Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1944)
\ Friday, February 11, 1944 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, Oregon Pape 2 RPRISE Babson Says. Continued from Page 1. ... ®enja,S in .Franklin I True Patriot ‘ It is Benjamin Franklin wrote: undoubtedly the duty of all persons H. B . J E t KKlEH, PubUskar which it raises may have very little to serve the country they .live in, ac- nourishment. Hence, it will not cording to their abilities; yet I sin- Published Friday or each week by the Planeer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, raise strong families. cerely acknowledge, that I have hith- Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the pontofflqfe at Beaverton, Oie llave Soil Analysed for Minerals erto been very deficient in this par- For those readers who want not a ticular . . . . I now take up a i One Year _ ___________________ fEOO Subscription Payable In Advance. commercial farm but a small susten- resolution to do for the future all ance farm for raising and feeding a that lies in my way for the service of Beaverton Office— Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 good family of children, there is a my countrymen." Hills bo re Office— Room 6 . Della Bldg., Phone 1641 Portland Office—-308 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater 6691 third series of questions to consider. — ---------- — — ■ -------—— ---------------------- I The farm should be within walking "When the government finds it 1 a/ — ! . . distance of schools, churches and necesary for the common benefit, ad- stores, or else on a bus line; it should vantage, and safety of the nation, for have drained fertile land; and it the security of our liberties, property, should have good neighbors. In ad religion and everything that is dear dition, the land should contain the to us, that certain sums shall be right minerals for making brains, yearly raised by taxes, duties, etc., brawn and character. All we are— and paid into the publick treasury, except for our spiritual and physical thence to be dispens'd by government heritage—comes from what we eat, for those purposes; ought not every U. S. Servicemen Serving drink and breathe. This means that honest man freely and willingly to In M any Rem ote O utposts the soil in which our food and fruit pay his just proportion of this neces- - - - are raised is of great importance In sary expence? Can he possibly pre- American servicemen are on, duty determining our health, intelligence serve a right to that character, if, by in isolated outposts in every contin- and character. any fraud, strategem, or contrivance, ent of the globe. In groups of from | Why do the best trotting horses he avoids the payment in whole or in six to several hundred, according to ¡come from Kentucky? The answer part?” the Office of War Information, these . . is the soil and this applies only to * men are manning radio stations, certain small sections. Why have building railroads, constructing land- the best brains grown in certain val- ing fields and gun emplacements, leys of New England, New York 'guarding supply lines, loading and un-' State, Pennsylvania and Virginia? loading ships, watching the sky for.The answer is that the soils of these planes, and standing by to operate ! valleys, wqshed down during the cen- searchjights. j turies from rocky hills—contain the Others serve on ground crews on ; needed minerals to make the best the hundreds of landing fields along j brains. I have especially in mind GET THE TAX DODGERS the 90,000 mile routes of the Air potassium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, . _ , , , i Transport Command. Most of these calcium and magnesium. If you ! HEN YOU were a kid, did spec a| session of the legislature a(rfieids the men built themselves, ' doubt me, ask the publishers of you always pester to "go x, Cf “ /o ^nl* V? con- regardless of terrain or weather. "Who's Who's” to give you their along” on every ride? And now, 1 e to nermit ‘ "eluding a one landing field in equatorical Afri- opinion on this subject. ,. , - 1 . 