> i P U B L IS H E D W E E K L Y IN O U R P L A N T O N V O L . 16, NO. 52 S H O R T ST. A N D C A N Y O N H I G H W A Y Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, January 28, 1944 Don't Bnrn Ferns Now T / * » i . / * E S T A B L IS H E D 1927 Bits of News About Our Boys Auction Sale At High School Funeral services were held January 27 for George Senich of Beaverton who passed * away Friday. Jan. 21. His son August, obtained leave from The following letter was received the Army to come home. by Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lincoln from Bill Stratton has gone to Arizona their son Dick, who is an air corps "The next few weeks during Feb for his health. He was accompanied Rationed goods o f all kinds will be cadet stationed at Harlingen, Texas. ruary and March is the most danger as far as San Diego by J. J. McMa put on the auctioneer’s block Wednes Dear Polks: ous fire season o f the year” , cau hon, who is visiting his two sons in day, February 2, when a combined tioned James Lewis, Keep Oregon the Marines there. I sure hope you had as merry a ' bond auction, talent show, and band Green county chairman. “ Don't burn Christmas as I have had. I really ! recitals will be presented in the Beav- A birthday party was held for the fern, because ferns are now dead, had a wonderful time. The army ! erton high school gymnasium at 8 p. and they dry into a highly innflam- first and second grades of St. M aiy’s gave us Friday night, Saturday night, jm. The two-fold purpose of the pro- The room mable fuel under two or three days Home for Boys recently. and all day Sunday off. Our pass 1 gram is to furnish entertainment and was decorated in a festive manner of sun, and these fern fires once set into Mexico Sunday really topped it ' to add impetus to the Fourth W ar and each child received two presents. all off. I Loan Drive. o ff burn fast and hot.” Three servicemen who formerly at “ Last year more than 22,000 acres We got up early Sunday m orning! The talent show, six acts which of land, much of it in valuable young , tended St. Mary’s visited the school and crowded into the first buss to have been chosen from the student forests, went up in smoke through during the week, Robert Colton, sol i Harlingen. From there we hitch : hody of the public speaking class, carelessness in setting fern fires,” ! dier now stationed in Kentucky, and 1 hicked to Brownsville about 20 miles j open the program. Grace Rich, the county chairman pointed out. Leo Beaudoin, from Camp Adair, distant. W e had very good luck soprano, Walter Payne, cornet solo- “ Our citizens in this county did a , and Michael Kaunert of the Navy. and got to Brownsville about 9 30 a Mary Pointer, pianist, Mary Jane good job in holding down man-caused : Today at 12:30 the P. T. A. is spon m We then changed all our money Martyn, whisler, Jack and Jim God- forest fires during the regular sea soring a stage show by Rubeo and ! into $2 bills and silver. (The Mexl- I win- banjo and guitar duetists, and son, and we must do equally as good Rubyo, world-famous clowns in the cans will not accept any other Am- j Uaurene Mayfield, declaimer, are the grade school auditorium. Included a Job during the spring months." | erican money, as it seems a lot of , members of the show. The Keep Oregon Green associa in the show “ Funville Follies” are 5 The band will provide interludes our currency fell into Japanese hands acts of fun and frolic. tion is posting ail areas in western I although they did not get any $2 bills with such favorites as "You're a An evening of five hundred, bridge Oregon with placards warning or silver. They are taking this pre- Grand Old Flag," "Missouri Waltz” against burning fern, Edmund Hayes and pinochle was greatly enjoyed at Norman Bishop will act as I caution to prevent them smuggling it etc. executive committee chairman, ad-1 the Beaver Social club's card party jinto the United States through Mexi- auctioneer. Beaverton merchants vised, and the cooperation of the held in the Masonic Temple Saturday oo.) We then caught a small bus have donated the goods with ration citizens is urged because fires dur Bridge Prize-winners were Mrs. Hun- which