t u of o UH M A K Y K t’G B N E OKKtrON h ^ I » PUBL ISH E D W E E K L Y IN OUR P L A N T ON VOL. 16, NO. 47 ___ A Christmas Message From one of The Neighbors SHORT ST. A N D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, December 24, 1943 / 7UR O W N cqpimtfnity, like the rest I oLtKej 5 ierk£has been shaken by the ntierof guns. This thunder echoes Î5 H S iK vvp onr<> more celebrate tli^ bitthof the Prince of Peace. it tmsTreu^raper sees no irony in ^ \\^hevSCitrsvof warantLthe^ message of C H U R C H O F C H R IST G. W . Springer, P astor hope that^is Gnristm: M orning w orship and preaching 9:45 a. m. T op ic— The R a ce j For it\ is th^ev^rl^stingdvQpe of Christinas thal Let us Light 3 Candles service T hat is Set B efore Us. F ollow in g the* serm on, the L ord ’s makes it\such a vital force in oiir lives. That hope A lm ost nineteen and a half centur supper will be observed. is one of a never'ending'pq*iod of “Peace on Earth!’ Bible S ch ool 11 a. m. ies have passed since the W ise Men C. E. 6:30 p. m. follow ed a S tar and fou n d at last the While it is true ^that^the^mlumns oLtlus paper E ven in g w orship service with ser B aby Jesus—lying in a m anger— the Christ Child W h ose birth changed the m on by pastor 7:30 p. m. hristmas havebeeh^dominated by the M idw eek Bible study W ednesday 8 since last w orld 's history. The w ay a lon g p. m. S ubject for study 8th chapter w hich these men traveled w as lon g effects of the war lords 0{i oiiNnormal waybfL and d ifficu lt. B ut fo r the light o f ot R om an s the Star they would not have found living-we\knowx that^the peace-loving “ little” BETHEL that fo r w hich they sou ght; and but C O N G R E G A T IO N A L C H U RCH fo r the g ifts they brought, they men of goodwill far outnumber the eyil. R ev. F rancis T. Sturtevant, P astor m ight have felt it all an im aginary 9:45 a. m. C hurch School, Miss These “ little” people hre tht\citizensvof this dream that they were follow in g. But the gifts w ere real; they were m ade - A m arette Barnes, Supt. c community 'and other communities like it\And fo r a purpose. And so they follow ed ! 11 a- m - Christm as service: God's the Star. Thus it is today. W e w ho j G re»test G ift. Special m usic by the it was for these same “ littles* peopltKthat Christ would follow the star o f peace find c ^°*r- our w ay lon g and troubled. W e are I 6:30 P- m - P ilgrim Fellowship, came into this world 4943 years a g o.\ ^ beset by the darkness o f uncertainty THE VALLEY and fear. But if we, like those W ise So Christmas belongs to them anduiot to C O M M U N ITY CHURCH Men o f old, sa fely ca rry ou r gifts, we U N I T E » 1’ REtSBYTEKIAN too shall find that fo r w hich we seek | those who plunge the world int<^ darkness 4110 S W Gabel Lane —abiding P eace and Love. R ev. H. A. A rm itage, pastor Our first candle is Sacrifice. Let Let this true spirit of Christmas dominate 10:30 a. m. T he A fterglow of ; us light it now . . . . Sacrifice, w ith ou t w h ich no g ift is quite com - , Christm as. your thinking and you can say to all yt The Star Still Leads. plete; sa crifice o f c o m fo rt and pres- ! 6:30 p. m. ent personal am bition —o f tim e and * friends as we now say to y o u - M E T H O D IS T CH URCH C H U R CH O F TILE N A Z A B E N E 459 SW f i r s t eonard C. Johnson, P astor a. m. Sunday School. C hristm as lesson. 11 a. m. Christm as w orship ser vice, m usic— W e H ave Seen His Star. 7:30 p. m. Christm as pageant, The Shepherd K ing, 23 characters, | pantom ine, ch ildren 's exercises. 