Friday, December 24, 1943 Classified Rates -7WO Cent* a word per Issue. NO TH ING LE SS TH A N 2So CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL C L A SSIF IE D ADS NO A D S TA K E N O V ER P H O N E We Publish the BE A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E MULTNOMAH P R E S S TIG A RD S E N T IN E L ALOIIA N EW S C om plete E a s t e r n W ashington C ounty and W estern M ultnom ah C ounty Coverage We assum e no finan cial respon sib ility for errors w hich m ay ap pear In ad vertisem en ts published In these colum ns but In case where this paper Is at fault will reprint th at part of an ad vertise m ent in w hich th e typographical m istak e occurs. ft FOR SALE FO R SALE—-Wood Saw outfit. Tw o w heel Trailer. H ow ard We igel, 1 mi N W itch H azel school house, Rt. 4, H illsboro. 47 D R Y SLABW OOD for Sale—$12.50 per cord In 2 cord loads. Ruben Johnson, N ew berg, S tar Route. Phone 193J. 42tf COLI.IE P U P S —For C hristm as de livery. T hree b atches to pick from H oule's Collie K ennels, Rt. 1, Bx 85, Tigard, Lr. B oone's Fy. Rd., nr. Tualatin. P hon e Tigard 3115, also COCKER S P A N IE L S: 2 blond fe m ales. For delivery N ov. 26 47 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon L ib r a r y N otes RADIOS FO R SALE—Green slab old grow th 4 ft. D elivered in B eaverton or M ultnom ah $8 in 3 cord loads, $7 del. to Tigard, Sherw ood or Aloha. C. J. Staser, Carlton, O regon, Bx. 373. 45-48 | | | | ) ) ) F O R SA L E—One Gas and Wood R ange, C harter Oak. P hon e Tigard 2616. 46-47 | ) | WANTED W A N TED —Truck M echanic. L. Cobb, B eaverton 2881. 47-51 ft RABBITS FOR SALE NZW breeding stock or fryers, 3 Vfc mo. old B u ck s or D oes, Call ev en in gs or Saturday. C. L. Grandy, B eaverton Auto Camp, on high w ay. 47 ft MISCELLANEO.US 5 P ush B u tton Controls 6 tubes 3 P osition Tone Control 3 Gang Perm eability T uning E lliptical Speaker S en sitiv ity Control A utom atic D rift C om pensation Dial D im m er N ew Full V ision Dial A utom atic Volum e Control FU R N A C E & Saw dust B urner ser vice and in stallation. Phone CHerry 1236. 41 tf Christmas Eve. Dec. 25th 8:00 p.m. YOU A R E MOST WELCOME _ ft ta rta n t a » U mi * ta» | Riverview Cemetery W E ST E N D SELLW OOD B R ID G E BE 3021 C om plete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No E xtra post R iverview Is a co-operative asso ciation w ith a sse ts of over $800,000 C EN TR A LL Y LO CATED Close to bus trans portation and w alk ing distance from dow ntow n. 1W FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY A Tw ater 2181 Although there isn’t a lot of window space, you'll find just ever so many gifts at 666 TABLETS. <ALVE. NOSE DROPS NOTICE Mr. E. Beckett's, Jewelers, Laborers wanted at once. Immediate job placement! ! Apply week davs only. Until Christmas m Farmer's Co-op Market HOLIDAY GREETINGS FROM 2 00 LOCAL FARMERS R eady to Serve you every d ay in th e y ea r AND BUILDING i LABORERS Union Local No. 296 LABOR TEMPLE SW 4th AT JE F F E R S O N WANTED MEN AND WOMEN for ISS NW Park a " * r a THIRD TO FOURTH ON * * W. YAMHILL ST. He has a LARGE STOCK • DIAMONDS • BEAD STRINGING • RESETTING T he W hite G lass F ron t—w here y ou ’ll get sa tisfa ctio n plus! FO R LOCAL S H IP Y A R D S, E X P E R IE N C E U N N E C E SSA R Y . 