Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1943)
PU BLISH ED W E E K L Y IN OUR P L A N T ON V O L . 16, NO. 45 SHORT ST. A N D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y Beaverton, Oregon. Friday, December 10, Fourth War Loan Drive November Meeting P. T. A. Very Interesting T he regular m onthly m eeting o f the B eaverton P. T. A. Assn, was held T uesday evening, N ovem ber 26th at the H igh School auditorium . The m eeting was called to order by Mrs. N orton Peck, President. T he m in utes o f the previous m eeting were re'.d and approved. T he recom m en dation made by the B y-L aw s R evis ion C om m ittee w ere presented and will be voted on at the next regular business m eeting . T he president, Mrs. P eck , then pre sented Mrs. John R ob in son with a "P a st P residents” pin. A letter was read fro m the H igh School Student B ody inviting the P. T. A. m em bers to attend a m usical program w hich will be presented at As there will be no regular business m eeting during D ecem ber it is urged the H igh School on D ecem ber 22nd. that all P. T. A. m em bers attend this program . T he curtains on the stage parted and there was a B anty R ooster, A N ew Zealand W hite R abbit, and last but not the least a 20 pound turkey. T he num bers were then draw n and the winners were as follow s: Mr. and Mrs. C. A gler, the B anty R o o st er, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. M aster the rabbit and the 20 pound turkey went to Mr. and Mrs. D ana Peterson. T he m eeting was then turned over to Miss A m arette Barnes, o f the H igh School, w ho then explained the purpose o f the evening program w hich is to help us kn ow our neigh bors South o f the border and thus be m ore sym pathetic and friendly. A Pledge to the F lag was given in Spanish by the Spanish class w ho also sung the national anthem. Miss B arnes then presented Miss Isabel G ates as the first speaker. Miss G ates’ w ork has brought her in con tact with the labor groups o f M exico and she presented her own view point gained from personal experiences. The sec ond speaker was B yron B rltch. who gave a short talk and also announc ed the tw o dancea that were present ed. The dances were very colorfu l and well done by Carm el W etzel, o f O regon City, P atricia Seidler o f W est Slope and A nita Pienovi o f B eaver ton, the tw o d a n ces w ere Jarabe T ap atio and Chtapanegas. Mrs. B ritch stated that the M exi can s w ho had been at Beaverton wished to express their thanks fo r the courtesy and kindness shown them while they w ere here T he third speaker. Mrs. Grace V o- gan. who is a Spanish instructor, and has visited M exico. Mrs V ogan told o f her m any experiences in M exico She also con ducted E nglish classes fo r the M exican s here. A table dis play o f various M exican arts was m ost interesting to all. T he m eeting was then adjourned and all w andered down to the locker room for refreshm ents w hich were served by the fifth and seventh grade mothers. The next evecutlve board m eeting will be held on D ecem ber 10th at the Statter home. This is the 3d private drivew ay east o f W ilson R oad on Canyon. The P T. A. is very anxious to lo cate an adding machine, as they wish to purchase one, w hich will be pre sented to the G rade School. Anyone w ho has a m achine or w h o know s o f a m achine w hich m ay be purchased, please con tact any m em ber o f the P T. A. association. What About "Gold" town talk Scheduled Jan. 18 Thru Feb. 15 A pproxim ately 750 solicitors will be recruited in W ashington county tor the l'ou rth W ar Loan drive January 18 through F ebruary 15, accord in g to cam paign plans outlined F riday night during a m eeting o f the cou nty war finance com m ittee at B eaverton. Na tional goal fo r the drive will be 14 billion dollars but the qu ota fo r W ashington cou nty has not been es tablished accord in g to H. L. Mac- Kenzie and W . C. Christensen, cou n ty chairm en. Special em phasis will be placed on sale o f bonds to individuals during the Fourth W ar Loan m aking it ne cessary to con duct a m ore thorough