Friday, November 26, 1943 B E A V E R T O N ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Classified Rates -! Dead TWO Cant* a word par Issue. NOTHING LESS THAN 25c CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL CLASSIFIED ADS NO ADS TAKEN OVER PHONE Wa Publish the BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE MULTNOMAH PRESS TIGARD SENTINEL AI.OHA NEWS Coin plat# Z l l t i r n Washington County and We#tarn Multnomah County Coverage Wa aaauma no financial re#pori al blit ty for error« which may ap pear In advertisement# published In theae column# but In case where thta paper la at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment In which the typographical mistake occurs. Btocl< picked up free of charge anywhere. Call collect. UN. 1221; night call DENLEY RENDERING CO., | Portland. • COLLIE PUPS For Christmas de livery. Three batches to pick ( from Houle's Collie Kennels, Rt. 1. Bx 85, Tigard, Lr. Boone's Fy. Rd.. nr. Tualatin. Phone Tigard .3115, also COCKER SPANIELS: 2 blond fe males. For delivery Nov. 26 47 FOR SALE HIDES A WOOL, CASCARA—A specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW Clay. Portland. Atwater 5334. FOR SALE-Green slab old growth ■1 ft Delivered in Beaverton or Multnomah $8 In 3 cord loads, $7 del. to Tigard, Sherwood or Aloha. C J. Staser, Carlton, Oregon, Bx. | 373. «1-42-43-44 FOR TOW CAR call VERMILYE MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. W ANTED FOR SALE —22 Head, 3-year-old sheep, medium grade wool, W. S. Baumgartner, Beaverton, R2, 1 mi N of Reedville. 41-42-43 WANTED TO RENT-Permanent government employee, wife and small child. Need 4 or 5 room house or flat. BRoadway 6124 43 FURNACE A Sawdust Burner ser vice and installation. Phone j CHerry 123«. 41 tf> < WANTED—Small Wood Saw com plete; 2 doors complete, 2-6, 6-6, A frames. M. A. Forrington, Rl, Bx 797C Beaverton—Menlo Drive and Allen avenue. 43 M IS C E L L A N E O U S DRY SLABWOOD for Sale—J12.50 per cord in 2 cord loads. Ruben Johnson. Newberg, Star Route. Phone 193J. 42tf WANT—About 5 acres around Alo- ha-Huber or Beaverton district. Partly cleared. Would like high or sloping ground, 5706 N. Denver avenue, Portland, 11, Oregon. FOR SALE—Milk Goat. 3804 SW Cresdale Drive, West Slope. 43 Pare 3 FOR SALE Universal Gas and Wood Comb. Range, with coils. Make an offer. Mrs. V. L. Myers Sun. or even., 2nd house from Al- len ave., on Menlo Dr, Beaverton. • PAINTS Imlay’ s Fresh Mixed Feeds FISHER THORSEN PAINTS For quality, fair price and service J. B. Imlay & Sons REEDVILLE aloha , o re • R A B B IT S W A N T E D Bus Firm Bids F or Air Route BEST PRICE for Rabbit fryers, D. Oregon Motor Stage#, Portland, haa P. MacDonald, R2, Bx 218, Beaver ton. Phone Beaverton 2260. We applied to the Civil Aeronautic« board for helocipter routea from pick up. Portland to Astoria, Rockaway and Newport. WANTED—Live Rabbits, to buy \V e think the helicopter la the now. Top prices paid. Rabbit Meat Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. coming thing,’ explained R. W. Lem “ Ws believe I Phone SUnset 1722. Open week on, company president the idea is practical and since we al I days only until 7:30 p. m. ready serve that territory we wanted to get our bid in early." He said It • HELP W AN TED is obvious nothing can be done until after the war. ----------------- V----------------- WANTED--Bookkeeper or good office Clerk. H. M. Barnes, Oil You can use classified advs to ad- Plant. Phone Beaverton 3231 41-42 \ antage . Plant one in this paper. -------------- V-------------- You can use classified advs. to ad You can always dispose If It If vantage. Plant one in this paper. you use a want ad. ----------------- V----------------- Hundreds need uaed furniture- Your home «own paper Is only «1 place a Sale Ad. If you need the cash a yea.r Subscribe now. NEW W O R LD ’ S RECORD IN SHIP CONSTRUCTION Beats World War I Destroyer Time o f 4 5 V 2 Days — Bethlehem Set Both M Has Large Gun-Power for Both Offensive and Defensive Service; Equipped for Surface, Depth Bomb and Anti-Aircraft Combat Beating all prior records, the destroyer-escort Reynolds was completed and delivered N ov. 3 to the U. S. Navy, by the Bethlehem-Hingham Shipyard just 25 days after keel laying. The Reynolds is a hard-hitting, fighting unit with great fire-power and speed, a bigger, more powerful ship than the destroyer Reid, which held the previous production record o f being built in 4 5 ’/2 days, during O f p h o to b y U . S. N a v y —r lo o ro d b y Pr#l* t o lo t i o n i Offico, U S. N o v y . W ashington. 0 . C. Destroyer-escort designed by U. S. Navy has wide range of Are-power and fast speed. DE built by Bethlehem-Hingham Shipyard in record time of 23 days. W orld W ar I. Bethlehem built both ships. R eynold t Was The Reynolds has terrific battle armament for surface, depth bomb, 0 , or anti-aircraft combat. Her main battery has guns mounted in three designed by the Navy to drive the Nazi subs from the Atlantic and turrets which can revolve in a complete circle to follow a target, and protect American convoys. She can deliver a terrific curtain o f fire can be fired by a trained crew with amazing accuracy and rapidity. Aft effective at 2500 yards against air or surface targets. Like some o f her is a 40-mm. Bofors gun, each barrel capable o f firing 120 rounds o f sister ships, she is one o f Uncle Sam’s contributions to the British fleet. 2-pound projectiles per minute. She has numerous 20-mm. Oerlikon The first group o f ships in the destroyer-escort class were built in machine guns with a potential fire-power o f nearly 400 shells every 60 302 days. seconds. Also, along port and starboard rails aft o f amidships are a flock The next group in this class were built in 206 days. o f K-guns which can toss out the famous 300-pound "ash cans" which N ow the Reynolds has set the mark o f 25 days. make it unhealthy for any submarine within hundreds o f yards. And she is but one o f hundreds o f warships steaming out o f the The Reynolds is, in fact, one o f those powerful, swift, sea-panthers BETHLEHE W O R L D ’ S l'A R 0 E S T shipyards o f America to speed the day o f Victory. STEEL S * I P.B U l . l . D , E _ R