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About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1944)
PUBLISH ED W E E K L Y IN OUR P L A N T ON V O L . 16, NO. 50 Why He Is Hedging SHORT ST. A N D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, January 14, 1944 The Marines Take Tarawa E ST A B LISH E D 1927 U. S. W. V. Hold loint Installation County Goal $ 1 , 741,400 The United Spanish War Veterans of Beaverton held a joint Installation ! with the Auxiliary at 3 p. m. on last Saturday, January 8 at the I. O. O. F. I hall and at the same time the annual I inspections were made. State Com-1 Large Group Plans imuuter E. A .Smith was unable to be ThoiOUqH CdnVASS present, but the Department was * _ represented by Adjutant Alfred H a « -! of ^ sy>urth W ar riman. who acted as »»»tailing offl- wm t under ln Washington cer. and by Inspector Ered Humph- county next Tuesday morning with reys whose speech high pointed the nparly 600 vo,unteer workers deter- --m o n ie s . mined to put the county “over the Officers of Beaverton tam p No. 31 , t •• on lt„ , li74t,400 quota in the for the ensuing year are: OrveJ C. 8hortest p o « lble tlmp q w u h nearly Uilstr&p, commander; Ik M Barton three tlmea the numbpr f Sr. vice-commander; ¡John Boyd, Jr. j avaliable than for Babson Discusses Postwar Employment Babson Park, Mass., Jan. 14— I am much interested in President Roose velt's plea that we forget the “New Deal” until after election next No vember. The general belief is that he is saying this at the urgent de mands of certain Southern and other Democrats who fear defeat. My hunch is that Winston Churchill has y | ^ 't » - ( * n i . I - VI V Io lm r n lV v o r v ln i n • k1 1 * begged him to change his tune. HM ’ Wm. Wood- w 5 drlv*' Pre8* nt Plans order « * » tor a house : J v Van Court, adjutant; to hou8e canya^ py_ Churchill is tremendously anxious for | cock ck, quartermaster;_ O tto_ Egberg. ery !H)ssiblp purchMer an op Roosevelt’s reelection to a Fourth officer of the day; Thos. E. Harris, portunity to buy. Term and has been giving him some officer of the guard; Carl T. Erick good economic advice. Although the county quota for the son, color sgt.; H. A. Putnam, Albert Churchill’s Cure for Unemployment . . . . . . , Fourth War Loan is smaller than Both Roosevelt and Churchill know i n * „ »“ E ’, ‘ n - taT that set ln the last campaign, the Department President Edith Parks nt j 174l400 , mu8‘t b% ralsjed there mayr be a terrific unemploy | of Newberg conducted th e. in sta lls-;b non. banU MurceBi H . L. MacKen- ment problem both in the United tion for the ladies auxiliary. Other zip and w c Christensen, c<vchair- States and throughout the British department officers present were Ida of the war flnancc comm,ttee. Commonwealth after World W ar II. May Jones of Multnomah Hazel deolared Since the bonds must be Churchill argues that the govern Hoffman and Althea Howell of Me- ld to lndlviduals, corporations and ments of these nations cannot then Minnville . L*la Skelly, Zidon.a Q u te k -u x -l , bodies. ^ ^ continue their present “middle-of-the and Pearl Black of Portland. Other mlttee haJJ been matertally expanded, road” policy of trying to please both guests included a delegation from The county ha8 ^ dlvidpd ,nto six leftists and rightists. He believes Oregon City Portland and N e w b e r g ftreaa under general chairmen. Then that the returning soldiers will Insist | Toe following auxiliary officers eaph of the areaa h u a bond upon employment, but that to give were obligated. | mlttee in each school district. This such means either taking the present Lura Gilstnap, president; Nina „ expected to assure the contacting shackles off employers and investors, Barton. Sr. vice-pres.; Mary Parsons, of every patriotic citizen in the coun- ESCAPE— The Marine standing over the pack howitzer wears a helmet with two holes in it. or else following Russia and making N A R R O W Jr.. vice-pres.; Dollle Baker, ohapkun; ty during the drlve. our industries state-owned. There | A bullet entered the side and left in front, while the Marine was wearing the headpiece. The smoke iscaused Hannah Stockmeyer, patriotic in- q uota# Announced | by the powder from the howitzer and by sand and coral kicked up by projectiles from Jap guns. can be no half-way compromise. structor Minnie Haley historian and Washington county’s $1,741,400 goal Naturally, President Roosevelt does conductress* Maud Hawkins, score- hR8 bpen brokpn down into thp fo,_ not like such advice; but he has tary and Mary Cavaness, treasurer. ,owing arpa quotas: Hillsboro $644.