee, and is now vice president o f the Oregon Newspaper Publishers association. Change in Postal Rates Effective March 26 There will be a few changes in the postal rate effective March 26, ac cording to the local postmaster. The 1 cent drop letter rate will re main the same in the city. Routes are to be increased to 3 cents, office to route or otherwise Air mail is 8c an ounce in the United States, but 6c for ’<* ounce for overseas. Parcel post, registered. C. O. D. and money order rates have been in creased. Leg Fractured John Oarice 1« in a Portland hospi tal victim of an odd accident. His right leg was fractured last week when the rope on the wood lift at his home broke and the load fell on h^ lag. While la Beaverton be sure to eat at tha Orsyhouad Ceffee Shop. SH O R T ST. A N D C A N Y O N H I G H W A Y Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, March 17, 1044 Want to Send Several Delegates E S T A B L I S H E D 1927 Leatherneck Spearhead Goes Forward Mrs. Geo. T Gerlinger, Republican National Committee woman for Ore gon, is inviting Republican men and women who care to do so to partici pate to the extent of not more than ten dollars each in a fund to send two young Republicans (age 21 to 36 years old) as delegates or alternates to the 1944 Convention. If no Young Republicans are elected as delegates or chosen as alternates, the fund will pay the travel and hotel expenses of the Young Republican National Com mitteeman and the Young Republi can National Committee woman or their representatives. These young people in order to qualify for the award must file in the May primaries by April 4th as unpledged to any presidential candidate. They may run either from their own Congress- sional district or as delegates at large. They must indicate in the Vo ter's pamphlet that they are Young Republicans (not over 36 years of age). It is earnestly hoped that several well qualified Young Repub lican men and women will be chosen as delegates or alternates. Attorney Lofton Tatum, 1310 Yeon Building, is the Chairman of the committee of ar rangements for this award Other members are Mrs. Mildred Pierce and Adam LeFor. This fund will be dis bursed through the state treasurer of the Young Republican Federation of Oregon. Stock Market Awaits Push Babson Sees No M arked Change Until This Comes U . S. Marine Corpa Phot« F. S. Marine« an New Britain Island go places—roadways to their destination will be built later. Here they pick and fight their way from the beach to the airfield on Cape Gloucester. The invasion was staged during the tropical rainy season, which didn't improve traveling conditions. Here and There i Paul L Pat‘ ers<?n, Announces Candidacy Bits of News About Our Boys Babson Park, Florida. Marco 17— Since the slight rise during the first part of January the stock market has moved within a close range. How soon will the market get out of its present rut? W ill stocks have a tendency to move Bideways, slide off, or can investors expect a decided advance? I am definitely bullish for the long term. At the moment, how ever, the market la hesitatingly awaiting the invasion of the Contin ent. Invasion Summary The "second front” is more apt to consist of four invasion spearheads, namely, at the Balkans, at Southern France, at Northern France and at Norway. Here, again, we run Into uncertainties. The only apparent factor is that ah invasion w.ll take place. To all Intent, the accelerat ed bombing of Germany Is an Inva sion. In the end, however, It will be the man with the gun who will do the job. How many of these spear heads will be thrown back is un- Contlnued on Page 2 Augusta C. Jannsen, mother of Alfred M. and Gustav M. Jannsen of Paul L. Pattei son. Hillsboro attor Beaverton died March 11 late of Clac ney. has announced his candidacy foi I kamas. Oregon. Other children were: state senate on the Republican ticket.) Otto, Clackamas; Andrew M. of Esta Mr. Patterson resigned his post a s . Captain Herbert E. Mason, ward cada. Mrs. Rose Manes. Portland; chairman ot Washington County Re ; surgeon with an Army evacuation Newman C., Seattle; Charles C., publican party at a meeting Friday ! hospital in England, was