1 ®tate taxation of ca waa carve<i ouj Df the primitive; This third factor of the mineral do you get a kick out of hand cox' ix 0* ^ i , ! jungle. The men who built it were content of the soil, Including the ling the wheel like a man? L\ S . T reasury U epartm im l T erT e? COn; top p ed , with their tools.hy p a ra - treatment of the soil, is now very, Women with mechanical abil ™ - n i n / , ^ x i r ,x J J Un, r! f f chute. They got their food and seldom discussed. The Department | t,win,wu . L i , I™ " !nn5 . . . " i - le<l ulPment the *ame way ""til they.of Agriculture has avoided reporting ity are needed In the WAC at business comp* tit ion with private had made tt piace where planes could on it because it is a “hot potato load- once. Other skills are needed citizens ! . ± r^ ? was y.._U“ granted d f ° r , *.OV: ed with dynamite. " However, it Is M rs. Am erica N E W C IT IZ E N S ernniental purposes tax ] land. too. And untrained women can Here Shoes East Six Hays of prime importance to every family freedom. M eets the W a r learn skills that will he useful One of the "toughest” outposts is planning to live on the products of Mr and Mrs. Harry L. Gray, 0333 Today, however, with the govern Ascension Island, 35 miles square, in i its own land. Furthermore, the time I all their lives. 239 types of Army ment going Into commercial activity, the South Atlantic, 10 degrees fromI is coming when vegetables and ! I As soon as housewives are ready to SW Idaho St.. Jan. 20, son, Wm. H. a serious problem faces the states jthe equator and 700 miles northwest ■ fruits will be sold under the Pure! jobs need Wars to fill them. start their 1944 home canning they’ll j Mr .and Mrs. Joe B. Gates, 9509 SW Tax-exempt government business pre- of St. Helena. It is composed of vol- ] Food and Drug Act according to | j be able to use sugar stamp number 46th ave, Jan. 23, son Joe B. 111. vents the development of highly-tax- 7 TE , “ ™ vo‘- ” 7* u ! 40 in War Ration Book Four for this ! (d private enterprise. It enjoys the ! Can‘C rOCk' clnderB' a*h and c lin k e r s , then mineral content, whether sold a little soil, and one oasis of vegeta- fresh, canned or dehydrated. Som e 1 ~ ... [purpose. It will be valid through M arriage Licenses privilege of using all public facilities tion on a mountainside. The knife- beans may be cheap at $10 per on Jour 0,14 P° o <e w February 28, 1945, (13 months), and such as roads, schools, police service, like edges of the volcanic rock can bushell, while other beans, which ap- ; K*ve y °u the address). Or write will be the only stamp validated for Nils A. Peterson and Evelyn L. Re- fire protection, etc., without bearing wear out a pair of stout G. I. shoes pear just the same, may be worth The Adjutant General, Room 4415 canning sugar. However, housewives ber, both of 5922 SW Kelly ave. any of their cost. day«. only $1.50 per bushel and good only to Munitions Building, Washington, ;?vh° ?i‘sh to can and Preserve more Henry G. Price, Seattle, and Ellen When government goes Into busi in A six mountain rises sharply from the eat for bulkage. Hence, by all means .. ,, fruit than can be put up with this 5- C. Molin, 1612 SW Spring Garden St. ness in competition with its own citi hlllocks of ash. Its c liffs drop consider this mineral content, needed ' ¡pound per person allotment may, ap- David P. Ryan, Jr., Dorchester, zens, the products it manufactures sharply hundreds of feet to the deep for brains and character when buying Pty *°° their local boards at a later Mass., and Marianne V. Strauss, and the property it utilizes for pro sea where the combination of wa- I land. If you cannot afford to con- * * * * * * * * date. Beaverton. ducing the same, should bear the ter, wind, and rocks spells peril for suit a high class soil expert, go to Soups on! And if it s split pea same tax burden as does othei; busi Bmall boats Travel across the narrow the nearest graveyard, study the RATION ROOK RTMINTiPR soup—it soon will be costing less. The ness. To keep up morale, the Air Trans ledges of the mountain Is almost headstones and see how long the pe- „ HA I »VI» OUUA nilT llIlU L n reason is that the OPA has brought It is to be hoped that California equally dangerous ople lived. Cut thi* out and keep lt ln your dry peas—whole or split—under price port Command once flew a whole works out a plan for taxing govern ------------- ’--------------- Why Germany is Hard to Lick Purse or billfold. control. This means a slight reduc- bowling alley to an arctic Army out ment business activities the same as | r .n n r l A rJ v ire f o r The bowling alley was cut i I pass on just one more thought for ADVANCE PORK RATION— tion as retailers get in new supplies. post,. it docs industries that maintain gov into sections for shipment and piec readers to ponder over. It is this: j OPA has validated these 216 meat ernment. ed together again upon arrival. —Buy 4th War Loan Bonds— O r e g o n I* a r m e r s I OO Some years ago when I was in Swit- ] points for advance use in purchase of Other states should take up this -------- zerland making a study for the New I pork on the farm only: Hast 96 subject at the next session of their In an address delivered last week York Timet», a Swiss