Friday, March 3, 1944 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Bravsrton, Oregon . . . 1 RedCross B a b so n S a ys. CLASSIFIED WANT ADS Continued from Page P a/je 3 1 Allied H eadquarters, N aples, Mch. 4—The death of the f u s t A m erican Red Cross girl killed In action in this theatre o f w ar has been announced. She w as M iss E sth er R ichards, a San F ran cisco hospital social worker, who w as a victim of a Germ an bombing of the Anzio beachhead February 7. Klll' d Rod Nur$e Cross Asks $200,000,000 To Cover Wartime Needs fore the W'ar. T he average yield Is about 150 boxes per a cr e for orange» WASHINGTON, D. C .— Confronted j every triable m ilitary eetabllahment and about 280 b oxes per acre tor N O TH IN G LE SS TH AN 25c grapefruit. The total F lorida crop w üb responsibilities of unprecedentad and camp throughout the country, and CASH MUST ACCOMPANY^ nroportions, as the war entere It* recreation and eocial service workers has grow n from 33,000,000 boxes in ALL. C L A SSIF IE D ADS 1031 to an estim a ted 68,000,000 boxes most crucial stage, and with a stagger are located la Army and Naval The A m erican Red Cross cooperates M any groves a ie NO ADS T A K E N O V ER P H O N E ing task ahead In the poet-war period. hospitals. P Y K E R A D IA T O R SH O P. U eU - for th is season. Arm and N avy M M edical edical eer Or R ep airing' ¿ ' C leaning *of now Produaing a* m uch m oney as the with 'T‘ln the Al m y y &na *Navy the American Red Cross opens Its 1944 On* of the most Important and R adiators adiators and o to f Work tire * rove three in y«*™ a« t ° ,lf S X B o m u in w l“* lal in h isto s War Fund appeal March 1, confident necessary war-time Red Cross func We Publish the R and M M otor W ork. V 5-9 d A en fp0Y# m ay w be k l a a for KOod vestm en rv“"' * b " en ---- n e a of ° “ rP* service hen 800 su ch form that the American people will respond tions has been the collection of human B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E for a F lorida fam ily w h ich can w atch tion is needed for m edical treatm en t to the limit of their ability. H ID E S 4 WOOL. -CASCARA—A anil when requested reports on hom e blood for plasma. Thirty-five blood H O A R D S E N T IN E L and w ork it. Those, how ever, who sp ecialty. E E E BROS.. 25 SW live in the N orth and are oblidged conditions to the com m anding o fficer President Roosevelt, president of the donor stations are now operating. M ULTNOM AH P R E S S Clay. Portland. A tw ater 5334. The dramatic Story of the Red Cross to leave gro v e care to oth ers m ay in deciding questions of d isch arge, American Red Cross, Norman H. Davis, ALOHA N EW S chairman and active head of the vast Blood Donor Service, through which perhaps find thiS a good tim e to sell. furlough, and clem ency. FO R TOW CAR call V ER M ILY E organization, and Leon Fraser, na thousands of eoldlers and sailors have The sam e gen eral principles apply C om plete E astern W asnington County MOTOR CO. P hon e Tigard 3381. tional War Fund chairman, Join in been saved from death, began In Feb- to vegetable producers who are now and W estern M ultnom ah C ounty urging the people of this country to , ruary, 1941, when the Surgeons Gen- CUSTOM TRACTOR W ORK Let enjoying a honeym oon irrespective of C overage. help Red Cross reach It* national | eral of the Army and Navy asked the labor troubles, and ceilin g prir es. us plow your garden. H ow ard We assu m e no finan cial responsi Wm. Sm ith, Johnson Rd. A D ivis Those w ho raise beans, spinach, pep N ew York, March 4 H arry W ood objective of $200.000,000 because of j Red Cross to procure 15,000 pints of bility for errors w hich m ay appear in ion sts., P hone B eaverton 2462 4tf pers, etc., are m akin g big m oney pro- ring, form er secretary of w ar in the vital part it must play within the I blood. Last year more thau 3.700.000 ad vertisem en ts published in