Friday, Novem ber 26, 1943 In B ETH EL CONG REG ATIO NAL CHURCH 9.45 a. m. Church School. 11 a. m. Worship. 6 30 p. m. Pilgrim Fellowship. ST. CECELIA CHURCH Masses 8:25 and 10:25 a. m. A LO IIA B A P TIS T COM M UNITY CHURCH Grayden D. Loree, Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. J. G. Vin­ cent, Supt. Morning worship 11 a. m. Sermon: Wanted—Fishermen. Youth Fellowship 7 p. m. Gordon ltvdman, president. Evening service 8 p. m. Sermon The Light of the World. U EKO VIIJ.K COMMUNITY 1‘ U LS H Y T E R IA N CHURCH Sunday School 10 a. m. Mrs. Otto George, Supt. Worship Service 11 a. m. Young People's C. E. 7 p. m. Prayer Meeting and Bible study, Thursday, 7 p. m. , A LO H A ASSEMBLY OF GOIJ Sunday School 10 a. m. Worship 11 a. m. Young people 6:30 p. m. Evangelistic 7:45 p. m. Prayer and Bible study 7:45 p. m. Thursday. P IL G R IM LU TH E R A N CHURCH The Bible Church Box 697, Beaverton Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive Walter R. Buhl, Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. Divine Services 11 a. m. Sunday evening services, 1st Sun­ day of each month 7:30 p. m. Beaverton Church of the NAZARENE QUICK RELIEF FROM STOMACH ULCERS EXCESS ACID Theo. Erickson, Owner ERICKSON CABINET SHOP Built-Ins ol All Kinds Phone, write or « a ll at W IIIT F O R U COM M UNITY IIA IJ . Gospel services Sunday evening 8 p. m. Sunday Nov. 28 Rev. H. A. Armtt- ' age, pastor of Valley Community ' church. --------------- V ---------------- Tell it with a classified. School INSPIRATIONAL RADIO BROADCAST gray or graying hair. W E ST IlllJJft L U T H E R A N CHURCH SW Canyon Rd., near Syl^tn Werner J. Fritz, Minister 1st Sunday In Advent 8. S 9:45 a. m. Divine Service 11 a. tn. Everyone Invited and welcome. Graduates fr o m H o sp ita l Under birth-control, John Wesley John Fester of Beaverion. under­ Bluejacket Herbert Cornelius Spie- I would never have been born for he went a major surgery at a hospital gelberg, 42. husband of Mrs. Vera U. S. Navy Pre-Flight School, St. wag the 8,xteenth child. He wpuld in Hillsboro, last week tlrs. C. L. apiegelberg, route No. 2, Box 225, Mary a C.ollc^e, Lalif., Nov. ¡¡ft John never have seen the light of day and Syverson had her tonsils removed. Beaverton, Oregon, was graduated |C. Todd ot Beaverton has been plac- Methodism, with its great record v - ---- j recently from the Naval Training at thi him as its i ! would never have ' School for storekeepers located at the T h a n k s g iv in g S ervice _____ ________ __ __________________ recognition of his f oun(j er. From all eternity this man of Thanksgiving services were held at Toledo. Ohio Naval Armory and is drying codfish until it is as hard as scholastic excellence during his first g reaj heart and mind was in the eligible for a petty officer rating af­ six weeks of training, it was announ- plan of God To thig end God used the Baptist church Wednesday even­ ing, November 24. A large attend­ ter reporting for aotive duty aboard ced today by Commanding Officer hlg parent9 and blessed them. a Man O’W ar or shore station. Clyde W. King. But, you say, these days one can- ance was reported. To be eligible for this honor. Cadet not iupport Good satisfying meals at the Gery- Todd had to maintain an average of younKgters How about it? Cannot hound Coffe Shop. 3.» or better out of a possible 4 0 dur- be trusted to keep his pledge to Save 20 to 25% on your F I R E I N S U R A N C E C O S T S ling the first half of his training