house-to-house canvass o f the county the chairm an pointed out. Various areas o f the county will be divided Into sm aller sections to co n fo rm with sch ool district lines to perm it greater con cen tration o f e ffo rt Christensen stated. O rganization o f the w ar finance com m ittee is as follow s: M a ck e n zie and Christensen, co-ch a irm en ; area ch a irm e n ^ W . S. B ow en (Sher w ood ), W . M. Evans (T ig a rd ), Jay G ibson and Mrs. R ob ert Sum m ers (B eaverton ). P ublicity—Ed Coman, chairm an, H. H. Jeffries, M. Fleet, and H ugh M cGilvra. A ttending the planning m eeting were M acKenzie, Christensen, Bowen, Evans, Gibson, Mrs. Sum m ers, K ath erine Dessinger, o f B eaverton, B. C. R un yan o f Tigard. ------------------- V ------------------- E STAB LISH ED 1927 1943 Bureau of Public Relations. U. S. War Department U. S. ARMY CHAPLAINS CONDUCT HOLY LAND TOURS— When Christmas dawns this yeat Bethlehem and other sacred localities in Palestine will be the goal of hundreds of American officers, nurses and enlisted men. The tours were arranged for military personnel on furlough or convalescing from illness or wounds. Chaplain Jack P. Morison, of Louisville, Kentucky, stationed in Cairo, Egypt, said more than 3,000 soldiers and nurses visited the Holy Land in the last 13 months. Here an Arab guide accompanys Chaplain Morison and his party on a camel caravan. Among the plnces visited are the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, Solomon’s Temple, the various gates and original streets n f Jerusalem, the Garden of Gethsemane and the Church of All Nations. Hillsboro to Entertain Washington County Council Bits o f News A bout Our Boys The W ashington County Council of P arents and T eachers will hold its bi-m onthly m eeting at H illsboro, Tuesday, D ecem ber 14, at 10 a. m. H ello: B oy this is quite a place really Mrs. T om Bailey, the H illsboro presi The m ountains sure dent, announces ihat the m eeting will som e country. be held in the C ongregational church are high and full o f snow. W e have W ell have you g ot at 5th and Main streets. The County had snow tw ice. I am Co. yeom an. president, Mrs. Otto G eorge, o f R eed- all the men y e t? ville will preside at the m orning W e d on ’t get a rating and I am in m eeting when local unit reports and ch arge o f the o ffic e till we graduate. cou nty o ffice rs will be heal'd. The It will help us get a rating later on. them e for the d ay will be “ Youth The boys had quite a tim e with their My A ctivities.” ’ Mrs. R a y Miller. 4-H shots, five passed out last night. C hairm an and Mrs. Edw in T hom pson, arm is s tiff enough to break o ff W ill have to close, am out o f pa R ecreation Chairm an will be in charge o f the a fternoon program . per. E D F. F IT Z G E R A L D C haracter building organizations will be represented. Mrs. M arie C ham Co. 1015-43 Cam p B ennion, Farragut berlain will give p ractical dem onstra Idaho, U. S. N. T. S. tions o f gam es and fun fo r groups i Dear S ir: t and fam ilies. 1 finally arrived in cam p about a E ach one attending is to bring her ow n sandw iches ,the H illsboro ladies w eek aga. Been training every m om ent in a will furnish dessert and c o ffe e . An attendance prize will be given the j m edical Bn. and d on ’t kn ow the local having the largest attendance score as yet. percentage based on last yea r’s m em I T he cam p is in the cen ter o f Texas I where the sand blow s in your eyes bership. all day and lots o f sunshine. Sincerely Y ours Miss Sawtell and W ESLEY NORTH RUP Mr. Hughson Wed j Pvt. 39340734 Co. C. 62nd Med., T ig , Bn., C am p B arkeley, Texas. --------------- V * --------------- Miss Donna Lee Sawtell, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sawtell o f Girl Scout Letter Reedville, becam e the bride o f G or don H ughson, U. S. N. A. son o f Mr. To Santa Claus and Mrs. Carl Hughson o f Portland. T he m arriage took place in V an Dear Santa: D o you know w hat we would like couver, W ash., with Mrs. Kenneth Sawtell and Mrs. Carl H ughson a3 to have this year m ore than anything in