scientist said to brown points in book No. 3 and red legislatures. "Europe will always have stamps numbered " 8 ” and lettered in Oklahoma City, Ark., E. K. Gaylord me: There “A" through "M” in book No. 4 (each suggested that in- planning for indus trouble with those Prussians. T h e W o rld ’s News Seen Through INFLATION, THE BOGEY MAN trial development after the war, Ok- is something in the soil of Prussia red stamp good for 10 points, re- lahomians should not let .those plans which grows people with that fight- gardless of the point value printed on T he C hristian S cience M onitor European peace ts un- j them. "The threat of inflation is being blind them to the state's greatest nat ing instinct. Art In tern ation al D aily N ew sp a p er used as a bogey man to Induce a na ural asset, agriculture. "If every alterably linked up with the minerals RATION BOOK NO. 3— is Truthful — Constructive— Unbiased — Free from Sensational tion to accept soctql reform, regimen proup of leadership in every town in of the soil.. Permanent peace in Eu- j Brown Stamps, for purchase of meats ism — Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily tation, limitations of opportunity and Oklahoma would undertake to Bee | rope will come about only by system | fats, etc. Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make incentive. Before the war ends, It J that every farm in their county was atically moving people about. That: Series V valid on January 23. the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. will be used to hide social economic I properly terraced, was promptly i is the only way physical, economic] Feb. 26—Expiration date of brown mistakes and to conceal from the [ planted In crop rotation and was fer- and spiritual opportunities can be stamps V, W, and X The Christian Science Publishing Society public the sad state o f economic af-|tilized with lime and phosphates in equalized." March 20—Expiration date of brown | One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts fairs Into which the nation has been reasonable quantities, the production j Certainly there is a relation be- stamps Y and Z. Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. thrown. per acre would be increased at least ! tween soil and fatigue. For a scien- RATION BOOK NO. 4— Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 • Year. "Inflation comes when there is too 40 per cent In the next five years.' tifie study of fatigue, send ten cents Processed fruit and vegetables Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents. much money and too few things to to the Medical Journal and Record Feb. 2(P-G, H and J expires. N am e_______________________________________________ . __ ___ buy. High prices result from Infla Publishing Co., 667 Madison Ave RATION TOKENS— tion they are not the cause. Infla New York City for Dr. Max B. Ger- ! Februaiy 27—Starting date for use A ddress__ _________________ „ _ tion is avoided, or remedied by In son’s article published in the Medical of red and blue ration tokens. creased production not by regula Record of June, 1943. SAMPLE C O P Y O N REQUEST SUGAR— tion. To date, our government has Stamp No. 40 valid for 5 lbs. home done much to promote inflation, in P. S. Churchill believes In the 1m- j canning sugar "Julius Caeser!” cluding propagandizing it, and noth portanoe of soil. This is why Jan 16_ ,g ta m p N o . 30 v a lid fo r 5 No answer. He is dust in the grave. ing to prevent it " —F. H. Sexauer, land will try to take Belgium. Hoi- ,bs Good Jan 15 to March 31 —"Napoleon!” President, Dairymen's I,eague Coope land and other Low Countries *nto I SHOES— No answer. Go on down the list rative Association of New York. Stamp No. 18 in book No. 1 and and why no answer Because all the Pritish Commonwealth and is B E T T E R G O PPCO willing to leiave Austria, Czeohoslo stanlp No. x on airpiane sheet in are dust In the grave. vakia and the Baltic States to Stalin SAVE THE CHICKS book No. 3 valid indefinitely for one —"Jesus Christ!” x pair of shoes. Up from the grave He arose. FUEL OU^- Sinless. Christ took our sins that The loss of a baby chick a few Not more than 37 per cent of the hours old wouldn't seem to have any we might have His righteousness, 1 season's rations should have been hearing on our 'toar effort, but the [ He became stn for us, that in Him To the People ; used to date. Period 2 coupons valid War Food Administration is con we might become the righteousness ¡Nov. 30 to Feb. 8 ; period 3, Jan. 4 to of this Community cerned over the loss of baby chicks of God — BIBLE. See 2nd Corinth. March 14. Coupons have 10 gal. unit In shipping, as a result of suffoca 