Page 4 Friday, February 25, 1944 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beavsrton, Oregon -‘ I i 71 We’ve dozens of others ...But these tufo Fires Dangerous In The Spring C I1 L K C I1 O K T IL E N A Z A K L N E 459 SW Kirnt Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor 9 45 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. in. Morning worship. 6:30 p. m. Young Peoples groups. 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic service. Wednesday, Missionary Hally, Rev. L. C. Osborn, repatriated Chinese missionary—2:30 and 7:30 p. m. A A A It C Good looking swagger but sturdy sports that “ Back* to-Schoolers" all want. Leather sole and heel. $2.99 and $3.95 The (ire danger signals are up throughout the western Oregon coun ties and especially where the wooded areas are dry for this season of the year. Rainfall for the last three months in this area is 12.15 inches be- According to James j low normal. Lewis, Keep Oregon Green county T H E V .ALLEY rhmnnan. C O M M IN IT I C IU R M I The real fire threat will come with- U N IT E D PR E S B Y T E R IA N ; in the next three months from fern 4110 SW Gabel Lane fires, for with the shortage of rain- Rev. H. A. Armitage, pastor fall a few days of hot sunshine could i turn the thousands of a c re s o f heavy, 10:30 a. m. The Rev. Raymond P. A matted bracken patches into verit- Taggart will speak; 7:30 p. m. | able tinderboj^s. These fern s**'vice for all ages, patches in the western Oregon | W EST H ILLS counties are nature's seedling nurser L U T H E R A N CHURCH ies, for millions of young trees find SW Canyon Rd., near Sylvan shelter in the fern for the first few Werner J. Fritz, Minister years of their lives Fern patches First Sunday in Lent are ideal sites for junior forests and Sunday School 9:45 a. m. if fire can be kept out of these areas, Divine service 11 a. m. i the county chairman conUnued, for Holy Communion. est production will be insured for Wednesday, March 1st—Missionary I future crops. "Don't Bum Fern” is the title o f Guild and Church Council at 7:30 p. an attractive colored poster which the m* Keep Oregon Green association has CHURCH OF CH RIST sent to forest fire fighting organiza G. W. Springer, Pastor tions throughout the fern belt In Morning worship and preaching western Oregon. "J feel certain that if our citizens 9:45 a ,m. Topic—A Mystery Re recognize the damage fern fires do vealed. Following the sermon, the Lord’s 1 to our young forest reproduction, loss from this source will be reduced Just ■upper will be observed. Bible School 11 a. m. j as much as has the number of fires C. E. 6:30 p. m. during our hot summer months,” Evening worship service 7:30 p. m. said Edmund Hayes, chairman of with a gospel sermon by the pastor. the state KOG executive committee Special music on all occasions. ¡"Last year only two-sevenths of the . . Midweek prayer and Bible study total area was burned fL service Wed. 8 p. m. Study will be regular fire season, while . o u five-sev ”” the 16th chapter of Romans. enths occurred during the spring fern fire season. W e must have H IL L S D A L E public cooperation In this campaign." Brief History of Glencullen TOTAL CONSCRIPTION The safe return o f your son, your brother, your sweetheart or your husband depends on you. You are responsible for his fate. F or his security demand the Total Conscription of Men, Machines, Materiel and Money. That alone will unite America for victory and save precious lives and resources. The men and women in Am erica’ s armed forces are offerin g their lives that America may be vic torious. Is it too much to ask those at home to sacrifice personal gain? NATIONAL SERVICE FROM ALL AND PROFITS TO NONE 8:15 P. M. R. D. 12245-1 TECHNOCRACY % Presents _ _ _ _ _ _ A WAR PICTURE_ _ _ _ _ _ KILL-- 0 R— BE-KILLED AND P. J. MISNER-Speaker ... 814 S. W . 10th Portland, Oregon Across Street from Public Library TH í Y OIVÍ THEIR «-'VES- w. only our m0ney Let's all 7Á , BACK THF ATTACK- W AR B O N D S ’ S unny B rook RR 4XD KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY ~i m r v n m ah i t * xamk ' • * * 1 P ro n i _ J L ia a 1 ^ t ° A o ^ ji 4 J ly ^ u j -+J-A— lo \ c z L 7 *7 This writing shows independence, intuition, (use it more) and a striv ing for self control. Be more enthusiastic and friendly. Try to understand others. will tell you of any hidden talents, your best vocation, best mate, even fault and how best to correct these handicaps. Send for complete character analy sis for yourself or others, enclose any piece of writing and ONE DIM E for BE SURE to send Every person tells their likes and each analysis. dislikes to an experienced analyst in «elf addressed and stamped envelope every letter and stroke