- People Asked to Donate great confidence in Churchill. Roose R. B. Doty Appointed A chicken dinner was served at 6 ^ Forest Grove, $453,000, Banks velt is a great compromiser and has Recorder-T reasurer Funds to Fight Paralysis ! ” o'clock. „ .. , . $93,600, Beaverton $244,000, Tigard hoped to bring us out of postwar un Edith Parks was the principal $m S oO and Sherwood $115,000. employment by continuing to play to It is again necessary for us to ask speaker at the dinner hour. At a meeting of the Beaverton City Her | BrPakdown of tbp county quota as employers, labor leaders and consum our people to help fight Infantile Pa- theme was W ar Bond purchase». She . to t Fathers on January 3, R. B. Doty of , PCUrit,ea that must be ers Churchill, however, insists that ' to carry on during this year, said is an ardent worker in thl. field and sold durlng the Fourth W ar Loan was appointed recorder-treasurer. such a course is suicidal. Appar Ray L. Antrim, chairman of Wash- at New committees appointed were: present is endeavoring to sell runnlng from j anuary 18 through ently, Roosevelt is, at the moment, jralysls by donating the money needed enough bonds to have an ambulance j February 15 Is Finance— M. N. Metcalfe and R. F. $774,000 series E. taking Churchill's advice; but Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: ington county chapter, the National airplane named the “Spirit of ’98” in $io4>fl00 in F and G bonds and $189,- whether Roosevelt will continue to do Spencer; water— E. Stipe and E. R. Well, I arrived a Fort Lewis O. K. foundation for Infantile Paralysis Sheets; streets and sidewalk— E. R, honor of Spanish War Veterans. This ^ othpr BPfnlrUles In addition so after November sixth is a differ If I pass a test tomorrow, I get a The results obtained in the work is being sponsored by the na- , 672900 (s the quota allocated to cor- Sheets, R. F. Spencer; property— E. chance at flight training so I'm sure Inc. ent question. ■ past is our justification for asking tional auxiliary which organized last p o ^ o n . ln the county, Stipe, R. F. Spencer and M. N. Met What About Policing the World? keeping my fingers crossed. * I guess for larger donations this year. year raised enough money to buy Appn chairmen Named Another factor bothering the New calfe; street lights— M. N. Metcalfe it ain’t so bad after you’re in here With about four times the average | fourteen ambulances. j Searcy has been named chalr- Dealers is the desire of both the and E. R. Sheets. a while. j number of cases during the last year, The property committee consisting Each lady present received either | man of thp committee which will con- drafted and enlisted men to get back Sincerely i the money received from our people a corsage or coiffure flowers duct the Fourth W ar Ix>an battle in to their homes and their od jobs at of Messrs Stipe, Spencer and Met Pvt. FAY SAXTON Table decorations were yellow chry the Hillsboro area. Other area chair the earliest possible moment after calfe discussed real estate values of Fort Lewis, Wash., Reception center. ^helped to give additional medical aid 'and hospitalization thut prevented santhemums. the city owned lots and appraisement Germany and or Japan collapses. men are George Laver of Banks, E, hundreds from being crippled for L. Paldanius at Forest Grove, Mrs. None of our men want to remain prices for same. Sergeant L. A. Blunch, formerly of life. No one regrets the aid given Officers serving for the new year abroad to police the world. Further Robert H. Summers and Jay Olhson West Slope, has received the Purple Naval Flight Training to those unfortunate ones and all will more, Roosevelt naturally is fearful will be E. H. Masters, Mayor; R. C. Heart decoration. at Beaverton, Ferd lin g e r at Sher- He received his be glad to help again this year. Open to 18-year-olds Doty, recorder-treasurer; councilmen wood and W. M. Evans at Tigard, of leaving the policing job to Great wounds in the South Pacific recently One half of the money raised is M. N. Metcalf, E. R, Sheets, R. F. Britain and Russia to do. Hence, it j Next Tuesday morning the differ- and is recovering nicely, he said in a kept ln our county to aid victims of F. H. Goyt, A five-fold boost ir> quotas for na- i pn4 committees will start soliciting looks just now as if "policing-the- Spencer, Elmer Stipe. letter received recently by his moth- | the disease in any way possible. If i val aviation cadets has increased op- 1 e a P i y j n thg morning and it is hoped world” is out of the window and that superintendent water; Fred Antrobus, there are any polio cases in our portunities for many more