Page 4 Friday, February 11, 1944 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Lt. Chester Beach Visits Home Folks _____ K IN T O N News for Fishermen Beaverton Church of the Mrs. S. H- Pomeroy and »on Paul Lt. Cheater Beach of the U. 3. Field I Th“ i»day Final action legaiding the 1944 ! angling regulations was taken by the ¡Oregon State Game Commission when U l l K i il OF T11E NA/.AKENE j it met in Portland on January 29th. ing his parent» Mr ana nar». 'cM c,. j ï . M r u d Mri. Robert ßelhlar. 459 3W first Effective February 1 will be the Beach and wife Laura Thirty-three member» of the Klnton Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor I new regulations on steelhead and Lt. B * o h ha. been tranaf a » « « ' erred . . . ~ | L a d ie s Aid met at the home of M i. 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. Object salmon over 20 inches in length. In fixim the field manouevw g ^ u n d a m 0 T M Thursday afternoon Lesson by Evangelist Bonnie Ed- the coastal streams the bag limit was Southern California, to boH Ord. Mr, Xlb4jrt SooW and ^ ®* ¡wards. ¡five fish a day, but now the limit in California, a replacement depot fo r jKm Uin wer.». oversea» duty and he hope» to be in It was to buy a War Bond with sur 11 a. m. Morning worship. all sections will be three fish a day . . ... Worship Service—"Can Pentecost or nine in any seven consecutive actual combat duty. plu» funds on hand. days or in possession at any otse time Lt. Beach i. well known in Beaver- j ^ ~ ‘l e‘ wTll be h eld" at the Kd EvanKelUl There will be no bag limit, however. ton, having moved here with hia par- M h Ldwaids ent» in 1918. He attended Beaver- Th ,, . K, . h , . 6 30 p. m. 'Young People’» Ser- on jack salmon under 20 inches in length. ton grade and high JChhol and took purchased*^ $507 65 in War Bonds and V‘^ J thia 8enrice The six inch trout season will open active part part in fo o t b a ll^ . * £ a very very active during the month of January. k . ^ Y M w a r S f ^ S e n V c^ F o o V ^ on April 15 and close October 31. years he spent in high 00 With only a week left to go the com- Sund wlth two 8ervice8, win The bag limit remains the same as then went one term to Pacific univer­ th revival with i before, r,e 15 fish or 15 pounds and 1 fish sity. After that until he was induct­ munity has purchased two third, the clo8e a week., Edward. T h e '“ any one day but not to exceed 30 ed into the army Dec. 14, 19*2, he amount of bond, bought in the last Rev and Mr, public is Invited to these services. fish or 30 pounds and 2 fish in any worked for Pacific iV-uit of Portland. Mr». Lucille Salens of Portland has 17 consecutive days in possession at Oregon. He was married to __ Miss , .been here the past week caring for anyone time. Laura Burke of Beaverton, Nov. 1, her daUfc-hUr Sharen who has been I THE VALLEY For Diamond Lake a minimum 1941. COMMUNITY CIlL'BCIi very sick with the measles. length limit of ten inches was estab­ During hi» short visit here his two 4110 SW Gabel Lane lished, but the 1943 bag limit of 5 sisters, Alice Van Stiphout of Port­ Sunday, February 13 fi»h and season from May 20 to Sep­ land, and Dorothy Wilson of Seaside, Rev. H. A. Armitage, pastor St. Mary’s of the Valley visited him to wish him alot of 10::30 a. m. Topic—A Question for tember 20 will be in effect. The special season of June 1 to Oc­ good luck. The following were honor students Youth. tober 31 on the upper part of the Mr. and Mrs. Beach and Mr». C. 7:30 p. m. Community Service . North Umpqua was abolished and Beach operate the little friendly store for the past eix-weeks' period: Rita Schneider, senior; Mary Heineck and this section of the river, therefore, known as Beaohs' Market. ALOHA COMMUNITY CHURCH Winifred Walsh, sophomore class; will be open to winter fishing for Graydon D. Loree, Pastor Telma Farrugia and Helen Moschino, steelhead over 20 inches. Sunday School 10 a. m. freshmen. , A special season from April 15 to Curtis Cochran Receives J. G. Vincent, Supt. Chairmen for the pre-lenten dance August 1 was provided for that part, Morning worship 11 a. m. Topic held Friday, February 4, included: Second Pair Silver Wings of Tanner Creek from its mouth to a Decoration committee, Carolyn Sad­ Hallowed Be Thy Name. Youth Fellowship 7 p. m. Gordon point 200 feet below the fishway and Sgt. Curtis Cochran of the Army ler; refreshment. Christine MaePher- tRydman, in the Columbia river from the dam pres. Air Corps has Ju»t returned to Army son; entertainment, Dorothy Thomp­ to a point 400 feet below the west Evening service 8 o'clock. son; floor, Margaret Jane Dooher; Air Base at Rapid City, So. Dakota, bank of Tanner Creek. This area will Rev. Victor Hovda will give an after spending a short furlough with date, Catherine Anzalone; post-dance, be closed to all fishing the remainder evangelistic message! his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Margaret Mathisen. of the year. Although the basketball team was | You are welcome. Cochran in Beaverton. A few other changes were made in Juiy 30) 1942, he was inducted into defeated by Sacred Heart by a score some o fthe county regulations which WKST IULLS of 10-20, the players are undaunted the. paratroop division at Fort will be listed in the official synopsis LUTHERAN CHURCH Bennington, Ga., where he continued and look forward to a return game In of angling regulations that will be SW Canyon Rd., near Sylvan until .be graduated in December, 1942, ithe near future. available for distribution sometime ir. Werner J. Fritz, Minister At this time he received his silver ! As a project in Catholic Action, in I March. February 13 wings. In June, 1943, he was trans-1 observance of the Church Unity Oc ! Sunday School 9:45 a. m. ferred to the air corps at Dalhert, j tave, Rita Schneider, Helen Maschi- Gas Consumption Dropped Texas, where he begun training as a i no, Betty Nosack, Alice Heartley an d1 Divine service 11 a. m. „ Gods Arithmetic. tail gunner. Here he continued u n -! Mary Ann Sohler prepared posters, j Sermoni 13 per cent below 1942 Welcome. til he again graduated and in N ov.,! some of which were displayed at the j Motor vehicle travel in Oregon 1943 he received his second pair o f ¡Hillsboro public library, during the year 1943, as revealed in CHURCH OF CHRIST silver wings. He was again trans- Among the students who have reg- gasoline consumption for that year, G. W. Springer, Pastor ferred to Rapid City, So. Dakota, lstered for the new term we a re ! Morning worship and preaching dropped 13 per cent below the figures .happy to welcome Betty Winney, Ma­ where he is now stationed. rie Hayes, Gwendolyn Leno, Isabelle 9 45 a m ToPic The Divlne ° riKin for 1942, according to Secretary of State, Bob Farrell, who today an­ Muyella, Betty Gail O'Brien, Aura ot 2 h,® ^ osPei- 27 Schools Report Sales May Slmmle, Janice Nicholson and) Following the sermon, the Lord’s nounced ga sconsumption figures for the past year. Mariam Brown. »upper will be observed. War Bonds During the year, Oregon motorists _________________ I Bible School 11 a. m. used 229,773,825 gallons of gasoline C. E. 6:30 p. m. Reports have been received from Evening worship service 7:30 p. m. compared to a consumption of 263,- Sells Five Acres only 27 schools to date, according to 805,921 gallons in 1942. Topic—All Things Are Yours. Mrs. Paul Patterson, school chairman Total tax paid on 1943 gasoline Midweek prayer and Bible study C. J. Stickeny has sold an un­ for the war finance committee. service Wed. 8 p. m. Study will be amounted to $11,488,691.54, compared Schools which are over 100 per cent finished house and five acres to Earl from the l4th Chapter of Romans. !to $13,190,297.33 in 1942. It was located on Lois ave­ in the sale of both stamps and bonds Frisby. but have not reached a bond quota nue and Gale Berg was the former BETHEL C. W . Berg Visits Mother are Klnton with 348 per cent of quo­ owner. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH ta, Farmington with 165 per cent and And Sister UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Heywood with" 160- per cent. Thinks Oregon Voting Laws Rev. Francis T. Sturtevant, Pastor | Sgt. Carl W. Berg, has just return- 9:45 a. m. Church School, Miss fed to Savannah, Ga., after a short Are Adequate for Soldiers Amarette Barnes, Supt. > furlough spent visiting with his moth- Return to Beaverton 11 a. m. Church services, Topic «r Mrs. Helen Berg of Portland, and Wlhen Governor Snell was asked if bis sister, Mrs. A1 Began of Tigard. Mrs. Mary E. Weber and daughter Oregon voting laws are adequate to The Master of Main Street. Nursery for children during the . Carl is an aerial gunner. Aurelia returned to their home in provide the voting privilege for all Sgt. Rudolph N. Berg, brother to | Beaverton after a protracted visit members of the Oregon armed forces, church service. 6 p. m. Intermediate, Pilgrim Fel­ Cnrl has been stationed in India for with her daughter Mrs. Dan O’Meara. he declared that if it did not he four months. Miss Aurelia who has been bedridden would call a special session of the lowship. 7 p. m. Senior Pilgrim Fellowship. most of that time has fully recovered. legislature. U - r ------ :------------------------- - Oregon laws provide 40 days be­ M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H tween the printing of the ballots and Special Musical Program Albert S. Hisey, D. D., Minister election day. * During the 40 days 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. A half hour of music will be featur- j it la believed that the ballots could 11 a. m. Preaching service. ed In the service Friday night at the be sent and returned from anywhere W. S. C. S. meets Wednesday. Church of the N&zarene. Bonnie Ed­ in the world where men are in ser­ vice. wards. Evangelist, will play sacred ST. CECELIA CHURCH numbers in varied arrangements on Masses 8:25 and 10:25 a. m. the Solo-vox. Revival services will Prunes make a good fruit whip. Spring is in the air and house continue Saturday at 7:30. Sunday Soak them over night, cook, add su- RE EH VILLE COMMUNITY cleaning time is here once more. at 11 and closing Sunday night at gar, salt, and lemon juice and fold PRLSBYTBRIAN CHURCH New wallpaper will brighten 7:30 with Rev. Andy Edwards preach- into stiffly beaten egg whites, then Sunday School 10 a. m. Mrs. Otto i your rooms and make your home ing. Chill. George, Supt. more attractive. Worship Service 11 a. m. Young People's C. E. 7 p. m. Prayer Meeting and Bible study, Thursday, 7 p. m. Even though there is a shortage I’ ll GRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH of paper, we are fortunate in The Bible Church having a very complete stock. Box 697, Beaverton Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive Waiter R. Buhl, Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. Divine Services 11 a. m. Sunday evening services, 1st Sun­ day of each month 7:30 p. m. zp zv; » -• - ïÆ Ä ü 1 ä SPRING SALE Wallpaper & Paints Living Room Papers 25«, 35«, 50«, 65«, 75« $1.00 Roll Chracteristics in this writing shows that this person can get the things they want, but must settle do&n to one thing at a time and not try to please every one. BY ILYN be used to good advantage. There is one trait that I hesitate S your friends Do your w a r A I.O H A A S S E M B I.Y O F G O D Sunday School 10 a. m. Worship 11 a. m. Young people 6:30 p. m. Evangelistic 7:45 p. m. Prayer and Bible study 7:45 p. m. Thursday. Dining Room, Hall Bed Room Paper 15C $ 1 .0 0 s i TO ° LATE TO CLASSIFY too much why not turn this talent to FOR SALE 1940 Bulck super, 5 definite work so needed now, such as good tires, under seat heater, dual relief work, nursing, volunteer Red for lights, excellent condition, Ti­ Cross work, etc. Your family will gard 3541. 2 learn to do and think for themselves and soon wttl look on you as a com- ' WANTED Estimates for clearing munity leader and be even more nbout l 't acres stumps. V. I. Myers proud. • 2nd hse from Allen Ave., on Menlo 2 Send One Dime and any piece of I Dr. Beaverton, after 4 p. m. writing for each analysis you wish. U U4 BONDS buy them fust BE SURE to inclose a self address then buy what you need ed and stamped envelope for return answer. Tigard Man Get» Mail all inquiries to ILYN. Care of Beaverton Enterprise, Telephone AT. 4810 SMITH'S WALLPAPER HOUSE 427 SW 2nd, nr. Washington Personal Income Tax Returns Prepared Phone Tigard 2276 10th Air Award Technical Sergeant James Wtllock, route 1 Tigard, Oregon, a member of the bomber command based in the North African theatre, has been awarded his tenth oak leaf cluster. He was one of nearly 250 members of the 12th bomber command who parti- N ripated in sorties over enemy-occu- 5 pied land .who received this award. 