Friday, January 28, 1944 All About the New Token» > « Housewives will be able to buy about the same amount of rationed processed foods and meats and fats Portland, Ore., Jan. 28—The 33rd as they are now buying when the annual meeting of the West Coast new ration token plan goes into ef­ Lumbermen's association will be held fect February 27. TW O Cents a word per issue H E L P W A N TE D on Friday, Jan. 28, at the Multno­ I s b o r r iv - llo f But-IV«f Boners Major S. L. Damon chairman of mah Hotel, Portland. The program N O TH IN G LESS TH A N 25c Swift /k Co. North Portland Plant the Beaverton W ar price and ration­ opens at 9:30 a. m. A luncheon pro­ CASH MUST ACCOMPANY Employmant office 52» N W 4th ing board announced this week that gram will be focused on post-war Ave.. Plant Phone AT. 3003. 52-57 point values will be adjusted slight­ planning, with A L L C LASSIFIED ADS Oregon's Governor ly at the time tokens go into use ift Earl Snell, W C LA President Orville NO ADS T A K E N O VEK PHONE order to keep buying power on an I R. Miller, and Charles L. Wheeler. RABBITS W A N T E D even keel. I President of Rotary International Under the token plan 30 points i3 j and executive vice president of Pope W e P u b lis h th e BEST P R IC E for Rabbit fryers, D. stamps will become valid at the be­ [ and Talbot, Inc. speaking to the as- P. MacDonald, R2, Bx 218, Beaver­ ginning of each two-week period for jciation’s members and guests. BEAVERTON E N T E R P R IS E ton. Phone Beaverton 2260. We the purchase of meats and fats. T IG A R D S E N T IN E L | For processed foods 50 points will pick up. M ULTNO M AH PKESS Bee Supplies Scarce ; become valid the first of each month W A N T E D —Live KaoDits, to buy i under the token plan. ALO H A NEW S now. Top prices paid. Rabbit Meat Queen bees and package bees are The red and blue tokens, about the Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. size o f a dime, will be given in extremely scarce and unless folks Phone SUnset 1722. Open week j change by merchants when house- who are planning to purchase them Complete Eastern Washington County days only until 7:30 p. m. orders in right j wives spend their stamps at the be­ this year get their and Western Multnomah County away they are likely to find that ginning of each period, Coverage. i Starting January 15, the O P A will their orders can't be filled, according We assume no financial responsi- i M ISC E LLAN E O U S make checks of gasoline coupons at to information from the state depart­ biiity tor errors which may appear in In fact, some banks where sheets of the coupons, ment of agriculture. advertisements published in these W IL L C ARE For Children even­ j bearing the filling station's name, are bee houses are already turning columns but in case where this paper ings. 'Aloha 6521. down orders for this season. Inci­ ! deposited by oil distributors. is at fault will reprint that part of . This inspection will be part of the dentally. beekeepers will find • the an advertisement in which the typo­ C O N F ID E N T IA L IN V E S T IG A ­ | OPA's intensified drive against black price of queens and package bees is graphical mistake occurs. TO R part time to make W ar In­ market gasoline operations. Gallon- up about 10 per cent over 1943 dustry and Insurance investiga­ age represented by the unendorsed tions on people in Tigard. This j coupons will be ordered deducted —Buy 4th W ar Loan Bonds— I* O K ¿ A L E will require very little of your | from the ration account of the depos- time, and you will find it interest­ | iting distributor, who, in turn, will FOR SALE—3 cords of seasoned slab wood. 5225 SW 49th, Glen- 1 ing as well as remunerative. Ad­ >be forced to call upon the offejiding dress reply to Box 530, Portland, j filling station operator for valid cullen. Phone BE. 5825. 52tf j giving age, occupation, education. stamps to replace the unendorsed FOR SALE —Oil circulating Heat­ er 4000 cu ft size, like new. Oil drum Dcild stock picked up free of ones. and 55 gal. oil 350. 