Friday, January 28. 1944 B E A V E R T O N ENTERPRISE, Beavîrton, Oregon Pagre 2 U. H. JEFFR IES. PubUaher Published Friday or each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton. Orugon. Entered aa aecond-daee matter at the poetofflce at Beaverton, Oie. _$1.00 Subscription Payable In Advance. One Year Beaverton Office— Enterprise Bldg., Pbone Beaverton 2321 Hillsboro Office— Room 6, Delta Bldg., Phone 1641 Portland O ffice -408 Panama Bid«., 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater 6091 4 /a mU\ 0 «EC l0 ® f^ S B 4 P EI Ä T I ON P U B L I S I fE i J * « ri' • Gas Coupon Mailing May Be Arranged ONE It is God who put that urge into your heart. TWO—The urge may be to hunt up your brother and to say that it was your fault and then to get his forgiveness. Or it might be to go back' and square up an old grocery bill. THREE -Obey that urge in thg faith then God will not let you down Square up or the outsiders will say— “If he is a Christian, I do not wan* to be one.” Do you put Christ to an open shame? Do you block the door against the man for whom Christ died? OBEY THAT URGE. SQUARE UP. “ It is- God which worketh in us both to do his will and to do his good pleasure.”’ — BIBLE Phil 2:13. .•f «» i H H H Want a New Career? The top shelf in the l.itchen is a familiar and often conv.nient place The year 1944, when they writs to stow away jams. Jellies and pre­ the history book, will maybe be serves, but not ehe place to keep known as Che year when "Adolph them in best condition, advises the U. walked the plank” or, the year when S. Department of Agriculture. Now "McArthur and Halsey marched up that these spreads are rationed, Main Street in T ok yo”. Also, 1944 keeping them safe from spoilage is is sure to be known as the year | more important than ever. The warm OU CAN very likelj find just ’ moist air that raises in the kitchen “when we harvested our greatest crop of EX-Senators.” the chance you're looking for ! provides a favorable atmosphere for The period during which a person —in the WAC. i mold growth and fermentation. The wearing a 6 and one-eighth hat could | heat may soften the paraffin on hook onto a coattail and be swished If you haven’t a skill, Army I jelly enough to loosen it and let in into the Senate, is nearing on end experts will teach you. Perhaps 1 spoilage organism. Heat and light I been reading where down at tile you’d like to drive a jeep, work | may lade the bright natural color old circus lot, they are putting a new at teletype machine, or help di­ and even effect the flavor. These name over the main entrance. They rect airplane traffic. products, like canned food, keep best are taking down the old sign “ New in a cool, dark, dry place. Whatever you do, you will get Deal” but the new sign going up A check-up now of the spreads on “Win the War" looks kinda nervy. valuable training—learn Inti-r­ hand may save them from future esting things—and help get this It is already the slogan of everybody trouble. Look for sticky juice leak­ in our U.S.A. war won. ing from a preserve or » marmalade Putting 2 and 2 together, you don' t TODAY—get full details at 1 jar, or a drop of bright juice on top need a very big crystal ball to see the nearest C. S. Army Recruit­ of the paraffin that covers jelly. that some of the star folks who ing Station (your local post office | These are signs that the seal is bro­ have been performing on the trapeze, will give you the address. Or ken and the food exposed to spoilage etc., on the old circus lot for Che write: The Adjutant General, Reseal jelly by removing the paraf­ past several years, will be going into Room 4415, Munitions Building, fin, wiping the inside of the glass winter quarters soon. Washington, I). C. clean and dry, then pouring on Yours with the low down, enough hot paraffin to cover the JO SERRA ! jelly. Rotate the glass so that the t * * * * * * j melted paraffin will run up to the ; rim on all sides and form a tight ! Lumber was a California Industry ¡seal. Jelly cannot be reheated b- 1 two years before that State's famous Today, most of the RATION BOOK REMINDER cause it loses its “jell”', but other I “gold-rush” . Cut this out and keep it in your spreads like jam, preserves and but­ ! gold has been mined-out, but new purse or billfold. ter may be if care is taken not to timber is growing there faster than ADVANCE POR RATION | scorch them. Lift off any mold that ever. OPA has validated these 216 meat has formed, turn the spread out into The amount of new wood created points for advance use in purchase of a double boiler to heat through and pork on the farm only: Last 96 melt, then put it over direct heat just annually by forest growth In the brown points in book No. 3 and red long enough to boil. Pour it boiling South weighs about 200 billion pounds stamps numbered ”8” and lettered hot into clean containers