young tbat pvpry pPrsnn wl|i be ready to Dr. C. E. Mason, the Washington bureaucrats will chief of police; county needing medical help, wheel men to obtain the U S. Navy’s famed I 8ub8cr|be their quota, so that the have to provide Jobs at home in health officer; P. L. Patterson, attor ¡chair, braces or other equipment they $27,000 aviation education, today, re- mpmbpr8 nf the committee will not the United States for the 1,000,000 ney; A. V. Olson, fire chief. can be obtained from Mr. Antrim, ported the Portland branch. Office of , havp to makp a 8Pcnnd call. Reports were made that the water men they have been planning to Box 37, Aloha, Oregon. extension to Sorrento district is near Naval Officer Procurement, 330 Am- A„ thpgp ppoplp soliciting bonds are leave abroad. The following persons are soliciting erlcan Bank building, Portland, which donating their time and effort to this Here is another reason that is ing completion. I funds from the eastern end of the .handles applications in Oregon. cause. Let us all cooperate. knocking «his “policing-the-world” ]county: Mrs. Hazel Bergquam, Rt. Naval flight training is now open idea sky-high. The only thing ne Camp Fire Girls 3, Beaverton, for Aloha; Beaverton— I to 18-year-old high school as well as cessary to prevent Germany, Japan To Earn Money Earl Corrieri Home You can rest assured of a suffi Rev. Leonard C. Johnson; Sherwood 17-year-old boys, provided they are and Italy from rearming is to ration Mrs. Garfield Hite. Rt. 4; Tigard cient supply of fresh bottled milk .currently enrolled in high school in] --------- the amount of iron, coal, oil and Tualatin— Mrs. Enid their last semester or are high school Beaverton Camp Fire girls are so for the coming year but you may get Vern Bishop; Pfc. Earl Corrieri has been vistinr- other essential raw materials which Eighteen-year-olds apply . at the home of his parents, Mr. and these countries must import in order liciting subscriptions for the Beav- it at the expense of your supply of Walker; West Slope— Rev. J. Fritz, graduates. to the U. S. Navy first and If quail- Mrs Joe Corrieri, on a Is day fur- to rearm. This cannot be accom rerton Enterprise, starting next week, butter and cheese, according to state 1 7021 SW Canyon Crest Dr. fied they may volunteer throug’h s e -, lough from Camp McDill, Tampa, plished by treaties or agreements as 1 as a means of raising money for their ments of Challenge Creameries, co lective service for induction in V-5, Fla. He was honored by several auch would develop great internation projects, and will contact homes in operative marketing organization for twelve Columbia Empire cooperative the navy’s flight training classifica dinner and parties at his home. al bootlegging enterprises which and around Beaverton. creameries. tion. Seventeen-year-old boys may would surely lead to another war. Frederick Hopp, of Berthold Rd. enlist direct in V-5. Oregon, which is ordinarily an area Hence, the only practical means of To Assist in Making Son Transferred to Bend of surplus dairy production, is now submitted to an operation at a Port ! Because the flight training is rated rationing these raw materials would Income Tax Returns land hospital, Tuesday, Jan. 11th. unable to fill the full demand for the most thorough and the longest In | be to poice Sweden, France, Arabia, Word has been received that Don- At the annual meeting of the Con the world, only boys in good physical dairy products which has been placed Brazil and other neutral nations. In gregational church January 5th, of Deputy Collectors from the treas condition are eligible. , »'d Diehl, son of Mr. and Mrs. t '"® ’’- upon it by a rapidly increasing popu other words, the victorious nations Boys accepted probably will not be ; Diehl, recently inducted into the need policing Instead of the vanquish ury department internal revenue ser lation and by mounting per capita ficers were elected to fill the vacan vice will be at Hillsboro, Jan. 24-31, milk consumption, according to G. A. cies created by the expiration of sent to school before four months, army, has been transferred »¡or» ed nations! incl.; March 1-15 incl. At Beaverton Brown, manager of Challenge Cream terms. The roster of church officers Any young man who is not found ac- E\ut Lewis, Wash., to Camp Abtiott What the U. S. Should Demand Feb. 8-10 incl.; Sherwood Feb, 21, for eries. This is especially true in the for 1944 is as follows: ceptable does not go Into any other , R* Bend, My own guess is that Russia will the purpose of assisting taxpayers in Portland-Vancouver area which has Board of Deacons: Ernest G. branch