the w o rld ? T hat is except, o f attendants. We Mr. H ughson left last w eek to re course ,the ending o f the war. sume his duties with the navy air would like to have each and every corps. T he bride will m ake her home volunteer Girl Scout leader present at with her parents while her husband the B eaverton K iw anis Hall W ednes day, D ecem ber 15 at 10 a. m. to cbn- is aw ay on duty. Mr. and Mrs. Hughson both attend tinue with the excellent training ! course what was introduced by the ed the high school at Beaverton. ----------------------- V ------------------------ Portland R egion al O ffice recently. Do you know what that would mean Shangri-La Is Base to the girls o f W ashington C ounty? It would mean that all the girls For U. S. Bomber w ho have been w aiting to join Girl Scout T roop s or B row nie T roops "L ost H orizon o f S hangri-I-*'’ Co could be organized and preparations lum bia's speatacular Frank C apra made im m ediately so that each girl production at the R itz Theatre with could earn the right to w ear the Girl R onald Colm an starred, is set in a Scout pin and uniform m ythical U topia in Tibet, and tells Did you k n ow that M is. Harold the story o f a civilization saved f o r W ard's B row nie T roop in W estdale the w orld to com e a fter the war. h81d Its first Investiture cerem ony Five G raves to Cairo is now play N ov 24th and now six little girls are ing at the Ritz, with the com panion the proud w earers o f the lovely feature Som eone to R em em ber, star B row nie pins, and as soon as the oth ring Mable Paige. er m em bers o f this troop meet their -------------------V -------------------- requirements, they will receive their pins and have the pleasure o f w ear Elaborate Christmas ing their B row nie u niform s to o ? Program Planned Santa, will you please send all the new B row nie le a d e r s to the City Hall : fire departm ent m eeting room for The young people o f tire Beaverton their training course at 10 a m. C hurch o f Christ will present a con It would mean so m uch to the girls cert o f sacred Christm as m usic Sun to have w ell-trained leaders w h o en day night. Dec. 19th at 7:30 o 'clock joy girls and w ork ing with them Num bers will be rendered by a large It means that every A m erican Girl girls ch oru s directed by Mrs. Ruth Scout will becom e ever m ore honor Z im brick and a 15 piece orch estra able. more loyal, m ore dutiful, more under the direction o f Mrs. R uby friendly. m ore courteous. more Madden and V irgil M yers. In con obedient, m ore cheerful, m ore th rifty nection with the con cert there will be m ore clean in thought, word, and a num ber o f tableaux o f scenes from deed the Nativity. It m eans that we can have fun T he children o f the Bible S ch ool with girls o f our ow n age will have a program at 9 45 a. m. T han kin g you in advance and wish- Sunday. Dec. 19th. j ing you a very m erry Christm as, we are. Y ou r girls o f W ashington County BIRTHS __ _ Mayor and Council Invited To Attend League M ayor E. H. Masters, m em bers of the city council, and other officia ls of B eaverton have been invited by Ma yor H. S. R ogers and City Manager j. W. Barney o f Hillsboro, and Mayor John H. H ouston o f Klam ath Falls to attend a regional m eeting o f the League o f Oregon Cities to be held in H illsboro Thursday evening, D ecem ber 9. M ayor H ouston is president o f the League. M ayor Masters was asked to organize a delegation includ ing city, county, school and civic leaders to attend the meeting. The developm ent o f policies and ! sp ecific com m un ity program s design- | ed to meet postw ar conditions will be j one o f the prim ary objectives o f the | cities' regional m eeting this year, i Public w orks program m ing, juvenile delinquency, housing and other w ar 'a n d postw ar problem s are scheduled for consideration. ! M ayor H ouston rem arked that: I "W e have been doin g a lot o f talking I about postw ar planning but have not taken enough action. E ach com m unity will be faced with the d ilem ma o f con tin u in g the high salaries and plentiful jo b