these 1 vided they are not h it by frost, h ail P resident R oosevelt's cabinet, hailed next tw elve months. » pints of blood were collected for the colum ns but in case w here th is paper storm s or droughts. N ot only are Senator Alben W. B arkley's resign a Chairman Davis, In opening the 1 Army and Navy. This year the goal is is a t fault w ill reprint that part of all grow ers in Florida subject to the tion as a senate m ajority leader W ed campaign will stress the fact that i more than 5,000,000 pints, an ad vertisem en t in w hich the typo ! law of supply and dem and w hich, in nesday as evidence o f a deep-seated with the decisive stage of the war at With major battles of the war yet grap h ical m istak e occurs. Im la y ’s F resh 1 the long run, regulates prices; but resentm ent of the work o f an "auto hand, the Red Cross must assum e a to come, the Army has asked the Red 1 they are subject to freezes, floods cratic M ix ed F eed s despot." geeater burden than ever before, and Cross to supply many m illions of stir- insects. H ence, one should > judge | . W oodring, in N ew York for m eet- FISHER THORSEN PAINTS ! ; and the b usiness by at least a £ive2fe* r ! ing of the anti-new deal American at the same time ipust provide aid to gical dressings. American men wounded For quality, fair price and F O R SA L E —C hester W hite Brood peace-tirfle average not by the State national d em ocratic com m ittee, w hich servicem en being returned In ever- in battle will depend acutely on the service Sow $25. C harles B ennett, Vi mi vast Red Cross surgical dressing pro as a w hole, but for the sectio n in be heads, stron gly condem ns the Increasing numbers. W of Standard Oil Co., 4th house \ Red Cross operations over the entire duction program. w hich you now ow n property or are preaulent foi. hi8 "contem ptuous" ut- South, on Menlo Dr. B eaverton. 5 world during 1943 have dwarfed Its R E E D V lL L E ALOHA. O RE. con sid erin g buying. Many citru s Utude toward co n g ress” Numerous other Red Cross home and vegetable grow ers could now be ; C o n tin u in g he said. "Any president activities during the first .two years of operations, such as Prisoners of War F O R SA L E —Block and E d gin g war. com pared w ith \5 all S tie e t sp e,,u la- 0f tbe U nited S tates who feels so en RATION BOOK REMINDER packaging centers, where more than m ixed 25» cords load delivered $20. . tors in 1926-1928 before the crash in trenched and au tocratic as to be con- j An even greater burden will he a million parcels for war prisoners 4 ft. green slab 254 cord lot $7. 1929. atch out. , tem ptuous o f the elected representa- placed on Red Cross services In 1944. are prepared each month for shipm ent o u r ! i ly -y Growers better w aten cord. H. F. Elford, F orest Grove. Cut th is out and keep it in y your i ' T T axes axes are are Ixnv Low tives of the people— th e con gress— i Thousands of American men and overseas, are supported by citizen- P hon e 56. Prom pt delivery. 52tf purse or billfold. ADVA N C E PO R K R A TIO N — ! P ractically all m u n ic p a l bond is- and its decisions, cea ses to be the women are now in Red Cross service participation In the Red Cross War OPA has validated th ese 216 m eat su es w hich d efaulted after the last ch ief execu tive of and for the peo- with l T. S. troops at home bases and Fund. FO R S A L E —2 cords w ood—cut. S ee Mrs. Mag&thon, E nterprise points for advance use in purchase o f : boom are again paying in terest, but pie and assu m es the role of a despot overseas. Field directors, hospital, So extensive 1* Red Cross service Last 96 ; at m uch low er rates. T h is helps all “over" the people” H igh w ay, P °rk on th e farm only: Bldg., Short and club and recreation workers are with during this war that every American property ow ners. Florid* is one o f 1 --------- ----------------- brown points in book N o. 3 and red