4 possessions; sa crifice o f on e’s loved i ones, w h erever they m ay be called; | A lbert S. H lsey, D. D , M inister 9 45 a. m. Sunday School. sa crifice real and earnest enough 11 a. m. P reach in g service. that it m ay be w orthy o f being a g ift W . S. C. S. m eets W ednesday. to the one w ho made the greatest o f sacrifices fo r us. Let us give the g ift o f Sacrifice. ST. C E C E L IA CH URCH Our second candle is Courage. . . : M asses 8:25 and 10:25 a. m. K indle the flam e o f C ourage— C o u r -! age high and u nfalterin g; that lifts ; W E S T H ILLS the head and lights the eyes o f those L U T H E R A N CH URCH sore p ressed ; cou rage like that w ent ; SW C anyon Rd., near Sylvan hand in hand w ith those splendid men > W ern er J. Fritz, M inister and w om en who, in pioneer days, 1 A C hristm as D ay Service fo r the __, braved the unknow n that we m ig h t 1 Sunday S ch ool and C hurch will be live w ithout bond and fetter; cou ra ge held at 10 a. m. that can m eet adversity with strength j Sunday a fter Christmas, Dee. 26 to endure; that can laugh when tears Sunday School at 9 45 a. m. are close; cou rage enough to stand : Divine Service at 11 o ’clock. by until it shall be the right o f all j nations to rem em ber and rejoice in R E E D V IL L E C O M M U N ITY the birthday o f Christ. W e bring the P R L S B Y T E R IA N C H U RCH g ift o f Courage. Sunday School 10 a. m. Mrs. Otto Our third candle is Service . . . G eorge. Supt. W orsh ip Service 11 a. m. W atch the steady g low o f Service— Y ou n g P eople's C. E. 7 p. m. Service dedicated to all m ankind; ser- v ice freely given, w ithout reservation, 1 P ra y er M eeting and Bible study, no m atter how hum ble o r arduous Thursday, 7 p. m. the task m ay be; service such as was A LO H A A S S E M B L Y O F GOD given by our forefa th ers w ho fou gh t j Sunday School 10 a. m. to m ake our cou n try fre e ; service W orsh ip 11 a. m. w hich shall not only preserve our Y ou n g people 6:30 p. m. own freed om today, but which will free the shackled peoples o f all na- ■ E van gelistic 7:45 p. m. tions; service given in the nam e o f ! P ra y er and Bible study 7:45 p. m. the C hrist Child W h ose b ir th d a y , T hursday. gtves us Christm as and w hich w ill | --------- indeed be a fittin g g ift fo r Him. W e P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N C H U RCH o ffe r the g ift o f Service. T he Bible c h u r c h Our candles are lighted M ay each I Box 697, Beaverton o f us take from them a reflected j F arm in gton Rd. at M enlo D rive glow that will help us ca rry ou r g ifts ; W alter R Buhl. Pastor o f Sacrifice, C ourage and Service u n - ! Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. tarnished through the m onths to j D ivine Services 11 a. m. com e. May that glow sym bolize fo r i Sunday evening services, 1st Sun- each o f us the flam ing star that shall day o f each m on th 7:30 p. m. lead us on to victory and lasting j ______ peace. } W H IT F O R D C O M M U N ITY H ALL M. N. D. : G ospel services Sunday evening 8 jp . TOWN TALK m. i Sunday N ov. 28 Rev. H. A. A rm it- ! age, pastor o f V alley C om m unity i church. A L O H A C O M M U N ITY CHURCH W alter L. Myers, field representa- ¡ tive o f N orthw estern C hristian H om e G raydon D. Loree, P astor returned to B eaverton Sunday from Sunday School 10 a. m. several w eeks o f w ork in C alifornia. I J. G. V incent, Supt. Miss Clare M oshofsky, freshm an M orning w orship 11 a. m. T opic from B eaverton, is listed as an hon- I or student at M arylhurst college f o r ; w e » j the fall quarter just ended She ap- j y ou th Kellowshlp 7 p . m . c o r d o n peared in the annual w inter r e c it a l' j R ydm an. pres. at the college Dec. 14 as m em ber o f E ven ing service—8 p. m.—the can- T , reble T riad, She , is 'ta ta T he Prom ised Child, by the choir . ch oral . _ group. . also a m em ber o f Sodality and Ath- under d irection o f „ E Ewer letlc club. D aughter o f Mr. and Mrs. s d New Y ear's eve at the Geo. M oshofsky, C l a r e i i s t h e third ch u rch . E ntertainm ent from 8 to m em ber o f the fam ily to attend 10:30 At n an old fashloned 8ing M arylhurst M argaret is now a die- At U :30 there will b(. a deVotional tician at V anport hospital, and A nna d Belle has entered nurses training at *** ___________________ M arylhurst. A son was born Dec. 12 to Mr. and To Attend Church Sunday Mrs 1' A I-am bert o f B eaverton at ------- a H illsboro hospital. i B eaverton L od ge No. 100 A. F & A R obert H olland is ill at his home. M. will attend the Methodiet Church Mr. R asm ussen was 111 several days ! at the m orn in g w orship service Sun- last w eek with a cold. day, D ecem ber 26. celebrating St. The