Friday, January 7, 1944 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, O regon Page 2 —M USEINCS-. LOUIE JAMES JOHNSON Funeral services were held Jan. 2 Wisdom is denoted by silence- Ig ­ l at Sherwood Methodist church for norance by much chatter. G REED is the ances. er of W AR. Louie James Johnson, of Sherwood. WISDOM is attained o.iiy by gath­ W E. Pegg was in charge of arrange­ ments. He was husband of Dora M.; ering TRUTH. brother and sister in Michigan. In­ H H. JE FF R IE S , Publisher The D REAM ER is at peace, while $ ' ■ dreaming, and in turmoil while pre­ terment at Pleasant Hills cemetery. Published Friday o f each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton. senting his Dreams. Oregon Entered aa seoond-otass matter at the puetofflce at Beaverton, Oie. People of few words, are usually MAX W ESTHOFF good company. Funeral services were held Mon­ - « 1.00 Subscription Payable In Advance. Une Year By Kr.-d P. II. Clyde He is W ISE indeed, who knows his day for Max Westoff late of Beaver­ Hello Folks: llils imhliration assumes no res­ ton at St. Cecelia church. Vault In­ Beaverton Office— Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 Well, Christmas has sneaked up on own mind. ponsibility for views expressed In W. He who builds his house of straw, terment Mt. Calvary cemetery. Hillsbore Office— Room 5, Della Bldg., Phone lM l us again! We are all so busy a this column. Sentiments are ered- E. Pegg in charge of arrangements. must t;uild often. Portland Office—308 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater 6391 bombin’ in the war and all the con­ Ited to the columnist, Clyde, and do —By C. V. W. gressmen and the senators are so not necessarily coincide with our JOHN EDW ARD ERICSON busy a buildin’ their polytickal fences editorial policy. Services were held at the Beaver­ fer the invasion of voters next year, BIRTHS PER ton Congregational church Jan. 3, for its shore rushed to take a day off Had No Feet There’s an old saying: "I wept be- now to sing. Peace On Earth! P u b i i $ i i e £ î 4 4 $ H I AT I 0 I A son was born Dec. 20 to Mr. and John Edward Ericson who died Dec. He was husband of Amanda, cause I had no shoes and then saw a Now, I aint a tryin to throw off on Mrs. P Wayne, 6800 SW 35th ave. He 31 father of Edna Weed, Alice Garna- : (;»/• man who had no feet." y ° u lf y ° u are in ‘ he Christmas Spir- i has been named Harold B. Truly here is a poignant thought '*• Just keep your shirt on and Twins were born Dec. 20 to Mr. t*in, Mary Brande, Earl Carl Willard, j that all of us can carry well in these y°ur slacks if you ain’t jined the and Mrs. Ralph F. Warnock of Beav­ and Wendell Ericson; 13 grandchild- festive hoidays. War-time and hu- Nudists! erton. They have been named Don­ 1 ren and H great grandchildren. W. E. Pegg in charge. man nature makes ’’beefing” about * have some solemn thoughts even na L. and Larry J. our fancied low leveled cup of plenty between bombln reports! Most ot How do 1 know? I ’ve done some the world is in a bad fix! A heap . °^ ** *8 ru*n8' I reckon a lot of I He was the Prince; I the Pauper. fancy squaling in my time. Once in a while I ’m inclined to for- cussedness is a burnin out! Lets ! He stepped down from His throne on ; High and In four short years started get how many friends I have, what Pray ^er better days and set a good , time anew. By word and deed, He fine parents I had, how fortunate I example at home that our boys won’t that they went away and I also set a standard by which every am to have my own home peopled I There’s times , fought fer us to have the right to | ! life must stand or fall. So came with a fine family. that I grouse about the work around keep Christmas in a decent American Christ to dwell among men. I was the pauper, for I had sold ! the place but no matter how much ^ , Juat hear* from our on'y b°y , | out to the World, the flesh and the 1 1 try to convince myself that life’s fror" f ar awa2 * * * » * wbcre be is a 1 devil and they had me stripped. At ' just a big bitter pill—I can always ? ? rvJ n . Ha a Supp|y Ser« eant ‘ » tbe I the end, Christ died under my sins, think of a lot of fellows that have no j • ’ rm* ’ B A R B W IR E B I L L 1 — 1 ; to square me with God. He ascen- Christmas Thoughts