took us across the Rio Grande i P °'nts which will be furnished by American army engineers use un Itulinn locomotive to into Mutamoris, Mexico. students who have extra stamp points ing war time takes men away from kapillar and Mr. Steraling. consola clear wreckage ami haul freight on the Naples waterfront. valuable war work in the lutnber and tion Mrs. Ruby Boyd and Hiram Sipe. The town of Metamoria is exactly as the only payment. They have «luhhctl their engine the ‘Hieneral Mark C.lurk The purchase of any denomination logging industry, besides doing un Five hundred: Mr. and Mrs. Wood, the way you would picture it. It told damage to young and growing : bobby prizes to Mrs. Brookhardt and Special.” (Rural Press Section—OW 1) has very narrow muddy streets, an of war stamps or bonds will be the forests which grow in the fern cover. Mr. Gearhart. H. A. Budd and Mrs. astonishing number of rough looking " n •' Emission for the entertainment, State Forester Nelson Rogers stat- Kootz won top prizes in pinochle, con saloons with a spattering all around j _ , “ 80% of Beaverton s ed that only 5250 acres of forest solation went to Bertha Williams and More Volunteers Needed of broken down, caved in wood and otudent Body Officers land patrolled by state and private Dewey Drorbaugh stone shacks. Two blocks from the , l n ( i . 1 I „ J F rirla x r Quota Received Door prizes were won by Nellie Monday for Plasma Bank agencies were burned in man-caused center of town (in any direction the " T F ” Drorbaugh, Mrs. fires during the entire protected sea Ackerman, Mrs. At least 152 pints of blood must Eighty percent of Beaverton's quo- concrete streets cease abruptly and fl * " ¿ * ¿ ¡ £ ¡ 3 for ‘ the ^eco^d’ ^ m Carrie Summers, Mr. Grauer, Mrs. son of 1943 and most of this was be donated at the local blood donor ta of *250 has been raised, re- from there on.out the street, o f the • otaST «S slash burning, but more than five | A. H. Wright and A. V. Kuse. center Monday if Washington county ports Leonard C. Johnson, chaiiman town a,e bottomless mud holes. The j jn a88emWy clim ax of the cere Elmer Stipe is gradually recover times as much land was covered in ing from a case of acute indigestion residents save the 280 lives of wound- for the Infantile Paralysis drive in heart of the town is the maj'ket mony was hit when Norman Bishop these early spring fern fires. Every Indication points pace. It coveis one entire block outgoing student body president re- I which has confined him to his home ed service men assigned for January. Beaverton. Mrs. F. Abendroth. to an amount far beyond this quota and you cant possibly imagine how k th , £ Mollle O’nnn according to since Christmas eve. Last when all donations have been re- many tiny shops they ^ 1 '° blood bank chairman Soldier Home on Leave | Herbert Thyng of Portland, broth- county nell, incoming prexy, who defeated ______ er of George and Paul Thyng of Friday 128 pints of blood were con-|ceived. Business men, Churches, and into so limited an area, lined with shops Gei.e Springer and Verne Lusby. Bob Barnes. Army Engineer, ar- Beaverton, passed away Monday, Jan. tributed, 12 less than the minimum l individuals are to be commended for side of the block is line Bob Myers, will be vice-president; quota of 140 pints for the day, and the splendid response in this worth and the inside of the block is fairly, „ at£awa secretary Dick Reed rived home on furlough last Wednes- 24. He had been ill with pneumonia, this must be made up Monday if -this while endeavor. Donations have honeycombed with narrow twisUng treaaurer j f m sTncuir is new stu day morning after flying across the The Ladies Aid of the Congrega- district is to keep faith with our j been generous, and appreciation here- passageways bordered on both sides dent ^ ma Dorothy See Uirited States to get here. tional Church meet Friday at 11 a. fichtintr men she pointed out I in is expressed for the fine coopera- with tiny dark little shops. There . , , t t V “It feels good to be at home,” he m. at the church. have been made forjtion received If you have not en- must be several hundred, of them In ’ f £ y Poinier was r e e le c te d r e ^ r ^ r ' commented ‘‘especially dnee you The Women’s Society of Christian' ! ___ Appointments u tv «,.».. • - - —...... — — — i „, ,. . . . w , 1 . . ___ Ih o Ma.rr-h n f n m e s Ho a n n that one block As w e w a k e d _____________ . L " a r« - c ie i.ie a r e p o r ie r , — furlough.” ' — - -* ■ er Describing his cross-continent flight, Bob mentioned the fact that, “ we only ran into one snow storm.” It was the first time he had ever flown and he was enthusiastic about the trip. He has a fifteen-day leave and ex- pects to oe home ten days. 01,he of -M^ od| Geo. í , C h A. u r c -h "” l at the home Mrs. Brown Business manager « Jan. 25. Mrs. Van Meter o f Portland the Masonic temple, across from the the c ity -H e lp Beaverton go well over shop keeper8 called t us In broken | fl |d o f the gave a stimulating talk on Mission aries Tea was served. ddnt J1®, wouId f olI°w US a little ¡Hello Folk»: A group of Portland friends en pointments promptly, or, if unable to Registration Point for way. trying to convince us we were | W e„ here Me ^ plctureB that x __ J joyed a birthday party at the T. M attend, provide an eligible substitute p missing a good buy The goods they , took while I was home on furlough Rules now permit a volunteer to '~ a r9 a n a I M a e r s Leghter home last Sunday. Among displayed were art treasures, nothing on January 4, 11M4 this is mv bov the guests were Judge J. R. Mears donate blood four hours after eating An office has been opened in the less. Some of the leather work was friond Fav Saxton left (firm» and wife, Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Beaverton Realty Co. office in the [ unbelieveably beautiful. I f I had had on )eft ) : McClure, M,. and Mrs. C. P. Knox, Arrived Friday Rossi Bldg., in Beaverton by the a hundred dollars I would have spent I i told you that I would send those ¡Mr and Mrs. R. L. Reilly and fam i Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Siebert are be American Legion Post where car own- It down there. I spent all my money to you and I hope that you will like H. M. Barnes Distributor ily ing felicitated on the arrival of a ers can list their cars for the purpose before I hardly got started buying, them and ___ Will put them on the wall | Clarence J. LaFond, recently wrote For Veltex Petroleum After I spent all my money I went there with the "rest of your nictures* his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. LaFond Idaughter Heide Sue Siebert on F ri-I0f getting riders and those wanting She weighed T 1 rides may register. This project has on a walking tour around town. Ev- Well will close close this this time time and anti will will Products Here j that he is expecting a 30 day fur day, Jan. 20th. pounds, 20 ounces, and is their sec- j the co-operation of the OPA and is erywhere we went a flock of Mexican see you the next time I come home. lough and expects to spend it at ond child. Mr. Siebert is the genial i thought will help ease the gasoline j children followed us asking for pen- Harry M. Barnes for many years a home. As ever, He has been at Pearl Har ‘ " ~ ‘ Furniture shortage in this area. As has been nies. I am afraid I was very disop- Beaverton _ P v t __ ^ W R IG H T resident o f this community and a bor for some time. JAMES E. He sent home owner of the 'explained before all cars wherever pointing. The Mexicans were v e r y ; 39318175 7th urn* " A A lT 'wVarneV well known oil distributor, announces several different items cut out of co- store. J (lossibie should carry its limit in pas- friendly and offered to show us the ' Neb. ’ ’ that he now has the agency for the ooanut shells, ash trays, etc., and 1 sengers, and for this reason an of-,city. I _ . Veltex Petroleum Products in this some funny comic cut outs from well Boys Spend Christmas fice has been opened where car own-! In the afternoon we went to a bull j Dear Mrs. Gilham: territory and invites your patronage. known comic strips. He is getting ers and riders may contact each oth- fight. It was the opening fight of i A fter traveling about 6800 miles I He has his own plant and equipment to be quite an artist with his carving At Goltry, Oklahoma er. the season and prtces were boosted am