per- * hig blood bought sons and daughters? Oregon Mutual Policies ure NON-ASSESS ABLE. You N E V E R p « j |iod at St. Mary's Pre-Flight. ' Will not God provide daily bread? more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual T A n , A T r T A r . a c c i c - v Maybe not horses and chariots but maintains more than three time* the surplus required by Oregon I U U L A ! L 1 U L L A o j l r I enough for the day. Better a little Insurance Laws. — j with God’s blessing than much out- FOR SALE Davenport $25, wood sj(je blg wju O r e g o n M utual F ire Insurance C o m p a n y or coal heater $20; bed springs $5; —*-x have been young and now am o f M c M i n n v i l l e other items, 575 E 7th off Lorn- j , old but I have never seen the right- Ml Organized 1894—..40 years of Reliable Service Chaa. L. Walker, Agent bard, Beaverton. *3 ! eous forsaken, nor his seed begging H f A t T H I V IL IA O I P A IS O N V w l a u r a . v ' "T»~ bread.” Psalm 37th, Lincoln's fa- i N e w L o c a tio n 112 So. 3rd A v e . P h on e 1732 la d le i «VAN («1« he. I X.MAH H O LLY . vorite. . . ,, „ ,___ , ,, 50c a lb. ¥, Wreaths ,, No _ matter how far away TuetSoy Htra Saturday at 4 :JO made on order $1 up. Ilex Nur- . , „ _. • Hillsboro, Oregon “ Every Form o f Protection" i , ,,, , n you may be, cry to God for mercy A. M : Meadey thru Saturday at sery, mt W of Beaverton. Phone i * “ '. J .... _ , s o o W M i n a a n i M i s a i m sa. — « « ■ mu . u ^ i “ nd— "There is no difference between 2:41 P. M..- Sunday, 1:11 P. M. the Jew and the Greek, for the same tad |o Station K W jj (1030 he. I O IL B U R N E R SE RVIC E—CHerry God over all is rich toward all them j Monday thru Saturday. g :4 l A.JA. BIBLE— Ro- j 1566. 43-46 that call upon him. D ir.eb on ef mans 10:12. FO R SALE- Cow, Guernsey-Dur- O t. W ILL A IO H. P O P ! Here is another proved by thous-1 ham $75; Bull Jersey $65; small ands—"Trust in the Lord with all Address P. O. ■#> 111* cook stove camp size $8 Phone ! thine heart and lean not unto thine Partlond 7, Oruqan 459 S. W . F irs t Beaverton 2505, C. B. Walker 43 j own understanding In all thy ways TELEPHONE IT IS ---------- -—- j acknowledge him and he shall direct Worship is not something "added" to man’s DIFFtRENT ■I t l f ] W A N T E D One used Dresser or . paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6. life; it is life, as much so as is breathing. Chest of Drawers. Tigard 2189 43 j A SCENE IN H E A V E N — T h e ! Man is by nature w o r s h i p f u l . The | mighty angels bow to God’s holy will. church is God"s plan for organized, concerted Cut This Out tar To or T a sa d a Tissa I—"Bless the Lord, ye his angels that worship. Go to church somewhere this Sun­ j excell In strength, that do his com- day. __ S y m p t o m i o f D is t r e s s A r i s i n g f r o m ! mandments, hearkening to the voice David the Psalmist said—“ I was glad when j of his word. Ps. 103. they said unto me, "Let us go into the SCENE ON E A R T H —In the full- Rev. Leonard C. Johnson W. E. PEGG House of the Lord." d u e to j neSs of time Christ left His abode in PHONE 3691 M O R TIC IAN j heaven to come among us and round ; Fre e B o o k T e lU of H om eTreatm enttturt Beaverton, Oregon out God’s holy will which we had set M u s t H e lp o r it W ill C o s t Y o u N o t h in g Estab. 