Fritlav, BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon MARGARET K. H AR G R A V E Margaret Elizabeth Hargrave, sis ter of Clyde J. and Mary J. of Metz ger, died Dec. 19th. Funeral ser vices were held Dec. 22 with W. E It was a wild night on the sea of Pegg incharge. Interment Winona Galilee, the night for ghosts to walk. cemetery. The hard-muscled fishermen who fol lowed Jesus, strained at the oars as they bucked the blast, their little The lines! CHRISTMAS pres n a ft rising and falling with the heav ent you can give is one of ing sea. , Uncle Sam’s WAR BONDS. A ghost!! A ghost, one cries. Keep on BACKING THE AT The others add their voice. See TACK. ONE in white, walking on the wateE Now He is hid in the trough of t>he ; . t, again He is lifted and turns to NOTICE TO CREDITORS ward the ship. Notice is hereby given that the un Then came His greeting—BE OF dersigned, Lloyd Galloway, has been GOOD CHEER; IT IS I. RE NOT duly appointed Administrator of the A 1-'RAID. He comes and enters into estate of May Purdin Galloway, de the boat and at His—PEACE BE ceased, and any and all persons hav STILL, the winds and the waves ing claims against the said estate are '■bey His will. hereby required to present said When the night is black and the claims, duly verified as by law re waves run high turn the case over to quired, at Beaverton, in Washing Him. "I came to Jesus as I was, ton County, Oregon, within six weary and worn and sad. I found months from the date of this notice. in Him a resting place and He has Dated and first published Dec. 31, 1943. Date of last publication Jan. 28, 1944. LLOYD GALLOWAY Administrator of the estate of Clatskanle, Oregon May Purdin Galloway, deceased. This space paid for by an Oregon Beaverton, Oregon businessman. A. C. ALLEN Atty. for Administrator Home on Six Day Furlough Carl Gaddis, carpenter's mate, 1st class, in the Seabees, has returned to his home base after a leave of six days spent with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Ohddis While home family dinners were enjoyed at the hoities of his sisters Mrs. A. W. Phil lips and Mrs. Ralph Rothenfluh. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SAGE—15 Rhode Island chickens 10 mo old $1.50 each. Reusser Road, 2 mi. S Cooper Mt. School, Mrs. J. A. Kick, route 1, Beaverton. 48 m r a îfiM M m M îi Oregon Mutual Pollen» are NON-AS.S1.SSABIJC. You N EV E R pay more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three Umea the surplus required by Oregon Insurant'« law s. Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company OF M b O N im L L E Organized 1894— 40 years of Reliable Service thaa. L. Walker, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. CASH must accompany A L L CLASSIFIED ADS. Mail or leave at our office. T H E A T R E Admission 30 and 9c, tax included Fri.-Sat., Dec. AIR Hillsboro, Oregon Beaverton Church oi the NAZARENE 459 S. W. First Beaverton, Oregon Even. Show starts 7 P.M.; Mat. 2 I’ .M i l l an. 1— RAID What's Ahead in 1944 WARDENS Matin«*«* Sat., Jan 1—2 p. Sun.-Mini.-Tu«“s., Jan 2-4— FOLLOW THE BAND Open Fri. & Sat. Even. Broadway at Watson Beaverton Phone 1732 "Every Form of Protection" Pre-War Coil Springs Mattress combinations Beaverton Furniture Company Decinber 31, 1943 Plus—Aerial Gunner Cut this out for Future Reference Rev. J>-onard*C. Johnson PHONE 3691 We can hope for much, but we hAve a guarantee of nothing. There is however one thing we can do with certainty—W e can “Comrpit ‘our’ way unto the Lord (for the New Year 1944), trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass." Psalm 37:5. Call the pastor at 3691 or write Box 73 if he can be of any spiritual help. season s ' ’ Í * * VH t S « * V- G R E E T IN G S < Best Market Value Your Livestock Glorious Holiday Season Courteous and accommodating treatment. Consign your livestock to us and be assured of fair deal ing, with pleasure. and thanks for your pat ronage during the year just drawing to a close. Bodine & Clark Commission Co, Wallpaper House NORTH 427 SW 2nd nr. Washington St. Ry. FAchnnge Bldg. Portland, Ore. PORTLAND, ORE. Portland A PROSPEROUS Tualatin Valiev Portland Milk Producers Dairy Co-Operative 123 N. E. Oregon St 5260 NE Union Ave Association PORTLAND Portland, Oregon 2182 North Lewis Portland, Oregon Coast Veneer Co 8830 N. Bradford UN 1277 Portland, Oregon Here’s to your New Year May it bring all you hope for ARE YOU? CALL AT. 4836 "ê ^ Office 215 Alisky Bldg A. SUSSMAN ■ T o our friends and patron growers in «21 SW Srd, near Morrison To all of our Customers & friends in the Tualatin Valley Amusement Games, Premiums Washington County. Carnival A Festival Merchandise It is through your efforts in producing and delivering good quality products JAMES I S26 SW 3rd Ave Portland. Or that enables us to make a quality pack. K»|m'isll) Effective In [ FEMALE SEASON S GREETINGS DISORDERS resulting increased 0 NerviiiiMiiess. Headache, Nruritli, J Rheumatism, Backache, Epilepsy. -(j( <>n»ti|Mtiun. Ili-art and Stomach * Di»order». Neuralgia, t oughs, old». Flu. Paralysl», Kidney, Iliad 1 le r D isorder». t \ I t M OKI » T O M In that way our sales are increased with production, thus adding to the wealth and prosperity New Year Greetings to our Friends and Customers in the Tualatin Valley of all. P B O l 1» OK , 115 years sucresaful practice In [Portland. Nix years I’ rrstdent of, 'and Instructor In. thr Oregon , I’eerie»«* College of tM m prartir. i No cum - accepted w ith ou t thor ough examination. •CHIROPRACTIC*’ for Those Who Wish Chiropractic Call . . REN. OA. 5158 AT. 4M8 B. E. Maling, Inc Eastern Outfitting Co. Kindness to every living being If you love your Dog buy him A License CREDIT GLADLY S. \\\ 10th & Wash. BR. 2461 Portland. Or Portland, Oregon *