among 66 Page, N. D.; Mrs. Teresa Wolfe. Sco- night of last week Earl Fisher said i U. S Army doctors and nurses who bey, Mont. Services were held Tues that he will not be a candidate foi [ took a course in Anaesthesiology and Leslie Scott Files tor Oxygen Therapy in England recently. with concluding services River- i e-election. Re-Election State Treasurer day view cemetery. J M. Person was elected chairman His wife, Martha R. Mason, lives at Beaverton, Oregon. He has two Beaverton Grange held its regular in place of Mr. Patterson. States military meeting Saturday with a good attend James Lewis of Hubei-, announced brothers in United Harmon Believes in Thrift ance. Mrs. Alfreda Wooden was that he had filed for re-election as services, Master Sergeant John W. Honesty and Hard W ork Mason with the Coast Artillery, anti elected assistant steward. county commissioner. Under the direction of.M rs. Ethyl H. T. Hess of Sholls lias also an aircraft; and David C. Mason, in the “ My campaign vehicle may be a Heughen, home economics chairman j nounced that he is a candidate foi naval reserve, now in his internship His parents. Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Ma little old fashioned,” says Dan Har- plans are being made to make a q u ilt! representative. son 11*» in Beaverton. : mon, Republican candidate for Con- for the Red Cross. Her committee j 1 gress, who is driving around this dis is also sponsoring the collection of Camp Fire Girls Re-Dedicate Joseph P. Grimm, son of Mrs. B. L. trict with a horse and buggy, “ but ytrmim waste fats, paper and coffee Jars. Grimm routel, Beaverton, has gradu my politics are not the modern type, ■À The Cooper Mt. P. T. A. will hold j Birthday Week March 17 ated from Pomona college, Clare- I believe in thrift, honesty, and hard a cake sale on Saturday April 8 in j Beaverton. Proceds for new kitchen, j Camp Fire Girls of the Beaverton ' mont’ C a lif- He took the army spec- work, which are words seldom heard in Washington these days." The Cooper Mt. P. T. A. will give ____ area will have a rcdedication cere- \ lallzed training course in foreign area Dan Harmon, Yamhill County farm a card party Saturday, April 1st at 8 mony at the Congregational church ' a|JKnages. Theodore Hetu graduated March 12 er, business man and Civic leader, is p. m. at the school house. Pinochle on March 17 at 8 p. m. The public is and 500 will be played. urged to attend. This week is Camp in Phoenix, Arizona, and became a young, being 43 years of age, very pilot in the army air corps. He ex aggressive with a background of suc A. A. Carlson Jr. has been given Fire girls yearly htrthday event. petty officers rating. He is serving The meeting will open with an or pects a furlough and will come home cess; and ig very likely to set for his on a submarine, the largest ever built. gan prelude, hymn, Invocation by to visit his wife and son, whom he opponent, Congressman Mott, who is Part of the shrubs and trees along Rev. Sturtevant. rememberance and has never seen, also his parents, Dr. past 60. a pace which Mott will be unable to maintain. Front street have been removed and jedlcation, prayer, and sermon by and Mrs. H. E. Hetu. Harmon is lambasting Mott's sup- some planted in the city park on Wat- [ Rev Sturtevant. Howard Swagger visited his parents ! port of Senator Wheeler’s isolation son street, others which are dis Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Swagger recently, ist program and points to the "Death eased, were destroyed. The city plans attending school at Berkeley, March of Baatan" as the direct result using this ground as a parking strip ton on Wednesday, guests of Mr and He is Texas, near Abelene. He Is In the of the isolationist's obstruction o f the to accommodate the increased park Mrs. Walter Van Kleek. His brother Wayne Is some- ' fortification of Guam and the Phil- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sturdevant army. ing of cars which were formerly left lippine Islands, in his talks through- on the street. L E S L IE M. SCOTT spent Tuesday in Forest Grove, guests where in the South Pacific. • — j out the district. The City of Beaverton has sold | of Mrs. Sturdevant’s parents, Mr. Dear Sirs: j Harmon opposes extravagance, fed- The experience of Leslie M. Scott lots 4 and 5 Hocken addition, to Mr and Mis. White When I left Beaverton you gave eral hand-outs, etc.