evening service planned fo r Joh n's Day. Dr. H isey's sermon Dec. 26th at the Bethel C ongregation- topic will be "T h e Inner Light al chureh has been cancelled because Special m usic by the choir. o f the widespread influenza epidem ic ----------------------------- The B eaverton Naearene you ng Complete* Three Month people plan a carollin g and Christm as -p party. F riday night. Dec. 24 G ifts t raining will he exchanged and w a ffles will be served as refreshm ent*. The party John C. Todd o f Beaverton, has suc- will be entertained at the Strayer cesafully com pleted his three month* tiom e ground school, m ilitary end physical A Chris*mas nageant. The Shepherd con d itionin g course at the Navy Pre- King. with 23 characters, will he pre- Flight School at St M a ry s College sented Sunday evening Dec 26»h at and will be transferred this week to 7 30 at the Beaverton Church o f the the Naval Air Station at Liverm ore. N azarene A pantom ine and child- C a lif, it was announced today by ren's recitations will also form a part C om m ander C W King o f the C hristm as program T he pub- ---------------- ' ~~ lie is cord ially invited to this season- A man shouldn't leave pow der on *J and m ean in rfu l program his coat It is likely to explode if ___________ • his w lf* touches it. G ood fo o d —well c o o k e d —alw sys at | ____. _______ ths B eaverton Orgyheund C o ffs* Turn w ar stam ps into Bo d* ____ ___ Bits of News About Our Boys Sg. L aw rence B lunck ow ed his life to his speed in sw im m ing when he was wounded at Taraw a. He with five other boys were g oin g ashore in an am phibian tractor loaded with a ton o f explosives—when a shell from a Jan plane hit them. They all swam away from the w reck altho all were badly hurt by schrapnel about the head and shoulders. Law rence had won several medals in sw im m ing contests before he entered the navy. His m other, Mrs. R. P. K ueneke o f W est Slope, was notified last week i that he was in a navy hospital and rapidly recovering from his wounds. He is well know n in this com m unity. ESTABLISHED 1927 Control Postwar Employment I —■ B absO Il U r g e s T h e m ( * To Wake Up Baltimore, Md., L>ec. 24—C om m it tees are being form ed by industrial ists all over the country to Insure em ploym ent for returning soldiers and war-plant workers. These coin- mittees w ill be found in W ashington and in every state and in many cit ies. Paul G. H offm an , President o f the Studebaker C orporation, P. C. C raw ford, P resident of the National A ssociation o f M anufacturers and E ric A. Johnston, P resident o f the U. Marvin Myers w h o graduated from S. Cham ber o f C om m erce are lead W e also Beaverton High School in 1942 is in ers in this im portant work. the arm y training group at F ordham read in m agazines how the General E lectric and other large com panies U niversity in New Y ork City. are now draw ing blueprints to pro postw ar unem ploym ent. Mrs. A gnes Konantz has received vide . f o r a letter from M onty Meyers, H A 1-c These com m ittees, however, are com | o f Farragut, Idaho, w ho had just posed alm ost w holly o f m nnufactur- been prom oted. H e has been at that I ers. place since May and is studying phar- Importune«' o f M erchants i m acy. big or small, Independents or chains. _______ | These people seem to feel that their Pvt 1-c Edw in T aylor o f W est Slope hands are tied and that they must ; is hom e on a furlough for the C h r is t-¡ take w hatever com es from the manu- mas holideys. i facturera, in the fo rm o f goods to sell . , . or from the public in the form o f ¡g < ood s to buy. T his is a very w ron g My Dear F riends: i My boot cam p training is com in g ( attitude for m erchants to take. Store- to a close and it has been an exper- i keepers are really sitting in the driv- ience I shall never forget. This ru g-I er’s »eat T hey should wake up and ged ou td oor life has given me a vig or j realize it. M a n u fa ctu re rs -a fte r sending out a 1 have never felt and extra weight, few sam ples— m ake their goods only ! v letter in m y life* E ven the great national My best wishes to you and a happy on orders. industries are dependent upon their Christm as season. Hvt. JE SSE W. S N Y D E R salesmen, and their advertising cam - U. S. M arines paigns and finally upon the store- Plt. 937 R D M C B, San D iego, 41 i keepers. The future o f these big C alifornia. 