C O M £ / ’OJ W it h Prince and Pauper FQSyiCTORY BUY Only the Worthy Remain Free ded back to « lory and *■ ,he Vine .... . . .... , I, the branch, draws my life from Thankless? ? ? Speech Tournament to be As the calendar heralds 1944, grim j. , predictions o f allied political and _ ‘..j read m Bible every day and The ’’on the ground” man on a Un­ Held at U. of O. March 30 military leaders rank foremost in the recommend that you do the same ion job is commonly called shop stew­ minds of aii people. Nlneteen-hun- Gen. Bernard L. Montgomery of the ard, committeeman, or grievance man Eugene, Jan. 7—A speech tourna- ui ed-torty-four Is the year of de­ British Eighth Army to his staff of­ This last term really fills the bill— be­ | ment sponsored by the Oregon High cision. It is the year of total war ficers. cause grief iit is. [ School Speech League will be held on and destruction, death and suffer- Some of my buddies talked me into ¡the University of Oregon campus: tag. It may well be the year of running for this job. Now I have March 30, 31 and April 1, it was j military vittory—thanks to the cour- it und am inclined to wonder and 1 learned this week from Robert D 1 of our lighting men and Ameri­ : wonder. Clatskanie, Oregon ■ Clark, secretary of the league, and j can production miracle. Before the boys used to say—“How assistant professor of speech and dra- : This space paid for by an Oregon Armament production in the United ! businessman. are ’ya’—P. H.” or Freddy or Plow- matic arts at the university. The Slates has reached staggering propor-! i handles. Now it's “ Say, just the guy league is directed by the speech staffs In N every five min i j r- rv i 11 want to see—I gotta beef here.” ¡of Oregon State College and the Uni­ etc» saw the birth of one new com- J u ° 8 e \ e e U lS S O lV es Then you must heartlessly dissect versity of Oregon through the gen - 1 Hole plane. The month’s total was Injunction | his pet and see if he's got a leg to j eral extension division of the state i 8,7x9, of which 1,000 were heavy bom­ stand on; and if he’s a member in system of higher education. bers. More than 150,000 war planes Sometimes you won­ Another step toward the goal of good standing. have been built since the start of hos­ reduced rates for Sometimes its JU LIA A N N O’SU LLIV AN electrical energy der at the ’’beef”. tilities. Julia Ann O’Sullivan, late of Maple- ■ supplied by the Portland General El­ against somebody else for whom Nineteen million tons of merchant ectric Company for domestic and resi­ you’ve never tangled nor had cause ! wood, died Dec. 26. Sister of Mrs. ships were launched in 1043, com­ dential uses among an estimated 100 to tangle with; but if a shadow of a Mary Glennon and Mrs. Edward pared to 1,163,000 tons in 1941. Mass »was incorporated villages and towns in doubt rests in the case you are re­ l O’Donnell of Portland. Naval and shipbuilding has out- , . .. .. . ... .Oregon was taken recently when the quired to do your duty. Kind of like offered at St. Marys Cathedral, con- 1 st‘ ,,,p,w ,ne ‘» ‘“ «»nation of the wild- United Sfate8 Court diBSO,ved an in_ serving papers on somebody—because eluding service Mt. Calvary. est dreamer.. About a dozen a ir-! Junctlon tha th a d prevented Com. that happened to be your job. I've always believed in the past and KOItKKT A. A L P A N A L P 1 7 1 ? w T , tunnage r 1 in contem(|latf)1 rai“ loM r Flagg the vembei alone Warship action. from taking will continue to believe in the future Robert A. Alpanalp, little son of 1941 was 2,142,000. Out of the ashes I As a whole, the reduction means a that Unionism as a definite factor of Mr. and Mrs. Albain Alpanalp, died i Funeral services were con­ .0 i ,U ,08eKf ° t 5'000 0“0 | saving to the’ users of the Company’s 1st: ,i management relations has a Dec. 21. tons In 1943, a colossus bint on he 8ervlce of approxiinate,y ,*10,000 per del ■ i .ace in my industry or any ducted Dec. 23, vault interment Rose dl , ! r“ C l“ n. ; t Japanese aggression annum, but still leaves the utility industry. City cemetery. In s Lae managements, are not a 1 yiannj. with ample revenue from the sale of Tanks gun. and .uppll.s are be- er to meet lt8 op<,ratlnK expen. e. infallible- tedicuious to charge H E N R Y J. HOULE ing produced in unbelievable quantl-1 ttnd to provlde a .