Beaverton. American armed forces In virtually civilian can contribute som ething to _________ ; stam p s num bered "8" and lettered the few S tates w hich g iv e s a $5000 every command, Mr. Davis asserted. at least one of its functions. To con "A” through *'M" in book No. 4 (each tax exem ption on hom es occupied by F O R SA LE WOOD—16 in. green i red stam p good for 10 points, re- Florida citizens. Both In Europe and In the Far East, tinue this gigantic work, all Americans It h as no State block and slab $10 per cord in 2 1 gard less o f the point valu e printed on debt and only lim ited personal prop N ine children under 12 years of i cro ss workers have either gone must assum e thelf share of the respon cord load; green slab 16 in. $9 a them . erty and inheritance taxes, w ith no age were killed in tra ffic accid en ts in with Invasion forces Into new combat sibility ot carrying on this far reaching cord in 2 cord loads. R uben R A TIO N BOOK NO. 3— ■— e *— — “ per • “ ne. U ntil tw o Oregon during the first six w eeks of areas, or have followed' within a very service. ¡S “ ta "*■ te incom taxes Johnson, N ew berg Star route. 1944 Secretary of State R obert S F ar Brow n Stam ps, for purchase of m ea ts I years ago, Florida had no labor The $200,000,000 quota will enable P hon e 193J. 51tf rell, Jr., reported Saturday. He said limited time. tr o u b le s. Its people are friend ly and fats, etc. On the home front, the Red Cross Red Cross to alleviate suffering and M ortgages fa ta lities in th is age group am ounted has broadened its service tremen pain at home and abroad, and ,to carry M arch 20—E xp iration date of brow n | j as a rule go to church. to 24 per cent of all tra ffic fa ta li WANTED are being paid up. T hanks to trie stam p s, Y and Z. dously. Field directors are serving In on Its vast military welfare service. I I N ew Deal, people w ere saved *heir ties. W A N T E D —C arpenter w ork and R A TIO N BOOK NO. ! hom es during the depression. More saw filin g R t 1, B x 241, 1 mi. S March 20—E x p iration date o f green | Federal in co m e ta x es per cap ita are on P rogress Rd. M. L P ettijoh n 8 stam p s K, L and M. T okens w ill be g iv ek "o on n ~ 'an t7 r F F*eh‘r u ary ^ y - 2 27, 7 , in i j; b ein ® ? Pa id ^ f ~~ lo rid a ¿ itiz e n s th a n — given and d “ “a a f fte eb ru ~ N ew M exico has one divided house- : --------- I ",____ | by the people of a any other Southern V incent W ohlschlegel et ux to W al- W A N T E D —W om an for light laun-1 ch^ n ge* 41 . . , . State. T h is is a g o o t barom eter of hold, and on ly returns next election tnay m ake or break up a home. j ter Law rence, lot 25, F anno Creek dry in your house or ours, also wo- Ma* daute red prosperity. j Robert Peterson of Albuquerque ‘ Acre Trs. m an for housew ork one day a stam p s A8 B8 C8, D 8, E8 andl F 8 in liciuic m e War, lire tourist Uusi- A nette L B illstin to M ilton E H aas w eek. T elephone B eaverton 3847. ! ration book No. 4 (m eat, fish, fats, nesa, waa, pernaps, m e oiaLe s u:u»l has filed for the republican nom ina tion for governor. H is wife. Edna, ux palq iot $3 T ualatin V alley H g ts J. B. C ronnelin 46tf cheese, canned m ilk, fish, oils) Each piOiiiauAt luuu s u y . ana i lilt: v»ai 1 stam p has a 10—point value. S eries has filed for the d em ocratic nomina- Selm a Lindahl to H C W yatt et ux i a c a 01 t r a n s p u t t a u o n n a v e s b o l t in s tion. W A N T TO R E N T —H ouse w ith 2 A8, B 8, and C8, valid on Feb. 27; part lot 50 Johnson E st add Beaver- to p iece s . i ue n e v u it w i ll c o m e Bedroom s Call C. S. Golde, care series D8, E 8, and F 8 valid on March o a c K D igger Uiun e v e r w i t h p e j e e . U i | ------ ton-R eed. F irst Security Bank, B eaverton. 