of the navy unless he desires \ dominate and protect all East of Ger preparing their Federal income tax shown an increase of more than 145,- Webb, Roy A. Manges, L. D. Shellen- to enlist. Cadets enlisted before Visits Friends in Tigard many; while England will dominate ret ires for the year 1943. Honorary Deacon: Carson they finish high school musit gmdu- 000 people since 1940. In addition to berger. ______ and protect all West of Germany The same assistance is available at this, increased buying power and ra Loftus. ate before they can go on active duty. Mr and Mr> F u McGeorge and and that both England and Russia Board of Deaconesses: Mrs. Bruce Cadets receive eight months train- dau„ hter Joann and Phyllis Joined a will have free access to the North At the office of Collector of Internal rev tioning of other foods has increased Steele, Mrs. C, H. Backlund, Mrs. F. ing at a college handling the navy's , p at thp new home of Mr. lantic. to the Mediterranean and to enue, Custom House. Portland, each per capita consumption from three- day until March 15, which is the final quarters of a pint' per day in 1933 , G. Donaldson. V-12 program, followed by 15 months and Mr8 Haro,d McGeorge in Tigard the Indian Ocean. Through agree Board of Trustees: H. M. Barnes, day of the filing period. to a full pint in 1943. night training. After completing recently. ing to protect Holland, Belgium and Brown explains that while the ma Dr. C. E. Mason, Mrs. J. T. Osfield, this they are commissioned ensigns ’ France. England will indirectly get jority of the 8000 farm families who Mrs. Milton Metcalfe, Willis Cady. in the United States Naval reserve. p ■ i . A control of the Dutch East Indies and To Visit Father Church Clerk: Mrs. H. E. Mason. make up this cooperative organiza Applications may be made in this Celebrate A n n i v e r s a r y the African Colonies of Belgium and In Honduros Treasurer: M. H. Metcalfe. tion are primarily interested in the area by mall or in person to the France. The United States will get Committee on Religious Education: I Portland branch, Office of Naval ________ Mr. and Mrs. W . Johnson were production of butter and cheese they Of nothing but the privilege of paying Mrs. M. H. Metcalfe, Ernest G. Webb. Miss Betty Will left last week for pledge that fresh bottled milk comes American guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Andrew Hill ficer Procurement, 330 the bills! La Ceiba, Hondhros, Central America, first-because of its tremendous Im Miss Beatrice Connaly. Boys he- on Christmas Day and friends and Bank building, Portland I do not feel badly to have the Church School Superintendent: Miss ing given serious consideration will relatives gathered to honor them on for an extended visit with her fath- portance to the health of the public. above happen. It may be best in Assistant, Mrs have their Fresh milk demands must be filled — Amarrette Barnes; travel paid to Portland , their 25th wedding anniversary. Mr. the long run for us to leave the East | er there. 1 She plans to make the trip by air then and only then can milk be used Norton L. Peck. and home again so that they can be and Mrs . Johnson received many ern Hemisphere to Russia and the Music Committee: Willis Cady, for butter and cheese production. This interviewed, given physical examina- gifts Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Johnson British Commonwealth with one pro plane from New York. promises to reduce the production of Choirmaster; Mrs Barrett Randall. tions and aptitude tests. 1 are sisters. viso This Is that we insist on free butter and cheese - a large percentage Mrs. H M. Barnes. Home on Leave and open markets In Asia. Africa and Social Committee: Mrs. H. EX Ma of which will go to army and lend- Smith America for our products. To Poultry Clinic* son, Mrs. Walter Van Kleek, Miss Theodore Hetu Finishes lease use. the extent these markets are neces Dwight Hesterlee, S 1-c spent his Ida C. Felsher. To Be Held Jan. 18th Course at Lemoore, Calif. sary to keep our people employed, furlough visiting his parents Mr and Increased Milk Supply Only Answer Auditor; Doy Gray. The only way ln which Oregon they must never be shut against us. Mrs. O. W . Hesterlee, on leave from The service of installation for these Two "Poultry Clinics” have been I^moore, Calif , Jan 14—Aviation Secretary Hull has the right solution gunnery school at Farragut. Idaho. housewives will receive more butter officers will take place at the morn Cadet Francis Theodore Hetu, son of scheduled In Washington County for for the postwar employment problem He had as hts guest, Albert