1 (nationally know n com panies is 100 ______ ; per cen t in the hands o f shopkeep- Men inducted D ecem ber 14, 1943, e™. large and small. I feel so (by W ashington County L ocal Board j strongly about this that I believe No. 1, Beaverton, Oregon. ¡m erchants should receive som e spec- Many Attend Kiwanis Costume Party ARM Y i ial tax considerations by cities, states Northwest District Meeting Held Dec. 11 V irgil M. DeBuse B x 94. A loha and the Federal G overnm ent in the John F. Hren R t. 13, Linnton, Or. postw ar struggle fo r employm ent. Mrs. Fred Goyt, 1943 M atron of E lm er P. H anegan, Tualatin, Or. Chain Store M anagers T he P a cific N orthw est Kiwanis R 2 H illsboro, Or. In addition to the m erch an ts’ res- D istrict No. 10 met at the M arion Beaver Chapter O. E. S., and D arrell John C. R aynard R t 3, B eaverton ponsibility fo r national em ploym ent, Hotel, Salem, Oregon, last Sunday Ellis, patron fo r 1943, entertained o f Eay M. Saxton noon, w ith a dinner follow ed by a ficers and assistants during th e year Jam es B. M iller R t 3, Sherw ood, Or. chain stores have a special local res- C orvallis, Ore. ponsibility. W hen 1 was a hoy, Olou- con feren ce at 1:30 p. m. Many in at the M asonic Tem ple Saturday, De I Jam es R. F rost T here A R M Y A IR C O R P S ¡cester, M assachusett, had a real structive talks were heard from the cem ber 11th with a party. various club presidents, including were 165 present, including w ives and John L ouis S toneburg Portland, Or. Main Street, where most o f the stores NAVY ! are located and It is still know n as O regon City, T illam ook, Canby, Sa husbands o f officers. It was a costum e party and there Leonard Arthur Hansen R2 H illsboro "M ain Street.” F orty years ago the lem, Albany, M cM innville, Beaverton, were many lovely gow ns worn. Guess M ichael Glenn McCann P ortland, Or. stores were all "independents” Owned and M ilwaukie. R5, Portland, Or. i hy ,o cal people w h o were the lenders " ‘Duties o f vice-presidents” w as the ing gam es, and singing o f old songs, W illiam Glanz Portland, Ore. ' n the churches and civile organiza- top ic ch osen fo r D ew ey Drorbaugh, were a part o f the evenings enter T om Mat Schreiner tainm ent. Mrs. M edford and Guy John W illiam Sem m R2 H illsboro |tiona o f the com m unity. These for- president o f B eaverton Kiwanis. Lew is R a y P rath er R3 H illsboro independent stores have since T hose attending from Beaverton A lexander won d oor prizes. both sides o f R aym ond V. M eyer R t 1, T igard nearly all vanished; w e r e :: R a y M eadows, Geo. Eisen- hauer, G rayton Pace, Lyle Taylor, Recruiting Officer here I C larence C. K ennedy R t 4, H illsboro Continued on Pnge 2 V ic E rick son and Dew ey Drorbaugh. M A R IN E C O R P S Wed., January 5 Portland R aym ond G eorge Mueller O SC A R M E L V IL L E T A Y L O R Funeral services were held W ed- P etty O fficer D ick Gridley o f the Christmas Program ALOHA ( nesday, Dec. 15, at P eggs Chapel In P ortland recruiting station, wHI be Presented Dec. 19 --------- 1 Beaverton, for O scar Melville T aylor at the B eaverton City Hall from 10 a. The A loha-H uber P. T. A. held a | „ f Aloha, husand o f May, fath er o f m to 2 p. m. on W ednesday, Janu T he follow in g program w as pre ary 5, to explain this new R A D A R com bination regular m eeting and Mrs. E dgar Lusby o f Aloha, H a iley sented by the young people o f the , enlistm ent program and also to give ¡C hristm as party Tuesday, Dec 21, at T aylor o f Cornelius, fou r grandehlld- C hurch o f Christ Sunday evening, in form ation regarding other branches the school house, T he sch ool band rpnf Maxine, Verne, Junior and Paul D ecem ber 19. | o f the navy in which 17 year olds played and aw ards were made forjL ,u sb y ; one brother, O eorge Taylor, P iano prelude, Miss E va Strayer; m ay serve. T h ere were gam