5 12 . Julia A. H ask in s et al to H ardin K j May 20—E xp iration date of blue c o u r s e , v m n d a h a s US v e r y e x p e n s i v e I OULD YOU lik e to In» a ra out there are m i u i u i u ot ! AT FIRST P erkins, et ux lot 4 blk 27 M etzger stam p s A8, B8, C8, D 8, and E8, in ra- n o i e l s , dio o|>erstor a sk illed ste Acre tracts. c o u p i e s in m e N o r m w n o c o u ld b o t h 1 SION OF A _______________________________________ tlon book 4 (processed fru its and C F N ipert et ux to Bruce W Saun nographer, an airplane m echanic, len gth en th eir lives a n a s a v e m oney L aborers—H og B utchers—B eef B oners ve8 etables, jam s and jellies). All ders, et ux, part lo t 268 Joh nson Ks expert driver? sach stam p oy s p e n d i n g e v e r y w i n t e r in u l o r iU a ; S w ift & Co. N orth P ortland P lan t valid startin g Feb. 27. add to B eaverton-R eed. rtetu s are reasonable, living co sts low has a 10-point value. In th e W om en’s Arm y ()orpe E m p loym ent o ffice—529 N W 4th E ugene H D ow ling exe, to John and doctor s bills i&r apart. A hear- you have a ch an ce to g et valu a Ave., P lan t P hone AT. 3003 5 SU G A R — Scheckla, tracts in D urham A cres Su_ j ty w elcom e aw aits all 01 good ch a ia c- March 31—E xp iration date of USE ble Arm y train in g—train in g th at and F anno Creek A creage. Ju st now there is no gasoline gar stam p 30, Book 4, good for 5 ubs. ter. 666 TABLETS. < UVE. NOSE DROP* N ellie A P helan to Adam Sch w artz nere, but a lter the W ar there w ill be m ay pave the w ay to bigger pay, sugar. et ux part lo ts 27 and 28 Garden H m mure m an ever. Morever, the m ails •letter Job* after th e war. Feb. 28, 1945— Stam p 40, Book 4, B E ST P R IC E for R abbit fryers, D. Reed In st to Ralph N Skidm ore et of the entire ¡south w .11 be greatly TODAY find out about all the P. M acDonald, R2, Bx 218, B eaver valid for 5 pounds ca n n in g sugar. ux part blk 9 M ultnom ah Country im proved. ton. P hon e B eaverton 2260. We SH O ES— WAC o ffers you—th e Interest Club, plat 3. A viation will H elp the ¡south Stam p No. 18, B ook 1, and Air pick up. Suburban D ev Co, Inc, to Jam es ing Jobs, the eh an ce to m<M-t new C ertainly a lter the W a- aviation 1 plane stam p No. 1, B ook 3, valid j W O’Dell, tract 3 Old M eadow F rm s people, and see new places, and W A N T E D —L ive HanDits, to buy j in d efin itely for one pair each. Loose will greatly help F lorida and m ost 1 Wm Sherm an N eib erger et ux to Southern s ta le s . l ’lan es may leave now. Top prices paid. R abbit Meat stam p s not accepted. to help your country. Frances Doll, part lot 64 N Tigard- N ew to ils , C hicago and other large Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. F U EL O IL — A r i l . Y at any U. 8 . Arm y R«>- ville add. M arch 13— E xpiration date of per- N orthern cities every hour betw een o’ P hone SU n set 1722. Open w eek cruiting Station. Or w rite: The W H arold Sm ith et ux to Gus R a. m. and 10 p. m, lor Florida, Geor- I ! iod 3 fuel oil coupon. P eriod 4 cou- days only until 7:30 p. m. I Sylia, part lots 3, 13, 14, Garden Adjutant G eneral, 4415 M unitions - i pons valid February 8 to Septem ber gia, the Carolina^ and other Southern 1 The i io .id .i trip now takes Only This Newspaper Can Offer Hom e. Bldg., W ashington, 25. D. C. j 30. N ot m ore than 63 per cen t of ¡states. o st found Alice E B axter to E uphem ia K about eig h t hours. Air la r ss v ill oe ------------------------------------------------------- season ’s rations should have been Such Reading Bargains (W om en In essen tial w ar Industry ! Kenney, lot 2 blk 57 M etzger Acre low er than railroad fares w hen Pull- ; FO U N D —At Short street and hi- 1 used to date, As a special service and convenience to j Trs. m ust have release from their em m an co sts are included. Som e peo way, C hauffeur licen se pin, S tate GASOLINE— oar subscribers, we are offering bargain I L D Malm et ux to E d na L H ow ell ployer or th e U. 8 . E m p loym ent of Oregon, 1944, Call at E nterprise i March 21—E xp iration date of No. ple think p lanes v ill take vegetables prices on your newspaper and favorite I part blk F Beaverton. Service.) office, B eaverton and id en tify tf 10 coupons in A book, 3 gal. each.