1910 Serving 33 years aside—"I seek not mine own will but ' O v er t wo m illion b o ttle s o f the W I L L A R D PH O NE B E A V E R TO N 3411 the will of My Father which sent ! T i t K A T M K N T have been sold fo r re lie f o f ay nipt om s o f dist resa arising from Stomach Me," said He. and Duodenal Ulcers due to Excess A c i d « In thought, word and deed, He was Poor Digestion, Sour o f Upset Stomach, Gassiness, Heartburn. Sleeplessness, etc., right with His Father. "This is my due to Excess Acid. Sold on 15 d ays' tr ia l! beloved Son in whom I am well pleas­ \ k l tr “ W illard's M essage" which fully ed.” May God say the same of you. explains this treatment — tree— at 'Ví& UHLHÚ (2 6 ¿l4 tye O N E —Count yourself cleared by B e a v e rto n P h a rm a c y Christ’s death for your sins. —“God G R A Y H A IR ? commendeth his love toward us in B ea verton , O r e g o n that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. TW O —Christ who j Impartial investigators L a v e fou n d v its rm n did God"s will now seeks to work out Calcium Pantothenate K itc h e n Cabinets his will through you. Yield yourself of some value in chang­ over to Him and live by Power From ing gray hair, where a O u r S p ecialty deficiency o f this vita­ On High. min may have caused For eiample, one test conducted by Good CHURCH OF T H E N A Z A H E N E Housekeeping magazine on a numtier of people, SW First at Stott showed 88% of those tested (all ages were in­ Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor cluded) had positive evidence of a return of some hair color. 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. Now thousands use C .R A Y V IT A , which con­ 11 a. m. Morning worship. tains 10 mgm o f Calcium Pantothenate (the 6:30 p. m. Young people's hour same amounts used in aliove tests) PLU S U S P. units of Bi, the vitamin necessary to and junior meeting. 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic Service. healthy nerves. T ry G R A Y V IT A . See what a dillerence it may make in the way you took. Wednesday 7::30 Prayer and Bl-j *30 day supply, $1 50; 100 day supply, $4 00. ble Study. Chapter 2 of the Book j of Acts. Thousands Use GRAYVITA A friendly welcome awaits you! CHURCH OF CHRIST G. W. Springer, Pastor Morning worship 9:45 a, m. Topic! The Gate Beautiful. Following the sermon, the Lord's j supper will be observed. Bible School class session 11 a. m. C. E. 6:30 p. m. Song service by the orchestra :30. p. m. Topic God's Invitation. Midweek Bible study Wednesday 8 p. m. Fourth Chapter of Romans. H ills b o ro B e a v e rto n P h a rm a c y B eaverton , O r e g o n RITZ B roadw ay & T H E A T R E Beaverton, Oregon Admission 30 and 9c, tax Included Even. Show starts 7 P.M.; Mat. 2 P.M. j Wod.-Sat., Nov. 24-27— PILO T 5 Plus- Youth on Parade A tte n tio n and For Prompt and Efficient Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Nov. 28-30 CHEVROLET MKmMKWJimMMU&icm Service and Parts EDGE OF DARKNESS Cut this out TIRES and TUBES Grades 1 or 3— Most Sizes ALSO A.B.Smith Chevrolet Co. Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. S. E. Oak Street, Portland, Ore. Phone EAut 5141 / ' < DO DOUBLE DUTY T o d a y ’s poultry and dairy feed shortage is one of the biggest wartime problems. Feed is es­ sential for the production of m «a t, m ilk , and e g g s. Y e t because of the tremendous de­ mand e v e r y pound o f f eed should be fed where it will produce the most food. Y o u can help by cooperating with your Triangle Feed deal­ er. Limit your purchases to just whfit vou need. Accept smaller amounts when his sup­ ply is limited. Triangle Milling Co. is making every effort to see that you are regularly sup­ plied. H e lp us by sharing the feed with your neighbor ^ W . Burnside at 13th A v e . P o r tla n d A T . 