of writing I for reply. Understanding of each others traits, both good and bad, makes for hap pier marriage. W alt no longer, let IL Y N give you a confidential analysis i of your handwriting and that of any : other person you wish to understand : better. Mail all inquiries to IL Y N , Care of Beaverton Enterprise lll= l!l= IM = M s 1 ll= lil= lll= U I3 lll3 IU 3 N H n B M M W H M B n n M H W n Repatriated Missionary Speaks AT The Church of the NAZARENE THURSDAY, Mck. 2-2:30-7:30 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meier, 7408 SW 3rd street, in Fulton Park, are . the parents of a son, bom ar St. Vin cents hospital on February 9, weight 8 pounds, 3 ounces. The young man * has been named Richard Henry. Richard Zahler, SW Idaho street, 27 Year* a Nazarene Chinese Missionary in Hillsdale, is one of the ambitious boys and girls, collecting more than Inspirational -Informative - Spiritual one ton of paper during the recent Public Invited paper drive. A birthday smorgesbord luncheon was served on Tuesday, February 8, , by Mrs. J. C. Volckers, at her home j ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fiirnrpil ori S W C&pitol H iih w & y, in FTills~ strongly in th i maki“ o fT h e SUte's ^ Those attending were: Mes- early days. The vessel was the only dames H. F. Hult, P. A. Ronning, R. one named for an Indian W ar fighter ^ Call, Talbert Moling, Harold Meier, in the Northwest. and J. A. Griffith. Among those Present on this memorable occasion wbo were present for the afternoon i to view with pride yet with a sense j and evening were Miss Florence ] of sadness in their hearts, the nam- 1 Mrs. Minnie Armishiaw, and ¡ing of this seaworthy craft for their 'Mrs. Limien Brown, Mr. and Mrs. (lata beloved father were two of his j Pret* Anstrom, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. eleven children, Mrs. Ethel Johnson, |wilson- Mr and Mrs- N - A - Pedley, of Lyle, Washington and Ed Cullen Volckers. Among the little of Portland. With them were Mrs. «uests to wish their auntie a happy i lCd Cullen and their son and daught-! birthda7 were Jr- Meredith, er in law. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Cullen, Iand Johnnie Anstrom, Roger and | the former a grandson of the late M r.; Wesley Griffith. ! Cullen. Dennys’ Buy Tw o Heifers And a Holstein Cow j EIIISIIIEIII=lll3lll=IH=lll=lll=»ll=IIISUI=IIIEIII=UI=lll3in*lll=ni=U13lll=inSIII3lll=lll3IHSnil i G R E E N STAMPS G RE EN STAMPS cp ^ ; ^ SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SAT. : NU BORA RLEACH 19c y2 Gallon The pleasant, peaceful, restful, quiet, unobtrusive community of I ' _ LET S ALL EAT EGGS AND HELP THE FARMER Glencullen nestled among the heights i Brattleboro, Vt., Feb. 25 Two heif- I surrounding and on either side of the era an(’ one cow were recently pur- Bertha-Beaverton Highway is situ- ohased by R. B., J. F., and W. H.^ ated 6 miles Southwest of Portland. Denny, Beaverton The heifers are and half-way between the towns of Twin Fir Ridgeport Hartog Izetta Hillsdale and Beaverton, and about 2239225, and Twin Fiir Ridgeport two miles from Multnomah. It or- D®3’ 1-6 2239221 The cow is Twin Fir iginaliy consisted of 40 acres of high Hess Tobe 1917124. and low land covered with green j Change of ownership for these Hoi-j 1 firs, dogwood and cedars, with a rlpp-I s’ e*na has been officially recorded by I ling stream singing through the acre-j"Fhe Holstein-Friesian Aosociation of I age on the north side of the highway. . America, Brattleboro, Vt. C O U N TR Y FRESH £ I - t lie year 1906 Mr. Cullen, who “ ; ~~ s posse ssed the gift of foresight, with ; 55,000 Nazis Die < his taautiful wife. Anna Elizabeth H tfl I Hembree Cullen, visioned this land In Cherkasi Trap — ✓ a lovely, liveable residential section Moscow radio service announced r. of modem homes, cozy and away w A T T IG A R D ! from the turmoil of the city. They that 55,000 Germans had been killed and 18,000 captured in the battle of , erected a home for themselves at what is now 4391 Cullen Avenue, the Cherkasi pocket. Three German G R E E N STAMPS G R E E N STAMPS where they lived for 25 years. Mrs. commanders had been killed. Cullen, a pioneer in her own right, j came to Portland when a child of Now Lieutenant I three years, with her parents and brothers and sisters in the famous Lt. James F. Calhoun, son of Mr. Save 20 to 25% on your FIR E IN S U R A N C E C O STS Applegate train, from Padeville, Mo. and Mrs Wheeler Calhoun, Sr , 1312 Oregon Mutual Policies are NON-ASSESSABI-E. You N E V E R pay ; In the year of 1843, preceding Mr, S W Tavlor’s Ferry road, has finished more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregou Mutual Cullen who was Just nine years old his navigation