* N orth, Ireezing t h e n i n the way; magazines. You can get this paper either that these planes vill gn to the stra- ; Coupons m ust be endorsed as soon as in combination with any one of the*# You can alm ost a lw a y s dispose of received —your p rotection a g a in st the tosphere and "Bird’s-eye ’ beans, peas and straw berries. I do not see this i great popular magazines, or with the 9« it, If you use w ant adv, black m arket. Magazine Special below. Select the offef m yself but 1 do expect vegetables, | you like best . . . then fill in the coupon T IK E IN SP E C T IO N — P A P E R IN G — P a in tin g ,#and P aper A every 6 m onths. by March 31, flow ers, etc., to be tia n sp o rted North and send it to us. Please do it right away, ing, neat experienced w orkm an. 1944. by air from Southern S ta tes after the before paper shortages make it impossible * L. L Seeley, P hone B eaverton War. Florida is al30 d estiin d to be to fill all subscriptions I B every 4 m on th s by February 28, 2516. 50tf the jum ping o ff point betw een the 1944. C every 3 m onths by F’eb. 28, 1944. United S ta tes and South and Central Any Magazine Listed and This T h is last is very im port T every 6 m o or 5,000 m iles of A m erica. Newspaper, Both for Price Shown ant. . driving. The aviation and othe.’ training STO V ES— P American Fruit G row er$ 1 . 7 ) cam ps in the South have been a great S E P A R A T O R S — M ILK E R S P u rch ase ce rtifica tes obtainable at O American G i r l ............. 2.50 advertisem ent. H o sts of soldiers I COM PLETE E Q U IPM E N T AND ! local ration board. □ American H o m e ........... 2.25 here tell me they surely are com ing S U P P L IE S FO R TH E DAIRY WOOD, SAW D U ST, COAL □ American Poultry Jrnl. 1.6$ IN D U ST R Y I F uel d ealers m ust deliver wood, back to F lorida to live a fter the W ar □ Better Cooking & Of course, saw d u st and coal on priority based “if they can g et a job ’. H om em aking.............. 3.43 th is is the rub, can they then get a on con su m er need, w ith those having F lorida is a w onderful □ Better Homes 8c Gardens 2.25 less th an three m o n th s’ supply com job here? P e o p le ’s C olu m n place to live for tl ose w ho have a □ Boy’s L if e ..................... 3.10 in g first. sm all m onthly incom e from real es □ Child L ife ..................... 2.95 tate or from bonds or stocks. It is Nanatrchawi * DtitrWoton □ Christian H e r a ld ......... 2.50 1VERYTHING an ideal place for those % ho have re □ Column D ig est............. 2.95 tired on a pension; but I cannot yet □ Country G entlem an. . . 1.65 recom m efld It as .1 place to ,.o n e for □ Dog W o rld ................... 2.50 a young couple w ho are dependent □ Farm Jrl. & F’rm ’rsW'ife 1.65 | upon w hat they earn. They bettei I □ Flower G r o w e r ........... 2.50 I go to T exas or A labam a or som e ISS NW Park AT. »461 □ Flying A ces................... 2.50 I other S tate w ith an industrial future. 1 and g et □ Household ................... 1.90 Oil Boom Coming □ Hygeia .......................... 2.95 Oil has been discovered in Florida □ Liberty .......................... 3 . 9 $ since I w ag here last W inter. It is M ORE R ESU LTS I being pumped out o f the ground □ Nature (10 Iss, 12 Mo.) 3.45 1 every day by the H um ble Oil 9f R e D Open R ’d (12 Iss., 14 M ) 2.25 fining Com pany about 45 m iles South P Outd rs (12 Iss,14M o.) 2.23 east of F ort M eyeis on the W est W EST E N D Y ou G et F ou r T im e s Y our M o n ey as □ Parents’ Magazine . . . . 2.50 Coast, South of Sarasota. Most of O Pathfinder..................... 2.00 SELLW OOD B R ID G E the Large oil com panies arc now se □ Photoplay - Movie Mirr. 2.50 cu ring leases throughout South F lo ri P Popular Mechanic* . . . 