situation o f the war econ om y on through the peace econ o my. Rebekah Lodge Meetings The R ebekah Social and Needle work club held their C hristm as pot I luck dinner Dec. 3rd. T here was an \ exchange o f gifts. T here were 21 I present. Tuesday, Dec. 7, the lodge held their regular m eeting with 17 pres ent. R efresh m en ts were served. On Dec. 8 the Past Noble Grands held their C hristm as m eeting with exchange of gifts and pot luck din ner. The R ebekah lodge will hold their C hristm as party at their Dec. 21st m eeting. A pot luck dinner will be served at 6:30 p. m. There will be a program and exch ange o f gifts, each person is expected to bring a gift. ---- V Services Held for Fred K. Linn Funeral services under the auspices o f the M asonic lodge, were held for Fred K Linn o f Aloha, form erly o f Portland in the M orninglight chapel o f J. P Finley St Son. Dec. 2 with in term ent in the fam ily plot at R ose City cem etery. Mr. Linn, a logging engineer, was fatally injured while w ork ing for the M ountaindale L og g ing com pan y in T illam ook county. He was born at Pawnee City, Neb., Dec. 1, 1890, and had lived in Aloha for a year and a half. Mr. Linn was a past master o f Tu- ality lodge N o 6, Hillsboro. Surviving are his widow. F ern; a son. R onald: his m other. Mis. E E. Linn, V an cou ver; three brothers. L. R. P ortlan d; Leslie L „ Dallas: and Ralph IJnn Moneta. W yo.. and three sisters, Mrs Mabel Spaulding, Salem ; Mrs Lucille Cam pbell, V ancou ver, and Mrs Myrtle Chapm an. Couer d'Alene. Idaho. ------------------- V ------------------- H A N S J. HIES Hans J Ries. o f 8024 SW 37th. passed aw ay Dec 3. Husband o f Cela Ries. M ultnom ah; father o f Sa bin L. Ries. Mason City, la .; R onald B Ries. Billings, M ont.; H arold J. Ries, Eugene, O r ; Mrs. W alter Sip ple, Mrs Gerald Baker, W il lamina. Or., 3 grandchildren Services were held at Finlev's R ose Chapel Tuesday. Interm ent R tverview . Dew ey The Plum bers phone call has been changed to Beaverton 2925. The o ffice rs o f Gale Grange at F or est G rove were installed Saturday. Dec. 4 by a group of m em bers from B eaverton gran ge. The installing office rs w ere Derle Perkins, Bere- Babson Says Production nieee Dobbins, A lfreda W ooden, Kern Figures May Mean G raham and Isabelle W alker. A num ber from B eaverton attended Gold Stocks A Buy the funeral o f Carolyn Ann Metzen tine, little daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Babson Park, Mass., Dec. 10 -Cur Henry Metzentine o f Tigard, on Sun rency stability will be m ost essential day, Dec. 5. Carolyns death wus very to a m aintenance o f trade and re sudden and unexpected on Friday the vival of business activity in the post 3rd. Services were held in the war period. Capital naturally gia\i- M ethodist church at Tigard. tales to the countries w hich give It A survey is being made for a new the best reception and w hich hold highway con nectin g the Colum bia out the m ost return fo r its use. If river highw ay north o f Portland the United States, Britain, R ussia through Cedar Mill south to the Red and China are to fu n ction as well to R ock cheese factory at Tigard. gether in peace as they have in w ar, Mrs. Alice W att underwent a m a they must all be anchored to a stable jo r operation in a H illsboro hospi currency. This would enablo these tal recently. countries to encourage, rather than Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sinclair and to discourage, the em ploym ent o f three children o f Beaverton and Mr. capital. and Mrs. E. F. Latim er and three G old the Only A nsw er children, and Mr and Mrs. C. E C hanging values in m oney bring D ow ner o f H illsboro, were guests of great personal hardships. T hey also Mr. and Mrs. Manley Everett, of disorganize and retard all econom ic Banks at a T hunksglving fam ily din progress. In the hesitancy o f the in ner. vestor, in the uncertain m oves of Sergeant R onald A. Larson, 19. was business, in the fear o f labor and in killed in action over England No the ineffectiven ess o f legislation, we vem ber 8 accord in g to word received see continually grow in g signs of by his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. G. distrust in the value o f our dollar. 