es and Mr. T aylor was a m em ber o f Mo- He also will talk with penmanship. T he Christm as Song, girls chorus; anyone interested in the W aves or I refreshm ents. j lalla M asonic lodge. P eace, G oodw ill, tableaux; Oh Little the n avy’s new S.R.U. (ship repair Mrs. A. N ylund has been con - Vault interm ent, Crescent G rovo T ow n o f Bethlehem, orch estra; T rum unit.) fined to her hom e w ith illness. I cem etery. H elen M cCusker o f Aloha, died Dec. j _______ *.. ....... pet solo, The H oly City, George 14. She w as sister o f E velyn and S prin ger; Silent Night, girls ch oru s; Apostolic Faith Beaverton Lutherans Lew o f Bethany, O r.; Joseph o f P ort B aritone solo, Star o f the East, Mary land, Linn and Paul M cCusker of Christmas Eve Services M yers; B eth leh em ’s Star, Joy to the Set Holiday Services San F ranscisco. A rrangem ents in W orld, orch estra ; V ocal solo, Bethle care o f J. P. Finley & Son. The A postolic Faith, P ortland.’s Lutherans o f B eaverton and vicin hem, Lavonne K au l; P iano duet, Mrs. Ed F. Johnson o f R eedville, is progressive dow ntow n ch u rch at Christm as Overture, C harlotte Gallo ity have set up their holiday sched reported as ill. Mr. Johnson has ju st N orthw est Sixth and Burn Ida Sis., ule o f services. In ord er to give way, A releta B oge; H ark the Herald attend, tw o returned from a hospital and is con - j announces an evening o f m usic for A ngels Sing, orch estra; girls trio, Oh everybody a ch ance to Christm as Eve. The 30-voice ch or- C hristm as services are being planned. valescing from an in fection . C om e all ye Faithful, Lavone Kaul, ----------------------------- us-choir, accom panied by Mrs. L ena K athie Thom pson, R uth Z im brick ; C hristm as eve will present the Girl's ch oir in a program o f Christm as ca r Youth Activities Theme K dlger W allace, organist, will present P iano solo. Silent Night, Marylee r\ r f ' . p " I D T A a cantata, “ The P rince o f P eace” , M adden; T he F irst Noel, orch estra; ols, while the rem ainder o f the ser Ut County Council r . 1 . A. written by G eorge M Hughes, form - Luthers Cradle H ym nn, girls chorus. vice will be taken up by the reading --------- er orch estra director. Pvt. H ughes T he N ativity, ta b lea u x ; corn et solo, o f the C hristm as story and the sin g T he W ashington C ounty C ouncil o f ig now assistant to chaplain in the ing o f carols by the entire con g reg a Oh F aithful Pine, V irgil M yers; girls tion. A feature o f this service will P arents and T eachers m et with the army. trio. It Cam e Upon a M idnight Clear, Special M idw inter Meetings, which be the singing o f Silent N ight, Holy H illsboro Unit Tuesday, D ecem ber H, L avone Kaul, K athie Thom pson, Ruth at the C ongregational Church. Ten |8 a n annual event, will open Sunday Night, in a darkened sanctuary with Z im b rick ; trom bone duet, It Came local units were represented w ith T be Sunday services include: Sun- U pon M idnight Clear, Anna May the lights o f the Christm as tree light forty in attendance. Mrs. T om Bail day School at 9 30 a m.; devotional This service begins at L on g ; Christm as Festival, orchestra. ing the way. m others service at 11 a. m ; Y ou n g P eople’s 8 p. m. on D ecem ber 24th. T he an ey and her grou p o f room nual children's service for m em bers were very graciou s hostesses through- M eeting for folk s from * to 40 -a t Mrs. R obbin s o f Tuaia 3 p m . ; and a rousing evnngelistic o f the Sunday School, their friends ou t the day. H A T T IE E . S P IN N E Y C hairm an, service at 7:50, opened with a con cert and the con gregation , is to be cele tin. County H ospitality Funeral services were held Dec. 16 brated on C hristm as Day evening, at presented each one registering a yule- by the 60-pleee orch estra and the ch oru s M onday through F riday ser- V arious musical num bers tide corsage. at P e g g 's Chapel for H attie E. Spin 8 p. m. T he m orn in g m eeting w as given vices will be held each day at 2:30 ney o f route 3, Beaverton, w h o die«! will m ake up the service, in addition Dec. 12. She was w ife o f W m . E to the carols that m ake