Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1943)
Page 4 IN A HUDDLE Lee and Henry went into a huddle that Sunday afternoon. The work horses had broken out of the pasture back in the hills and were loose in BfcTHKI the public road It being Sunday, CONG ROGATIONAL CHURCH ought they to go back and drive in Rev. Francis T. Sturtevant, Pastor jthe team? This was years ago when 9:45 a. m. Church School, Miss ; Sunday was set apart as a day of Amarette Barnes, Supt. No man then touched hoe 11 a. m. Morning worship, sermon, worship. or hammer. Of Sunday- sports and The Advent For Us. Nursery school papers, there were none. Mills and for small children during the morn stores were closed over the Lord's ing service, Day. 6:30 p. m. Pilgrim Fellowship. So it was that these two men were in debate. As we recall .they did go back and round up the team, but METHODIST CHURCH that is aside from th* point Note Albert S Hisey, D. D., Minister rather, their wish to honor the day. 9 45 a. m. Sunday School. The ways of the godly forefathers 11 a. m. Preaching service. were still strong over the land. And W. S. C. S. meets Wednesday. what are we of this later day build ing on the foundation they laid ? Crime wave. The toll of murder ST. CECELIA CHURCH mounts up. Girl troubles: maternity Masses 8:25 and 10:25 a. m. R E B J lV IU f COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST PRLSBYTERIAN CHURCH G. W. Springer, Pastor School 10 a. m. Mrs. Otto Morning worship 9:45 a. m. Topic George, Supt. The Conversion of an Ethiopian. Worship Service 11 a. m. Following the sermon, the Lord’s Young People's C. E. 7 p. m. Prayer Meeting and Bible study, supper will be observed. Bible School class session 11 a. m. Thursday, 7 p. m. C. E. 6:30 p. m. Song service assisted by the orches ALOHA ASSEMBLY OF GOD tra 7.30 p. m., followed by 'the even Sunday School 10 a. m. ing sermon. Worship 11 a. m. Topic: Faith in the Fulfillment Young people 6:30 p. m. of Prophecy. Evangelistic 7:45 p. m. Midweek Bible study Wednesday 8 Prayer and Bible study 7:45 p. m. p. m. Topic for study is the sixth Thursday. chapter of Romans. PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH WEST H IM » The Bible Church LUTHERAN CHURCH Box 697, Beaverton SW Canyon Rd., near Sylvan Farmington ltd. at Menlo Drive Werner J. Fritz, Minister Walter R. Buhl, Pastor 3rd Sunday In Advent Sunday School 10 a. m. S. S. 9:45 a. m. Divine Services 11 a. m. Divine Service 11 a. m. Sunday evening services, 1st Sun Sermon: The Perplexity of day of each month 7:30 p. m. Great Man. Holy Communion on Dec. 19th. WHITFORD COMMUNITY HALL Every one welcome. Gospel services Sunday evening 8 p. m. CHURCH OF T1IE NAZARKNE Sunday Nov. 28 Rev. H. A. Armit 459 SW First age, pastor of Valley Community Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor church. 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. Classes for all ages. AM»IIA BAPTIST 11 a. m. Preaching serivee. Bible COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday. Book marks, tracts etc., Grayden D. Loree, Pastor given. Sunday School 10 a. m. J. G. Vin 6:30 p. m. Juniors and Young peo cent, Supt. • ple meet. 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic Service. Morning worship 11 a. m. Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Mid-week Youth Fellowship 7 p. m. Gordon prayer and Bible study. Rydman, president. Our Christmas program this year Evening service 8 p. m. will be Sunday night of December 26. at 7:30. A pageant The Shep AMBIA COMMUNITY CHURCH herd King will be presented togeth er with a pantomine and children's Dec. 12 -Universal Bible Sunday. exercises. Dec. 19 Karl Faulkner, missionary to the Jews, will speak at both morn THE VAJ.LEY ing and evening services. Follow COMMUNITY CHURCH ing the morning service there will be UNITED PRKNBYTEKIAJl n baptismal. 