and seal. i —30 times as much as the total pro­ Sometimes the wrong containerp is duction of cotton. "A" through “ M” In book No. 4 (each red stamp good for 10 points, re­ - reesponsible for spoilage. Jelly glass- Tell it with a classified. gardless of the point value printed on I es are all right for holding jelly, conserve and marmalade, but jams, them. RATION BOOK NO. S— j preserves and fruit butter are safer Brown Stamps, for purchase of meats j if put up in sterilized glass fruit jars. fats, etc. Jan. 29—Expiration date of Brown Double dividends in lemon juice are stamps R, S, T, U in ration book 3. the reward when the lemon Is warm­ Series V valid on January 23. Feb. 26—Expiration date of brown ed up a few minutes before using. A good way is to cover it with warm stamps V, W, and X. Marsh 20—Expiration date of brawn water and let it steep for a few’ min­ utes before it is squeezed. stamps Y and Z. RATION BOOK NO. 4— ni=iii=iii=iH=iii=iii=iii=m=iii=Hi=iii=iii=iii=iii=Hi=Hi=m=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=Hi=i|! Processed fruit and vegetables Feb. 20—G, H and J expires. RATION TOKENS— B E T T E R GO PPCO in February 27—Starting date for use I i of red and blue ration tokens. SUGAR— 1 Jan. 16—Stamp No. 30 valid for 5 jjj ijj lbs. Good Jan. 15 to March 31. s SHOES— ■ ñj Stamp No. 18 in book No. 1 and i stamp No. 1 on airplane sheet in T i 2 book No. 3 valid indefinitely for one III With pair of shoes. ¡n FUEL OIL— ■ People’s Column in Not more than 37 per cent of the = season’s rations should have been used to date. Period 2 coupons valid I m Nov. 30 to Feb. 8; period 3, Jan. 4 to i| March 14. Coupons have 10 gal. unit i § value with some worth several units. ï m GASOLINE— March 21—Expiration date stamps jjj ni No. 10 in A book (three gallons i| each). = B-l and C-l stamps worth three jjj Ml gallons, each. B-2, R-2, B and T 3 and get Ml stamps 5 gallons; D 14 gal. E, 1 gallon. M l yj TIRE INSPECTION— MORE R ESU LTS i| jjj A card autos every 6 months or by 3 September 30 (inspections) must be m jjj at least 90 days apart.) jjj You Get Four Times Your Money as B card autos every 4 months or by n October 31 (inspections) must be at Ml jjj least 60 days apart.) i T i jfi C card autos every 3 months or by Q j jjj Nov. 30 (inspection must be at least 45 days apart.) I Ml Commercial vehicles every six Run in the Four Papers months or every 5000 miles, which­ ' ¡Ü ever occurs first. jjj For the ordinary price charged by O N E paper STOVES— Purchase certificates obtainable at local ration board. I I WOOD. SAWDUST, COAL Fuel dealers must deliver wood, jjj sawdust and coal on priority based »i on consumer need, with those having less than three months’ supply com­ ing first. Y Clatskanie, Oregon A plan of mailing gasoline ration This space paid for by an Oregon coupons to motorists from "carefully guarded central Issuing stations" is businessman. now being established nationally in metropolitan centers and is "under En Route To Victory consideration" here, according to OPA. Do you enjoy the sight of happy, The main purpose of the nsw move carefree children having fun? is to help eiiminate thefts of ration So do we . . . . coupons from rationing boards which Even when the complex—sometimes last year took a nation-wide toll of they seem unsolvable—problems of 142 million gallons of gasoline. today beset us, the honest grin of a It is hoped that the new system four-year-old boy, or the shy smile of i will afford a more accurate check of a little girl reaffirms the validity of Draw the Purse Strings Uhe actual issuance of gasoline ra- our way of life and the need for still {tlona and at the same time ease the further effort to ensure its preserva­ According to t)he National Indus­ i burden on local boards. tion. trial Conference I$pard, private debt America’s children are the Nation's was reduced by almost two billion stake in the future. It is up to us dollars during 1942, with a further A Grover Cleveland Snow to see to it NOW that that future reduction likely in 1943. Mean­ shall unfold a brighter era than that while, publio spending and public Hello Folks: Well, we have shore got a regular presented in our time. debt has soared to dizzy heights. This While our Armed Forces are fight­ Cleveland is a continuance of a trend that has ole fashioned "Grover been in evidence for more than a de­ snow” all over Oklahoma and the ing and winning against a foreign The "weather men” foe, let us here at 'home Join the cade. The initiative and produc­ middle west. tive capacities of private citizens say the records show this to be the March of Dimes—January 14-31—so have been Increasingly displaced by biggest snow storm In our regions in that infantile paralysis victims may Join with us in our march to ultim­ government. War has greatly speed­ 52 years! I can remember when I wuz a kid ate