8908 SW Can The consequence of this procedure 5 charge anywhere. Call • j yon Road, Portland. 52 collect. UN. 1221; night call is that service station operators who continue to accept unendorsed cou­ D ENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO., Century Oil Burner., complete $75. | Portland. pons will find themselves gradually Universal 4-burner Gas Range $30. going out of business for lack of Portable Chicken Coop 12 hens P A P E R IN G —-Painting, and Paper­ supplies. size $25. 8908 SW Canyon Rd. Marmalades made from citrus ing, neat experienced workman. Portland. 52 Some retail­ L. L. Seeley, Phone Beaverton fruits are point free. 2516. 50tf ers haul confused the jam and jelly k Mechanics work 48 hrs. per weekU FOR SALE—Austro, white, laying regulations and were still collecting k 40 hours straight; 8 hours time J Hens eight months old. $1.25 ea. points for citrus marmalade. k and a half. Good working condi-k Call Sunday. Tel. AT. 3453 6475 | H ID ES * WOOL, CASO A K A —A specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW 5 tlons. Permanent employment. ^ SW Capitol Highway. 52 Clav. Portland. Atwater 5334. To Get 70% of Seed» FOR SALE—2 cords wood—cut. Farmers, victory gardener and oth­ See Mrs. Magathon, Enterprise FU R N AC E & Sawdust Burner ser­ er civilians will receive 275,252,000 Bldg., Short and Highway, vice and installation. Phone pounds or 70.3 percent of the supply Beaverton. tf CHerry 1236. 41 tf o f vegetable seeds allocated for all needs through June 30, the W ar Ad­ FO R SALE WOOD—16 in. green ministration said recently. Although FOR TOW C AR call V E R M IL Y E block and slab $10 per cord in 2 j certain familiar varieties may be MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. 506 SW Mill BE. 3021 cord load; green slab 16 in. $9 a missing next spring, no gardener P O R TLA N D cord in 2 cord loads. Ruben will need to be without enough seed CUSTOM TR AC TO R W O R K -Let Johnson, Newberg Star route. for planting. us plow your garden. Howard Phone 193J. 51tf Wm. Smith, Johnson Rd. & Divis­ FO R S A LE —Green slab old growth i ion sts., Phone Beaverton 2462 54 4 ft. Delivered in Beaverton or ; Multnomah $8 in 3 cord loads, $7 ft P A IN T S del. to Tigard, Sherwood or Aloha. C. J. Staser, Carlton, Oregon, Bx. 373. * 50-53 S car w ashers ! MECHANICS W ANTED ! | J OREGON t MOTOR STAGES J BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS PA TR O N IZ E H. B. W ISE Essential Industry IM.I'MBKK CH E X PERIENC E NO T NECESSARY AT FIRST APPLY AT ^ ¡ s T 6 6 6 666 TABLETS, SALVE. NOSE DROPS FISHER THORSEN PAINTS W A N T E D —Woman for light laun­ dry in your house or ours, also wo­ man for housework one day a week. Telephone Beaverton 3847. J. B. Cronnelln 46tf For quality, fair price and service J. B. Imlay & Sons R E E D V IL L E MEN for SHIP SCALERS As a special service and convenience to our subscribers, we ere offering bargain prices oa your newspaper and favorita magazines. You can get this paper either in combination with any one o f thesa great popular magazines, or with the Î- Magazine Special below. Select the offer you like best . . . then fill in tha coupon and send it to us. Please do it right away, before paper shortages make it impossible to fill all subscriptions ! | Apply basement of Labor Temple Local No. 1404 Portland, Oregon A n y M a g a z in e L i s t e d a n d T h i s De Laval I Monroe Ur if el I N «M t«tim -i l Mitri bo laion* ton IV C R Y T H IN G f [ 1 P ark A T . 6461 Riverview Cemetery W EST END SELL WOOD B R ID G E CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY C o m p le te F u n e r a l S e r v ic e In N e w C a th e d r a l C h a p e l a t N o E x t r a coat Riverview la a co-operative aaeo- clatton with aaaeta of over $800.000 stormtroopers t AMERICAN STYLE .. A L x c w & .