5161 ^ ^ ^ % < "A G R E AT PLA C E TO BUY” Help Wanted 50 M E N N E E D E D FOR COM M ON LABO R in Essential F o o d Indus­ try, also 20 to 25 E x p e r ­ ienced H o g Butchers V\ # ûy suar/ry your for Future Reference TURKEYS Muin Office und Plant /s C h evro let O w n e rs News AND Receiving & Dressing Plants: Portland, McMinnville, Salem, Albany, Eugene, Roseburg, Redmond, Oregon. BEAVERTON, OREGON Clatskanie, Oregon This space paid for by an Oregon businessman. W A N TE D L i v e P o u lt r y and E g g s W a t s o n St. ^ £ NOTE: Our distil- are engaged in the production of alcohol ior war purposes. This vhi-t.ey come, /Firm re- sene slink-.. W AR D ries N atio nal D istille rs I rod. U o rp., N. Y . • 90.1 P ro o f jin =lll=IIIE IIIE IIIE III=lll=lll=IIIE lll=lll=lll=IIIE IIIE III=lll=lil=lll=lll=IIIE IIIE III=lll3 lll=ltlE III: ijj Locker Grocery ili ijj i T i i T i hi = in ¡e ill ill i T i TRIANGLE M,cL¿,NC 6 6 5 N T illa m o o k S t - P o r tla n d . Ore Apply Swiit & Co HI 529 N W 4th A v., P o it la n d A T . 3003 i T i »T Ti Ti Spry Shortening 3-Lbs 72c—1-Lb 26c ¡T i ili Ti Something to think CRANBERRIES Turkeys y i O'* N e x t Y e a r W i l l Be D i f f e r e n t ,r O ■ ^ J E X T year will be different Not only the weather, and markets, •L - and the needs of the country. Our job s will be different, too Because nest year we’re going to do those jobs differently and we hope better* We. whose job is producing goods and services, have been making resolutions like this for years And we’ve been keeping them! For in our kind of business, you either keep on finding better wavs of doing things, or — you go backward* And if enough people do that, the thing we call progress bogs down That's why farmers keep on trying new seed, and fertilizers, and machines, and strains of stock That’s the reason industry carries on rtsearch — another name for a constant search for new knowledge and better ways to do things Because most of us have been doing this for years, America has had the highest standard of living in the world And it’s the reason, too, that American production it doing to much today to bring victory. After the war. America is going to need m ore than ever men with the courage and enterprise to invest time, money, and hard w ork in the search for better things And if America's producers understand each other, and each other's problems, we'll be able to do these all- important jobs better G tn tta l i l t t t n t Co. S weekdsr 4.4* p n> I 'h f.c H y . •UV WAR BONOS GENERAL % ELECTRIC iii=in=iii about before you trip MEATS ORDER in = m E III ill NOW ni 1 ! ill LUX . . FLAKES. 25c 1 Large Package _ l if e BOUY H ealth Soap, 3 fo r 23c I I *jj LUX ■ t v T O IL E T SOAP. 3 for 2 3 c jfi R1NSO. L a r g e P a ck a ge 26c apart* is needed no* to carry people doing karjolm and men in tlie armed force*. Such ■ Come in. see our nido selection of y \ unrationed items! f : rT i traveler** should not l*e delayed. Every time SWAN you aid the war drive by just that much. FLOATING SOAF The friendly Southern Pacific fo r A P. rosrl •/•art ui T Ai = you don’t make an unnecessary train trip J iir a n r s rrtrrru liim , m q u u W I Î1 ■ • = J! The railroad in a tsar industry. All train SP !i! s PNM 2 r ! Ml I W «i 9 1 ! i ism s u= iusiiisiiisui=iiisiii2iiiSin2ui2ui=ue5iiiaiiisni=Mi*Hisiii*»H*t*is»u»iilSUi*n