5:21. THINK IT OVER i value with some worth several units. tion. chilling, over heating, or mis- What do the church bells say? How about doing a little cold tur GASOLINE— handing.. R is asking the coopera They bid us worship the Father and W ith key thinking after you lay aside March 21— Expiration date stamps tion of railroads, express and postal the Son until the day when Christ this newspaper tonight'’ (No. 10 in A book (three gallons employes in more careful treatment shall return. The Lord Himself shall You've got a good job. The People’s Colum n each). of little chicks. Aside from the im descend with a shout and the dead In chances are there is someone else B-l and C-l stamps worth three portance of giving all living things Christ shall be raised to glory. in your family, * IMÙMI HTM WM HMDS., gallons, each. B-2, R-2, B and T A thousand years later the lost humane treatment, the practical ne perhaps two or stamps 5 gallons; D 1 l* gal. E, 1 cessity for doing so now Is urgent. dead shall be raised for Judgment. three, working. gallon. If saving a baby chick Is Important Which for you? Glory or Judg Your son or TIRE INSPECTION— your brother — In conserving the nation’s resources, ment? Christ or self? may be away A card autos every 6 months or by lt Is equally important to aave all at war. September 30 (inspections) must be useful products and materials. I<et This war must others besides those handling baby at least 90 days apart.) end sometime. Clatskante, Oregon chicks, take this lesson to heart and B card autos every 4 months or by and get Your whole fam- This space paid for by an Oregon save time and material wherever pos October 31 (Inspections) must be at ily. vour neigh sible It all goes Into the grand total businessman. I least 60 days apart.) bors, are praying it ends soon and of production which Is necessary to C card autos every 3 months or by those fighting boys of yours will M ORE R ESULTS The worst thing about growing old [ assure victory. Nov. 30 (inspection must be at least come home safely. is having to listen to a lot of advice 45 days apart.) But will you be ready for what from one's children . ever happens when peace comes? Commercial vehicles every six Cords Bruite Easily Will you have something laid away’ months or every 5000 miles, which You Get Four Tim es Your M oney as Don't let electric cords get knotted We're all hoping there'll be jobs ever occurs first. or twisted, and don't shove them in aplenty, jobs which mean making STOVES— something ipr somebody's happi to a drawer any-whtch-way. Such Purchase certificates obtainable at ’ SAVE Y0UB TIRES— ness and not for somebody's sor rough treatment wears out the insula local ration board. row. That's where your War Bonds tion and leads to exposed wires and BUY DEFENSE RONDS WOOD, SAWDUST, C OAL come Into the picture. Sure. Amer possible shock or short circuits and icans own billions of dollars of War Rid« a B«f—Right to the door Fuel dealers must deliver wood, blown fuses, explains Mrs. Julia Klene. Bonds now; and before this 4th War Run in the Four Papers sawdust and coal on priority based director of Home Economics Institute of the Loan ends they will have put away on consumer need, with those having at Westinghouse Coll permanently billions more. But how about you’ For the Ordinary Price Charged by attached cords loosely around appi! You're the one that counts The I 'ess than three months’ supply com ing first. bigger the pile of War Bonds you ance when not in usa—wait until ap have when peace comes, the big- O N E PAPER pliance cools, of course. Hang extra ter chance you'll have to slip right On Taylor St., bt. 4th & 5th cords over a thick wooden peg. nto the post-war world you're PORTLAND dreaming about tonight. WANTED W A N TE D T a tty Foods So "Lei's 4U Back the Attack." THE EDITOR Dinners— Lunches is ti# S War jä S s * " Keep It Flying Can yon Drive a Car? W CALL THE ROLL Get FOUR for ONE WANT ADS 4 WAR LOAN PPCO W A N T ADS Winter Garden f BRICKYARD FACTORY W0R1 Essential Industry E X P E R IE N C E TURKEYS Banquets Portland's Finest In Quality and Service Claude Brereton AT THE W I N T E R CAR D EN Beaverton Enterprise Tigard Sentinel Multnomah Press Aloha News ALSO C. V . W A L L A C E — Signs & C ards— Rl. Bx 1, Tigard, Oregon. Opposite the Joy Theatre l’ H O N E TIGARD 23SI Live Poultry and E gg» Receiving A Dressing Plants Portland, McMinnville. Salem. Albany. Eugene, Roseburg. Redmond. Oregon. Main Office and Plant Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. • You % ALW AYS get MORE for YOUR Money at the B IG F O U R Fam ily Pioneer Publishing Co. Phone Beaverton 2321 ATwater 6591 t I