1-aison o f Cedar Mill last w eek from In term s of prew ar values, today's the war departm ent. Sgt. Larson was dollar is now w orth seventy-five an aerial gunner with a bom bing cents. As inflation increases and squadron in E ngland and had been under our present system o f m anaged overseas only about a month. | currency, I can visualize in the next Three 4-H clubs have been organ five or six years a dollars w orth per ized recently in the Cedar Mill school. haps only thirty-five cents. One group led by Mrs. N oreen B rook- A fter the last war, du rin g the 20’s hardt, teacher o f the third and and whe 30’s, the business interests fourth grades, has been named The in Germ any, F rance and Central Eu Happy W ork ers’ 4-H club. Bill Bruce rope were paralyzed because o f the is president; Joyce Parm er, vice- rapid changes in the value o f their pres.; Betty Lou Klaum an, secretary; currencies. G ood m oney and sound D olores Ediger, song leader. This trade are boom com panions. P oor m on group has met several tim es and re ey and even fea r that m oney will be- ported on safety first and food pro j com e less valuable causes waste and gram s. M eetings are held every i panic. The most prosperous times other F riday afternoon. and the period in w hich trade and j B ob Schm unk, gu nn er’s m ate 1-C industry advanced the most both here in the navy spent a few days with his and abroad were when the British sister Mrs. H enry Classen. H e is on j pound and the A m erican dollar were furlough from New Orleans. j tied to a gold standard. Then they R ev. F rancis Sturtevant the new | were exchangeable for a definite pastor o f Bethel C ongregation church 1 am ount o f gold o f a definite weight and his w ife, have m oved into the ! and fineness, parsonage. He preached his first i W orld Hunk Coming serm on last Sunday. His w ife is a I dou bt if gold soon circulates graduate o f P a cific U niversity and ] again as m oney. I believe, however, has m any old friends here. Continued on P age 2 Mr. and Mrs. M etcalf, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Barnes and son spent T han k s giving day at Springfield, Oregon, ALOHA with the J. E. F leetw ood fam ily. W arren A W illiam s, son o f Mr. and T here will be tw o candlelight Ad Mrs. J. A. W illiam s has entered the vent services at the Bethel Congre U niversity o f M innesota to prepare gational ch urch, One D ecem ber 19th for o ffic e r ’s training after 4 'j years will be Service o f Lights and Carols, in the service. H e attended Reed and the 26th will be a pageant with ville school and B eaverton hi school special Christm as music. and enlisted in 1939. He was in Chi The Congregational" church has pur na and later was on one o f the des chased tw o lots on the south side o f troyers which fou gh t the Jap forces the church. in the Philippines. He was in bat T he M issionary Guild o f the W est tles in Java sea and at Ball, and la Hills Lutheran C hurch held a Christ ter in the Italian invasion. mas party at their regular m eetlhg Mrs. Charles Im lay was honored on W ednesday at the hom e o f Mrs. Geo. her birthday anniversary by a sur B ittner o f G reenview Court. G ifts prise party at the hom e o f her daugh- were exchanged. tei Mrs. Oren Shuman. Services were held recently in the Mrs. C. A. K elly and Miss M argaret P egg Chapel for Mrs. Selma May Im lay entertained a large grou p o f Griner o f M ilwaukie, Ore. j relatives at a T han ksgiving dinner. A m arriage license was issued to A m ong the guests were Miss Doris Carl J. Miller and Helen Berkholtz, i Anderson o f Seattle, W ash., and Mr. both of Beaverton. and Mrs. Jam es Kelly and children o f Astoria. Mrs. David H agg was taken to a Paper Shortage Holds Up P ortland Sanitarium follow in g a fall Order on W ar Material at her hom e T han ksgiving day. An X ray taken revealed a fractured hip T hat a large governm ent ord er for w hich hail to be set. H er daughter an ti-aircraft