stopping here for a few days, at on the hiway west of Beaverton where knife. Word has been received here that The office will be open every day accordingly. I paid *1.50 for a | Camp Claiborne, La. I believe I he has been in the oil distributing busi- i Emil Hedburg is confined to his John Rohrbach, Wilbur Jannsen except Sunday. Everyone is urged to ring side seat. This price was clear-’ have seen about all of the U. S. as I ness for the last 20 years. home with the flu. this ly out of reach of most of the Mexi- ! have been In the NW, SW SC NC Mr. Barnes says the Fletcher Oil a report was made this week to and Paul Sorbits, all from Aloha- cooperate as soon as possible in cans so the crowd was mostly white. NE, and SE corners. As yet l ’ am Co. who manufacture Veltex quality the local chairman of the Fourth Lib- Huber-Reedville community, enjoyed necessary' work. ----------------------- The arena was small but very gaily • not assigned to any outfit perman petroleum products have their own erty Loan, that a man and woman in the Christmas holidays with John For Gasoline, Stove and Diesel decorated. The six matadors were ently, although I am now with the late modern refinery and are able to a car had been soliciting money for Rohrbach's uncle and aunt at Gol- John Rohrbach is in the Burner Oils phone Harry Barnes, introduced to the crowd with loud 1712 Rwy. Oper. Bu. I was with the manufacture the finest gasoline and j the bond sale in the Barnes district, ¡try, Okla. burner oils which are comparable to jt 1S not known how much money air corps, as is Wilbur Jannsen, but Beaverton 3231, Distributor for Veltex fanfare from the trumpet section of ¡764th Rwy. Shop Bu. but left that to Petroleum Products. the band. They were elaborately j come down here to this outfit as it any on the market today. was collected, if any, but residents Paul Sorbits is with the navy. costumed and wore the traditional is being rounded out for overseas ----------------------- are taking a chance when they give Bond Sales Below !two horned black hat, also the arti-1 duty, I would like to be back in Visits Aunt ¡ their check to strangers—they should A. G. Larson Elected . ficlal knot of hair in back. The cos- , good old Beaverton once more but give only to canvassers whose names tumes were lacy with knee breeches ' that, I doubt, will be possible for a President Virgil Pekule spent a short time Last Drive were published in our paper recently, ....... and they wore shoes with large buck-1 good long while. ------- ' or if in doubt, make the check pay- with his aunt Mrs. John Rohrbach Reports from canvassers working les on them. They bowed, smiled Your Little Soldier He is with the medical A. G. Larson was installed as presi- able to the bank, where it can be recently. on sales of Fourth Liberty Bonds in and strutted all over the arena. A IL Pvt. JOHN E. F IL L E Y dent of the Cedar Mill Community checked. corps at Fort Lewis, Wash. Washington county were rather dis- six were trying to steal the crowds ASN 39-341-737 Co. A 712th Rwy. Club at their meeting this month. The Cheerio Club met last Friday appointing, as only 27.*% of the applause, from each other. F in a lly' Oper. Bu. Camp Claiborne, La. P. A. Thorne, will be vice-pres.; at the home of Mrs. R. R. Summers. Sell Home counties quota had been sold, as of after the last ripple of applause had ! , ■ , Mrs. Frank Young treasurer; and Guests were Mrs Mable Goyt and Monday night, *47,701.01. W. C. died down they let the bull out. He Dear Sirs: Mrs. W C. O’Conner was re-elected Mrs. Carrie Leonard, Mr and Mrs. Levi Bjorklund left Christensen, chairman of the finance was not very large but had very | I am getting along fine in the and installed secretary for the third: Mrs. Carrie Leonard is home again last week for California to make committee . reports I like _ it rather well. ___ that ___ the __ . pace set wicked horns and was fighting mad. | Navy. _ The successive year. Committee chair- after a three weeks visit with her They were guests at a by wori{era in the county is not up He ran around and around the arena food is very good and the work isn t men are: Mrs. Frank Young, mem- son Wm. Leonard. He