„asonable return i,m I ' ii .- , Like management, the Funeral services were #held Tuesday h . nan element enters into a unions at Young’s Funeral Home at Tigard ... . ... . ¡on Its investment. 1 hese things were made possible by | ____________ scope of operation and must be con­ for Henry J. Houle, late o f Tigard, the productive genius of free enter- tinually returned to Its membership who died Dec. 31. He was father The Bright Side prise. In the hands of 10,000,000 for guidance upon the road desired by of Mrs. Bertha Hicky, Mrs. Albena American men and their compan- i —...... the majority. Knudsen, Alfred, Oscar, Henry and ions in arms, they are America's an- j The Red Cross Gray Lady in a To the guy that’s always shooting Stephen Houle. Committal Crescent iwur to the warped leaders of Europe I civilian hospital was keeping virgtl off his mouth about his Union ask Grove cemetery. und Japan who have challenged our wltb an expectant father. All assur- him if he voted, if he attends the freedom. lances seemed of no avail as he paced meetings, the answer is usually no. j C H R IS T IA N JF.NNF, But we have no cause to rejoice, the floor, becoming momentarily A Union or a management reflects Funeral services were held Wednes­ Tens of thousands of our men must i more perturbed. At last, when word the interest of its membership. die in 1941 to meet the challenge of I came he was a father, he flung his Sometimes when I wonder about day at Pegg’s Chapel, for Mrs. Christ­ the dictators. Usual year-end speech- ! arms around the Gray Lady, jand my task I reflect that human satis­ ian Jenne, who passed away Jan. 2 at She making and editorial phrase-making ■ « « i d : “ I never could have had this faction in life is tantamount to one her home route 2, Beaverton. was mother of Herman Jenne, rt. 5, are out of place. The people were baby without you!” thing service to others. Portland; Mrs. Bertha Englehart and told whoa the war started that they I ----------------------- Charles Jenne, rt. 2, Beaverton; " “ “ id h;*ve to make sacrifices. They Farmer» Must Place Orders This paper regrets that this col­ grandmother of Mrs. Henry Frutiger, were told that this was total war. s o Q 'L l umn's writer Mr. Clyde has found Mrs. Carl Peterson, Portland; Wm. And, yet, other than those who have OOOI1 8 » I O S S lb le It necessary to discontinue 'Come. A. Jenne, Martha Englehart, rt. 2, given their men, no one has so far — •— Due to press of Beaverton; Mrs. Ester Carter, Walla made an iota of real sacrifice. It is Farmers who will have need of in- Along With Me". not in the cards for such a condition sectlcldes and fungicides may well his personal a t lil's and livelihood Walla, Wash.,; Robert Jenne, Hobbs, to continue. I place their individual orders as soon he is unable to devote the time ne­ N. M.; Eldon Jenne, Nashville, Tenn. Sometime in the not-too-dtstant ¡as possible, said Palmer S. Torvend, ; cessary to the column s compilation. 5 greatgrandchildren. future, we, at home, are going to find ¡ county ugent, as the earlier orders It is possible thnt the column will out what total war means, even “ re placed the better opportunity , continue at a later date. —Editor. though we may never feel the fcn-j there will be for the suppliers to fill You can always dispose If It, If pact of bombs on our cities. them when the growers need the mn A pretty good Indication of how we ] terial. The more time the supplier, you use a -vant ad. . are going to find out can be seen In j manufacturer .and distributor has in ¡ the gusts of bitter controversy sweep I which to fill the growers orders the Suit s— C< > a t s— Dresses— ing through the land over strikes ¡ moro likely everyone will be satis- taxes, subsidies and inflation. They ¡ fled, according to information re- ¡ M illinery arc the prelude to the storm, When celved at the county agent's office. it hits in full fury, the test o f our In most respects, the insecticide ] and fungicide supplies for agricul- . R Finest Garments from the best love of freedom will be upon us. No person In this nation can ever tural use in 1944 appear somewhat WITH stocks in this country. shut from his mind the awful vision more favorable than they .were in WAR B O N D S of the last days of 1943 In which 1943. % Unequalled personal service. 