victory. ed the trend. If you happen to be n socialist, you will be cheered by way out in the "No Mans Band t h o m a s M c C a r t h y the prospects. But If you believe In country” (now the Panhandle) how Funeral services for Thomas Lee private enterprise and the superior­ it used to snow in big blizzards and ity of individual opportunity, you will freeze our herds of cattle and we all I McCarthy, native of Portland, who look upon expanding centralized gov­ blamed every calamity in them ole I died Sunday of last week, was held days on ole Grover Cleveland and the Friday at Finley’s chapel with the ernment with a chill. My Rev. L. R. Buckley, pastor of the Col- Shrinking private debts mean that Demmlkrats who wuz in power. fewer new enterprises are being father Jined the Populists and my i lins View Evangelical church, offici- Interment Riverview Abbey launched by Individuals. Opportun­ big brother Jined the Republikane, i ating. ity and savings are not available to and both expected to help save the Mausoleum. He was born April 9, 1917. He had start anything new; old, established hole world, but shucks, they couldn’t Industries are not expanding with save it from the Demmlkrats after carried mail more than two years Now , I reck­ and was a member of the Letter Car­ private capital. In short. It means the “Hoover Deal!” He was a veteran of If the trend continues there will be on we are headed fer another ” Re- riers union. fewer Jobs In private industry, which publikan Deal’’, but It took another the marines, receiving a medical dis­ He is survived by his par­ is the same as saying there will be world war to git ’em "the bats" again charge. Even Franklin ents, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Mc­ more and more jobs on the govern­ if they land ’em. Delano wants no more “New Deal.” Carthy, Portland; sister, Mrs. Cather­ ment payroll. BARBW IRE BILL ine Graf, Washington, D. C.; two After the war, the purse strings brothers, Donald McCarthy, Salem, must be drawn on the public spend­ and David McCarthy, Wright field, ers or they will tax away oQr initia­ Share Your Car, ' Ohio. tive and our freedom. Or Else! A movement has been started BEWARE OF SHADOWS among the states to limit the taxing All war price and rationing power of the Federal government. Don’t let the children read or study Fifteen state legislature have passed boards have been instructed not to In their own shadows. And, don’t resolutions for a Constitutional am­ issue B or C mileage rations to any­ do it yourself, warns Miss Myrtle endment to restrict Federal income one who has not formed a bona fide Fahsbender, director of Home Light­ nnd inheritance taxes In peacetime to ride-sharing arrangement, carrying ing for Westinghouse. Shadows rob Ap­ you of light and this may twenty-five per cent. Such an at least four persons regularly. lead to plicants who have not made such ar­ amendment would not take away eyestrain. Try to avoid them: When rangements, must go to the boards the power of the government to levy reading, it doesn’t make any differ­ taxes for needed revenue. It would and do so before they can get their ence whether light comes from the take away the power to destroy tax- renewals. right or left- simply place lamp at paying industries. one side of chair and a little bit back of your shoulder. When writing, sewing or performing any other man­ WAS IT YOURS? To the Pe o ple ual task, place lamp at left if you are o f this C o m m u n i t y right-handed, and at the right if you Youngsters get a thrill out of are left-handed. watching a paper box burn on a bon­ YOU ABE IMPORTANT fire. They love to watch the thick There Is no such thing as u BOILED CUSTARD curling smoke and the sudden burst ‘ 'little’’ investment in the Fourth To get a smooth, thick boiled cus­ of flames. Their parents could learn War Loan. tard cook slowly over a low heat, a lot from those boxes. Houses burn Your $25 or $50 or $100 Extra the same way—at the rate of one stir until custaid coats the spoon, War Bond may not have great im- then remove from the range and every other minute. Sixteen people f p o r t a n c e in iH SOUGHT HIM m bOhOb , your mind In pour Into serving dishes. Should a day are turned from living beings making up a 54 ¡custa d curdle while cooling because to corpses, in the ashes of these hous­ billion dollar to­ es. Annual property loss from of too-lntense heat, take off the tal for individu­ dwelling fires exceeds $100,000,000. range immediately, put in a pan of als. Most o f this loss in life and property cold water and beat with a rotary But multiply is attributable to ignorance and care­ egg beater. y o u r s e l f by lessness in the home. 130,000,000 and Not long ago In Detroit two boys then you see in sharing a second floor bedroom were real perspective C. V. W A L L A C E found dead in the upper hall by fire­ how truly