—with borrowed Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Amel are the in the publishing business, in security I and Mrs. Florain Mills. I seem to money and flays those republicans transactions, and as Chairman of the I I'uneral services were held Wed proud parents of a daughter. Linda me a card to send back. In Congress who have stood Idly by have lost it so will write a letter. State Highway Commission from I nesday at Peggs Chapel in Beaverton Lee. born March 6. I spent 8 days at Fort Lewis and ( while new deal theorists have squan- A daughter was born Feb. 25 to Mr. 1932 to 1933 and, during the past I for Eber Ray, aged 68 years, husband three years, as state treasurer, equip of Pearl, father of Roy, Beaverton and Mrs. Harold S. Lehman of route then shipped out for the sunny south. > dered our National wealth. He favors I was the first one of the bunch from the president set by George Wash- 6, near Bethany. him thoroughly, we believe, for con Interment Crescent Grove cemetery. Kiwanis club had ladies night this Beaverton to be shipped from th e1 ington and wants to limit the hold- The Oregon Teachers association tinuance as the executive head of that office. A pro reception center so I don’t, know ing of federal offices to eight years, served notice Tuesday that it is go week with a potluck supper. The trip j He says it would be a good safety I f Mr. Scott is nominated and re ing after five million in state funds gram of group singing of Irish melo what happened to them. elected state treasurer, the people of for the public schools, and that it dies and amusing brief talks by th<» here to Camp Lee was very interest-1 valve, Oregon will be assured of a member will probably go to the voters In 1 ladies on "W hy 1 came to Beaverton” ing, we had layovers in Chicago and i Harmon pointed out in a recent made it a good time for all. Patrick (Washington, D. C., so were able t o ! talk that Congress, to be truly repre who will do his part on the several November. sentative of all the people, should ^ 14,000 Nazis were lost in the South , Murphy acted as chaiiman of the see a little bit of the cities. state boards and commissions of In our shipment there were 18. J composed of men from all walks of Next week the Rev. Mr. which the state treasurer is a mem Russian trap Tuesday according to program. As it Is, he avers, nearly three Towns on the ¿'orbes, a former missionary to Indin Of the 18, 16 were assigned to the life. ber; one who will apply sound poli Moscow broadcasts. One other fellow and fourths of all the members of Con cies; economize in expenditures; pro West bank of the Dnieper river were will tell us about his experiences there | Q- M. Corps dm mg these difficult WEI years mysel I weie lucky enough to he M - gress are lawyers, a condition that Is mote business, agriculture, education, captured. employment and particularly reem-1 A marriage license has been issued t The Cedar Mill school is planning • i signed to the Adjutant General's not democratic and has proven un- Trainlng Unit. The A. G. men get sound, he says, pointing to the in- ployment of returning service men;j to Harold Clement Beaverton, and carnival for April 1 at the school “ I never knew until I was in an air six weeks basic training and also , come tax muddle as an example of and protect the rights of employers, j Virginia Smith, 3736 SE Caruthers St., Portland. raid just how fast I could run!” Pit eight weeks o f technical training I law by lawyers. farmers, workmen and service men. A son was born Feb. 23 to Mr. and eher I^efty Gomez, after return from Then we will be assigned to an A. G. I "W e need,” says Mr. Harmon, "less Mr. Scott’s inherent interest in the O. unit somewhere. i government in business and more war zones. welfare of those honorably discharg Mrs. Louis J. Monte, Beaverton. I want to thank you for the box of business in government." Lee Skeets and Mrs. Martha Chur- ed therefrom is naturally enhanced