95c A ND U P P E R HOUR ON DAY SH IF T . C LEAN IN G A N D P R E P A R IN G SU R F A C E S BEFORE PA IN TIN G . W om en m ust be age 16 and not over 45, and birth ce rtifica te re quired up to 24 years Apply basem ent of Labor T em ple Local No. 1404 Portland. Oregon ewurfw »-4 is • 'w - IVIRTTHING , > D A IÓTYM A N*" * * * * * * * * * * and is ready to service and help you pick out exactly the right Item—at a price you can afford! He also has SHIP SCALERS likiwon (iwH * WITH W & t B O N D S At 420 S. W. Washington bet. Fourth and Fifth ! * HOD CARRIERS W hile in B eaverton be eure to eat : the Greyhound C offee Shop. Tell It with a claMlfled 9:00 P. M Christmas Gifts c Y 666 1 W e ’re doing w a r w ork in stead of di st i l l i ng Old S un n y B rook. H e lp m ak e reserve stocks go f a r t h e r by s h a rin g y o u r s u p p ly . De Laval MORTICIAN Grand Ave. at Lloyd Blvd. EA. 8171 K E E P C f S ....................... SE P A R A T O R S — M ILK ERS C O M PLETE E Q U IPM E N T IN I) S U P P L IE S FOR TH E DAIRY IN D U ST R Y I. P. Finley & Son Sunday Morning at II Sun. Even: F irst and Third at 7 o'clock; Fourth and Sixth at 8 o’clock Sunday Schools for Pupils under 20 W ednesday Eve. M eetings 8 o’clock Public is invited to A ttend Church S ervices and use R eading R oom s ROOM 215 CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Services: M ezzanine Floor A m erican Bank Building 812 S. E. Grand Ave. 3925 N. E. Broadw ay 6506 S. E. F oster Blvd. 6812 S. E. MJlwaukie Ave. 109 N. Em erson Street ) RABBITS W ANTED W A N T E D —L ive KaUDits, to buy now. Top prices paid. R abbit Meat Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. P hon e SU n set 1722. Open week days only until 7:30 p. m. SEARS, ROEBUCK and Co. 1 .oration o f C hurches A Societies: F IR S T 1819 NW E verett St. SECOND 531 N E H olladay St. T H IR D 1733 SE Madison St. FO U R TH 109 N. Em erson St. F IF T H ........... 4224 S E 62nd Ave. SIXTH 1331 SW Park Ave. SEVENTH 9008 N. Sm ith St. E IG H T H 3505 N E M ultnom ah N IN TH 356 N E 80th Ave. T E N TH 7126 SE M ilwaitkie M asonic Hall, N E 102d near Sandy W. Pow ell & Tow le Ave., Gresham M asonic Tem ple, Multnonuih READING ROOMS PORTLAND fr ta» t a t a t a ‘‘CHRISTIAN SCIENCE” B ranches of The Mother Church, The F irst Church of Christ, S cientist, in Boston, M assach ussetts. I t a a t a sta » Subject of Sunday's Lesson Sermon 5 F O R TOW CAR call V E R M IL Y E , AT FIRST MOTOR CO. P hone Tigard 3381. SIGH OF A B E ST P R IC E for R abbit fryers, D. P. M acDonald, R2, B x 218, Beaver ton. P hone B eaverton 2260. We pick up. Store Hours 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. U N T IL Children’s Service , ______________________________ ! Every Day Until Christmas Eve OPEN EVENINGS Choir-Carol Service a 506 SW Mill 9 p . m. Free Parking Christmas Eve. Dec. 24th 8:00 p.m. CHRISTIAN S c a r w a s h e r s ! S C I E N C E CHURCHES MECHANICS OREGON MOTOR STAGES « Will Remain Open Until BEAVERTON CHEVROLET CO. West Burnside at 13th “A Great Place to Buy” 2 H ID E S A WOOL, CASCARA—A specialty. L E E BROS., 25 SW Clav. Portland. A tw uter 5834. «fie uoawmexiMM Pilgrim Lutheran Church k 40 hours straigh t; 8 hours t lm e j ^ and a half. Good w orking c o n d i-|| sto c*{ Packed up free of £ tlons. ch arge an yw h ere. Call collect. UN. 1221; n ig h t call DENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO., Portland. Deild ana ATTEND A. B. SMITH W A N T E D —Som eone to do ironing and clean ing once a w eek. Phone Tigard 2405, H om e evenings. 45-47 W A N T E D —W om an for ligh t laun dry in your house or ours, also wo m an for housew ork one day a w eek. Telephone B eaverton 3847. J. B. C ronnelin * 46tf g * ana aoi Limited Supply Just Received FO R S A L E -B lo c k and Edging m ixed 2>4 cords load delivered $20. H. F. Elford, Forest Grove. Phone 56. Prom pt delivery. 