3.25 da at from ten cen ts or m ore per . . . "I can't provide you CREMATORIUM □ Poultry T rib u n e........... 1.65 acre. T his m oney is all velvet to ■ any extension 'phones in □ Sports A field................. 2.25 MAUSOLEUM 1 land ow ners because an oil lease does your h o m e , or other R un in th e F o u r P a p ers □ Sunset Magazine........... 2.00 not interfere w ith raising cattle, cit- | CEMETERY special telephone equip D True S to ry .............. 2.25 rus, veg eta b les or an yth ing else. ment— except for defense F o r th e O rd in a ry P rice C h arged by O The W'oman ................. 2.10 If you are so fortun ate a s to have □ Your L if e ..................... 3-45 I oil discovered on your land later, you j Com plete F uneral Service In New- work — until this war is then get 1 2 4 % o f the oil in addition O NE PAPER Cathedral Chapel at No E xtra cost over and the victory is to your present lease m oney. N ot R iverview Is a co-operative asso 5 - M a g a z in e S p e c ia l! won. only w ill th is oil b r in j hundreds of j ciation w ith a ssets of over $800,000 r » f e M a w tp a p a r a n d S S r s a f m illions of dollars to Florida but it should raise the p rices o f alm ost all "Telephone material* are in the tame class as automobiles land w heth er or not oil is found there True Story . . . . 1 Yr. ail • far anly C EN TR A LL Y T hose w ho g et m oney from oil American Poultry and tires, — going all-out tor on. LOCATED journal ........1 Yr. are sure to in v est it in m ore land as National Defense. We are going Close to bus tran s Farm jo u rn a l a they know nothing about sto ck s and to feel the pinch, but we'll glad portation an d Farmer ( Wife 1 Yr. bonds H ence, th is is no tim e to sell ly sacrifice our convenience for w alk ing d istance raw land in Florida. the vital job of licking the from dow ntow n. USE T H IS COUPON Axis." W hen a fam ily has been u n su ccess C * « * m a g a tin e * d a t lr a d a n d »and ful in com m un icatin g w ith a prisoner c o u p o n to U li» n a w p a p a e i o d a t i Ten thousand bullets to o f w ar in the E uropean theatre. Red Gentlem en: I enclm e $ __ . . Pie me shoot down the ¡apt can be Cross H om e S ervice w ill send a cable lend me the m agazine checked, or «he made from the copper in Î M agazin« Special, w ith a year « aub through In tern ational Red Cross in one mile of telephone wire. •crip tio a to your new ipaper. G eneva ask in g for a cable w elfare Y ou ALW AYS g e t M O R E fo r Y O U R Steel, rubber, lead. etc., m* report. y ama___ - - dispentible to telephone con M on ey a t the B IG F O U R F a m ily struction, are vitally needed J», or ff. P. D.. F a m ilies of servicem en discharged for war production. Part Office for d isabilities m ay apply to Red C ross for finan cial a ssista n ce if need ed during the tem porary period w hile SEND ALL ORDERS TO MORTICIAN cla im s for p ensions are pending. P h o n e B ea v erto n 2321 A T w a te r 6591 TW O C ents a word per Issue D e a d atoclt p ick ed up free of ch arge anyw here. Call collect. UN. 1221; n ight call DENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO.. Portland. Condemns Contemptous Attitude Toward Congress PAINTS FOR SALE J. B. Imlay & Sons Nine Children Killed Divided House REAL ESTATE Want to learn a skill? W rH E L P ^W ANTED a w RABBITS WANTED 666 SAVE MONEY ON YOUR NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINES ¡T & MISCELLANEOUS BETTER GO PPCO De Laval Get FOUR for ONE With Monroe M eli WANT ADS Riverview Cemetery PPCO WANT ADS $075 B eaverton Enterprise Tigard S en tin el M ultnom ah Press A loh a N ew s • J. P. Finley & Son SW FO U R TH AT MONTGOMERY A T w atar SIU WEST COAST TELEPHONE CO. Pioneer Publishing Co. W A R BO ND S are the sa fest in vest m en t ln tb* w ide world B ea v e r to n E n te r p r ise B ea v erto n , O r eg o n