j On Feb. 25 a daughter arrived at I ------------------------— Mrs. food, It was really appreciated. by the fact that his only son is in the I the home of Mr. and Mrs Otto F chley were married March 2. Loehden. United States Army. Skeets has lived in Cedar Mill most sincerely, Edward L. Ross Awarded Pvt JAMES W H A IJ , c. rv The Friendly Circle met at the of her life and is well known. A f His past record in public and pri vate office, and as state treasurer, home of Mrs. M. C. McKercher for ter a trip to the East they will make 39343875 Co f 12th y . m . t n g , Rogt. i Silver M ar Decoration Camp Lee, Virginia merit favorable consideration in nom luncheon on Friday of last week their home at Cedar Mill ! SOM EW HERE IN A U S T R A L IA : An armada estimated at between inating him for election to the office Birthdays of Mrs. R. B. Scott and Second Lieutenant James B. N ew -' Lt. Edward L. Ross of Aloha. Ore- of state treasurer for a second time. Mrs. Walter Van Kleek were observ 2000 to 3000 planes, struck at Berlin man. son of Mrs. Pearl Newman, ^gon. has been awarded the lilTSI ed. Mrs. V. A. Wood of Portland and ; Wednesday of this week. The Beaverton Ministerial Associa Beaverton, has been promoted to tin- W ll decoration for gallantry inaction Mrs. Pearl Newman were guests. A Total Amount of Securities business meeting was held in the af- tion announces a program of union grade o f First Lieutenant Newman at Roosevelt Ridge, New Guinea. The Sold in 4tli W ar Loan Drive ternoon, at which time the members evening services during Holy W eek.! entered the service in 1936 at Cha- award was made by Maj. Gen. H. H. Washington county went over the decided to take up Red Cross work Each of the four participating church nute Field, Illinois. He is a gradu ate Fuller, commanding general of the top on the Fourth War Loan with a for service men in the nearby hosp: es Nazarene. Methodist, Church o '| o f Chatsworth High School. Lt. New-,41st Division. Christ and Bethel Congregational will I man with his wife Dee Lowe New-1 Lt. Rosa, a field artillery forward record of 138.2 percent of quota as tals. for their project. Miss Margaret Schulz, who teaches have a service one evening with the man, make their home at Goldsboro, .observer, advanced with a leading in- signed for all securities, according to N '• • ..... . Johnson Field fantry unit to establish a post foi • Wash., spent the host pastor leading the worship and figures released this week by W. in Vancouver, direction of fire. His post kept him C. Christensen of Hillsboro, co- week end at the home of her parents 'one of the other pastors preaching Capt. Earle E. Dryer, Beaverton, In front of his own lines and within chairman of the county war finance Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schulz in Beav the sermon. An Easter dawn service to be sponsored by the young people has completed the training replace thirty to fifty yards of enemy posi committee. Sales totaled 32.406,800 erton. He carefully registered initial of all four churches is also being con ment center unit course’ at the ferry tions. Mrs. Woodrow Weaver and daugh or 3665.400 over* and above the $1,- Full details as to time and ing division of the air transport com fire and in the ensuing action was ter Marilyn of Bremerton. Wash., ar sidered. 751,400 quota. wounded. Realizing the oontlnua County residents purchased 31,011.- rived Wednesday to visit with rela places for these sei-vices will be an mand, Nashville, Tenn. tion of accurate fire waa Imperative nounced later. 