is a first Lt. their home. dinner at the Henry Hagg home be to the third (oan drive alld urge8 the making short rushes at the men who too hard. I guess its better than the bership and attendance; Mrs.H. F. and stationed at Seattle. They have sold theii re8identg to respond more liberally tantalized him by waving a scarlet army after all Bastian, publicity; B. B. Reeves, Ralph Nickerson who has been fore leaving. The counties cloak. Everytime the bull rushed The V6-USNK-HV division means house; Mrs. A. R. Pearson, program; home on a furlough, leaves Tuesday house and sight acres adjoining the to their country’s call. quota is *1,741,400. th<* Matador. He would wait 'till recruits that are signed up for the W.. L Hempy, civic and industry; W for Monterey, California. He has Hagg farm. -----------------------Beaverton has sold 15% of their the last split second nnd then step duration and six months. It has I. Heinrichs, reception; Mrs. H. A. | been in Alab.ama for some time and For Gasoline, Stove and Diesel qUQta Qf $244,000 or *38,068.75. • lightly aside. Slowly the bull began nothing to do with any branch o f Ward, commissary; H. F. Bastian. has just been transferred. Burner Oils phone Harry Barnes. ___ ________ Tigard reports ______ sales of *77,787 or to tire, his charges became more de the navy as I previously thought. ways and means, and Mrs. G eorge; A marriage license has been issued Beaverton 3231, Distributor for Veltex 40<~. ” of their quota o f *191.500 RAYM OND V IR G IL M EYER liberate and deadly. He would paw Foege. welfare. to Carl Lo Conto and Marie Carter, Petroleum Products. Tigard. Oregon th* ground between each rush. He both of Beaverton, Oregon. didn't know whom he should charge Co. 1108-43 Camp Bennlon, Farragut, A miniature minuteman flag, which Beaverton W on— 25-21 Returns Home Birthday Honored next with all six Matadors standing Idaho. is presented each week to the room I left with the group the 21at of with the largest purchase of bonds Making their bid for t championship »round waving their cloaks. The December, 1943. . I believe my or- Mrs. Shirley DeYoung has returned and stamps per student, has height A H in n p r n « r t v V A « r l v M i J a n u a r y *»»*»!»* ~ .. . . . A LJecp mner . 1VM ,Lf » / m I T j recognition, the Beaver quintet, in a ™ain picador finally picked up two der No w aj 1QM3 from FV>rt Lee, V a, where she has ened interest in the bond campaign Q ♦ thJ Ar- fu r io u s ly fo u g h t contest, nosed out very wicked darts, walked boldly u p : ________ been visiting her husband Roy De 1 at the Beaverton high school by pro ® at. th* o ng K , on |njury.,-tdden Viking crew from to the bull and skillfully plunged Lt. Colonel bull and sKmruiiy plunged L t. Colonel Leland Shay spent a Young. She intends to be with her viding spirited inter-room competf- Nault na Mae on her birthday* Forest Grove 25-21 on the local court them Into his back between the six day leave with his father and mother in Portland. ! tion. Friday, January 21. shoulder blades. The bull went mad,' children, returning to Camp Tyson. First won by Miss Maxwell's alge Local People Lineup- Beaverton: Slovick, Reed, he snorted and threw his head back Tennesse, Tuesday night. bra class, It has hung in honored GirU Working for Springer, Lusby, Jennings and Blake, trying to get rid of the pain in his Willard Erickson, son of Mrs. John state in Mr. Webb's and Mias Barnes Buy Registered Bull Pledge A Bond Fund . back. He charged a few times more Ericson, has moved into his mothers i rooms, and now is the prized posses House Warming but he was getting bewildered and home on Main street and she will A registered Jersey cow has been sion of Mrs. Metzler's room. _____ frightened. He couldn't touch a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Weed, The Beaverton Camp Fire Girls The high school has sold *26.715 in purchased by Frank B. Dayton of were out in force last week soliciting war stamps and bonds to date. This _____ ____ from ___ _ _ _ Grace _ _ _ A. H a crowd of 40 members of the man and they had stabbed him w lth 'fo r * while. Beaverton T. _ B A subscriptions for the Beaverton En is almost half o f the *60.000 