Laftner and cheese for 1944 is for the supply ing worship this Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore L. Hetu. has Tuesday, January 18th, according to of manufacturing milk to be increas Praises Secretary Hull S 1-c front Minnesota. The Senior Pilgrim Fellowship of successfully completed his basic fly Jene F. Svtnth, assistant county ed. This can be done either by con The greatest statesman in the servation of fresh milk or by helping Bethel church elected its officers and ing training at the I^emoore Army agent. United States is Cordell Hull. He Son Transferred to These are primarily for poultry- Oregon dairymen to increase their they were installed at the supper Air field and now takes his final hur alone holds the key both to the world meeting last Sunday. The officers dle at an Army Air Forces Advanced men to discuss problems pertaining milk production. peace and postwar employment. I Camp Buckley Helen Randall, pres.; Flying Sdhool before receiving his to the health of their laying flocks “ Milk production in the Portland- fo r 1944 are: wish he might be elected President in vice-pres. for recreation. Miss Connie silver wings. and how egg production may be kept Vancouver milk shed area Is now November Otherwise, if Mr Roose Word has been received by Mr. Felsher; vice-pres for program Jack The first meeting In Cadet Hetu's wife resides at Second at a maximum. velt insists upon running, perhaps Mr and Mrs. C. T. Imlay that their son down 8 to 10 percent from 1941 or Manges; vice. P for Pilgrim Fellow scheduled at the Forest Grove Cham and Main Streets. Beaverton. Hull would consider being Vice Presi Charles Jr., has been transferred from 1942 production levels, and is going ship representation, Janet Felsher; ber of Commerce rooms at 1:30 p. dent AND Secretary of State. There Fort Lewis. Wash., to Camp Buckley, much lower unless positive action is secretary-treasurer David Cady. m .; while the second will be at Beav taken to make returns from dairy Is no reason why he could not hold near Denver. Colorado. Marriage Licenses erton High School at 8 p. m. farming equal to returns from raw both offlcea Then, whether Roose Dr E. M Dickenson, poultry vete The OPA crops, grains, cover crop seeds, flax, ed by the OPA’s rulings. velt resigned or continued In office, Charlee John Pfalzgraff. Camp Many to Attend or other livestock.” according to failed miserably when they set a cell White, and Patricia Vivian Ellison. rinarian at Oregon State College, will the country would be safe so long as Henry Hagg, a Washington county ing price on milk and failed to take Tigard, route 1, Dec. 31, at Hillsboro. be present to discuss with local poul- Teacher Training School Secretary Hull is at the helm trymen what can be done about the the production dairyman and director of Challenge into considération A marriage license was issued to problems It is highly important If the price Granville “A fair price in the costs of the dairymen. P S Readers are asking. “What Those desiring to attend the Teach Creameries. Windon, Reedvllle, Or., that poultrymen do all they can to re the chances of government own- er Training School January 17 to 21 msrket place, and not subsidies. Is control act of 1942 had been allowed and Muriel Dunn, Canby, Ore. keep their flocks ln (jood health-- and to function as Congress passed It. rship of the railroads after the at the White Temple in Portland are the »newer.” for that reason, lofcal poultrymen “’What Oregon dairy farmers Oregon today would not be facing a rar ”” My answer Is that most in- naked to register with Mr Vincent. should take advantage of the oopor- Home on Furlough estorg would probably welcome it, Teachers are needed in Aloha for the want”, states Henry Hagg. "Is Intelli milk Shortage for 1944." attend the scheduled LeRoy Parrish is spending a fur t unity and jt the decision will rest with organ- work, and this training will make gent control which will reuslt in While shonptng eat at the Grey lough with his parents, Mr and Mrs meetings. price adjustments which are in line ed labor I don’t know what labor them more efficient. Kenneth Parrish. He is a member with production costs. Such a plan hound C o f f e e Shop. Beaverton. 111 want While In Beaverton be sure to eat of the marine corps and has been You gst quick service at Beaverton was originally written Into the price at the Orejrhound Coffee Shop. stationed In Tenneeeee Tell It with a classified control act of 1942, but was dlerupt- Greyhound Coffee Shop It always pays ta advertise, Bits o f News A bout Our Boys More Milk-Less Butterand Cheese Here and There