000 in series "E " bonds, the securities tives in Beaverton. At the March meeting of the Beav I Robert Marlon Sayre, Beaverton, is to the succesa of the attack and pro The Red Cross W ar Fund in Area stressed in the campaign. Christensen tection of men in hla own lines Lt. erton Ministerial Association the Rev 'now a first lieutenant. No. 4 has reached a total to date of reported. This was 3237,000 in excess Ross remained at hia post until re Leonard Johnson of the Church of of the $774.000 goal set, or 130.6 per $2593 98. George Carroll returned to San lief could be sent. Lyman Webb spent last week with the Nazarene was elected chairman cent o f the quota. He brought artillery fire close to Francisco on Monday after spending Sales of other war bonds to indi his parents Mr. and Mrs. E B Webb for the year and the Rev. Francis a months furlough with Clarencethls own position to root out strong Sturtevant of Bethel Congregational He returned to the University of Ore viduals amounted to 3545,400, or 185.2 Norvelle. Carroll Is In the navy and points of Jap resistance. At the tim-1 church was elected secretary per cent of the $2©4.500 quota. Cor gon on Sunday. Curtis Cartwright, ships cook 1st has been stationed In the South Pad-1 he was among the sharp rise and fall Mrs. Stella Boswell and daughter poration sale totaled $850.400 or 126 4 ¡of knife-sharp positions. When re Mrs. Wm Macy spent Sunday in class in Seabees, is visiting Mr. and fic the last year. per cent of the $672,900 quota. lief came he made hia way hack to Mrs Alvin Branch this week. He has McMinnville. Washington county ran ahead of P E R R Y FOKDNICY | his own lines with information valu Mrs. Oscar Effenberger and two been in the South Seas for two years the state average which was 129.9 per able to the Conduct of the attack. Mr and Mrs Ed .Jannsen of Portl cent. Christensen reported Total sons of Tillamook, visited over the and are proud parents of a boy Che»-) Perry Fordney aged. 73 years, pass-j sales in the state amounted to $128,- week end with Mr. and Mrs. L G Grand- ed away at his residence In Beaverton I Washington has more than one man Shellenberger, parents of Mrs Effen ter Alfred, born March 11 621.500 parents are Mr and Mrs. A1 Jannsen , after a lingering illness. He is sur 1 Inaccurately rated as “ indispensable” berger. Christensen declared that every one ' vlved by his wife Viola and Mrs. Zell by some misguided folks. I Reedville. and Mr and Mrs. L. S Mr and Mrs. E D Jannsen are of the county districts exceeded the Wolfe Raliegh Hills The father, i Clay of Jackson. Miss, was brother o f ! recently released reveal an army of rejoicing over the arrival of a son quota assigned Capt. Jannsen Is in the air corps sta Robert of Beaverton, Frank Fordney1 about 28.000 eligible men now e- Ted Hetu is visiting his family. and Mrs Grace Metzer of Tacoma, ployed in Federal departments who 44 ladies attended the annual tioned on the east coast. “Strip” Gas Coupons Wash , and Mrs. Wilcoxan o f Seattle, have been deferred from a call to *... - ■ " T ' Friendship meeting at the Congrega Fathers of families who have Grandfather of Billy Janin of arms A Democratic Congressman, after Wn. tional church on Wednesday Mrs. Now in U se , recently been drafted for army ser- Los Angeles. In an effort to control black-mar Kellog of Forest Grove was speakei hearing Washington's Farewell Ad Funeral services will be held Mon- jvice might rate some members of this ket operations, the issuance of new and told of her years spent In China dress read on February 22, immed day March 20 at Peggs Chapel. i army o f 25.000 differently and class iately followed by a reading of the Mrs. Max Reeher and Mrs White serially numbered strips of gasoline ify them as "expendable.” He was a member of Beaver lodge President's “anti-Congress” tax veto ration coupons to eligible holders of also of Forest Grove, were guests. "W e have just A . F. A A M and a councilman B. C, E and R books began Maich Mrs E G Webb and Mrs. J C. Mr message, remarked While shopping eat at the Grey listened to the reading of two fare for the town of Beaverton. His ready 1. The serial coupons closely resem Camsnen sang wit and pleasant smile made him hound Coffee Shop. Beaverton. well addresses on the same day." Mr and Mrs V A Wood of Port ble theatre tickets In appearance and many friends. are issued In a cardboard folder. The land visited with friends In Beaver- Strict reductions on all mdse, at Visit our special bargain countsr- new type coupons must be endorsed as bargain counters. Walkers Dept You get qulek service at Beaverton new mdse, each week. Walkers Der* Walkers Dept. Store, complete store usual and the gallon values remain Stf Stf Store. Stf , under one roof. Stars Greyhound Coffee Shop the same K-J >1 W;