Christm as a ov er to unit reports and reports o f and 8 p. m. county office rs T h e County Presi- On N ew Y ear’s Eve, follow in g the Spinney, m other o f Mrs Short and joy fu l and happy tim e o f the year. E verybod y is cordially invited to dent, Mrs. O tto G eorge, o f R eedville, regular evangelistic service, a W atch Russell Jay o f Aberdeen. Eugene J&v T here of Not us, Id ah o; R aym ond Jay. these services, particularly those peo presided at the m orning m eeting and N ight service will be held. Springfield, O r.; sister o f Mrs W. G ple w ho have no church con nection s had charge o f the afternoon program . w m be lots o f m u s ic - b y various or- Patterson brought the chestra groups and choruses, inter On Christm as Sunday divine ser Mrs. Paul R obertson , Mrs. E m m a Hall, M arsh field. O r ; W . L. B outller, P. L. Bout- vices and Sunday School will be held su bject o f School C onsolidation A fter eating reports from differen t hranch- Several «.8 o f the w ork, con clu d in g with the Pilgrim L uther the W ar before the group. lier and W alter o f E m ida, Idaho; at the usual time. Charles Boutlier. V ancou ver, B C. an ch urch is located on SW F arm ing- entered into a very tim ely discussion. 0jd custom o f prayin g the old year V ault interm ent. O rescent Grove ton R oad at Menlo Drive, in Beaver C ounty achievem ents in 4-H club out and the new year In w ork were shown by Mrs. Patterson The public is invited to all o f these ton. cem etery. in the absence o f Mrs. R a y Miller, services at this dow ntow n church. C ounty 4-H Chairm an. D o as the wise men d id —F ollow the Observe Youth Week Mrs Easter, H illsboro d istrict star! P ortlan d's star is the huge Antrim Again chairm an Boy Scouts o f A m erica m an-m ade star wrfhich gleam s over Heads Drive In rural and urban areas o f the spoke on need o f scouting, Mrs. Ma- the neon sign, "Jesus the Iaght o f United States and Canada the period rie Cham berlain gave p ractical points the W orld .” . ■ R ay L. A ntrim o f Aloha, has again o f January 30 to F ebruary 6, 1944. and actual dem onstration o f how to FLOYD B R O W N been appointed W ashington County will be observed as Youth W eek by plan a part y chairm an fo r the annual cam paign to m ore than 2.000,000 C hristian youth The H illsboro Unit served luncheon Funeral services were held D ec 2f* T he H illsboro P. T. A. at P egg’s Chapel, B eaverton, for raiae funds fo r the National fo u n d a o f P rotestant churches, It w as an at noon. several very Floyd Brown, late o f Aloha, who was tion fo r Infantile Paralysis The nounced today by the R ev. Dr. R ay M others ch oru s g a v e O Ross, general secretary o f the In- lovely num bers appropriate to the 66 years old. At the age o f 13 he cam paign opens in January T he entire B. W. Barnes cam e to Oregon and in 1901 m arried It is expected that efforts would be ernational C ouncil o f R eligious E du season. school ch oru s under the direction o f L u cy Bradly, w h o died. In 1910 he m ade this year to exceed ail prev cation. Mrs. K ram ien cam e to the ch urch m arried Louisa Jones. R em ain in g to ious totals, due to the great increase T hese m ourn his passing are fou r d aogh - in infantile paralysis. Y ou r greatness is measured by your and sang C hristm as C arols. Ruth Schlaefli, A loh a -: C m kindness. Y our education and intel muslcal n u m b n s were all m uch ap- ters Oppenlander. G a s to n ;; O e rf—tde ffe- Y our Ignor p red ated . Seeing ourselves as others see u* lect by you r m odesty. T he next m eeting o f the C ounty arcy. Portland, and Ora * >r>d' e r " doesn't mean m uch for others scarce ance is betrayed by you r suspicions and prejudices. Y ou r real calibre 1* C ouncil will be held at F orest G rove Seattle, W ash., one stendau~' *»r TTr’ - ly gives us a glance en Sherwood, M arysville. Y ’ -sh n m easured by the consideration and early in F ebruary. ■ — ----- --- grandchildren and other relatives and W hile shopping eat at ths G rty- tolerance you have fo r others.—W m . 1 Tell It with a claselfied. .friends. J. H Boetksr. 1 hound Coffes Shop Beaverton A WUvuf Ckustmas