shell cases is being held Mrs. A. W. A nderson and husband up due to the lack o f an available were visiting at her home when the supply o f waste paper in and near accident happened. Portland was the word received M on The H enry T hom as home in Vista day by J. T K ovaly of Hillsboro, avenue Is being remodeled. cou nty salvage chairm an. He urged A w edding anniversary and cou nty residents to bring all o f the T hanksgiving day dinner were en u a ste paper available at once to col joyed at the F. L. M cG eorge home, lection centers in ord er to meet this for Mr M rG eorgr's stepfather and em ergency m other, Rev. and Mrs. A. B osche o f Paper drive In W ashington county Portland. will continue until the end o f the. The C ooper Mt. P. T. A. executive year, K ovaly pointed out. D onors board, met Tuesday evening, Dec. 7 at are asked to segregate the m aterials the A. T Cava ness home. into three typ es- -cardboard, m aga PEC H enry Jacobson was able to zines and new spapers and tip each spend T han ksgiving day with his kind in separate bundles. Since vol m other, Mrs. John Johnson. Ho Is unteer help is not available, bundles stationed near G ilroy, Cal. not p rop erly segregated can not be T he C ooper Mt. P. T. A. made $39 accepted, he said. at their bake sale at Beaverton. This ------------ ----- V ------------- ----- m oney goes tow ard a new kitchen. W illard R oh rback returned to his The Right Place duties at the air base near Denver, To Buy Gifts Colorado, after a short fu rlou gh with his parents. Mr and Mrs. John Rhor- T he B eaverton P harm acy have a back. W illard has been an instruc w onderful line o f goods fo r C hrist tor in an airplane school. mas gifts w hich added to their regu Cpl. C larence Beard is spending ft lar stock o f perfum es, b ox paper, short furlough with relatives and fan cy soaps, etc., give a wide range friends at C ooper Mt. He bnnes to to ch oose from . People shopping be transferred to near Portland. here will find gifts for father, m oth Paul Sorhetts w h o recently finished er. little brother and sister- and also training sch ool at F arragut, Idaho, that big brother ov er seas fighting has been sent to Norm an, O klaho our battles for us. ma to train for aviation m achinist mate. ---- V — Washingon County Over Top in W ar Chest Quota W ashington cou n ty has gone "over the top ” on its O regon W ar Chest quota o f $30,500 a ccord in g to in com plete reports received Saturday by O. B Gates, cou n ty chairm an, at the close o f the seventh week o f the drive. T otal o f $31.21506. or 102.37 per cent o f the goal was indicated in week end reports and Chairm an G ates expressed the b elief will be m aterially increased when com plete reports are ch eck ed up. P aper Is used In the production o f Mr. and Mrs Melvin C M oore. 8132 m any w eapons o f war bom b hands, SW 41st ave., Dec 1. a son. Kenneth w ing tips, parachute flares, fuse tank C BIRTHS linings, p ractice bom bs, airplane sig Mr and Mrs Eugene D. V anK leek nals and shell containers. Mr and Mrs Am os C. Sprirgel, route 6. box 761-A. Nov. 24. a son ------------------- V ------------------- Jam es A B eaverton, Nov. 27. a daughter M ary T here are som e who do not have It don't do a girl m uch good to Mr and Mrs Kenneth F B arm eler I I f som eone w ants It, you Mr and Mrs W alter M Schweiger, 6900 S W Canyon road. N ov. 29, a have a face that's pretty as a picture sense enough to argue and som e w ho If she does not have good manners hava too m uch aenae to d o It. It with a classified ad. daughter Donna L. Hillsdale, N ov 22. a son Carl W. Local Hardware Store Sold E. ZumwaTt has purchased the B ishop H ardw are store on B roadw ay In Beaverton and has m ade m any im provem ents In the stock display. H e has a fine lot o f C hristm as g ifts fo r the holiday trade and has a full line o f hardw are and the fam ous M arsh all-W ells paints. Mr. Zum w alt Is very well k n ow n In this com m un ity h avin g taught in the B eaverton sch ools fo r seven year« can sell T he business men w elcom e th is w ell k n ow n man and wUh him aucceaa.