-iiv * - -♦ * .' ' . W a s a The surging power must go through: for power on the home front produces firepower on the fighting front. N e w sp a p e r, B o th fo r P r ic e Sh o w n S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T A N D S U P P L IE S FOR THE D A IR Y IN D U S T R Y 51 I Only This Newspaper Can Offer Such Reading Bargains FO R LOCAL SH IPYARD S, EX­ P E R IE N C E UNNECESSARY, 95c A N D U P P E R HOUR ON D A Y SH IFT, C LE A N IN G AND P R E ­ P A R IN G SURFACES B EFO RE PA IN TIN G . .» y ALOHA. ORE. SAVE MONEY ON YOUR NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINES W ANTED I □ □ □ A m e r ic a n F r u it G r o w e r ! 1.75 A m e r ic a n G i r l .............. 2.50 A m e r ic a n H o m e ............ 2.25 □ □ A m e r ic a n P o u lt r y J rn L B e tte r C o o k in g Sc H o m « m a k i n g ................ 1.6* 3 .4 5 □ B ette r H o m e s & G a rd en s 2.25 □ B o y ’s L i f e ....................... 3 .1 0 □ C h ild L i f e ....................... 2.95 O C h ris tia n H e r a l d ......... 2.50 D C o lu m n D i g e s t .............. 2.95 □ C o u n try G e n t le m a n . . . 1.65 □ D o g W o r l d ..................... 2.50 □ F a rm J rl. Sc F ’r m ’rs W i f e 1.65 □ F lo w e r G r o w e r ............ 2.50 □ F ly in g A c e s ..................... 2.50 □ H o u s e h o ld ..................... 1.90 □ H y g e ia ............................ 2.95 □ L ib e r t y ............................ 3.95 □ N a t u r e (1 0 Is s ., 12 M o .) O D □ O O p e n R d (1 2 Is s ,1 4 M .) O u t d r s ( 12 Is s , 14 M o . ) P a ren ts ' M a g a z in e . . . . P a t h fin d e r ....................... 3.45 2.25 2.25 2.50 2 .0 0 O P h o t o p la y • M o v i e M ir r . 2.50 □ P o p u la r M e c h a n ic s . . , 3.25 O P o u lt r y T r i b u n « ............ 1.65 O S p o rts A f i e l d ................... 2.25 C Sunset M a g a z in e ............ 2 .0 0 □ T ru e S t o r y ....................... 2.25 □ T h e W o m a n ................... 2.10 □ Y o u r L i f e ....................... 3.45 5 - M a g a z in e S p e c i a l ! When storm-driven snow and ice pile inches thick on slender copper wires and snap these arteries o f fightingpower and drag to the ground long lines o f poles, P G E ’s linemen become stormtroopers in the best American tradition. f A t peril to their safety they force their way through the ice-laden gale, wrap steel cables around fallen poles and hoist them upright; then chip their sharp-pointed climbers through the ice-crust • and mount the slippery poles and refasten the new-spliced strands o f copper. PG E proudly salutes its 250 linemen— those troopers o f the storm who willingly accept the wartime assignment o f keeping more thah fifteen thousand miles o f power lines in service, carrying a quarter-million horsepower o f energy T h is Maws p e p a r mnd S O ra af CENTRALLY LO CATED Close to bua trans­ portation and walking distance from downtown. Parti finder ---- 1 Yr. M Household Mag. 1 Yr. * Trot Story...... 1 Yr. **••*•» American Poultry Mm farm Journal * Farmer s W ife 1 Yr. ™ Journal ...... 1 Tt. 5 to scores o f vital war plants and to twenty thousand food-for-victory farms «T # 3 USE THIS COUPON in a PGE-served territory bigger than the State o f Connecticut. For— the surging power must go through. CHack m agasin»a d a iira d and la n d coupon fa U til itawapapar tad a rt Gear lernen I enclose I ___________ Plesso •and me the magazine checked, or the 5-Magarioe Special, with a year • sab- script,oa to your newspaper. J. P. Finley & Son MORTICIAN FO URTH AT M ONTGOM ERY ATwaUr till Portland G e n e r a l Electric Comp any it. or R P. D.. Pas* O fiea ___ SEND ALL ORDERS TO B e a v e rto n E n te rp ris e B ea verton , O re g o n delivering fightingpow er 1 ^ SYLVAN PLANT Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feed» W ANTED SW 1282 — 743 Mapleoreat Court Steady Work with Overtime BRICK WORKS s COLUMBIA 132« S. E. Water Ave., Portland 13» N W BE W ISE AND MODERNIZE ,0u0 round tbn-clock war job» ,000 food-for-victory farm» Buy • n c U t h t ' W a r b o n d s . . . h e l p br i ng ’ em ba c k In *44