4*10 SW Gabel Lane Dec. 26 8 p. m. The choir, under Rev. H. A. Armltage, pastor the direction of H. El Ewer will pre 10:30 a. m. —The Meaning of the sent the cantata The Promised Child. Incarnation. Dec. 31 New Years eve watch nlte 6:45 p. m. The Most Beautiful Let social and devotional hour. ter Ever Written. E. ZUMWALT Announces the Purchase oi the BISHOP HARDWARE STORE On Broadway, Beaverton waids for the teen age. Liquor rule.] j Drink still sends its victims to the 1 | grave and no drunkard shall inheritj -the kingdom of heaven. Divorce, broxen homes and children the suf ferers. Lawless is abroad in the land and even the children are under a stress Comes now a mother who tells of how the Sunday School has given her kiddies an assurance sne craved as a I girl. But her people not being “ re ligious' she knew nothing of it. Her children have a faith for which she hungered. She came into this bal ance and faith later in life when she married a man who stood for the Bi ble and lived by it. Yes. there is this source of comfort from without. The Apostle Paul often in prison and | stripes for the Lord's name, tells of it. “—Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulations or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword? As it is written- For Thy sake we» are killed all day long; we are accounted ' as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in 1 all these things we are more than ‘ 1 conquerors thru Him that loved us." Here Ton WiU Find Wonderful Christmas Gifts New Mirrors Gift Vases Dishes and Hardware Enamelware of all kinds Glassware, Ineapansivaly c u , , C o ff„ Your Choice o f One of the Following Items FREE With Each Occasional Chair or Swing Rocker Purchased A N T IQ U E PLAQUES— PERFUM E B O TTLES— V A SES — BABY BOT T L E W A R M E R S — D E C O R A T I V E B I R D S — 8 Pc. G L A S S W A R E S E T S — 8 Pc. L U N C H E O N S E T — R A G G E T Y A N N P I C T U R E S — C H I L D R E N ’S G A M E S — P IC T U R E T IL E S — M IN IA T U R E G O L D P IT C H ER S . W. E. PEGG . MORTICIAN Beaverton, Oregon Estab. 1910 Serving 33 years | l‘IIO.NE BEAVERTON 3411 Open Friday and Saturday Evenings Till Christmas Beaverton Furniture Co. Attention BROADWAY Chevrolet Owners FREE D E L IV E R Y CHEVROLET Service and Parts AND TIRES and TUBES Grades 1 or 3—Most Sizes A.B.Smith Chevrolet Co. And Paul adds that nothing shall be ] able to separate us from the love of God which is in Jesus Christ our i Lord. Romans 8:35-39. Even though we cannot change the face of the nation, we can be a bless ing in the home nest. Let us yield all over to Christ, take our direction from the Bible and live by Power From On High. W . Burnside at 13th Ave. Portland A T . 5161 “ A GREAT PLACE TO BUY” - T R A D E IN S SOPHIA H. KOLKENBECK JOHN BARRON Funeral services were held Thurs Funeral services were held Dec. 6 at Peggs Chapel, Beaverton, for John day, Dec. 9, for Sophia H. Kolken- Barron, of Beaverton route 3, aged j beck, late of route 1, Beaverton. 77 years. Husband of Nellie, fath | mother of Arthur J. Kolkenbeck of Services were held at er of Charles L. Barron. Member Beaverton. of Spanish War Veterans. Inter Rivervlew cemetery, W. E. Pegg in charge. ment Crescent Grove cemetery. -V— I Advertising Is salesmanship. Tell it with a classified. | Clatskanie, Oregon This space paid for by an Oregon i businessman. Beaverton Church oi the NAZARENE Legal Notices ii Gifts for Him 459 S. W . First m rr IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASH INGTON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Reduction of arrow S H I R T S * 2 24 The Load Limit on County Roads Van I le usen It appearing to the County Court of Washington County, Oregon, that Cheney, Arrow Tie» *1 .00 I due to adverse weather conditions Fushioii Craft and conditions of the County Roads ; that there should be a reduction in the ; maximum weight limits on loads haul- Gabardini' S H I R T S *2 93 l ed on or across County Roads and that S p orts o r R e g u la r there should be a reduction in the maximum weight limit on loads haul ed on or across County Roads and that Interwoven (Short or S for Phoenix latng) $1.25 a reduction of 25rr would be advis- i able. . Effective December 15, 1943. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED ilirkok Suspenders *1 00 ! That the load limit be reduced 25rr Or Pioneer r below the maximum permitted by C olu m b statute until further order of this $5-95 i Court. SW EATERS DATED this 1st day of December, G ift B ox es F ree j 1943 WASHINGTON COUNTY COURT H. D. Kerkman Judge 0 * 5 MIN! Jas. Lewis WIAR Commissioner J. W. Hughes 4 1 4 S. W . Washingt on Commissioner Portland, Oregon Date of first publication Dec. 10. 11943 Date of last publication Dec. 17, 1943. « INSPIRATIONA RADI O ' ' BROADCAST ‘ 5f» M I A * T H I VILLA&I .P AUSON ; «•Ai* Siati** VAN («10 » « > T**ndey tfcr* S*t*r4*y *t 4:10 A. M.: M**S*y M rv S «t«rS «y *t 2:41 E M.; Sa-doy, RII P. | A j ■•Ala Ita Ma* KW JJ (IM O ha.) . M**S*y Mira taturday. I.-4I A. M. Dirseli** al 00. WILLARD M POP« • A M r m P. O. >•■ U M A l a I l A WL 1 C l i t I I I Jut 1 , . PHONE 3691 Bicycle Accessories & KISSLER’S 923 S W 4tli Av., Portland Here's the Right Place to Buy Your Christmas Gifts RITZ T H E A T R E Beaverton, Oregon Admission 30 and 9c. tax included Even. Show starts 7 P.M.; Mat. 3 P.M i A Full Line of Everything to Make the Family Happy Whether at Home or in the Service K ri.-Sat., D ec. ID-11— F IV E G R A V E S T O C A IR O Plus— S om eon e to R e m e m b e r for Future Reference Built-Ins of All Kinds Kitchen Cabinets Our Specialty Dishes $4.95 to $17.95 A T . 5438 Beaverton Pharmacy I ERICKSON CABINET SHOP • Repairing of All Types Wheel Goods Retiring 1 LOST HORIZON OF SHANGRI-LA Cartoon—Nlte Before Xmas T h eo. E rickson, Owner PREACHING IS F O O L I S H N E S S ! So say a lot of people. BUT what does the Bible say? "For the preaching of th e Cross is to them that perish, foolishness, but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God.” I Cor. 1:18. "But God hath chosen the foolish things ofthe world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the w e a k things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.” I Cor. 1:27. if at anytime the pastor can be of any spiritual help, call or write box 73. Wagons, Scooters, Tricycles, Used Bicyles I S u n .-M on .-T u es., I h f . 12-14— Etc. Fall Line of Marshall-Wells Paints and W A T S O N For Prompt and Efficient M „ kcr, Breakfast Sets to Dinner Sets 1943 Our Christmas Special I Cut this out Below is a Partial List of Goods on Display- 10, FREE Aka l i- l Priced Friday, December B E A V E R T O N EN TERPR ISE, Beaverton, Oregon ””ì Broadway & W a ts o n St. I For Her- For Children-For Him t r PERFUME TALCUM POWDER NAIL POLISH FANCY SOAP ETC D O LI» GAMES PUZZLES NUTS ETC TOBACCO CIGARETTES SHAVING SETS BRUSHES ETC BEAVERTON. OREGON Save 20 to 25r i on your F I R E I N S U R A N C E C O S T S Oregon Mutual Pollrlr* are NON-ASSESSAHI.F, You NEVER pay more than the premium on the face of the polley Oregon Mutual maintain* more than three Umea the purplua required h> Oregon Innuran e U * v Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company • OF McMINNVlLI.K Organized 1*9« - «0 year* o f Reliable Service t hoa A- W alker. Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. “Every Form of Protection" Phone 1732 Hillsboro, Oregon Full Line o f Christmas Cards, Wrapping Paper, Candles . A ll Sizes to Please • Beaverton Pharmacy