5 1 Three other Oregon men received their ninth oak leaf cluster. ^ P d u tio s te rs a r m S SH/CLD UP. extra WAR BONDS —Buy 4th War Loan Bonds— k Revival Closes SUNDAY Rev. and Mr*. Andy Edwards 11 a. m. "Can Pentecost Be Repeated” 7:30 p. m. "The Rich Fool” Special Musical Service Friday 7 p. m. Hear the beautiful Solo-vox LEONARD C. JOHNSON, REV. A. J. EDWARDS Pastor What Price Victory? The price of Victory, under any circumstances, will be tremendous. How great that total pay-off shall he in A meria’s* physical wealth, in the lives and blood of America’s youth; how many of the 11,200,000 men of our armed forces shall return, depends directly on how soon America chooses to put patriotism before politics and profits, love of country before love of money, and the welfare' of all American’s before that of a limited few. FOR THE EARLIEST VICTORY; FOR THE LOWEST PAY OFF FOR VICTORY DEMAND TOTAL CONSCRIPTION NOW! The Austin-Wadsworth bill will draft labor only. Total Conscription will conscript Men, Ma­ chines, Materiel and Money with Service from All and Profits to None. Total Conscription will pro­ vide a design for Postwar America with Security and Abundance for Every Citizen, Information Technocracy Inc., 814 SW 10th Ave., Portland, Ore. Johnsons Tax Service We invite returns involving profits from sales of Real Property, Investments, and Farmer Returns. Establish your account with us on an annual basis. We will re- lieve you of your worries about tax puzzles for a nom- inai fee. J. 0. Johnson and Associates CALL FOR EVENING APPOINTMENTS 220 Lumbermens Bldg. BEacon 7131 Residence appointments at Metzger CH. 1534 Tigard Office In old Postoffice—Evening Appointments Save 20 to 25* f on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual I’oliries are NON ASSESSABLE. You NEVER pay more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual nuuntuiiut more tlian lliree times the surplus required h> Oregos Insurance la w t Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company Organized 1894 OF McMINNYILLE 40 years of Reliable Service Chao. L. Walker, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. "Every Form of Protection’ ■ ■ —— S l l ’ l >g l S Phone 1732 Hillsboro, Oregon WÀ T O M Y MANY CU ST O M E R S AND FRIENDS Harry Barnes ANNOUNCES W. C. PECG MORTICIAN Beaverton. Oregon Estab 1910 Serving 33 vears PHONE BEAVERTÖN 3411 Save Money By Having Your Returns Prepared NOW T H A T HE HAS BEEN A P P O IN T E D DISTRIBUTOR FOR VELTEX GASOLINES ST O V E OIL & DEISEL BURNER OILS unny B rook rr i\ n KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY Hf M E R M X 4 .4 IT .4 Y.4 .M f ’ N«ti<>n«l P .n llr r * Produrle or Evening* for Appointment After 4 p. m. Week Days All Div Saturday A Sunday MRS B FITZPATRICK 9K) OLD S 459 S. W . L t. Stock Here Complete Handwriting Key to Character and Success Proper analysis of your handwrit­ ing may show you the way to more happiness. ILYN will be glad to help you with any problems you have, by Riving you a complete confidential report on yourself or any other per­ son you are interested In. This an­ alysis will cover character, funda­ mental inner tendencies, talents, best vocation, best mate, and some of the faults and drawbacks which should be overcome to make for a more har­ monious life. There may be talents you do not know you possess that you have thought of as drawbacks, these traits when brought to your attention may NAZARENE w .“ N, T. • W .l Proof If come one want» it. you can »ell it with a classified ad. —Buy 4th War Loan Bonds ¡ For O Asoline. Stove and Diesel * Burn*r Oils phone Harry Barnes. 1 Beaverton 3231, Distributor for Veits* Petroleum Product*. 20 Year» in Oil Business, in Washington County Own my Plant and Equipment at Beaverton Finest Quality Petroleum Product* SAM E P H O N E — 3231 BEAVERTON, ORE. \