1.000 marines lay dead on the beach­ R Time for you to select exactly 1*1111,11* B E LLA M Y es of one little South Pacific Island. These men died for the right to be Funeral services were held Friday ! what you w ant No rush, a free. We at home have yet to prove for Philip Bellamy, late of 1366 SW friendly helpful way of serving TIRE CAPPING worthy of the freedom for which Taylor» Ferry court; he was husband you. they died. of Laura, father of Frank and Roy Highest quality materials, modern of Grayboo, Wyo.; Clara Corfield and % Ample stocks and variety of equipment, skillful workmanship. Blanche Deavllle of Nyssa, Ore.; A l­ stylish and quality garments A Leaky Law fred Bellamy, Multnomah and Glen for the careful buyer. PROMPT SERVICE and Cora Carder, Portland. BY GEORGE PECK R Out of the high rent district. Ijtrge Truek Tires Itone at Once We are indebted to the Indiana IIE COULD Large Stoek New Sellierllng Tires Beal Estate Journal for the following 1 "You cannot get eggs without hens" 0 Ten minutes from downtown Immediate Delivery humerous story: i said the speaker, stressing the point. and more for your money. A worried Negro walked into the My dad can,’’ piped a small voice * RAY GRIMSHAW office of the Rent Control Adminis- ! from the rear. R Twenty years at this same lo­ 525 8. F- Union Ave. KA. 1171 I'. ii in Memphis and asked lf any-: “ Please explain yourself, little boy' cation. Twenty Third Ave., or one could tell him who was his land-! M jd the speaker Portland, Ore. Willamette Heights car to lord Your landlord,’’ the clerk H e keeps ducks." yelled the boy told him, "Is the man you pay your i ,h voice from the rear.- The Eggsa Northrup and N. W*. Twenty- *'•»* I miner. Third Ave. UNITED S T A T E S W AR BO N D S AND STAMPS PAINTERS Experienced For Steady Work on Housing Projects, $1.32 Per Hr. Shipyards $1.20 Per Hour Also Inexperienced ALMA'S DRESS SHOP I don’t pay no lent," the Negro said. "You see. 'bout nine years ago I found me a house vacant and moved in. I ’ve been there ever since and I ain’t never paid no rent " "Well, then." replied the clerk. "what's worrying you?" "Yasaur, but if somebody don't fix de roof. I’m gonna move out!” —— R A D IO S SAVE YOUR T IR E S - BUT DEFENSE BONDS Ride a Bus— Right to the door of the Table Cabinet Models Winter Garden P O R TLA N D » X V » 1 * * Tasty Foods Dinners— Lunches Banquets Portland's Finest In quality and Service urn «mai Claude Brereton AT TH E Cash Buyers WINTER GARDEN For 1 to 10 Acres Improved List With Us For Quick Sales Victory Beal Estate Co. 4616 NE Sandy Blvd. TR. 3769 Re». GA. 0648 PORTLAND, OREOON Krutt, Nut, Flowering and fchade Trees, Hoses, Berry Plants Shrubs, etc. Send for new fall and spring cata­ log. FiQl planting starts In Novem­ ber Tulip bulbe are planted now, folder on request. Tualatin Valloy Nurseries Sherwood. # Oregon 1129 N. W . 23rd Ave. PORTION'D, OREGON Limited Supply Just Received On Taylor St., bt. 4th & 5th \ Quality at moderate pricea | 5 Push Button Controls | 6 tuls-s | 3 Position Tone Control | ) 6 P g | | i «■ m g I ’rriueulillity Tuning Klllptleal Speaker Sensitivity Control Automatic Drift Compensation Dimmer New Full Vision DU1 Automatic Volume Control A. B. SMITH C H E V R O L E T CO. West Burnside at 13th “A Great Place to Buy" W A N TE D May Be Trained Apply Painters' Union Room 207 Labor Temple USE WANT BUY SELL REN T ADS to the things you need by shopping through this big bargain basement and S A V E the things you are no longer using for C A S H - M O N E Y . spare rooms, apartments immediate­ ly turn vacant space into IN C O M E . I I I ay i ^ t ^ i o g s you do not need for some- y y * J Ÿ thing you can use. Be a sharp trad­ er— T R Y IT. kMND lost articles quickly— or jobs for those of the family who seek work. TURKEYS A LSO Live Poultry and Eggs Receiving Portland, Albany, Redmond, A Pressing Plants McMinnville, Salem, Eugene, Roseburg, Oregon. Main Office and Plant Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. 8. E. Oak Street. Portland. Ore. Phone EAst 3141 In the Four Tualatin Valley Papers Brings Immediate Results! ALOHA NEWS BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE TIGARD SENTINEL MULTNOMAH PRESS