Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1944)
Friday, February 18, 1944 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Page 2 Don’t Be Charged With Non-Support H. H. JK ÏTU K H , Publisher On an island in the Solomon, area. I Store leftover food, when p«u:tleal the Seabee. carved an a;r stop out together in one dish. A dab of car- ,,f the dense jungle in 1? days, dur- rots, a bit of corn a couple of pota- mg which 16V* inches of rain fell- toes pushed back in the refrigerator equal to six months’ participation in are likely to be forgotten and use up most Middle Western states 1 unnecessary space.________________ Published Friday or each *M k by ttaa Pioneer Publishing Oo.. At Beaverton, Oregon Entered aa eecond-otaee matter at tbe poetofflce at Beaverton. Oie. 41.00 One Year ------------------------ Subscription Can yon use ÎCMÎiÂSHEÏi S • S a typewriter? Payable In Advance. Beaverton Offloe— Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 Hlllebore Offlco— Room 5, Della Bldg., Phone 1641 Portland Office—»0« Panama Bldg.. 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater 6601 OlEC] PUILIS Í W " YOU DO clerical worker C AN accounting? Have you ever ION worked in a drive a ear? fffâ ti ■< > '' Babson Says. . . . All of which Indicate, that the Re- Gemination on earth; 'anybody who is j publicans in Congress are not paying 1 lip service to economy. Short-Sighted Attack It would seem that the food pro duction industry is faced with enough problems today so that men within the ranks of that industry would not seek to add to its burdens. But now comes a spokesman for what he calls "the manufacturing food industry” (commercial canners and packers) and propose, the enact- ment of legislation to eliminate mar- keters of “private brands" (food cann ed or packaged by stores under their own brands.) After reading the arguments ad vanced for such restriction of free competition, one becomes aware of the fact that this is Just a left-hand ed attack to restrain retailers from canning, packing or bottling products under their own names and brands, in competition with “manufacturing food industry.” Well, why shouldn't a farmer’s wife an independent store or a chain store put out a private brand of food that complies with the food laws, and sells it to anyone who wants to buy it? That is good, healthy competition. In addition, it gives the public food at lower prices than otherwise would have been the case. Possibly this Is the rea son for the a ttack on private brands by "the manufacturing food Industry” . It could better employ its talsnt putt ing out a superior product, more widely advertised .thus creating pub lic demand for It. It Is the height of folly for any branch of the food industry to seek to create business for itself by throt tling a competitor through legislative restrictions. Soap Worth Saving Have all scrape and slivers of toilet soap. When a half cupful has been accumulated put them into a four by four bag made of an old bath towel Sew a strap across the back and an Ideal soap inltt t o use In the shower. A simitar hag made with Inundry odde and ends Is very useful for washing out bathtubs, sinks and washbowls. GARDEN HOM E Mrs. Vivian Witt was taken ill last week and taken to a Portland hos pital. W ANTED RRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS Essential Industry E X P E R IE N C E NOT NECESSARY Steady W ork with Overtime A PPL Y AT SYLVAN PLANT COLOMBIA BRICK WORKS 1 W a E. W ater A r t, " »'♦»»♦Inn. .hm.m SAVE TOUR T IR E S - BUT DEFENSE BONDS Ride * Bws— Right to the door of the Winter Garden 0 b Taylor St., ht. 4th & 5th Rl. Bx I, Tigard. Oregon. Opposite the Joy Theatre l’ HONE TIGAKI) 23*1 PORTLAND T atty Foods Dinners— Lunches Banquets Portland's Finest In quality and Service Claude Brereton AT THF. W IN TE R GARDEN Fruit. Nut, Flowering and shade Tree«. B o ««, Berry Plant» Shrub«, elr Sand for now fall and spring cata log Fall planting atarta In Novem- bar Tulip bulba are planted now. foldar on roquoat. TmaUtia ValUy Nuritries * stake in * * * * BE WISE AND MODERNIZE PATRONIZE H. B. W ISE PLUMBER CII 1232 — 743 Maplecrest Court ", T h e C h r is t ia n S c ie n c e M o n it o r A n International Daily Newspaper it Truthful— Constructive— Unbiased — Free from Sensational ism — Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price £12.00 Yearly, or £1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, £2.60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents. Name_________________________________________ Address SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual Policies ure NON-ASSKSSABLE. You NEVER pay more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three time* the surplus required hy Oregon Insurance Laws. Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company V OF McMINNVELLE Organized 1894—..40 years of Reliable Service Chaa. L. Walker, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. s . / « More and more our armies are landing our fighting troops by para chute, disrupting enemy lines, en emy communications, but paying a heavy price in casualties. Silken fineries and their substi tutes are fast passing from the m ar ket to provide safe landings for our distant fighting men. We can still buy silk and nylon for them with War Bonds and Stamps. WOOD Technocracy urges that labor officialdom get be hind their own members in promoting the idea of T o tal Conscription before the conscription of l a b o r alone abolishes all of labor’s gains. Labor must adopt this protective offensive. This is labor’s chance to help solve Amerca’s problem and its own. It is a challenge to labor. YOUR Total Conscription will conscript not only the men but also the Machines, Materiel and Money assur ing the citizens of America service from all and Prof its to None. NOW If you order now you can obtain your full year’s supply PROM IT DELIVERY Heavy Block and Slab DEMAND TOTAL CONSCRIPTION NOW! Inform ation TECHNOCRACY INC., 814 S. W. 10th Ave., Portland, Oregon Hear A. D. Cook Authorized Speaker, on “ Flying Wings tor V ictory" Delivered In 2V4 Cord Load Aloha & Beaverton Hillsboro, Oregon Wake Upf Labor! U. S. Ti easury Department ORDER Phone 1732 “ Every Form of Protection" u 3 >. MA» y * . $20 2'* Cord Load Tigard. Multnomah Portland $27.50 Phone Beaverton 2604 or write Masonic Temple SW Park & Main St., Portland, Or. Glenwood Fuel FRIDAY, Box 12, Glenwood, Oregon Admission 55o Inc. Tax FEBRUARY & 25. 8:15 P. M. Service Men and Women # Admitted Free WANTED TURKEYS Live Poultry and Eggs Receiving A Dressing Plants: Portland, McMinnville, Salem. Albany, Eugene, Roseburg, Redmond. Ch-egon. ELLIS PHARMACY Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS L. W. Kill«, Prop. ('Kerry SIM 'V i Deliver Multnomah, Ore 8. E. Oak Street, Portland. Ore. Phone EA«t 51 tl and Repairing VENETIAN Cleaning Free Estimates & Installation BLINDS De LAÑO Venetian Blind Nig. Co. 3535 S. W. C.nby * BE. 3021 PORTLAND The W orld’s News Seen Through I FREE LECTURE j ON j CHRISTIAN SCIENCE [i By Robert Stanley Ross, C. S. B. Main Of flee and Plant Sick Room Needs—Hun free as lee Cream — Magazines. Films and Developing 506 SW Mill APPLY at the nearvst U. S. Ar my Recruiting Station (your local ¡Mist office will give you the ad dress). Or write: The Adjutant General, Room 4413, Munitions Building, Washington, D. C. ALSO c . V. W ALLACE —Signs & Cards— OREGON MOTOR STAGES Today—find out about the opportunities that await you In the WAC—the Important job, the Interesting life, the chance to serve your country in a vital way. ie®, and i ' uy — 1 ture capital ", willing to take an av- skunk. alnt jealous enuff of their | p business risk, may be more kinfolks, naybors, etc., that they stink , indu8tlial development tharf conserva-’ up their den. like peepul fal lout and ' .safuI in theP postwal. perlod of stink up their home, their churches. {|ve low rjsk anJ ieW capital their nation and their world! The investnlents skunks are peaceable among their- | jjtjuty Bond« selves and save all their "amrauni- j . ...... . ...,, , , . , . . tion” fer outsiders! If you don’t be- L f ^ Zllrtrin T and industrial ' lleve what I have said, why Just hunt C ^ h o w n / Production „„a smell It before haa up a skunk den and - shown , . tremendous .. . s gains and now n— h then, brother *tands at an all-time high. Net y°u start trouble, and »m«» y°"r»elf fer a month after-, creaaed much for the industry M a I "hole because of high taxes and op- of theirselves that they stink their- selves out of their own dens like we try is in a strong financial position do ourselves sometimes. and should remain so. In the matter BARBWIRE BILL of debts, many companies have had a good house cleaning. Many of their Bob Farrell Makes Report obligations have been re-financed _____ over long term periods at extremely Relative safety of driving and low mtere8t rate* walking in Oregon traffic in 1943, as j Medium STade utility issues offer measured by the traffic death rate. I opportu nities for investment. Elec- was exactly the same as in 1942, Sec- t,ic Power will continue to be in heavy retary of State, Bob Farrell said to -id,!mand- In fact- ‘ bis year may show day, in releasing final figures on the j an increase of 5 cf over 1943. Of all state's death rate for the past year. *be bond groups, utilities issues may The rate was 9.1 persons killed per be the most attractive. Careful se- one hundred million miles of travel, lep(>°n of companies from a geo- exactly the same as in 1942. The graphical point of view is necessary, death rate shows the number of per- j ® °od management will also be a fac- sona killed In relation to travel, o r ! ,or *n <beir future prices, the exposure to accident, and Is : Conclusion therefore a more accurate barometer | The indlvldua, investor shouia firgt ° fT-u ^ " tra,f .. . seek to maintain a proper balance be- . . . the nation as a ' whole, . . I tween fixed and secure income se the rate for such as bonds and the equity which was placed at 11 persons killed | curities securities such as preferred and coni per hundred million miles of travel, mon stocks. Forty per cent in bonds according to the- National Safety | and sixty per cent in stocks is still a Council. good rule to follow. Remember that when buying stocks, to select com- Personal Income Tax | panies with large working capital, no | bothersome debt or cumulative pre- Returns Prepared I ferred stock and with a good postwar Phone Tigard 2276 outlook. Just now the insurance *r Evenings for Appointment and merchandise groups seem to best j After 4 p. m. Week Days 1 fulfill these latter requirements All Day Saturdav A Sund.iv I When buying bonds, diversify be MRS. B FITZPATRICK tween industrial*, utilities and good rails Many institutions and indi viduals now have a too large percen tage in utilities. Can you The Army needs all kinds of skill in the WAC. There is a chance for you—to Improve a skill you already have, or learn one you’ll find useful all your life. THE LOST WORD In 1790 when Uncle Sam counted noses for the first time, the word was much alive. The count gave 3 mil lions as our population. And two out of every three of these had the word in their heart. Our fathers lived for it and by It. DUTY was the word. DUTY to God and DUTY to man. Where to, Uncle Sam. now that Duty to God 1s left out? Where to with God’s name profaned, even by the kiddies on the school playground? Where to with God’s holy day become but a holiday’’ ; Republicans Stress Economy Happy is that people whose God is ,the Lord, says the Bible. But will John F. Cramer, who writes a daily J God bless any people who elbow him j column for The Washington News, is to one side? Christ taught that He came, not to not antagonistic to bureaucracy, as readers of his column know. He di do His own will, but the will of His WAR BONDS will buy a rects it, frankly, to Federal workers, Father who had sent Him. He was here to do God’s will. Are you in who accept him as a sympathizer. your country’s future. Do you know his will For this reason, Mr. Cramer can cer God's will? Continued from Page 1 The counsel of godly tainly not be termed a Republican for your life? sympathizer. Yet, here is what he friends, circumstances, Bible, prayer —these all serve. When you can wrote in a recent column: “ Federal agencies might as well get say—God’s will be done, Christ will pecially those of the re-organized roads. Avoid the “incomes’’ at this ready now to take in their belts—and see you through. time. These should sell for much get along on a lot less money. less during the railroad slump which “The Republican minority Is crack will sometime follow world war II. ing the whip on major appropriation I Cl&tsk&nle, Oregon Industrial Issues bills. As in the case of the railroads, in “ ...... Representative John Taber, I This space paid for by an Oregon dustrial activity made new highs in Republican of New York, foe of all | businessman. 1943. With the peak of war produc things bureaucratic, has become the tion passed with enormous taxes and key man on the all-powerful House Hit» Envy and labor loads, with re-negotiation costs Appropriations Committee. Jealousy Hard and with the problem of re-conver-1 " Agencies which have to seek Sion, industry will t*e loaded with bup- new funds in the next few months dens this year* Yields on top grade almost certainly will encounter a ho Hello Folks: industrial issues are • lower than on stile House, with Republicans voting comparable railroad bonds. Prices pretty much as a unit behind Repre have continued generally toward high sentative Taber. er levels. For institutional and large “The first deficiency bill was the individual buyers, governments may tipoff. The House slashed that one ! now be a better bet than the best by more than 75 per cent and don’t i grade industrials. think it was an accident; it wasn't. I This year will witness continued The truth is that economy-bent Re j heavy calling of corporate issues,* publicans have seized control, or near T . . . .. , which will further reduce the supply ly so, and the deficiency bill was the , V * C, °.K t bOUt the con' mone** I Of industrial bonds. This will force first test of their new strength. fault of the human race is envy Inve8tor8 lnto preferred 8tocks and "It looks like a tough winter for and jealousy We seem to 1 ° ^ second grade bond issues. A careful bureaucracy. store? CH. 1729 of New York, N. Y. jj I II I I . Member of the Board of Lectureahip of The Moth er Church. The Firat Church of Chriat, Scientist. In Boston, Massachusetts. in the edifice of 1 6TH CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST >n 1331 S. W. Park Avenue n Monday evening, February 21 n at 8 o'clock The Public la Cordially Invited *