great each citizen be­ comes In massing national strength men responding to an alarm. Their — Signs & Cards— against the Nazis and the Japs. death was wholly unnneceesary. In­ Kl, Bx 1, Tigard, Oregon. Capt. Maurice Witherspoon. Navy stead of going out the open windows chaplain aboard the Carrier Wasp Opposite the Joy Theatre of their bedroom, they attempted to when she sank, tells of a rescued PHONE TIGARD 2381 fleo down the stairs. They died in­ wounded sailor, who, as he re- stantly. They had never been taught ained consciousness, asked; ’ ’Did that In a burning house the stairwell do my best?" In usually converted into a flue. And That’s the only question you, too. they didn't k now that when a bed­ Sick Room Needs—Sunfraenp Ice have to ask yourself when you de­ room door Is hot to the touch. It's a Cream — Magazines, Films and cide the extent of your personal sure sign that It's fatal to open It. Developing partietpation In the Fourth War Loan. The lesson from such a tragedy is WANTED E L L IS PH AR M ACY obvious. Every family should be fa­ There undoubtedly will be large PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS single purchases of War Bonds in miliar with simple precautions that L. W. EUls. Prop. CHerry 3103 this community, but yours—if it is - . f.vinrd life in the event of fire, “ your best” will deserve equally and of greater importance, prevent We Deliver Multnomah. Ore. the red. white and blue shield you % fire from sturtlng. Most fires break are privileged to display in the win­ ALSO out In «lefcetlve chimneys or a faulty dow of your home. furnaces and heating pipe«. Heating So "Lei** AU Back the Attack.” systems should be cleaned and check­ Live Poultry and Eggs THE EDITOR. ed periodically. Basement, ceiling, TIRE CAPPING Receiving & Dressing Plants: and walls should be protected with a Portland, McMinnville, Salem. double coat of high grade cement Highest quality materials, modern Albany, Eugene, Roseburg, plaster on metal instead of wood lath. equipment, skillful workmanship. Redmond, Oregon. There should be a clearance between SAVE YOUR T I R E S - furnace and celling of at least 3*» PROMPT SERVICE BUT DEFENSE BONDS inches, with proper Insulation of heat1 Main Office and Plant pipes which pass through wooden 1 B id« a Bus— Bight to the door large Truck Tire« Done at Once partitions. , Iairge Stock New Seiherllng Tires of the While you read this article, some­ Immediate Delivery where a home was consumed by fire. Was It Yours? RAY GRIMSHAW 525 S. E. Union Ave. EA. 1171 "If, to please the people, we offer 8. E. Oak Street, Portland, Or«*. Portland, Ore. Ou Taylor St., bt. 4th & 5th what we ourselves disapprove, how Phone EAst 5141 PORTLAND can we afterwarde defend our, work? ' Let us raise a standard to which the I Tasty Foods wise and the Just can repair The | Dinners— Lunches event Is In the hand of God."—George I Washington Banquets The World’s Neus Seen Through Portland's Finest In Buy 4th War Loan Bonds Quality and Service 4 WAR LOAN f TURKEYS Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. Winter Garden Claude Brereton Cash Buyers Victory Beal Estate Co. 4616 NE Sandy Blvd. T R . 3769 Res. G A . 0648 PORTLAND, OREOON he C h r is t ia n S c ie n c e M o n it o r AT T1IK. An International Daily Keu i paper WINTER GARDEN T ru th fu l— Constructive — Unbiased — Free from Sensational- '*«» — Editorial» A re Tim ely and Instructiva and Its Daily Features, Together with the W eekly M agazine Section, Make the M onitor an Ideal Newspaper foe the Hom e. For I to 10 Acros I * proved List With Us For Quick Sale« T Fruit, Nut, Flowering and Shade Tree«. Rote«, Berra Plants Shrub*, etc. Send for new fall and spring cata­ log. Fall planting starts In Novem­ ber. Tulip bulb# are planted now, folder on request. Tualatin V alley Nurseries Sherwood. Oregon The Low Down From Hickory Grove Jam Protection OBEY T H A T URGE Tha Christian Science Publishing Society O ne, N orway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price $12.00 Y early, o r $1.00 a M onth. Saturday Issue, including Magaxtna Section, $2.60 a Year. Introductory O ffer, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents, Name _________ _________________________________ A d d ress_____ _______________________________ SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST Get FOUR for ONE I i I ¡I WANT ADS I 1 PPCO W A N T ADS ! Beaverton Enterprise Tigard Sentinel Multnomah Press Aloha News You ALWAYS get MORE for YOUR Money at the BIG FOUR Family Pioneer Publishing Co. = Phone Beaverton 2321 ATwater 6591 Ml i = lll3lM=IM=lll=MI = HI=lll=lll=MI=m=IM=mSlli=lll=lll=IM=IM = MI = in-xlir5(M3Ml3lllslll=lll=lll3 PAINT ERS Experiei need Fo r Stead] f Work on Housina Protects. $1.32 Per Hr. Shipyards $1.21 ) Per Hour Also Inexperienced M ay He Trained A p p ly Painters' Union Room 207 Laitor* Temple