45-48 W A N T—About 5 acres around Alo- ha-Huber or B eaverton district. P artly cleared. W ould lik e high or sloping ground, 5706 N. D enver avenue, Portland, 11, Oregon. Ammonia Used to M a rria g e L icen ses P aris U nderground by E tta Shiber, Clean Ovens is the story of tw o w om en, one Am erican, one E n glish, w ho were living E ither a sm all dish of am m onia or j in a pleasant apartm ent sh arin g rath a cloth m oistened w ith it placed in a er uneventful lives in P aris in June porcelain or enam el lined oven over l'J40, the G erm ans cam e, and their night will loosen the burned-on food fligh t to E ngland w ith the help of the accum ulations so th a t they can be underground. w ashed out w ith alm ost m agical Try your ow n B eaverton Public Li ease T h is m ethod has been tested brary first for the new books. Among by home econom ics sp ecialists at Ore- the more recent best sellers you will find—M other R u ssia by Maurice Lands in Oklahoma Again , gon S tate college and found highly efficien t, and h arm less to the oven Hindus, Thunderhead by Mary O'Ha H ello F olks lining. ra,, So L ittle Tim e by Marquand and W ell, after about a m onth in the The M ountains W ait by Beach. "village" of Los A ngeles, Cal., "We are figh tin g not for dem ocra- orney “yo u rs truly" has landed back ' cy not for four, five, or a dozen free hom e in the dom ain of A lfalfa Bill dom s. Wac in Training W e are fig h tin g for our very Mrs. N ellie C. Howbrook, 4150 SW Murray, Red Phillips, et a!., and existence as a nation.”— Edw ard V. j D osch road, is now tak in g basic w here W ill R ogers used to herd ca t R obertson, U. S. Senator from W y train in g for th e w om en's arm y corps tle and play Mumble P eg and shaw om ing. The “w ea th ! at D es Moines, la . She hopes to be gum in days gone by! ! assigned to ad m in istrative duty in the erman" celebrated my com in g back Diapers for Derbies by g iv in ’ us the first rain w e have arm y.________ _______________________ had in about five m onths! W hen I W hen an in v estig a tin g congressm an left C aliforney they wuz a prayin' fer • PAINTS rain out there! I m ean them that revealed that the Lend-Lease Adm in w uz on sp eak in ’ term s w ith the Lord. istration in W ashington had shipped I W hen I left O klahom y th ey had a 100,000 com pleted diapers and m ater Im la y ’s F resh Grand Jury over in T ulsa in v estig a ial for 800,000 additional diapers to M ixed Feed s tin' a few of our"Big men" lik e Ex. the n a tiv es of North Africa, thous FISHER THORSEN PAINTS Guv. Phillips. That w as not the ands of folks had a good laugh; for reason I left the state but you know it w as disclosed that the Arabs, not For quality, fair price and w hen the papers is full of such know ing w hat to do w ith the diapers, service th in gs as "investigation s”, you sorter are w rapping them around their Yes. it w as funny to every J. B. Imiay & Sons feel they have “slig h ted ” you as a heads. R EEDVTLLE ALOHA, O R E "big man" w hen they don’t accuse you one except new parents in th is coun of som ethin' and put your nam e in try w ho have been w ondering w hy the papers w ith the other "big men." there w as a shortage of diapers, al- I B A R B W IR E BILL though apparently the k n ittin g m ills were m anufacturing plenty of diarper- j W onder w hat those Lend John Jones, of Tigard, is w ith the cloth. Coast Guard, stationed at P ort T ow n Lease boys w ill ship overseas next in the nam e of the w ar? send, W ash. Table Cabinet Models Page 3 1 lüiik nil o-jj U hl the. M eteia t Chtlitmaò.\ ¿ S t - tn d a jfa 1944 OLD ■ i AT. 6461 IS I l f I . H U /. f f s \ t Ml. • ¿T E L E PH O N E ; K CO M PA N Y * £ S unny B rook I BH 4 VI) K entucky Straight Bourbon U hiakey National D iatillen I’rod. Corp . N Y. • 90.1 Proof iliiMIttlumuU.UsssSSsSsUvG», WEST COAST TELEPHONE CO.