course at Hondo, ar- maintains more than three times the surplus required by Oregon when his family arrived in 1847 also my air field. Texas. Insurance la w s i by wagon Journey over hazardous j route from l a Porte, Indiana. His T O O L A T E T O C L A S S IF Y father died of pneumonia while en Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company route and young John was forced to OF M o M IN N V n X E FOR S A L E —Undivided one-third j become the little man of his family, Organized 1894 — 40 years of Reliable Service ( has L Walker. Agent interest in approximately eighty keeping an eye on his widowed moth- acres of land on the Scholls Ferry- New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 | er and two small sisters younger Road one and one-half miles from 'than he Hillsboro, Oregon Beaverton, eight miles from Port "Every Form of Protection" Mrs. Cullen's father Captain Ahsa- land, good soil, or will sell any ■a a n a . » , » .» i wo.« ! lorn Hembree while on a scouting designated portion thereof. JAY | trip at the outbreak of the war with GIBSON. Guardian. First Security ¡the Indians, was captured and scalp-J Bank. Beaverton, Ore. 4 i ed by one of them. FOR R E N T —1 room cabin, furn It Is reported that he shot two of ished W. Jeffs. 2nd house from his assailants after he had been mor- M. E. church on Scoffin road, T i _ I tally wounded. (D r Wm Kinney. gard, Or. 4 I »n eminent physician of the early ® times, who passed away in Portland - last year at the age of nearly a c e r-1 FOR S A L E Camp Furniture for house $100. Not the best, but set We invite returns involving profits from sales of Real jtury, remembered his mother sewing i Property, Investments. and Farmer Returns. Establish 'on the piece o f the dead Captain's | vleeable. also extra bed springs and mattress $5. gas range, like j scalp a j the cortege passed through your account with us on an annual basis. We will re new, 2 mi. S o f Tigard. Hiway 217 their town and near his home.) lieve you of your worries about tax puzzles for a nom first house W of Durham school. , Mr Cullen about the year 1907 was Phone Tigard 3490. 4 inal fee. I able to interest his son Charles, and 1 son in law. Rev S. E. Crowe, and J FOR S A LE One Mah Piano. $60 T. Colvin, in the property, and they one Stump Puller $12. 2 burner | j invested with him In the purchase of Elec, plate for $7. one comb gas A 1 It It was surveyed, divided Into wood stove $15. Located near T i lots and appraised A corporation gard. write to C. J. Grant. 924 SW was formed known as Glencullen 16<h tAve.. Portland, for appoint i Realty Co , with Mr. Cullen as Its ment if interested. 4 president A Bull Run water system and gas. electric and telephone ser- his i 1 vices were nbt long in their tnstalla- through his property and past Known as the Fourth Street jtlon A passable road and street home. systems were opened up following Railway it made several trips daily : clearing Vtdn tree hewing. Induce- ; through Glencullen into town and ' menta were made by the company in P*®* *Ke County Court House To be Continued NextWeek which people became Interested and enchanted with the quiet beauty of the place, many beautiful homes were soon erected C ALL FOR E V E N IN G APPO IN TM E N TS Transportation at first by spring W. E. PEGG j wagon only. It was necessary for M O RTIC IAN ] residents to climb the fsmous Coun 220 Lumbermens Bldg. BEacon 7131 Beaverton, Oregon cil Crest to tske the street car trol Fatah 1910 Serving ?3 years | ley Into town A steam trsln was Residence appointments at Metzper CH. 1534 PHONE HE \\ t KTON $«M 1 the first means of transportation Tigard Office in old Toatofflce— Evening Appointments ! About the vear 1919 the railroad houpht a right of way from Mr Cul len and tracks were built running Hal is Selling EGGS at HAL'S GROCERY Johnsons Tax Service Save Money By Having Your Returns Prepared NOW I. 0. lohnson and Associates OLD N ation al Ih o tiller* P rod u ci« C orp . N Y . w V v / y BY IL Y N 40c Dozen FRIDAY, MARCH 3,1944 AT A. mfin Happy Marriage Helped by Proper Understanding REV. L. C. OSBORN A Short Sketch by A N N A B E L L E CU LLEN | On February 22, 1943, the Liberty | Vessel was christened the Captain ¡John W. Cullen, for one of Oregon's 'earliest pioneers, Civil and Indian j W o r VptpninH i Welcome news to the sleepy men t German residents in Spain ere clr- is that the war production board is culating $5 bills as a part of Anti considering lifting the brn on alarm American propoganda The bills carry clock manufacture. Now people will I a cartoon purporting to show United have to invent new excuses for being States leaders freeing a demon—rep- late to work. . i esenting bolshevism. ^ < U 55 W O '