goal the Denney. The animal is Masterman's Aloha Grange surprised Mr. and Mr* darts The Matador slipped up and Walter L Myers left Beaverton terprise in an effort to raise money students have set for the year Ellen F 1213804 A registered Jersey Jay Frost at their new home recently stuck two more darts In him and the January 20th for a week In Washing- to buy a bond—or as they announce Games were bull went mad again and charged ton including Seattle. Wenatchee and The grade sohcol sold *46915 dur bull purchased by William A. Jen at a house warming — “ Pledge A Bond.” * The girls are ing January, totalling *4.344 95 for the nie from R Beamish of Tigard The played Mrs. Emma Prlbbenow and wildly. By this time the blood was Spokane in the interest of North- working for a good cause—'help them ipmester name o f the animal is Aim Valiant Mrs A J. Gaunt won prizes Re- streaming down the poor bulls back, western Christian Home fulfill their pledge Georgs Klein has been In a base Waste paper of all descriptions has Raleigh and his registration number freshments were served with Mrs. he was very cautious now, his spirit Harold Bergquam, Mrs. T. J. Nault was broken. He didn’t know what hospital In Australia for a couple of been filling the high school shop is *36349. The whereabouts of all registered and Mrs. Joseph IiOrentzen in charge, to do next. Now he was ready for weeks, according to a letter received room since January 17, when the Annual Birthday Dinner The Matador unsheathed by the Thyng family recently, paper drive, which will continue un Jerseys is known and carefully A beautiful picture for the living the kill. watched over by The American Jer- room was presented by Mr Heinrich a large sword, at least a yard long Sherwood M Davis of Troutdale. A program on China was enjoyed til February 11, was launched. sey Cattle Club, with offices In New in a few appropriate words on behalf Then distracting the bulls attention route 1, died January 19 He w n Beaverton citizens who have waste January 27 when the Church Wo This important job i* of those present. with the cloak and suddenly plunged father of Mrs Ruth Nordln of Feav- mens association met at the home of paper to contribute are reminded to York City -----------------------the sword between the hulls shoulder erton He was 72 years old Mrs Luke Bleakney Mrs. Otto call the high school office for boys made possible through registrations | Friends of Mr. and Mrs. William blades clear to the hilt. The bull Rasmussen's Oarage has been re- George had charge of the interesting to help them unload their paper, andtransfers made by Jersey Breed- ers everywhere Tattoo indentifica- Fryett of Bremerton, who recently Just backed up a few steps and pahlted and the shrubbery cut. Gett- program Those attending were stated I. R. Metzler. principal tlon somewhat similar to fin ger-1 owned the Reedvllle store, will be In rolled over dead.. They dragged Ing ready for Spring business, asked to wear Chinese costumes or William P Fry- him out and let In another one.; A group of thirteen m em bersof the For Gasoline, Stove and Diesel printing keeps individuals of this i terested to learn that bring some article o f Chinese origin dairy herd always known. |sU is now a seaman 2-e on duty at This procedure was repeated until Beaverton Grange attended Pomona This was the annual birthday meet Burner Oils phone Harry Barnes. the Captain o f the port's department four bulls had been killed. Then we at Hillsboro Wednesday. Beaverton 3231. Distributor for Veltex ing and a large attendance ■ at San Francisco left I don't know how many more Sunday dinner guests at the Mc- Buy 4th W ar Loan Bonds Petroleum Products. present. • _ __ _____________ were killed that day but I do know Ketvher home were Mr. and Mrs O. I You get quick service st Beaverton that that lt th# last bull fight I will ( A. Qtlmore of Wes* Slope and Rsv. I f someone wants It, you can sell While li» Beaverton b# sure ts satt While shopping est st the Orejr- Greyhound Coffea Shop see for a Ion* long while. ^nd Mrs. F. Sturtevaot It with a classified ad. • I the Greyhound Coffee U t f hound Caffee Shop Beaverton. srr l:p — - ■: r, 2~ « . ■ = - *•—